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A Study of the

J. Ferron
ChercheurD.G.R.S.T. Thermohydrodynamic Performance
J. Frene of a Plain Journal Bearing

Laboratoire de Me'canique des Solides,

Comparison Between Theory and
Universitede Poitiers,
Poitiers, France Experiments
Both theoretical and experimental thermohydrodynamic problem of a finite length
R. Boncompain journal bearing is studied. The analysis takes into acount heat transfer between the
Chercheur, film and both the shaft and the bush. Cavitation and lubricant recirculation are also
Laboratoire de Mecanique des Contacts, taken into account. The experimental program is conducted on an original device to
Institut National des Sciences Appliquees, study the performance of a plain bearing. The pressure and the temperature
Lyon, France distribution on bearing wall are measured along with the eccentricity ratio and the
flows rate for different speeds and loads. The effect on the eccentricity ratio of
differential dilatation is underlined. Agreement between theoretical results and
experimental data is satisfactory.

1 Introduction
The isothermal form of Reynolds equation is commonly adiabatic solution for the finite slider bearing. Ezzat and
used to predict bearing performance. Today, however, the Rohde [12] solved the problem of finite slider bearings. The
tendency toward "limit design" increases the need for better thermal boundary conditions used were identical to these used
tools to calculate operating characteristics accurately. Because by Dowson and the temperature of the outside part of the pad
of the strong dependence of lubricant viscosity on tem- was given by a convective condition.
perature, thermal effects in lubrication must be taken into More recently Huebner [13] gave the full thermo-
account. This is confirmed by experimental studies [1-4]. hydrodynamic solution for sector-shaped thrust bearing. He
Different methods were proposed to take these into account showed that the adiabatic solution which takes temperature
[5]. The simplest consist in calculating an effective tem- gradients across the film into account can often be used to
perature and the corresponding effective viscosity through an predict accurately bearing performances.
evaluation of the dissipated power using isothermal theory Tipei and Degueurce [14] presented a thermohydrodynamic
[6], Recently, Seireg and Dandage [7] proposed an empirical solution for exponential lubricating films where an un-
design procedure based on experimental thermo- coupling of Reynolds and Energy equations is obtained by
hydrodynamic considerations to calculate a modified using a relationship between viscosity and film thickness.
Sommerfeld number which can be used in standard formulas The journal bearing is more complex than the slider bearing
to obtain bearing characteristics. because the oil recirculates across the inactive zone of the
A more elaborate theoretical method was proposed by bearing in which the Reynolds and the energy equations are
Dowson in 1962 [8], which derived a generalized Reynolds not applicable. This problem which was ignored by
equation. This equation inlcudes the variations of the Majumdar [15] was partially taken into account by Smalley
lubricant properties both along and across the film. Using this and McCallion [16] and more completely also by Mitsui and
equation, Dowson and Hudson [9; 10] studied both the one Yamada [17]. These authors introduce a mixing coefficient
dimensional slider bearing and the one dimensional parallel which is the ratio of the recirculated flow to the flow of the
surface bearing. They include heat flow across the boundary lubricant supplied at the inlet. Recently [18, 19] we have
between the film and the fixed pad bearing. They showed that studied a finite journal bearing which assumed that the heat
the density variation is negligible compared to that of the transfer is three dimensional in the fluid, three dimensional in
viscosity. the bearing, and two dimensional in the shaft. Cavitation and
Using numerical techniques Raimondi [11] obtained an lubricant recirculation are also taken into account.
Comparison between theory and experimental is scarce.
Huffenus and Khaletzky [20] show that in tilting-pad bearings
Contributed by the Lubrication Division of THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF
MECHANICAL ENGINEERS and presented at the ASME/ASLE Joint Lubrication
agreement between theory and practice is satisfactory if elastic
Conference, Washington, D.C., October 5-7, 1982. Manuscript received by the and thermal distorsions of the pad are considered. More
Lubrication Division, March 1, 1982. Paper No. 82-Lub-16. recently for the same geometry, Vohr [21] has shown that

