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Apparent altitude is a sextant altitude corrected for

Inaccuracies in the reading and reference level

The observer is at Equator and the celestial body is at the first point of Capricorn, the bearing of the
celestial body during the meridian transit is:
180 degrees

A great circle track provides the maximum saving in distance on ______.

Easterly courses in high latitude

The effect we call “squat” occurs. Why?

Increased velocity and decreased water pressure around the ship’s hull

A gyro compass error in which damping is accompanied by offsetting the point of application of the
force from the mercury ballistic is known as______.
Tangent latitude error

The actual speed of the vessel over the surface of the earth at any given time
Speed over the ground

The interval between the sun’s upper limb being in the horizon and its center being 12 degree below
is called?
Nautical twilight

The orbital speed of the earth is:

16.1 nautical miles per second

What is the circumference of the earth at the equator of the equatorial radius is taken at
3,444nautical miles?
21, 639.29 miles

A GPS satellite transmits a signal thru the second carrier on ________.


The GPS satellite transmits thru the first carrier on ____.


The dividing meridian between zone description +4 and +5 is ____.

67 30’ w

Polar distance can never be more than:

180 deg. From either poles
When the body is on the rational horizon, what is the zenith distance?

Determined sep.22 or 23
23 deg .27’N

What sep.22 or 23
0deg latitude

Outer ring of a compass

True direction

Inner ring of a compass

Magnetic direction



Heeling error is defined as the change of deviation for a heel of:

1deg. while the vessel is on a compass heading of 000deg

When the index mirror and the horizon mirror of the sextant are parallel, the sextant should read:

Under the IALA cardinal system, a mark with a quick white light showing 3 flashes every 10 seconds
indicates that the safest water in the area is on the ________.
East side of the mark

How many degrees north and south of the Tropic of Cancer is the Arctic Circle?
44 06’N

A line of position from a celestial observation is a segment of a

Circle of equal altitude

Isogonic lines are lines on a chart indicating:

Points of equal variation

A tropical storm is building strength some distance from your MODU. Waves are coming from east
with period increasing from 5 seconds to 15 seconds. The swell is from the east. Where was the
storm when these new swell were generated?
To the east of you

The process of turning a gravity controlled gyroscope into a compass is called________?

The standard atmospheric pressure in millimetre in the mercury is:

A gyro compass has a feature that decreases with latitude being maximum at the equator and zero
at the geographical poles known as _____.
Directive force

Whilst calling attention to all the unusual precaution to be taken, it also calls for the exercise of
personal intelligence on the arising of any unforeseen circumstances. In what other rule
conformsthis statement?
Rule 2 (a)

What rule applies when inspite all the precaution made the vessel can deviate from these rules
necessary to avoid immediate danger?
Rule 2 (b)

Action to avoid collision. Any alteration of the course and or speed to avoid collision shall if the
circumstances admit, be large enough to be readily apparent to the other vessel.
Colreg 8(b)

This rule states that, action taken to avoid collision with the another vessel shall be such to result in
passing distance.
Rule 8(d)

What rule is this “A vessel shall slacken her speed or take all way off by stopping or reversing her
means of propulsion”?
Rule 8(e)

Your vessel is proceeding along the course of a narrow channel, under this rule you are mandated to
keep near to the outer limit of the channel or fairway which lies on her starboard side as is safe and
practicable, this is:
Rule 9(a)

A vessel restricted her ability to maneuver when engaged in an operations for the maintenance of
the safety navigation laying, serving or picking up submarine cable is exempted from complying
Rule 10

Under what rule in the Rules of the road contained this scenario when two sailing vessels are
approaching one another so as to involve risk of collision?
Rule 12
In what rule in the Collision Regulations does the responsibilities of a seaplane on the water stated?
Rule 18

A vessel proceeding under sail and under power shall show which day signal?
Signal prescribe in Rule 25 (e)

The term “trawling” which means the dragging of the dredge net or other apparatus through the
water is defined in which rule?
Rule 26

By day, a vessel servicing a buoy, when also at anchor shall display which shapes?
The three shapes prescribed in Rule 27

In what rule does it prescribes that a vessel engaged in dredging shall exhibit the lights and shapes to
indicate to the other vessels the obstructed area?
Rule 27 (d)

In what Rule are the lights prescribed for a vessel is restricted in her ability to deviate from her
course because of her draught and the available depth of water? Rule 28

What lights and shapes are to be shown if a vessel is aground?

