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EDITOR: Bernd Meibohm
edicin I hemistry
Isaac 0. Donkor, PhD

8..1 Physicochemical Properties of

electrons on the nitrogen contributes to the aromatic
sextet and thus is not available to accept a proton.
Drug Molecules in Relation to Six-member nitrogen-containing heterocycles (such
Drug Absorption, Distribution, as pyridine) are weak bases. In pyridine, unlike pyrrole,
only one of the nitrogen lone pairs of electrons con-
Metabolism, and Excretion
tributes to the aromatic sextet. Thus, an unshared pair
of electrons is available to serve as a proton acceptor.
Acid-Base Properties of Drug Molecules Relative acid strength (pKa) indicates the relative
Drugs can be grouped into weak acids and weak acid-base strength of organic functional groups. It
bases when in solution. The acid-base properties of cannot be used to determine whether a given drug
drugs influence absorption, excretion, and compati- molecule is acidic or basic. It is used to calculate the
bility with other drugs in solution. The functional percentage of ionized and un-ionized forms of drugs
groups (Table 8-1) in a drug molecule determine the at a given pH, thereby allowing the prediction of rel-
acid-base character of the drug. ative water solubility, which is an important deter-
An acidic drug (e.g., aspirin) donates a proton on minant of absorption and excretion of drugs.
ionization to generate a conjugate base, whereas a
basic drug (e.g., amphetamine) accepts a proton to Aqueous Solubility of Drugs
generate a conjugate acid (Figure 8-1).
Availability of functional groups that facilitate hy-
Resonance stabilization of the conjugate base of drogen bond formation with water molecules as well
an acidic drug enhances acidity. Delocalization of as those that promote ionization enhances dissolu-
electrons from the nitrogen atom of a basic drug de- tion of drugs in water. The aqueous solubility of a
creases its basicity; hence, arylamines (pK. =4-5) are drug influences its route of administration, absorp-
less basic than alkylamines (pKa = 9-11). tion, distribution, and excretion.
Amphoteric drugs contain both acidic and basic Highly polar drugs of low lipophilicity (e.g., hep-
functional groups. arin) are candidates for parenteral administration
Organic functional groups that cannot donate or because such drugs poorly penetrate biological mem-
accept a proton are neutral (i.e., nonelectrolytes). branes through passive diffusion.
Several drugs have nitrogen-containing heterocycles
(panel c of Figure 8-1) as a part of their chemical
structure. Drugs with nitrogen-containing saturated Partition Coefficient (log P)
heterocycles (e.g., pyrrolidine and piperidine) are basic The partition coefficient of a drug is the ratio be-
because the lone pair of electrons on the nitrogen is tween the fraction of the drug that dissolves in an or-
readily available to serve as a proton acceptor. ganic phase and the fraction that distributes into an
The nitrogen atom in pyrrole does not contribute aqueous phase. The ratio is typically expressed as the
to basicity of drug molecules because the lone pair of log P value of the drug.
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• Common Functional Groups of Drug Molecules

Acidic Neutral
functional Conjugate Basic functional functional
groups base groups Conjugate acid groups
R-CH 20H
Alkyl alcohol
0 0 NH ®
R-8-0H R-8-0 0
0 0 H R-NANH2 R)lO/R'
Sulfonic acid Sulfonate Guanidine H
Guanidinium Ester
(0-1) (12-13)
NH ®
R----<0 R----<0 NH 2
oe 0
Carboxylic acid Carboxylate Amidine R)lNH 2 R)lNH2
(5-6) (10-11) Amidinium Amide
0 t>e R-NH2 ®
R-8-NH 2 R-8-NH Alkylamines R-NH 3 0
0 0 (2°, 10-11) Alkyl- R,O)lN/R'
Sulfonamide Sulfonamidate ammonium
(10, 9-10) H
(9-10) Carbamate

v8H VNH2
VNH, R)lR'
.r::- .r::-
.r::- .r::- Aldehyde
Thiophenol Arylamine
(9-1 0) Thiophenolate (4-5) Arylammonium and ketone


® R/ 'R'
vet' .r::- OH Sulfoxide
.r::- .r::- .r::-
Phenol Aromatic amine
Aromatic o,, ---:-0
(9-11) Phenolate (5-6) 8
ammonium R"' 'R'

Source: Author's representation.

Note: The conjugate bases and conjugate acids of acidic and basic functional groups are also displayed. The numbers in parentheses are the pKa values of
the acidic and basic functional groups. The neutral functional groups are not ionizable at physiological pH.
Medicinal Chemistry

8·1. Examples of Organic Acids and Bases

a. Ionization of aspirin and resonance stabilization of its conjugate base

e0 0
'X~,QI(CH, + H

Aspirin Resonance stabilization of conjugate base

b. Ionization of amphetamine to its conjugate acid
~NH3 e
VH. CH3 + OH

Conjugate acid
c. PKa values of cycloalkylamines and the corresponding heterocycle

0 H
0 N
0 N

Pyrrolidine Piperidine Pyrrole Pyridine

(PKa~11) (PKa ~ 11) (PKa ~ -0.27) (PKa ~ 5)

Source: Author's representation.

Biological membranes are lipid bilayers with a Generally, if the pK. of a weakly acidic drug is
lipophilic interior. Thus, drugs with high log P values greater than the pH of its environment (e.g., gastric
cross biological membranes more easily and tend to fluid), the drug exists predominantly in the un-ionized
be rapidly absorbed through passive diffusion from state, which facilitates absorption. In contrast, if the
the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. pK. of the acidic drug is less than the pH of its envi-
Nonetheless, drugs must have some degree of ronment, the drug exists mostly in the ionized state,
aqueous solubility because the availability of the which limits absorption. /
drug molecule in solution form is necessary for drug A similar relationship applies to basic drugs. Thus,
absorption. Furthermore, the biological fluids at the for weakly basic drugs, if the pK. of the drug is greater
absorption site are aqueous in nature. Therefore, the than the pH of its environment (e.g., gastric fluid), the
chemical nature of the drug molecule must maintain drug will exist mostly in the ionized state, which lim-
a desirable log P to facilitate drug absorption. its absorption. However, if the pK. of the weakly basic
Polar functional groups (e.g., OH, NH 2 , and drug is less than the pH of its environment (e.g., the
COOH) increase the hydrophilic character of drugs, duodenum), the un-ionized form of the drug will
whereas nonpolar groups (e.g., halogens, sulfur, and predominate, which promotes absorption.
aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons) increase their
3.. 2. Chemical Basis and
pH=Partition Theory Pharmacology and
The pH-partition theory is governed by factors such Therapeutics
as the dissociation constant, lipid solubility, and pH!~5.?,:-:::;:-::c-2l'~~--:_~~'":;-:::,;--- r

of the fluid at the site of absorption. It influences

drug absorption from the GI tract and drug trans- Drug-Receptor Interaction and Drug Action
port across biological membrane. The un-ionized The majority of drugs produce their effects by binding
fraction of a drug in solution is influenced by the to specific receptors. The affinity of a drug for its recep-
pK. of the drug and the pH of the solution at the site tor and the resulting pharmacological outcome may be
of absorption. influenced by the type of chemical bonding the drug
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makes with the receptor, the conformation of the drug, London forces. The interaction occurs between
and the stereochemistry of the drug molecule. nonpolar regions of the drug and the receptor.
The drug must be close to the receptor for this
interaction to occur.
Chemical bonding
A drug molecule binds to its receptor through the com-
plementarities of their molecular geometries (pharm- Conformation
acodynamics). During the pharmacodynamic process, Several theories have been formulated to explain the
the functional groups of the drug molecule interact observed effects of the binding of a drug molecule to
with corresponding functional groups of the receptor its receptor, including the following:
by a combination of the chemical bonding interactions
The occupancy theory states that the binding of a
(Figure 8-2). The outcome of the drug-receptor inter-
drug (agonist) to its receptor results in a confor-
action may be activation or antagonism of the receptor
mational change in the receptor that initiates a
to produce the desired therapeutic effect. Changes in
pharmacological response whose magnitude is
the drug molecule (caused by metabolism or degra-
directly proportional to the number of receptors
dation) may eliminate a desired drug-receptor inter-
bound by the drug.
action, which may result in loss of therapeutic efficacy.
m1 The rate theory states that the number of drug-
The chemical bonding interactions that may occur
receptor interactions per unit time determines the
between a drug and its receptor include the following:
magnitude of the pharmacological response.
A covalent bond (50-150 kcallmol) is the strongest The induced fit theory states that a receptor
of these interactions. Sharing of electrons between undergoes conformational change near a drug
an atom from the drug and an atom from the molecule to allow effective binding of the drug
receptor results in the covalent bond formation. to the receptor. Unlike an agonist, an antagonist
Covalent bonding is irreversible and leads to de- does not induce the correct conformational
struction of the receptor. A new receptor must be change to induce a response.
synthesized for full recovery of cellular function. The macromolecular perturbation theory
An ionic bond (5-10 kcallmol), also known as combines the induced fit and rate theories.
electrostatic interaction, occurs between oppositely It suggests that two types of conformational
charged functional groups on the drug and the changes occur and the rate of their existence
receptor. determines the observed pharmacological
A hydrogen bond (2-5 kcal/mol) is a bond in response. Agonists produce the required confor-
which a hydrogen atom serves as a bridge between mational change for pharmacolqgical response,
two electronegative atoms, one from the drug but antagonists produce a non,specific confor-
and the other from the receptor. mational change, which fails to induce pharma-
A hydrophobic interaction (0.5-1 kcallmol) is cological response. This theory partly explains
also referred to as van der Waals forces or the activity of partial agonists.

8·2. Examples of Potential Multiple Drug-Receptor Interactions of Pindolol with Adrenergic Receptors

Hydrogen bond donor

/ . Ionic or ion-dipole
bond donor H,NS,

- I® CH3
Hydrophobic Y
/; /
H CH3 } - -

Hydrogen bond ·qH._·'\1'

a?ceptor_ or H drogen bond donor
d!pole-d!pole Y

Source: Author's representation.

Medicinal Chemistry

activation-aggregation theory states that or both. Drugs can undergo decomposition by several
receptors are always in a state of dynamic equilib- chemical pathways, but the most common are oxida-
rium between active and inactive states. Agonists tion and hydrolysis.
shift the equilibrium in favor of the active state, Molecular oxygen promotes drug oxidation, which
whereas antagonists prevent the activated state. may be catalyzed by light, heat, metal ions, and per-
This theory explains the activity of inverse oxides. Examples of drugs that are prone to oxidation
agonists. include phenolic drugs (e.g., morphine, acetamino-
phen, and salbutamol); catecholamines (e.g., epineph-
rine); and polyunsaturated oils (e.g., vitamins A and E).
Stereochemistry These drugs undergo decomposition by free radical
Receptors are chiral molecules. As such, for effec- chain reaction.
tive interaction of drugs with their target receptors, Decomposition of drugs through oxidation may
the pharmacophore of the drug molecule must be prevented by the following:
be presented for binding to the receptor in a spe-
m~ Packing the drug under an inert gas atmosphere
cific three-dimensional arrangement. Enantiomers
to exclude oxygen
or diastereomers may therefore induce different
tlil Packaging the drug in amber-colored containers
receptor perturbations. For example, labetalol has
to exclude light
two stereocenters (Figure 8-3 ).
lEi Adding chelating agents to remove metal ions
The R,R-diastereomer of labetalol binds best to the
fil Adding antioxidants
~-adrenergic receptor; the S,R-diastereomer binds best
to the a-adrenergic receptor; the S,S-diastereomer Several functional groups (especially esters and ami des)
has some a-adrenergic receptor blocking activity in drug molecules are susceptible to hydrolysis. The
but no activity at ~-adrenergic receptors; and the R, process is slow but is accelerated in the presence of
S-diastereomer practically has no activity at the a- and acids and bases. Examples of drugs prone to hydroly-
~-adrenergic receptors. These differences in pharma- sis include aspirin, procaine, and the penicillins.
cological activities may be attributable to the spatial
orientation of the groups at the chiral centers of the
drug in relation to the receptor (Figure 8-3 ).
Pro drugs
Prodrugs are chemically modified drugs that are in-
active in the form in which they are administered but
Drug Stability
are converted in vivo to the therapeutically active
Drugs may undergo chemical reactions that result in drug. The prodrug concept has beyn used to improve
loss of therapeutic efficacy, generation of toxicants, therapeutic outcome of drugs ,by improving their

8·3. Effect of Stereochemistry on the Interaction of Diastereomers of Labetalol with Adrenergic Receptors

~~ ~~


}~ - OH
H2N - H
H2N - H
H2N - OH

Gc. NH @c NH CH. NH CH. NH

R,RH1e H~ H,c~ H3C~

S,R Ph S,S Ph R,S Ph

Source: Author's representation.

