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Rashid Seyal


001-AL FATIHAH ............................................................... 3
002-AL BAQARAH .............................................................. 5
003-AAL-E-IMRAN ......................................................... 159
004-AL NISA ................................................................... 251
005-AL M’IDAH .............................................................. 349
006-AL AN ....................................................................... 419
008-AL ANFÂL ................................................................ 613
009-AT TAUBAH ............................................................ 649
010-YÛNUS ..................................................................... 711

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

One thing that never dies

The glory of Exalted Perception and Prolific



Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance


In the name of Lord, the Most Beneficent, the Merciful

All words in applause,

For The Lord (of the Multiverses) in score
The Lord,
Most Bounteous and Compassionate at core
The Lord of the Day in Treat
We beg ‘n’ implore Thee O Lord in beseech
And entreat so earnest to assuage in appease
Escort us in the gleam of our sapience in core
Course in conduct of ‘Your’ adorable O Please
An’ not of ‘Your’ deplorable in squeeze

002-Al Baqarah

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

In the name of Lord, the Most Beneficent, Most Merciful

001 Alif. Lam. Mim.

002 This is the Scripture,

Whereof there’s no doubt to debate*
Guidance for the virtuous** in state

*For its being Divine a Revelation in supreme

**Who cower and dread Lord in extreme

003 Who,
Assert and affirm, faith in the unseen
And also abide prayers noble in esteem

Bestowal of alms determine in esteem

Out of Our endowments super O supreme

004 Affirm in faith revealed (to you) in lore

O Muhammad!
Also Scriptures revealed herein before
Who affirm in life Hereafter for sure

002-Al Baqarah

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

005 These are the men,

Pursuing adorable dictum (of Lord) in just
And swashing the awards of faith in trust

006 Concerning the cynics thither in term

Whether you admonish or caution them not
For them, it’s of little care in concern
As they bear and bother it not
For they wouldn’t accept the faith in return
007 Lord restraints them to deem and discern
Their visional precept baffled in turn
For them is a dreadful doom in return

008 And of the men there’re some to assert

We confide in Lord and the Day in Concert *
But they really care and caution it not
For they’re not the men of faith in slot
*Dooms Day
009 Perceive,
As if they beguile Lord and men in faith
Surely they deceive none but them in pace
But they discern and concern it not

010 There’s reverse in their veer of core

Allah extends (their) perverse in score
A tormenting lot for them to aside
For they’re determined to fib in deride

011 And when they’re asked in stance

Trend to strife (on earth) in trance
They say:
We’re the only appeaser in glance
They discern it not

002-Al Baqarah

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

012 Behold!
They’re miscreants in vale
But, they don’t discern in trail

013 And when they’re asked in stance

Affirm in faith as the men in trust
They say:
Shall we trust as stupid trend in trance
They’re indeed idiotic in abide
But don’t,
Have the sense to perceive in stride

014 And when they turn to the men in faith

They say: We trust and confirm in faith
But when they slip to their friends* in pace
They assert: We’re here with you to affirm
Indeed: With them (men of faith) in term
We forged in fake, sham in concern

015 Lord scorn them to ramble in sedition

Where they trend to lapse in condition

These are men,
Who secured betrayal in term
016 At the cost of escort in rendition

So their dealings aren’t let to thrive

Neither they orderly tend to survive

017 Their likeness is of one kindling fire in vale

When it toss a glimmer of light around in dale

Lord deprives him of (his) seeing in sight

And deserts (him) in the bane of blight
Where he cannot see in slight

002-Al Baqarah

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

018 Stubborn and stupid not to discern

And they don’t submit* in concern

019 Or their likeness is like,

A rainstorm from the sky in boon
Therein dark and bellow in gloom

When there’s glimmer of rumble in boom

Push their fingers in ears, they so soon

For fear of death in surround

Lord surrounds all in abound
The skeptics in vale all in around
020 Lightning,
Nearly seize their seeing in sight
As it dazzles ahead (of them) in plight
They gallop in stride

And when is the gloom in haze

They rather poise still in maze

If Lord so intended to affirm

Sack and dash (them) heed to discern
Lord is Domineering all in concern

021 O mankind!
Entreat and beseech your Lord in adore
Who created you and the men herein before
You to avoid and elude depravity in lore

022 Who,
Assigned earth an assuage in appease
And sky as a roof (for you) in peace
He endows,
Water in shower from the sky to please

002-Al Baqarah

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

Yielding fruits and food, you to eat

Don’t you aside duo* for Lord in treat

023 And if you’re wavering in such care and concern

As We endowed Book to Our Savant to discern

Thus get to bring a Verse, equal in state

And bid your savors other than Lord in pace
If you’re true to your word in narrate

024 And if you don’t get the like in plight

And you really cannot get a bit in slight

Then elude the Fire set for the cynics in gloom

The catalyst of that are the men ‘n’ rocks in boom

025 And there’s elated word for the men in adore

Devoted in faith conscientious moral in lore
Them to abide in resides in score
Flora and Foliage where streams ebb and flow
Them to enjoy distinct fruit in grow

They say:
That’s what we relished in before
And given in likeness there once more

There’re pious consorts for them to brace

Them to abide forever in place

026 Lord waver not citation of a pest so petite

A mosquito or even a bit smaller in sight

002-Al Baqarah

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

The men in faith assert to affirm
It’s the truth from Lord to concern
But cynics defy all the while in term
What Allah cites such semblance in stay
A men by Revelation drift to astray
And He escorts quite a few blessed in way
And He dissuades only the denying in fray

027 Those,
Break token of Lord once they affirm
And estrange and suspend in concern
That Lord ordained to link in pace
And they incline to vandalism in vale
Them to bear hurt and harm in scale

028 For Allah!

How you waver and stagger in faith
When you’re nothing but lifeless in place
You’re bestowed to life (by Lord) in pace
Then He’ll determine death in score
Then endow you the life once more
And then unto Him, you’ll return for sure

029 He created for you from the dust and dirt

Turned to creation of Heavens to assert
There He contrived seven Heavens in sway
And then He secured all around in array
As He discerns and concerns all in stay

030 And when He turned to the angels in command

I’m to apprise an assertive (on earth) in demand

002-Al Baqarah

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

7 They inclined to pray and plead

Will You assign one to wreck in treat
And cause depravity infinite in screech
We adore and anoint (Thee) in beseech
He said: Certainly and indeed
I discern that you cannot concern in proceed

031 He instructed Adam all the words in lore

And evinced the angels of the same in score
Recount and relate (Me) all of the same
If you’re suited, sedate and apt in claim
032 Angels said:
Be Dazzling, Imposing and so Grand
We don’t have the sapience in stance
We only perceive only a bit in trace
What You evinced to know in place
You’re Astute ‘n’ aware of all in glance

033 Allah Almighty,

Then demanded Adam to state
Inform them of the names* in relate
And when he evinced names to narrate
Lord Almighty asserted to affirm
Didn’t I tell you what I care ‘n’ concern
I discern cues of heavens and earth in lore
I do care and concern your veer of core
And that you cover and concede in adore
*Indeed, this was the word of intelligence bestowed to the man, whereas the
angels need not the sapience of intellect to interpret the discipline, they’ve just
to obey the command of Allah Almighty. And it is through the wit of intellect,
we are determined to decide the good or bad- the discipline of faith is truth-
that’s been conveyed to our veer of core (seat of intellect in the brain) at the time of
creation, and our interpretation in the light of intellect will bear the fruit of
fortune. (Page: 558)

034 And when ‘We’ directed angels in command

Prostrate before Adam herein demand

002-Al Baqarah

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

They lay prone obeying in pace

All, save Satan defying in place
He tossed to conceit
And was a cynic in deceit
035 And ‘We’ said: O Adam!
Reside you with spouse in the Garden in glow
And eat,
Lavishly the fruit of sort and species in flow

But don’t come you near this tree so strange

Lest you be the sinners ‘n’ offenders in gain

036 But Satan dissuaded them to slip in pace

And then caused them to depart
From a state, so serene ‘n’ sedate
And We said:
Get you down from here in place
For you’re litigant unto each in relate
Therein the world you reside in abide
With a sustenance for specific term to aside

037 Then!
Adam got words from The Lord of contrition
And acceded to a word of penitence in attrition
Lord is Clement and Caring for all in rendition

038 We said:
Get you down from hither* to thither in vale
When there’s a dictate** from Me in trail
Whoso affirm My Order in command
There’ll be no pain in panic nor sob in snivel
Who confirm to comply My dictate to prevail
*Heavens ** Prophets bearing My message

002-Al Baqarah

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

039 But whoso decline ‘Our’ Verses in delusion

They’re determined to secure Fire in pace
Them to abide there, for ever in confusion

040 O Posterity of Israel!

Recall, My preferred deliberation in domain
Now turn to your part of the pledge to sustain
I’ll assert My covenant to remain
Awe and dread Me here in claim

041 And believe in the Book that I reveal

Affirming the one you (now) held in before
And don’t,
Be the first to deny My word in appeal
And dispel not,
My Verses for futility in score
Concern to escape My torment in concert

042 Confound not substantiality hither in glib

Nor willfully hide the truth with fib

043 Ordain prayers, endow alms in adorn

And bow your heads,
With the men, who entreat in prone

044 You!
Command for discipline, others to obey
While you slip to slight in play
And you read Scripture, due in concern
Don’t you have a sense to discern

002-Al Baqarah

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

045 Be assuaged with patience ‘n’ prayer in pace

Prayer is hard, but for the dutiful* in place
* Who dread their Lord and stay humble and polite

046 Who assert facing Lord in concern

They’re destined to Him in return

047 O Posterity of Israel!

Recall My preference and favor in grants
And how I picked you over all clan in span

048 And guard of the Day*

When none will concern for else in stay

Beseech and entreat wouldn’t accede to avail

Nor the amends to let (them) free in trail
Culprits wouldn’t get help a bit in scale
*Dooms Day
049 When!
We released you from Pharaoh’s cadre and clan
Who’re tormenting with awful anguish in span

