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APA Statistical Write-Up
Module 2: Mediation

Using your lecture notes as a guide, your task for this assignment is to write-up an APA style write-up of the
results of the mediation analysis you ran in the 2nd half of your PSYC372/PSYC472 tutorial on moderation
and mediation. You will recall that the research question was “Does Cognitive Reappraisal Mediate the
Relationship between Attachment Anxiety and Social Anxiety’?


The SPSS output required to answer the above research question is appended below. Please note that, as
mentioned in Question 33 of the Module 2 tutorial, the bootstrap estimates from PROCESS can be slightly
different each time they are run, thus, the output you got from the tutorial might differ slightly from that
appended below. For this reason, please write this assignment using the results appended below. All the
output you need is there: you do not need to run any additional analyses.

In your write-up, please include:

1. A paragraph introducing the study, the hypotheses, and analyses used.

2. A paragraph defining the variables used.

3. A paragraph reporting on the assumption testing and describing the results of the analysis.

4. Two properly labeled APA-style figures. You do not need a table.

5. A paragraph summarising the main findings.

The structure of the assignment should generally follow the details set out above and adhere to APA
guidelines. Marks may be deducted for going beyond this structure. For example, it is not expected that the
assignment be written up as a full laboratory report with an Introduction, Method, Results and Discussion.
There is no need to use subheadings.

You do not need to include any power calculations, nor is it necessary to include any rules of thumb relating
to sample size. You should also use two-tailed tests and an alpha level of .05 for the primary analyses and
.001 for the assumption testing.

Word Length: 600 words as a rough guide. Anywhere between 300 and 900 words will be accepted as
long as you answer the question and avoid being repetitive or longwinded.

Due date: Sunday 2 December, 11:59pm

Please submit this assignment through the Assignment Submission Portal, which is under the heading
“Statistical write-up” in the module 2 block. This assignment contributes 20% to your final mark in the unit.

Marking Criteria

Marks for this assignment will be awarded, or deducted, for including (or, omitting or getting incorrect) detail
on the following criteria. Please note, the detail below supersedes the rough guide on what to include in a
mediation write-up presented on the slides at the end of the moderation and mediation lecture.

1. A statement of the purpose of the analysis to introduce the issue or problem (i.e., the aim of the
research) and the specific study hypothesis/hypotheses. This section should also include details on
the method of analysis.

2. Clearly and correctly identify the IV, mediator, and DV and explain what each is measuring: that is,
define each variable and the scale used to measure it.

3. A sentence or two that summarises the overall results of all assumptions tested. You do not need to
report any statistics here, but you are asked to provide the cut-off used, and the remedy in
instances where the assumptions were not met. This section should be relatively brief. Use a p-
value cut-off of .001 for assumption testing.

4. A properly labelled APA-style figure summarising the mediation analyses. You should report both
the coefficient and significance for the total effect, direct effect, indirect effect and the two
components of the indirect effect (i.e., paths a and b). The terminology for these effects is presented
on slide 70 of the moderation and mediation lecture.

Slide 94 has a sample figure you should use as a guide in relation to the information you must
include for the mediation figure. You can draw this figure using the drawing tool in Word, or you can
also download a template from A/Prof. Einar Thorsteinsson’s blog to help make the figure: Please note that again,
you need to ensure that you include all information as per Slide 94 and adhere to APA, this template
is provided simply to save you time and effort in making the drawing.

5. A clear, concise, and correct description of the statistical results in relation to each finding. The
results should include clear references to the figure detailed under Point 4 so that the figure
complements the written description. What we mean by this is that your results should present a
clear description of what is shown in the figure, within the context of the study. The results should
be logically structured with a detailed explanation of each relevant result as follows:

a. A description of each finding including the significance (see Tip 1 below) and
direction of each association, and

b. The bootstrapping result (note: there will be no p-value here, you will instead
interpret the CIs at an alpha level of .01 or .05).

6. A properly labelled APA-style figure illustrating the relative effect sizes of the direct and indirect
paths as per slide 95 of the moderation and mediation lecture. HINT: you can make this using the
stacked column chart style in Excel.

7. A clear, concise, and complete summary of the relative contributions of the total, direct and indirect
effect sizes.

8. A clear, concise, and correct summary statement of the mediating effect in relation to the

9. The results as a whole will be written in a clear writing style with correct grammar and spelling and a
logical structure. Overall, the assignment will be neatly presented (e.g., using easily readable font
and spacing).


1. If you report a number for a particular statistic in the figure, you should not re-present that number,
exact, in the text. However, you should report a summary of that statistic in the text. For instance, if
you report the actual p-values in the figure, you should also state in the text whether that result is
significant or not but not repeat the p-value itself; that is, essentially summarising, in the text,
numbers reported in the figure so your reader has a sense of what is in the figure!