Note: The OH and CH 3 groups at the chiral centers may make bonding interactions with the different adrenergic receptors depending on their
stereochemical orientation. These interactions may influence the pharmacological activities of the diastereomers.
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~~b:{,;;-"~- "c
8·4. Examples of Prod rugs

H, NH2 ~ lj lj r(Ys~
: : S CH3 ~N~CF3
Ampicillin, R = H Enalaprilate, R = H ~N~OR
Pivampicillin, R=CH 20COC(CH 3)3 Enalapril, R =CH2CH 3 Fluphenazine, R = H
Decanoate ester, R = C9H19 co-

Source: Author's representation.

pharmacokinetic properties or improving patient exogenous sources (e.g., opium alkaloids); rational
compliance (Figure 8-4 ), as in the following examples: drug design (e.g., HIV protease inhibitors); clinical
observation (e.g., sildenafil); high-throughput screen-
Pivampicillin is the hydroxymethyl ester prodrug
ing programs; and genomics and proteomics. The
derivative of ampicillin with improved oral
lead is a prototype compound with a desired phar-
bioa vaila bility.
macological activity, but it may also have undesirable
Enalapril is an ester prodrug of enalaprilate with
features such as toxicity, limited in vivo metabolic
enhanced bioavailability because of its higher stability, and other pharmacokinetic or pharmaco-
affinity for the peptide carrier. dynamic problems.
Depot prodrugs of neuroleptics such as To address these problems, structure-activity
fluphenazine have significantly improved the relationship (SAR) studies are usually undertaken.
therapy of schizophrenia because drugs can be These studies involve the synthesis and biological
administered only once or twice a month. evaluation of several analogues of the lead com-
The bad smell and taste of chloral hydrate has pound with the goal of enhancing the desirable prop-
been masked by making a phosphate ester pro- erties of the compound while minimizing or eliminat-
drug to improve patient compliance. ing undesirable characteristics.
The SAR study may include homologation, chain
branching, ring-chain transformations, and bio-
9.. 3u Fundamental Pharmacophores isosterism. Selected examples are ,discussed in the
following sections to illustrate SAR studies in rela-
for Drugs Used to tion to drug-target interactions.
Treat Disease
A pharmacophore may be defined as a set of struc-
tural features in a molecule that is recognized at a Discovery that the antibacterial activity of the first
receptor site and is responsible for the molecule's bi- sulfonamide, Prontosil, is due to its reduction prod-
ological activity. Table 8-2lists the pharmacophores uct, sulfanilamide, initiated the first SAR studies.
of selected drugs used to treat disease. The studies led to the observation that compounds of
the general sulfonamide structure displayed diuretic
and antidiabetic activities as well as antimicrobial
8..4. Structure-Activity
Relationships in Relation SAR for antimicrobial activity of sulfonamides
to Drug-Target Interactions Sulfonamides with antimicrobial activity have struc-
ture 1 (Figure 8-5) and must satisfy the following
Drugs are generally discovered after structural mod-
ification of a lead compound. The lead compound
may be discovered serendipitously (e.g., the benzo- cill The amino group must be para to the sulfamoyl
diazepines) or from endogenous sources (e.g., insulin); group.
Medicinal Chemist1Jl"2IJI

.8·2. Pharmacophores of Selected Drugs in Clinical Use

8 EB
0 CH3 EB Br (H 3 C)sN~OI( N(CH 3h NHz H H H

A 0~N(CHsb Cl
Vo Ph~Ni----t--s ,,,CHs
Bethanecol Neostigmine 0 OJ-N-{<cHs
Ampicillin COOH

Selective muscarinic agonist Reversible acetylcholine esterase Penicillin antibacterial agent

used to treat postoperative inhibitor used to treat
urinary retention and postoperative abdominal
abdominal distention distention, urinary retention, and
myasthenia gravis

o~~(CH 3)s c1 8 Ph~~+f-~s


¢ 0
O~N(CHsb Cl 8
o _j-N,


Succinylcholine Chloride
Thiazide diuretics Nicotine antagonist used as a Cephalosporin antibiotic
depolarizing neuromuscular
blocking agent
OH H yHs
I s I CHs
_r::; HO _r::;

Selective a 1-adrenergic ~ 2 -adrenergic ,agonist used to treat

agonist used as a nasal asthma
CH 3


~ CH 3

Nonselective ~ 2 -adrenergic 4-hydroxycoumarin oral Statin used to treat primary

antagonist used to treat anticoag uIant hypercholesterolemia
hypertension and arrhythmias
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' .8·2. Pharmacophores of Selected Drugs in Clinical Use (Continued)

0 0 0 R'
0, 11 )l
'S,N N~ HN R"

O~NH 0
Sulfonylurea hypoglycemic Local anesthetic agent Agents used as sedative-hypnotics,
agent used to treat diabetes antiepileptics, or anesthetics
t;; :~s H,c)
lN~O~ I
Pioglitazone CH 3
1,4-Benzodiazepines Imipramine
Member of the glitazone Agents used as anxiolytics, Tricyclic antidepressant
antidiabetic agents antiepileptics, or muscle


OH 0

CH 3
Phenothiazine antipsychotic Tetracycline antimicrobial agent Antiviral agent and HIV protease
agent inhibitor
~NH2 ~N

~ Qb
R~ CH 3

Morphine Naltrexone

Central nervous system ~-opioid receptor agonist ~-opioid receptor antagonist

stimulants (e.g.,
Medicinal Chemistry

Pharmacophores of Selected Drugs in Clinical Use (Continued)

Hydrocortisone 0~
--}:( ~ oqoH
CHs 0--"b'~ OH
Member of the Selective COX-2 inhibitor Cardiac glycoside


-..;::: H
CH 3 N~ Cl Cl
~ ~> N ?"\
First-generation First-generation tricyclic Imidazole antifungal agent
ethanolamine ether antihistamine, H1 antagonist

~ HOOC'-.,

\_) 1\ I


~ § Getirizine Nitedipine

Second-generation 1,4-dihydropyridine calcium H2 receptor antagonist used to treat

nonsedating H1 antihistamine channel blockers used to treat peptic ulcers
angina pectoris and hypertension

FroCOOH N-o-8-N--\--Z

I H2
- 0
. o'():N o
H,c I -"' ~;>-:lycH,
("N ~ N CH3
HN_J ~ Sultamethoxazole
Giprof/oxacin Omeprazole CH 3

Quinolone antimicrobial Sulfonamide antimicrobial agent H+fK+-ATPase proton pump inhibitor

agent used to treat peptic ulcers
Source: Author's compilation.
The APhA Complete Review tor the Foreign Pharmacy Graduate Equivalency Examination®

8·5. General Structures of Drugs Derived from SAR of Sulfonamides

i 2
Source: Author's representation.

An unsubstituted anilino amino group is pre- 1,4-Benzodiazepines

ferred, but if a substituent is present, it must be
The serendipitous discovery of chlordiazepoxide
removable in vivo.
(Librium) initiated SAR studies, which led to the dis-
The benzene ring must not have additional
covery of several1,4-benzodiazepines that are used
substituents or be replaced with other ring
systems. as anxiolytics, hypnotics, antiepileptics, and muscle
Monosubstitution on the sulfamoyl nitrogen
After a large number of benzodiazepines were
enhances activity, especially if the substituent is a
synthesized and studied for biological activity, sev-
heteroaromatic group, but disubstitution results
eral SAR conclusions were made. These conclusions
in loss of activity.
are summarized in Figure 8-6, which is an example
of a molecular activity map (structural drawing of
SAR for antidiabetic activity of sulfonamides a lead compound annotated to show where in the
Compounds with structure 2 (Figure 8-5), where X= molecule specific structural changes affect activity
0, S, or N and forms a part of a heteroaromatic sys- or potency).
tem (e.g., thiadiazole or pyrimidine) or an acyclic
structure (e.g., urea or thiourea), demonstrate anti-
diabetic activity.
8'"5m Chemical Pathways
SAR for diuretic activity of sulfonamides
of Drug Metabolism
Two classes of diuretics were discovered because of Generally, drugs are metabolized po pharmacologi-
SAR studies of sulfonamides. They are the thiazide cally inactive metabolites, but iii some cases, the
diuretics of general structure 3 (Figure 8-5) (e.g., metabolic process may generate a toxic metabolite
hydrochlorothiazide) and the high-ceiling diuretics or, in a process called bioactivation, may convert an
of general structure 4 (e.g., furosemide). inactive compound (prodrug) into a pharmacologically
active agent.
factors Affecting Drug Metabolism
SAR studies of the barbiturates did not identify clear
correlations between structure and activity, but it is Genetic factors
generally accepted that clinically useful barbiturates Racial and ethnic differences as well as interindivid-
must be weak acids and must have acceptable parti- ual differences in drug metabolism and disposition
tion coefficients. may be due to genetic polymorphisms (mutations)
Barbiturates that meet these requirements include in drug-metabolizing enzymes. For example, cyto-
5,5-disubstituted barbituric acids (e.g., phenobarbital); chrome P450 (CYP) 2D6 is involved in the meta-
5,5-disubstituted thiobarbituric acids (e.g., thiopental); bolism of more than 30 cardiovascular and central
and 1,5,5-trisubstituted barbituric acids (e.g., metho- nervous system drugs. Mutations in the gene encoding
hexital). Barbiturates with such substitution patterns for CYP2D6 generate three phenotypic subgroups
are used as sedative-hypnotics, antiepileptics, or anes- of metabolizers (i.e., poor, extensive, or ultra-rapid
thetics. All other substitution patterns are inactive or metabolizers). Thus, patients on drugs that use the
produce convulsions. CYP2D6 pathway as the major metabolic route will
Medicinal Chemistry

8·6. SAR of the 1,4-Benzodiazepines

C-2 carbon must be Sp 2

hybridized. X= 0, NH, or S.
Substitution at
C-6, C-8, or C-9
reduces activit . Usually unsubstituted. Drugs
with OH here are very active
and have short duration of action.
Small electron
withdrawing group
(e.g., Cl) at C-7
increases activity.

Substitution at 3', Halogens at the 2' or 6'

4', or 5' positions positions enhance activity.
decreases activity. Any other substituent
decreases actvity.

Source: Author's representation.

experience different responses ranging from severe Phase 1 and Phase 2 Drug
toxicity to complete lack of efficacy. Metabolism Reactions
Many enzymes are involved in drug metabolism,
Physiological factors but the various isoforms of the CYP450 mixed-
Age, gender, pregnancy, nutritional status, and dis- function monooxygenases located in the liver are
ease (especially liver disease) can affect drug metab- the most important enzymes involved in drug meta-
olism. The livers of very young patients, such as bolism. The two major groups of metabolic reac-
newborns, are not fully developed, so these pa- tions in the body are termed phase 1 and phase 2
tients, as well as geriatric patients whose liver func- reactions. I
tion has declined, metabolize drugs more slowly Phase 1 reactions include oxidation, hydroxyla-
than the normal adult population. Differences in tion, reduction, and hydrolysis (see Table 8-3 for
drug metabolism between men and women and be- examples). The reactions generally introduce a nucle-
tween pregnant and nonpregnant women have also ophile (e.g., OH, NH2 , and COO-) into the drug
been observed. molecule.
In phase 2 reactions, a nucleophile in the drug mol-
ecule reacts with a masking group (e.g., glucuronic
Pharmaceutical factors
acid, sulfate, and acetyl and certain amino acids) to
Dose amount, dose frequency, dosage form, and give a conjugate with enhanced water solubility. In
route of administration may affect the rate and ex- glucuronic acid conjugation, the drug (or its phase
tent of drug metabolism. 1 metabolite) is appended to an activated glucuronic
acid (uridine diphosphate glucuronic acid) to give
the glucuronide metabolite (Figure 8-7, panel a).
Environmental factors
Sulfate conjugation involves the transfer of a sulfate
Inhibition of drug-metabolizing enzymes by environ- group from 3'-phosphoadenosine-5'-phosphosulfate
mental toxicants and competition with other xeno- (PAPS) to the drug (Figure 8-7, panel b). Compounds
biotics for these enzymes may affect the rate of drug that contain an amino group may undergo acetyla-
metabolism. Coadministration with other drugs that tion as the phase 2 reaction (Figure 8-7, panel c).
are inducers or inhibitors of CYP enzymes also influ- Drugs containing carboxylic acid functional groups
ences metabolism. (e.g., nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) undergo
The APhA Complete Review tor the Foreign Pharmacy Graduate Equivalency Examination®