422/Vol. 105, JULY 1983 Copyright © 1983 by ASME Transactions of the ASME

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operating temperatures and bearing characteristics can be Hereto* k\, a n d k2 are coefficients, T, p, and n, are,
calculated using a simplified theory. MacCallion, Yousif, and respectively, the nondimensional temperature and the
Lloyd [22] compared their theoretical results obtained for viscosity of the lubricant in the film and at the inlet of bearing
journal bearings to the experimental values presented by groove, p is the nondimensional pressure and v is the radius to
Dowson et al. Agreement is satisfactory. Tonnesen and length ratio of the bearing.
Hansen [3] give experimental results obtained for two dif- In lubrication the nondimensional energy equation is [12]:
ferent journal bearings and compare relative eccentricity,
pressure, and temperature with theory. According to the
df v dT
df .df\
\(u + -—\-v W-_
authors agreement is here also satisfactory. 36* dy dz •
This paper presents new experimental data which is
( 3il \ 2 2
compared to theory.

2 Theoretical Analysis
'h 2
\it)dy J +
( dw
(\ by / J ' F H I df
h dy2
2 (4)

in this equation P e is the Peclet number, a the dissipation

number, and f the nondimensional temperature in the fluid,
The theoretical analysis was presented in detail elsewhere u, v, w are the nondimensional velocity components of the
[18, 19]. And only the general scheme of derivation is given fluid and the operator d/dd* introduced to change the shape
here. of film into a rectangular field [12], is given by:
2.1 Basic Equations. For steady-state and incompressible a a
y dh d
newtonian fluid the generalized Reynolds equation in non- (5)
dimensional form can be written [8]: 30* dd h dd dy
The heat transfer equation in the bush is defined as follows:
(1) d2T 1 df 1 d2f 32f
30 V
flflV-' 36 )) + V dz\
3z\ 2
dz J> dd
30 V F0 )
2 + • 2 + W =0 (6)
df r df dd
Where the nondimensional functions F0, Fx, and F2
defined by: The same equation is used for heat transfer in the shaft,
1 assuming that the temperature is independent of 6.
)o p. 2.2 Boundary Conditions. The classical Reynolds boundary
conditions are associated with Reynolds equation. The inlet
groove is located on the load line in the maximum film
1 (2) thickness zone. The boundary conditions on the temperature
Jo £
are as follows. The outer part of the bush is divided into two
^1_ zones, in the first, which corresponds to the outside bush
i.' { ( • radius R2, the temperature is fixed T = fb'm the second
which corresponds to the lateral faces, the free convection
6, y, z are the nondimensional coordinates, h is the non- hypothesis gives:
dimensional film thickness, and jX the nondimensional
viscosity which is assumed to be defined by: dT
= -Ntt(T ~Ta) (7)
A=— =k0 -k{f+k2P (3) where N u is the Nusselt number and Ta and Tb are, respec-
A,B = integration functions of
viscosity p = pressure Pa
C = radial clearance m Pi = inlet pressure Pa
C0 = specific heat of lubricant 2
p = P C /ix0 UR nondimensional
J/kg.°C pressure U linear speed of the shaft m/s
-^0,1,2 = integration functions of W load carrying capacity N
viscosity pC0UC2
Pe = — Peclet number it,v,w nondimensional compo-
h = nondimensional film R A0 nents of the fluid velocity in
thickness the x y and z direction,
Qo = inlet flow in the film (for d
hb = convection heat transfer — — 4>) m 3 / s respectively, it = u/U, v =
coefficient W/m 2 ° C vR/CU, w = w/U
Qi = inlet flow in the bearing
^o,i,2 = viscosity coefficients coordinates
groove m 3 /s rdz
K = thermal conductivity coordinates
Qr = recirculating flow rnVs xyz
W/m°C R = journal bearing radius m nondimensional coordinates
ej,z 6 = x/R,y=y/h,z = z/L
A"0 = thermal conductivity of'the R2 = R2/R nondimensional
lubricant W/m.°C outside bush radius a Ho U2 /K0 T0 dissipation
Ka = thermal conductivity of the f = r/R nondimensional radius number
air W/m. °C T = temperature °C e eccentricity ratio
Kb = thermal conductivity of the Tb = bush surface temperature °C attitude angle
<t> inlet fluid viscosity in the
bush W/m. °C T0 = inlet film temperature °C ft
Ks = thermal conductivity of the T, = inlet fluid temperature in the bearing groove Pa.s
shaft W/m. °C bearing groove °C A p. I p.-, nondimensional
L = bearing length m viscosity
T = temperature of the recir- R/L Radius to length ratio
L' = apparent length m culating fluid °C V
N = angular speed of the shaft Ts = temperature of the shaft °C P lubricant density
rpm T = T/T0 nondimensional abcissa of the active zone
N u =hbR/Kb Nusselt number temperature
es end in degrees

