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3 I Put the following nouns into the regular plural: Stavite sledeće imenice u oblike pravilne množine:
flower, window, fridge, computer, plate, bed, city, cliff, shelf, baby, blanket, scenario, potato, photo,
church, bus, box, glass, boy, prize

II Put the following nouns into the irregular plural: Stavite sledeće imenice u oblike nepravilne množine:
man, child, mouse, foot, tooth, ox, deer, sheep, species, means, datum, phenomenon, analysis, axis,
radius, appendix, formula, seraph, crisis, bureau

III Transform the following sentences into the plural: Transformišite sledeće rečenice u oblik množine:
1. A daisy is a flower. 2. They made a different analysis from this one. 3. A table is made of wood. 4. A
city is bigger than a town. 5. A school is a place where a pupil gets education. 6. A cat likes fish. 7. That is
a strange phenomenon! 8. A tooth is in your jaw. 9. A teacher teaches a student. 10. There is a goose in
the pond. 46

IV Transform the following sentences into the singular: Transformišite sledeće rečenice u oblik jednine:
1. Sandals are kinds of shoes. 2. Earrings are pieces of jewellery. 3. Children are often naughty. 4. Deer
are wild animals. 5. Monasteries are often situated in the countryside. 6. Knives are very sharp. 7.
Lorries are bigger than cars. 8. Women are rarely bus drivers. 9. Italians like spaghetti. 10. Sweets are
bad for children’s teeth.

V Find the mistakes in the sentences and correct them: Pronađite greške u rečenicama i ispravite ih: 1. I
always appraeciate good advices. 2. Pyjamas is worn at night. 3. My foots are so tired! 4. Mathematics
are a difficult subject. 5. Athletes drink a lot of waters. 6. The latest news are shocking! 7. I have an
interesting information for you. 8. They listen to different kinds of musics. 9. Policemans are usually
adored by children. 10. Everyone likes babys.

VII some/any/none/one 1. There were ________ people still waiting to enter the museum. 2. Is there
________ milk in the coffee? 3. I want to buy ________ new clothes for tomorrow’s party. 4. Are there
any vegetables left on the table? No, there are ________. 5. Have you got ________ new information
about the accident? 6. ________ food was given to the homeless. 7. Which of these films have you
seen? - ________. I didn’t have the time. 8. I don’t want to buy this dress. I want to buy the other
________. 9. Have you ever taken ________ sleeping medication? 10. Would you like ________ sugar in
your tea? 11. His performance was a very nice ________.

IX Circle the correct compound indefinite pronoun: Zaokružite tačnu složenu neodreženu zamenicu: 1.
Everybody/Nobody/Somebody in the room received a present. They were all very pleased. 2. You can
give this letter to anybody/nobody/somebody you see there. It doesn’t matter. 3. When she finished her
presentation there was complete silence. No one/Someone/Anyone said anything. 4. Does
anyone/something/everybody has anything to say about this? 5. You have dropped
something/nothing/anything on your way out. 6. I didn’t like anything/everything/something he said. It
wasn’t all completely true! 7. We felt nothing/something/anything strange was going on. Everyone
started to panic. 8. Please let me know if there is anything/nothing/something I can help you with. 66 9.
I’m still not sure why everyone/no one/anyone was against the proposal. It was such a good idea! 10.
I’m afraid that there is nothing/something/everything you can do to help him at this point.

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