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Hybrid Digital and Analog Beamforming Design

for Large-Scale MIMO Systems

Foad Sohrabi and Wei Yu
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario M5S 3G4, Canada
Emails: {fsohrabi, weiyu}

Abstract—Large-scale multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) This paper addresses this challenge by considering a hybrid
systems enable high spectral efficiency by employing large digital and analog beamforming design to reduce the number
antenna arrays at both the transmitter and the receiver of a of required RF chains for beamforming in large-scale MIMO
wireless communication link. In traditional MIMO systems, full
digital beamforming is done at the baseband; one distinct radio- systems. Our main contribution is to show that the number of
frequency (RF) chain is required for each antenna, which for RF chains only needs to scale as the number of data streams,
large-scale MIMO systems can be prohibitive from either cost or rather than the number of antenna elements. Specifically, this
power consumption point of view. This paper considers a two- paper shows theoretically that the fully-digital beamforming
stage hybrid beamforming structure to reduce the number of RF performance can be attained, if the number of RF chains at
chains for large-scale MIMO systems. The overall beamforming
matrix consists of analog RF beamforming implemented using both ends is more than twice the number of data streams.
phase shifters and baseband digital beamforming of much smaller Further, in the critical case where the number of RF chains
dimension. This paper considers precoder and receiver design for is equal to the number of data streams, a hybrid structure
maximizing the spectral efficiency when the hybrid structure is consisting of analog beamforming using phase shifters and
used at both the transmitter and the receiver. On the theoretical a digital beamformer of much lower dimension can achieve
front, bounds on the minimum number of transmit and receive
RF chains that are required to realize the theoretical capacity spectral efficiency close to that of the fully-digital solution.
of the large-scale MIMO system are presented. It is shown that Analog or RF beamforming schemes have been extensively
the hybrid structure can achieve the same performance as the studied in the literature [3], [4], [5]. Analog beamforming
fully-digital beamforming scheme if the number of RF chains is typically implemented using phase shifters. This implies
at each end is greater than or equal to twice the number of constant modulus constraints on the elements of the beam-
data streams. On the practical design front, this paper proposes
a heuristic hybrid beamforming design strategy for the critical forming matrix. Analog beamforming is much less complex
case where the number of RF chains is equal to the number of than digital beamforming; however it also has poorer per-
data streams, and shows that the performance of the proposed formance, because it does not control the magnitude of the
hybrid beamforming design can achieve spectral efficiency close beamformer elements. To address this issue, [6], [7] consider
to that of the fully-digital solution. antenna subset selection scheme using simple analog switches,
but such schemes provide limited array gain and still have poor
performance in correlated channels [8].
The bandwidth shortage facing the wireless cellular industry To achieve better performance, hybrid analog and digital
has motivated the investigation of the under-utilized millimeter beamforming is first suggested in [9] under the term soft
wave (mmWave) frequency spectrum for the future fifth- antenna selection. For the case of diversity transmission,
generation (5G) wireless standard [1]. Due to the shorter [9] shows that hybrid beamforming can achieve the same
wavelength, the antenna arrays at the mmWave frequencies performance as optimal fully-digital beamforming, if and only
occupy much smaller physical dimension (as compared to if there are at least two RF chains at each end. The current
the antenna arrays at current 3G or LTE frequencies) [2]. paper considers a similar hybrid structure, but goes one step
This enables the use of large-scale MIMO (often referred further in generalizing the aforementioned result of [9] for the
to massive MIMO) systems, for beamforming to combat the case where multiple data streams are present.
higher path-loss and absorption at higher frequencies. How- The idea of soft antenna selection is reintroduced under the
ever, the use of traditional fully-digital beamforming for large- term hybrid beamforming for single-user MIMO systems at
scale/massive MIMO communications is not practical. This mmWave frequencies in [10]. A practical hybrid beamforming
is because traditional beamforming is performed at baseband. algorithm is further proposed in [10] and is shown to have
This enables both phase control and amplitude signal control, good performance under three scenarios: (i) extremely large
but also requires the use of a dedicated radio frequency (RF) number of antennas; (ii) more RF chains than the number
chain for each antenna element. Due to the high cost and of data streams; (iii) extremely correlated channel matrices.
power consumption of the RF chains [2], such fully-digital But in other cases, there is a significant gap between the
beamforming solution is not viable for implementation for achievable rate of fully-digital beamforming scheme and that
large-scale MIMO systems at mmWave frequencies. of the algorithm proposed in [10].
Analog Precoder VRF Analog Combiner WRF
This paper addresses this issue by proposing a heuristic
algorithm to design transceiver hybrid beamformers for rate s(1)
RF +
x(1) y1 (1)
RF y2 (1)
Digital Chain Chain Digital y3 (1)
maximization in the case that the number of transmit and
Ns N M
Precoder NtRF NrRF
receive RF chains is equal to the number of data streams. The Combiner Ns

