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Implementing Clean Coal Technology in India

Chapter · January 2010


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Malti Goel
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi


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13 Implementing Clean Coal
Technology in India
Barriers and Prospects
Malti Goel

It is not use of coal, but how coal is used that must be the focus Table 13.1 Coal Production and its Share in
of action. Total Electricity for Selected Countries
—World Coal Institute Country Coal production Share of coal in electricity
in 2006 (Mt) generated in 2007
Coal as a fuel meets 29 per cent of the global primary (in per cent)
energy needs and 39 per cent of the global electricity PR China 2380.0 81
requirements. The total global coal resource is estimated USA 1053.6 49
to be 11,000 billion tonnes (Bt) and the extractable India 447.3 68
reserve at 909 Bt is less than 10 per cent. In 1992, about Australia 373.2 76
2,000 million tonnes (Mt) of coal was used for 850 GW
Russia 309.8 70
of electricity production worldwide. Total coal and lignite
South Africa 256.9 94
production in 2007 rose to 6,475 Mt. Coal productions in
select countries and share of coal in electricity generation Germany 197.2 49
are shown in Table 13.1. Evidently, coal is a key fuel option Poland 156.1 93
to overcome energy shortages in the foreseeable future. Source: World Coal Institute (2008).
As world’s third largest producer of coal, India has a
share of about 8 per cent of the global coal reserves.1 The total coal-bearing area is estimated to be 16,000 sq km,
resources, however, are much less, at about 2.5 per cent mostly in the south-eastern and north-eastern parts of the
of global resources. The coal inventory for India as on country. The lignite resource is 39 Bt with recoverable
January 2010, down to the depth of 1200 m is shown in reserves of 3.9 Bt. It is found mainly in Tamil Nadu, with
Figure 13.1. Total coal resources and recoverable reserves small quantities in Rajasthan, Kerala, Jammu & Kashmir,
are 270.9 Bt and 92.4 Bt respectively. Over 90 per cent Pondicherry, and Kutch regions of the north-west.
of proven reserves are available up to a depth of 600 m. Nearly 85 per cent of coal produced in India is for elec-
The majority of these (almost 96 per cent) belong to tricity generation. Coal-based power generation capacity
the Permian category (Gondwana coal). The remaining at 81000 MW in 2009 constituted about 53 per cent
are in Jurassic, Cretaceous, and Tertiary categories. The of the total installed capacity at 153,000 MW and will

A reserve is that part of resources that is extractable with existing technology.
Implementing Clean Coal Technology in India 209

Figure 13.1 Coal Resources and Reserves in India

Source: State-wise Breakup of Indian Coal Resource.

continue to retain its dominant share in the decades widely used for underground mining are board and pillar,
to come. Total coal requirement for 2024–5 has been arc’s wall shearer, shortwall and longwall face mining.
assessed as 1267 Mt with indigenous production of Hydraulic mining, shield mining, and blasting gallery
1086 Mt. Coal use implies emission of high levels of mining have also been tried for increasing coal production.
carbon dioxide, oxides of sulpur, and oxides of nitrogen, Other specialized techniques need to be pursued for im-
as well as huge solid waste generation. One tonne of coal provement in productivity and conservation of resources.
combustion per day (equivalent to about 0.4 GW of in- Open-cast mining, on the other hand, is a technique for
stalled electricity capacity) generates 0.9 tonne of carbon mining at shallow depths of up to 150 m through removal
dioxide. Inert matter is intermeshed with coal structure, of overburden. Large-scale blasting and emulsion-based
which is difficult to remove and gets converted into ash composite explosives are used for breaking the ground.
during combustion. Coal is extracted using a combination of scraper, dragline
and shovel dumpers. Open-cast mining consumes a
Coal Energy in India comparatively large surface area of the earth, leading to
India has a vast energy infrastructure of coal, starting from increasing risk of land subsidence and land degradation.
coal mining to extraction, and coal transport to coal utili- The coal quality is also inferior. This aspect needs to
zation in power plants. be addressed.

Coal Extraction Coal Transport

Coal extraction deploys both underground and open-cast Coal, a bulk commodity, is transported from the mine
mining techniques. Underground mining allows access to to the place of its utilization using surface transportation
deeper coal seams (up to 600 m depth). The techniques and is a high energy consuming process. Rail over road
210 India Infrastructure Report 2010

