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The theoretical bases of the present research study have been given in the chapter I. The researches

related to this research are presented in this chapter. Ten studies related to Grading system of

examination have been collected and reviewed. These have been presented under headings like:

 Effect of grading system on student motivation

 Comparison of different grading systems

 Effect of ethics on grading system

 Comparison of electronic marking and manual marking

 Continuous and comprehensive evaluation


Related to this aspect of examination researches have been conducted by Corbett (2009), Dahlgren

(2009), BHARATI (1984)

CORBETT (2009) conducted a study on Students' Reactions to a "No Failure" Grading System

and How They Informed Teacher Practice. This study briefly describes the central tenets of a

program several low-income middle schools implemented to remove failure as a choice students

could make in completing their assignments. Instead of doling out Fs for poor and nonexistent

work, teachers devised a variety of options students had to follow to demonstrate eventual mastery

of critical skills and knowledge. This study draws on nearly five years of interviews the authors

did in the buildings with both educators and students and found that in sharing their reactions to
the initiative, young people spoke not with a voice but with voices. Teachers learned that the

program's effectiveness improved as they paid attention to, and gave credibility to, the students'

varied reactions. The study concludes with an oft-repeated but not yet widely adhered to call to

allow students to actually participate in reform efforts rather than just be the beneficiaries of them.

DAHLGREN (2009) conducted a study on Grading Systems, Features of Assessment and

Students' Approaches to Learning. One of the most important tools proposed for such a purpose is

the European Credit Transfer System. A significant element of this System is a common seven-

step Grading scale. It has previously been shown that assessment characteristics have impact on

students' approaches to learning. Furthermore, there is also empirical evidence that judgement

criteria have an effect on students' learning. The focus of this study is on the relationships between

Grading systems, assessment characteristics and students' learning. Empirical evidence from a

Swedish survey study indicates that multi-step Grading scales may have detrimental repercussions

on the nature of the assessment tasks and thereby indirectly on the students' approaches to learning.

BHARATI (1984) Studied self-concept and Achievement Motivation of early adolescents. The

objectives of study were to study the Achievement Motivation and various self concept measures

in different age groups, different sex groups and different Socio-Economic status and to observe

the interaction effect of age, sex, Socio-Economic status and Achievement Motivation. Sample for

the present study was obtained from the high school and junior colleges of Hyderabad and

Secunderabad. The total sample consisted of 360 students (180 boys and 180 girls) at each age

level, there were 60 boys and 60 girls of 3 Socio-Economic status. The tools used were Rao Socio-

Economic status scale (1973) and Mehta Achievement Motivation test for high school boys (1969).

The findings of the study were the strength of Achievement Motivation increased significantly

from 12 to 16 years of age. No sex differences were found in Achievement Motivation.

Achievement Motivation was found to be highest high Socio-Economic status and lowest among

low Socio-Economic status.


Related to this aspect of examination researches have been conducted by Green (2007), Frank

(2006), and Tomlinson (2005). The details are given below:

GREEN (2007) conducted a study on making A New Framework for Grading. Researcher

developed a Grading system quite different from traditional and meaningfully incorporates and

integrates the collection of evidence, the evaluation of evidence, and the reporting of judgments

about that evidence. This system satisfies the requirements of good Grading system and answers

many of the problems faced by more traditional methods by substantially changing the way in

which grade information is aggregated, resulting in a final course grade that aligns qualitative

evaluation with course learning objectives and carries direct qualitative meaning with respect to

the course learning objectives.

FRANK (2006) conducted a study on Plus/Minus Grading: A within Instructor Comparison. A

three semester, within instructor, interrupted time series analysis of grading practices was

conducted in order to observe the effects of the implementation of a plus minus grading system.

Over 260 individual instructor's grades were compared before and after implementation of plus

minus grading. The results indicate no overall effect of the grading practice on average student

grades at the college. Plus minus grading seems to have no impact on grade inflation or grade


TOMLINSON (2005) conducted a study titled Grading and Differentiation: Paradox or Good

Practice? Teachers often perceive an inherent conflict between "differentiated instruction," which
emphasizes attention to variance in students' readiness levels, interests, and learning profiles, and

"the Grading system," which seems to indicate a sort of rigidity and standardization. This research

examines key principles of quality differentiation and of quality grading to determine whether the

two facets of educational practice are compatible. It concludes that the perceived incompatibility

stems from misunderstanding the essential principles of differentiation and Grading, and from

entrenched classroom habits that often run counter to guidance from experts in Grading and in



Related to this aspect of examination, only one research has been conducted by Martinson (2009).