proposed algorithm relies on a beamforming strategy proposed s(Ns )

VDig RF RF y2 (NrRF ) WDig
y3 (Ns )
Chain + Chain
in [11] under per-antenna power constraint. The numerical x(N ) y1 (M )
S X Y1 Y2 Y3
results show that the achievable rate of the proposed algorithm
is significantly better than that of the existing algorithms, and Figure 1: A massive MIMO system with hybrid beamforming
is very close to the optimal fully-digital design. structure at the transmitter and the receiver.
Consider a single-user MIMO system in which the transmit- The optimal transmitter precoder and the receiver combiner
ter with N antennas sends Ns data streams to a receiver which are obtained by solving the following optimization problem,
is equipped with M antennas. Instead of implementing a fully-
digital beamforming, which requires one distinct RF chain for maximize R (5a)
each antenna, this paper considers a two-stage hybrid linear VRF ,VDig WRF ,WDig
precoding and combining scheme as shown in Fig. 1, where subject to Tr(VRF VDig VDig VRF )≤P (5b)
the transmitter is equipped with NtRF transmit RF chains, with 2
|VRF (i, j)| = 1, ∀i, j (5c)
Ns ≤ NtRF < N , and the receiver is equipped with NrRF RF 2
|WRF (i, j)| = 1, ∀i, j (5d)
chains, with Ns ≤ NrRF < M .
In the hybrid beamforming structure, the overall precoder where P is the total transmitter power budget.
Vt ∈ CN ×Ns can be written as Vt = VRF VDig , where
VRF ∈ CN ×Nt is the RF precoder and VDig ∈ CNt ×Ns III. M INIMUM N UMBER OF RF C HAINS TO R EALIZE
is the digital precoder. Similarly, the overall hybrid combiner O PTIMAL F ULLY- DIGITAL B EAMFORMER
Wt ∈ CM ×Ns at the receiver is Wt = WRF WDig , where
WRF ∈ CM ×Nr is the RF combiner and WDig ∈ CNr ×Ns First, we establish theoretical bounds on the minimum
is the digital combiner. Typically, we have N  NtRF and number of RF chains that are required to realize the theoretical
M  NrRF ; i.e., the dimension of the digital beamformers is capacity of the MIMO system. Recall that without the hybrid
much smaller than the dimension of the RF beamformers. structure constraint, the optimal linear fully-digital precoder
Further, as shown in Fig. 1, we assume that the elements for maximizing the overall rate subject to the total power
of the RF beamformers are implemented using analog phase constraint is given by Vopt ∈ CN ×Ns matching to the set of
shifters (with arbitrary phase angles). This implies constant eigenvectors corresponding to the Ns largest eigenvalues of
modulus constraints on the elements of the RF beamforming HH H [12]. Fixing the precoder to Vopt , the optimal linear
matrices; i.e., |VRF (i, j)|2 = 1 and |WRF (i, j)|2 = 1, where fully-digital combiner is given by the MMSE receiver. A
VRF (i, j) and WRF (i, j) are the element of ith row and j th natural question arises: Fix Ns , is it possible to implement the
column in VRF and WRF , respectively. fully-digital precoder and combiner using a hybrid structure
Mathematically, the linear transmit precoded signal in the with NtRF < N and NrRF < M ? If so, what is the minimum
hybrid structure can be written as number of RF chains needed? For simplicity of exposition, we
focus on the transmitter side.
x = VRF VDig s, (1)
Ns ×1
Lemma 1. To realize a full-rank precoding matrix, it is
where s ∈ C is the vector of Ns symbols to be sent to necessary that the number of transmit RF chains in hybrid
the receiver, normalized so that E{ssH } = INs . Assuming structure exceeds the number of data streams; i.e., NtRF ≥ Ns .
a narrowband block-fading channel with i.i.d additive white
Gaussian noise z ∼ CN (0, σ 2 IM ), the received signal is Proof: Note that rank(VRF VDig ) ≤ NtRF . Therefore, to
implement a rank-Ns Vopt , we need NtRF ≥ Ns .
y1 = HVRF VDig s + z, (2)
We now address how many RF chains are sufficient for
M ×N implementing fully-digital Vopt . For the Ns = 1 case, it is
where H ∈ C is the channel matrix. The receiver uses
the combining matrix to obtain the processed signals y2 and known that the optimal precoder can be realized using the
y3 as shown in Fig. 1. In particular, hybrid structure iff NtRF ≥ 2 [9]. Lemma 2 generalizes this
H H H H result for spatial multiplexing transmission.
y3 = WDig WRF HVRF VDig s + WDig WRF z. (3)
Lemma 2. For the spatial multiplexing transmission in MIMO
The problem of interest is to maximize the overall spectral
systems, i.e., Ns > 1, the optimal fully-digital precoder can
efficiency (rate) under a power budget at the transmitter.
be realized using the hybrid structure if NtRF ≥ 2Ns .
Assuming Gaussian signalling, the rate in such a system is
1 Proof: Let NtRF = 2Ns and denote Vopt (i, j) = βij ejφi,j
R = log2 IM + 2 Wt (WtH Wt )−1 WtH HVt VtH HH . (4)

