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BY :
Mifta Putri Utami : 1812038
Bekti Setyorini : 1812041
Ulva Engki Palupi : 1812044


Typhoid is an acute systemic infectious disease caused by infection
of salmonella Thypi. This organism through food and drink already
contaminated by faeses and urine of the person infected with salmonella
germs (Smeltzer& Bare. 2002. Medical Surgical Nursing II. Jakarta:
Typhoid is an infectious disease of acute intestine caused by
salmonella germs Thypi (Mansjoer, Arif. 2009. Capita Selekta medicine,
Jakarta: Media Aesculapius.).

The disease typhoid germ infection caused by Salmonella Typhosa,
flagellated, Gram-negative bacilli (moved fur shakes), anaerobic, and do
not produce spores. The bacteria enter the human body through the
digestive tract and is the main source of human infections of the disease-
causing microorganisms that emit when being ill or in recovery. These
germs can live splendidly on the human body or at a lower temperature,
but died at a temperature of 70 ° C or by an antiseptic. Typhoid fever is an
infectious disease caused by Salmonella typhi Salmonella paratyphi A or,
B or C


- Headaches (frontal)
- Unpalatable in the stomach
- Bone pain, joints, and muscles
- Diarrhea
- Vomiting

- Fever
- Pain abdominal press
- Bronchitis
- Toxic
- Letargik
- Tongue typhoid ("dirty")
a. On the conditions of fever, can take more than 7 days, febrisreminten,
continuing to increase body temperature
b. There are disorders of the digestive tract, smell foul, nafaas dry
chapped lips (ragaden), ditutpi membrane dirty white tongue (coated
tongue, tongue lymphoid) tip and reddish edges, usually accompanied
by constipation, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and rarely bloating.
c. impaired consciousness, the consciousness of the patient tends to fall,
not how deep, apathetic until somnolen, sopor or coma, rarely agitated
d. Relaps (kambung) the major symptoms of typhus but lasted shorter
and lighter

1. Medication
To date it is still wedded to a trilogy of thypoid fever management,
 Kloramphenikol: dose the first day 4 x 250 mg, second day 4 x
500 mg, given during a fever berkanjut to 2 free days of fever,
then the dose was reduced to 4 x 250 mg for 5 days later.
 Ampisilin/Amoksisilin: 50 – 15-dose mg/Kg/BB/day, given for
2 weeks.
 Kotrimoksasol: 2 x 2 tablets (1 tablet contains 400 mg
sulfametosazol-80 mg trimetropim), awarded the past two
2. Diet
 Sufficient calories and high in protein
 In a State of acute clients given porridge strain, after the heat-
free can be given a rough pulp, and finally given the
appropriate level of rice relief. However, some research
suggests that giving solids early, i.e. rice with side dishes low
cellulose (vegetable fiber with a rough abstinence) can be given
 In cases of intestinal perforation and renjatan septic needed
intensive treatment with parenteral nutrition in total.
3. Break
Aims to prevent complications and speed healing. The client
should be the absolute minimum to bed rest 7 free days of fever or for
14 days. The mobilization was done gradually, in accordance with the
return to power of the condition. Clients with decreased State of
consciousness need to be repositioned every 2 hours to prevent
dekubitus and hipostatik pneumonia. Defekasi and urinate need
attention because it sometimes happens obstipasi and retention of
4. Treatments a day
In care always maintained personal hygiene, cleanliness of
bedding, clothing, and equipment used by the client.

The way the prevention of typhoid fever is carried out on hand-
washing after toilet and especially before eating or preparing food, avoid
drinking raw milk (which hasn't been dipsteurisasi), avoid drinking raw
water, boil the water to a boil and avoid spicy foods
A. The introduction
Good afternoon ladies and gentleman. We are from third groups.
Our group consist of Ms. Ulfa, Ms Bekti, and Ms. Mifta.
Today I will tell you about typhoid fever. Do you know that
typhoid diease attack 21 million people in the world and cause 216 people
death. If typhoid is not treated properly, it may result in harm and life-

B. The overview
In our presentation
First, we’re going to describe the definition of the typhoid
Second, we’ll show you the etiology of typhoid
third, we’ll show you signs and symptoms of typhoid
After that, we’ll describe the treatment of typhoid
Finally, we’ll explain the prevention of typhoid

C. The body
 Definition
Typhoid is an acute systemic infectious disease caused by infection of
salmonella Thypi. This organism through food and drink already
contaminated by faeses and urine of the person infected with salmonella
germs. (Smeltzer& Bare. 2002. Medical Surgical Nursing II. Jakarta:
 Etiology
The disease typhoid germ infection caused by Salmonella Typhosa. The
bacteria enter the human body through the digestive tract and is the main
source of human infections of the disease-causing microorganisms that
emit when being ill or in recovery.
 Signs and symtoms
 Complaints:
Headaches (frontal)
Unpalatable in the stomach
Bone pain, joints, and muscles
 Symptoms:
Pain abdominal press
Tongue typhoid ("dirty")
 Treatment
1. Medication

 Antibiotic

 Other medication a according to the symtom, other

medication maybe is a needed

2. Diet : sufficient calories and high in protein

3. Break
Aims to prevent complications and speed healing. The client
should be the absolute minimum to bed rest 7 free days of fever
or for 14 days.
4. Treatments a day
In care always maintained personal hygiene, cleanliness of
bedding, clothing, and equipment used by the client.
 Prevention
1. The way the prevention of typhoid fever is carried out on hand-
washing after toilet and especially before eating or preparing food
2. Avoid drinking raw milk (which hasn't been dipsteurisasi)
3. Avoid drinking raw water
4. Boil the water to a boil
5. Avoid spicy foods
D. The ending
As you can see, typhoid is a dangerous disease but once we find
out the cause signs and symptoms of typhoid. Typhoid can be cured
with appropriate action.

Maybe any question?

If there is no question, so we’ll end our presentation
Thanks for your attention and good afternoon.

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