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bahasa inggris XI


Setelah mempelajari materi ini, kamu diharapkan memiliki kemampuan berikut.
1. Memahami fungsi sosial teks analytical exposition.
2. Memahami generic structure dan language features yang ada di dalam teks analytical
3. Mengidentifikasi struktur yang membangun sebuah teks analytical exposition.
4. Mengidentifikasi informasi spesifik yang terkandung dalam teks analytical exposition.

Contoh 1
Bacalah contoh teks di bawah ini dan jawablah pertanyaannya!

The Power of Music in Our Life

Do you agree that music is important in our life? Yes I do, music has certain roles completing our
day to day activities. Here are some reasons why music is heard everywhere and anywhere.

Firstly, music is a way to express feelings. When we fall in love, the kind of music we listen to
will be all about love. When we’re sad, we will go for music that is melancholic in nature and
immerse ourselves in the sadness. When we’re happy, we will choose songs with happy tunes

Songs can help to memorize the last experiences. A favorite song is a powerful documentary.
People with Alzheimer or impaired brain would remember details about songs they were
familiar with. For example, an elderly woman who couldn’t even remember her husband’s name
would remember the details of her favorite song; when it was played, how it made her feel and
things about the song that made it especially memorable for her.

Further, music can unite people for a cause and it can also change the world. A song with good
lyrics and striking deep chords can stimulate the universal feeling of all people. We can see it in
the case of the famous and legendary Michael Jackson’s ‘Heal the World’. It can arouse humanism
of a lot of people in this world.

So what will the world be like without music? It will be lonely.

Taken from:

Vocab Corner
1. What is the topic of the text?
2. What is the writer’s opinion about Music? Melancholic : sad
Is music important in our life? Why? Immerse : bring into
3. What does the writer think the world will Tunes : melody
be without music? Impaired : damaged
4. Do you agree with the text above? Unite : unify/make into one
Striking : very
Arouse : stimulate

Super "Solusi Quipper"

To find the topic of the text, find REWORD (Repeated WORD)

Analytical exposition adalah teks yang berisi pemikiran terperinci penulis yang menjelaskan
suatu masalah atau fenomena di sekitarnya secara komprehensif dengan menampilkan
pendapat-pendapat pendukung. Tujuan Analytical Exposition adalah untuk meyakinkan
pembaca bahwa topik yang disajikan adalah topik yang penting untuk dibahas atau
mendapat perhatian.

Analytical exposition text dibangun oleh struktur-struktur berikut ini.
a. Thesis
Bagian ini terdapat di paragraf awal teks dan mengandung informasi mengenai:
• Topik atau ide pokok yang akan dibahas
• Pandangan penulis (writer’s view) mengenai suatu permasalahan
Topic Writer’s view

“Do you agree that music is important in our life? Yes I do, music has certain role
completing our day to day activities.”

b. Series of Argument
Bagian ini berisi argumen-argumen yang mendukung dan membuktikan kebenaran thesis.
Argumen-argumen yang kuat akan dan logis dapat menunjukkan dan membuktikan
kebenaran thesis dan membuat pembaca/pendengar semakin yakin bahwa thesis yang
dibahas adalah penting.

Argument pada teks di atas adalah:

- Music is a way to express feelings
- Songs can help to memorize the last experience
- Music can unite people for a cause and change the world

c. Conclusion/Reiteration
Bagian ini berisi penutup yang:
• Terletak pada paragraf terakhir
• Berisi pernyataan kembali thesis.

Conclusion/reiteration pada teks di atas adalah:

So what will the world be like without music? It will be lonely.

Analytical exposition text ditandai dengan penggunaan unsur kebahasaan (language
features) berikut ini.

Menggunakan present tense Do you agree that music is important in our life? Yes I
do, music has certain role completing our day to day
activities. Here are some reasons why music is heard
everywhere and anywhere. Firstly, music is a way
to express feelings. When we fall in love, the kind of
music we listen to will be all about love. When we’re
sad, we will go for music that is melancholic in nature
and immerse ourselves in the sadness. When we’re
happy, we will choose songs with happy tunes too.

Songs can help to memorize the last experiences. A

favorite song is a powerful documentary. People with
Alzheimer or impaired brain would remember details
about songs they were familiar with. For example,
an elderly woman who couldn’t even remember her
husband’s name would remember the details of her
favorite song; when it was played, how it made her
feel and things about the song that made it especially
memorable for her.

Further, music can unite people for a cause and it

can also change the world. A song with good lyrics
and striking deep chords can stimulate the universal
feeling of all people. We can see it in the case of the
famous and legendary Michael Jackson’s ‘Heal the
World’. It can arouse humanism of a lot people in this

So what will the world be like without music? It will

be lonely.
Menggunakan conjunction Contoh:
yang menghubungkan argu-
men-argumen penulis, seperti Firstly, music is a way to express feelings.
firstly, secondly, in addition, Further, music can unite people…
further, besides, dll.