Killing your sons while daughters to remain

That’s a terrible trial from Lord to sustain

050 And when ‘We’ ceded you from sea in surge

And doused,
The clan of Pharaoh (defied) in merge
While you’re witness to that in glance

002-Al Baqarah

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

051 And when ‘We’ assigned in command

For Moses forty nights of solitude in demand
Then you fancied the calf to entreat
When he’s gone (from you) to beseech
And you’re devious in rite and ritual in treat
052 Indeed!
We absolved your evils of ills
You might be indebted (in gratitude) in drill
053 And when ‘We’ bestowed in accord
To Moses Holy edict a Benevolence in Award
That you might be guided and be orderly smart
054 And when Moses turned to his men in place
(Said: O my men and clan!)
You’ve defied the discipline in faith
Choosing a calf for invocation in entreat
So beg to implore your Lord in beseech
And kill (of yourself) liable of evil in treat

That’ll be best (for you) before Lord to obey

And He’ll waive your err and vice in stay
For He’s Forbearing and Benign in sway

055 And when you called: O Moses!

We wouldn’t be sure in stance
Until we see Lord plainly conversing in glance

And then a thunderclap seized (you) in array

And you fell insentient thither in lay

056 Then ‘We’,

Revived and appeased (you) after extinction
So you might thank Lord in distinction

057 And We held over you a cloud snowy in shawl

And endowed you manna and quails in call
002-Al Baqarah

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

Eat of excellent We bequeathed (you) in grace

But they turned strident (to Us) in pace
No! But they’re discordant to self in place

058 And when We said:

Turn to this town in leisure
And use its,
Product and produce in means and measure
And alight in the gate prone in pace
And say: “Remorse” in a regretful state
We’ll forgive your violation in trace
And amplify amends salubrious in grace

059 But vicious mutated the word in affirmation

For what they’re told distinct in declaration
And ‘We’ assigned on the depraved in deeds
For them was wrath from heaven in proceeds
For their evil deeds and doings indeed

060 And when Moses:

Begged for water for his men and clan
We Demanded (him) thither in plan
Smack ‘n’ smash slab there with the wand
An’ suddenly spurted twelve springs so grand
So each band and clan knew their place to drink
Eat and drink of which Lord assumed in wink
And don’t you behave unjustly in vale
Spinning to conflict clumsy in scale

061 O the posterity of Israel:

When you demanded Moses in treat

002-Al Baqarah

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

We’re fed up of one savor of diet in eats

So call upon Lord to change these feasts
Bring for us of which earth grows in herbs
Cucumbers, corn, lentils and onions like shrubs
He said:
Would you substitute that’s superior in state
For that’s nether and inferior to savor in taste
Trend you to some urban site and spot
There you’ll cherish (that all) quite in a lot
Disgrace and distress diced (on them) in domain
An’ they sustained the wrath of Lord in domain

For they defied Divine vision in Verse

Slaying the prophets in a state of converse

That’s for defiance, disregard in instruct

And their blunder and blooper in conduct

062 Who trust what’s revealed (to thee) in faith

And of Jews,
Christians ‘n’ Sabians, whoso affirmed in faith

Trust in Lord ‘n’ the Day in Demand*

An’ conducted morally with care in command

Certainly their reward is with Lord to stay

An’ for them,
And there’ll be no grief or grumble in stray**
*Dooms Day
**Look for details ‘Fate and Fortune’
063 O posterity of Israel be you abreast to concern
When We made a covenant (with thee) to discern

002-Al Baqarah

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

And tended Mount Sinai to spire on top

Hold intently that Our missive to affirm
And bethink to elude castigation in concern

064 But you turned away in pledge

Had it not been a bestowal of Lord
For else you’re dud and deprived in dread

065 And you see of them,

Subverting Our Sabat Day in prime

How We said unto them:

Be you the apes for your deeds in design
Thus you’ll be hated and scorned in consign

066 And ‘We’ made it a model to concern

All for the future men and clan to affirm
A counsel and caution for devout* to discern
*Fearing Allah Almighty
067 And when Moses said unto his men and clan
Lord bids you for offering a cow in plan

They said:
Do you make jest and jollity of us in hither
He* answered:
Lord forbids me not to be foolish in slither

068 They said: Adjure thy Lord to conform

Make obvious of that!
What class and kind of cow is that
Moses argued: For, it’s for Lord to affirm

002-Al Baqarah

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

And tended Mount Sinai to spire on top

Hold intently that We conferred to affirm
And bethink to elude castigation in concern

064 But you turned away in pledge

Had it not been a bestowal of Lord
For else you’re dud and deprived in dread

065 And you discern of them

Subverting the Lord's Day in Prime
How We said unto them:
Be you the apes for your deeds in design
Thus you’ll be hated and scorned in consign

066 And ‘We’ made it a model to concern

All for the future men and clan to affirm
A counsel and caution for devout to discern

067 And when Moses said unto his men and clan
Lord bids you for offering a cow in plan

They said:
Do you make jest and jollity of us in hither
He* answered:
Lord forbids me not to be idiotic in slither

068 They said: Adjure thy Lord to conform

Make obvious! What class and kind of cow is that
Moses argued: For, it’s for Lord to affirm

002-Al Baqarah

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

073 And We said:

Whip him with it’s own part on side
Lord endows life to the dead in demise
And evinces His signs you to aside

074 Even so, your core and crux were stiff and taut
Even after seeing His signs in smart
Your core turned as rocks, even worse in contort

For indeed! There’re rocks,

Where from streams surge in flow
And really there’re rocks that split ‘n’ snap
Wherefrom water drifts in tide to swap
And indeed,
There’re rocks that slither to glide
With the fear of Lord they stumble to slide
Lord is not oblivious what you do in stride

075 Oh you the men in faith!

Do you expect with a vision in pace
They’ll* be sincere in the discipline of faith
There some of the clan in place!
Who see the word of Lord as true
They mutate the text in swift
Assert that all, they purposely drift

076 And when they* meet with the men in faith

They say:
We’re determined in faith true in proceeds
When they trend to their clan* in creed

002-Al Baqarah

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

They* say:
Don’t reveal your belief to them** in trace
Lest they assert before Lord in grace

Referring to all Books revealed in place

Haven’t you (still) any sense to brace
*Cynics **Men in Faith
077 Don’ they care and concern
Lord discerns what they hide in term
For what they divulge lucid in turn

078 Untaught,
Such of the clan,
Not discerning Books revealed herein before
But for chatter and slander they infer in lore
With whims so remote concerning in core

079 Anguish and agony for them to aside

Scribbling scripture them in abide

Proclaiming it, that’s from the Lord

So to acquire some petty return in plot

Sorrow to them for their scribble and scrawl

And misery for their procure in toll

080 And they so affirm:

We’ll be in pyre but for the days in few
Have you received a promise of Lord in blue

Surely Lord will not break His pledge in pace

Or what you proclaim from the Lord in place
They don’t have a bit of know in trace

002-Al Baqarah

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

081 Nay!
But who so ills of evils in deprave
It’s to surround him so serious ‘n’ grave
They’re set to buy burn of pyre in blaze

082 And those abiding discipline of faith in deeds

They’re recipient of Garden of bliss in proceed
Where them to reside for ever in treat

083 An’ recall when We made a promise in place

With Posterity of Israel ‘n’ convincing in pace
Not to beg ‘n’ beseech other than Lord in pray
And be kind to the,
Parents ‘n’ akin, stray ‘n’ destitute in stay
While talking:
Be kind ‘n’ genial to the men ‘n’ clan
Pray in regular order of span
Bestow alms to poor of the clan in avow
But most of you sneak and slither in ado
So despicable!
But for a few, who assert in abide
Indeed! You’re the men to defy in deride

084 And when,

We had a promise with you in plan
Not to shed the blood of your men and clan
Nor trend to expel a clan from reside in stay
You observed and affirmed for sure to obey

085 Still you kill each one in abide

And, divest a band,
Of clan there from their homes in reside
Asserting each for vice ‘n’ violation in deride
And if they come as convicts in fray
Secure you ransom ‘n’ release in stay

002-Al Baqarah

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

(Their) eviction (itself) was illicit in a way
Abide a part of The Book in trust
Denying a part of the Book in just

And what’s the award, such to aside

It’s but a term of blight in stride

Hither in vale and Hereafter to brace

Them to meet an arduous term in disgrace

For what they trend in demand in vale

Lord discerns and concerns all in trail

086 Such are the men in score

Who secure glitter of vale in lore

For the price of delights in adore

For what they’re in Hereafter to secure

Their reproach wouldn’t ease in appease

Nor they’ll have an aid and abet to please

087 Indeed!
We conferred Moses A Book in Grace
And We had an order of messengers in pace

We bestowed Jesus luminous proofs to display

And We sustained him with Holy Spirit in sway

Then how (you) to behave hither in vale

When a messenger comes there in prevail
That you don’t assert to affirm in trail

You got insolent and to some you abjure

And to some you slay in turn and tenure

002-Al Baqarah

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

088 And they say:

We’re determined in the veer of core
But they’re accursed by The Lord in score
For their deliberate denial in lore

(They smash ‘n’ crash in scruple and suspense*)

Little is that, which they trust** in pretense
*Denial of faith ** Faith

089 And when A Book of Lord is revealed

Asserting the Books revealed herein before

Even so they awaited like the same to secure

A sign in triumph over cynics to allure

When there’s a Word for them to discern

They trust it not and don’t care to concern
Indictment of Lord is for them to conform

090 Sordid is price for what they trade

Soothing their souls and denying in faith
For what’s divulged from the Lord in pace

Simply out of their stubborn stance in stride

Lord endowing His Bliss (for some) to aside
Subjecting cynics to awful frenzy in abide
Cynics to face degrading destiny in plight

