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Feng Shui Study Guide and Outline

 Most people do not understand Feng Shui is also about the alignment of self. Energy can
be blocked within you and Feng Shui can help with that. The colors and directions can
affect your flow (chi).
 Feng Shui is a energy that comes from nature and life is itself and other words called the
 Pa-kwa is a since of direction like north,south,east,west,and the center which is earth
contain all the energy we need.
 The definition of Feng Shui literally means “wind” (feng) and “water”(shui). It is the
Chinese name for an intuitive, practical art that seeks to bring people and their
environment into the most positive relationship.

Animal Symbolism
Inside the form school they constantly make alusion to a series of symbolic animals that
reflect certain favorable characteristics for a natural space.Tha animals that this school
refers to are called black turtle, red phoenix, green dragon, white tiger and finally the
yellow snake. Each one of them represents a special caracteristics. Let us see each one for


Associated direction: Centre.

Element: Earth.
Color: Yellow.

At first we will explain the snake, more than anything because it speaks of the centre, the place
of reference to explain the rest of the symbolic animals. In the theory of the 5 elements the color
yellow is associated with the element earth, in the centre. The snake has affinity with this
concept being an extremely receptive, sensible animal that stays alert perceiving what surrounds

Where is the snake? Well, if you are analyzing for example your home, it will be the snake, if
you are analyzing a building en reference with other locations, it will be the snake, if you
observe yourself surrounded of other buildings, you will be the snake. Summarizing this animal
is the virtual centre that can be surrounded by the 4 resting animals.


Associated direction: North

Element: Water.
Color: Black.

This animal reflects a fundamental aspect for good feng shui that is the protection, the solidity,
the stability. The turtle by its shell and apparentl stillness designates correctly this needs.If a
building wants to benefit from a turtle it has to count with something solid on its back This could
be a hill, a group of trees, nearby buildings or another structure that can wrap it up.A turtle has to
protect the back from unexpected currents like unfavorable winds, an uncontrolable torrent of
water or other types of aggressions.

A turtle has to keep a harmonic configuration since an inmense mountain behind the housing
with the risk of a landslide, avalanche of snow or earth would turn the "animal" in a dangerous
one. Feng Shui recommends a gentle hill that wraps up and fulfills its objectives.

If we speak of a person we look for similar elements that reflect these aspects. Therefore a
situation where our back points to a door, a hallway or a window through which currents flow is
not the most solid aspect. A bodyguard reflects the turtle any important politician uses. There are
a lot of more examples, as this is the animal that is the most easy to understand and also the most
important. The turtle remains behind the yellow snake.

Associated direction: South.

Element: Fire..
Color: Red.

This mythological bird corresponds to the inverse side of the turtle, in other words the facing, the
facade, the views that most buildings own. If inmovility and protection are clear caracteristics for
the black turtle, the phoenix needs a certain space, an open area to receive energy. An illustrative
case of not having a phoenix is a building that once constructed shows its principle facade
orientaded to a mountain, or other similar buidings or structures that block the correct reception
of energy or Qi.

When you read a book that recommends you to avoid putting a tree in front of your door, this
reminds you to conserve the phoenix. If you feel uncomfortable with your desk looking to the
wall it is exactly because of the same reason, the human eyes have not been designed to live in
captivity or underground, but to enjoy the necessary extend that symbolizes this principle.

A phoenix keeps certain principles and still reflecting the broad view, it should attract the flow of
Chi in a controlable way. That is why a entirely free facade open to all influences would not be
very secure. The phoenix remains in front of the yellow snake similar to a couch table in front of
the sofa or a gentle hill in the front.


Associated direction: East.

Element: Wood.
Color: Green.

This animal is maybe one of the most representative symbols of the chinese art, as it is rare to see
any celebration without its presence. The term a part from being part of the 5 celestial animals is
also used to describe the energetic currents, we speak of water dragons to describe courses of this
element, or of mountain dragons to symbolize the channels where the energy flows in the
mountain chane.