is the preferred mode of coal transport and constitutes a • Reduce carbon dioxide and other pollutant emissions
significant part of coal delivery. It is said that transport- in the environment through Renovation and Moderni-
ing the annual production of coal would require as many zation (R&M).
numbers of rail wagons as required to encircle the earth
once. About 56 per cent of the country’s coal is trans- Clean Coal Technology for Power
ported by rail, 19 per cent by road, and 23 per cent by Coal produced from mines is termed as run-of-mine
other means. (ROM) coal. Coal usually occurs as large-size shales of
Application of coal water slurry transported through 200 mm, found at up to 500 m depth and has mineral or
underground pipelines, wherever feasible, can reduce inorganic matter as extraneous and inherent impurities,
the need for surface transportation infrastructure and which needs to be removed. For commercial applications,
is also environmentally less onerous. Ways to minimize high grade coal is a preferred option, but it is generally low
long distance transport need to be look into. Global coal grade coals that are available in large quantities. Hence,
movement depends on ships, and with growing coal technology advancements are taking place in the use of
imports in India it is crucial that the existing port capacity low grade coals. Clean coal technologies are categorized
is expanded and infrastructure of Offshore Stockyard & into: (i) Coal beneficiation, (ii) Coal combustion, (iii)
Berths (OSBs) created, for handling bulk cargo of up to Coal conversion, and (iv) Post-combustion.
4 to 5 Mt at a time. Presently, of the 12 major ports in the
country, only Mundra can handle cape-size vessels. Coal Beneficiation Technology
Coal beneficiation enables value addition in coal, mainly
Coal Power by reducing the percentage of ash generated on combus-
In view of India’s rapid economic growth at 8–10 per cent, tion. Each type of coal has its own ‘washability’ criteria,
the energy requirement to meet the basic needs of its peo- depending on the chemical composition of coal. Extrane-
ple is also growing. Power generation is majorly depend- ous impurities are easier to remove by mechanical means
ent on coal. The projected growth in the use of fossil fuels as the specific gravity of coal is lower than the impurities,
in 2031–2 (the installed capacity approaching 800 GW so that upon washing, these impurities sink while the coal
as per the Integrated Energy Policy of India 2006) indi- floats on the water surface. However, a part of extrane-
cates coal requirements for three different scenarios––coal ous impurities is intimately inter-meshed with ROM coal
dominant, reference, and renewable dominant scenarios, and is difficult to remove only by mechanical means. It
with coal demand in 2031–2 expected to grow up to requires chemical and biological methods of cleaning.
2.6 Bt, 2.0 Bt, and 1.6 Bt respectively. Therefore, both dry and wet coal beneficiation technolo-
Power generation is the major source of carbon emis- gies have evolved. Coal is broken down into specified sizes
sions, which accounted for about 38 per cent of total according to the washing technology applicable. Coarse
GHG emissions in 2007. Emission from a power plant coal is handled by dry separation in air jigs or hydrau-
depends on total generation, fuel consumption efficiency, lic jigs, while cyclones and concentrators are used for
and fuel quality. Of the 200 thermal power plants of medium-size coal, and coal fines are separated by flotation
different size and capacity about 40 per cent are older or agglomeration. By-products of the beneficiation proc-
than 20 years and would cause more pollution. Most ess are clean coal, middling, and rejects. In a dry cleaning
of the installed coal-based power plants up to 500 MW process, water and energy use is conserved. Techniques for
are based on pulverized fired units. A few circulating dry coal cleaning and coal particle size are provided in
fluidized bed boilers using high sulphur lignite are also Table 13.2.
being operated. In the case of coal containing heavy metal as intermeshed
The clean coal technology is of the utmost importance impurities, only 7 to 8 per cent reduction in ash is possible
because: (i) coal is abundant and will remain a major through conventional methods of beneficiation. Advanced
source of energy for future years, (ii) emission from coal- techniques of coal cleaning such as heavy media cyclone,
based generation is a matter of serious concern. Thus, barrel-cum-cyclone, and vorsyl separator are customized
clean coal research has begun to: to suit such types of indigenous coal. In a wet process,
• Improve the quality of non-coking coal at the pre- water or a dense medium like oil is used for preparing
combustion stage for use in power generation by finely meshed coal (Table 13.3). Higher efficiency can be
value addition, achieved by washing as compared to dry cleaning.
• Adopt new coal combustion and conversion technol- For difficult-to-wash coals, advanced coal beneficiation
ogy for improving efficiency of coal utilization, and technologies under development include enhanced gravity
Implementing Clean Coal Technology in India 211

Table 13.2 Dry Coal Beneficiation

Dry Process Principle Particle Size
Photometric Ore Sorter Difference in light reflectance coal and mineral water 100–50 mm
Dry Shale Extractor Difference in specific gravity of coal and impurities 50–20 mm
Dry Separator by Dr Otto-gold It is also based on specific gravity principle and uses vibrating screens 35–15 mm
Radiometric Mass Determination cum It uses radioactive attenuation to determine different specific ~ 100 mm
Automatic Removal of Stone/Shale (RAMDARS) gravities for separation

Table 13.3 Wet Coal Beneficiation Processes

Wet Process Principle
Baum Jig Medium and coarse coal are layered by specific gravity with the help of water propelled through a fixed sieve.
Particle size (50–20 mm)
Batac Jig Improvement on Baum Jig, uses automatic controls and can be used for both coarse and fine coal washing
(20–0.5 mm).
Water Cyclone Cyclone washer uses a centrifugal force which can be up to 1000–2000 times greater than ‘g’.
Heavy Media Cyclone For imbedded impurities in coal, use of oil as heavy media in place of water. Particle size (13–0.5 mm).
Reduction in coal size gives better efficiency.
Spiral Concentrator Under the influence of centrifugal force, coal particles migrate to the outer rim of the spiral while denser
impurities go to the inner part and get discharged in two separate streams.
Vorsyl Separator Improvement on spiral concentrator with a vortex finder which prevents short-circuiting of the feed directly
into the overflow. More suited to fine coals of 3 mm to 0.15 mm in size.
Froth Flotation It relies on hydro-phobicity properties of coal and is suited for coal fines of <0.5 mm. Chemical reagents
are used to enhance recovery of coal. Coal has a naturally oily surface and when air bubbles are passed, coal
particles form bubbles and are buoyed to the surface as froth. The two main techniques are: mechanical cell
flotation and column flotation. Column flotation uses long columns with air sparger and allows extended
retention time in the cell for achieving higher efficiency.
Oleo Flotation Similar to froth flotation but uses high doses of specified oils such as diesel oil or tar oil. It requires very fine
mesh of coal 0.1 mm and is not suitable for low grade coals.
Oil Agglomeration Finer coal particles get agglomerated, forming large globules that become oil-coated coal particles and
coalesce. Globules are easier to separate while tailings remain in water as sludge.

separators, multi-stage density separators, and microbial handling plant producing 4.5 Mt coal per annum installed
leaching. at Bina, it was reported that for coal having up to 44 to
In India, coal beneficiation has been a key infrastructure 45 per cent ash, the ROMJIG can give 67 per cent yield
issue between coal producers and coal users. The policy with ash content of 31.6 per cent. Field trials were initiated
guidelines restricting the use of unwashed coal in thermal to demonstrate the application of vorsyl separators for
power plants situated more than 1,000 km away from recovery of clean coal from middling and rejects from
the mine site as well as those located in critical, sensitive, Dugda Coal Washery. Coal majors have targeted the use
and urban areas were introduced in 1997. Advanced coal of 100 per cent washed coal in thermal power generation
cleaning processes to suit the indigenous coal for power by 2017.
generation have been developed. These are cost-effective
and can reduce the ash content by about 10 per cent Coal Combustion Technology
or more. Use of washed coal is expected to reduce CO2 Pulverized Coal (PC) firing is the oldest method of ther-
emissions from 0.326 to 0.266 kg/kWh of electricity mal power generation. Hot flue gases are used to heat
generation, besides other benefits. Research has been water in a boiler. The steam produced is used to drive the
initiated and field trials were made for ROMJIG and steam turbine. The waste heat from the turbine is allowed
RAMDARS systems for cleaning and deshaling of coal to condense. It can use any type of coal and is relatively
at the Bina and Yellandu mines, respectively. From a coal insensitive to the quality of coal burnt. Until the twentieth
212 India Infrastructure Report 2010