8·3. Selected Examples of Phase 1 Reactions Catalyzed by CYP450 Enzymes

Drug Metabolite Drug Metabolite

Side-chain oxidation Ring oxidation

Ht~ H
Sulfoxidation Deamination

(YYCH3 ~CH 3
~ NH2

N-dealkylation hydroxylation

HN~ 0
~N~ oA:X: H
~N"CH3 Phenobarbital
Desiparmine H

0-dealkylation Desulfuration
~N i:x?~
0 H 0

(O~N~N'j HN,.,~ HN
Flecainide Thiopental Pentobarbital
Source: Author's compilation.

conjugation with amino acids (e.g., glycine and (e.g., catechol-0-methyltransferase). Acetylation and
glutamine). methylation reactions generate lipophilic compounds
Metabolism of some drugs (e.g., acetaminophen) that are generally not pharmacologically active because
generates reactive intermediates that are detoxified by of decreased affinity for the target receptor. Most drugs
conjugation with glutathione. Several oxygen-, sulfur-, undergo phase 1 and phase 2 reactions sequentially,
and nitrogen-containing drugs are metabolized by but drugs that are highly polar or resistant to drug-
methylation under the catalysis of methyltransferases metabolizing enzymes are excreted mostly unchanged.
Medicinal Chemistry

• Examples of Phase 2 Reactions

a. Glucuronic acid conjugation


b. Sulfate conjugation

t5:~N~y0-~-Ql-'-d3/:¢C: ¢o,oe
0 0
OH OP03 H2 0
PAPS Acetaminophen Sulfate conjugate

c. N-acetylation
~N/NH2 __N_-_ac_e_,ty_lt_ra_n_sf_e_ra_s_e_
~~ H
Source: Author's representation.

a. &u Application for Making Drug Drugs that are potent inducets or inhibitors of the
CYP enzymes may influence the metabolism and elim-
Therapy Decisions ination of other drugs on coadministration. Cimetidine
is a potent inhibitor of several CYP isozymes and,
The pharmacist's role as a member of the health care therefore, can increase the risk of toxicity when co-
profession is to help improve patients' quality of life administered with drugs metabolized by the CYP
by ensuring the responsible use of pharmaceuticals. isozymes such as CYP1A2 (e.g., clozapine); CYP2C9
To adequately meet this responsibility, the pharma- (e.g., phenytoin); CYP2D6 (e.g., antidepressants); and
cist must be able to amalgamate concepts in the CYP3A4/5/7 (e.g., lovastatin).
basic sciences, including the medicinal chemistry of Phenytoin and rifampin are examples of CYP
drug molecules with the clinical sciences. This sec- isozyme inducers. Drugs that are substrates of
tion presents examples of situations in which chem- CYP3A4 and CYP2C9 are generally very susceptible
ical knowledge of drugs aids in making drug therapy to enzyme induction, which leads to rapid elimina-
decisions. tion of such drugs, resulting in decreased pharmaco-
dynamic activity.
Coadministration of drugs with opposing mecha-
Dwg=Drug interactions
nisms of action should be avoided because it will make
A common clinical problem is one in which the effi- one or both drugs ineffective. For example, vitamin K
cacy or toxicity of a drug is affected as a result of stimulates the synthesis of clotting factors, and
coadministration of two or more drugs. warfarin inhibits the synthesis of clotting factors.
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Coadministration of these drugs may diminish the such drugs will be mostly ionized. On the contrary,
effectiveness of warfarin. basic drugs (e.g., morphine) will be mostly absorbed
from the small intestine rather than from the stom-
ach, where the drug exists mainly as the ionized con-
Drug Metabolism
jugate acid.
Drugs with amino groups generally undergo This fact is of practical importance to a patient,
N-acetylation (Figure 8-7, panel c). Because of a muta- because a delay in the onset of action will occur if a
tion in the gene encoding for one of the major enzymes basic drug is taken orally. The drug has to pass
involved in N-acetylation, N-acetyl transferase-2 through the stomach (where it will be mostly ionized
(NAT2), some individuals have a reduced activity of and, therefore, will be minimally absorbed) before
NAT2. They are termed slow acetylators, compared to the stomach empties and the drug enters the small
the fast acetylators with normal NAT2 activity. intestine (where it will exist predominantly as the
Fast acetylators terminate the activity of amine- unionized form and, therefore, will be mostly ab-
containing drugs (e.g., procainamide and isoniazid) sorbed). Hence, if patients take a basic drug such as
much faster than slow acetylators, who cannot me- an antihistamine for motion sickness, they should be
tabolize such drugs quickly and so tend to accumu- advised to take their medication at least an hour be-
late the drug, which can lead to toxicity (e.g., liver fore they travel to allow the drug time to reach the
damage with isoniazid). site of absorption and to be taken up into the sys-
Tylenol is a popular over-the-counter analgesic that temic circulation.
is safe if taken in recommended doses. The drug is me- Rapid clearance of a drug molecule is desired in
tabolized in the liver to the highly reactive N-acetyl- cases of drug overdose. Manipulation of urinary pH to
p-benzoquinoneimine (Figure 8-8). At therapeutic maintain the drug in the ionized state in the urine will
concentrations, this metabolite is rapidly detoxified enhance its excretion. If the drug taken in overdose is
by cellular glutathione. However, in cases of overdose, a weak base (e.g., flurazepam), excretion should be en-
the cellular glutathione pool is overwhelmed so the hanced by acidification of the urine with administra-
excess N-acetyl-p-benzoquinoneimine arylates essen- tion of~Cl or vitamin C (forced acid diuresis). If the
tial cellular proteins, leading to toxicity that, if not drug is a weak acid (e.g., phenobarbital), excretion
treated with N-acetylcysteine, can cause liver failure. should be enhanced by making the urine basic with
administration of NaHC0 3 (forced alkaline diuresis).
Antacids such as TUMS will neutralize stomach pH
Physicochemical Properties of Drug Molecules to approximately 3.5. Patients must therefore be coun-
The chemical nature of drugs influences their absorp- seled on the effect of combining acidic or basic drugs
tion, distribution, metabolism, and excretion. with antacids because the presence oflthe antacid may
The pH partition hypothesis predicts that weakly enhance or diminish the rate of absorption of the drug.
acidic drugs (e.g., nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory Antacids also should not be taken with tetra-
drugs) will be mostly absorbed from the stomach cyclines, because the antibiotic will form a chelate with
rather than from the more basic small intestine, where metal ions in the antacid, which will diminish the ex-

····lire 8·8. Metabolism of Acetaminophen

¢ GYP 450 ¢ 0

Glutathione q OH


0 0 0 0
Acetaminophen N-acetyl-p- Detoxified Arylated protein (toxicity)
benzoquinoneimine metabolite
I r

Source: Author's representation.

Medicinal Chemistry

8·9. Oxidation of Epinephrine

Several steps 0~/ \
CH 3
Source: Adapted with modification from Cairns 2003:186.

tent of absorption of the tetracycline. Tetracyclines dation, converted to adrenochrome (red-colored com-
should not be taken concomitantly with foods that pound), which can polymerize to give black-colored
are rich in calcium for this same reason. The drug compounds. Therefore, injections of epinephrine that
will form a complex with calcium ions and may be develop a pink color or contain crystals of black com-
deposited in developing teeth, leading to discoloration pound must be discarded.
of the teeth. For this reason, tetracyclines should not
be given to children (6-12 years old) who are forming
their permanent set of teeth.
A large number of functional groups in drug mole-
cules (especially esters and amides) are susceptible to
Drug Stability hydrolysis during storage. For example, aspirin is
Drug decomposition can result in loss of efficacy, very susceptible to hydrolysis (Figure 8-10). There-
generation of toxic products, or both. Therefore, action produces salicylic acid and acetic acid, which
drugs administered to patients must meet standards are responsible for the smell of vinegar when a bottle
of desirable purity. of aspirin is opened.
The lactam ring of penicillin and cephalosporin
antibiotics is also prone to hydrolysis (Figure 8-10).
Oxidation For this reason, these drugs are supplied as dry powder
Drugs with phenolic groups, such as epinephrine, for reconstitution by the pharmacist before dispensing.
norepinephrine, and isoproterenol, are very suscep- The reconstituted drug must be stored in a refrigerator
tible to oxidation. These drugs are white crystalline to limit hydrolysis.
solids, which change color (darken) on exposure to When exposed to light, some dr~gs undergo decom-
air. As shown in Figure 8-9, epinephrine is, on oxi- position and so must be packaged in amber-colored

~l!re 8·10. Hydrolysis of Aspirin and Ampicillin



CrOH + H3c-f

Aspirin Salicylic acid Acetic acid

U q,:{isx~~:

Penicilloic acid derivative

Source: Author's representation.
The APhA Complete Review for the Foreign Pharmacy Graduate Equivalency Examination®

tH1. Light-Catalyzed Decomposition of Chlordiazepoxide

Cl Cl

Chlordiazepoxide (Librium) Inactive oxaziridine derivative

Source: Adapted with modification from Cornelissen, Beijersbergen Van Henegouwen, Gerritsma 1979.

containers. For example, chlordiazepoxide undergoes EJ The conformation, stereochemistry, and type of
a light-catalyzed cyclization reaction to generate an chemical bonding a drug makes with its receptor
inactive compound (Figure 8-11). may influence the affinity of the drug for the re-
ceptor and the resulting pharmacological activity.
l11l Drugs may bind to receptors through chemical
interactions such as ionic bonding, hydrogen
8"'7. Key Points
r?Z"TI'!il~"'l.:\\:..:':::::'.C_':-;.·._-.-,,- .. bonding, covalent bonding, and hydrophobic
The functional groups in a drug molecule deter-
1.11 Theories that have been postulated to explain the
mine its acid-base character, which may influence observed effects of drug-receptor interactions in-
the absorption, excretion, and compatibility of the clude (1) occupancy theory, (2) rate theory, (3) in-
drug with other drugs in solution. duced fit theory, (4) macromolecular perturbation
An acidic drug will donate a proton on ionization theory, and (5) activation-aggregation theory.
to give a conjugate base, but a basic drug will l£l Drug instability may be due to chemical reactions
accept a proton on ionization to give a conju- such as oxidation and hydrolysis. Phenolic drugs
gate acid. are prone to oxidation, whereas drugs with ester
D Organic functional groups in drug molecules that and amide groups are susceptible to hydrolysis.
cannot accept a proton or donate a proton are EB Prodrugs are chemically modified drugs that are
neutral (nonelectrolytes). inactive in the administered f¢rm but undergo
pK. is a measure of the relative acid-base bioactivation to the active drug in vivo.
strength of organic functional groups. @1 Pharmacophore is the set of minimal structural
E'l The aqueous solubility of a drug is influenced by features of a drug molecule that is recognized by
its ionizability and its ability to form hydrogen a receptor and is required for the molecule to be
bonding with water molecules. biologically active.
Polar functional groups decrease the log P values c:J Structure-activity relationship study is an
of drugs, whereas nonpolar functional groups approach used to enhance the desired biological
increase log P values. activity of a compound while minimizing or
I'] Drugs must have appropriate log P values to facili- eliminating the undesirable properties of the
tate passive diffusion across biological membranes. compound.
The pH-partition theory influences drug absorp- Ell Factors that may influence drug metabolism
tion from the GI tract and drug transport across include (1) genetic factors, (2) physiological fac-
biological membranes. tors, (3) pharmaceutical factors, and (4) environ-
Weakly acidic drugs are generally best absorbed mental factors.
from the stomach, compared to the more basic I'D The CYP isoforms are the most important group
small intestine, where such drugs are predomi- of enzymes involved in drug metabolism.
nantly ionized. m The two major groups of metabolic reactions in the
Manipulation of urinary pH to maintain a drug body are termed phase 1 and phase 2 reactions.
in its ionized state will enhance its excretion by Phase 1 metabolic reactions typically involve in-
preventing reabsorption. troduction of a nucleophile into the drug mole-
Medicinal Chemistry

cule, whereas phase 2 reactions usually increase A. covalent bonding.

the aqueous solubility of the drug through glu- B. ionic bonding.
curonidation or sulfation. C. hydrogen bonding.
i1!li Drugs that are potent inducers or inhibitors of the D. hydrophobic interaction.
CYP isoforms may influence the metabolism and
elimination of other drugs on coadministration. 4. The tertiary amine group of drug 1 may form
ELl Fast acetylators have normal NAT2 activity, so an ionic bond with which amino acid at the
they terminate the activity of amine-containing drug's target receptor?
drugs much faster than slow acetylators in
A. Arginine
whom the gene encoding for NAT2 is mutated.
B. Lysine
lR1 Factors that should be considered when making
C. Glycine
drug therapy decisions include (1) drug-drug
D. Glutamic acid
interactions, (2) drug metabolism, (3) physico-
chemical properties of the drug, and (4) drug
5. The best way to promote urinary clearance of
drug 1 is to
A. administer water for injection.
a.. am Questions B. administer a solution of NaHC0 3 •
C. administer 5% dextrose.
Answer Questions 1-5 using the illustration of drug 1. D. administer a solution of NH4 Cl.