091 And when it is said unto them:

Trust in that,
For what Lord has revealed to affirm

002-Al Baqarah

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

They say:
We trust that’s revealed herein before
And believe that not, hereafter in score

Though it really affirms to conform

The Book they held before in term

Say (O Muhammad) to them in stance

If you really trusted before in faith
Why did you then,
Slay the prophets of Lord in place

092 And Moses came with lucid signs in treat

When he’s away (to the mountain)to beseech
You’re holding calf in entreat
And you’re derided and debased in impeach

093 And when We made with you a pledge in stance

And caused Mount to spire over (you) in glance

Embrace what We assigned in decree

And heed what We Demand in spree
They said:
We hear and hark but revolt in disgust
And adore of calf was made to respect
(In veer of core they firm to reject)
Say (unto them):
Evil is that you ordain in faith
And virtually trend to disgrace in pace
094 Say (unto them):
If in Destiny of Lord
The abide of Yon* is really for you to reside
And not for other men and clan to abide
Then why don’t you call for the death to aside
If you’re just in trust of conduct in stride
*After life

002-Al Baqarah

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

095 But they’ll never dream or desire for sure

Of all their deeds and doings in before
Lord discerns all the callous in score

096 And you’ll find them selfish in trail

Each one avid of love and lust of vale

Their lust in lore is more in pace

Than of the cynics in place
They aspire,
To live for long* with grace

That’s not to save such men ‘n’ clan

Form the sentence of Lord in span
For, Lord discerns their doings in plan
*(Thousand years)

097 Say O Muhammad!

Who to Gabriel is adversary in score
Must know for sure,
For he* divulged Verses of Qur’an in core**
What Lord had endowed him** to brace

Affirming the Books revealed herein before

A*** word in delight for believers in score
* Gabriel**Muhammad PBU***Qur’an

098 Who’s enemy,

For Lord and angels and Messengers in pace
Also Gabriel and Michael hither in place
Then Lord is enemy to such all in trace

099 To you We divulged prompting* in vale

That elucidate discipline of truth in scale
But only,
The dissenters defy to comply in trail

002-Al Baqarah

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

100 Isn’t it true a group had defied in accord

When it was affirmed and agreed in just
All in hither don’t incline to trust
But instead confront to abort

101 When,
There’s a messenger of Lord to proclaim
Affirming the books they held in before

A band ‘n’ body with The Book in lore

Tossed it back as if not to sustain

102 And they complied the devils in deceit

During the rule of Solomon in treat

Even though Solomon didn’t get to retreat*

But devils teaching men sorcery in conceit

And followed that revealed so shrewd

To, angels (two) in Babel, Harut and Marut

Angels themselves didn’t reveal it so

Until they turned to them in show

We’re but an enticement in lore

So risk not such a dictum of Lord in core

From angels,
Men had the know of the same
To spur tear between men and the dame

Could hurt none hither in remain
But for dictum of Lord to the same

002-Al Baqarah

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

They’re inclined,
To learn that’s to hurt and harm
And gain them not in bent and slants
They discern, who infringe in slant
In Hereafter,
They wouldn’t have a share in dole
Evil is the gain for the souls
If they could discern in whole
*retreat in faith
103 And if they affirmed in faith to obey
And had the discipline in stay
(Away from depravity in stray)
Promising awards from Lord to secure
If they’d only perceive in lore
104 O men and clan affirming in faith
Ask not to the Prophet in concern
To listen you with care to discern
But say:
Look upon us so polite in pace
And heed to his word of grace
For cynics!
There’s a spiteful fate to brace
105 Neither those of the cynics mid clan of The Book
Nor of the heathens trend to favor for a look
Something of the good from Bounty of Lord
Divulged to you with the Clemency of Lord
But He’s Caring and Compassionate Lord
And determines preference to one He discerns
For He’s Interminable Bounteous in concern
106 We annul some of Our Divination in trace
As We revoke other of Our Dictum in place
We replace one better or the like in pace
Don’t you discern,
Lord is Commanding over all in state
002-Al Baqarah

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

107 Don’t you discern Lord can indict in plan

His Dominance over heavens and earth in array
You don’t have associate or ally
Other than Lord in stay

108 And you quest and ask your Messenger in lore

As was Moses quested and disputed in before
He, who,
Favors to pick and the pile scruple for sane
Surely he’s drifted from equitable lane

109 Many a clan of The Book in vale

Covet and crave you to yield in trail

Through spite at their own turn in narrate

After reality is quite lucid in state
Condone and be tender to them in relate

Till Lord deems in demand to concern

Lord is able to do all in term

110 Comply dictum of Lord (of pray) *in entreat

And pay alms** to the indigent, in need

And that of riches you endow in hither

Your souls will cherish a bloom in Thither***

That’s with Almighty Lord in score

Lord discerns and concerns all in adore

* Prayers (Salat) **Zakaat *** Hereafter

002-Al Baqarah

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

111 And they say: None!

But Jews or Christians to cherish in place
An assuage in appease in Gardens of Grace
That’s but their own yearning in pace

Ask them to bring their signs to affirm

For what they talk in verity to concern

112 Nay! but who-so concede to His accord

Conforming in Devout Discipline of Lord

His amends and awards,

Stay with The Bounty of Lord!
There’ll be no dread in style or sort

113 And Jews discern Christians have not to secure

Christians pose Jews hold no ethics in core

They’re following Scripture of Lord in pace
And who don’t have The Book of Lord in place

Lord will conclude on The Day of Revival in lore

For what they dare to dissent in core

114 And who else could be more ruthless in place

Then, one, who trends to obstruct in way
Entry to the mosques of Lord in stay

Lest His name be entreated in Grace

Strive for the desolation of mosques in pace

002-Al Baqarah

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

Idiots aren’t favored but to enter in place
But with the dread dismal dejection in pace
They’re destined to desolation in scale
Not only for hither in vale
But also Hereafter in trail
115 Unto Him,
Belongs rule of the East and the West
And where so ever you trend in around
There’s Countenance of Lord in abound
Lord is Sweeping and Sovereign at the best
116 And they say:
Lord has held a scion in stance
He is Exalted of such in glance

All in Heavens and Earth affirm His acclaim

All are subservient to His Dictum in Domain

117 The Author, Creator, Determined Designer

Of the Earth and Proximal Heavenly Planner

When He asserts and affirms in score

A thing to be there for sure
He Commands: to “Be’ in décor!
It evinces in substantiality in diligent adore

118 And those,

Who don’t have sense and sagacity in scale
Why doesn’t Lord speak to us in prevail
Reveal us some signs to avail
Also the men thither in fore
Affirmed like of that in lore
Their sense and psyche is alike in score
We defined Our definite Signs in pace
For men and clan determined in faith

002-Al Baqarah

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

119 There could not be a better sign in instruct

Indeed; (O Muhammad)!
We sent you with reality in care and construct
A bearer of secure a superb sense to conduct
An agility in delight and misery in blight
And the people destined to hell pyre in trail
You wouldn’t be asked of their doings in vale
120 Jews wouldn’t be appeased of you
Nor the Christians around, is true
Till you trend to their faith to pursue

Say: Indeed!
Teaching of Lord is Word to sustain
And if you incline to their urge in domain
After sense in sapience you held to proclaim

There’ll be no good ally in stride

Nor aid and abet of Lord in abide

121 Whom,
We endowed the Scripture of Peace
Those, who trust and believe,
They* recite it rightly talented in ease

And who so deny and defy moral in proceeds

They’re deprived and denuded indeed
*men of faith
122 O Progeny of Israel!
Recall My preference in vale
And how I favored you over others in dale

123 And dread of the Day* in blow

When none will come to assuage in throw

Nor the amends will rescue in trends

Nor intercession be of use in amends
Nor they’ll be assisted in endow
*Dooms Day

002-Al Baqarah

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

124 And Lord,

When put Abraham to trial in vale
With Adamant Command in prevail
And he accomplished (them) dictum in trail
Then Lord so affirmed in Demand
Surely I appoint you the chief of clan
For hither in instance, that’s affirmed in plan
Abraham then turned so humbly in stance
And of my progeny be the leaders in glance
Lord so confirmed in eloquent plan
But ‘My’ pledge isn’t for the derelict clan
125 And when We made at Makkah a blissful resort
An access for men and clan a sanctum in accord
Take as your site and spot to entreat in adore
Place, where Abraham stood to implore
Abraham and Ishmael held to obey
Sanitize My Abide (for those) in elegant stay
Who trend in around in spirited sway
And those who meditate to plead
And bow in entreat and beg to beseech
126 And Abraham adjured his Lord in entreat
Make this a proximity of belief and preach
Endow its clan fruits in elegant reach
For who trust in Lord and the Day in Demand
Lord then responded in adamant Command

For cynics I’ll leave (them) to allure

Comfort of vale for a while in score

Then drive to the doom in Blaze

Wretched is the place affirmed in haze

127 When!
Abraham and Ishmael were piling up the base
For the House so exquisite and elegant in grace
Abraham then begged and beseeched in implore
002-Al Baqarah

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

Our Lord!
Accept our obligation here for sure
For You’re Discerning and Concerning in core
128 Our Lord!
And make us (Your) servile and supine in stance
And of our posterity in a pace, pliant in plan
And guide us Your way to beseech in span

And to us be kind in all bent and slant

For! You’re to forgive all ills in glance
129 Our Lord!
And send us a prophet mid them in esteem
Who to recite (them) ‘Your’ Spirited gleam

And to direct (them) in Scripture and lore

And let them in sense and sapience so sure
You’re The Only Domineering and Accomplished in lore

130 And whoso drop faith of Abraham to obey

He’s but idiotic in trail
Verily ‘We’ favored (him) thither in way

For a term in vale

And in the Hereafter to prevail
For he’s of the virtuous in trail

131 When his Lord demanded of him in pace

Incline to My Dictum of faith with grace

He said:
I affirm to Beseech Lord of the Worlds
Who is but,
The Lord of The Multiverses in words

