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Technology and the

College Experience
Some say the more it changes,
the more it stays the same.
By Gustavo A. Mellander their teaching methods. Many
From The Hispanic Outlook merely mimic their teachers for
in Higher Education years on end. Some even use old
college notes to teach their classes
When I attended college, all throughout their careers. There
my professors lectured, even the are exceptions but they are just
science and mathematics ones. that—exceptions.
A few innovative ones used the Single one-way oral communi-
chalkboard, but sparingly. Few of cation still dominates most class-
us dared ask a question, never con- rooms. Teachers pontificate, stu-
tradicted a teacher for fear of being dents regurgitate. Some changes
humiliated. We survived by learn- have filtered in. Inquisitive “kids”
ing early to take copious notes and have forced changes to the blind
regurgitate those “professor-given lockstep methods of years gone
pearls” on our exams. by.
The system worked—at least For instance, students have
it did for those who followed the forced many faculty to become
routine. We learned what we had computer literate. The role of
to. Training was acquired; educa- the teacher has changed in many
tion would come later—normally cases from the “sage on the stage”
at the workplace. to the collaborator on the side. I
Most faculty are thoughtful, might add, with mixed academic
innovative, open to new ideas— success.
except when it comes to changing I visit a variety of colleges ev-

Gustavo A. Mellander was a college president for 20 years. More recently,

he was a graduate dean at George Mason University. Condensed, with permis-
sion, from The Hispanic Outlook in Higher Education, posted online October
3, 2011. Published at 80 Route 4 East, Ste. 203, Paramus, NJ 07652.

September 2012 65

ery year. I still observe a lot of face-to-face lectures, online, and

faculty only lecturing, using anti- hybrid learning.
quated notes and once in a while Many students don’t know
strolling to the blackboard. That’s much about online classes when
their level of technology. I fear the they first arrive at college. Ste-
classroom revolution so often bal- reotypically, online students are
lyhooed has yet to arrive on many perceived to be older and more
campuses nationwide. career oriented. But teenage, so-
Before I go off supporting more cial swinging freshmen get swept
modern technology than chalk and up in online classes as well.
blackboards, let me pay homage to The result is that in many uni-
those antiquated professors who, versities, students enroll in online
classes or blended classes every
semester. A good number take all
I fear the classroom three modes at once.
revolution so often At the beginning, online courses
were established to serve distant
ballyhooed has yet learners living away from the uni-
to arrive on many versity. Later, many institutions
campuses nationwide. were surprised to discover that
the majority of their long-distance
students were actually living on
armed with vast knowledge and campus. Frequently, more students
a love of their subjects, kept us enrolled from their university dor-
spellbound—and learning. They mitories than real distance learn-
were great lecturers. In my case, ers did miles away.
most were histori­ans or literature An example: Central Florida
teachers, but I also recall that my began experimenting with online
biology teacher was an effective courses in the mid-1990s. The
and inspirational teacher. target population has been poten-
Let’s face the future. We can be tial students who lived far away. But
optimistic for some faculty who the university discovered that about
have adopted modern technology 75% of online students were already
to reach their students. on campus or lived nearby. Why?
Some concerned faculty and The university had a severe class-
administrators have changed their room crunch. It had grown from
col­leges by establishing a variety a commuter campus with 21,000
of new teaching methods. Technol- students in 1991 to 56,000 today;
ogy has led, if not forced, these it remains 40% short on classroom
changes. Now more and more we space. Thus its evolution to a hy-
have three modes of teaching: brid institution is understandable.

Technology and the College Experience

Some students prefer watching the student experience—and how

lectures online to enduring a two- students feel about their growing
and-a-half-hour class in person. digital freedom. It found that new
Web courses also free up time for uses of technology have provided
more campus involvement. good and not-so-good practices as
In the future, most students universities move “from bricks and
will have some online education. mortar to clicks and mortar.”
Marc Parry from The Chronicle of
Higher Education reports that the Some Findings
Maryland University System now It is now exceedingly rare for
requires undergraduates to take all of one’s classes to be face to
12 credits in “alternative learning face. Most students shift between
modes,” including some online. classroom, online, and offline mo-
The Minnesota system is plan- dalities.
ning to have students earn 25% of Even in lecture classes, profes-
their credits online by 2015. The sors descend from their stage and
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation prowl the classroom. Aided by a
has made “blended learning” a remote control device, they can
cornerstone of a new $20-million flash PowerPoint charts on the
education-technology grant pro- screen regardless of their location
gram. in the room.
State planners hope that Web Some courses are known as
classes will expand access, reduce “blended” or “mixed mode,” mean-
the time spent earning a degree, ing students meet their faculty face
save money, manage classroom to face only once a week; the rest
needs, and more. of the work is offered online.
Those trends raise a number of Blended classes generate the
issues that could change the face highest student evaluations of any
of higher education. For instance, learning mode at Central Florida.
why pay to go away to college if Students feel they get as much
you’re going to sit in your dorm from the online work as they would
room taking online classes? Stay from more time in class. Some
home, complete your education— mixed-mode professors like the on-
and save a lot of money. line component because it forces
Critics have raised issues about students to grapple with material
academic standards and contend before they meet for class. Others
that the lack of personal supervi- worry that students view the re-
sion with online courses has led to duced class schedule as time off.
increased cheating. Learning online can provide
The Chronicle trailed students an opportunity for distractions.
to study how the shift is changing Some students, while watching

September 2012 67

a lecture, also have Facebook students should learn in college,

open right behind it. A logical they contend, is self-discipline and
question is—how much time does self-reliance.
one spend on each? Are students Some students who have suc-
paying attention, actively taking ceeded with the new modalities
notes, or are they surfing or chat- have developed guidelines such as:
ting with their friends? There are a Establish a study schedule. Select
lot of potential distrac­tions when a quiet place, probably away from
pursuing courses on the Internet. your bedroom, to study. Never
Professors have complained that socialize in person or on the Web
students are checking out their in that area. Create a serious work-
Facebook accounts, tweeting, and place. Concentrate on that day’s
emailing their friends even while assignment.
in the classroom during a face-to- Not that different from what
face lecture. previous generations were told to
Students who attend superior do. As much as things change, as
high schools do not expect to much new technology we adapt
take classes on the Web. They are and adopt, the human element pre-
accustomed to student-oriented dominates. Education is a lonely
teachers, far more supervision, journey. A person’s motivation and
and frequent classroom tests. Not dedication go a long way.  n
much chance to coast.
First experiences with an online
course can be a struggle. It is easier
to procrastinate, to skip a lecture,
to fall behind. Since there is less
personal­i zed assistance, educa-
tors who prize human contact say
it’s a poor devel­opment.
Some faculty aware of that pos-
sibility bird-dog their students.
They email students, call them,
tweet them, Facebook them, chat
with them. They create a variety
of safety nets.
That would seem helpful and
commendable. But some critics of
that approach call it inappropri-
ate, they call it mothering. They “We’re being taught history today.
argue that such intense assistance Instead of using computers,
prolongs adolescence. Part of what we’ll be using books.”

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