6. Drugs such as aspirin should not be stored in

the bathroom because of the likelihood of
decomposition through
A. hydrolysis.
B. hydrogenolysis.
C. dehydration.
Cl D. reduction.

Drug i (PKa =8.2)

1. At what site of the GI tract will drug 1 be
least absorbed?
A. Stomach (pH 2)
B. Duodenum (pH 6) 7. 5,5-disubstituted barbituric acids are clinically
C. Colon (pH 8) used as
D. Absorption of drug from the GI tract is pH
independent A. anticoagulants.
B. antihistamines.
2. Drug 1 and others of similar pharmacophore C. sedative-hypnotics.
are used as D. coagulants.
A. diuretics.
B. anticancer agents. 0

C. anxiolytic agents.
D. anticoagulants.

3. The chemical bonding interaction that is un-

likely to occur between drug 1 and its target 5 ,5-disubstituted
receptor is barbituric acid
The APhA Complete Review for the Foreign Pharmacy Graduate Equivalency Examination®

Answer Questions 8-13 using the structures in the 16. How would you treat an overdose of
following figure: acetaminophen?
A. Use forced alkaline diuresis.
B. Use forced acid diuresis.
A B C. Administer an osmotic diuretic.
oOf H o iHoH
0.::-SI )l f · N_H
D. Administer N-acetylcysteine.

'N N I '-'::: 'CH3 Answer Questions 17-20 using the following figure:
H H 0

c D A B
F Br

c D
8. Which drug is most likely to undergo decom-
position via oxidation?

9. Which drug contains a sulfonylurea functional


10. Which drug will undergo N-demethylation 17. Patient J. B. is a slow acetylator. Which drug
in vivo? is potentially toxic to this patient?

11. Which drug has a primary amine functional 18. Which drug must be reconstituted just before
group? use to prevent decomposition?

12. Which drug is not ionizable? 19. Which drug must not be c6administered with

13. Which drug will be predicted to have the

highest log P value? 20. Which drug has a pair of enantiomers?

14. Which of the following is a phase 2 reaction?

A. Acetylation a. .g n Answers
B. Oxidation
C. Demethylation 1. A. Most drugs are absorbed from the GI tract
D. Deamination as the un-ionized form by passive diffusion.
Drug 1 (flurazepam) is a basic drug, so its ion-
15. The drug that is a potent inhibitor of several ization will be greatest in the stomach, which
CYP isoforms and therefore must be used will limit absorption.
with caution in combination therapy is 2. C. Drug 1 belongs to the group of drugs
known as 1,4-benzodiazepines. Drugs in this
A. aspirin. class may be used as anxiolytics, hypnotics,
B. cimetidine (Tagamet). antiepileptics, or muscle relaxants.
C. gabapentin (Neurontin). 3. A. Covalent bonding involves the sharing of
D.levetiracetam (Keppra). electrons between an electrophilic center (usu-

ally in the drug molecule) and a nucleophilic 16. D. Acetaminophen is metabolized in the liver
center (usually in the receptor). Drug 1 does to a reactive quinoneimine intermediate, which
not possess an electrophilic center capable of is detoxified by glutathione. In overdose, the
such an interaction with its receptor. body's supply of glutathione is overwhelmed,
D. The tertiary amine of drug 1 will be proto- which could result in hepatotoxicity. N-acetyl-
nated at physiologic pH and so can form an cysteine reacts with the quinoneimine just like
ionic bond with a glutamate of the receptor if glutathione to detoxify it.
it is close to the protonated amine. 17. C. Slow acetylators are prone to having high
D. Administration of NH4 Cl will decrease uri- plasma levels of drugs, such as drug C (isoni-
nary pH to about 6, which will promote ioniza- azid), that possess an amine group, because such
tion of drug 1. The ionized form of the drug drugs are metabolized by acetylation. Drug D
will not undergo passive diffusion back into
has a basic group (the hydrazine), but it can
systemic circulation but will readily dissolve
also be metabolized by glucuronide conjuga-
and be excreted in the urine.
tion or methylation. Because of the multiple
A. Aspirin is the acetyl ester derivative of sali-
cylic acid. In the presence of moisture, the ester routes of metabolism, drug D is unlikely to be
group can be hydrolyzed. toxic to]. B.
C. Drugs that are 5,5'-disubstituted derivatives of 18. A. Drug A is a cephalosporin. The cephalosporin
barbituric acid may be used as sedatives, hyp- and the penicillin antibiotics have a beta-lactam
notics, antiepileptics, or preanesthetic agents. ring, which may undergo ring opening in aque-
B. Phenolic drugs and drugs with the catechol ous media. These drugs must be reconstituted
group (e.g., epinephrine) are prone to decompo- just before dispensing and must be stored in the
sition through oxidation when exposed to air. refrigerator.
A. Drug A is chlorpropamide, which is a first- 19. B. The tetracyclines will chelate metal ions,
generation sulfonylurea antidiabetic agent. which will lower their bioavailability.
B. Drug B has an N-methyl group, so it is a 20. D. Drug D (carbidopa) has one chiral center,
candidate for N-demethylation. so it has a pair of enantiomers. Drugs A and
D. Drug D has a primary amine functional group. B have multiple chiral centers, so they have
Drug B has a secondary amine group. Drugs A diastereomers. Drug C does not have a chiral
and C do not contain amine functional groups. center.
C. Drug C cannot donate a proton or accept a
proton. It is therefore not ionizable. Drug A is
an acidic drug because of the presence of the
sulfonylurea group in its structure. Drugs B and 9..10. References
D are basic drugs because of the amine group
in them. Cairns D, ed. Essentials of Pharmaceutical Chemistry.
13. C. Halogens are lipophilic in character and so 2nd ed. Chicago: Pharmaceutical Press; 2003.
will increase the log P values of drugs, whereas Cornelissen PJG, Beijersbergen Van Henegouwen
polar groups are hydrophilic in character and GMJ, Gerritsma KW. Photochemical decomposi-
so will decrease log P values of drugs. Drug C tion of 1,4-benzodiazepines: Chlordiazepoxide.
is the only drug in the illustration without polar Int] Pharm. 1979;3(4-5):205-20.
residues; hence, it should have the highest log Lemke TL, ed. Review of Organic Functional Groups:
P value. Introduction to Organic Medicinal Chemistry.
14. A. Acetylation is a phase 2 reaction that occurs 3rd ed. Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger; 1992.
in drugs with amine groups. All of the other re- Lemke TL, Williams DA, eds. Faye's Principles of
actions are phase 1 reactions. Medicinal Chemistry. 6th ed. New York:
15. B. Cimetidine is an anti peptic ulcer agent that Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins; 2008.
inhibits several CYP450 isoforms. For example, Nogrady T, Weaver DF. Medicinal Chemistry:
it inhibits CYP1A2, CYP2C9, CYP2D6, and A Molecular and Biochemical Approach. 3rd ed.
CYP3A4. New York: Oxford University Press; 2005:108-28.
har acol y
Bernd Meibohm, PhD, FCP

9..1. Mechanism of Action of Drugs Receptors of endogenous hormones

or neurotransmitters
of Various Categories
Drugs can act either as an agonist or as an antago-
The effects of drugs can be described on four differ- nist on a receptor system. An agonist at a receptor
ent levels: system triggers the action, which is also produced by
the receptor's natural, endogenous ligand. An antag-
II The system level. An effect occurs on an inte- onist blocks the effect of the natural endogenous
grated body system, such as the cardiovascular agonist on the receptor system. Examples include
or the respiratory system. loperamide, which is an agonist for the l-1-opioid
II The tissue level. An effect occurs on tissue receptor, and propranolol, which is an antagonist for
function, such as secretion, proliferation, or p-adrenergic receptors.
metabolic activity.
II The cellular level. Signal transduction occurs Enzymes
within a cell, such as the cascade of a biochemi-
cal signaling pathway such as the Raf kinase Enzyme activity can be modulat~d by blocking the
pathway. normal enzymatic reaction either through direct bind-
II The receptor level. Interaction takes place with a ing to the enzyme or through competitive inhibition
by serving as a false substrate, thereby inhibiting the
drug's molecular target, such as the Pradrenergic
enzymatic processing of the natural substrate. For
example, atorvastatin inhibits the enzyme HMG-CoA
Knowledge about a drug's effect at all four levels is (3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A) reductase
necessary to assess the drug's potential effective- in the endogenous synthesis pathway of cholesterol.
ness, synergistic or antagonistic effect with other
medications, and potential interactions with other Transporters
Exchange of ions or other molecules across biomem-
branes can be stimulated or inhibited, for example, for
Molecular Targets of Drugs antiporters (exchange of ions across biomembranes)
or symporters (cotransport of ions across biomem-
To exert an effect, either desired or undesired (side branes). For example, cardiac glycosides such as
effect or adverse event), drugs need to interact with digoxin inhibit the Na+/1(+-ATPase.
molecular targets. Depending on the availability of
its molecular targets in tissues and cells, a drug may
profoundly affect one type of tissue but not affect lon channels
other types of tissues. Examples of frequent molecu- Transmembrane ion channels can be blocked, or
lar targets of drugs follow. their probability of opening can be increased or
The APhA Complete Review tor the Foreign Pharmacy Graduate Equivalency Examination®

decreased. The former is usually the case for voltage- cellular domain is coupled with G-proteins, which
operated ion channels; the latter is the case for facilitate signal transduction after stimulation of the
receptor-operated ion channels. For examples, voltage- receptor by second-messenger pathways. The drug-
operated sodium channels are blocked by lidocaine, binding domain lies within one of the transmembrane
and the GABA (y-aminobutyric acid)-gated chloride domains. An example is the a 1-adrenergic receptor.
channel (a receptor-operated ion channel) is modu-
lated by benzodiazepines. DNA-linked receptors
DNA-linked receptors are intracellular receptors, in
Nucleic acids contrast to the other three receptor types discussed,
which are transmembrane receptors. The ligand-
Drugs can inhibit the expression of genes (1) by binding domain is linked to a DNA-binding domain.
directly binding to DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) and An example is the androgen receptor.
thus modulating their transcription or (2) by bind-
ing to mRNA (messenger ribonucleic acid) and, thus,
modulating the translation of the gene. For example, Prerequisites for receptor-mediated drug effects
fomivirsen binds to viral mRNA, thereby inhibiting Binding
viral replication in case of cytomegalovirus infection For receptor-mediated drug effects, binding of the
in the eye. drug to a specific region in the three-dimensional
structure of the receptor is a prerequisite to exert a
Drugs that act without specific molecular targets biological response.