σ and VRF (i, j) = ejθi,j . We design the k th column of the digital
precoder as vDig = [0T v2k−1 v2k 0T ]T . With this specific H
A. RF Precoder Design Given VDig VDig = γ2I
structure, satisfying VRF VDig = Vopt is equivalent to First, we seek to design the RF precoder assuming that the
v2k−1 ejθi,2k−1 + v2k ejθi,2k = βi,k ejφi,k , ∀i, k. (6) digital precoder is such that VDig VDig = γ 2 I. The motivation
Using a similar procedure as in [9], it can be easily verified behind this assumption is that by setting γ to N NtRF
, the
that one possible set of solution to this problem is power constraint in (8b) is automatically satisfied, regardless
(k) (k) (k) (k) of the value of the entries of the RF precoding matrix.
βmax + βmin βmax − βmin Therefore, the RF precoder design problem is reduced to
v2k−1 = , v2k = ,
2 2
2 (k) (k)
! γ2 H H
βi,k + βmax βmin max log2 I + 2 VRF H HVRF (9a)

−1 σ
θi,2k−1 = φi,k − cos (k) (k)
βi,k( βmax + βmin ) s.t. |VRF (i, j)|2 = 1, ∀i, j. (9b)
(k) (k)
β i,k − β max β min Although the objective function of the problem (9) is still not
θi,2k = φi,k + cos−1 (k) (k)
. (7)
βi,k (βmax − βmin ) concave in VRF , the constraints are completely decoupled in
(k) (k)
this formulation. This allows us to design each column of the
where βmax = max{βi,k }, and βmin = min{βi,k }. VRF matrix separately. This design approach is first proposed
i i
IV. T RANSCEIVER D ESIGN FOR THE CASE in [11] for solving the problem of transmitter precoder design
NtRF = NrRF = Ns with per-antenna power constraint. A brief explanation of the
algorithm is stated below.
We now consider the design of hybrid precoder and com-
Let F1 = HH H. We can isolate the contribution of the k th
biner for the critical case where NtRF = NrRF = Ns . The
column of the beamformer to the objective function in (9) as
digital beamformers in this case have dimension Ns by Ns .
We aim to show that such a structure is able to approximate γ2 H
log2 I + 2 VRF F1 VRF = (10)
a fully-digital beamformer supporting Ns data streams. σ
The optimal beamforming design to solve the problem in γ (k) H (k)
(5) involves a joint optimization over Vt and Wt . In this log2 Ck + log2 1 + 2 vRF Gk vRF ,
section, we decouple the design of precoding matrix from the 2
design of combining matrix by considering the maximization where Ck = I + σγ 2 (V̄RF k H k
) F1 V̄RF and Gk = F1 −
of the mutual information between S and Y1 (see Fig. 1) for γ2 k −1 k H
F V̄
σ 2 1 RF k C ( V̄ RF ) F 1 is a positive semidefinite matrix and
designing the precoder first, then subsequently the design of V̄RF is the sub-matrix of VRF with k th column removed. The
the receiver combiner for a fixed precoder. algorithm in [11] is based on the iterative maximization over
By the above simplification and assuming Gaussian sig- the columns of the beamformer to reach to a local optimal
nalling, the precoder design problem can be written as point. At the k th step of each iteration, the algorithm seeks
1 H H
to find the optimal k th column of the RF precoder; i.e.,
max log2 I + 2 HVRF VDig VDig VRF HH (8a)

