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Distillation is widely used to separate volatile analytes from nonvolatile interferents.

Distillation is based
on differences in the boiling points of the materials in a mixture. A common example is the separation of
nitrogen analytes from many other species by converting the nitrogen to ammonia, which is then
distilled from basic solution. Other examples include separating carbon as carbon dioxide and sulfur as
sulfur dioxide. Distillation is widely used in organic chemistry to separate components in mixtures for
purification purposes.

(Skoog, Fundamental Of Analytical Chemistry, 9e)

(Iskandar, Soeyotno. Ilmu Kimia Teknik. 2015. Yogyakarta: Dee Publish)

Single stage distillation There are three commonly used single stage methods; equilibrium flash, batch
and steam distillation.The simplest continuous distillation process is the flash separator. Liquid under
pressure is heated and the pressure is reduced in a flashing. Multistage distillation Separation can be
enhanced considerably if a number of flash units are connected in series. The method illustrated in
figure 3 is based on the equilibrium-stage concept that assumes that vapour and liquid are brought to
equilibrium at every stage, the pressure is constant and every stage and divider is adiabatic

(Ekberg, Henrik. Design of Adiabatic Flash Unit. Lund: Lund University)
(Triyono. 2013. Kesetimbangan Kimia. Yogyakarta: UGM Press)

When the azeotropic composition has been reached, distillation cannot separate the two liquids
because the condensate has the same composition as the azeotropic liquid.

(Atkins, Peter.2010. physical chemistry. 9th ed. Oxford university Press)

Distillation units in the production of Scotch Whisky range from simple pot stills to continuous multi-
column stills. Energy is introduced in the form of steam to the bottom of the still and selectively
volatilises the alcohol and other components from the fermented liquids and predistilled alcohol water
mixtures. The volatile components are recirculated within the still to achieve the correct separation,
selection and concentration of alcoholic/aqueous compounds for the many varied and desirable
congener profiles required by the various types and brands of products. Stills can be operated singly or
in series. The volatile components are condensed by heat exchange with water in condensers and
removed as a liquid spirit. The residual material known as pot ale, spent lees, stillage or spent wash, is
discharged from the bottom of the still. (In column-stills other fractions are also removed such as fusel
oils and high feints. The high feints are fed back into the stills and the fusel oils (largely amyl alcohol) are
sold as a coproduct.)

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