2. Although you do not need to worry about references for this assignment, you should still mention
the author of the work your method is based on. For example, if talking about the PROCESS model,
state it was by Andy Hayes (but this citation does not need to be in APA form, so you don’t need the


Assumption Checking for the Mediation Analysis


AttAnx CogReapp SocAnx
N Valid 253 253 253
Missing 0 0 0


Regression to test for Multivariate Outliers, Linearity, Homoscedasticity and Independence

of Residuals


Variables Entered/Removeda
Variables Variables
Model Entered Removed Method
1 CogReapp, . Enter

a. Dependent Variable: SocAnx

b. All requested variables entered.

Model Summaryb
Adjusted R Std. Error of Durbin-
Model R R Square Square the Estimate Watson
1 .420a .176 .169 66.45590 1.867

a. Predictors: (Constant), CogReapp, AttAnx

b. Dependent Variable: SocAnx

Sum of Mean
Model Squares df Square F Sig.
1 Regression 235842.279 2 117921.139 26.701 .000b
Residual 1104096.615 250 4416.386
Total 1339938.894 252

a. Dependent Variable: SocAnx

b. Predictors: (Constant), CogReapp, AttAnx


Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) 269.324 21.616 12.459 .000
AttAnx .153 .034 .272 4.533 .000
CogReapp -.139 .033 -.251 -4.181 .000

Collinearity Statistics
Model Tolerance VIF
1 (Constant)
AttAnx .917 1.091
CogReapp .917 1.091

a. Dependent Variable: SocAnx

Collinearity Diagnosticsa
Condition Variance Proportions
Model Dimension Eigenvalue Index (Constant) AttAnx CogReapp
1 1 2.826 1.000 .00 .02 .01
2 .151 4.330 .01 .59 .15
3 .024 10.947 .99 .39 .84

a. Dependent Variable: SocAnx

Residuals Statisticsa
Minimum Maximum Mean Deviation N
Predicted Value 187.4169 345.2526 248.2018 30.59219 253
Std. Predicted Value -1.987 3.172 .000 1.000 253
Standard Error of 4.179 17.607 6.946 2.036 253
Predicted Value
Adjusted Predicted 186.1288 340.8620 248.1405 30.49704 253
Residual -174.80719 170.86630 .00000 66.19166 253
Std. Residual -2.630 2.571 .000 .996 253
Stud. Residual -2.640 2.666 .000 1.003 253
Deleted Residual -176.03889 183.76498 .06131 67.10209 253
Stud. Deleted Residual -2.672 2.700 .001 1.007 253
Mahal. Distance .000 16.692 1.992 2.029 253
Cook's Distance .000 .179 .005 .013 253

Centered Leverage .000 .066 .008 .008 253


a. Dependent Variable: SocAnx


Regression Analyses to Determine if Cognitive Reappraisal Mediates the Relationship

Between Attachment Anxiety and Social Anxiety


Variables Entered/Removeda
Variables Variables
Model Entered Removed Method
1 AttAnxb . Enter

a. Dependent Variable: SocAnx

b. All requested variables entered.

Model Summary
Adjusted R Std. Error of
Model R R Square Square the Estimate
1 .326a .106 .103 68.32581

a. Predictors: (Constant), AttAnx

Sum of Mean
Model Squares df Square F Sig.
1 Regression 138548.972 1 138548.972 29.678 .000b
Residual 1167104.043 250 4668.416
Total 1305653.015 251

a. Dependent Variable: SocAnx

b. Predictors: (Constant), AttAnx

Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) 192.874 10.907 17.684 .000
AttAnx .183 .034 .326 5.448 .000

a. Dependent Variable: SocAnx


Variables Entered/Removeda
Variables Variables
Model Entered Removed Method

1 AttAnxb . Enter

a. Dependent Variable: CogReapp

b. All requested variables entered.

Model Summary
Adjusted R Std. Error of
Model R R Square Square the Estimate
1 .319a .102 .098 124.13274

a. Predictors: (Constant), AttAnx

Sum of Mean
Model Squares df Square F Sig.
1 Regression 436999.206 1 436999.206 28.360 .000b
Residual 3852234.046 250 15408.936
Total 4289233.252 251

a. Dependent Variable: CogReapp

b. Predictors: (Constant), AttAnx

Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) 577.170 19.815 29.128 .000
AttAnx -.325 .061 -.319 -5.325 .000

a. Dependent Variable: CogReapp


Variables Entered/Removeda
Variables Variables
Model Entered Removed Method
1 AttAnx, . Enter

a. Dependent Variable: SocAnx

b. All requested variables entered.

Model Summary
Adjusted R Std. Error of
Model R R Square Square the Estimate
1 .422a .178 .172 65.63552

a. Predictors: (Constant), AttAnx, CogReapp

Sum of Mean
Model Squares df Square F Sig.
1 Regression 232955.642 2 116477.821 27.037 .000b
Residual 1072697.373 249 4308.022
Total 1305653.015 251

a. Dependent Variable: SocAnx

b. Predictors: (Constant), AttAnx, CogReapp

Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) 283.228 21.962 12.896 .000
CogReapp -.157 .033 -.284 -4.681 .000
AttAnx .132 .034 .235 3.880 .000

a. Dependent Variable: SocAnx

PROCESS Output with CI Set to 95%


Run MATRIX procedure:

**************** PROCESS Procedure for SPSS Version 3.00 *****************


Written by Andrew F. Hayes, Ph.D.