century most thermal power generation around the world of 660 MW, in addition to seven ultra mega-power plants
was from direct combustion of coal in boilers. In India too, using super-critical technology, are in different stages
most coal-based power generation with installed capacity of construction.
up to 500 MW is based on pulverized coal-fired units,
while some use gas turbines. Average gross efficiency of Coal Conversion Technologies
generation from coal-based power plants is 30.5 per cent. The third category of clean coal infrastructure comprises
Efforts have been made to render coal combustion more the technology of converting coal into gas through gasifi-
efficient and less polluting. Fluidized Bed Combustion cation and into oil through liquefaction. Coal conversion
(FBC) uses a fluidized bed of fine coal particles suspended processes reduce pollution and increase efficiency, but
in air. At high pressures solid coal behaves like a fluid and adds to infrastructure needs for coal suppliers/users.
allows rapid transfer of heat. The efficiency of the burning
process gets enhanced because the motion of coal brings a Coal Gasification
constant supply of hot particles to the surface. The heat is Coal gasification is considered an important strategy
extracted and utilized in a conventional power generation for low carbon energy development. The product of the
cycle. It works at lower temperatures than the Pulverized gasification process is a producer gas, which is a mixture of
Fuel (PF) process, and hence, reduces NOx emissions in carbon monoxide, hydrogen, and some methane. It can be
the atmosphere. utilized in ways similar to natural gas in an environment-
Two operating versions of FBC are Circulating Fluid- friendly manner. Its calorific value (33.12 MJ/cu. m.) is
ized Bed Combustion (CFBC) and Pressurized Fluidized lower than natural gas (49.0 MJ/cu. m.). Gasification
Bed Combustion (PFBC). In Circulating Fluidized Bed reactors are designed to suit coal characteristics. Three
Combustion coal particle size is reduced to 0.07–0.3 mm well-known configurations are the fixed bed, fluidized
and the fluidization velocity is kept at 5–10 m/sec, so that bed, and entrained bed systems.
the particles are ablated in the steam gas. Since the gasifier
is compact, higher heat release rate per unit area can be • Fixed Bed Gasifier reactor has different zones for each
achieved. The CFBC can utilize low grade coal with high operation such as drying, devolatilizing, gasification,
ash, or even lignite, and has been adopted in India. Pres- and combustion. Coal of 10–50mm size is fed from
surized Fluidized Bed Combustion uses crushed coal with the top and air or oxygen is blown through the fuel
a limestone suspension as a sorbent (to absorb the sulphur bed. The crude gas leaves the gasifier from above. This
content in the coal). As air pressure inside the boiler is type of gasifier obviates the need for a heat exchanger,
increased to 16 to 20 bars at a temperature around 850°C, has lower oxygen consumption, and has the lowest
the limestone sorbent captures the sulphur in the coal and energy requirement of all gasification processes. This
forms a dry paste, which gets collected at the bottom of technology has been commercialized and about 200
the boiler and can be removed. This technique is particu- fixed bed gasifiers are operating around the world. The
larly suitable for high sulphur coals. best-known name commercially is Lurgi Process or
Super-Critical combustion and Ultra-Super-Critical British Gas Lurgi.
combustion are thermo-dynamic cycles that improve • Fluidized Bed Gasifier works on the counter-current
thermal efficiency of coal combustion. A steam cycle with principle and allows coal particles to move vigorously.
pressure above 226 bars and temperature above 537oC It consists of a vertical cylindrical refractory lined vessel
is called supercritical. Ultra-super critical combustion with recycle cyclone. The temperature in the reactor
technology, operating at 357 bars/625oC, is also being goes up to 850–1,050°C. It is a non-slagging gasifier
developed. It is expected to achieve 55 per cent efficiency and has been tested with all types of coal and lignite,
by 2020. and is found attractive for high ash coals as well as high
In India CFBC has been developed for high ash coals reactive coals. The chemical reaction in this gasifier
having high heat value less than 3000 kcal/kg. The first is accelerated by turbulent mixing and close contact.
CFBC boiler of 175 t/h capacity was commissioned by There are no separate de-gasification and gasification
BHEL at Sinarmas Pulp and Paper (India) Ltd. in Pune. zones. Dust-laden gas leaves the reactor at the top, and
It has proved to be a promising technique for increasing is cooled and purified before use.
efficiency of power generation, and its use in commercial • Entrained Bed Process is the third configuration. Finely
systems is growing rapidly. India has also embarked on ground coal of 0.1 mm is entrained at high temperatures
a major plan to introduce super-critical combustion of the order of 1,400 to 1,600°C. Coal gasifies instantly
technologies. Nine super-critical coal pulverization units and volatile matter in coal also contributes to the gas at
Implementing Clean Coal Technology in India 213