Where appears the green dragon? It is generally situated on the left of the snake in the form of a
hill, building, porch, tree, closet or any other structure that wraps.

The left side is associated with the West, in many cases with intuition or what me might call tact
and feminine wisdom. In the works of Carlos Castaneda the left side was, as described by the
ancient clairvoyants, the magical side and not the strictly rational side of man.
To continue speaking about the green dragon we have to relate it to its partner the white tiger, as
both sides, left and right, bear a relationship that is often provided as appropiate between the two.


Associated direction: West.
Element: Metal.
Color: White.

The tiger is an animal that represents the force,the energy, the daring. In relation with the green
dragon, this animal appears on the right of the yellow snake. It is a mountain,building, closet or
structure that keeps a less predominant relationship than the green dragon.

Some authors explain this fact saying that the force has to be accompanied by the proper
reflection and wise activity of the dragon. Generally a tiger that is less strong that the green
dragon means to give preference to reflection and correct thinking before visceral decisions
based on force.

We can find some divergence in between which of the animal has to be more predominant, the
tiger or the dragon. In Eva Wong's texts the before exposed considerations are turned around,
relating them more concretly to the Yin feng shui of the burials, in contraposition to the yang
feng shui used for the dwelling of the living.

In any case it is in common accepted the protective existence of both animals on each side ot he
yellow snake, something like to count with a good sofa or a comfortable armchair. In the old
comments a configuration respecting the animals, similar in some form to a horseshoe, favours
the the settlement of the Qi or Chi in a particular area.