132 Abraham then determined in sway

A legacy, decreed for sons to obey

002-Al Baqarah

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

So did Jacob for his sons in pace

Lord has picked a faith (for you) to brace
So don’t doom to die but Muslim in faith

133 Did you behold!

When Jacob was to leave this vale
To his sons he said:
Whom you adore and esteem in trail

After my death in (old)

They told:
We’ll pray and plead Our Lord in adore
Your Lord and Lord of your fathers in lore

Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac in command

Lord so Lone
To Him we beg to accede in demand

134 There’re men and clan died hither in fore

That’s what they’d deserved to secure
And you will cherish, what you merit in state
What they did, you wouldn’t be asked to relate

135 And they say:

Jews concern that they’re so just in instruct
Christians affirm, they’re true in conduct

Tell them to follow,

Way of Abraham in pace
You’ll be then rightly escorted in grace
For he wasn’t the follower of (idols)in trace

136 Say O Muslims!

We trust in Lord and His discipline in grace
That was revealed to Abraham and Ishmael
And Isaac in place
And also Jacob and to his posterity in pace
Also that Moses and Jesus affirmed to brace

002-Al Baqarah

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

And else,
Revealed to Prophets of Lord in place
We dare not eminence mid them in stance
And we bow to Invincible Lord in Glance
137 And then if they trust, like one you believe
They’re justly conducted in orderly belief
But if they elude or evade*
They’re determinedly deprave
Lord is enough (for thee) in their trends in drift
For He is Discerning and Concerning core in slit
*elude discipline of faith
138 We abide Dictum of Lord in Décor
For it’s preferred other than else in score
To Him we entreat and beseech in adore
139 Say to the men and clan of The Book
You bicker (with us) for Lord, so have a look
For He’s our Lord and your Lord in Grace
Our trends in trail are with us in place
And your course of conduct is for you to aside
We implore and adjure only Him in abide
140 Or do you turn to affirm to discern
That Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac in concern
And Jacob and his posterity in pace
Were Jews or Christians in place
Do you care more than Lord in Grace
And who’s more imprecise in stray
Who hide assertions affirmed in abide
That’s from Allah Almighty to aside
Lord discerns what you concern in stay
141 There’re men and clan doomed and died in trail
Them to cherish, what they deserved in vale
And you to merit your trends in dale
And you wouldn’t be asked to explain
How they fare and frisked in domain
002-Al Baqarah

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

142 Stupid of clan then trend to concern:

What’s mutated them from Ka’aba in turn

Which they observed hither in fore

Unto Lord belongs East and West in adore
He conducts in escort so fair in lore
143 ‘We’ picked,
You of all the median (of nation) in vale
That you may be witness to humanity in trail

And messenger,
A witness for your conduct in pace
We destined Ka’aba you to pray
So to affirm and obey
Who’s to pursue messenger in place

And one who eludes in pace to defy

It’s trial in trail, who affirm prophet to comply

That’s destined by Lord in dire dictum of faith

But Lord didn’t incline to baffle (you) in faith
For Lord is Pitying for the men in place

144 O Muhammad, We perceive it for sure

Veering of face, a bliss in instruction
We’ll make you turn in direction
Towards a Ka’aba you adore in injunction
So turn your face to Revered Site of Adore

O you The Muslim!

Where so ever you may be in the world to beseech
Trend your faces while prayer in entreat

002-Al Baqarah

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

Those who’ve The Book, discern for sure
Direction of Ka’aba is from Lord in adore
Lord isn’t oblivious what they desire in core

145 And if message was to go to clan of the Book

With an inkling, they wouldn’t follow it to look

(Your Ka’aba)
You cannot be a disciple of their intent in trace
(Of their Ka’aba)
Nor they’re going to follow in pace

(Of the Ka’aba of others)

And if you affirm their yearning in lore
That’s for thee to adore
Then indeed you’ll be cruel, a drift in core

146 Whom We bestowed the Book in lore

Discern its verity as their sons for sure
A group willfully guise the verity in score

147 It’s the Actuality from your Lord to brace

So you shouldn’t be of those in place
Who trend to dither in pace

148 And each has a direction to abide

So you toil and try in virtuosity to aside

Lord will get you (in concert) all in relate

Lord has all dint and demand in state

002-Al Baqarah

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

149 And where so ever you travel in way

Trend your face to Qibla in pray

It’s the verity from your Lord to obey
Lord discerns your doings in fray

150 Where so ever you tread in place

Turn your face to Holy Place in pace

O The Muslims!
Where so ever,
You may be in the travel and stay
Turn your faces towards it* in pray

So men don’t have a reasoning in debate

But for them who turn to inequity in state

Don’t you dread (them) in stance

But cower and quail Me in Glance

So I may confer My elegance in Grace

And you may be guided in verity to brace
*Khana Kaabah or Qibla
151 We’ve assigned (unto you)
A messenger from you
Who recites Our Divination so true

And aims you to emend in instruct

The Scripture,
A sense of sagacity in conduct
And escorts,
That you didn’t have the inkling to pursue

152 Evoke Me O men in core

And I’ll pay My care and concern in adore
Be thankful and considerate to Me in lore
And don’t you deny My Bestowals in score

002-Al Baqarah

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

153 O You the men of faith in pace

Follow the aid in pace with patience in grace
Besides with Prayers in bliss and bearing to brace
For Lord escorts men of perseverance in faith

154 And don’t you even care to concern in dream

The men killed in way of Lord, dead in esteem
Nay! But you discern it not in consign
They’re but alive and existing in prime
(And you discern it not)

155 And surely We’ll put to trial men and clan

By anything of famish and dread in plan
And loss in riches, lives and products in place
But confer with delighted word to brace
Men pursuing perseverance and patience in pace

156 When a calamity smacks they willfully endure

We’re for Lord! Unto Him we’re destined to restore

157 For them are boons and benisons of Lord so sure

They’re the one, so justly conducted in core

158 As-Safa and Al-Marwah are scent and spoor of Lord

To obey
It’s no harm, who is on pilgrim in House of Lord
In pray
To go around and about these spots in trail
And he who does good on his accord to avail
Indeed! For him in sway
Lord is Adoring and Informed, Immense in scale

159 Those who cover and conceal in pace

For the men in place
That in The Book, We revealed in grace
They’re invidious of Lord in trace

002-Al Baqarah

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

And they’re condemned by Lord

And also who’ve endowment in sort

160 But for those turning to penitence in amends

And evince verity in term and trends

To them I accede and extenuate for sure

I’m the Relenting and Benevolent in score

161 Those of the cynics died in disbelief and mistrust

There’s denunciation from The Lord in must
From the angels and from the men of faith

162 They’ll reside in doleful deride forever or so

Indictment wouldn’t be eased for a wink in blow
Nor, they’ll secure respite for a while in throe

163 Your Lord is One of A Domineering Domain

There’s no Lord (save Him) for else in remain
Benevolent O Beneficent for all to sustain

164 Care and Concern in all

The creation of earth and Heavenly Mall
And variance of day in glow and night in shawl
And ships sailing and swaying in sea
Laden with gift and grants for men in plea

002-Al Baqarah

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

From Lord:
And rain water down the sky in hide
Whence enlivening the desolate land in dried
And dispersing all the living beings in vale
Letting burst and blast of winds in gale
And swaying and sweeping of clouds in trail
So servile and docile mid soil and sky in sail
All these signs in sway of Lord to discern
For men in sense of sapience to concern

165 But of all these lucid signs in sway

There’re men and clan (who trend) in pray
Entice in adore other than Lord
For if they’re* like His Almighty Lord
But those in resolute dictum of faith
Ardor and adore only Lord in Grace
If the flagitious could only discern the today
When they’d perceive the doom in stray
They’ll discern,
All skill and strength is for Lord in pace
For Lord is strict in all infliction to place

166 That’ll be the Day of Doom in term

Their lords would decline in concern
Denying their disciples in trail
And they’d be seeing the doom in scale
And all their design in plan
Would be dissipated in span

167 And those,

Who’re but the followers will assert to affirm
If retrieval to the vale was possible in term
We’d deny and discard as they* defy in concern
* idols they worshiped

002-Al Baqarah

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

Lord shall evince their deeds and doings in vale

Alas! As they wouldn’t escape the Pyre in trail

168 O mankind!
Eat of that’s licit and nutritious in ground
And comply not deeds of Devil in surround
For you!
He’s divested denigrate disparage in abound

169 He limited for you only the bad and base

And dissuades you to tell

Notions referring to Lord in place

For which,
You don’t have a bit of know in trace

170 And as they’re told to follow verity in pace

Divulged by Lord in conformity of grace
They say:
We submit in faith of our fathers in place

Even though their fathers were drifted in faith
Utterly stupid, for having no tutelage in trace

171 The conformity of those who drift to deny

There semblance is like the men in stance
When they’re called to pause in glance
They just shout and cry to them in try
As if they’re,
Dumb and blind, bearing no sense to comply

002-Al Baqarah

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

172 O you the men, who give credence in faith

Eat of worthy in gifts and grants in place

Show your gratitude to Lord

For His favors in accord
(For He is the One for ever in pace)
If you assert to beseech Him with grace

173 He’s banned you eating of the meat

Blood and hog flesh and that offering in eats

Sacrificed to the name other than The Lord

But one constrained by essentiality in sort

Not by yearning or infraction in mind

There’s no sin for him to incline
Lord is Caring and Compassionate and Kind

174 For!
Who guise Divination of Lord so refined
And have a deal for piteous profit in design
They’re filling gut, but with bit of blaze

Lord wouldn’t speak to them on the Day*

Nor He would refine (them) in stay
For them is a painful edict in stray
*Dooms Day