the reaction temperatures. The product gas has almost has a production capacity of about 150 thousand barrels of
80 per cent of the energy of the feed coal. The ash in oil per day.
the coal melts and runs down the refractory-lined walls In India, laboratory-scale investigations on coal liq-
of the gasifier as liquid slag in the water tank. Different uefaction began in the 1950s at the Indian Institute of
versions of entrained bed gasifiers have been developed Technology, Kharagpur, with the objective of developing
as Koppers-Totzek and five different versions of it are indigenous catalysts. In the Fischer–Tropch synthesis
Shell, Texaco, Dow, Prentflo, and Destec. ‘syngas’ was first produced using fixed bed gasification
process at 800–900oC. A number of chemicals as cata-
The first coal gasification test facility in India came lysts were tested, including zeolite supported iron catalyst
up when a 10 MW captive power plant used gas from and resulted in the output of 4 litres of oil per day. Coal
coal washery rejects by Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd. liquefaction research has also been pursued in R&D
(BHEL) at the TISCO Jamadova Colliery in 1987. A laboratories on a bench scale unit of 2 kg/h. Indian Oil
number of trials have been made subsequently. Fertilizer Corporation Ltd. at Duliajan, in Assam has put up a pilot
plants at Ramagundum and Talcher installed entrained plant for conversion of low sulphur Assam coal to oil in
bed gasification technology for utilizing indigenous 2005. Assam coal with its low ash content show better
coal for production of ammonia. However, these plants liquefaction characteristics. A contract has been signed
have encountered some practical difficulties. From the recently with Coal India to set up a commercial-scale coal
experience gained from operating and testing facilities, liquefaction plant of 3.5 Mt per annum coal capacity.
two CFB gasifiers of 390 tonnes/(t/h)/capacity have been
installed successively at Gujarat Industries Power Co. Ltd. Post-combustion Technology
for their Surat Lignite Power Plant (SLPP). The Neyveli Post-combustion technology is the fourth stage alternative
Lignite Corporation Ltd. has also installed a circulating in which end-of-pipe pollutants such as SOx, NOx, and
fluidized bed gasifier based on the Wrinkler process CO2 are captured and removed from the atmosphere. Des-
to demonstrate the use of lignite. Coal India and Gas ulphurization and de-NOx operations have been tested
Authority India Ltd. have jointly started work in 2010 to in conventional power generation plants. Advanced clean
set up a large surface coal gasification plant. coal technologies (CCT) are also perspective greenhouse
gas mitigation technologies. These are discussed below.
Coal Liquefaction The CO2 capture technologies are also discussed.
Coal liquefaction is possible by raising the hydrogen-to-
carbon ratio. It can be achieved either by direct conversion Perspective Clean Coal Technology
or by indirect conversion of coal through the gasification Advanced CCTs for substantive improvement in coal
route. In the direct process hydrogen is dissolved in coal combustion efficiencies, underground coal gasification,
in the presence of a catalyst and the process is known methane extraction from coal bed and mines, and CO2
as hydrogenation. In the indirect method, coal is first sequestration are to be pursued in mission mode. These
gasified and the hydrogen produced during gasification advanced CCTs are:
is converted to oil in a catalytic converter. This produces
hydrocarbons such as methanol, ethanol, and diesel oil • Combined Cycle Technologies
and methane-rich gas as by-products. The genesis of • Underground Coal Gasification
the indirect process (called Fischer–Tropsch Synthesis) • Coal Bed Methane
took place as a result of the discovery by F. Fischer and • Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell
H. Tropsch in 1925. • Magneto Hydro Dynamics
The most important property of coal in order to predict • Advanced Combustion Technologies
liquid yield from coal is the percentage of volatile material • Carbon Capture and Storage
in it. The ratio of liquid yield from coal varies between
Combined Cycle Technologies
35 and 45 per cent. One tonne of coal can produce about
one to three barrels of oil and 200 to1,000 cu.m. of gas. Co-generation in the power sector has been suggested as
Wide ranges of by-products are obtained in different lique- means of reducing emissions of pollutants and achiev-
faction processes. These can be used as chemical feedstock ing better energy output. Co-generation technologies
or for industrial process heating. The biggest coal liquefac- could be:
tion plant based on the Fischer–Tropsch synthesis is oper- • A topping cycle, in which electricity is generated first
ated by South Africa Synthetic Ltd. at its Sasol Plant. It and waste heat utilized later.
214 India Infrastructure Report 2010

• A bottoming cycle, in which heat utilization is followed Pressurized Pulverized Coal-fired Combined Cycle (PPCC)
by electricity generation. uses pulverized coal firing in gas turbines. The gas is
• A combined cycle, which uses both topping and cleaned at very high temperatures of 1400–1600oC and
bottoming cycles for achieving maximum efficiency. a high pressure of 18 bar. The molten ash accumulates on
Examples of combined cycle power generation tech- the edge of the slagging chamber due to the centrifugal
niques are IGCC, IGHAT, and PPCC, etc. force. Low grade fuels, including biomass or lignite, or a
mixture of both, can be used to enable combined heat and
Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) has two power generation. In combined heat and power genera-
main components: (i) Coal gasifier system and (ii) Com- tion with a waste heat recovery system, the efficiency is
bined cycle power generation cycle, with gas turbine and expected to reach 46–47 per cent, along with reduction of
steam turbine for coal gas and steam, respectively. Coal is CO2, NOx, and SO2 by 10, 20, and 30 per cent respec-
gasified in the presence of oxygen/air under high pressure tively. The economics and efficiency of five main advanced
(30 bars) maintained above 1000oC. Synthetic or syngas clean coal technologies is depicted in Table 13.4.
comprising mainly of CO and H2 is produced, which
needs to be cooled and cleaned of impurities before it is Table 13.4 Expected Efficiency, Cost of Clean Coal
burnt in the gas turbine. The heat from the gasifier and Technologies, and Future Projections
hot gases is recovered in the heat recovery steam generator Technology Installed Efficiency in the Capital Cost in
and used to run the steam turbine in a combined cycle. Capacity year in per cent ECU /kW
Mineral matter in the coal is separated as slag from the in MW 2000 2030 2000 2030
bottom of the gasifier. The overall efficiency is high Ultra 650 44 49–52 1268 968
and pollution is less due to reduction in emission of Super-critical
NOx, SOx, and CO2. The first IGCC plant of 250 MW (USC-PF)
capacity using the shell gasification process came up in IGCC 760 46 50–53 1370 900
1994 in the Netherlands at Buggenum. So far 28 demon- IGHAT 400 40 44–46 1300 900
stration and pilot plants of capacity up to 300 MW have PFBC 550 43 44–46 1030 900
been installed worldwide and a few others using coal or
PPCC 40 46 50–52 1200 950
refinery residue are in the pipeline. Efforts to commercial-
ize IGCC are on.
In 1988, India became the first country in Asia to con- Underground Coal Gasification
struct a 6.2 MW IGCC demonstration plant. This closed Underground coal gasification (UCG) is in-situ gasification
loop combined cycle unit with air-blown fluidized-bed of coal/lignite deposits to produce clean energy in the
gasifier was put up by BHEL. It was unique in terms of form of gaseous fuel from unmineable, deep coal seams.
testing coal with up to 40 per cent ash at temperatures The UCG research began in Russia in 1931 based on the
of 960oC and 1050oC at 0.8 MPa in a fluidized bed principle of creation of a sustained burn-zone inside the
gasifier. These early studies are forming the basis of scale- coal bed and recovery of gas through injection of fluid to
up and a demonstration power plant of 125MW capacity create an artificial fracture. It requires creation of enough
is planned to be set up in the near future. Gujarat Sanghi permeability in the coal seams so that a stream of air could
Steam Works and Ahmedabad Electric Co., have also flow from one point to another, allowing combustion to
developed IGCC technology. take place. The coal is then ignited at either end to allow
for burn-zone growth in the upstream direction. Desirable
Integrated Gasification Humid Air Turbine (IGHAT) is drilling depths for UCG are in the range 100 to 600 m to
an advanced version of the IGCC technology. It uses a extract energy from coal seams that are too thick or too
humid air turbine and intercoolers on a multi-stage thin. The gas can be burned as fuel directly. The process
compressor, to produce low grade heat. Warm water is used of gas recovery is similar to oil or gas recovery from the
to humidify air in the turbine. The latent heat in the moist interior of the earth. Four major technical steps involved
air is released and provides increased mass flow, resulting in UCG recovery are:
in higher efficiency. The IGHAT cycle is proposed to
eliminate the steam turbine and utilize heat to warm water • Drilling a pair of vertical holes or breaking the ground
in various heat recovery sections. A combined process of with explosives
integrated gasification with humid air turbine increases • Linking boreholes by reverse combustion, horizontal
the net power output, thereby reducing emissions. drilling, or high power lasers
Implementing Clean Coal Technology in India 215

