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Chapter I


Thesis Statement...


Research Questioner...

Chapter II

Definition of Terms...

Review of related literature...

Chapter III

Data Gathering...

Data analysis/ Interpretation...

Chapter IV



Chapter V



First I want to thank to our beloved almighty God ,for giving us strength ,enough

knowledge and a determined heart so that we can finish this project objectively.

To our parents, for providing us all the materials that we need to comply this project

and for giving us moral supports in times we need it most.

To our classmates ,who didn't doubt to share and give their ideas/ opinions to us ,to make this

research paper more appealing to the readers.

And lastly, I acknowledge this research paper to the presence of our teacher for sharing her

knowledge with us, for explaining every part of the research paper so that we will be able to do

it properly.


Addiction is a chronic disease that affects the rewards structure of the brain. It is cause

by neurochemical reaction that is prompted by the introduction of certain substances and

behaviors. Addiction impairs the person judgment, physiological independence and emotional

wellbeing. Overcoming addiction requires therapeutic intervention and ongoing support from

an addiction specialist. Alcohol or drugs addiction can affect almost every aspects of an

individual life, including their relationship, their finances and professional endeavors. Many

people whose struggle with addiction experience memory impairment and physical health

problems, including chronic disease and disability.

Theses Statement / Problem:

Physical health is one of the negative effects of taking drugs among Barangay Consuelo.


1 To know how to prevent drugs addiction.

2 To enumerate the possible ways to control drug addiction.

3 Understand how drug addiction affects love ones.

Scope and Delimitation

The Researcher focuses and the effect of Drug Addiction among 3 respondents in Barangay


Research Questions

1 Why do some people become addicted while others don't?

2 What properties in drugs make them addicting?

3 Does Marijuana use lead to the use of other drugs?




Report of drug related crime is common in the Philippines media. The main concern

trends to be towards SHABU with gets the most media attention. It does, sent that illegal drug

use is on the rise, and this has worrying implication for the future. There is an urgent need to

educate young people as the to danger of drug use, and there is also a great need help those

who are really addictive to escape their misery. Failure to do this could mean be further

deterioration within many Pilipino communities. The US a significant problems in the Philippines

due to corruption and poor law enforcement. There has particular concern expressed about the

amount of the methamphetamine (shabu) and cannabis production in the area. Drug addiction

appear to be on the rise in Philippines. There are believed to be as many as 6.7 million drugs

abusers according to figure from 2004. This is the dramatic increase from 1972 when there was

only believed to have been around 20,000 drug users in the Philippines. The drugs that is most

abused in the Philippines continues to be alcohol they are second highest consumers of

alcoholic drinks in South East.

Most commonly abused drugs in the Philippines include:




*Methamphetamine ( logically known as SHABu)

*Inhalants such as nitrates and gasoline. These can be a cheap away for people to get



Drug abuse leads to many problems such as:

*The individuals who become addicted can become obssed with their habit. This means

that everything else in their life will take second place.

*The individual does not have to be abusing a substance like SHABu long before they

become addicted.

*The individuals behavior will change. They may become physically violent or engage in

other types to bad behavior.

*Those who Abuse these drug can struggle keep down a job. They may become u


* Young people who use these substances will be unable to perform well in school or

college. This means that they will be limiting their future opportunities.

*When drug users run out of money to feed their habit they will be tempted to turn to

crime. This many means stealing from family and friends or from complete strangers.
*Many addicts fall into a life of crime and eventually end up in prison or worse.

*If the drug addict is unable to escape the behavior it is highly likely to lead to their


*Illegal drug users run the risk of overdose. It can be difficult to assess the strength of

illegal drugs, and it can be similar to playing a game of Russia roulette every time the

addict users these substances it is even possible for people to die of an overdose after

only trying illegal drugs one reports

The cost of drug addiction is high for the Philippines and it involves :

*A great deal of domestic violence is associated with drug abuse.

This study examined the peer reviewed literature focused on Hawaiian youth and drug

use cover the past 14 years. Consistent with locally generated reports, the peer- reviewed

literature indicates high drug use rate for these youth in multiple studies ,however none of the

locally generated reports, and very few of the peer- reviewed studies, focused on the specific

causes of substance abuse for hawaiian youth. Coupled with the other drug like ice and heroin

for some Hawaiian youth , which is not reflected in this body of research. Peer - reviewed article

are not addressing the harder drugs that community reports as an increasing issue ( withy et

all...2007).Future peer- reviewed research should address the shif from rugs and harder drugs.