Journal of Lubrication Technology JULY 1983, Vol. 105/423

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oil supply groove

Fig. 3 Photography of the Journal bearing

Table 1 Operating conditions

Journal radius R=50mm
\ External bearing radius
Bearing length
R2= 100mm
Radial clearance at 20·C c= 145JLm
Rotational speed range 1000 < N < 4500 rpm
Fig. 1 Coordinate system
Load range 1000 < W < 10,000 N
Lubricant viscosity at 40·C JL; = 0.0277 Pa.s
ko =3.287
Viscosity coefficients k =3.064
{ k 1 =0.777
Lubricant density at 40·C p= 860 kg/m 3
Lubricant specific heat Co = 2000 J/kg. ·C
Lubricant thermal conductivity K o =O.13 W/m.·C
journal Air thermal conductivity K,,=0.025 W/m.·C
Bush thermal conductivity K b =250W/m.·C
hydrostatic Shaft thermal conductivity K s =50W/m.·C
thrust bearings Convection heat transfer hb=80W/m 2 .·C
Inlet lubricant temperature T;=40·C
-0----'_ _ pneumatic Ambient temperature TI/=40·C
jock Inlet lubricant pressure P;=70.10 3 Pa
Groove angle 18·

Fig. 2 Schematic view of the apparatus

where Qr is the recirculating flow, Qo is the inlet flow in the
film at 0 = - ,p, T; is inlet temperature of the fluid in the
tively, the nondimensional ambient temperature and the
bearing, and T r is the temperature of the recirculating fluid.
nondimensional bush surface temperature. On the surface,
between the bush and the fluid, the temperature is given by the On the surface between the fluid and the shaft, the tern·
peratpre is given by the heat flux continuity assuming that the
heat flux continuity condition which yields:
shaft temperature is independent of O. This gives:
at I K(O) R 1 at I
af ;= I = - Kb C h ay y~o (8)
~~ I;~I = - L~: ~ i:~ ~ ~; IY=1 dO (12)
where R is the journal bearing radius, C is the radial
clearance, K b is the thermal conductivity of the bush, and where K s is the thermal conductivity of the shaft. The tern·
K(O) is the thermal conductivity of the fluid which is constant perature Ts in the shaft for
= ± 1/2 is assumed to be
and equal to K o in the active zone and which is variable in the constant: T s = 43 C.
inactive zone of the film. In this area the thermal conductivity
is assumed to be equal to: 2.3 Procedure. The pressure distribution in the film and the
temperature field both in the film and in the solids are ob-
L' (0) tained by iterative techniques. Finite differences and Gauss·
K(O)=K,,- -L- (K,,-Ko) (9)
Seidel methods with over relaxation are employed to solve the
in this expression K a is the thermal conductivity of air, K o is generalized Reynolds equation. Negative pressure terms are
the thermal conductivity of oil, L' (0) is defined as the ap- set equal to zero when they appear in the iterations needed to
parent length of the oil zone in the inactive arc by the relation: include the Reynolds boundary conditions. Finite differences
and Gauss-Seidel methods with over-relaxation are also used
h(Os) i~/2 U~ U(OSYZ)dY]dz to solve heat equations both in the shaft and in the bush. An
implicit finite difference method is used to solve the parabolic
L'(O)=L (10) energy equation and the Richtmyer technique is employed
h(O) i~12 U~ U(OYZ)dY]dz [23].
The global iterative scheme is as follows: an initial value for
the temperature field is given to calculate the fluid viscosity at
for Os < 0 < 27r-,p each point along and across the film. Reynolds equation is
In the inlet zone across the film, the inlet film temperature To solved and the fluid velocity vector is calculated at all points
is constant. Its value is calculated from conservation of the fluid. Energy equation and heat transfer equations are
equations by the following relation: then solved simultaneously in the fluid and in the solids thus
producing a new temperature field. The iterative procedure is
T.o = ~
Qo T.r + (I - ~)
. Qo T (11) stopped when at each point on the boundary between the film
and the bush, the relative difference between two successive