• Igniting coal seam using Controlled Refractory Injec- molecules. Different methods are adopted for extracting
tion Point (CRIP) technology methane. If a source is detected in an operational mine,
• Injecting gasifying fluids such as air, oxygen, or steam conventional techniques such as open hole, vertical jet
for the recovery of coal gas. slot, hydraulic fracturing, and perforation type of drilling
at the coal seam depths, can be used for draining the gas
Though technology- and cost-intensive, UCG has tre-
before the mining starts. In an abandoned mine, carbon
mendous economic significance; it does not require coal
dioxide sequestration by pumping flue gas from a power
beneficiation and there is no problem of ash disposal.
plant (containing CO2) into the coal seam under pressure
Through this method huge quantities of coal deposits
is being considered a possibility. The carbon dioxide
located at great depths, which cannot possibly be extracted
molecules get attached to coal and the trapped methane
by conventional coal mining methods, can be utilized.
molecule is released. Those mines graded as saturated
The technology has been pursued in several countries,
CBM reservoirs require better understanding of the
including India. In India prospects of development of
reservoir mechanism for a controlled drainage of gas, as
UCG technology are high, with total energy potential of
they may contain five times the amount of gas available
UCG estimated at 15,000 billion cu. m. of gas. Gujarat
in an ordinary coal mine. With the advancement in the
coal and lignite deposits with an estimated resource of
technology of gas recovery from underground, CBM
63 billion tonnes, the South Karanpura coal fields, as
mining is becoming feasible. Several coal basins are
well as the lignite fields in Rajasthan appear suitable for
currently being developed for CBM around the world.
this from geological and hydrological survey data consid-
Coal found in India mostly belongs to the Gondwana,
erations. Detailed physico-mechanical measurements and
Cretaceous, and Tertiary deposits, which contain medium
borehole data have also been acquired for carrying out
level methane. Gondwana coal deposits may have 8.5
feasibility studies at promising lignite sites.
cu. m. of CBM per tonne of coal, while Tertiary deposits
Coal Bed Methane of coal have 2.8 cu. m. per tonne. Coal India has offered
26 blocks for CBM exploration covering 13,600 sq. km.
Coal bed methane (CBM) is a process of recovering meth-
of area with estimated CBM reserves of 1,374 billon
ane gas trapped inside the coal seam, as coal matures. The
cu. m. The first CBM recovery was demonstrated in
gas is attached to coal at the molecular level and is not
2009 with the Great Eastern Energy Corporation Ltd.
a free gas. Almost all coal deposits contain methane in
(GEECL), an energy company signing contract for
some quantity, which is released when coal is extracted,
commercial production from the Raniganj coalfields near
or even after the mine is abandoned or closed. During
Burnpur. Recovery of coal mine methane (CMM) has
underground coal mining, it is considered a serious hazard
been attempted for producing 500 kW of power through
as it may explode and cause fire. Five major geological
underground boreholes in Bharat Coking Coal Ltd.
formations containing coal bed methane content are
shown in Table 13.5. Methane content can vary from Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell
2 to 20 tonnes of coal. It is highest in Permo-carboniferous
Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell (MCFC) technology uses
coal deposits and minimum in Tertiary coals. World
fuel cell, an electrochemical device that converts chemi-
coal bed methane extractable resources are assessed at
cal energy directly to electrical energy. It derives its name
about 135 Terra cu. m.
from the electrolyte used—a molten mixture of lithium
and potassium carbonates. The direct current (DC)
Table 13.5 Methane Content in Different Coal Types
output of the fuel cell is converted to alternate current
Geological Coal Category Methane content (AC), through a DC-to-AC converter. The product of
in cu.m./tonne coal gasification is used to generate electricity without
Permo-carboniferous 20 going through mechanical conversion. Overall efficiency is
Perminian (Gondwana) 8.5 expected to be of the order of 55 per cent. The waste heat
from the hot fuel cell gas stack exhaust can be recovered
Jurassic 5.5
in the bottoming cycle and used to produce additional
Cretaceous 10.5 electricity. In this process CO2 emissions from coal use are
Tertiary 2.8 considerably reduced.
The first pressurized MCFC stack was successfully
For CBM recovery, water in the coal bed must tested in 1980 in Japan. IGFC of 100 kW was demon-
be removed so as to reduce the pressure on methane strated at the Kawageo Thermal Power Station in 1990s.
216 India Infrastructure Report 2010