This would have implications for understanding and developmental progression of drug

addiction for Hawaiian youth , and can inform intervation for these youth. Overall , the research

suggests that female Hawaiian youth are at greater risk than their male counterparts for a
variety of drug related adverse outcomes( e.g internalizing and externalizing disorder ,

suicidality). To date, however, there are no theories to explain this phenomenon, because few

etiological studies have been conduct. Theories with other indigenous youth population may

offer some explanation for the increased risk to Hawaii girls. For example , Dixon rayle et al

( 2006) found that american Indian girls received significantly more drug offers from cousens

and friends compared to american Indian boys, and also found it significantly more difficult to

refuse drugs from all offerer sources. Other studies have describe how these types of offers

impact decision to use drugs for native girls ( Alexander, Allen, Crawford, and McCormick,

1999).it is likely that female Hawaiian youth may also experience more drugs offers and / may

be targeted by older teens or adults as recipient of drug offers. Hawaiin girls may also find it

more difficult to refuse drug offers than their male counterparts. Future research should

explore gender differences in drug offers to Hawaiin youth, in order to examine these

hypothesis.Female Hawaiian youth have been found to use drugs at higher rates than males;

however, these facts begin to approach each other over time. This is consistent with adults

studies, which suggests that Hawaiian males eventually surpass females in their rates of use

( office of applied studies 2007b) .As youth age, substance use may interact with gender

identity, leading to this shift in substance use rates as youth mature. Helm et al.(2008) suggest

that younger Hawaiian girls may be initiated into drug use by older adolescent male partially

accounting for higher drug use rates for younger girls .however, as younger Hawaiian boy's age,

they may become increasingly exposed to drug use they enter high school ,and their rate of use

begins to increase rapidly.The reason for this shift in drug use rates has yet to be examined, but

could shed light on culturally appropriate and gender specific ways to tailor treatment or
prevention programs for these youth .Finally, research identified specific behavioral

consequences as a result of drug use for Hawaiian boys , such as unsafe sexual practices and

violence. These findings have implications for culturally specific dating violence prevention

programs. They suggest that, in addiction to content on sexual health and interpersonal

violence, these programs should incorporate content related to drugs use and its role in

decision -making within dating situations for Hawaiian youth .The research also suggest that

violence prevention and anger management programs may need to be both culturally specific

and tailored to unique psychosocial issues og Hawaiian boys.

Five days before his inauguration in June 2016 , then president elect Rodrigo duterte

said he would have drug addicts killed if I couldn't convince you to stop. The problem is one

youre addicted to shabu ,rehabilitation is no longer a variable option ,he said in an event in

Cebu city .The contradiction is that ,while he considers drug addicts as beyond redemption ,his

administration is still building more treatment and rehabilitation centers (TRCs) to

accommodate thousand of drugs surenderers needing residential services. Maybe ,based on his

experience ,he really considers some cases as difficult to rehabilitate ,health secretary Pauly

ubial told pappler when asked about president perspective .but for us at the department of

health (DOH) ,there is no such things as a hopeless case. The president campaign against illegal

drugs has no doubt put the spotlight on the problem of addiction in the Philippines, but it has

not encouraged enough discussion on drug addiction as a health problems. In fact, his

approach has put him squarely in contrast with how health practitioners think the problem
should be approached. The public health perspective is the big ,missing element in the

government campaign against drugs.I would say we're about 20 to 30 years behind in our

understanding of drug use Regina hechanova head of the take force on drugs recovery of the

psychological association of the Philippines (PAP) , told rappler .she added the understanding

that our government leaders has ,that's the understanding that our countries had in the

1970s .maybe the attention to it has not been there ,perhaps? Especially in a country like the

Philippines why people are stigmatized ,its not some things that people talk about hechanova

,also a psychology professor at the ateneo de Manila university ,says over understanding of

drugs use needs updating especially in these crucial times. According to the dangerous drugs

board ,those identified as drug abusers and drug dependents can be admitted to residential

TRCs . experimeters ,a social recreatial users ,and habitual users can be treated in out- patient

centers or community- based one's.. World health organization (WHO) representative in the

Philippines gundo weiler said drug dependency occurs when people have developed a

dependency syndrome in using psychoactive substance- substance's that affect mental

progresses. Weiler said a range of substances, when used, can modify behaviors so that people

continue to use the substance even though there are negative consequences of that substance

use. So while at first ,a drug users might feel they can still control themselves when they use a

substance, weiler said that, over time, the urge to use it would be bigger than the ability to

actually control the use. A drug dependents had developed tolerance if he or she has to

consume more of the substance to achieve the some effect.withdrawal ,meanwhile happens

after the substance has been cleared from the body and the drug user experience craving - a

strong urge to consume again or other symptoms, such as trembling and really
,dependence is a complex issue. It develops over time in some pe people who consume

substances and , as an affect, a person who's get a dependency syndrome is really losing some

of their own control over their own use. Drug addiction fareda Fatima Flores of the Philippines

psychiatric association (PAP) said drug dependence is the medical term for drug addiction

,which is more of layman's terms.