 Nothing should be placed under the bed. The bedroom should have soft colors as paint. Never red
because its an energizing color and you won’t rest properly. Always have fresh air. Ceiling fans
should not be place directly over bed even though they are a good a way to circulate energy. No
mirrors should face the bed, they should be placed behind, at your feet, or by the side. It is an old
Chinese belief that your spirit leaves the body and rises as you begin to sleep, but becomes
frightened when it sees itself in a mirror. It then rushes back inside the body with the result that
you never get a good night’s sleep. Replace bed after 5 years or more, if other people slept before
you, or if you and your partner have been seriously ill. Feet should not face the door because that
is the way they remove dead bodies from a room. You will find you will never be relaxed and
always on the go. White cover is unhealthy because it covers the dead.
 The dining room should be centrally located with round, oval, octagonal tables are more
beneficial than square or rectangular tables because they separate people. The dining room should
be well lit, with pictures on the wall. Eat in a quiet place, crystal chandelier’s placed over the
table ensures sparkling ch’I energy. Large mirrors are best in dining rooms, this doubles the food
(abundance) and ensures good ch’I . Mirror squares should be avoided and the mirror should
cover one wall of the dining room.
 The kitchen is important because that is where the food is prepared and it indicates the quality of
life one lives. The placement of the stove in the kitchen can bring extreme luck, it should be kept
clean with all burners working. Any breaks or malfunctions should be fixed as soon as you notice
it. The stove should not face the kitchen back door because your luck may flow out. Red should
be avoided in this area because too much red is likely to cause a fire because the kitchen is a fire
element. Nothing higher than your head should be hung in your home, especially the kitchen. Pots
and pans should not hang over stove or center of the kitchen.
 Keep the doors closed and the toilet lid down in the bathroom. This is important for having and
keeping wealth. Chinese say you flush your wealth away if you do not keep the doors closed and
seat down. The bath room is a water element so blue and green are good. No red because the
bathroom is a water element and fire and water conflict. Bathroom should never be placed in the
“wealth” section (SouthEast Section). Keep the door closed at all times especially if its adjoined
to bedroom and if there is no door, hide the doorway with screens or curtains. The head of the bed
should not be placed on a bathroom wall because it is detrimental to your health. Fix leaky
faucets immediately.
 At work or home office, never sit with back to the door and try not to face a wall. Facing walls
can block your progress, like you won’t get ahead. If you do face a wall, a mirror placed on the
wall in front will remedy the situation. If in a cubicle and your back is to the door, a small mirror
on the wall in front of you will allow you to see who’s approaching from behind. This also
increases your comfort level. If your back is to the door or other people, you’re opening yourself
up to get stabbed in the back. Nor should your back face a window because you will have no
support. If not possible, cover window with drapes or blinds and place large green plants by the
window or in front. Never sit in front of office door, sit at an angle so you a good view. If you
work at home always face the great prosperity direction, if not possible face the three other good
directions. Objects such as globes placed in the proper directions in the office enhance the flow of
money energy.
 Overhead beams should not be in any part of the house. The stop the flow of good chi energy and
can stop the flow for money and wealth accumulation. Sleeping under exposed beams can cause
severe illness. Putting plants or flowers in corners help the flow of energy. Hollow wind chimes
can also be placed from the ceiling to close them as well as mirrors.
 Anything broken needs to be replaced. Chipped dishes should be thrown away. Leaky sinks,
burned out light bulbs, and broken windows and doors should be replaced or your resources will
drain away. The computer should not have cords everywhere, use a large funnel cord to put all
the small cords in so they look neat. Avoid overcrowding because the energy will not flow easily.
It is better to have less in a room to feel relaxed and secure. Every room in the house should be
used. Rooms not used hold dead energy. Use every room to circulate the energy to all parts of the
house. If a rooms holds a dead energy, that room exerts bad influence on the rest of the house and
can cause illness.
 Pets bring good feng shui to the house. They move around circulate the energy. Take proper care
of them. If mistreated it can produce a negative energy.
 Cleaning clutter activates sectors ruling health, wealth, and romance. Throw away old files,
letters from former letters to bring in NEW energy. If you find you don’t use something in a year,
get rid of it, you make a place for new energy when ridding self of old things. Clear energy by
smudging (white sage, candles, and bells) It clears negative energy. Clearing energy allows good
ch’i to enter so that your home will be fresh, clean and alive.
 Start at the front door and go around the perimeter of the house feeling and sensing the energy,
once cleared light a white candle.
 Water should be placed in the north and southeast sections of the home and the southeast section
of prosperity along with a green plant which is beneficial to attaining wealth. Without water we
are unable to live long, it is the elixir of life Wood is the element that rules the SE and water is
beneficial to wood. Activate these sections using bubbling fountains or fish tanks. Keep clean and
make sure the water bubbles instead of running down. If the front door faces North, East, or SE,
place a small fountain at the entrance on the right hand side. The right hand side is coming into
the house while the left hand is not as lucky placement. The right increases finances
 Use your lucky colors for house and office colors, the color of your car, and even clothes. Color
creates harmony which creates good feng shui. Red is the color best known for attracting
ANYTHING and is the strongest and most powerful color, but if used in the wrong location or if
it is not your special Kua number it may be detrimental to your health. Splashes of red are always
good but never too much. If Gold is your color, too much green would be unfavorable for your
health because it is opposite on the Pa Kua. Red is beneficial if your color is gold.
 North represents earning money and is activated with the color blue and the element of water.
Its considered cold and damp and is ruled by the winter. Water fountains, fish tanks, and even
pictures with the view of water are important to earning money.
 Northeast represents knowledge and is active by Gold. It represents Earth so clay, crystals, or
bookcases in this section will encourage the gathering of knowledge. Place a photo here of the
school you wish your child to attend,
 East represents health and well being, its ruled by the spring time. Wood is the element that
helps stay healthy. Place enough green plants or living things here or you will not feel alive.
Green plants/bamboo helps achieve a happy, healthy life.
 Southeast represents money or wealth. It is important to place a flourishing green plant, small
fountain/fish tank and red envelope containing some coins. If you’re an East person, you can
paint the wall green.
 South is the flow of the fire energy. Fire and South represents the sun. This energy is created
during the summer months. The fireplace is considered part of the fire energy when lit. It
represents the energy we send out to the world and what we get in return in the form of fame,
success, wealth, and recognition.
 Southwest symbolizes marriage and relationship. Yellow and Gold tones promote healthy
relationships in this area. Pairs of ducks or swans and anything crystal helps activate romance.
Things should be grouped in pairs to promote a good relationship
 West represents children’s health, schooling and overall well-being. The metal element and the
color white rules this area. Placing copper, brass, or other metals in this area helps to balance this
section. Too much metal (Venus) or too less can cause the area to be out of balance.
 Northwest is also of the metal element. This area is the section that rules our benefactors or
mentors. Place a metal statue in this area to give you support, or an image (in anattractive metal
frame) of a person who can help your career.
The Five Elements
There are five elements that cover the nine sections of the home and the property. Placements of these
elements are all important.
 The Metal Element represents the west section and the color white. This is also the health of
the children, their well-being and family life in general. The Kua number is Seven. Seven is
of the west group people. The metal element also represents the Northwest section. The color
is also white. This is the benefactors section and should be activated by placing pictures of
objects or places or people who will help you on your path to success.

