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Patricia Carnes 1

TEP Core Lesson Plan Template

Lesson Preparation
Topic/Day 4thgrade/ Writing
L4.4 -Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development and
organization are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience
Objective(s)  TSW explain literal and figurative meaning of idioms.
 Crayons
Resources/Safety  Idiom worksheet
 Library books
Technology  White board
 Projector
Vocabulary/  Figurative language
Academic  Literal
 Idiom
 Whole class
Student Grouping  Pair (selected by person to the right)
 Individual
 For students who need more of a challenge, they will find and illustrate
idioms from their library books.
Instruction/ Access
for All Students  For students in need of support, the teacher will put together a group
of students and show additional examples of idioms.
Learning-Teaching Process Time
Activate “Today’s lesson will be a piece of cake!” 1
Anticipatory Set

Interest minute
 The teacher will ask students to describe a time when someone 5
Activate Prior
Knowledge used a word or saying to describe something that was not the minutes
literal meaning.
“I can identify idioms.” 1
“I can” “I can draw a picture of an idiom.” minute

Formative Assessment Time

 Figurative language is a word Teacher observation 10
or phrase that does not have minutes
its literal meaning.
Content  Writers use figurative
Exploration language to make
comparisons and to help the
reader create a vivid picture of
the text.
 The teacher will provide
examples of metaphors,
similes, and idioms.
 TTW write the phrase “a piece Teacher Observation 15
of cake” on the board and ask minutes
students what it means.
 A picture of a piece of cake
will be displayed. The teacher
will ask students to describe
Modeling their experience of eating a
piece of cake.
 TTW record answers on the
 TTW explain what the phrase
 TTW provide the class with 3
more examples.
 Students will get with their Teacher will observe and 15
partners and choose two answer questions minutes
idioms from the website
shown on the projector.
 The pair will illustrate the
Guided Practice
literal and figurative meaning
of their idioms. They will also
write one sentence to explain
their idiom.
 The pairs will share their work
to the class.
 TSW complete their idiom Written Assessment 15
Independent minutes
worksheet and turn it in at the
Homework end of class.

 The class will review the definition of idiom. 10

 Each student will share one of their favorite idioms of the minutes

Summative Assessment (End of Unit)

The student will write a five paragraph essay using at least 10 sentences of figurative language.
Lesson Reflection (Complete after lesson)

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