Foreign studies

A great deal of literature is available within and outside India on drugs, its use and

abuse. Surveys and studies in general have been made particularly on the incidence of

prevalence of drug abuse among youth and students community .The causative factors of drug

abuse been studied in very general terms quite a number of research works on social factors of

drug abuse have been made in India but only a very limited number of studies on the

psychological aspects are available. Research study of the kind presently undertaken which

pests focus on the social and psychological factors of the drug abusing drop out is relatively non-

existent.In reviewing related literature on drug abuse , the following system of classification has

been followed .The entire chapter has been divide into four sections. The first section present

review of related made a drug prevalence and drug abuse. The second section deals with


Drug prevalence and drug of abuse according to the ministry of social welfare

government of India, there are 8,11592 drug addicts until December 1992 in India. The statistics

was confined to the those who had registered themselves with some clinic or de- addiction
centers .The unreported cases would be many times the recorded figures.There were 1,000.00

heroin addicts in India and 15,000 were being added each year, as reported by saksena in 1996

in the times of India .About 87.6℅ of drug addiction according to rebello (1988) were between

the ages of 14 and 15 years. There existed 7,00,000 drug addicts and about 30 of them died

daily , unsung uncared and unheard. The most widely abused drug in India according lather

(1993)was hallucinogens,I.e. marijuana group of drug like bhangs ganja, hashish and

charas.Marijuana in the form of bhang has been part of ancient society .snack or brown sugar

was the most harmful drug abused in India the frequently of addicts among Bangalore

university students alone was reported as high as 15% out of an estimated 50,000.Drug abuse

studies conducted the PGI Chandigarh found that Chandigarh and bhatinda had de- addiction

centers where every over 5,000 addicts were registered during 1993-94. They conclude over

1,000 opium addicts. Unfortunately the number of addicts from the poorer section of society

was found to be three times as compared to be from the upper strate of society. A study made

by prashant ( 1993) on large number of drug abusers at a Delhi de- addiction center showed

that drugs which we're abused we're heroin, morphine,codune preparation , diagzepam ,

mitrozun, ganja / charas ,opium, bhang amphetamines, barbiturates and manarax .There was

usually a lot of multiple drug use .A very high percentage of addicts said that drugs were

available easily agraval (1995) observed we're that the worst affected we're the North Eastern

estates of Manipur and negaland .The number of addicts in Manipur alone was estimated to be

around 40,000. This study carried in Manipur by dharma and luwang (1984) showed that there

was an alarming increased in t number of addicts of drugs abusers .Their number increased

from 6 % in 1972 to 23 percent in 1982.Their study when examined over 1,300 drug abusers
revealed that the majority of them ,43.7 percent were using drugs for a period of more than

one year and used injietable drugs like morphine and pethecline ,only 23.60% of abusers were

using oral form of drugs. Gupta and associates (1980) found from their study in Ludhiana that

the highest percentage of addicts hailed from unskilled labour force, followed by school drop

outs among adolescents and Young adults,alcohol and other agrawals study that peer pressure

the most important causative factor where use of drugs was a symbol of modernity .Peer

pressure often combined with curiosity, while depression was so often a fall- out failure in

Danice k et al (2005) conducted a survey on the young risk behavior surveillance system (YRBSS)

which monitors sex categories of priority health risk behavior among youth and young adults

,including behaviors that contribute to unintentional injuries and violence, tobacco, use ,alcohol

and other drugs use ,sexual behaviors that contribute to unintended pregnancy and sexually

transmitted disease (STDs) ,including human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infections, unhealthy

dietary behavior, and physical inactivity.In addition, the YBRSS monitors general health status

and the prevalence of overweight and asthma. YRBSS includes a natiot school based survey

conducted by CDC and state the local education and health agencies. This report summarize the

results from the national survey, 40 state surveys, and 21 local surveys conducted among

students in grade 9-12 during October 2004 January 2006. The results do include that ,in the

united States,71% of all deaths among persons aged 10-24 years result from four causes : motor

vehicle ,crashes,other unintended injuries ,homicide, and suicide, result from the 2005 national

risk behavior survey (YRBSS) indicated that , during the 30 days preceding the survey many high

school students engaged in behaviors that increased their livelihood of death from these four

causes: 9.9% had driven a car or vehicle when they had been drinking alcohol ,18.5% had
carried a wespon:; 4.3% had drunk alcohol and 20.2 % had used marijuana, In addition, during

than 12 months preceding the survey 35.9% of high school students had been in a physical fight

and 8.4% had attempted suicide. Substantially morbidity and social problems among youth also

result from unintended pregnancies and STDs,including HIV infection .during 2005 ,a total of