175 They procure boner for value of melioration

An agony and anguish for exoneration
They’re contended for Fire in deterioration

176 For Allah!

Revealed the Book in verity to persist
For, those who find a cause of conflict
In the Book from Lord dither in split

002-Al Baqarah

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

177 It’s no piety in grace to turn your face

To the East or West in pace
But for the moral of faith in grace

To trust Almighty and Hereafter in daze
Angels, Scripture and prophets (so lucid) in grace
Give alms (in amity and accord)

To kin in close, for the love of Lord

Also to foundling, destitute and trekker in resort

Set free captives in resort

Heed to Pray, pay Zakaat in accord
And who keep peace to honor in sort

Persevere patience in distress and dismay

And in affliction besides event of stress and stray
They’re sober and sedate saintly in stay

178 O you the men in faith, it’s concluded to affirm

Avenging* in attainment of murder in term

Freeman for freeman and slave for slave in pace

And a dame for a dame in an absolute case

And who is absolved by his kin so distressed

In kind conformity of payment so addressed

For clemency from your Lord to avail
If some get to violate in scale
He’s to face tormenting discipline in trail

* Qasas or compensate in vengeance

002-Al Baqarah

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

179 There’s a word for you to comply

There’s life in Qasas* in grace
For the men of lore in place
O men of sapience,
That you elude killings in try
* Compensate
180 Suppose you happen to face in abide
When doom of death gets to aside

If some leave riches in sort

It’s for him to assert and affirm
Gifts in grants for his parents in term
And also for his close of kin in part

It’s an obligation for all to aside

Whoso avoid depravity in stride

181 And who so mutate the words in decree

The vice (of that) is for one to sustain
Who swap the words in decree
Lord is Concerning and Discerning in Domain

182 If you dread of a testator (for some) in bias

Turn to amity and accord mid parties in chaos

It wouldn’t bungle and lapse in mind

For! Lord is Benevolent, Benign and Kind

183 O you the men of faith best so tried

Fasting is ordained for you to abide

As was ordained hither in fore

To determine poise and patience in core

184 Fast for the number of days in command

And who is ailing or traveling in trail
Affirm the left out for other days in scale

002-Al Baqarah

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

And who can sustain there’s ransom in stance

Feasting of a man in want

But who does good at his own to affirm

It’s preferred,
If you better fast for the term in concern*
*Keep fast for the left over days-Page : 42

185 During Ramadan Holy Book was revealed

A direction for the men and clan in plot
A tutelage in escort

And clear trial in bent and bias in proceed

And all in here should fast in pace

It’s a citation to sort

Virtuosity from depravity in part

Those, who’re sick or traveling in vale

Them to count the days and fast later in scale

Lord, For you!

Desire and aspire ease in appease
And urge not the trouble for you to increase

Ordains you to abide a direction in span

Him you Glorify with comfort and ease
So orderly conducting men and clan
And ardor and adore Him affirming in plan

186 (O Muhammad!)
And when,
My servants ask you about ‘Me’ in concern
I’m near and about and so close to discern
And return,
Adjure of aspirant there and then in return

002-Al Baqarah

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

So let them attend to ‘My’ Call in trust

So they may be decently conducted in just

187 It’s licit,

To entice spouses during the nights of fast
They’re attire for you and you a lapel to grasp

Lord was discerning your feigning in trance

And tends for mercy in elegant stance
And extenuates your earlier concern in glance

So you pursue innate sensuality in adore

For what Almighty desired (for you) to allure

So dine in nibble and drink in norm

Until white slip in string, evince in the morn

A strip defining wavering shawl of the night

Observe thy fast all through day so bright
Touching them not till dusk in call

Don’t entice to sensuality in pace

When you’re staying in the mosques* in place

Lord has decreed all these confines to abide

So don’t you rim and brim upon (them) in stride

Lord so reveal His divulgence to men and clan

So they may ward off (term) flagitious in plan

*During the last 10 days of Ramadan for Iatikaf

188 And consume not your riches (mid you) in conceit

Nor seek to gain by illicit judicial means in deceit

And don’t willfully (you) gulp a dole of effects

Of others for that’s prohibited in precepts

002-Al Baqarah

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

189 (O Muhammad!)
They ask thee about the new term of moon
They’re planned time for men of Hajj in Bloom

It’s no piety to enter houses by rear in stance

But the moral is to defy depravity in glance

So enter the houses by the passage in just*

And comply your obligation to Lord so must
Dread your lord, to be escorted in quest
*front door
190 Turn to combat’
Affirming dictum of Lord in command
With them!
Who initiate to combat (against you) in plan*
But don’t instigate fight at your own in span
Lord adore not the ravagers in stance
*A word of peace
191 And slay wherever you find (them) in vale
Push them out of resides in dale
For you’re driven out, like in trail

For displacement is worse than gore

And don’t dispute in ‘Hallowed Place’ of adore

Till you’re attacked at first in plight

But if cynics cuff and clout
Then you slay (them) in blight
Such is the dictum for cynics in slight

192 But if they desist and cease

Then regard!
Lord is Clement and Kind indeed

193 And affray (them) till infraction is gone

And discipline of faith is for Lord in span

002-Al Baqarah

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

But if they surrender and stop

Then there shouldn’t be brawl in top
But for the aggressors, who distract in flop

194 The prohibited month for month in glance

And forbidden in vengeance such in stance

And some assault during that in span

Combat in the same mien as rolled in plan

Your bent and bias is for Lord in score

And discern who avoid depravity for sure
They’re cherished by Lord in adore

195 Disburse riches in reason of Lord

Don’t dash to crash yourself in plot

And abide dictum of truth to allure

Lord ardor and adore beneficent in lore

196 Do Pilgrim and see Makkah for Lord in trail

If restricted,
Send offering in way of Lord to avail

As can be accomplished in comfort to affirm

And shear not scalp before offering is done

And who’s sick or has malady of scalp

Disburse in reprieve for amity in accord
By fasting or give charity or scarifies in sort

And if you’re safe and secure in peace

Then whosoever incline to pilgrim in ease
During Hajj, so bestow offerings in stance
And if some cannot afford offering in ease

002-Al Baqarah

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

Fast for days three,

During period of Hajj in place
And for days seven
When they’re back home in pace
That’s all in ten (for you) in piety to brace

That’s ease and appease for them in brace

Whose abodes are far and away in place

From The Holy Mosque way in measure

Conform the dictum of Lord with pleasure
And concern!
Lord is serious to castigate in term

197 Pilgrim is in months well conceived

And whoever turn the Holy Trip to achieve

There’s to be no sensuality or seduction

Nor incensed discourse in conduction

And all that’s virtuous you plan to achieve

Lord discerns all your trends in conceive

So destine and design in stipulation

For the best is to fend base in situation

O men of learning and lore* in concern

Fear Me in a all way to discern
* Men of faith
198 There’s,
No err in trade with the bounty of Lord
During the days of Hajj in call
When you get to go from “Arafat” in pace
And stay at Muzalfa in place
Remember Lord by sacred words in beseech
Recall as conducted by Him in entreat
Regard earlier you’re dissuaded in treat
002-Al Baqarah

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

199 O Quraysh!
Then hasten onward from that in place
And beg absolution of Lord with grace
Indeed, Lord is to extenuate for sure
He’s Bounteous in all term in score

200 And when you’ve concluded* you return in adore

Then ardor in adore Lord in score
As your fathers did it before
But over and above in spirited recalling in lore
But of the men and clan!
There’re some who insist in entreat
Bestow us all the boons in the vale, O Please
And they’ve no bit and lot in Hereafter in piece
*Rituals of Hajj
201 And there’re men and clan who assert in beseech
Give us phenomenal hither (in vale) to appease
And of the excellent in Hereafter O Please
And save us from the burn of pyre in treat

202 For them,

There’s store and supply in sizable share
Both in here and Hereafter in there
Of which they secured hither* so rare
Lord is so prompt with concern and care
*worldly life
203 Remember Thy Lord during the days in regard
If some hurry and scurry in days two to depart
It’s no err for him to impart
And if one tarry in consign
It’s no err and offend for him in design
That’s for him who avoid evil in array
Be mindful in discipline of Lord to obey
To Him you’re destined to return in stay

002-Al Baqarah

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

204 (O Muhammad!)
There’s a man who charms (you) in talk
When he speaks of worldly lures in walk

For what he concerns in his core in trace

He calls on Allah to be witness in pace
Even so he is litigant in place

205 And when he gets away from you in stay

He strives to create mischief in fray

He concerns to dash the crop and cattle in vale

And Lord doesn’t adore vandalism in trail

206 And when it’s said: To care and concern

Of his dues and duty to Lord in term
Egotism trends (him) to sinning in turn

He’s destined to Hell pyre in trance

An evil site and spot for him in glance

207 And of the men there’re some in place

Strive to pursue dictum of Lord with Grace
And Lord is so kind to His men in faith

208 O you the men of faith!

Who comprehend and conceive
Show up your servility unto Him in grace
And don’t you submit to Satan in proceeds
He’s your foe in all doings and deeds in pace

002-Al Baqarah

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

209 And if you slip in stride

After lucid drill is there (for you) to aside
And discern, Allah is Immense in Grace
With Sense of Sapience in pace
210 Do they intend to discern
After all these signs in concern
Allah should evince by Himself to affirm
In the awning of clouds with angels so refine
And persecution is to determine in time
Mind you!
All things trend back to Lord for just in trust*
211 Ask Progeny of Israel hither to adore
How lucid Divination We revealed in before

He who change Our Divination in grace

Once it’s there for them to brace
Lord is Austere to castigate

212 Enticing in allure worldly enchants in place

How they jeer and sneer the faithful in pace
Submit and savor Lord so Calm
Will relish on The Day of Revival in Norm
Lord bestows!
In profusion (for whom) He wills in swarm

213 Humanity was one commune in accord

Then they diverged and differed to depart
Lord sent prophets with missive in assort