Although most drugs require a molecular target to Recognition

exert their effects, a few drugs act without interaction The receptor protein must exist in a conformational
with specific molecular targets: state that allows recognition and binding of a com-
Buffers, used as antacids pound. It must satisfy the following criteria:
BJ Gaseous and volatile general anesthetics l'il Saturability. Receptors exists in finite numbers.
Osmotic diuretics or laxatives flJl Reversibility. Binding must occur noncovalently
because of weak intermolecular forces (H-bonding,
Receptor Theory van der Waals forces).
Stereoselectivity. Receptors should recognize
Types of receptors only one of the naturally occurring optical
The majority of drugs exert their effects by interaction isomers of a drug.
with receptors. Four major classes of receptor super- Agonist specificity. Structurany related drugs
families exist: receptor-operated channels, receptor- should bind well, whereas dissimilar compounds
operated enzymes, G-protein-coupled receptors, and should bind poorly.
DNA-linked receptors. Tissue specificity. Binding should occur in tis-
sues known to be sensitive to the endogenous
Receptor-operated channels ligand. Binding should occur at physiologically
An extracellular binding domain is coupled with mul- relevant concentrations.
tiple transmembrane domains that form an ion chan- Transduction. Binding of an agonist must be
nel. An example is the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor. translated into some kind of functional response
(biological or physiological).
Receptor-operated enzymes
The receptor has an extracellular ligand-binding Receptor interaction
domain that is linked by a transmembrane region
to an intracellular catalytic domain that has either a Receptors are large proteins that contain a site that
tyro~ine kinase or guanylyl kinase activity when the "recognizes" drugs and binds them similarly to the
binding site is activated. An example is the epidermal way a key fits a lock. Most cells harbor many differ-
growth factor receptor. ent receptor types and many receptor molecules of
each type.
G-protein-coupled receptors Binding of a ligand (e.g., a drug) results in a confor-
These receptors have a transmembrane protein with mational (allosteric) change in the three-dimensional
extracellular and intracellular domain. The intra- structure of the receptor, creating an active agonist-

complex that activates a signal transduc- is produced by denying endogenous agonists

tion system. Drug-receptor complexes are repeat- access to the receptor.
edly and randomly created by collision of drug !!'1 Partial agonists bind to receptors and produce
molecules with unoccupied receptors. The formed a molecular response, but even at high con-
drug-receptor complexes also dissociate into their centrations the maximum cellular response
components, so a dynamic equilibrium exists between is not achieved. Thus, the maximum tissue
the two states. response for a partial agonist is less than that
Agonist-receptor complexes fluctuate between for a full agonist. Because partial agonists can
inactive and active conformations. The active confor- compete with full agonists in binding to the
mation results in signal transduction and subsequent receptor, they can act as antagonists to full
cellular response. agonists.
The number of drug receptors on a cell is not neces- !iiil Inverse agonists bind to receptor molecules that
sarily constant but can change under prolonged stimu- are in an activated state in the absence of ali-
lation or lack thereof by receptor up- or downregula- gand (basal activation). Thus, inverse agonists
tion, which is frequently observed during chronic drug decrease the basal activation level of a receptor
therapy. by stabilizing its inactive form.
Ligands for receptors can be differentiated accord-
Tissue responses are not necessarily directly propor-
ing to their ability to trigger the signal transduction
tional to molecular responses resulting from agonist-
(Figure 9-1):
ligand interactions. In most cells, the maximum cel-
Full agonists bind to receptors and produce a lular response to an agonist is already reached when
molecular response (conformational change and only a small fraction of receptors is occupied. Thus the
subsequent cellular responses) that results in number of receptors is much higher than necessary
maximum tissue response. for achieving the maximum response. This so-called
KA Competitive antagonists bind to receptors with- receptor reserve (spare receptors) increases the sensi-
out initiating a molecular response. Their effect tivity toward small changes in agonist concentration.

9·1. Concentration-Activity Relationships for Agonists and Antagonists

100% intrinsic


I c
/ E
Basal activation -~--...:--:::;;...""-~·-""···~--·~·-
...............,, ..···~··t..:;... ~..::.. ~.................................................. .
,,,, D
0 J_________________-=-,~--~-~--~-~--~-~--~-~--~-~--~-~--~-~--~-~--~-=--~-~--~-~--~-~-0

Concentration (log)

Source: Author's representation.

Note: The figure shows concentration-activity relationships for full agonists (A and B), a partial agonist (C), an inverse agonist (D), and a competitive
antagonist (f). A and Breach the full intrinsic activity but have different potency (EC50 ). C has a lower intrinsic activity (and in this example also a lower
potency). Dreduces basal activation. Einhibits competitive ligand binding to the receptor and results in no intrinsic activity.
The APhA Complete Review for the Foreign Pharmacy Graduate Equivalency Examination®

For example, the skeletal neuromuscular junction has !ill Pharmacodynamics describes the desired and
30 million nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. Activation undesired actions of drugs in a qualitative as
of 40,000 of these receptors already elicits an action well as a quantitative manner. Pharmacodynamics
potential followed by full twitch of the muscle fiber. thus describes what the drug does to the body.
Partial agonism results from an inefficient activa- [\1! Pharmacokinetics describes the uptake, distribu-
tion of the receptor by a drug. The subsequent cellu- tion, metabolism, and excretion of drugs in the
lar response depends on the presence or absence of body-that is, their disposition. Pharmacokinetics
spare receptors: thus describes what the body does to the drug.
II!! If there are no spare receptors, the maximum The rational use of drugs and the design of effec-
cellular response is less for a partial agonist than tive dosage regimens are facilitated by an appreci-
for a full agonist, and the partial agonist does ation of the relationships between the administered
not achieve the same maximum cellular response dose of a drug, the resulting drug concentrations in
as the full agonist. various body fluids and tissues, and the intensity of
llli If there are spare receptors (as in most cells), the pharmacologic effects caused by these concentra-
partial agonist needs to interact with more recep- tions. These relationships-and thus the dose of a
tors of the receptor pool to achieve the maximum drug required to achieve a certain effect-are deter-
cellular response; thus, a higher dose is required mined by the drug's pharmacokinetic and pharmaco-
to achieve this response. If the dose is high dynamic properties.
enough, the partial agonist may achieve the same By interacting with target structures in different
maximum cellular response as the full agonist. tissues and by interacting with more than one molec-
ular target, drugs may have not only desired thera-
For antagonism, two main mechanisms can be peutic effects, but also undesired effects, which may
distinguished: lead to adverse events and toxicity.
IDl Competitive antagonists bind to the site normally
occupied by the agonist, thereby reducing the Selectivity
number of receptors available for agonist binding.
Selectivity describes the drug's property to interact
Noncompetitive antagonists bind to a different
with one molecular target as opposed to others.
ligand-binding site on the receptor (allosteric
Selectivity depends on the chemical structure of the
site). This binding to the allosteric site results in
drug, the drug dose, the route of drug administration,
a conformational change of the receptor, which
and patient factors such as physiologic or patho-
leads to reduced or no agonist binding and, thus,
physiologic conditions and genetically determined
no signal transduction.
susceptibility. /
Antagonism at the molecular level-that is, at the An ideal drug has a high selectivity toward the
receptor interaction level-has to be distinguished desired therapeutic effect rather than toward undesired
from physiologic antagonism. In physiologic antago- side effects at the therapeutically used dose level and
nism, the effects of two drugs are opposite on the level administration pathway. The latest generations of
of the organ system or whole body but are mediated inhaled corticosteroids, such as fluticasone propionate,
through different receptor systems and signaling path- have a high selectivity toward anti-inflammatory activ-
ways. The opposing effect of acetylcholine and nor- ity in the lung (e.g., for the treatment of asthma) as
adrenalin on arterioles is an example of physiologic compared to undesired systemic effects such as growth
antagonism. retardation. This selectivity of fluticasone propionate
is accomplished by its high metabolic instability after
being absorbed into the systemic circulation.
9..20 Role of Pharmacology
in Drug Choice and the
Treatment of Disease The benefit-to-risk ratio is a formal approach to com-
paring the therapeutically desired effect of a drug
Pharmacology is the discipline that studies the bio- with its health risks related to adverse events and
logic effects of drugs and the ways they produce such toxicity. The therapeutic acceptance of a benefit-to-
effects. Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics risk ratio depends on the nature and severity of the
are subdisciplines of pharmacology: treated disorder. In a life-threatening condition, a

risk may be tolerable for therapeutic benefit trations are either ineffective or toxic, but rather as
than would be acceptable, for example, in prophy- a therapeutic guidance. Because pharmacodynamic
·. lactic drug treatment. parameters and, thus, concentration-effect relation-
In cancer chemotherapy, potent drugs with lim- ships are variable among differe-nt patients, the
ited selectivity and high adverse event potential are therapeutic range can only indicate a high proba-
often administered at the maximum tolerable dose to bility of therapeutic response in a patient popula-
achieve high efficacy of tumor kill. In contrast, the tion; it cannot predict the response in an individual
same benefit-to-risk ratio would not be tolerable for patient.
the chronic pharmacotherapy of a not acutely life- Drugs with a wide therapeutic range have a large
threatening condition such as hypercholesterolemia. margin between concentrations necessary to achieve
therapeutic activity and concentrations that will result
in toxicity. ~-lactam antibiotics are an example of
Therapeutic Range drugs with a wide therapeutic range.
For many drugs, a therapeutic range of concentrations Drugs with a narrow therapeutic range have only a
can be defined in which a high likelihood of efficacy small margin between drug concentrations necessary
exists (that is, desired therapeutic response), but only for efficacy and drug concentrations that have a high
limited toxicity. The therapeutic range is a range of likelihood of toxicity. Digoxin is a narrow therapeu-
drug plasma concentrations within which the proba- tic range drug, with the upper limit of 2.0 ng/mL,
bility of desired clinical response is relatively high and only less than threefold higher than the lower limit of
the probability of unacceptable toxicity is relatively 0.8 ng/mL.
low (Figure 9-2). As such, the therapeutic range tries Narrow therapeutic range drugs often require
to leverage the selectivity of a drug between therapeu- individualization of dosing to keep plasma concen-
tic and toxic activity. trations in the therapeutic range despite differences
A therapeutic range should never be used as an in pharmacokinetic parameter between different
absolute concentration outside of which drug concen- patients. Therapeutic drug monitoring is an approach

9·2. Therapeutic Range

a b

1: 30

, "" ~
I g 20
I 0
I' (,)
I 2
I' ~ 10
/ E
0 10 20 30 0 24 48 72 96
Drug concentration (mg/L) Time(h)

Source: Author's representation.

Note: Panel a shows a drug concentration-probability of effect relationship. The probability of achieving the desired response is very low when drug
concentrations are less than 5 mg/L (as is the chance of observing toxicity). As drug concentrations increase from 5 to 20 mg/L, the probability of desired
effect (response) increases significantly, while the probability of toxicity increases more slowly. One could select a therapeutic range of 10 to 20 mg/L,
where the minimum probability of a therapeutic response is at least 50% and the probability of therapeutic failure (in this case, toxicity) is less than 10%.
Panel b demonstrates an optimal dosage regimen that maintains the plasma concentration of the drug within the therapeutic range. The dosing interval
(time between doses) is the same, but the dose given in regimen 2 (bold line) is twice as large as that given in regimen 1 (dotted line). As shown, drug
accumulates in the body during multiple dosing. Regimen 1 results in plasma concentrations within the therapeutic range. For regimen 2, the therapeutic
range is reached quickly, but the dosage regimen ultimately results in a high likelihood of toxicity.
The APhA Complete Review for the Foreign Pharmacy Graduate Equivalency Examination®

that measures drug plasma concentrations of a between plasma concentration and effect is nonlin-
patient receiving narrow therapeutic range drugs ear and levels off at a maximum effect being reached
and adjusts their dose and dosing interval in such with a specific dosing regimen).
a manner that concentrations remain in the thera- For many drugs with reversible drug effects, the
peutic range throughout the whole therapy. concentration-effect relationship can be described
by an Emax model, which is characterized by an
Combination Pharmacotherapy S-shaped curve when depicted in a semilogarithmic
plot of effect intensity E versus drug concentration
Drugs that achieve a similar pharmacologic effect on C (Figure 9-3):
the whole body or system level through interaction
with different molecular targets are often given in E= EmaxxC
combination to further enhance the therapeutic effect EC 50 +C
on the whole body or organ level.
For the treatment of hypertension, for exam- where Emax = maximum effect possible with the spe-
ple, combinations may consist of thiazide diuretics, cific drug and EC50 =concentration that causes 50%
angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE inhibitors), and of Emax' the half-maximum effect.
Pcadrenoceptor blockers. Thiazide diuretics inhibit Emax refers to the intrinsic activity (IA) of a drug.
the Na+/CL- cotransporter in the distal tubules of The intrinsic activity is the relative maximal drug
the kidneys. ACE inhibitors reduce the catalytic effect in a particular tissue. If compared to a natural
activity of angiotensin-converting enzyme, thereby endogenous ligand, the IA can be used to differenti-
reducing the endogenous synthesis of angiotensin ate agonists from antagonists:
II. P1-adrenoceptor blockers competitively inhibit
P1- and to a certain degree Pradrenoceptors and pro- l'4 Full agonist: IA = 1 (i.e., equal to endogenous
duce a decrease in vascular resistance. Therapy with ligand)
all three drugs results in a decrease in diastolic blood Antagonist: IA = 0
pressure. m1 Partial agonist: 0 < IA < 1 (produces less than
the maximal response of the natural, endoge-
nous ligand, despite maximal binding to the

