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Recently, Linsenmeier et al. (1982) have taken a

fresh look at this question by measuring the gain 1000
~- • O
of X and Y ganglion cells in the cat in response to
drifting gratings on high scotopic or mesopic 7 o
backgrounds. They also gauged the size of the -~ 300 o O ~ ,,',
Z~ AZ~
center of each ganglion cell by fitting the observed •
dependence of contrast gain on spatial frequency In 100 ~ ~,,v~
with a "Difference of Gaussians" model. The
spatial sensitivity profiles of receptive field center
and surround are approximated by Gaussian o 30
functions in this model. The spatial spread of the 0 ix
center's Gaussian is a measure of the effective a. 10 • z~
radius of the center's distribution of sensitivity (or,
more precisely, gain). Figure 37 is their graph of O, 0,3 1 3
the peak gain of the center plotted vs the center's CenTer- r-edius (deg)
effective radius, for a large population of cat retinal FiG. 37. Relation between the center's size and its peak gain
ganglion cells. The figure demonstrates that the cells in the middle of the receptive field. The dependence of
(Rayleigh)contrast gain on spatial frequencywas determined
with the largest centers had the lowest peak gain, for X and Y cells by adjustment of contrast to reach a
and that the gain was approximately the inverse of constant response criterion. The experimental curves were
the center's radius. While this result is qualitatively fit with a Difference of Gaussians model as in Fig. 31, from
which both the center's radius and its gain at the peak of
like the earlier results of Enroth-Cugell and its sensitivity profile could be determined. These two values
Shapley, Fischer and May, and Cleland et al., it is are plotted against each other to show that, at the same mean
quantitatively different in that gain in the light luminance, cells with larger centers have lower gain. The
empty symbolsare for on-centercells, the filled symbolsare
adapted state is inverse to the radius and not the for off-center cells. Circles denote X cells; triangles denote
area of the center. However, there is quite a lot of Y cells. The pupillaryarea was 16 mmL The mean luminance
variance of gain across the population of ganglion was around 14 cd m-L From Linsenmeier et al. (1982).
cells, so much so that Linsenmeier et al.'s results center-diameter distribution at any one retinal locus
do not conclusively disprove the a r e a - g a i n is at most 0.25 (So and Shapley, 1979) and is
relation. Furthermore, since their measurements probably less in an individual animal. There is a
were made at backgrounds which might be in the marked increase in receptive field center-diameter
high scotopic or in the mesopic range, the precise at retinal loci away from the area centralis; the
value of the slope o f the gain vs area line might be d i a m e t e r o f the center is a p p r o x i m a t e l y
influenced by the degree to which rods or cones are proportional to the distance from area centralis.
the predominant photoreceptor input for cells of This is true for both X and Y cells, and for both
different sizes. These qualifying remarks suggest on- and off-center cells. On- and off-cells have
that the book is not closed on the dependence of approximately the same size at any one locus on the
gain on area of the receptive field center. As retina. As stated above, Y cells have an
suggested below, the hypothesis of Enroth-Cugell approximately ten times larger area than X cells at
and Shapley (1973b), that gain varies inversely with each locus. The combination of these facts with the
center area in the light-adapted state, is useful in preceding results on the effects of area on
rationalizing p s y c h o p h y s i c a l results on the adaptation leads to the following conclusions. First,
dependence of sensitivity vs background curves on cells with larger receptive fields in the periphery of
target size. the retina ought to be more light-adapted than
The interpretation of these area effects in central ganglion cells with smaller centers, under
adaptation must be modified by the discovery that conditions of uniform constant b a c k g r o u n d
there is not a wide variation in receptive field center illumination. Second, Y ganglion cells ought to be
size among ganglion cells of one type, X or Y, at more light-adapted than X ganglion cells at the same
a given retinal locus (Cleland et al., 1979; So and retinal locus. By the degree of light-adaptation we
Shapley, 1979). The coefficient of variation of the mean the degree to which gain has been reduced

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