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ARTE Lesson Plan Template

Candidate: Benjamin Myers Field Supervisor

Date: Mentor Teacher

Unit title:
Grade level: 1st Grade
Number of Students: 16-25
Lesson __1__ of __3___
Lesson title: Clay Tiki

Enduring Understanding
Students will use the elements/principles of design
 artistic composition in expressing Hawaiian Culture
and their art from around their world. They will question
how art can relate to their own diverse world and have
meaning in which they can share with their peers.

Lesson Rationale and Summary

Rationale: The lesson will help students develop craft when working with materials and concepts. Researching artists
will influence their work to persuade, impact, and influence the audience from their own interpretations and processes.

Summary: In 3-5 sentences, answer the following questions:

1. Students will interpret the elements of art and principles of design when drafting their piece.
2. They will choose one design to create using ceramic tools and clay.
3. Students will be able to explore art on a personal level, by creating what they wish. Once the pieces are finished
they will share their works by comparing and contrasting with one another.

Lesson Objectives
ODE Assessment/Evaluation
students Lesson Objectives Visual Arts Standard
Code of evidence
1 Watch and Discuss video on how, 2PE Explore and describe  Develop preliminary
most used art material,. Look into how a selected art drawing
how clay connects different art object was made.


2 Create recognizable shapes out of 4PR Reduce objects into  Listen to demonstration
clay. basic shapes and lines then follow instructions
in relation to the whole while working on piece.

3 Student will demonstrate 4PE Identify and point out  Draw out preliminary
understanding of artistic visual art and design drawing on separate paper.
composition through the accurate elements and principles
use of vocabulary appropriate to in their own artworks
the lesson. and in those of others
using art vocabulary.

4 Critique – While exploring the 1RE Apply Methods of Art Have students display final works to
works of others, the student will Criticism when be given awards by peers.
identify, using vocabulary discussing selected  Pass out laminated awards for
appropriate to the lesson, the works of Art. students to place next to their
elements of art that create an favorite work. (encourage them
expressive design. to not pick theirs)

Content vocabulary:

 Hand-building: building pots using the only the hands and hand-held clay tools
 Slab: clay is rolled into thin sheets or slabs and then formed into shapes or forms.
 Pinch: shaping clay by inserting the thumb of one hand into the clay and lightly pinching/ pressing with the thumb
on the inside and fingers on the outside while slowly turning the clay to enlarge the center opening of the clay.
 Coil: creating ceramic forms by rolling out coils of clay and joining them together by the slip & score method.
 Wedging: To wedge means to cut clay into manageable pieces and push and press on clay to expel all air bubbles
trapped in the clay.

Instructional terms:

 Proportionately - in a way that corresponds in size or amount to something else. 

 Realism - the quality or fact of representing a person, thing, or situation accurately or in a way that is true to life. 

 Balance - a condition in which different elements are equal or in the correct proportions. 

 Unified - make or become united, uniform, or whole. 

Planned Assessments
Pre-Assessment: Artistic Development activity, Q & A Session
Formative Assessment: Q & A Session, Walk while Observing, Think-Pair-Share, call and response, Open inclusive
class discussion
Summative Assessment: Would be in form of Written & Verbal Critique, would be Measurable Rubric

Differentiated Instructional Strategies

 Visual learners - Image samples, walking through each step
 Verbal learners - have students repeat instructions back to teacher 

 Aural learners - talking through each step, verbally giving instructions 

 Students with physical disabilities - provide hand-over-hand instructions
 Students with gifted exceptionalities – Investigate how other artists have worked with clay, Encourage exploring
books on Polynesian cultures for Student who express interest, If a student demonstrates interest in rendering, make
props available.

Lesson Resources
Equipment: T.V./Smartboard in classroom, Computer
Health & Safety: fully stocked first aid kit
Supplies: Oil based Clay, Plastic trash bags, Various clay tools, Paint brushes, Water containers with water,
Instructional support materials: PowerPoint, Teacher Sample,

Teacher actions Student actions
(What will you be doing?) (What will students be doing?)
Assessment of We’ve talked previously about the elements of art and to start today, Reply to questions by raise of
Prior Learning let’s think about three of them: hand and verbal response.
Pre-Assessment Short Question and Answer sessions.
 Who has worked with clay before? (Student response) Great!
o Allow them to say what they’ve made before.
 What are somethings we can use Clay for?
 When do you think clay was first discovered?
 Where does clay come from? (Student response) Good!

To get started creating, let’s get a feel for the way clay moves with  Participate in discussion
oil clay. You can create anything with this clay and it won’t dry afterwards.
out, unlike real clay.  Turn to neighbor at table
and discuss what it’s like
Lesson Remember, when it is a design, it doesn’t have to be anything really in their neighborhood.
Opening/ specific, it should just be interesting to look at.  Students ask questions,
Introduction make their own samples.
o Demonstrate how class is working with clay today.  Get materials to begin
Objective 1  Visually walk them through the process of working work.
with clay.
 Wedging
 Additive method

Allotted Time 10 mins

Formative Walk around classroom observing students work mid process. Help
Assessment them as they need assistance. Ask leading questions to help further
their artistic process.
PowerPoint & Oil Based Clay  Listen to demonstration and
follow instructions while
1. Introduce the students to the Polynesian culture, discuss and working on piece.
find out previous knowledge.
  Work in addition and
subtraction on Tiki
2. Introduce the history of Tiki’s, and discuss the pop culture
 Keep piece damp while
aspect of them.
 working on piece
3. Pass out reference and symbolic handouts and allow
Body of Lesson  Listen to demonstration
students to sketch a Tiki of their own.
 Also display on
(studio activity) then follow instructions
smart board.
while working on piece.
Objective 2/3 4. Sketch preliminary design of what Tiki will potentially look
o Draw out
drawing on
Allow creative play with oil base clay to allow students to get a feel
separate paper.
for the clay’s movement.
o Working with Oil
 Ask Students to create a creature using oil based clay. Based clay to
learn new
Clean Up 5 mins before: material.
Students return materials to table captain tray when completed with o Create a creature
Table captains return trays, with materials on them, to supply table with oil based
(where trays were located at the beginning of class) clay.

 Students return materials

to table captain tray when
completed with piece.
 Table captains return
trays, with materials on
them, to supply table
(where trays were located
at the beginning of class)

Allotted Time 30 minutes

Ask students questions have students answer first and then explain.
Verbally ask who needs more or less time.
Formative Questions :
Assessment  What shapes do you see in negative spaces (where two shapes
 Are there any Shapes made out of the overlapping colors?
 Class discussion- Remind students of the importance of learning about  Participate in lesson closure
other cultures , recap the lesson by using vocab in context activities
Lesson Closure
 Compare and Contrast how well does your finished piece fits your  Answer questions by class
original sketches? discussion
Objective 3
 Prompt students on these questions:
a. What problems did you encounter while working on this
piece, and how did you solve them?
Allotted Time 5 minutes
Display of Students work. Group discussion of the Students artwork using Students place Green or red sticky
appropriate art vocabulary (e.g., color, Line, Negative and Positive notes (with their names on them) on
Spaces). chalkboard under categories.
(i.e. Green if they know and can
explain Hawaiian culture, Red if they

Summative Grade Works based on knowledge taught and learned in class. As

Assessment demonstrated through their finished piece.
 Does the piece show signs on craftsmanship?
 Did they create a creature?
 Recognizable us of Negative and Positive Spaces?

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