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wondered all.

I could not tell how, but I had movies, and Passage 2 does not mention any “other
left the temple a devotee, and was returned a art forms” at all.
rationalist. The same things were there ● (D) is wrong because only Passage 2 discusses “how
materially; but the emblem, the reference, one’s perception of the theater may develop over
85 was gone. The green curtain was no longer a time”—this subject is unmentioned in Passage 1.
veil, drawn between two worlds, the unfold- ● (E) is wrong because there is no reference in either
ing of which was to bring back past ages, but passage to “the experience of reading a play.”
a certain quantity of green material, which
was to separate the audience for a given time Correct answer: (A) / Difficulty level: Easy
90 from certain of their fellows who were to Some questions assess your comprehension of information
come forward and pretend those parts. The that is directly stated in a passage.
lights—the orchestra lights—came up a
clumsy machinery. The first ring, and the 10. The “happenings” mentioned in line 14 refer to the
second ring, was now but a trick of the
95 prompter’s bell. The actors were men and (A) work undertaken to produce a movie
women painted. I thought the fault was in (B) events occurring in the street outside the theater
them; but it was in myself, and the alteration (C) fantasies imagined by a child
which those many centuries—those six (D) activity captured on the movie screen
short years—had wrought in me. (E) story unfolding on the stage

* Pilasters are ornamental columns set into walls. To answer this question correctly, you have to understand
Following are four sample questions about this pair of lines 11–15, a rather complex sentence that makes an
related passages. In the test, some questions will focus on important distinction in Passage 1. The author indicates
Passage 1, others will focus on Passage 2, and about half or that, unlike plays, movies leave “the mind’s grasp of reality
more of the questions following each pair of passages will intact,” because the “happenings” in a movie are not occur-
focus on the relationships between the passages. ring in the actual theater. Instead, images are projected on
a screen in the theater. Thus (D) is the correct answer; the
Some questions require you to identify shared ideas or simi- word “happenings” refers to the “activity captured on the
larities between the two related passages. movie screen.”

9. The authors of both passages describe ● (A) and (B) are wrong because, when you insert
them in place of the word “happenings,” the sen-
(A) a young person’s sense of wonder at first tence in lines 11–15 makes no sense.
seeing a play ● (C) is wrong; even if the movies being referred to
(B) a young person’s desire to become a include “fantasies” in them, they are not “imagined
playwright by a child” but are actually projected on the movie
(C) the similarities between plays and other art forms screen.
(D) how one’s perception of the theater may ● (E) is wrong because, in line 14, “happenings”
develop over time refers to the “story unfolding” in a movie, not “on
(E) the experience of reading a play and then the stage.”
seeing it performed
Correct answer: (D) / Difficulty level: Medium
To answer this question, you have to figure out what these You may be asked to recognize the author’s tone or attitude in
two passages have in common. The subject of Passage 1 is a particular part of a passage, or in the passage as a whole.
a child’s first visit to see a play performed in a theater, and
how captivated he was by the entire experience. Passage 2 11. In the final sentence of Passage 2 (“I thought . . . in
describes two different visits to the theater; at age six the me”), the author expresses
child is entranced by the spectacle of the performance but,
“after the intervention of six or seven years,” the older and (A) exultation (B) vindication (C) pleasure
now more knowledgeable child is not so impressed. (A) is (D) regret (E) guilt
the correct answer because all of Passage 1 and the first
half of Passage 2 describe “a young person’s sense of won- Even though this question focuses on a single sentence,
der at first seeing a play.” you must understand the context in which the statement
occurs in order to determine the feeling expressed by the
● (B) is wrong; even though the introduction to
author. In the second paragraph of Passage 2, the author
these passages reveals that one of the authors is a
states that the experience of attending a play at age 12 or
“playwright,” there is no mention in either passage
13 was much different than at age 6. “The same things were
of a “desire to become a playwright.”
there materially” in the theater, but the older child knew
● (C) is wrong because Passage 1 mentions differ- much more than the younger one about what was going
ences rather than “similarities” between plays and

The Critical Reading Section 11

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