424/Vol. 105, JULY 1983 Transactions of the ASME

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Good agreement between theoretical and experimental 6 Cameron, A., "The Principles of Lubrication," Heat in Journal Bearing
nondimensional flow rate versus eccentricity ratio is seen in Longmans Green, 1966, pp. 397-411.
7 Seireg A., and Dandage, S., "Empirical Design Procedure for the
Fig. 10. On this figure thermal effects appear clearly as for Thermohydrodynamic Behaviour of Journal Bearing," ASME Paper No. 81
isothermal conditions, the nondimensional flow rate is in- Lubl9.
dependent of the rotational speed. 8 Dowson, D., " A Generalized Reynolds Equation for Film Fluid
Lubrication," Int. J. Mech. Sc, Pergamon Press Ltd., Vol. 4, 1962, pp
5 Conclusion 9 Dowson, D., and Hudson, J. D., "Thermohydrodynamic Analysis of the
Infinite Slider Bearing: Part I the Plane Inclined Slider Bearing," Proc. IME
Good agreement between theoretical and experimental Lubrication and Wear Convention, 1963, pp. 34-44.
results is obtained when actual operating bearing clearances 10 Dowson, D., and Hudson, J. D., "Thermohydrodynamic Analysis of the
Infinite Slider Bearing: Part II, the Parallel Surface Bearing," Proc. IMg
are used. Thermal deformations along with differential Lubrication and Wear Convention, 1963, pp. 45-51.
thermal dilatation between journal and bearing must 11 Raimondi, A. A., "An Adiabatic Solution for the Finite Slider Bearing,"
therefore be considered in both theoretical and experimental ASLE, Transactions, Vol. 9, No. 3, 1966, pp. 283-298.
studies. Greater precision could undoubtedly be obtained if 12 Ezzat, H. A., and Rohde, S. M., "A Study of the Thermohydrodynamic
Performance of Finite Slider Bearings," General Motors Corporation, Internal
thermal material constant and convective coefficients were report, 1962.
better known. 13 Huebner, "A Three Dimensional Thermohydrodynamic Analysis of
Sector Thrust Bearings," ASLE Transactions, Vol. 17, No. 1, 1974, pp. 62-73.
14 Tipei, N., and Degueurce, B., "A Solution of the Thermohydrodynamic
6 Acknowledgments Problem for Exponential Lubricating Films," ASLE, Trans., Vol. 17, No. 2,
1974, pp. 84-91.
The theoretical work was performed at INSA of Lyon and 15 Majumdar, B. C , "The Thermohydrodynamic Solution of Oil Journal
the experimental work was performed at the University of Bearings," Wear, Vol. 31, 1975, pp. 287-294.
16 Smalley, A. J., and McCallion, N., "The Influence of Viscosity Variation
Poitiers. The work was supported by the Delegation Generale With Temperature on Journal Bearing Performance," Proc. IME, Vol. 181,
a la Recherche Scientifique et Technique Contracts n°. Part3B, 1966, pp. 55-62.
80.7.0657 and 80.7.0658 and by Electricite' de France 17 Mitsui, J., and Yamada, T., "A Study of Lubricant Film Characteristics
Direction des Etudes et Recherches Contracts no. 2D 3085 P in Journal Bearings (Part 1, A Thermodynamic Analysis with Particular
Reference to Viscosity Variation Within Lubricating Film)," Bull. JSME, Vol.
33 D 15 and 1089 - 1191 and by CIT ALCATEL Division 22, No. 172, 1978, pp. 1491-1498.
Graffenstaden Contract no. 650 309. 18 Boncompain, R., and Frene, J., "Modification de la portance due a
l'effet thermique dans les paliers lisses, determination des cartes de tem-
perature," Mecanique, Materiaux, Electricite, Revue du GAMI n° 347-348,
References 1978, pp.465-474.
19 Boncompain, R., and Frene, J., "Thermohydrodynamic Analysis of a
1 Dowson, D., Hudson, Hunter, and March, "An Experimental In- Finite Journal Bearings-Static and Dynamic Characteristics," Proceeding of
vestigation of the Thermal Equilibrium of Steadily Leaded Journal Bearings," the 6th Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology, Thermal Effects in Tribology,
Proc. Inst. Mech. Engs., Vol. 181, Part 3B, 1966, pp. 70-80. Published by Mech. Eng. Publi. Ltd., 1980, pp. 33-41.
2 Gregory, R. S., "Performance of Thrust Bearings at High Operating 20 Huffenus, J. P., and Khaletzky, D., "Theoretical Study of Heat Transfer
Speeds," ASME JOURNAL OF LUBRICATION TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 96, 1974, pp. in Thrust Bearings of Hydraulic Machines. Application to the Cooling of the
7-14. Oil Film," Proceedings of the 6th Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology,
3 Tonnesen, J., and Hansen, P. K., "Some Experiments on the Steady- "Thermal Effects in Tribology," published by Mech. Eng. Publi. Ltd., 1980,
State Characteristics of a Cylindrical Fluid-Film Bearing Considering Thermal pp. 117-126.
Effects," ASME JOURNAL OF LUBRICATION TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 103, 1981, pp. 21 Vohr, J. H., "Prediction of the Operating Temperature of Thrust
107-114. Bearing," ASME JOURNAL OF LUBRICATION TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 103, 1981, pp.
4 De Choudhury, P., and Barth, E. W., "A Comparison of Film Tem- 97-106.
peratures and Oil Discharge Temperature for a Tilting-Pad Journal Bearing," 22 McCallion, H., Yousif, F., and Lloyd, T., "The Analysis of Thermal
ASME JOURNAL OF LUBRICATION TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 103, 1981, pp. 115-119. Effects in a Full Journal Bearing," ASME JOURNAL OF LUBRICATION
5 Pinkus, O., and Wilcock, D. J., "Thermal Effects in Fluid Bearings," TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 92, 1970, pp. 578-587.
Proceedings of the 6th Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology Thermal Effects 23 Richtmyer, R. D., Difference Methods for Initial Value Problems, In-
in Tribology, Published by Mech. Eng. Publi. 1980, pp. 3-23. terscience Publications Inc., 1957, p. 101.