Conveying punctilious tips in lore to alert

A care and concern with Scripture to assert

So to conclude mid men in glance

Wherein they dissent and digress in stance
002-Al Baqarah

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

Those unto whom the Scripture was decreed

Got to differ, after an attestation in proceed

With repugnance for each in score

And Lord escorted the men with sapience in lore
Those who trust (Muhammad) in adore

For earlier they used to differ in stance

Missive of Allah to orderly glance
Lord guides whom He wills* in orderly score

*It is indeed a matter of concern, as Lord Almighty has bestowed us the

intelligence that is to escort us in the right direction, if we really make use of it.
(Page : 558)

214 Or deem and dream in term of reality

That you’ll enter paradise in actuality
When you weren’t tried like the men in before

Distress and reverse happened to them in score

They’re distraught as quake in core

Till messenger and men in faith begged in implore

When ease in assuage of Lord will incline in pace

Surely then, there was a missive in lore

Lord’s aid and abet is quite close to brace

215 (O Muhammad!)
They ask you what to dispense and defray
Say: That you expend here in verity to pay

002-Al Baqarah

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

To parents, kin, stray, poor and voyager in place

Lord discerns all your deeds and doings in pace

216 Combat is decreed for you to aside

Though it’s odious term in stride

But some of the sort you despise in vale

That’s exceptional for you to avail

For chance you love some in adore

That’s not good for you to secure
Lord discerns all you concern in core
For you perceive not the verity in lore

217 (O Muhammad!)
They ask (you) in abash
In holy months if to combat and clash
War therein is a real infraction in abash

But to drift from dictum of Lord in lore

And to distrust Him and Holy place in adore
And to banish His people (thence forth) in score

With Lord, (such a stance)

Tyranny is (greater) err than slaying in stride
They’ll not refrain warring (you) in abide

Till they dare and deflect (you) in faith

And who so,
Deflect in faith and dies there in state
Their deeds and doing will doom in relate

For here in vale and Hereafter in accord

The heir of (burn of) Pyre in discord
Where to reside forever in retort

002-Al Baqarah

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

218 Indeed the men of faith,

Deserting their resides in guard
And toil and travail in the way of Lord
Them to cherish Boon and Bounties of Lord
Lord is to relinquish in pace
For He’s Most Compassionate in Grace

219 They ask about alcohol also bet and stake

Say: In both
There’s a great sin though some profit in avail
But vice of them is bigger than profit in trail

And they ask what to spend in term*

That’s in excess of your needs in earn
Lord makes His Divination so lucid in trace
That you trend to engage
For His Benison in here and Hereafter to brace

*spending to gain good in here and the Hereafter

220 That you might concern to discern

For hither in vale and Hereafter in term

And they ask you

How the orphans be treated in stance
Better their means be with you in glance
That’s quite essential for all in span
And if then, you consult in concern
They’re your kin in close, for if you affirm
Lord discerns, who plunders in place
And the one, who abides virtuosity in state
Lord could willfully put you to stress in pace
Sagacious, Sensible and Immense in Grace

002-Al Baqarah

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

221 Don’t you marry a dame heathen in faith

Till they brace discipline in faith
For a faithful bondmaid is preferred in grace
Than a charming cynic woman in place
And don’t let your women to heathens in bond
Till they’ve credence of faith in fond
For an ardent* slave is preferred in span
A captivating man, a cynic in plan
Cynics entice you to the burn of blaze
And Lord convenes you to a pace in grace
For clemency and the ‘Gardens’ of Charm
With all His Savor in Sanctity in Swarm
And explains His Divination to the men in vale
So they may trend to brace verity in trail
*In faith
222 (O Muhammad!)
They question you here in trance
Concerning the menstruation in stance

It’s foul and filthy period in plan
So let her alone at such spell and span
Don’t go unto them till they’re clean and pure
When they’re refined then fondle to allure
Restricted is the period of time
With the dictum of Lord in Prime
Truly Lord loves in lore
Who seeks His Clemency in adore
And glorify who care for chastity in pace

223 Your women are farm for you in charm

So trend to seduce as you lure in norm
And bear,
The verity of deeds for Hereafter in soul
Awe and dread Lord in the veer of core

002-Al Baqarah

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

Bear in mind,
You’ll be There before The Lord in stay
(O Muhammad!)
Give delighted word to the allegiants, in pray

224 And don’t avow by Allah,

As tether in catch
That we’re not to follow:
The discipline of virtuosity in glow
Elude faithful acts in span
Evade amity mid men and clan
Lord is Heedful and Knowing in plan

225 Lord wouldn’t trend you to task

For your unthinking avow in bask
But He’ll affirm and take you to talk

For what your core resolved to avow in place

Lord is Clement and Kind with Grace

226 Those who renounce their wives in avow

There is a time, months four in a row

Then, if they need to incline in mind

Lord is Compassionate caring and kind

227 And if they resolve to divorce

Lord discerns their care and concern in course

228 Women thus divorced shall abide to avail

Letting away for three menstrual terms in trail

And it’s not licit for them* to elude and hide

Which Lord set in their wombs to aside

*women if pregnant must reveal

002-Al Baqarah

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

If they’re true to Lord and Day of Consign

Their spouses be favored to them in design
If they so seek and solicit settlement in prime

And women have right like the men in assent

But men are a step up, in consent
Lord is Astral O Astute, Discerning in trend

229 Divorce must be pronounced twice so clear

And if she is taken to core with care
Or sent out in docility from abide so clear

And it isn’t justifiable for you to grasp

For what you gifted her before to clasp
But if they fear,
Not abiding dictum of Lord so decreed
Or if you dread,
They wouldn’t abide discipline of Lord so decreed

It’s no sinning for either of them

If the dame let go (herself)* in place

That’s the confines of Lord in pace

Break them not, nor dither in narrate
Confines of Lord in His dictum of grace

Those, who transgress missive in stay

They’re cruel, for they defy to obey

*whatever was given to her by her husband

230 And if he’s divorced thrice in a row

She’s not licit subsequent in avow

Till she marries one else of a man

Then if he* turns to divorce in plan
*2nd husband

002-Al Baqarah

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

It’s no sin to marry once more* in span

But if they abide dictum of Lord in stance

Allah defines His Discipline to concern

For the men of sapience, who care to discern
*With the husband they’re married earlier in term

231 When divorced dames attain Iddah* in term

Then affirm them with virtuosity in turn
Or set them free, excellent in term

Withhold them not to deceive in hex

So you may not exceed bounds in vex

Who does unseemly, that’s for him to aside

Don’t make,
Mockery for the dictum of Lord in deride

But invoke Lord’s Elegance in pace

Lord revealed you a Book to brace

While He confers (you) dictum in lore

Cede and concede to His Word in core

Then you turn to affirm and discern

Lord is Perceptive of all in concern

*term is four months and ten days

232 When you’ve divorced women in state

And they complete a term of ‘Iddah’ in relate

Don’t be a problem for their term in plan

Wedding their husbands in new term and span

002-Al Baqarah

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

It’s determined mid them, a fair term in abide

There’s an admonition for you to aside
Who’ve trust in Lord and The Hereafter in Stride
Punctilious and pure for you to obey
Lord discerns all in sway
That you don’t sense in stay

233 Mothers to nurse child for years two in all

It’s for them when father determine in call

Onus of food,
And of clothing for nursing mother in pace
It’s for the father of child to replace

None* to be,
Charged past their means for the child
Mother shouldn’t be stressed for the child
Nor father,
Done to woe for the want of child

It’s duty of the father of child

To care for the mother of child
A binding,
Like of that, who takes care for the child**
But if they so will,
To stop suckling of the child
By a shared affirmation due care in plan
It’s no infraction for a term in span
If you so,
Cherish to hire nursing maid in plan
To nurse your child with due care in span
It’s no wrong to reward nursing maid in stance
Surrender and submit to Lord in glance
And discern,
He cares and concerns all done and doings in trance

*parents **(In the event of death of father, who so

adapts the child will fulfill the obligation)

002-Al Baqarah

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

234 If some die with wives in hither

Wives should abstain and be alone in thither

For months four and days ten in span

And when they complete the term in plan

It’s no wrong for if they decree in diction*

Lord so discerns that you do in conviction
*To marry some

235 There’s no evil or wrong (for you) in score

To wave in gesture to entice in core
An idea to have (her) for bond in adore

That’s to wince in wink or charm in blink

That you may be hiding in the core in wink

Put not the truth in the niche of core

Lord discerns, what you care in plan

Affirm by diction settled sort in span

And clue for the charming deal for match*

Until the,
Term of Iddah has completed in score

That Lord cares and concerns in core
So beware of Him;
For He is Pitying and Adoring in lore
* wedding

236 It’s no offense if you divorce (her) in pace

While haven’t fondled or fixed dower in place

The affluent should grant from his source in glee

The poor from his means and manners in plea

002-Al Baqarah

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

A fair term of provision in care and conduct

A cordial contract for who decently instruct

237 If you divorce before touching in course

And had favored the dower in source

Then award half of that you set to affirm

Or else they yield to surrender in concern

Or he consents to forgo (dower) all in stance

Forgoing is close to fidelity in grace

And don’t skip amiability mid you in stance

Lord so cares and concerns your deeds in glance

238 Be watchful of your prayers in term

And the,
Midmost prayer you conform to affirm
And be humble in stance
Before Almighty in Glance

239 And if you awe and dread in dismay

Then treading and traveling in way
While riding horse you incline to pray

And when you’re safe and secure in peace

Pray and praise Allah as affirmed in ease

As He directed (you) to comply in concern

For what you didn’t have the know in term
(Before this stance in turn)

240 In case of those,

Who’re destined to die in doom
And have their wives, alive in bloom

Them to bestow a sustenance to aside

For a year living in resides
And not to push them out of the abide in reside
002-Al Baqarah