Lights prescribed in Rule 30(d)

The signal for a power-driven vessel required to make on her whistle when the vessel are in sight of
one another are prescribed in what rule?
Rule 34 (a)

In what rule can you find concerning the maneuvering of light

Rule 34(b)

A sailing shall sound what signal?

The signal prescribed in rule 34(e)

As prescribed in what rule shall a vessel aground give the bell signal and if reuired the gong signal?
Paragraph (f) of rule 35

A vessel engaged in underwater operations and at anchor is required to sound the fog signal as
contained in which rule?
Rule 35 (c)

A single-letter signal “TANGO” was heard at an interval of not more than 2 minutes in restricted
vissibility. This means that the vessel is a:
Power-driven vessel, making way
The power driven vessel is underway and fishing with trolling lines. This vessel:
Must keep out of the way of a sailing vessel

What is the meaning of 2 white lights displayed by a fishing vessel, visible all round the horizon,
vertically disposed, in addition to normal fishing lights?
I am shooting nets

A 95-meter vessel aground shall sound which fog signal?

A rapid ringing of a bell for 5 seconds, preceded and followed by 3 separate and distinct strokes
on a bell

When pushing ahead in fog, a vessel towing shall sound:

One prolonged and 2 short blasts

A tug is towing three manned barges in line in fog. The third barge of the tow should sound_.
One prolonged and three short blasts

What is the action to take while in fog if a vessel ahead is detected by radar?
Each vessel to comply with the rules

Rule 10 states that is a vessel is obliged to cross a traffic lane then she shall do so:
On a heading as nearly as practicable at right angles to the general direction of traffic flow

Which statement applies to rule 8(b) of the 1972 Colregs?

A succession of a small alterations of course and/or should be avoided

You are underway and approaching a bend in a channel where vessel approaching from the opposite
direction cannot be seen. What sound signal should you make?
One blast 4 to 6 seconds duration

What whistle signal, if any, would be sounded when two vessels are meeting, but will pass clear
starboard to starboard?
No signal is required

A vessel which is unable to maneuver due to some exceptional circumstance shall exhibit:
When making way at night two all-round red lights, sidelights, and stern light

A sailing vessel with the wind coming from 260deg relative would be ________.
A sailing vessel with the wind coming from 220deg relative would be ________.
On a broad reach
A sailing vessel with the wind coming from 090deg relative would be ________.
Reaching on the starboard track
A sailing vessel with the wind coming from 180deg relative would be ________.
Running before the wind
You are transiting a narrow channel. What can happen in this situation?
The bow will pushed away from the bank

A pilot vessel may continue to sound an identity signal if she is _____.

At anchor

In which of the following situations should a fishing vessel fishing in close proximity exhibits one
white light over red light in a vertical line?
Hauling her nets

Which statement applies to Rule 8 (b) of the 1977 Colregs?

A succession of small alteration of course and/or speed should be avoided

As per annex II of the Rules, the additional signal for trawlers when hauling their nets is:
International code flag of “G”

As per annex II of the Rules, which of the following is the additional day signal for trawlers when the
net has come fast an obstruction?
International code flag “PAPA”

In addition to the required fog signal, pilot vessels may sound which of the listed?
Four short blasts

Which signal may be sounded ONLY by vessel in restricted visibility?

Four short blasts

Which radar control is used to shorten all echoes on the display and reduces the clutter caused by
the snow or rain?
Fast time constant

A Doppler log in the volume reverberation mode indicates ________.

Speed through the water

A Doppler speed log indicates speed through the water ________.

In the volume reverberation

A Doppler speed log indicates speed over ground ________.

In the bottom return mode

When using an ARPA, what should you consider in order to evaluate the information displayed?
Navigational constraints may require a target vessel to change course.
Which is the name of movable, radial guide line used to measure direction in the radar?

The transmission time duration of a single pulse of radio-frequency energy is function of the:
The minimum range at which a target can be detected is basically determined by which of the
Pulse length

Common frequencies used in merchant radar are approximately:

3,000 and 9,000 mega cycles

When using ARPA in heavy rain, which action should you take?
Navigate as though the effective range of the radar has been reduced.

The relative motion line, when extended passed the represented position of the observer’s ship,
shows: CPA
Coral atolls or a chain of islands at right angles to the radar beam may show as a long line rather
than as individual target due to ______.
The effect of beam width

The description “Racon” besides an illustration on a chart would mean a:

Radar transponder beacon

What contains all the chat information necessary for safe navigation and may contain
supplementary in addition to that contained in the paper chart
Electronic navigational chart (ENC)-S-57vector

Which of the following data layer categories in NOT displayed on ECDIS?


