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Candidate Name: Mariah Brashar Host Teacher Name: Lindsey Huberty

School: Susitna Elementary Grade Level: 4 # of Students: 29

Date & Time of Lesson: October 22, Length of Lesson: (day or days) 30 minutes
Topic of Lesson: A Trip to the Park Content Area: PE
(adapted from A Trip to the Park by
Mohammed Asim Ghazi)

Materials: Include all materials including types of technology used:

Appropriate footwear, open area

Alaska Content Standard: (One standard for the lesson)

Alaska Physical Education Standard A
Demonstrate competency in motor and movement skills needed to perform a variety of physical
Transfer Goal(s) - Unpacked Standard (Transferability)
Students increase their ability to move and control their bodies’ movements.

STAGE ONE: Essential Questions and Enduring Understandings (Meaning)

Enduring Understanding(s) : (1 or 2 are Essential Questions to be Considered: (As
sufficient) related to Enduring Understandings…) (1 or 2
Students will understand that…. these are the are sufficient)
BIG ones!
…physical activity can be as exciting as you How do we make physical activity
make it. enjoyable?
…involving your mind in play during physical
activity can be an easy way to make it more How can we play with our minds to make
engaging. what our bodies are doing seem more
purposeful or fun?


Objectives/Learning Targets (Acquisition) Assessments/Acceptable Evidence Of
Knowledge and Skills: What knowledge Sources of Evidence: Formative, Summative,
and skills related to content and/or content and/or Performance?
language should students know and be able
to do by the end of the lesson?

Students should know that… Student participation (performance)

…by involving their minds in an activity, they
can make physical activity more rewarding.
STAGE THREE: Learning for Understanding: Instructional Activities, Products, and
Pre-Requisites: What is the prior knowledge/learning students have to have before starting this
lesson? Students need knowledge of motor vehicles, walking speed, jogging speed, and how to
read a clock.

Overview/Introduction/Main Hook (Make a connection with students’ backgrounds and/or

prior learning using an authentic situation to start them thinking about the objectives and the
essential question the lesson addresses.)
Who wants to take a field trip!? How about one in your mind? What would that look like: Think
Pair Share your guess of what we’re going to do.

Process: Teacher Does/Student Does… Product(s): Specific

Assessment/Eviden Strategies
ce of Learning.
Teacher: Evaluation:
Explains that the class is taking an imaginary trip to the Students run/walk
park: the following instructions are written by Mohammed  The ability to
Asim Ghazi and are available here:
at their own pace
notice objects in nature
storyk6-htm/  Child learns Physical strain is
that self- based on effort
1. “Every child will bring a bag of supplies for the trip reliance is (every child can
(pantomime holding a bag with both hands).” linked to “push/pull” the
2. “The car/bus/van will leave at exactly ten o’clock; every movements
child must be ready and on-time. It is now 10 o’clock.
amount that
and that
All the children are ready. Ready?” (Show your hands exercise is she/he is able)
in the ten o’clock position.) natural
 Development of Verbal
Warm-up: Skills: standing and walking, then running and cooperation instructions,
jogging, then winding down. between physical
3. “Get ready! (Stand with arms at your side.) The van will
move slowly at first (walk) and then we put the van to
work (jogging). Keep right and slow down to observe ns
the traffic lights.”
4. “Warning, red light up ahead! Slow down (walk) and
stop (stop)! Now start slowly again (walk). We are
coming on a stretch of green lights, so we can now
move quickly (jog). Warning, we see a sign ahead with
an arrow pointing this way (pantomime a right turn
arrow with your arm and hand). Turn to the right (face
right, jogging in place). Look there is a left turn sign.
Quickly turn left (turn left)!
5. Look an orange light! Slow down and look both ways
(walk). Is it safe? Then keep going a little farther. Look
the park is ahead. Time to ‘park’ the van (stop)!”


Skills: while standing – lift arms high, bend at

the middle and touch the ground, forward arm
pushing movement and high jumping.
6. “Come on children, we have come to the park. Time to
take your bag down from the top of the van. Raise your
hands high (lift arms high). Grab your bag. Now put the
bag on the ground (touch ground). Now help your
neighbor bring their bag down (students pairs reach up,
face each other, and bring the ‘bag’ down to the ground
together at the same time).”
7. “Come everyone, let’s go in the garden (walk in place).
Look at all the trees. They are so high (raise arms high
and sway right and left). Look at them sway right and
left. Come on children, sway your arms right and left.”
8. “Look, some of the trees have lost their leaves.”
(Pantomine falling leaves by wiggling fingers slowly to
the ground while bending at the waist. Repeat three
9. “Let’s pick up the leaves and put them in the baskets
(act this out).”
10. “Come on, children. It is now twelve o’clock (both arms
over head with hands touching). Let us go back.”
11. “Each child picks up and carries his bag. Now raise
your bag and throw it on top of the van. Everyone in
place (jump up and pretend throwing the bag like a
basketball into a hoop).”
12. “Oh, no! The car is broken. It will not go. Let’s push it
forward (repeat a forward arm pushing movement).
Let’s cooperate, push strongly forward. Strongly! Hold
it! Great!”

Take your places. The car is going (walk), gaining speed (walk faster), more speed (faster) and
now we are back at school (walk slower) and parked again (stop).
Considerations prior to the lesson:
 What is the objective of the lesson? How will you know if the students have
met the objective?
 What provisions are you making for faster and slower learners?
 How do you integrate local knowledge and cultural content?
 How do you use (or not use) technology wisely?
 How does this lesson fit into the overall curriculum?
 Have you changed the lesson plan at all?

Questions for reflection after the lesson:

 How did the lesson go?
 Did the students meet the objective? How do you know?
 Were there any unexpected events? How effectively did you respond?
 Comment on one student who did particularly well and one who did not meet
your expectations. Why did this happen? What can you do to follow up with
the student who did not do well?
 Are there any changes you would make in this lesson if you could do it
again? Why?

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