g.. a. Pharmacodynamics of Drug

EJ Inverse agonist: IA = -1 (i.e., reduction below
Action and Relationship to baseline level)
Drug Disposition
'':.',--::',\_, ____ ,___ ,
EC 50 refers to the potency of a drug. The potency is
the ability to cause a functional'change at a certain
For most drugs, therapeutic response and toxicity concentration. It is related to the affinity of the drug
are related to their free concentration at the site of for its target structure (e.g., a receptor). A more
action. However, drug concentrations at the site of potent drug needs a lower concentration to cause
action (e.g., brain tissue for benzodiazepines) often the same functional change in a target structure (i.e.,
cannot be practically measured. Thus, drug con- it has a smaller EC50 ).
centrations in accessible body fluids such as plasma Although the Emax model is an empirical relation-
are often related to the observed effect under the ship, its value lies in the fact that it can be related to
assumption that the drug concentrations in the the receptor theory of drug action. Under the assump-
measured body fluid and at the site of action are in tion that the observed effect E is directly proportional
a constant relationship. to the number of occupied receptors, Emax is equiva-
lent to the number of receptors available and EC50 is
equivalent to the affinity constant of the drug to the
Pharmacodynamic Models
receptor (i.e., the concentration at which half the
Pharmacodynamic models characterize the concen- receptor sites are occupied).
tration-effect relationship of a drug. Whereas the phar- The Emax model describes the concentration-
macokinetics of most drugs exhibits linear behavior effect relationship over a wide range of concentra-
(i.e., doubling the dosing rate results in doubling the tions, from zero effect in the absence of drug to
systemic exposure), the pharmacodynamics is usually maximum effect at concentrations much higher
characterized by nonlinearity (i.e., the relationship than EC50 (C » EC5 o).

9·3. Emax Model




(.) t)
~Ol 60 ~ 60
:::1 :::1
·xIll ·xEIll
E 40


0 20 40 60 80 100 -4-3-2-1 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Concentration (ng/mL) In C(ng/ml)

Source: Adapted with modification from Meibohm, Derendort 1997:404.

Note: The figure depicts the effect versus concentration relationship defined by an Emax model, depicted in a linear (panel a) and a semilogarithmic (panel
b) plot. EC50 denotes the concentration that produces one-half the maximum effect. In the range between 20% and 80% of the maximum effect, the effect
is directly proportional to the logarithm of the concentration, with a slope of Em,/4.

Three characteristic phases can be distinguished: Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic

12'! Linear phase. For concentrations much smaller Relationships
than EC50 ( C « EC50 ), the Emax model simplifies Pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic (PK-PD) rela-
to a linear model: tionships integrate a pharmacokinetic model compo-
E=mxC nent that describes the time course of drug in plasma
and a pharmacodynamic model component that
with slope m = EmaxfECso relates the plasma concentration to the drug effect.
Ill Constant phase. For concentrations much larger Thus, PK-PD models allow the description of the
than EC50 ( C » EC50 ), the effect is essentially continuous profile of drug effect intensity over time in
constant: response to a given dose or dosing regimen. The gen-
eral concept of PK-PD relationships is presented in
panel a of Figure 9-4.
Log-linear phase. ForE between 20% and 80% A simple PK-PD model, a one-compartment phar-
of Emax, the Emax model follows a log-linear rela- macokinetic model combined with an Emax model, is
tionship, where the effect is proportional to the depicted in panel b of Figure 9-4. Figure 9-5 shows the
logarithm of the concentration. Thus, in this resulting time courses of plasma concentration (dotted)
range, the Emax equation can be rewritten for a and effect (solid) (in the depicted case, EC50 is 1/100
log-linear model as of C0 ). The insert shows the concentration-effect rela-
tionship and the corresponding phases characterizing
E = Emax X ln C + Emax X (ln EC + 2) drug response:
4 4 50
In phase 3, when the plasma concentration is
where Emaxl4 is the slope in the log-linear always much higher than EC50 , effect intensity
relationship. remains almost maximal despite a large fall in
The APhA Complete Review tor the Foreign Pharmacy Graduate Equivalency Examination®

a b

Pharmacokinetics Pharmacodynamics Pharmacokinetics Pharmacodynamics

Concentration vs. Effect D -k,Xt
Emax xC
C =-xe
C Concentration
ECSO + c
t Time C Concentration
D Dose E Effect
Vd Volume of distribution Emax Maximum effect
Elimination rate constant EC50 Concentration at 50% of Emax

Effect vs. Time


Source: Adapted with modification from Derendorf, Meibohm 1999:177.

Note: Panel a shows the general concept of integrated PK-PD modeling. Pharmacokinetics describes the time of drug concentration resulting from a
dosing regimen. Pharmacodynamics describes the relationship between drug concentration and effect intensity. The integrated PK-PD model describes
the time course of effect intensity resulting from a dosing regimen. Panel b depicts a simple, integrated PK-PD model where the pharmacokinetics is
described by a one-compartment model with instantaneous drug input and the pharmacodynamics is described by an fmax model. The integrated PK-PD
model describes the effect intensity over time based on the PK parameters elimination rate constant ke and volume of distribution Vd as well as the PD
parameters maximum achievable effect (fmaxl and concentration that produces the half maximal effect (fC50).

hl:i~figure 9·5.
Time Courses of Concentration and Effect


tl 60
80 Q)

iii Phase
\Concentration ~ 40

1 3
60 .. 20

.. Phase 3
1o-• 10-1 100 10' 102
% Concentration

Phase 2

0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Time (h)

Source: Adapted with modification from Rowland, Tozer 1995.

Note: The decline in effect Intensity (bold line) in relation to the decline in plasma concentration (dotted line) is based on the model introduced in Figure
9-4. The insert depicts the corresponding concentration-effect relationship by an fmax model with fC50 =1 (arbitrary concentration unit). The phases
correspond to the relationship between the drug concentration and fC50 (see text for details).

the concentration. This phase is characterized by more potent drug (EC50 = 0.2 mg/L), effect intensity
a shallow relationship between concentration diminishes rapidly, within a few hours, after dosing
and effect, and drug concentration appears to for the less potent drug (EC50 = 20 mg/L) and would
have little influence on drug effect. require multiple additional daily doses to maintain an
Ill In phase 2, when concentrations are in a similar efficacy level similar to that of the more potent drug.
range to that of EC50 , the effect intensity declines As illustrated in the example, the relationship
approximately linearly with time despite an between pharmacodynamic parameters (i.e., EC50 as
exponential decay in concentration; that is, drug measure of potency) and pharmacokinetic parameters
effect disappears in this phase with a zero-order (i.e., clearance and volume as determinants of initial
rate constant. concentration Co and elimination half-life) determines
!lll In phase 1, when the concentrations are much which doses or dosing regimens are required for ther-
lower than EC50 , the effect is approximately apeutic efficacy.
directly proportional to the concentration; that
is, it follows an exponential decline.
According to this model, the relationship between EC50
g..4a Drug-Target Interactions
t.:-:£~::::::;::~,-;-{~;s:;.;z-;..ib s"t:.: :,:,_~ .-,

and drug concentration determines the effect-time pro-

When drugs interact with their molecular targets, the
file after a dose. Figure 9-6 shows concentration-
resulting drug-target binding can be reversible or
time and effect-time profiles for an intravenous bolus
dose of the same amount of two hypothetical drugs
with identical pharmacokinetic properties but differ- Reversible drug-target interaction is mediated by
ent potency. Although the dose is sufficient to main- ionic bonding, hydrogen bonding, or hydrophobic
tain nearly maximal drug effect for 24 hours for the interaction.

9·6. Concentration-Time and Effect-Time Profiles for an Intravenous Bolus of Two Drugs
a lUU
~ 80 80

.sc: 60 - 60

~ ~50
40 t1/2 4 h w 40
c: C0 100 mg/L 30
8 20 EC50 20 mg/L 20
EC5o Ratio C0 /EC50 5 10
0 0
0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48
Time(h) Time(h)

100 b 100
:J' 80 80
.sc: 60 - 60

" 50
~ 4h
t1/2 ~
40 w 40
Q) C0 100 mg/L
c: 30
EC50 0.2 mg/L
8 20 20
Ratio C0 /EC50 500 10
6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48
Tlme(h) Tlme(h)

Source: Author's representation.

Note: The figure shows the effect of EC50 relative to the plasma concentrations achieved in a dosing interval. If the ratio of C0 to EC50 Is relatively low (panel
a), the effect intensity can be maintained only for a short period of time at therapeutically effective levels as drug concentrations rapidly fall below EC50
because of typical first-order elimination. If the ratio of C0 to EC50 is relatively high (panel b), the effect intensity can be maintained for multiple elimination
half-lives above therapeutically effective levels despite the monoexponential decrease in drug plasma concentrations.
The APhA Complete Review for the Foreign Pharmacy Graduate Equivalency Examination®

Irreversible drug-target interaction is mediated The drug-:target interaction can be time variant if,
by covalent bonding. for example, the potency or intrinsic activity of a drug
and its target structure are changing.
For reversible interaction with a molecular receptor,
Functional tolerance development is a prime
binding of the ligand (drug) to the receptor occurs
example of a time-variant drug-target interaction.
when ligand and receptor collide with the proper ori-
Functional tolerance is characterized by a reduction
entation and energy.
in effect intensity over time despite constant effect-
The binding process follows the law of mass action,
site concentration. This diminishing response with
assuming that all receptors are equally accessible, no
rechallenging stimulus may be caused by
partial binding occurs (receptors are either free of li-
gand or bound with ligand), and the ligand is not !03 A decrease in the number of receptors, called
altered by binding. The relationship can be described receptor downregulation
as follows: 1m A decrease in the signal transduction efficiency,
called receptor desensitization

[drug + [receptor J kon >[drug e receptor J Functional tolerance results in a clockwise hysteresis
loop in the plot of effect intensity versus target-site
where [drug], [receptor], and [drug e receptor] are the Receptor downregulation entails internalization
concentrations of the free drug, the free receptor, and or proteolytic degradation of receptors in response
the drug ., receptor complex. kon and koff are rate con- to prolonged ligand-induced stimulation, result-
stants for the association and dissociation process, ing in a net loss of available receptors in the cell. In
respectively. this situation, intrinsic activity (Emax) of the drug
The rate of association or number of binding typically decreases while potency (EC 50 ) remains
events per time is equal to unchanged.
Receptor desensitization entails loss of agonist sig-
[ligand] X [receptor J X kon; [kon] = M-1 min-1 nal transduction efficiency, for example, by the uncou-
pling of G-protein for G-protein-coupled receptors in
response to prolonged ligand-induced stimulation,
The rate of dissociation or number of dissociation resulting in less efficient signal transduction by the
events per time is equal to receptor. In this situation, intrinsic activity (Emax) of
the drug remains typically unchanged because the
[ligand e receptor JX koff ; [ koff J= min- 1
receptor number remains unchanged, whereas ECso
increases because more receptot~ need to be stimu-
Thus, the rates of association and dissociation depend lated to produce the same drug response.
solely on the number of receptors, the concentration
of ligand, and the rate constants kon and koff·
At equilibrium, the rate of formation equals that
of dissociation:
g.. s. Adverse Effects and
Side Effects of Drugs
[DR ]x koff = [D ]x[R ]x kon
Because any xenobiotic may interact not only with
_ koff _ [D]x[R] the intended target structure (e.g., a receptor in spe-
Ko- koff- [DR] cific tissues), but also with the same, similar, or
unrelated receptors or other target structures in
The dissociation constant KD is an inverse measure the same or other tissues, the intended or beneficial
of receptor affinity. It is the drug concentration that effects of pharmacotherapy are usually also accompa-
produces 50% of receptor occupancy. nied by adverse drug reactions (ADRs). Investigation
Although EC50 is related to K0 , it is often not iden- of these potential off-target effects constitutes a major
tical because KD solely characterizes the drug-receptor effort during the drug development process.
interaction, whereas EC50 also represents the effi- ADRs are defined as any response to a drug that is
ciency of signal transduction pathways subsequent to noxious and unintended and that occurs at doses used
receptor interaction. in humans for prophylaxis, diagnosis, or treatment.

