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What is Red Bull’s

target market?
Target Market

What is a target market and

how do organizations use them?

Target Market is a specific group of consumers

that will be most interested in a company’s
How do organizations select a target market?
How do organizations select a target market?

Primary Research Secondary Research

● Surveys ● Studies
● Interviews ● Articles
● Focus groups ● Market trends
● Observation ● Statistical analysis
With this information...
Begin to define what type of person
will be most likely to buy our
product and categorize them into

1. Demographic ● Age
● Gender
● Income level
● Culture

2. Geographic ● Continent
● Country
● Province/State
● City
● Neighbourhood
● Urban/Suburban/Rural

3. Psychographic ● Lifestyle
● Personality traits
● Public image
● Attitude towards health
● Attitude towards the
All of these factors will influence
a company’s use of the 4Ps

● Product ● Promotion
● Place ● Price
Red Bull
What is Red Bull’s
target market?
What is Red Bull’s
target market?

Age 13-29 (Generation Z - Millennial)

Gender Male

Income Low - High

Culture Extreme sports, pop culture, counter culture


● Worldwide
● Urban
● Suburban

Lifestyle Athletic, busy, outdoors

Personality traits Fun loving, instant gratification

Attitude towards health Not Concerned

Red Bull’s target market effects the 4Ps

Product - sleek small can (can be Promotion - Sports sponsors (race

consumed quickly), taurine cars, dirt bikes etc.) Ads (social
causes short term energy media, You Tube) Promotions
(buy 1 get 1 free)

Place - Grab and go - convenience Price - More than a coke (want you
stores, grocery stores to think it will do more for you
than a coke)
There is no order!
In fact, companies often begin to try and understand
a target market before fully developing a product
Pretend you are Elon Musk

You have a great idea for an electric car

Pretend you are Elon Musk

You have a great idea for an electric car

Before you finish designing the car, you want to know

who might buy it
Demographics Geographics Psychographics
● Age - 30-60yrs ● Canada ● Lifestyle - Urban (city
(millennial, dwellers) Electric cars have
generation x, ● USA a range of about 400 km
and Baby ● Personality - early
● Europe
boomers) adopter, status driven
● Gender - All ● China ● Attitudes toward
● Income - High sustainability - Eco
(electric cars are ● Australia conscious
expensive) ● Public image - cool, cutting
● Culture - Elitist edge, want social status
With this information Tesla designed a car to
meet the market’s needs

These factors helped Tesla to design a car that has all of the bells and whistles of a
luxury car while also catering to an image conscious, socially and environmentally
progressive person.
Develop target market
Develop target market
Personas help, us as marketers, visualize our target market so that
we can develop marketing campaigns that are most effective in
converting out target market into customers.
Personas use demographic, geographic,
psychographic information to create a visual
representation of our customers

They help us not lose track of our target market


Age - 34

Married and father

Dislikes - Poor grammar,
Lives - Victoria (Urban) yard work, and
Job - Student
Activities - walking his
Likes - Sports, live dogs, beach clean-ups,
music, woodwork, fast and surfing
cars, and Star Trek

Culture - Western,
hipster, nerdy
We are going to create target market personas
for the Local Olympics

Research and make educated guesses about

the target market

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