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Date Subject Number of students Grade

4-11-2018 Math 26 KG 2 – p
PDP -Personal Aims (What do YOU need to work on in order grow professionally?)

-Try to make my lesson interesting and get the students attention.

- using differentiation strategy.
- I must commit on the lesson plan (using checklist).

Learning Outcomes: Resources/Materials

(Link to the ADEC K-5 curriculum document)
Introduction: plus
sign magnet, equal sign magnet,
-Knowing the addition (+), equal (=) signs and marker, white board, numicons.
what is the sum.
-To understand how to make an addition sum. LC1: Numicons paper(printed), glue, A4 sheets.
-Adding by using numicons.
-Independently solve the sum of two numbers. LC2: Numicons, markers, A4 sheets.

Dominos (two number with different colors in

one piece), cubes.

LC4: Flash cards, sand timer, marker, A4 sheets.

LC5: computer, data show.

Conclusion: sum cards, pencils.

Lesson Introduction
Links to real life: (Bullet points)

Whole group activity: Time___15 minutes____

Give them a word problem and let them solve it
with me to link the lesson with their lives.
Opening/Introduction (warm up):Active Engagement:
I will use (if you’re happy) song as a warm up
activity (performing arts project).

Guided experience ( whole group activity ) language instructions

I will say:
Yesterday I went to the math shop, and I bought amazing things from there do you want to see
what I have bought?
The first thing I bought is the plus sign + we use it to add things together, for example, to add these
two cubes together.
And the second thing I bought is the equal sign= we use it to find the answer. ( I write on the board
Oh, kg-2p do you see this amazing thing on the board? We call it a sum, so when we put two
numbers together, and we use these two signs += that means we have a sum.
Ask: who can make a sum on the board?
(I write simple sums on the board 2+1=, 2+2=,3+1= and let them answer). It’s easy isn’t it?
(I write a hard sum to introduce for them the numicons 8+6=) I say: I think it’s hard to find the
answer, but I have something magical we call it numicons have you seen it before?
let us search for the number 8 … let us search for the number 6, now let us count the holes
together to find the answer (14).
(Make sums on the board and solve it by using the numicons).
Kids, now I have a question for you: Noora has three flowers in her garden, her brother Rashed
gave her two more flowers today can you guess how many flowers she has in her garden today?
(3+2=5 flowers).
Now, kids I want you to move to the steps quietly ( I will give them the instructions of doing each
activity, then I will call each group to come to the center I choose for them).

I will ask them to tidy up the classroom; then I will ask them to set on the steps and make with
them three sums
Low ability: 2+2=
Medium ability: 5+4=
High ability: 9+7=
I will distribute the sums cards on them.

Individual experience - Small Group Learning Centers: Time 15 minutes

Learning Center 1 (creativity): Learning Center 2 (math):

The students will set in a group each of them will Make sums by using numicons.
have a paper to create from the numicons papers
whatever they can imagine (tower, home, tree).
Learning Center 3 (blocks): Learning Center 4(Literacy):
I will give each student three blocks of dominos For this activity, I will be challenging the children
(that have sums) and let them find the answers by to a game speedy writing where they have to write
using the cubes. as many words as they can looking at the
flashcards in front of them before the sand timer
runs out.

Learning Center 5 (computer):

Online addition game.

Closing activity: Time: 5-7 minutes

Ask them to back to the steps, then make with them sums:
Low ability: 2+2=
Medium ability: 4+5=
High ability: 9+7=

Assessment for Learning:

-After finishing the activity I will distribute on them small papers each paper has a sum and he/she need
to answer to assess their learning.

- I will use assessment sheet to asses their learning in learning center two . A sheet that has four columns,
one column will be for their names and the other three each one will be in different color (red: need help,
yellow: developing, green: excellent).

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