A type A ADR, also called a side effect, is a dose- enzymes and drug transporters, such as the following
related, predictable reaction to a drug. Side effects examples:
are expected on the basis of the pharmacologic activ-
Ketoconazole is a strong inhibitor of the drug-
ity of the drug, and depending on their severity, they
metabolizing enzyme cytochrome P450 (CYP)
are accepted as occurring in a certain fraction of
3A4 and has the potential to substantially
treated individuals. increase the systemic exposure of drugs prima-
A type B ADR is a non-dose-related, unexpected rily metabolized by CYP3A4, such as the
ADR, also called idiosyncratic reaction. Examples immunosuppressants cyclosporine or tacrolimus.
for type B ADRs include allergic reactions as well as Rifampin is a strong inducer for the drug-
carcinogenic and teratogenic effects. metabolizing enzymes CYP2D6 and CYP3A4
Pharmacovigilance is a systematic approach to and results in reduced systemic exposure of
collecting, monitoring, researching, assessing, and drugs that are predominantly metabolized by
evaluating ADR-related information from health care these enzymes, such as tamoxifen.
providers and patients. The U.S. Food and Drug Quinidine is a strong inhibitor of the drug efflux
Administration (FDA) has established a national ADR transporter P-glycoprotein. Quinidine coadminis-
reporting system, the MedWatch system. tration results in increased exposure to digoxin,
The frequency and severity of type A ADRs is most likely through reduced renal elimination and
directly related to a drug's therapeutic range and selec- increased gastrointestinal uptake of digoxin.
tivity (see Section 9-2). The more selective a drug is
with regard to its receptor interactions, the larger its The reader is referred to the constantly updated phar-
therapeutic range will be and the less likely is the macokinetic drug-drug interaction database at Indiana
occurrence of type A ADRs. University (
The phosphodiesterase-S (PDE5) inhibitor sil- for more examples and detailed information.
Although often cited in the pharmaceutical litera-
denafil, for example, is approved for the treatment of
ture, pharmacokinetic drug-drug interactions based
erectile dysfunction. Sildenafil has only limited selec-
on protein binding-site displacement have for most
tivity toward some other phosphodiesterase families,
drugs only limited or no clinical relevance.
particularly phosphodiesterase-6 (PDE6). PDE6 is
Pharmacodynamic drug-drug interactions can
expressed only in the retina and is relevant for visual
occur on the levels of the receptor or the organ or
transduction. Partial inhibition of PDE6 by therapeu-
functional system. Pharmacodynamic interactions
tic sildenafil doses has been associated with the rela-
on the molecular level occur when drugs interact
tively high frequency of visual disturbances under with the same receptor system:
sildenafil therapy. Tadalafil, another PDES inhibitor
with much higher selectivity for PDES than PDE6, f!li Competitive interaction of twb agonists for a
has a substantially lower frequency of visual side receptor will enhance the response by resulting
effects than has sildenafil. in more occupied, activated receptors.
Competitive interaction of an agonist and an
antagonist will reduce the response as antagonist
molecules compete with agonist molecules for
g.. &.. Drug Interactions with the same binding sites. Competitive antagonism
Concomitant Drug, Food, can be overcome by increasing the agonist
and Lab Tests Noncompetitive interaction of an agonist and an
antagonist will reduce the response as the antag-
Dmg-Dmg Interactions onist interacts with an allosteric binding site that
Drug-drug interactions can occur on the pharmaco- reduces the affinity of the agonist for the recep-
kinet!c or the pharmacodynamic level, or on both tor or reduces signal transduction efficiency.
simultaneously. Noncompetitive antagonism cannot be over-
come by increasing the agonist concentration.
Pharmacokinetic drug.:...drug interactions occur if a
drug interferes with the absorption, disposition, and For example, naloxone is a r-opioid receptor com-
elimination of another drug. Most frequent sources of petitive antagonist and antagonizes the effect of the
pharmacokinetic drug-drug interactions are inhibi- r-opioid receptor-ligand morphine. Buprenorphine
tion or induction of the activity of drug-metabolizing is a partial agonist for the r-opioid receptor.
The APhA Complete Review tor the Foreign Pharmacy Graduate Equivalency Examination®

Buprenorphine acts as a competitive antagonist for ity prior to analysis. In vitro interferences occur if drug
morphine if coadministered because it competes with molecules present in body fluids or tissue specimens
morphine for J.I-opioid receptors and has a lower IA undergoing clinical diagnostic procedures affect the
than morphine. results of the lab test by interfering with the chemical
Pharmacodynamic drug-drug interactions occur or physicochemical process used to detect and quan-
on the organ or system level if two drugs do not inter- tify the specific analyte.
act with the same molecular structure but enhance or For example, digoxin levels are frequently deter-
diminish each other's effect through different molecu- mined by fluorescence polarization immunoassays.
lar pathways that affect the same response system. For Many drugs with similar, steroid-like chemical
example, the potentiating effect of coadministration of structures have been reported to cross-react with this
aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) and warfarin is likely the test, such as estrogen derivatives, corticosteroids,
consequence of an inhibition of blood coagulation by and spironolactone.
two separate pathways.

Drug-Food Interactions g.. 7. Drug Discovery

Mechanisms of drug-food interactions include and Development
~~JL).,-;~~-~1"C!~--~::·,_ "'"'"

Delayed gastric emptying The approval and marketing of drugs in the United
Solubilization of drug by food and digestive fluids States is regulated by the Federal Food, Drug, and
Complexation of drug with food components Cosmetic Act of 1938 and its amendments, particularly
Alterations in hepatic blood flow and modula- the Kefauver-Barris amendments of 1962, which
tion of drug-metabolizing enzymes or drug established requirements for drugs to be efficacious
transporters by constituents of food and safe. The act gives FDA the dual missions of
Alterations of intestinal drug-metabolizing
enzyme and drug transporter activity f!li Protecting the public health by ensuring the safety,
efficacy, and security of human and veterinary
Clinically, most important drug-food interactions drugs, biological products, medical devices, foods,
are interactions with drug-metabolizing enzymes and cosmetics, and products that emit radiation
drug transporters. Some examples follow: flil Advancing the public health by helping to speed
i!\l The grapefruit juice ingredient bergamottin and innovations that make medicines and foods
other furanocoumarins have been identified as more effective, safer, and more affordable and
strong inhibitors of intestinal CYP3A4. ADRs by helping the public get the accurate,
have been reported for coadministration of based information it needs to1use medicines and
grapefruit juice and calcium channel blockers foods to improve health
(felodipine, nisoldipine, nicardipine, nimodipine: The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act provides
hypotension, tachycardia); statins (simvastatin, FDA with authority to regulate development, manu-
lovastatin, atorvastatin: rhabdomyolysis, acute facturing, use, and marketing of drugs and medical
renal failure); and cyclosporine (nephrotoxicity, devices to ensure their safety and efficacy:
hypertension, cerebral toxicity).
The food supplement St. John's wort has been 1m Permission for marketing a drug in the United
identified as a strong inducer for CYP3A4 and States requires prior submission and approval
P-glycoprotein. Because HIV-1 protease of a new drug application (NDA) to FDA.
inhibitors such as indinavir are cosubstrates for fEl Generic versions of a brand-name drug can be
both, St. John's wort coadministration has been approved by a process with reduced require-
reported to result in reduced protease inhibitor ments. In such cases, an abbreviated new drug
systemic exposure, resulting in antiretroviral application (ANDA) is submitted. At the core of
therapy failure. an ANDA is the requirement to show bioequiva-
lence between an approved reference drug and
the generic version of the drug.
Drug-lab Test Interactions !i!l The first use in humans of a drug that is a new
In vivo interferences between drugs and lab tests occur molecular entity or a biologic requires submission
if the drug changes the analyte concentration or activ- of an investigational new drug (IND) application.

Drug Discovery and Preclinical Development studies have to be performed in at least two species, one
of which has to be a nonrodent species.
The drug discovery process is aimed at identifying a All studies submitted to FDA for regulatory deci-
lead compound and ideally several backup compounds sions (e.g., IND, NDA decisions) have to be performed
that target a specific biochemical pathway or receptor under good laboratory practice conditions.
that interferes with pathogenesis, disease progression, Animal scale-up is used to extrapolate results from
or the symptoms of a disease. The process usually preclinical development to humans, thereby defining
entails understanding the molecular mechanism of the the first-in-humans dose to be used initially in human
disease, selecting a target, designing compounds that studies. Allometric approaches are frequently used to
interact with the target in the desired fashion (hits), and scale pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic prop-
then optimizing the initial hits to obtain leads for fur- erties across animal species and humans.
ther development.
Enabling techniques in this process include high-
throughput screening, combinatorial chemistry, quan- PreclinicaHo~Ciinical Transition
titative structure-activity relationships, structure-based Before a new drug can be studied in humans, an IND
design, and computer-based molecular modeling. application needs to be filed with FDA. The IND appli-
Preclinical drug development entails the evalua- cation is intended to ensure that the product is reason-
tion and optimization of chemical leads in in vitro ably safe for initial use in humans. The application
assays and in vivo animal models with regard to effi- must contain information in three broad areas:
cacy and safety.
In vitro studies frequently include cell-line-based Animal pharmacology and toxicology studies. It
assays as well as cell-free systems (for example, iso- must include preclinical data to permit an assess-
lated receptor systems). These studies are usually ment about whether the product is reasonably
aimed at identifying the mechanism of action of a safe for initial testing in humans.
drug and assessing its potential for off-target effects, Manufacturing information. It must include
such as interaction with pharmacologic targets or information pertaining to the composition, manu-
mechanisms other than the one required to elicit the facturer, stability, and controls used for manufac-
desired effect. turing the drug substance and the drug product.
In vivo preclinical studies in animal species are Clinical protocols and investigator information.
aimed at It must include detailed protocols for proposed
clinical studies to assess whether the initial phase
fill Establishing drug efficacy in animal models of
trials will expose subjects to unnecessary risks.
the targeted disease
llf5 Establishing pharmacokinetic and pharmaco- FDA has 30 days to object to ,fin IND after it has
dynamic relationships, including oral bioavailabil- been filed.
ity, penetration into different organs and tissues, Research in human subjects is regulated by fed-
and the dose-concentration effect relationships eral laws, and each investigational study in humans
requires approval by an institutional review board
Tested species usually include rodent (rat, mouse, rab-
that ensures adequate protection of the human sub-
bit) and nonrodent species (dog, pig, monkey), includ-
jects involved and ethical considerations in their use
ing nonhuman primates.
Drug manufacturing and formulation development for research purposes. Written informed consent has
efforts at this stage of development are aimed at scal- to be obtained from all research subjects before enroll-
ing up drug substance and drug product manufactur- ment in clinical studies.
ing for producing materials for further preclinical
testing, especially toxicology, as well as for clinical Clinical Drug Development
testing. Manufacturing of pharmaceutical products
Clinical drug development usually comprises four
for clinical testing and use must be conducted under
major phases:
current Good Manufacturing Practice guidelines that
have been established by FDA. Phase I studies usually comprise small numbers
Toxicology studies performed during preclinical of healthy subjects (< 100). Phase I studies are
development include acute toxicity, multidose (long- intended solely to establish the tolerability and
term) toxicity, reproductive toxicity, mutagenicity, and safety of a new drug product. Secondary aims
carcinogenicity. Acute and repeat-dose toxicology include characterizing the pharmacokinetics in
The APhA Complete Review for the Foreign Pharmacy Graduate Equivalency Examination®

humans. Efficacy is not an objective in phase I

studies. For drugs that have inherent toxicity,
g.. a. Key Points
n:~~!<,':E~c::::.:,.~;_n:yc;~-~s~-~,-. ;:_ ~