VRF ,VDig σ vRF , assuming that the other columns are fixed. Since Ck
s.t. H
Tr(VRF VDig VDig H
VRF ) ≤ P, (8b) is independent of vRF , the optimization problem at the k th
step of each iteration is
|VRF (i, j)|2 = 1, ∀i, j. (8c)
γ 2 (k) H
The optimization problem (8) is not convex. This paper (k)
max log2 1 + 2 vRF Gk vRF (11a)
proposes the following heuristic strategy for obtaining a good (k)
vRF σ
solution to (8). First, we assume a digital precoder of the s.t.
|vRF (i)|2 = 1, ∀i = 1, . . . , N. (11b)
form VDig VDig = γ 2 I where γ is a constant. Under this
assumption, the remaining problem for designing the RF It can be shown that any local optimal solution of (11) satisfies
precoder happens to have the form of a beamforming problem (k)
k (k)
with per-antenna power constraint considered in [11]. We vRF (i) = ψ gi` vRF (`) , ∀i = 1, . . . , N, (12)
design the RF precoder according to the algorithm in [11]. `6=i

Finally, the digital precoder is set to be the global maximizer where for the complex variable w,
of the problem (8) given that RF precoder. (
With the precoder already designed, we next find the 1, if w = 0
ψ(w) = w , (13)
RF combiner and the digital combiner that maximize the
|w| , otherwise
achievable rate. We show that for large-MIMO system the
RF combiner design problem has the same form as the RF and gi` is the element of Gk at the ith row and `th column.
precoder design problem. Therefore, the RF combiner can Therefore, one way to find a local optimal solution to (11) is to
also be obtained using the algorithm in [11]. Finally, the iteratively update the elements of vRF according to (12). The
digital combiner is set to be the MMSE receiver. The design convergence of the overall algorithm for solving (9) is proved
procedure is explained in more detail below. in [11], although only local optimality can be guaranteed.
B. Digital Precoder Design Given VRF
Next, we consider the design of the digital precoder as- Fully−digital Beamforming
16 Proposed Algorithm, NRF = 2
suming that the RF precoder is fixed. Toward this end, we Hybrid Beamforming in [10], NRF = 2

Spectral Efficiency (bits/s/Hz)

find the closed-form solution for the optimal digital precoder 14 Hybrid Beamforming in [10], NRF = 3
Hybrid Beamforming in [10], NRF = 4
that maximizes (8a) given the RF precoder. If VRF is fixed, 12
Heff = HVRF can be seen as an effective channel. Therefore, 10
the optimal digital precoder can be found by solving
1 H

