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Level 5 Unit 1 Unit Test Name

1 Listen and write the correct numbers.

a. b. c. d.

2 Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the verbs from the box.

blogdojoinlearnplaystarttry outwrite

1. A: Do you like about school activities on the computer?

B: No, I prefer about school activities on a piece of paper.
2. A: Is Andy for the basketball team?
B: Yes, he’s good at all kinds of sports.
3. A: Should I think about the science club?
B: Of course! You love about space and black holes!
4. A: Does Louise still like tae kwon do?
B: Yes. She’s interested in a tae kwon do club at school.

3 Read and recommend. Circle your answers.

1. George likes sports and is very competitive. He doesn’t like getting dirty or being cold.
a. joining basketball team
b. joining tae kwon do club

2. Maggie loves playing the trumpet and writing. She doesn’t like sports or crowds. She’s shy
but wants to be involved in school activities.
a. joining class newspaper as music writer
b. joining school orchestra to play the trumpet

Big English Level 5 Tests © 2014 Pearson Education Ltd 2014 PHOTOCOPIABLE Page 1 of 2
Level 5 Unit 1 Unit Test Name

4 Match pupil interests to school groups. Draw lines.

1. I like running and being outdoors. a. drama club
2. I love writing and I’ve got my own blog. b. science club
3. I love watching films and TV and want to direct and act in shows. c. school orchestra
4. I’m interested in studying medicine and finding cures for diseases. d. athletics team
5. I love playing my trumpet and being part of a team. e. school newspaper

5 Use the words to help you write questions. Use How about.
1. school play / try out

2. school orchestra / join

3. football team / try out

4. science club / join

6 What clubs, groups or teams do you belong to? Write three or four sentences about one
of them.

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