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

But if,
They leave at their own way in pace
There’s no affront for you in place
If they incline for deserving pace in plan
For them in span
Lord is Imposing, Edified in Glance
241 For divorced dame a provision in construct
An obligation who abide the code in instruct
Those, who awe and dread Lord in conduct

242 Lord define Divination for you to discern

So you may coin with all care and concern
For the men and clan fearing Allah in conduct

243 (O Muhammad!)
Did you ever care to concern in lore
Of those gone and passed hither in fore
Who left their home and hearth in score

For fear of death in place

They’re in thousands in pace

And Lord ordained death to the clan

And then He brought them back to life in span
Lord is Clement and kind to men and clan
But most of the men don’t discern in plan

244 O you the men of faith!

Dare to combat for dictum of Lord in instruct
And perceive,
He is Concerning and Discerning in Conduct

245 Who is to confer unto Lord a tangible loan*

So He may endow in (a boost) plentiful grown

Lord confines in limits for one in trace

And confers,
Quite a bit in grants for some in pace
To Him you’re destined to return in place
* Loan for the cause of faith, without intention of having back

002-Al Baqarah

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

246 After Moses!

(Men of affluence from the posterity of Israel)
Did you ever turn to discern
What trended the men of Israel in concern

Asking their prophet for a king in place

To guide and escort there in pace
They avowed to fight for Lord in faith
He said:
Would you then decline to combat
If combat was ordained (for you) in instruct

They said: why shouldn’t,

We fight for the cause of Lord in fray
When we’re pushed out of our resides in stray
And were separated from our family in stay

But when combat was instructed in pace

They swapped in pace,

But for a few stood firm in stance

Lord is mindful of the offenders in glance

247 Prophet to them had enunciated in stance

Lord’s so eminently elevated in glance

Saul to be an emperor for you in domain

They said:
How can he be a monarch (over us) in claim

We’re more suited of empire (than him) to attain

For he’s no pleasing (wealth) propensity to sustain
He said: Look!
Lord’s favored him over you in domain

002-Al Baqarah

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

And gifted him sense of sagacity in sway

Lord grants rule to whom He wills in stay
Lord is Super O Supreme in Display

248 And their Prophet said: Them to affirm

Tribute of his realm is for you to concern

Box with relics of progeny in place

Of Moses and Aaron in trace

A comfort and solace of Lord (you) to brace

It’ll be held by the angels in pace
Herein is a token for the dutiful in grace

249 And when Saul set out with forces to combat

He said:
Lord is to try you by a river in pace
Whoso drinks there in the surge
He is not of me in place
But if some drinks a sip in swim
In the hollow of hand in urge

All of the men drank quite a lot in swim

But only a few of clan had the sip in brim
As they held the discipline in prim

When he crossed the river in stance

With his men of discipline in plan
They asserted to trend in glance

We don’t have the sway to combat in fray

With force of Goliath confronting in array

002-Al Baqarah

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

But for a few who adored discipline in bright

And were to sure meeting their Lord in plight

Before Allah!
A tiny troupe rout in stance
The mighty,
Of forces by care of Lord in glance

Lord is adoring His men and clan
Conforming patience in plan

250 When they advanced Goliath to combat

They begged and beseeched Lord in instruct

O Lord!
Endow us fortitude with foothold to stay
And aid us over quizzical clan in fray

251 So by Dictum of Lord they cowed in flow

And David slay Goliath determined in blow

And Lord gifted him rule and reason in vale

And taught him of that; He asserted in trail

And if Lord didn’t incline to elude

With some of the clan and others to exclude

The world,
Would’ve been base and perverse in plight
But Lord is Sage with Sapience in Sight

252 These Verses of Lord we incline to recite

For you (O Muhammad) with verity in sight
And indeed!
You’re of the figure of Our messengers so bright

002-Al Baqarah

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

253 Of those messengers,

Some We inclined in course, others to excel
And to some Almighty voiced in spell

While some He exalted in step and stage

And We bestowed Jesus in pace
And adored him, The Holy Spirit with Grace

And if Lord so designed in sight

Who so conformed thereafter in plight

Wouldn’t have fought each in blight

After substantiation was there so bright

But they disputed in trust and belief

Some in faith, others defying in belief

And if Lord had desired in stance

They wouldn’t have fought (each) in trance
But Lord,
Has His Own means and manners in glance

254 O you the men and clan of faith

Expend of that, We granted (you) in grace
The Day when there’ll be nothing to avail
Bargaining, brotherhood nor quittance in trail
The cynics are depraved and disgraced in dale

255 Allah!
There’s no Lord save Him in sway
Alive and Eternal,
Sustaining all the domain in array
There’s no nap or nod for Him in along
To Him it belongs,
All in the Heavens and the earth in place
None can interpose Him for a bit in trace
But for His Dictum of Dictate in grace

002-Al Baqarah

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

He discerns all the lucid in drill

And that you concern in the veer of core
None can embrace His Sapience in Skill

But for His dint and demand in will

His Reign embraces heavens and earth in score

He is never weary of delivering in array

For He is so!
Inspiring and Imposing, Immense in sway

256 There’s no obligation in factuality of faith

Evil in ills is clear from escort in grace

Who defies deities other than Lord in pace
And asserts to affirm dictum of Lord in grace
That’s not going to rift and split
Lord is Perceptive and Proficient in sway

257 Lord is a Keeping Ally for the men in faith

He turns!
Dusk of gloom in glow
Those, who don’t incline to faith in flow

Their leading deities just deceptive in pace

They turn gleam of faith to the dusk in place

They’re the true owner of Hell in pyre

They’ll abide therein to smolder in fire

002-Al Baqarah

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

258 Envision!
Who disputed Abraham in pace
A word to brace for Lord in Grace

For Lord endowed him empire in place

Abraham said: My Lord is The One in Grace

Who bestows life and causes death in demise

He answered:
I confer life and cause death in surmise

Abraham said: Indeed

Lord causes from East the sun to arise
So can you cause it from the West to arise

The dissenter was sheepish in surprise

Lord escorts not erring folk in abide

259 Conceive of,

The man passing ruined city in locale
Who entreated fervently in avow:
How’d Lord endow life after death in prevail
Lord let him to die for years hundred in a go
Then brought him back to life in glow

Lord Almighty asserted in array

How long have you endured in sleep
The man said in stay:
I’ve eased a day or piece of the day in sleep
Almighty said: Nay!
But you’ve had hundred years of sleep so deep

Just look at your food and drink in around

Which have not spoiled in surround

Look at your mule decayed in span

And We!
Trend you a counsel and caution for the men and clan
Look at the trunk and torso in stray
002-Al Baqarah

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

How ‘We’!
Conform all and then cover with flesh in plan
And when it turned out so lucid in plan

The man then affirmed the faith in stance

I discern it for sure in glance
Lord is endowed to do all in span

260 And when Abraham beseeched in stance

O My Lord, Show me!
How ‘You’ give life to the dead in glance
He said:
Don’t you trust to what I conclude in the same
Abraham said: Yes, but I still insist to sustain
I beg Thee for the solace of my soul to attain
Lord said:
Have four birds in score
And to them, unto you entice to allure
Then place a bit and a piece on each hill in throw
Then bid them to rise in flow
They’ll hustle, to you in premise
And discern,
Lord is so Immensely Wise and precise

261 Those, who pay out in way of Lord in faith

Semblance of those is that of a grain in grace

That sprouts seven lug in an elegant row

With hundred grains each lug to grow

Lord endows many a time so clear

To whom He wills to solace and cheer
For Lord is,
All Comprehensive and Knowledgeable to Steer

262 Who expends,

Riches to secure mercy of Lord in acclaim
And doesn’t turn to abuse and hurt in blame
For what they disbursed (money) for the same
002-Al Baqarah

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

Merit and credit is with Almighty in assertion
They’ll have no dread and dismay or dissention

263 A word in solace with absolution in speech

Is preferred than offering alms in screech

With a dissenting or abusive word in treat

Lord is Entire and Ideal, Merciful to beseech

264 O you men and clan in faith!

Don’t let your munificence* go in vain
With disgrace and dishonor and injury to sustain

Like one who expends for glory of his name

And doesn’t trust in Lord and Day in Acclaim

He’s like a flint and slab

Covered with dust and tethered in ash

And torrential rain smacks in dash

Leaving it bald and bare in abash

They’ve no gain of what they attain

Lord conducts not cynical clan to sustain

265 And those who intend to expend in appease

In means and manners of Lord to please

To enlighten their souls in a glow of gleam

The semblance of a garden high in esteem

002-Al Baqarah

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

The blissful shower gets fruit in profusion

And if rain doesn’t happen in profusion
A fine drizzle bears bliss in surprise
Lord is Sage of all your trends in abide

266 How,
One likes to hold a garden in time
Teeming in trees of palm and vines

Where streams surge and swing in slide

With all set and sort of fruit in abide

And dotage overwhelming (him) in pace

With his kin and kids so young in place

And a fervent gale pounding to astray

It’s drained and dilapidated like fire in fray

Lord manifests His Divulgence* to discern

So you may perceive (that all) in concern
* Verses
267 O you the men and clan of faith in grace
Spend of goodly effects you (hold to) brace
And of that We grow from the earth in place

And follow not the malicious trends in trail

When you intend to spend for good to avail

For what you wouldn’t accept in slight*

But be docile when you disburse in plight
Discern Lord is Whole, Exalted and Polite
*Any return in award

268 The devil dreads for privation in plight

And persuades for lecherous lust in blight
But Lord pledges you absolution in slight
With His Bounteous awards so bright

002-Al Baqarah

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

For He is All so Embracing in sight

Besides being Discerning in plight

269 To some He endows sense and sagacity in grace

The one having bestowal of prudence in trace
Virtually he perceives profusion to brace

But most of them are not so concerning

As they don’t listen the word in advice
But for men and clan who’re all so discerning

270 Whatever you disburse or affirm in proceed

Lord Discerns all the concerns indeed
Spiteful have no ally and affiliate to accede