46.8% of high school students had been ever had sexual intercourse 37.2% of sexually active

high school students had not used a condom at last sexual intercourse ; and 2.1% had ever

injected and illegal drug.Among adults ages less than 25 years , 61% of all death result from two

causes: cardiovascular disease and Cancer . A result from 2005 national YRBSS indicates the risk

behaviors associated with these two cause of death were initiated during adolescence. During

2005, a total of 23.0% of high school students had smoked cigarettes during the 30 days

preceding the survey 67.0% did not attend physical education classes daily and 13.1% we're

overweight .Interpretation .Since 1991 the prevalence of many health risk behavior among high

school students wide has decreased. However ,many high school students continue to engage in

behaviors that place then at risk for the leading cause of mortality and morbidity.The prevalence

of many health risks behaviors varies across cities to measure progress toward achieving 15

national health objectives for healthy people 2010 and there of 10 leading health indicators ,to

asses trends in priority health risks behaviors among high school and students ,and to evaluate

the impact of broad school and community intervention at the national state ,and local

levels.G .sikazue et al (2004) conducted the Zambia global school health survey (GSHS) in 2004

for collecting accurate data on health behavior and protective factors among school going

children grade 7to 10. The survey was done in all mine provinces of Zambia a simple size of 50

school was selected which 47 (94%) school participated. The 2004 Zambia GSHS employed a
two stage cluster sample design to produce a representative sample of students 7,8,9,and

10.The first stage sampling the frame consisted of all school containing any of the above grades.

School we're selected with probability proportional to school enrollment size.The second stage

of sampling consisted of randomly selecting classes ( using a random start ) from each

participating school.
Definition of Terms

Drug abuse -exists when the person continually uses a drugs other that it's intended purpose.

Drug Dependence.- Describe the states when an individual is depend upon the drug for normal

physiological functioning.

Drug Addiction - Refers to the behavioral conditions where individual need to obtain and use

(especially, self-administer ) drugs become a strong fixation.

Addiction - Physiological dependence on some agent, usually a plant with a tendency to

increase its use Weather true addiction over occurs in animals is doubtful. Field evidence does

point of preferential grazing of some know toxic plants. e.g.

Drug absorption- The process where by a drugs moves from the muscle, digestive track, or

other sight of entry on to the body toward the circulatory system.

Drug Compliance- the realiablity of the patient in using prescribed medication exactly ordered

by physician non compliance occurs when the patient forgets of neglect to take the percribed

dosages at the recommended times or dicides to discontinue the drug without consulting the


Domestic Abuse - Abuse of a person by another person whom the victim is living, has lived,or

with whom significant relationship exist. The abuse may take the form of verbal abuse, sexual

abuse, physical buttering or psychological ( emotional) an availability. Abuse is a learned

behavior and has an escalating cycle; abusive behaviors cuts across all racial ethnic,

educational, socioeconomic boundaries.




1   2 respondents answer
No and the 1
2 
respondents answer yes
3 Because he use drugs


3 respondents answer
1 
no because
They use drugs but they
2 
didn’t know what are
Negative causes of their
3 


1 
2  Because according to
3  Them they are already
Know what is drugs


1  
no while 1
Respondent answer yes
2 
they say that
Using drugs makes them


1   1 respondents say yes
2  And 2 respondents
Say no they did not
3 careless the welfare of
their family


3 respondents answer
1 
yes because according
To them since they are
2 
using drugs
Their salary are
3 


3 respondents answer
1 
They say that they are
2 
3  To being addicted


2 respondents answer
1  
1 respondents say no
2 
according to them
Using drugs make them
feel better


2 respondents answer yes
1  
while 1 respondent
Answer no because the
2  person who really
addicted that they
Take everyday that are
3 those person their
memory are not normal


Drug addiction is one of the common crime in the Philippines that trends to be towards

Shabu which gets the most media attention. Illegal drug use is on the rise, and this has worrying

implications for the future. 6.7% million drug users according to figure from 2004 this is

dramatic increase from 1972 when their was only believed to have been around 20,000 drug

users in the Philippines . The drugs that is most user in the Philippines continues to be alcohol

they are second highest consumers of alcoholic drinks in South East.


Taking drugs may bring have different causes to our body, physical health is one of the

negative effect of using drugs. And it is also one problem that can ruin the relationship of your

family. So ,stop taking drugs because drugs are not the solution to solve your struggle in life

then if you want to change so do it nobody can change you either your wife, mother, father etc

because only can change your life is only you.

Department of education

Region X

Division of Misamis Oriental

Partial of Fulfillment the

Research Paper

The Effect of Drug Addiction among

in Barangay consuelo

Submitted by:

Marlyn D. Agdon

Grade IX- Exuberance

Submitted To:

Mrs. Almamina Abuda

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