such as cytotoxic anticancer medications, Most drugs exert their effects by interacting with
phase I studies are performed in patients with molecular targets such as receptors, enzymes,
the targeted disease instead of healthy individ- transporters, ion channels, and nucleic acids.
uals. Nevertheless, establishing tolerability and !¥:l The four major classes of receptors for drugs are
safety remain the primary objectives in these receptor-operated channels, receptor-operated
studies. enzymes, G-protein-coupled receptors, and
til Phase II studies are performed in patients with
DNA-linked receptors.
the illness to be treated and usually comprise Ell Receptor theory is the underlying principle for
between 24 and 300 subjects. Early phase II drug-receptor interactions. Drug-receptor inter-
(phase Ila} studies are proof-of-concept studies actions entail the consecutive processes of bind-
that are intended to show that the hypothesized ing, recognition, and signal transduction.
therapeutic concept is working in vivo in M Ligands, for receptors can be differentiated into
humans. Late-stage phase II (phase lib) studies full agonists, partial agonists, antagonists, and
are focused on identifying the appropriate
inverse agonists.
patient populations in which the drug works 1:2 The rational use of drugs and the design of effec-
best and determining appropriate dosing regi- tive dosage regimens are determined by the two
mens for subsequent large-scale trials. pharmacological subdisciplines pharmacokinet-
Phase III studies are conducted to confirm the
ics and pharmacodynamics.
efficacy and safety of a new drug in a larger
"" Selectivity of a drug toward the desired thera-
patient population (250-1,000 or more patients} peutic effect rather than undesired side effects
and to detect and evaluate adverse drug events largely determines a drug's therapeutic range
that may be encountered during subsequent clin-
and benefit-to-risk ratio.
ical use. For submission of an NDA, the efficacy 1'1?!1 The concentration-effect relationship of a drug
and safety results of the phase III program usu- can be characterized by pharmacodynamic mod-
ally need to be replicated with the same dosing
els such as the Emax model, which can be related
regimen in two independent, double-blind, ran-
to receptor theory. The parameters Emax and
domized, placebo-controlled clinical trials (piv-
EC50 characterize the intrinsic activity and the
otal trials). Depending on the indication, placebo
potency of the drug, respectively.
control might need to be replaced by the current
Integrated pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic
standard of care for ethical reasons.
relationships allow the description of the contin-
Phase IV studies, or so-called postmarketing
uous profile of drug effect intensity over time in
studies, are conducted after drug approval to
response to a given dose or dosing regimen.
further refine the use of the drug in different
fhll Functional tolerance is the consequence of time-
patient populations, different indications, or
dependent drug-target interactions such as recep-
different formulations.
tor desensitization or receptor downregulation.
Although the traditional four phases are helpful in I'K! Adverse drug reactions can be differentiated into
broadly defining a clinical drug development pro- type A (dose-dependent, predictable ADRs) and
gram, the use of these phases in strict chronological type B (non-dose-related, unpredictable ADRs).
order is misleading. Nowadays, drug development is The frequency and severity of type A ADRs is
widely accepted as an iterative knowledge-building directly related to a drug's therapeutic range and
process with learning phases in which information selectivity.
about the drug's properties and effects are collected f£1 Drug-drug interactions can originate from inter-
and in which the previously established and inte- actions in pharmacokinetic as well as pharmaco-
grated knowledge and the derived hypotheses are dynamic processes. Inhibition or induction of
confirmed. drug-metabolizing enzymes and drug trans-
Pharmacovigilance and risk mitigation strategies porters are the most important pharmacokinetic
are growing efforts in postmarketing drug develop- drug-drug interactions.
ment that are intended to identify new information E2l Pharmacodynamic drug-drug interaction can
about side effects and adverse events associated with occur on the molecular level as well as on the
medicines and to prevent harm to patients. organ or system level.

Drug-food interactions are largely pharmaco- 3. Which statement is correct for a receptor sys-
kinetic interactions. tem that exhibits a receptor reserve of 90%?
11 FDA has the authority to regulate development,
A. Partial agonists are not able to achieve
manufacturing, use, and marketing of drugs
maximum cellular response.
and medical devices to ensure their safety and
B. Only 10% of the available receptors need
to be occupied by a full agonist to achieve
Preclinical drug development is aimed at the
maximum cellular response.
evaluation and optimization of new chemical
C. More than 99% of the receptors need to
entities and biologics in in vitro and in vivo
be occupied by a competitive antagonist
animal models with regard to efficacy and
to have an effect on the dose-response
safety and at providing sufficient data for an
IND filing. relationship of a full agonist.
Studies in human subjects can be pursued only D. Only the 90% in the receptor reserve is
after an IND filing with FDA and review by an available for interaction with competitive
institutional review board to protect the health antagonists.
of the involved study subjects. E. The inhibitory effect of a noncompetitive
I! Clinical drug development can be differentiated (allosteric) inhibitor can always be over-
in phase I, II, and III studies and is intended to come by increasing the dose of a full
establish efficacy and safety in the intended agonist.
indication in humans.
I! Clinical research on a drug is continued after 4. EC50 is a measure of
approval of an NDA by phase IV postmarketing A. the intrinsic activity of a drug.
studies. B. the lipophilicity of a drug.
C. the efficacy of a drug.
D. the potency of a drug.
E. the dissociation rate of a drug-receptor
g.. g. Questions complex.

1. Which statement is correct regarding an 5. Which of the following can act as an antago-
antagonist in a system without spare recep- nist for a full agonist?
tors that is stimulated by an agonist?
A. Inverse agonist
A. The effect of an irreversible antagonist B. Partial agonist
can be overcome by increasing the agonist C. Less potent agonist
B. The effect of a competitive antagonist is 6. An inverse agonist produces what kind of
independent of the agonist concentration. response on its receptor system?
C. The effect of a noncompetitive antagonist
can be overcome by increasing the agonist A. Reduction in the number of spare receptors
concentration. B. Increase in binding affinity for full agonists
D. The effect of a competitive antagonist can C. Reversal of the effect of irreversible
be overcome by increasing the agonist antagonists
concentration. D. Reduction in basal receptor activation

2. Drug A is a full agonist for a specific receptor 7. Isosorbide dinitrate (ISDN) is used for the treat-
system; drug B is a competitive antagonist for ment of coronary heart disease. Its major effect
the same receptor system. If increasing doses is vasodilation of coronary arteries. ISDN is
of drug B are coadministered with drug A, known to exhibit functional tolerance. Which
drug B will of the following will be observed if three doses
of ISDN are administered every 8 hours?
A. increase the apparent Emax of drug A.
B. reduce the apparent Emax of drug A. A. The bioavailability of the third dose will be
C. increase the apparent EC50 of drug A. substantially less than the bioavailability
D. reduce the apparent EC50 of drug A. of the first dose.
The APhA Complete Review tor the Foreign Pharmacy Graduate Equivalency Examination®

B. The maximum plasma concentration Cmax 10. Which of the following statements regarding
for ISDN will be smaller after the third the concept of the therapeutic range is correct?
dose than after the first dose.
A. Drug plasma concentrations below the
C. An ISDN plasma concentration of 10 ng/mL
lower limit of the therapeutic range are
obtained after administration of the third ineffective in all treated patients.
dose results in a higher degree of vasodila- B. If drug plasma concentrations are main-
tion than the same concentration after tained within the therapeutic range, the
administration of the first dose. drug's desired therapeutic effect is
D. There is no difference in vasodilation and achieved in all treated patients.
ISDN plasma concentration between the C. The therapeutic range defines a range of
first and the third doses. drug plasma concentration with high prob-
E. The degree of vasodilation is smaller after ability of desired clinical efficacy and low
the third dose than after the first dose. probability of unacceptable toxicity.
D. If drug plasma concentrations always
8. For a drug that follows linear pharmacokinet- remain below the upper limit of the thera-
ics (i.e., first-order elimination) and exhibits a peutic range, none of the treated patients
concentration-effect relationship character- will experience drug-related toxicity.
ized by a simple Emax model, the decline in
effect intensity over time after intravenous 11. Assume a class of drug substances with the
bolus administration within the range of same pharmacokinetic characteristics and the
20-80% of Emax will be same mechanism of action but different EC50
values. To achieve the same therapeutic effect,
A. linear. drugs with a higher EC50 need to be adminis-
B. monoexponential. tered at dose rate than drugs with
C. biexponential. a lower ECso·
D. cubic.
E. no different. A. a higher
B. the same
9. An ACE inhibitor has a short elimination C. a lower
half-life of 3 hours and a wide therapeutic
12. In the United States, first-in-humans studies
range. Why can it be administered once daily
can be initiated after
and still achieve therapeutic efficacy despite
its short elimination half-life? I. FDA has approved a res,pective NDA.
II. research subjects have teceived financial
A. The therapeutic efficacy of ACE inhibitors
is independent of the administered dose
III. FDA has not objected to an IND filing.
and resulting drug concentration.
IV. subjects have given written informed
B. After five elimination half-lives (15 hours),
more than 90% of the administered drug
V. studies have been approved by an institu-
has been eliminated, and the drug will not tional review board.
be effective any more. Hence, FDA made a
mistake in approving this dosing regimen. A. Onlyl
C. Elimination half-life is irrelevant for B. I, II, and V
designing dosing regimens. C. I and IV
D. Because of the wide therapeutic range, the D. III, IV, and V
daily dose can be so high that even at the
end of the 24-hour dosing interval, drug 13. Phase I studies in drug development are
usually performed
concentrations are still above the EC50 to
maintain therapeutic efficacy. A. in healthy subjects.
E. Despite the short elimination half-life, the B. in patients with the targeted disease.
drug is still effective after 24 hours because C. in special populations such as elderly
only volume of distribution determines patients or pediatric patients.
drug concentrations so late after drug D. in patients who have been cured from the
administration. targeted disease.
14. The primary objective of phase III studies is to C. affects all drugs that are substrates for
A. assess the pharmacokinetics of the drug in
healthy individuals.
19. Indicate the incorrect answer: The acceptance
B. determine the physicochemical stability of
of a specific benefit-to-risk ratio
the dosage form.
C. determine the pharmacoeconomic benefit A. depends on the treated disease.
of a novel drug therapy. B. depends on the dose level of the drug.
D. determine the efficacy and safety of a novel C. depends on the shelf life of the drug.
drug therapy. D. depends on the treated patient
E. explore the mechanism of action of a novel population.
therapy. E. depends on the frequency and severity of
adverse drug reactions.
15. Pharmacovigilance is an approach
20. A clockwise hysteresis loop in the plot of
A. to increasing drug safety in the post- effect versus concentration indicates
marketing phase.
B. to preventing theft in the pharmacy. A. an Emax relationship.
C. to increasing drug efficacy by switching B. a development of functional tolerance.
nonresponders to different therapies. C. an irreversible binding of the drug to the
D. to preventing the use of drugs after their receptor.
expiration date.

16. Why is selectivity of a drug an important 9..10. Answers

concept to minimize adverse drug reactions?
A. Selectivity determines the fraction of 1. D. Competitive antagonism can be overcome
patients who are nonresponders. by increasing agonist concentrations.
B. Selectivity determines in which organ a 2. C. Antagonists increase the apparent EC50 of a
drug accumulates. drug by shifting the effect versus concentration
C. Selectivity determines the extent of a drug's curve to the right.
interaction with off-target receptors. 3. B. In a system with spare receptors or receptor
reserve, only a fraction of available receptors
17. Two concurrently administered drugs are needs to be stimulated to achieve
the maximum
metabolized by the same hepatic enzyme sys- pharmacologic response. /
tem, CYP2D6. What conclusions should the 4. D. The concentration at half maximum effect,
pharmacist draw? ECso, is a measure of drug potency. The more
potent a drug is, the smaller is EC50 •
A. There will certainly be a drug-drug inter- 5. B. A partial agonist can act as an antagonist for
action because both drugs use the same a full agonist because it occupies the receptors
enzyme system. but has a reduced intrinsic activity.
B. There is the potential for a drug-drug 6. D. Inverse agonists decrease the basal activa-
interaction, but it may not necessarily tion level of a receptor by stabilizing its inactive
occur, depending on the doses of the drugs form.
used and their affinities to CYP2D6. 7. E. Functional tolerance is characterized by a
C. There will certainly be no drug-drug inter- decreasing response to a repeated stimulus.
actions because CYP2D6 is polymorphi- 8. A. In the range of 20-80% of Emax, the effect is
cally expressed. proportional to the logarithm of the concentra-
tion. As concentration decreases monoexpo-
18. The drug-food interaction with grapefruit juice nentially, effect intensity decreases linearly.
A. is limited to intravenously administered 9. D. Initial concentrations multiple times higher
drugs that are substrates for CYP3A. than the EC50 ensure therapeutically efficacious
B. is limited to orally administered drugs that concentrations throughout the dosing interval
are substrates for CYP3A. despite the short half-life.
The APhA Complete Review tor the Foreign Pharmacy Graduate Equivalency Examination®

10. C. The therapeutic range is a concentration 9..11 References


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