 The Earth Element represents the center of the house, and the Southwest sections. The
Center encompasses all of the elements. Southwest represents the color gold, the marriage
corner, family happiness and the Kua number Two of the PaKua. Two belongs to the West
group. The Earth Element also represents the Northeast section and the color for this section
is gold. This section should be activated if you wish to gain knowledge or want to go back to
school. Also, if you wish your children to get a good education, this is the section where you
should place the best educational books and pictures of the schools you want your children to
attend. The Kua number for this section is Eight.

 The Water Element represents the North. This section rules the career, and the ability for
making money. Its colors are blue or black. The Kua number is One. This section should be
activated if you want to get ahead in your professional world.

 The Wood Element represents the East. The Kua number is three. The color for this section
is the color green. It is also the section for health. If you want the quality of your life to
improve, along with your health this is the section that should be activated with green plants
and bamboo. Bamboo is considered to be the best element to be placed in this section.

 The Wood Element also represents the Southeast. The color is also green or jade. This
section represents the wealth of the family and saving money. The Kua number is Four. If
you wish to have money, activate this section by placing green plants, a red envelope with a
few coins inside, and since the element of water is beneficial to the wood element, you can
also place a small fountain or fish tank in this location.

 The Fire Element represents the South section. The color for South is the color red. It
represents your ability to become famous. South’s Kua number is Nine. If you wish to
become well known and successful in your field, activate this section by placing ahorse,
turtle, or elephant (with the trunk up) in this area. You can also place a world globe in this
section of the house. The globe placed here and twirled from time to time will insure your
work goes around the world.

You should definitely place something with the color red in this area of the house.
Red is powerful for attracting anything, and is considered to be the strongest color of all.
All forms of red colors, such as purple, mauves, and dark orange are considered to be of the
red color. You must be careful how and where you use colors in your home.
If used in the wrong location and not lucky for your special Kua number, they can be detrimental to
your health. Again, the keyword is balance. Balanced color in your home is good. If your color, for
instance, is gold, you can use lots of gold, but you must use caution with green as that color would cause
health problems. Knowing the importance of color and balancing its placement is most important. If you
are a Fire person, you can use lots of red in your home, but too much metal or the color white would not
be good for you. If you are a water person, you can also have too much white in your home. Greens and
pale blues would be good for you. Green is a good and lucky color if you are of the water or wood
element. Plants and water fountains are also good for the wood element.
Special Sections
 Wealth
The southeast section of a room or house is the wealth or money corner. You must also activate
the North section. Place a small red envelopes with a few coins of money in the southeast
section. Crystals cannot be in the section unless it is citrine. Citrine will enhance your money

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