Menggunakan evaluative Evaluative words adalah kata-kata yang me-
words representasikan pendapat/perasaan/penilaian penulis
terhadap sesuatu, seperti, important, significant,
valuable, crucial, dll.

Salah satu tujuan penggunaan evaluative words adalah

untuk menunjukkan seberapa pentingnya topik yang

Do you agree that music is important in our life?
A favorite song is a powerful documentary.
A song with good lyric and striking deep chord can
stimulate the universal feeling of all people.
It will be lonely.
Menggunakan compound and Compound sentence adalah kalimat yang terdiri atas
complex sentence dua main clause (induk kalimat) yang dihubungkan
oleh coordinate conjunction yaitu but, or, and


Further, music can unite people for a cause and it can
also change the world.

Complex sentence adalah kalimat yang terdiri atas satu

induk kalimat (main clause) dan satu atau beberapa
anak kalimat (subordinate clause) yang ditandai
dengan penggunaan kata penghubung subordinate
conjunction, seperti when, while, because, since, as, that,
which, who, although, how, why, if, dll.

Do you agree that music is important in our life?
Here are some reasons why music is heard everywhere
and anywhere.
When we fall in love, the kind of music we will listen to
is all about love.

Menggunakan compound and When we’re sad, we will go for music that is melancholic
complex sentence in nature and immerse ourselves in the sadness.
When we’re happy, we will choose songs with happy
tunes too.

Super "Solusi Quipper"

Compound Sentence
S + V and S + V
Compound Sentence
S + V subordinate conjunction S + V

Subordinate conjunction S + V , S + V

Contoh 2
Bacalah contoh teks berikut dan jawablah pertanyaannya.


Smoking is a bad habit which we must avoid. A lot of people start smoking due to peer pressure,
depression, the need to lose weight, or to relax. For young people, they usually start to smoke
in order to make them feel more relaxed. They think that it is the only way to get through their
problems. Nevertheless, there are so many negative effects of smoking.

Firstly, smoking is not good for our health. It causes lung cancer, yellow teeth or nails, bronchitis,
and other diseases. Secondly, smoking can become very addictive and it kills more people than
car accidents, suicide, murder, and other causes. In addition, mentally, if someone has been
smoking, they can encounter some loss of concentration or balance which can influence their
social life, although the opinion merely comes from the smokers.

From the reason above, we can conclude that smoking is a bad habit that doesn’t give us any
advantages for us.
Taken from:

1. What is the topic of the text? Vocab Corner
2. What is the writer’s opinion about smoking?
Peer : friend
Is it a good thing or a bad thing?
Addictive : obsessive
3. What are the advantages and dis-
Suicide : self-murder
advantages of smoking according to the
Encounter : experience

Generic structure teks di atas adalah:

Thesis Smoking is a bad habit which we must avoid.

 Smoking causes lung cancer, yellow teeth or nails, bronchitis,
and other diseases.
 Smoking can become very addictive and it kills more people
Series of argument
than car accidents, suicide, murder, and other causes.
 Encounter some loss of concentration or balance, which can
influence social life.
Smoking is a bad habit that doesn’t give us any advantages for

Language features teks di atas adalah:

Menggunakan present tense Smoking is a bad habit which we must avoid. A lot of
people start smoking due to peer pressure, depression,
the need to lose weight, or to relax. For young people,
they usually start to smoke in order to make them feel
more relaxed. They think that it is the only way to get
through their problems. Nevertheless, there are so
many negative effects of smoking.

Firstly, smoking is not good for our health. It causes

lung cancer, yellow teeth or nails, bronchitis, and
other diseases. Secondly, smoking can become very
addictive and it kills more people than car accidents,
suicide, murder, and other causes. In addition, mentally,
if someone has been smoking, they can encounter
some loss of concentration or balance which can
influence their social life, although the opinion merely
comes from the smokers.

Menggunakan present tense From the reason above, we can conclude that smoking
is a bad habit that doesn’t give us any advantages for
Menggunakan conjunction Firstly, smoking is not good for our health.
Secondly, smoking can become very addictive…
In addition, mentally, if someone has been smoking,…
Menggunakan evaluative words Smoking is a bad habit which we must avoid.
Nevertheless, there are so many negative effects of
Firstly, smoking is not good for our health.
Secondly, smoking can become very addictive…
…smoking is a bad habit that doesn’t give us any
advantages for us.
Menggunakan compound and Compound:
complex sentence. Secondly, smoking can become very addictive and it
kills more people than car accidents, suicide, murder,
and other causes.

Smoking is a bad habit that doesn’t give us any
advantages for us.
They think that it is the only way to get through their
…if someone has been smoking, they can encounter
some loss of concentration or balance which can
influence their social life, although the opinion merely
comes from the smokers.

…we can conclude that smoking is a bad habit that

doesn’t give us any advantages for us.

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