428/Vol. 105, JULY 1983 Transactions of the ASME

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- - A A

-B A

_s -Pi
i /
"Pi / \

* / \


-50 -
/ \
0 / ' \
- \
- /7/ A
~ " O
v \
^- ^ 0 \
- . — ° a/
A /
A /
- A

- A A
o \
_ \^^
40 1 1 1 \ f) h n i
30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330
Fig. 6 Pressure and temperature variations in mid-plane at 4000 rmp
and under 6000 N

1 1 '
1 ' 4 0 0 0 RPM
1 ' 3000 RPM
4nnn R P M O / ' ' 2 0 0 0 RPM .
// t
3000 RPM A
1500 R P M
1500 RPM _ a o
H - •// ;
A/ b
o 0 0 0
0 "

8? / '/
/ fa

< 1
7/ A
/ 50
" 7 /•
" I 1
" 7 A
. /A /
' fi
,1 45
- /
/ / '
- / 0/ a
- a

' ' • i i 1 1 1 1
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 40
ECCENTRICITY RATIO 0.1 0J2 0J3 0.4 0-5 0_6 0.7 0-8 0-9
Fig. 7 Maximum values of pressure versus eccentricity ratio for dif-
Fig. 8 Maximum values of temperature versus eccentricity ratio for
ferent speeds
different speeds

Because of its size and cost, the machine is equipped with

security on speed, load, and on bearing flow. step. Equilibrium conditions were reached after one hour for
each step. Each measurement was repeated 3 times.
Reproducibility can be judged from Figs. 4 and 5 which give
4 Results and Discussion
three different measurements performed on different days.
The operating conditions of the journal bearing are given in Theoretical results calculated for the same operating con-
Table 1. ditions are also presented. Theoretical and experimental
All measurements were performed under steady state results concerning pressure and temperature are in good
conditions when thermal equilibrium is reached. agreement (Fig. 4). However a large discrepancy on ec-
Speed was kept constant and the load was increased step by centricity ratio is noted Fig. 5. This difference is due to dif-