Facsimile image of an existing paper chart and all the information and symbology on the paper chart
reproduce identically on the electronic chart and this type of chart has no layering of information.
Raster chart

A large database of geographical information and accesses this database to create a custom of
electronic chart based on operator selected parameters.
Vector chart

Chart data is organized into many separate files. It contains layer of information to produce certain
symbols, lines, area colours and other elements. With this data; it can change individual elements
with additional data.
Vector chart (ENC)
Which is the basic operating principle of the satellite navigation system?
Doppler shift

The data base information that should be shown when a chart is first displayed on ECDIS is the:
Standard display

The data base information that should be shown when a chart is first displayed on ECDIS is the____.
Standard display information

What is define as the level of SENC info shown when ECDIS first turned on; used for route planning
and can be modified by mariner depending on needs?
ENC Display or Sounding

The purpose of this course is to enhance safety of navigation by providing the knowledge and skills
necessary to fully utilize the features of ECDIS is called ____.
IMO Model Course 1.27

IMO Resolution A817(19) recommends government to ensure that what chart used on ships entitles
to fly their flags conform to the performance standard not inferior to those send out in annex to this
Electronic chart

It describes the minimum Performance Standard for ECDIS system references to both hardware and
software ENC updates user interface and the integration of external devices,
IMO Resolution A817(19)

Which of the following is a performance standard for display of SENC information?

The selected safety contour is displayed with greater emphasis than other contours

What channel is used for Digital Selective calling for Distress Safety and Calling?
Channel 70

A DSC-notice should be sent on VHF-channel ______.

Channel 67

Member who is Conscious has fallen on board


A distress alert sent by Inmarsat to an RCC is sent via _______.

What is a maritime radio warning consisting of a series of coast station transmitting radio teletype
safety message?

According to the rules of GMDSS the required radio-equipment depends mainly on _____.
The sea area of the vessel

According to the rules of GMDSS vessels are equipped with certain radio-communication device
depending on _____.
Type of vessel

When are the Silence Periods on 2182 kHz MF?

For 3 minutes after each Hour and Half hour

On what wave band does the search and rescue radar transponder operate?
9 GHz
What is the purpose of VHF Channel 06?
R/T Primarily Intership, maybe used in coordination of SAR ship to ship and ship to aircraft

Distress, safety and calling channel

Channel 16

Digital selective calling for Distress, safety and calling

Channel 70

The VHF radiotelephone frequency for Channel 14?

156.7 MHz

The VHF radiotelephone frequency for Channel 13?

156.65 MHz

When sending a DSC call, the vessel’s ____.

Position will automatically be sent if the vessel is sending a “Distress Hot Key” alert

Provides maximum communication range


Aeronautical distress frequency

121.3MHz and/or 243.0 MHz

Channel 70 for digital selective calling for Distress, safety and calling frequency operate at:
156.526 MHz
Which equipment is not a source of locating signals?
Survival craft VHF transceiver that provide a beacon on 121.5 MHz

An aircraft passes nearby an isolated island and sees a flag V being signalled conspicuously shore.
Required assistance

* For a vessel engaged in fishing, what is her fog signal?

* Equivalent for fog signal of a “vessel restricted her ability to maneuver”
* Equivalent fog signal of a “vessel not under command”
* A vessel when she is towing shall sound what fog-signals?

The last vessel of the tow (if manned) shall sound which of the following fog signal?

A vessel approaching a bend hall sound which of the following signals where other vessels may be
obscured by an intervening obstruction?
Single letter signal TANGO


Repeat your last transmission

Hatch dog
Horse power
Cat pawl
Monkey fist

What lifesaving signal for you is seen – Assistance will be given as soon as possible?
3 white star signals

A signal indicating Greenwich meantime would be preceded with

The letter Z

Message Markers. This indicates that the following message is restricted to observed facts situations

Resume normal communications on the guarded frequency
Meaning of the signal QU RQ
Is anchoring prohibited?

A set of code flags on a vessel totals?

40 pieces

What is the lifesaving signal used to indicate Landing here is highly dangerous?
Firing of red star signal

By day the horizontal motion of a white flag or arms extended horizontally by a person on the
beach indicates?

By day, the signal meaning, this is the best place to land is a _____.
Vertical motion of a white flag or the arms

Which one of the following signals is made at night by a lifesaving station indicate Landing here is
highly dangerous?
Horizontal motion of white light or flare

The vertical dimension of a flag is called ____.