The Kentucky Pioneer Energy project has subsequently without stripping from the flue gas stream. A further
operated a 2 MW carbonate fuel cell in USA. Integrated advantage revealed in pilot-scale tests is substantially
with an IGCC plant, IGMCFC is under development. reduced NOx emissions. For coal-fired combustion, the
Research and development of 1 kW MCFC using coal gas oxy-fuel technology was suggested in the1980s. However,
was also initiated in India. there are no full-scale plants using oxy-fuel combustion in
operation yet. The cost of producing oxygen for combustion
Magneto-hydro-dynamic Power is high. Theoretical studies combined with laboratory and
In a magneto-hydro-dynamic (MHD) power system pilot-scale studies (typically 30–100 MWe) have been
exceedingly high temperatures are needed so that the fuel announced or are planned. With the introduction of
gets ionized. In the presence of oxygen-enriched air, at CO2 sequestration technology, oxy-fuel has become the
high temperatures of 2,000oC coal gas turns into plasma centre of renewed interest. In India BHEL proposes to
gas and electrical energy is produced without using a establish a pilot plant on oxy-fuel combustion. Sufficient
mechanical turbine. The construction of a generator experience exists in the Indian industry on atmospheric or
requires a long duct or channel with both side walls circulating fluidized bed coal combustion processes to be
made of metal. The bottom is made of an insulator. The able to integrate these efforts towards oxy-fuel and make
electrically conducting plasma gas fluid is passed through it a business proposition.
a duct. A strong transverse magnetic field applied across Another promising development in coal combustion
the duct, induces a magnetic field in the moving fluid. that needs to be mentioned is Chemical Looping technol-
According to Faraday’s law a moving conductor in a ogy. This has a fuel recycle option, while reducing the cost
magnetic field produces an electric current in a direction of oxygen separation. Chemical Looping has two reactors;
perpendicular to the direction of motion. When the a fuel reactor, where a metal oxide is reduced by reaction
electrical power density of the plasma gas is equal to with coal. Reduced metal oxide is circulated to an air
the maximum achievable power density, the efficiency reactor where it is oxidized and regenerated. Exit gases
of the MHD generator becomes 50 per cent. Higher from the fuel reactor contain CO2 and H2O, from which
efficiency can be obtained if the waste heat coming out of pure CO2 can be separated, while H2 is combusted. Flue
the duct is further utilized to run a steam turbine. gas from the air reactor contains N2 and unreacted O2.
The feasibility of a coal-based MHD generator has Tested on the laboratory scale, Chemical Looping in a
been established. Cost-effective, high-strength magnets circulating fluidized bed combustion process (which has
capable of generating a high magnetic field are the prime already been tested on indigenous coal) appears to facili-
requirements for commercial deployment. The length of tate a better CO2 capture option as compared to IGCC.
the generator decreases as the magnetic field increases. However, this area needs further investigation.
Three types of MHD generator cycles have been concep-
tualized: (i) open cycle, (ii) close cycle, and (iii) liquid Carbon Capture and
metal generator. Development of high temperature super-
conducting magnets and attainment of high temperatures Storage Technology
are some of the challenges which are being addressed. CO2 Sequestration—Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS)
MHD research facilities exist in Russia (then USSR), as technology is one of the emerging clean coal technolo-
well as in many other countries, namely, USA, Germany, gies to meet the global emission stabilization targets while
Australia, Poland, China, Japan, the Netherlands, and meeting the national energy needs. It involves capture of
India. In India, an experimental 5 MW water-gas fired CO2 in the atmosphere and its permanent fixation away
open cycle generator was built in collaboration with USSR from the atmosphere. If the power plant and the storage
at Tiruchirapally a few years ago at the Bhabha Atomic sites are not near each other, it will involve transport of
Energy Research Centre jointly with other academic and CO2 in liquid form over longer distances. Essentially,
research institutions. the CCS has three main components, starting with
capture of CO2 in the atmosphere emitted from large
Advanced Combustion Technologies point sources; fixing it or transporting it to a possible
In oxy-fuel technology coal combustion takes place in the location where it can be safely stored; and finally process
presence of 100 per cent oxygen. Combustion in pure of fixation.
O2 results in CO2/H2O mixture in the flue gas with CO2 Recent developments and progress made in CCS
content up to 90 per cent. The CO2 can be sequestered technology are discussed below.
Implementing Clean Coal Technology in India 217

Carbon Capture most cost-effective means of reducing atmospheric levels

CO2 capture technology as an end-of-pipe solution of CO2. Terrestrial storage would result in afforestation
to power generation is based on chemical absorption, and can also enhance crop productivity. Advance crop
membrane separation, physical adsorption, and cryo- species and cultivation practices could be designed to
genic separation methods. Chemical absorption process increase the uptake of CO2 by terrestrial as well as coastal
requires the use of chemical solvents. Mono-ethanolamine ecosystems through enhanced rate of photosynthesis.
(MEA), diethanolamine (DEA), mixed amines, and terti- Studies are underway to optimize resource use with a
ary amines have been investigated. Notwithstanding the view to quantifying the impact of defined changes in land
regenerative capability of the solvent, the energy penalty use on carbon sequestration. Assessment of carbon pool
and additional equipment requirements for circulating and sequestration in the soil and vegetation in the forest
large volumes of liquid absorbents add significantly to the ecosystems of Manipur and north-eastern India reveal that
cost, thus limiting applications of the process. soil carbon stock ranged from 27.73 to 48.03 tonnes of
Physical processes are based on cryogenic cooling or carbon per hectare and emission of carbon dioxide from
solid adsorbents. Solid adsorbents have better promise the soils varied from 1.697 to 4.462 tonnes of CO2 per
as they reduce regeneration and recirculation costs and hectare per year in different forest ecosystems. The carbon
increase binding capacity for CO2. The adsorption of stock in the vegetation ranged from 9.89 tonnes of carbon
CO2 gas by use of molecular sieves (zeolites) is based per hectare to 295.50 tonnes of carbon per hectare in the
on significant intermolecular forces between gases and different forest types of Manipur. The study shows that soil
surfaces of certain solid materials. Both Pressure Swing carbon pool and emission of CO2 are highly influenced by
Adsorption (PSA) and Temperature Swing Adsorption vegetation types and environmental factors.2
(TSA) have been attempted; however, the efficacy of
the process depends on plant parameters with variation
CO2 Storage
in pressure in one case and temperature in other. These The idea to cage CO2 in natural geological surroundings
early efforts are aimed at development of cost-effective for its storage has taken shape as a means to permanently
regenerative adsorbents and membrane materials. removing it from the atmosphere. Both active and passive
underground trapping of CO2 are envisaged. It can be
CO2 Bio-Sequestration done by burying it in deep saline aquifers and in rocks
Application of the flue-gas treatment using algae bio- and minerals. Rapid developments are taking place in
processes for the absorption of CO2 is a growing field of evaluation of results of CO2 storage in the underground
research. Triangular air-lift bioreactors have been designed deep aquifers and in the sedimentary basins under the sea
as the most suited for algae growth. From the first series bed. Sleipner, Norway has achieved tremendous success in
of experimental data obtained for two different algal spe- this. It has injected 1Mt of CO2 every year in saline aquifers
cies in a pilot-scale unit supplied with flue gases from a under the sea bed, since 1996. To understand the reaction
small power plant, removal efficiency of CO2 was reported taking place between CO2 and mineral rocks, active storage
as approximately 80 per cent. Preliminary cost analysis in basaltic rocks is being pursued for better integrity for
suggested that micro algae biofixation from a 550 MW CO2 storage. Calcium and magnesium silicates react
coal-fired power plant could sequester 25 per cent of the to form carbonate minerals. A process of geochemical
CO2 cost-effectively, if the value recovered from the har- trapping can effectively eliminate risk of CO2 leakage.
vested algae was priced at approximately $100 per tonne. Each geological setting is different and underground CO2
Design of a solar bioreactor has been proposed that uses trapping studies require geomorphology studies. There is
computational fluid dynamics. In this case scaling-up can a need to develop methodologies for long-term tracking
be done much more easily than using algae biofixation, of CO2, once injected.
which requires thousands of acres of space to soak up the
CO2 from one coal plant. Energy Fuels by CO2 Sequestration
The process of underground storage of CO2 and conse-
Terrestrial Sequestration quent changes in the viscosity of fluids in depleting oil
The terrestrial biosphere is estimated to sequester large reservoirs can provide additional fuel for energy. The
amounts of carbon dioxide and is thought to be one of the CO2 will mix with the crude and by changing the oil