426/Vol. 105, JULY 1983 Transactions of the ASME

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0.9 f-\

k 4 000 RPM

07 3000 RPM A

1500 RPM Q

a 0.6
\ sV*°
X. V \




0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 OS

Fig. 9 Eccentricity ratio versus Sommerfeld number for different

ferential dilatation of the steel journal and the bronze

bearing, as will be shown below. _
The journal and bearing diameters measured at 20° C are, THEORY EXPERIMENTS
• /

respectively, Z>, = 99.729 mm ± 2/imand£> 6 = 100.020 mm innn RPM o /

± 3 tun which give a radial clearance of C = 145 ± 2 /xm. 3 000 HPM
This gap was used both to obtain theoretical results and to
1500 RPM
calculate the experimental eccentricity ratio (Fig. 5). In fact / / /
the bearing is housed in a protective box whose ambient
temperature is above 40° C. If one assumes that the journal , A f /

bearing operates at 45° C, the calculated differential

dilatation between 20 and 45° C is 6.25 /mi. This has been
confirmed experimentally by measuring the gap statically in - / /7
/ 'V
situ at both temperatures. At 20° C, C = 146 ± 3 /mi and at
45° C, C = 152 ± 3 /xm. This small increase in radial
clearance augments slightly the theoretical eccentricity ratio
calculated for given speed and load (~ 3 percent). But the
change in the eccentricity ratio calculated from thickness tf
measurements are much more important. More specifically
for hx = 249 iim and h2 = 137 tim measured at 45 degrees on Y
each side of the load line (Fig. 1), the eccentricity ratio is given Ax °
by: _
t = 4(hx-Q2 + {h2-C)2/C
which yields for the 20° C radial clearance of 145 /*m, e =
0.72 and for the 45° C radial clearance of 152 /mi, e = 0.646.
In Fig. 5 the dashed line is obtained from thickness 0 1 1 . t 1 1 1 1 I
0.1 0.2 03 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
measurements using the radial clearance value of 152/xm. ECCENTRICITY RATIO
Close agreement is noted between theoretical and ex-
Fig. 10 Nondimensional flow rate versus eccentricity ratio for dif-
perimental results. In the next figures the experimental ec- ferent speeds
centricity values are calculated from a radial clearance of
Figure 6 gives the pressure and temperature variations in between theoretical and experimental results. Figure 8 shows
the mid-plane for 4000 rpm and 6000 N. Comparison between the maximum temperature values versus eccentricity ratio for
theoretical results and experimental data shows that pressure different speeds. The experimental maximum temperature is
fields are in very good agreement, but the theoretical always higher than the theoretical value which is certainly due
maximum temperature is 4° C lower than the measured to the uncertainties on the bush thermal conductivity men-
temperature. This difference is most likely due to un- tioned above. Figure 9 shows the eccentricity ratio versus
certainties in the value chosen for the bush thermal con- Sommerfeld number which is calculated for the inlet fluid
ductivity. Temperature variation measured along the bush viscosity. Small differences are found between theoretical and
axis is less than 1 ° C. experimental results. Curves drawn for each given speed are
Figure 7 shows the maximum pressure values versus ec- different. This is due to the thermal effects which increase
centricity ratio for different speeds. Good agreement is found with speed increases.