max log2 IM + 2 Heff VDig VDig eff
VDig σ 4
s.t. Tr(QVDig VDig ) ≤ P, (14b) 2

H −1/2
where Q = VRF VRF .If we denote He = Heff Q , the 0
−30 −25 −20 −15 −10 −5 0 5 10
SNR (dB)
problem in (14) has the well-known solution; i.e., VDig =
Q−1/2 Ue Γe where Ue is the set of eigenvectors correspond- Figure 2: Spectral efficiencies achieved by different methods
ing to the Ns largest eigenvalues of HHe He and Γe is the in a 64 × 8 MIMO system where Ns = 2 and L = 20.
diagonal matrix of powers allocated by water-filling.
C. Receiver Design Given the Precoder
receiver and the transmitter, respectively. The antenna ar-
Finally, we seek to design the hybrid combiner that maxi-
ray response vector in a uniform linear array configura-
mizes the achievable rate assuming that the precoder is fixed.
tion with N antenna elements is modeled as a(φ) =
Since there is no constraint on the entries of the digital √1 [1, expjkd sin(φ) , . . . , exp(N −1)jkd sin(φ) ]T where k = 2π ,
combiner, it is possible to design the RF combiner first such N λ
λ is the transmission wavelength and d is the antenna spacing.
that it maximizes the mutual information between S and Y2
In the simulation, we assume a 64 × 8 MIMO system in an
(see Fig. 1), then to set the digital combiner to be a MMSE
environment with L = 20 scatterers with uniformly random
receiver. The RF combiner is designed by solving
angles of arrival and departure. The antenna spacing is set
to be half of the wavelength. The number of data streams
max log2 I + 2 (WRF H
F2 WRF (15a)

WRF σ is set to be Ns = 2. For hybrid beamforming schemes, we
s.t. |WRF (i, j)|2 = 1, ∀i, j, (15b) assume that the number of RF chains at the transmitter and
the receiver is identical; i.e., NtRF = NrRF = N RF . Fig. 2
where F2 = HVt VtH HH . It can be shown that when the
H plots the average spectral efficiency versus signal-to-noise-
number of receive antennas is large, we have WRF WRF ≈ M I
ratio (SNR = σP2 ) over 100 channel realizations for different
with high probability [10]. Under this assumption, the problem
beamforming methods. It is shown that the proposed algorithm
(15) has the same form as the problem in (9). Therefore,
with 2 RF chains already has a better performance as compared
the problem (15) can be solved with the same algorithm as
to algorithm of [10], with 2, 3 or 4 RF chains. It is also
in Section IV-A, and it can be verified that the resulting
H shown that with the same number of RF chains (N RF = 2),
WRF indeed satisfies WRF WRF ≈ M I. Finally, assuming
the performance improvement of the proposed algorithm as
the precoder and the RF combiner already designed, the
compared to the algorithm in [10] is about 4 dB at high SNR
MMSE digital combiner is WDig = J−1 WRF H
HVt , where
H H H 2 H regime which is significant. Moreover, the performance of the
J = WRF HVt Vt H WRF + σ WRF WRF .
proposed algorithm with 2 RF chains is already very close
V. S IMULATIONS to the upper bound given by the rate of optimal fully-digital
beamforming scheme, indicating that the proposed algorithm
In this section, simulation results are presented to show the
is near optimal.
performance of the proposed algorithm in comparison with the
algorithm in [10] and the optimal fully-digital beamforming VI. C ONCLUSION
scheme. In order to model the propagation environment, we
consider a geometric channel model with L paths between This paper considers single-user hybrid beamforming for
the transmitter and receiver. Furthermore, we consider an a large-scale MIMO system with limited number of RF
antenna configuration with a uniform linear array. Under these chains at both ends. We show that the hybrid beamforming
assumptions, the channel matrix can be expressed as [10], structure can achieve the same performance as the fully-digital
beamforming scheme, if the number of RF chains at each
r L
NM X end is greater than twice the number of data streams. For the
H= α` ar (φ`r )at (φ`t )H , (16) case where the number of RF chains at both ends is equal to
the number of data streams, we propose a heuristic algorithm
where α` ∼ CN (0, 1) is the complex gain of the `th which has better performance as compared to existing hybrid
path, and φ`r ∈ [0, 2π), φ`t ∈ [0, 2π). Moreover, ar (.) beamforming algorithms and in fact achieves a rate very close
and at (.) are the antenna array response vectors at the to the capacity limit with optimal fully-digital beamforming.
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