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Comparison between Hot Finished and

Cold Formed Hollow Sections
Essentials of Structural Hollow Section Tata Steel Slide 21

Comparison Aspects

1 Definition and Manufacture Process.

2 Physical Properties.

3 Mechanical Properties.

4 Design Standards.

5 Workability.
Essentials of Structural Hollow Section Tata Steel Slide 22

Comparison Aspects

1 Definition and Manufacture process.

Essentials of Structural Hollow Section Tata Steel Slide 23

Hot Finished (normalised rolled) and Cold Formed

Normalised rolled
 Formed at normalising temperature.
 Better metal flow during forming
 Facilitates tight corner profile without corner
 Uniform grain structure.

Cold formed
 Formed at ambient temperature
 Some degree of cold working in corners during
 Can be susceptible to corner cracking unless slack
corners maintained
 Non-uniform grain structure
Essentials of Structural Hollow Section Tata Steel Slide 24


Essentials of Structural Hollow Section Tata Steel Slide 25

Comparison Aspects

2 Physical Properties.
Essentials of Structural Hollow Section Tata Steel Slide 26

Grain Structure and Hardness

Normalised rolled

 Uniform grain structure and hardness

 Mechanical properties are stable and
uniform across whole section.
 Slow loss of strength as heat applied

Cold formed
 Varying grain structure and hardness values around
section, particularly in corners and seam weld area.
 Mechanical properties vary around section.
 Rapid and unpredictable loss of strength when heat
is applied.
 Return to parent coil strength on heating
Essentials of Structural Hollow Section Tata Steel Slide 27

Micro of weld area

Recrystalisation of Heat Affected Zone

Before Furnace… After Furnace…

Heat Affected Zone Weld line


Essentials of Structural Hollow Section Tata Steel Slide 28

Comparison Aspects

3 Mechanical Properties.
Essentials of Structural Hollow Section Tata Steel Slide 29

Mechanical Properties

Tensile Test

Fully Normalised

 Test results follow normal load

extension characteristics with clear
indication of yield strength.
 Gives the recommended ratio of yield
to ultimate strength-0.84 maximum.
 High ductility-adequate warning of
dangerous overload condition
indicated by excessive deformation.
Essentials of Structural Hollow Section Tata Steel Slide 30

Mechanical Properties

Tensile Test

Cold Formed

 Test results differ in samples taken

from corners and flat sides.
 There is no clear yield point-0.2%
proof stress is normally quoted for
yield strength.
 Increase in ratio of yield to ultimate
strength-may be above that
recommended by design standards.
 Lower ductility-less visible warning of
dangerous overload condition-
possibility of brittle fracture.
Essentials of Structural Hollow Section Tata Steel Slide 31

Mechanical Properties

SHS Profiles

Normalised Cold Formed

Essentials of Structural Hollow Section Tata Steel Slide 32

Section Properties

Moment of
EN10210 Hot finished Elastic modulus(Z)
Area(A) cm2 Inertia(I)
EN 10219 Cold formed cm3

120 x 120 x 8 RHS Hot

35.2 726 121

120 x 120 x 8 RHS Cold

33.6 677 113
Essentials of Structural Hollow Section Tata Steel Slide 33

Mechanical Properties


 Negligible residual stresses.
 Design strength from ‘a’ curve.
Cold Formed
 Varying residual stresses extremely
high in corners
 Design strength from ‘c’ curve.
 ‘a’ curve values 15% higher than ‘c’
curve at λ = 40 and 140, and 26%
higher at λ = 80. Compression
capacity can be up to 34% higher
than for the same size cold formed
Essentials of Structural Hollow Section Tata Steel Slide 34

Comparison Aspects

4 Design Standards.
Essentials of Structural Hollow Section Tata Steel Slide 35

Mechanical Properties

Comparison of strut capacity (kN) : BS5950

Hot finished Cold formed CF/HF

Section l
S355 NH S355J2H Difference
120x120x5 80 533 421 0.79
120x120x10 80 1008 763 0.76
300x300x12.5 80 3337 2576 0.77
406.4 x 8 80 4606 3684 0.80
Essentials of Structural Hollow Section Tata Steel Slide 36

Mechanical Properties

Comparison of strut capacity (kN) : Eurocode 3

_ Hot finished Cold formed CF/HF

Section l S355 NH S355J2H Difference
120x120x5 0.8 641 526 0.82
120x120x10 0.8 1212 954 0.78
300x300x12.5 0.8 4011 3103 0.75
406.4 x 16 0.8 5536 4607 0.83
Essentials of Structural Hollow Section Tata Steel Slide 37

Comparison Aspects

5 Workability.
Essentials of Structural Hollow Section Tata Steel Slide 38

Galvanising & Bending (roll forming)

Comparison between fully normalised and cold formed

Normalised rolled
 Formed at normalising temperature.
 Negligible residual stresses.
 No distortion during welding ,galvanising,
bending due to release of residual
manufacturing stresses.

Cold formed

 Formed at ambient temperature.

 High degree of residual stresses from cold forming,
particularly at the corners..
 Tendency to distort during welding ,galvanising or
bending due to residual manufacturing stresses
Essentials of Structural Hollow Section Tata Steel Slide 39

Galvanising and Fabrication

Comparison between fully normalised and cold formed

Essentials of Structural Hollow Section Tata Steel Slide 40

Fabrication and Welding

Comparison between fully normalised and cold formed

Normalised rolled
 Tight corner profile
 Negligible residual stresses.
 No restrictions on welding in corner
 Full width branch members can be

Cold formed
 Large corner profile
 Can have residual stresses in corners.
 Welding in corner region may not be permissible.
 Full width branch connections may not be possible.
 Welding in corner region may be a problem see
table 4.2 EC3 1.8.
Essentials of Structural Hollow Section Tata Steel Slide 41

Fabrication and Welding

Cold forming
Essentials of Structural Hollow Section Tata Steel Slide 42

Fabrication and Welding

Cold forming

20 50 60 50 20

200 x 200 x 10 CF RHS

Essentials of Structural Hollow Section Tata Steel Slide 43

Fabrication and Welding

Cold forming
Material Standard EN10219 has the
following corner radius range :-

 T<`6 mm 1.6T to 2.4T

 6mm<T<10 2.0T to 3.0T
 10<T 2.4T to 3.6T
Essentials of Structural Hollow Section Tata Steel Slide 44


Comparison between Fully Normalised and Cold Formed Hollow Section

1 Normalised has no residual stresses from manufacturing.

2 Normalised has uniform grain structure and hardness

3 Normalised has tighter corner profile (2T max – Celsius).

4 Normalised has higher geometric properties.

5 Normalised has higher load capacity.

6 Normalised is fully weldable at corners

7 Normalised has superior ductility for seismic & shock loads.

8 Normalised has greater fire resistance.

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