Journal of Lubrication Technology JULY 1983, Vol. 105/427

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Good agreement between theoretical and experimental 6 Cameron, A., "The Principles of Lubrication," Heat in Journal Bearing
nondimensional flow rate versus eccentricity ratio is seen in Longmans Green, 1966, pp. 397-411.
7 Seireg A., and Dandage, S., "Empirical Design Procedure for the
Fig. 10. On this figure thermal effects appear clearly as for Thermohydrodynamic Behaviour of Journal Bearing," ASME Paper No. 81
isothermal conditions, the nondimensional flow rate is in- Lubl9.
dependent of the rotational speed. 8 Dowson, D., " A Generalized Reynolds Equation for Film Fluid
Lubrication," Int. J. Mech. Sc, Pergamon Press Ltd., Vol. 4, 1962, pp
5 Conclusion 9 Dowson, D., and Hudson, J. D., "Thermohydrodynamic Analysis of the
Infinite Slider Bearing: Part I the Plane Inclined Slider Bearing," Proc. IME
Good agreement between theoretical and experimental Lubrication and Wear Convention, 1963, pp. 34-44.
results is obtained when actual operating bearing clearances 10 Dowson, D., and Hudson, J. D., "Thermohydrodynamic Analysis of the
Infinite Slider Bearing: Part II, the Parallel Surface Bearing," Proc. IMg
are used. Thermal deformations along with differential Lubrication and Wear Convention, 1963, pp. 45-51.
thermal dilatation between journal and bearing must 11 Raimondi, A. A., "An Adiabatic Solution for the Finite Slider Bearing,"
therefore be considered in both theoretical and experimental ASLE, Transactions, Vol. 9, No. 3, 1966, pp. 283-298.
studies. Greater precision could undoubtedly be obtained if 12 Ezzat, H. A., and Rohde, S. M., "A Study of the Thermohydrodynamic
Performance of Finite Slider Bearings," General Motors Corporation, Internal
thermal material constant and convective coefficients were report, 1962.
better known. 13 Huebner, "A Three Dimensional Thermohydrodynamic Analysis of
Sector Thrust Bearings," ASLE Transactions, Vol. 17, No. 1, 1974, pp. 62-73.
14 Tipei, N., and Degueurce, B., "A Solution of the Thermohydrodynamic
6 Acknowledgments Problem for Exponential Lubricating Films," ASLE, Trans., Vol. 17, No. 2,
1974, pp. 84-91.
The theoretical work was performed at INSA of Lyon and 15 Majumdar, B. C , "The Thermohydrodynamic Solution of Oil Journal
the experimental work was performed at the University of Bearings," Wear, Vol. 31, 1975, pp. 287-294.
16 Smalley, A. J., and McCallion, N., "The Influence of Viscosity Variation
Poitiers. The work was supported by the Delegation Generale With Temperature on Journal Bearing Performance," Proc. IME, Vol. 181,
a la Recherche Scientifique et Technique Contracts n°. Part3B, 1966, pp. 55-62.
80.7.0657 and 80.7.0658 and by Electricite' de France 17 Mitsui, J., and Yamada, T., "A Study of Lubricant Film Characteristics
Direction des Etudes et Recherches Contracts no. 2D 3085 P in Journal Bearings (Part 1, A Thermodynamic Analysis with Particular
Reference to Viscosity Variation Within Lubricating Film)," Bull. JSME, Vol.
33 D 15 and 1089 - 1191 and by CIT ALCATEL Division 22, No. 172, 1978, pp. 1491-1498.
Graffenstaden Contract no. 650 309. 18 Boncompain, R., and Frene, J., "Modification de la portance due a
l'effet thermique dans les paliers lisses, determination des cartes de tem-
perature," Mecanique, Materiaux, Electricite, Revue du GAMI n° 347-348,
References 1978, pp.465-474.
19 Boncompain, R., and Frene, J., "Thermohydrodynamic Analysis of a
1 Dowson, D., Hudson, Hunter, and March, "An Experimental In- Finite Journal Bearings-Static and Dynamic Characteristics," Proceeding of
vestigation of the Thermal Equilibrium of Steadily Leaded Journal Bearings," the 6th Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology, Thermal Effects in Tribology,
Proc. Inst. Mech. Engs., Vol. 181, Part 3B, 1966, pp. 70-80. Published by Mech. Eng. Publi. Ltd., 1980, pp. 33-41.
2 Gregory, R. S., "Performance of Thrust Bearings at High Operating 20 Huffenus, J. P., and Khaletzky, D., "Theoretical Study of Heat Transfer
Speeds," ASME JOURNAL OF LUBRICATION TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 96, 1974, pp. in Thrust Bearings of Hydraulic Machines. Application to the Cooling of the
7-14. Oil Film," Proceedings of the 6th Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology,
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