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Direct Instruction

Teacher: Jasmine Fernandez Subject: 12th Grade


● 11‐12.RL.3: Analyze the impact of the author’s choices regarding how to develop and
relate elements of a story or drama (e.g., where a story is set, how the action is
ordered, how the characters are introduced and developed).
Objectives (Explicit):

● SWBAT discuss familial relationships (which includes love, jealousy, sibling rivalry, etc.) and
deservingness in order to evaluate the scene in which King Lear determines his daughters’
Evidence of Mastery (Measurable):

Students will demonstrate mastery by completing a mix of verbal and written assessments, which will be graded based on
level of completion and coherence of ideas.

Sub-objectives, SWBAT (Sequenced from basic to complex):

● SWBAT interpret quotes in order to complete an informal writing assessment.

● SWBAT apply textual evidence and their own opinions in order to collaboratively create a behavior-
over-time graph.
● SWBAT judge how King Lear’s decision will affect the course of the play in order to participate in a
Key vocabulary: Materials/Technology Resources to be Used:

● Deserving - qualified for or having a claim to reward, ● Computer access

assistance, etc., because of one's actions, qualities, or ● Projector and projector screen
situation ● Google Slides - presentation including
● Jealousy - hostility toward a rival or one believed to enjoy objective of the day, quotes, and questions for
an advantage writing
● Behavior-over-time graph - a tool that is used to focus on ● Copies of King Lear
tracking patterns of change over time ● Paper
● Timer
● Erasers
● Writing utensils
● Whiteboard/work stations
● “Lear and Cordelia” video -

Opening (state objectives, connect to previous learning, and make relevant to real life)

As a class, we will briefly review plot elements for Act I, Scene I of King Lear. I will then introduce the objective of the day
and use Google Slides to introduce some interesting quotes and questions pertaining to major topics like familial
relationships and deservingness; students will view this information and talk with a neighbor for no more than two minutes
about: a) how they think these quotes and questions relate to King Lear, b) their personal reactions/insight.
Ins Teacher Will: Student Will:
cti 1) Review plot elements of Act I, Scene I covered 1) Participate by answering basic refresher
on so far with basic refresher questions. questions.
al a) Who are the characters? 2) Pay attention as Teacher goes over Google
Inp b) What significant event has occurred? Slides presentation.
ut 2) Go over Google Slides presentation, making sure a) Grouping Strategy - Think, Pair, Share
to cover the objective of the day and have - Pair up with a neighbor to discuss
students analyze the quotes and questions of thoughts/reactions for no more than
interest both with their peers and individually. two minutes.
a) Grouping Strategy - Think, Pair, Share - b) Begin individual writing assignment at
Have students pair up to discuss their the Teacher’s direction. They will
thoughts/reactions for no more than two write for no more than ten minutes.
minutes. 3) Volunteer to briefly share what they wrote
b) Have students separate after briefly about (optional).
discussing. They still take out a sheet of
paper and write these thoughts down for
no more than ten minutes.
3) Allow time for volunteers to briefly share what
they wrote about if they would like.
Gu Teacher Will: Student Will:
d 1) Segue into discussion activity by briefly asking 1) Convey their impressions as they draw
Pra students what they thought about the play so far. handprints on the back of their writing
cti a) Have students also prep for Check for assignment in preparation for upcoming Check
ce Understanding by making a handprint on for Understanding.
the back of their writing assignment. 2) Engage in whole group discussion/debate.
2) Facilitate whole group discussion/debate by a) Check for Understanding: Handprint -
reading students questions/scenarios on note Students will write one thing they
cards, careful to gauge responses and make learned/found interesting per finger to
adjustments as needed. demonstrate that they are listening to
a) Check for Understanding: Handprint - their peers and understanding what is
Have students write one thing they being said.
learned/found interesting per finger to 3) After discussion, pay attention to how the
demonstrate that they are listening to teacher sets up the behavior-over-time graph.
their peers and understanding what is
being said.
3) After discussion, briefly model how to make
behavior-over-time graphs.

Ind Teacher Will: Student Will:

nd 1) Divide students into groups and have them 1) Gather whiteboards/workstations, erasers, and
ent gather whiteboards/workstations, erasers, and markers.
Pra markers. 2) Work on behavior-over-time graphs.
cti 2) Have students work on behavior-over-time a) Use different colored markers so it
ce graphs. will be clear who participates and who
a) Instruct students to use different colored does not. Do not erase boards at the
markers so it will be clear who end of class, as the teacher will check
participates and who does not. Remind their work.
them not to erase boards at the end of b) (Optional) Listen to “Lear and
class, as their work will be checked. Cordelia” video playing in the
b) Monitor behavior during the graphing background.
process and answer clarification
questions if necessary.
c) (Optional) Play “Lear and Cordelia”
video in the background as students
Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation

Students will be paired/grouped to best support all learners (stronger students with those who need more
help/guidance; students who are more apt to stay on task with those who are more easily distracted).

Help students who have trouble dividing responsibilities by assigning each person a task.

Closing/Student Reflection/Real-life connections:

● Closing/Student Reflection: Each group will give a brief overview on the graphs they made and offer predictions as
to what they think will happen next based on the course of the story.
○ Snowstorm - The teacher will pass out a small sheet of paper to each student; each paper will be randomly
marked with an idea discussed in the opening Google Slides (i.e. sibling rivalry, deservingness, toxic family
structure, etc.). Students will write down about 2-3 sentences about what they learned about that topic, their
own analysis of it, etc. before crumpling their sheet of paper and throwing it in the air. Students will then go
around the room, pick up someone else’s paper, smooth it out, and read its contents.
■ Inform students to initial their papers so the teacher can track participation. All assignments will be
left on the desks to be collected/checked by the teacher at the end of the class period.

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