MARTINSON (2009) conducted a study on Adjustment of Grades the study posed a question: was

it appropriate to give a low grade to a student who exhibited real enthusiasm for the subject matter,

but did not do well on tests? What about the intellectually gifted student who did well on graded

assignments, but appeared totally uninterested in the learning process? The basic thesis of this

study the classroom teacher has, in fact, an ethical and moral obligation to move beyond a legalistic

mind-set and consider "all" factors that are relevant to evaluating a student's performance. That

some of these factors will be more difficult to quantify than others must not serve as a rationale

for ignoring them and adopting a rigidly legalistic system. Though a rigid system may better

protect the teacher from possible criticism, it does not genuinely measure student achievement. In

this study, the researcher demonstrates that moving beyond a rigidly legalistic and formula-driven

Grading system need not be in conflict with at least the spirit of such educational reforms.

Coexistence of the two approaches, though, requires champions of objective testing to be, at least

to some degree, open to broader pedagogical considerations.


Related to this aspect of Examination the researches have been conducted by Conium (2009),

Baillie (2004).

CONIUM (2009) compared Onscreen and Paper-Based Marking in the Hong Kong Public

Examination system This research describes a study comparing paper-based Marking (PBM) and

onscreen Marking (OSM) in Hong Kong utilizing English language essay scripts drawn from the

live 2007 Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE) Year 11 English Language

Writing Paper. In the study, 30 raters from the 2007 HKCEE Writing Paper marked on paper 100

scripts that they had marked on screen 9 months previously. Subsequent to the rating, they

completed a questionnaire, from which it was concluded that, technologically, raters had no

problems with OSM. Statistical results indicated no bias favoring either form of rating. Attitudinal

differences surfaced, however, between new raters who had solely rated on screen as against

veteran raters, whose previous rating experiences had only been with paper-based rating. The paper

concludes with the prediction that as OSM becomes more prevalent, it will be accepted as the

norm, with prejudice about fairness or convenience gradually fading.

BAILLIE (2004) conducted a study on Online Assistant for Remote, Distributed Critiquing of

Electronically Submitted Assessment. This research outlines the architecture for an online

assessment management system implemented at the University of Southern Queensland. The

system assists teams of academics in the management and Marking of electronically submitted

student assignments in large-scale classes. The system designed to provide a flexible yet structured

method for providing feedback to students also offers semi-automatic file handling and grade

recording. The system, Classmate, allows a team of markers to access and mark student

assignments through a web interface designed to parallel paper-based Marking systems. An online
authoring tool replaces the red pen on paper analogy. A pilot study conducted on the use of

Classmate has found the system to be of use in providing students with consistent feedback,

allowing traditional assignment interactions and reducing trivial and repetitive assignment

Marking tasks.


Related to this aspect of examination one research have been conducted by Rao and Bharthi (1989).

RAO AND BHARTHI (1989) conducted a study on evaluation system of examination in Kendriya

Vidhyalaya. This study addressed the problem of continuous evaluation system as practiced in

K.V.s; its effect on subjects of varying content is also the students’ final performance. The study

also analyses the role of parents in helping the students facing uncertainty. The sample comprised

of Kendriya Vidhyalaya from Sambalpur, Vishakhapatnam and JNU campus. Socio-economic

data were also collected of both father and mother from all the three schools. Statistical techniques

used to analyze the data included frequencies, regression analysis and percentages. Nominal

success of the system was observed in Hindi in both Vishakhapatnam and Delhi schools. Partial

success was observed in science in Delhi school. Higher levels of father’s education did not

necessarily lead to their developing a better perception about the usefulness of the system and of

their using the system for the betterment of their children. Education of mothers could become a

useful input to some extent in making the system successful. Teachers responded positively to the



THOMPSON 2009. From the perspective of the course administration, the online grading system

has been a great success. During the Fall 2009 semester, it took 3 administrative TAs over a week
to process 3600 sets of scores by hand. This task was slow, laborious, error-prone and

unsustainable. It also did not permit the jury members to revise their evaluations or for any

feedback to be returned to the students. The online grading system has addressed these problems,

making the grading process faster, easier, more accurate and more efficient for the course








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