Yadava (2010).
218 India Infrastructure Report 2010

properties will help flush out remaining reserves making critical phase (Prasad et al. 2008). Recent experiments are
it flow easily. At the surface the gas mixture containing reported in the southwest Atlantic sector jointly by the
both CO2 and natural petroleum gas will have to be National Institute of Oceanography, India and the Alfred
separated from the oil before it is sent for refining. The Wegener Institute, Germany. LOHAFEX (LOHA—iron,
stripped CO2 can be recycled back into the oil fields to FEX—Fertilization Experiment) experimentally tests the
extract more oil. CO2 management through this approach efficacy of iron fertilization in southern oceans by CO2
will be a highly challenging task. It will have to be adopted sequestration. Exploratory investigation of gas hydrates as
when all the conventional methods of enhanced oil future CO2 absorbers in the marine environment, as well
recovery have failed. A CO2-EOR (CO2-Enhanced Oil as modelling and simulation studies for producing diethyl
Recovery) project designed to minimize CO2 emissions ether as fuel are underway.
back to the atmosphere with appropriate incentives would There is a need to begin geo-modelling of terrestrial
have an important role in assuring energy security. Like oil and geological sequestration of CO2. In terrestrial seques-
fields, unmineable coal seams can also prove to be potential tration, development of technologies for quantifying
reservoirs for CO2 storage. On average three molecules of carbon stored in a given ecosystem and manipulation
CO2 are absorbed for displacing one molecule of methane of ecosystems to increase the carbon sequestration rate
(CH4). By injecting CO2 in coal seams, coal bed methane beyond current conditions require modelling research.
recovery can be enhanced. For underground sequestration modelling of geo-chemi-
Globally, research in CCS has grown by almost 100 cal, geophysical and hydrodynamic trappings processes,
per cent in the past five years as compared to first five which are unique to local condition, form a pre-requisite
years of the current decade. In India, research is still in for CO2 storage site-selection.
its infancy. Under the National Programme on CO2
Sequestration (NPCS), research started in DST in 2006; Capture and Storage Costs
the following thrust areas are identified: CO2 capture results in significantly high energy penalty in
a power plant and reduces it by as much as 15 per cent.
• CO2 Sequestration through Micro-algae Bio-fixation The estimate of cost of post-combustion CO2 capture and
• Carbon Capture Process Development storage has also been worked out. Best available technology
• Terrestrial Agro-forestry Sequestration Modelling suggests $40–80 per tonne CO2. The application of CCS
Network may however double the cost of electricity generation,
• Policy Development Studies depending on the technology used. The CO2 capture is
estimated to cost about 70 to 80 per cent of the total cost.
CCS Policy Development Studies A comparison of recovery and capture cost according to
Towards policy development studies, the feasibility of capture technology used is given in Table 13.6.
CO2 sequestration in deep underground saline aquifers In transportation, pipeline costs are $ 2–8 per tonne
and inter-layered sedimentary sequences in denser low- and injection costs are of the order of $5–20 per tonne.
permeability basalts and the sequential basalt are being Storage capacity of different underground locations and
tested. CO2 sequestration through mineralization has been cost is shown in Table 13.7.
proposed in certain rocks such as basalts and laboratory In a conventional coal-based plant CO2 is captured
studies conducted in select regions of the Deccan Volcanic from the outgoing flue gas, which comprises many other
Province have shown formation of secondary carbonates impurities. But in IGCC for CO2 capture, the syngas
on the surface upon reaction with CO2 in the super- produced in the gasifier is passed through a water shift

Table 13.6 Economics of Post-combustion CO2 Capture Options

Technology/Parameter CO2 recovery CO2 purity achieved Energy penalty Capture cost
(in per cent) (in per cent) (in per cent) $/tonne CO2
Chemical absorption 90 > 98 36 47
Physical adsorption 90 44 47 61
Membrane separation 90 43 52 78
Source: IPCC report (2005).
Implementing Clean Coal Technology in India 219

