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Bennett ELA Pre-Assessment

NAME:_____________________________ DATE:_______________________

Did you ever notice that the Earth has 4 seasons? The seasons are broke up into 4 the following: Fall,
Summer, Winter, and Spring. Each season is known for its climate or “weather”. Fall is between
summer and winter. The wind is usually breezy with cool air, but the skies are typically clear and the
holidays are nearby. Summer brings the intense heat and icecream. This season comes after Spring.
Spring falls between Winter and Summer. Showers come and sunny days to grow beautiful flowers
and spread pollen to other plants. Winter greets the year at the end and beginning of a new one. The
cold air and snowy clouds creates a “winter wonderland” during this season. People also shield their
bodies with jackets and thick sweaters to remain warm. These seasons occur, year round, in other
words annually. Our state Georgia experience these seasons each year too. Which season is your

1. What is the authors purpose of the text?

2. How many seasons does the Earth have?

A. 4
B. 18
C. None
D. 1

3. Which statements are text evidence from the passage above?

A. Rain showers and sunlight happen in the spring
B. The stars on mars are beautiful
C. Seasons happen every year
D. A and C

4. What type of text is this passage?

A. Nothing
B. Informative (Non-fiction)
C. Entertainment
D. Fiction

5. Which is the name of an opening sentence?

A. Statement
B. Question
C. Introduction
D. Resolution

6. What is the correct order the passage?

A. Introduction, body paragraph, conclusion
Ms. Bennett ELA Pre-Assessment

B. Conclusion, body paragraph, introduction

C. Body paragraph, conclusion, introduction
D. A and B

Lea struggled to get off the bus Monday. All of her friends stood up and blocked the exit as she tried
to move through the bus aisle. Lea did not like being in crowds and does not like blocked entrances or
exits. Eventually, the bus driver stood up and ordered the kids to go back to their seats. Nobody
listened or paid attention to the bus driver. Lea looked at her watch and saw that she was already
twenty minutes late to her first class. To make matters worse, she realized she left her science project
at home. Lea knew she should of taken her brothers offer to be driven to school, but it’s too late.

1. What’s the character’s plot of the story?

A. Lea wants a sandwich
B. Lea is trying to get to class on time
C. Lea is lost
D. Lea left her belongings

2. What is the setting of the story

A. Lunchroom
B. Truck stop
C. Bus
D. Bedroom

3. Write the cause and effect found in the story?


4. What text evidence supports Lea’s struggling Monday?

A. Lea is thinking
B. Lea realizes she left her project at home
C. People are crowding the bus aisle
D. B and C

5. What type of text is this passage?

A. Realistic Fiction
B. Non fiction
C. Mystery
D. Narrative
Ms. Bennett ELA Pre-Assessment

tito likes pie. He forget to backe cookies for his mother bakeree. His aunt is Martha Stewart and she
comes every sumer to visit her nephew and sister and bake goods plus create cool sweaters to were in
the winter! The three relatives get together an enjoy each otter company. Tito smiles. tito yells to get
his mother attention while she cooked a meal for all three of them and cleans the two guest rooms in
the house that was dirty from the last time tito and his mom had family over for the holidays.

1. Correct the grammar and punctuation in the narrative on these lines:



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