Signal K4 mean?
I wish to communicate with you by sound signals

The true bearing is 045 degrees?


The appropriate landing signals for small boats with crew or persons in distress to indicate “this the
best place to land” is:
Letter K in Morse code given by light

The color of the signal flare sent up by submarine coming to periscope depth is____.

A vessel being towed shall sound a fog signal of:


A warship indicates that it wishes to communicate with a merchant ship by hoisting _____.
The code pennant and keeping it flying during the entire communication
If you wanted to ask a nearby vessel if she had a doctor on board , you would hoist the flag signal:

Figure preceded by letter R indicate ____.


Tug displaying black square flag below a black ball on its mast.
Render assistance to the tug

Channel is designated by the Radio Regulation for Bridge-to-Bridge communication?

VHF channel 13

An all-round white light which flashes simultaneously with the ship’s whistle when signifying a
course change ____.
Maneuvering light

The signal consists of three letter signal “MCW” means:

Patient appears to be in a state of shock
At anchor

Two short one prolonged and two short blasts on the whistle
Stop your headway and await further signals.

I required immediate assistance


Completion of the communication

Answering pennant

Horizontal fore or aft motion of a vessel is known as:

A motion of a ship in waves about the ship traverse axis.

At seaway a thwarthship swinging of a vessel

The oscillating of a vessel on her longitudinal axis is termed as:

Horizontal traverse motion of the vessel is known as:

Heave is the motion of a vessel along the:
Vertical axis

Motion of the vessel in waves about the vessel’s vertical axis


Bank cushion
Forces the bow away from the bank
Bank suction
Attracted bodily towards the bank

You are on a large vessel fitted with a right-handed controllable-pitch propeller. When making large
speed changes while decreasing pitch, which statement is true?
You may lose rudder control until the ship’s speed has dropped to correspond to propeller speed

In the event of loss of rudder, what appropriate action should be done?

A jury may be achieved by providing a drag on each side of the ship

When using anchor on conventional mooring buoy, anchor shots on the bottom should not be less
7 shackles

Your ship is equipped with a right-handed propeller. As you go full astern from full ahead, the ship is
sheering to starboard. Is there anything you can do to reduce the change in heading?
Put the rudder to the port to reduce water flow to the right side of the propeller

When towing, a tow hook is used to:

Provide quick release of the hawser

Your vessel is off a lee shore in heavy weather and laboring. Which action should you take?
Put the sea and wind about two points on either bow and reduce speed

A ship turns around a point called the “pivot point”. What is the usual position of this point when the
ship is full sea speed?
At about 1/4 of the ship’s from the bow

The pivot point of the vessel when going ahead is located?

About 0ne-third of the vessel’s length from the bow

When towing the least amount of tension will be on each bridle leg when the two legs _____.
From a small angle with each other

A vessel’s bow thruster is usually quite effective at a speed of up to how many knots?
You are aboard a right-handed propeller single-screw vessel with headway on. The engine is put full
astern and rudder hard left. What will be the bow do?
It will swing to the left straighten out and then swing to the right as the vessel loses way.

Your ship is equipped with a single, right-handed fixed screw. Steaming full ahead you reverse the
engine to stop the ship. How will the ship react? No wind or current?
She will most likely sheer to starboard and gradually loose headway

The rudder are amidships and both screws are going ahead. What will happen if the starboard screw
The bow will go to starboard

Your vessel is backing on the starboard screw, and going ahead on the port screw. The bow will __.
Swing to starboard

A single-screw vessel going ahead tends to turn more rapidly to port because of propeller ____.
Sidewise force

A twin-screw vessel can clear the inboard propeller and maneuver of a pier best by holding a (n):
Forward spring line and going slow ahead on outboard engine

It is a propeller which is almost invariable right-handed. When the ship is driven ahead, the propeller
revolves in a clockwise direction, when viewed from astern. To go astern the rotation of the
propeller is reversed. It is ____.
Single screw

Your ship is dead in the water with the rudder amidships. A s the right-handed screw starts to turn
ahead, the bow will tend to go _____.
To port

Your engine is going astern and you pick-up sternway. The rudder is midships, and you are operating
on a single, right-handed fixed screw. How will your ship react?
She will mostly likely to change heading to starboard

You are in charge of a twin-screw vessel going ahead with rudder amidships. If suddenly the port
screw stop turning, the bow will:
Go to port

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