Table 13.7 Storage Capacity of CO2 in Possible

Underground Locations and the Cost per Tonne* Proposed CCT Roadmap

Probable storage site Potential IEA* Estimates A time-bound CCT Road Map drawn to establish the re-
CO2 storage of storage quired R&D infrastructure for implementing it with the
capacity in Gt in $/t ultimate goal of achieving emission-free electricity genera-
tion. The proposed is as follows:
Depleted oil fields 126 Net cost saving
Ongoing and near-term (up to 2012):
Depleted gas fields 800 7–17
• Improved coal recovery, coal beneficiation, reduction
Unmineable coal beds 150 20
in cost.
Deep saline formations 400–10,000 5–17 • More emphasis on fluidized bed combustion; super-
Source: *IEA—International Energy Agency. critical power plant boilers, IGCC demonstration.
• Enhanced energy recovery from coal: CBM, CMM, etc.
• Pilot scale studies on coal liquefaction.
reactor and converted into CO2 and H2. The CO2 is then Medium-term (2012–17):
separated (present in high concentration) and can be fixed • IGCC, PFBC, Ultra-super-critical power plants.
away from the atmosphere at the pre-combustion stage • Enhanced energy recovery from coal: CBM, UCG.
itself. This reduces the cost of capture and also the energy • Commercial-scale coal liquefaction.
penalty. Preliminary economic assessments of capture • Zero Emission Technologies (ZETs) pilot scale.
costs show that IGCC costs become 63 per cent higher • Carbon sequestration pilot scale.
with capture than without capture. (For IGCC and high Long-term (2017 and beyond)
ash coal without capture, cost is 21 per cent higher than • Zero Emission Technologies (ZETs)––
pulverized coal firing and 12 per cent higher than ultra- commercialization.
super-critical.) • Carbon sequestration demonstration plant.
Large-scale CCS projects are infrastructure-intensive. • IGFC and production of hydrogen fuels from coal.
The plants are located farther than possible locations for Source: CCT Initiative—Roadmap for future development,
storage. We cannot afford such a steep increase in the CCT DST-BHEL Workshop, 26–7 Ocotober 2006.
price of electricity, unless learning curves bring down
the cost through R&D support and success is achieved
in the recovery of a value added products through CO2 Barriers to Implementation
sequestration. On a world-wide basis, prospects of CCT are good in
view of the advantages such as higher efficiency of power
CCT Roadmapping Studies in India generation and lower GHG emissions per kW of installed
In India, thrust to R&D on Coal Beneficiation, Coal Gasi- capacity. The clean coal technology has been advancing
fication, Liquefaction, and IGCC began early in 1980s. A rapidly to achieve goals of zero emission technology. In
Pre-Combustion Technology Assessment Study conducted India efforts towards clean coal technology development
by the Technology Information, Forecasting and Assess- began more than two decades ago, but have not kept pace
ment Council (DST) in 1996. It provided specific insights with the global developments. Research efforts carried
into measures to be adopted by power companies and oth- out in the country for the past several years have shown
er major coal-consuming industries like steel and cement that as compared to IGCC, the quality of coal require-
for technology up-gradation. Joint technology research in ment in CFBC is less demanding. Yet IGCC has been
sectoral applications began. The in-depth study on Clean given highest attention. There have been other barriers
Coal–Energy Cycle was conducted in the Department of and constraints in the advancement of CCT, such as (i)
Science & Technology in 2006 with the aim to give thrust High cost involved to support development of Clean Coal
to R&D and developing a future road map for CCT (see Technology to proving stage, (ii) Amenability of advanced
Box). These efforts have culminated into giving importance technologies to available coal with high ash content (iii)
to introduction, adaptation, and development of clean Inadequate R&D infrastructure in academic institutions
coal through policies and programmes. A National Clean and national laboratories, (iv) Lack of academic–industry
Coal Technology Centre (NCCTC) as a Centre of Excel- interaction for new coal-based technology, (v) Constraints
lence for continuance of dedicated research and develop- in development of coal blocks in the absence of adequate
ment on indigenous coal and application of CCTs has equipment infrastructure and (vi) lack of sufficient coal
been set up. evacuation facilities, among others.
220 India Infrastructure Report 2010

Although policies have been introduced from time to Way Forward

time suggesting creation and implementation of R&D Nevertheless prospects of CCTs are becoming high as a
Fund for energy, key questions are: who should invest and result of global warming concerns. Actually both local as
why invest in clean coal technology development, is it the well as global environmental concerns can be addressed
responsibility of the coal producer or coal user? Capacity better through the use of CCT. The costs are coming down,
building efforts have also not kept pace with the rapid although it may take long to establish their economic
developments taking place elsewhere. Moreover, many competitiveness. A long-term clean coal policy to address
CCTs are proprietary and protected by strong patent the issues of installation of thermal power plants based on
regimes. New coal technologies are not proven and involve CCTs, R&D, and transfer of technology are imperatives
higher capital investment. In the absence of appropriate for growth. Most CCTs are research intensive and are
marketing strategies for adoption of clean coal for power still evolving, therefore, joint research ventures should
generation, many new researches have not moved out of be considered for technology transfer. In super-critical
the laboratory. and ultra-super-critical coal fired plants, much higher
Conclusion efficiency can be achieved. The super-critical technology
is already under development in our country. These efforts
This article provides brief description of various coal need to be augmented for ultra-super-critical combustion
processes and technologies, explores early initiatives, capabilities.
bottlenecks and current status of clean coal technology in
India. Coal is a dominant resource for electricity in India.
At present nearly 85 per cent of the coal produced is Technology Transfer under Climate Protocols
consumed in the power sector. Opportunities are explored To address climate change concerns, CCTs have come up
in coal extraction, coal transport, and coal beneficiation with new agenda for growth towards low carbon economy.
and critical clean coal technologies with the progress made Adoption of CCT offers a unique opportunity for tech-
in them are described. Research efforts have been initiated nology transfer. The mechanisms introduced under the
in India in almost all coal utilization technologies. Carbon Framework Convention on Climate Change (FCCC) are
capture and storage research has also begun as CCT Kyoto Protocol, Emissions Trading, and Clean Develop-
enabler, its policy and cost implications are discussed. ment Mechanism among others. New mechanisms like
A clean coal technology R&D roadmap for identifying NAMAs have been proposed. The CCT can become an
near and medium-term priorities towards zero emission instrument for transfer of technology in such bilateral and
technology as long-term solution is presented. international agreements.
The challenge of implementing CCT on large scale To fully exploit potential of CCT, appropriate policy
however, remains as daunting as ever. There are many bar- incentives and more capacity building efforts are must. An
riers. Coal gasification and coal liquefaction are less pollu- integrated inclusive growth perspective would be required
tion emitting technologies, but for their implementation in their adoption, aiming at full utilization of by-products
on industrial scale a number of trade-offs between finan- at each stage. Different entities and stake-holders would
cial and technological considerations continue, mainly need to work together for realization of this goal. Hence,
arising from quality of coal resource. There are financial, there is a need for strategic planning to achieve clean
infrastructural, and regulatory barriers to be tackled in energy infrastructure-based growth.
almost entire coal chain starting from coal extraction to
coal utilization and pollution abatement.

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