Documentation available in Hayes (2018).

Model : 4
Y : SocAnx
X : AttAnx
M : CogReapp

Size: 252


Model Summary
R R-sq MSE F df1 df2 p
.3192 .1019 1.5409 28.3601 1.0000 250.0000 .0000

coeff se t p LLCI ULCI
constant 5.7717 .1982 29.1279 .0000 5.3814 6.1620
AttAnx -.3252 .0611 -5.3254 .0000 -.4454 -.2049


Model Summary
R R-sq MSE F df1 df2 p
.4224 .1784 .4308 27.0374 2.0000 249.0000 .0000

coeff se t p LLCI ULCI
constant 2.8323 .2196 12.8965 .0000 2.3997 3.2648
AttAnx .1322 .0341 3.8802 .0001 .0651 .1993
CogReapp -.1565 .0334 -4.6813 .0000 -.2224 -.0907

************************** TOTAL EFFECT MODEL ****************************


Model Summary
R R-sq MSE F df1 df2 p
.3258 .1061 .4668 29.6779 1.0000 250.0000 .0000

coeff se t p LLCI ULCI
constant 1.9287 .1091 17.6840 .0000 1.7139 2.1435
AttAnx .1831 .0336 5.4477 .0000 .1169 .2493

************** TOTAL, DIRECT, AND INDIRECT EFFECTS OF X ON Y **************

Total effect of X on Y

Effect se t p LLCI ULCI c_ps c_cs

.1831 .0336 5.4477 .0000 .1169 .2493 .2539 .3258

Direct effect of X on Y
Effect se t p LLCI ULCI c'_ps c'_cs
.1322 .0341 3.8802 .0001 .0651 .1993 .1833 .2352

Indirect effect(s) of X on Y:
Effect BootSE BootLLCI BootULCI
CogReapp .0509 .0171 .0221 .0883

Partially standardized indirect effect(s) of X on Y:

Effect BootSE BootLLCI BootULCI
CogReapp .0706 .0228 .0313 .1200

Completely standardized indirect effect(s) of X on Y:

Effect BootSE BootLLCI BootULCI
CogReapp .0906 .0295 .0400 .1550

*********************** ANALYSIS NOTES AND ERRORS ************************

Level of confidence for all confidence intervals in output:


Number of bootstrap samples for percentile bootstrap confidence intervals:


------ END MATRIX -----

PROCESS Output with CI Set to 99%


Run MATRIX procedure:

**************** PROCESS Procedure for SPSS Version 3.00 *****************

Written by Andrew F. Hayes, Ph.D.

Documentation available in Hayes (2018).

Model : 4
Y : SocAnx
X : AttAnx
M : CogReapp

Size: 252


Model Summary
R R-sq MSE F df1 df2 p
.3192 .1019 1.5409 28.3601 1.0000 250.0000 .0000

coeff se t p LLCI ULCI
constant 5.7717 .1982 29.1279 .0000 5.2574 6.2860
AttAnx -.3252 .0611 -5.3254 .0000 -.4837 -.1667


Model Summary
R R-sq MSE F df1 df2 p
.4224 .1784 .4308 27.0374 2.0000 249.0000 .0000

coeff se t p LLCI ULCI
constant 2.8323 .2196 12.8965 .0000 2.2622 3.4023
AttAnx .1322 .0341 3.8802 .0001 .0438 .2206
CogReapp -.1565 .0334 -4.6813 .0000 -.2434 -.0697

************************** TOTAL EFFECT MODEL ****************************


Model Summary
R R-sq MSE F df1 df2 p
.3258 .1061 .4668 29.6779 1.0000 250.0000 .0000

coeff se t p LLCI ULCI
constant 1.9287 .1091 17.6840 .0000 1.6456 2.2118
AttAnx .1831 .0336 5.4477 .0000 .0959 .2703

************** TOTAL, DIRECT, AND INDIRECT EFFECTS OF X ON Y **************

Total effect of X on Y
Effect se t p LLCI ULCI c_ps c_cs
.1831 .0336 5.4477 .0000 .0959 .2703 .2539 .3258

Direct effect of X on Y
Effect se t p LLCI ULCI c'_ps c'_cs
.1322 .0341 3.8802 .0001 .0438 .2206 .1833 .2352

Indirect effect(s) of X on Y:
Effect BootSE BootLLCI BootULCI
CogReapp .0509 .0171 .0146 .1042

Partially standardized indirect effect(s) of X on Y:

Effect BootSE BootLLCI BootULCI
CogReapp .0706 .0229 .0212 .1394

Completely standardized indirect effect(s) of X on Y:

Effect BootSE BootLLCI BootULCI
CogReapp .0906 .0296 .0264 .1827

*********************** ANALYSIS NOTES AND ERRORS ************************

Level of confidence for all confidence intervals in output:


Number of bootstrap samples for percentile bootstrap confidence intervals:


------ END MATRIX -----

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