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Mary Schiess

Criminal Justice 1010

Should police officers have a college education?

When it comes to the men and women who do their best to protect us does it really matter

if the have a piece of paper that says whether or not they graduated from college? I believe it

does not matter whether or not police officers have a college education or not. If they go through

the proper school and training and are willing to take the risk and do what it takes, I don’t care if

they have a degree from a college or not. They are professionally trained, a job like this is not

something you can prepare for in school anyway, having a college degree may deter people from

taking the job which could cause a shortage in help.

“​Agencies absolutely need to ensure both sworn and civilian employees receive

up-to-date information on critical topics through in-service training. Most agencies do this and

have found all types of training modalities to accomplish it. However, there is not the same

wide-spread support for college education. While studies over the past many years have

established the benefits of a college-educated officer, they haven’t quantified ​how​ much better

the college degree makes the officer.” My first reason is that officers go to school and are

professional trained. As the quote above says; studies show that whether an officer has a degree

or not it does not make them any greater or any less of an officer. I believe that when it comes

down to what really determines a great officer is their spirit, morals, the ability to make smart

quick decisions, and determination. “​Most states and local municipal agencies require a police

Academy which usually last 6 months or longer. While in the academy recruit officers go thru

extensive training which includes criminal & traffic law, the criminal justice system, use of
force, defensive tactics, firearms training, less than lethal training, police tactics, physical fitness

training, emergency vehicle operations and driver training, report writing and the list goes on and

on. I personally had three 3″ ring binders full of notes and presentations from my Academy class.

Most Police Academies will run the recruits much like a military basic training, in fact some

Academies will require their recruits to live in the academy barracks for all or part of their

training.​” ​ This quote from James Smith, a former retired SWAT officer, explains just how much

harsh and difficult training officers go through. So if they work and train hard in this training and

are able to complete it why would it matter whether or not they have a college degree.

Now that we have established the training they go through it is time to realize that the

real experience comes from actually being out in the real world an doing the job.​ “​Most police

academies are modeled on military training programs which instill a high regard for physical

conditioning and performance. Active police officers must be prepared for anything, from

pursuing fleeing suspects on foot and physically restraining unruly individuals, to pursuit driving

and discharging their sidearm. The rigors of the intense police training programs are highly

demanding and require candidates at peak physical, psychological and mental condition.” As the

quote states. Our officers need to be prepared for anything. There is no way to prepare for the

harsh things most officers have to go through and experience. A job like this requires quick

thinking, street smartness, strength, and determination. Just because someone does not go to

college does not mean they are not smart or determined. Street smarts and determination come

from experience and spirit not from textbooks.

“​The research, which paints a broad picture of both the negative and positive effects of

higher education on policing, also shows cops with a degree may have negative views of their
supervisors. They’re also less likely to favor community policing, a strategy aimed partly at

reducing the number of deadly police-citizen incidents that currently dominate the headlines.”

Many people may be detered from becoming a police officer if they need a college degree. Also

from studies if officers have a degree and their supervisor does not or their commrads do not

they often see themselves as better and will do less of community policing as stated previously.

This can also deter others away. I am not saying that they absolutely should not have a degree;

However, it should not be made a requirement and be favoring the ones who do. Just because

they have a college degree it does not make them a great person. “In research studies it is showed

that only about half of the officers have a college degree. While none of the departments require

a four-year degree, 45 percent of the officers in the study have a degree anyway. Half of the

officers had majored in criminal justice; the rest had degrees in disciplines such as psychology

and business. The type of degree did not affect officers’ negative views on job satisfaction or

their supervisors.” Imagine if it was required for police officers to have a four year college

degree. We would have half the amount of officers. “​Each year, many students across the

country decide not to seek higher education after high school. A number of these students have

to overcome many obstacles before deciding to attend college. Some of the reasons students

decide not to go to college are:

● No one in their family has gone to college;

● They didn't do well in high school, so they think college will be too hard;

● They don't know how to choose a college;

● They think they won't fit in; or

● They think they can't afford college.”

These are just a few reasons people don’t attend college. Many of these people could be potential

hardworking officers who want to help the people they love and all others. However, they may

not be able to go to college or think that it isn’t possible for them. So if a college education was

required it would chase away many.

What makes a good officer? “They constantly try to find trouble before it finds those they

are sworn to protect. They stay calm when others run screaming. They stay controlled, when

others would be enraged. They show the same respect to a “derelict” as they would a CEO. They

understand and respect the limitations of the constitution and the law and abide by them. They

are able to back up their words with righteous action. They only fight the good fight. They tell

the truth, even when it can hurt their case. They look the part of the professional. They inspire

others to aspire.” These are the ten things that make a good police officer according to​ Lt. Dan

Marcou, an internationally-recognized police trainer. Reading through these traits, would any of

these things come from a college degree? Or from the true spirit and heart of a police officer?

Police officers should not be required to have a college degree. If they do that’s amazing for

them but, They are professionally trained whether or not they go to college and their abilities

should be determined on how well they do in that training. Also a job like this is something that

no amount of school can prepare you for. This experience is gained purely from experience. Last

but not least; if it was required for them to have a degree we would most likely have a shortage

in officers because many may not be able to, want to, or think they can go to college.


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