271 If you turn to reveal your charity in premise

It’s really good for you to suffice
But if the alms in endow to destitute you guise

It’s really prime and promising for you in abide

For your ills in deeds and doing are set to aside
Lord perceives all your done and doings in stride

272 (O Muhammad)
It’s not for you to escort in place
It’s for Lord, if to conduct or not in pace

And if you spend for morality in vale

It’s for you in Hereafter to avail

002-Al Baqarah

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

When you determine to spend in trace
But for the favor of Lord to brace

And of all you spend goodly in trail

Will justly be redeemed Hereafter to avail

273 Direly Destitute, who stay to strive

For the cause of Lord, all through the life
They really,
Deserve your alms, as means to thrive

Who cannot get to business in vale

An ignorant takes them richly in trail

For they stay calm and composed in sight

Their faces clue to their core in plight

For they don’t beg to plead in pace

And all your spending in dictum of faith

For Lord is Observing around in pace

274 Those who spend riches by night and day

Secretly in the dark and openly in a way

Surely their pay and prize is with Lord to stay

And for them there’ll be no dread in dismay

275 Those who swill and swig ‘Interest’ in abide

That’s like a man,
Cowed by the catch of Satan in stride

002-Al Baqarah

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

That’s because they trend to affirm:

Trade is like pilfering of interest in term

Whereas Lord favors in way

Trade in a diligent stay

And forbids plundering in (usury) interest

He unto whom Divine admonition is to arrive
Should decline such term hither in strife
That of the past is with Lord to decide

As for the man, who inclines to usury in stray

Such are decreed buyer of Fire in array
Them to abide therein for ever in stay

276 Lord has damned and banned usury to aspire

And caused offering blooming dole in desire
Lord ardor and adore not, profane in dire

277 Indeed!
Who trust and ordain good deeds in proceeds
Comply prayers and disperse to destitute in need

Their carrot and merit is with Lord to stay

And for them there’ll be no dread in dismay

278 O you the men and clan of faith in stay

Observe your onus and trust for Lord to obey

And give up what’s left of needs in place

If you’re true in your faith in pace

279 And if you don’t comply the order in trance

Then be alert to combat in stance

With Lord and His Messenger in glance

If then regret, have your capital in stance

002-Al Baqarah

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

Don’t be improper all in proceeds

You wouldn’t be hurt or harmed indeed\

280 And if the debtor is haggard in pace

Then pause and reprieve in solace

And defer your debt for charity in grace

It’s fine for a goodly term to brace

281 And care for the Day in concern

When you’ll turn to Lord to affirm
When to cherish award of proceeds in return

For all your done and doings in vale

And there’ll be no grim lumbering in trail

282 O you who trust and believe in faith

When to accede a debt for a term in trace

Put all the prong and prick in record of terms

Let a penman record it with decency in turn

Penman not to deny to scribble in proceeds

For Allah!
Instructed him all these notations to accede

And let a person!

Who so promises debt scribble for the text
Discern his duty to Lord all in pretext

And blemish not what he owes in demand

But if the one in debt is fatuous or fragile
Or ailing and unfit to dictate in demand

Next sponsor of his assets dictate in pace

Call to testify (mid you) two men in place

002-Al Baqarah

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

And if two men aren’t there in avail

Then a man and two women in trail

Of such you bear a witnesses in stance

If one errs other will sustain in glance

The witnesses must not desist to affirm

When they’re convened and called to conform
Don’t turn to decline to put contract to affirm

If it be trivial or tremendous in run

With properly conformed and drawn in term

That’s quite preferred with Lord to stay

So to assure assertion finest in way

Avoiding distrust (mid you) in a deal to affirm

And for a fiscal deal to conform

That you deliver hand to hand at time

In that instance, it’s no sinning in consign

If you write it not, but have witnesses to affirm

When you trade to one more (in turn) to conform

No penman or witness be hurt in case

If you’re to harm (them) in place
It’s a real aversion and crime in pace

* penman or witness

002-Al Baqarah

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

Conform your obligation to Lord in demand

Lord is guiding (you) each in stance
And Lord Discerns and concerns all in Command

283 If you’re in travel in pace

And no penman is around in place

Then a pledge with possessions is all to entail

And if one (of you) put up one more in detail

Let him, who is trusted, assert in just

That’s placed with him in trust

Him to comply his duty to Lord in just

Cover not assertion in a way of disgust

Who trends to guise he’s sinning in core
Lord discerns all your done and doings in lore

284 All that’s in earth and Heavenly Mall

Conforms to the Dictum of Allah in call
Turns to your deeds and doings in all

What you perceive in the veer of heart

And that you perform so lucid in smart

He’ll call to account in all

An’ will affirm any dither in toll *

If to absolve once for sure

Or then to castigate in more
He’s deft to adore all in score
*Bring you to account

285 Prophet asserts Dictum of Lord in treat

For what,
We revealed, (he) conforms to preach

002-Al Baqarah

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

So do!
Those of the men and clan in faith
Affirm discipline of Lord conferred in grace
An’ angels, Scriptures, prophets in pace
They so affirm to abide
We don’t determine difference in trace
For any of the prophets to exalt in place
All we concern verity of the word to obey
An’ submit to affirm ‘n’ beseech to pray
O Allah!
We beg to beseech ‘n’ entreat in implore
Absolve our evils of ills in score
Our ultimate return is to You for sure

286 Allah! Doesn’t put to woe in score

Beyond the patience of some to endure
For him is the reward in term to secure
Who so comply decency in pace
Or trend to evil ‘n’ ills in place
(O the men and clan in faith)
Pray you the way conducted by The Lord
Most Bounteous and Benevolent in Accord

If we infringe and infract in aversion

Please O Lord,
Condone us quite a bit in assertion
(In compliant and complacent dispersion)
Don’t put us to trial as hither in fore*
O Allah!
And don’t put us to test dubious in score
For what we cannot bear (discipline) to endure
Be congenial and convivial and extenuate for sure
In an event of drift, we beg to implore
And entreat so earnest humble in adore
O Allah!
Be Genial and Generous for sure in stance
For You’re our Lord Gorgeous in Glance
So elevate our pace in grace
Over the incredulous race
*Nations before time


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

In the name of Lord, the Most Beneficent, Most Merciful

001 Alif Lam Mim.

002 There’s no god but Him in Domain

The Living, Eternal for ever to Sustain

003 He inspired you of the Book in Grace

The Book,
Assenting the Books revealed before in place
Conferred a Code of Torah and Gospel to brace

004 He conveyed,
Hither in fore a code of conduct for clan
And conveyed the discipline for you in plan

Then who turn to defy Signs of Lord in hither

Them to sustain a serious seizure in slither
Lord is,
Domineering to castigate the evils in stance

005 Lord is Discerning and Concerning in accord

That’s in the earth and heavens in assort

006 It’s He,

Who puts your figure in wombs in frame
There’s no god but Him to remain
He’s Domineering and Discerning to sustain


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

007 He conveyed you the Book, Verses so distinct

There’re Verses in text with two sort* in lore
Of some institute the base and basis in adore
Of some with puzzlement of text** in instinct
Those daring to defy the truth in pace
And caring for depravity in core
Tread with the part of perplexity in trace
Strive to strike, secret meaning to brace
None but Lord discerns verity in Grace***
Men of faith assert to affirm in core
We Trust in The Book in beatific adore
That’s all from The Lord in Grace
And none but the men in lore
Concern the verity to brace
*you can deduce two meaning of the text ** it’s because Qur’an commands
the knowledge till the last day on the earth. The scientific knowledge is still
striving hard to reveal the truth of the text ***. It does not signify that the
meaning of the text will remain mystery forever. Whosoever will strive for the
truth of the text, Lord will escort him.

008 Our Lord!

Let not our core and crux drift in stray
Once they’re guided in verity to obey
And extenuate our ills of evils in pace
O Allah!
Indeed! You’re quite endowing in grace
009 Our Lord!
Who’ll gather all men and clan Thither* in trance
On The Day* in Demand
What there’s no scruple and suspense in stance
And Lord,
Never fails for His pledge in Command
*Dooms Day
010 Those who dare to defy faith in trail
Possessions and progeny in vale
Wouldn’t avert or elude agony in scale

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

But not,
Other than The Lord in pace
They’re the burn of blaze, a fire in place

011 Their doings are not different in plan

They’re like Pharaoh and their foregoers in span

They denied Our Signs to obey

And Lord put them (to task) dismal in array
For Lord calls to discipline so stern in stay

012 Pass them a word to concern

Who’re defying Dictum of Lord to discern

Soon you’ll be cowed thither in place

A flagitious site: the ‘Hell’ in pace

013 You’d already sensed the signs so clear

When two forces were to combat in place
One defying in faith, other abiding in faith
To them,
They saw for sure twice in count
But Lord inclines to endow in might
Whom He trends to prevail in fight

There’s a word for the men to brace

Who’ve eyes to discern and concern in trace

014 Men,
Tend to adore what they love to allure
Like maids and scion;
Stack and stash of gold, silver in store
Of excellent breed and creed in adore


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

And exuberance,
Of cattle and well tilled farms in score
Such are the chattels and cheats hither in vale
But for Lord,
Faith is the finest destiny for all to avail

015 Say:
Shall I tell you a good word to adore
Devout to reside in the Gardens in glow
In proximity of Lord Thither in endow
Where the streams ebb and flow
Swing and sway in swift, aside and below

For them to abide for ever in place

With companions so chaste and pure
Boon Bounties of Lord for them to secure
Lord keeps an eye over His men in faith

016 Those who turn to entreat and beg to beseech

Our Lord!
We indeed trust and believe
Forgive us, for our sins in poise and gig to relieve
And spare us,
From pang and throe of Fire O Please

017 Who persevere and stay firm in faith
True to their word and deeds in pace
Humble and docile with discipline in grace
And dole out alms to the needy in place*

And beg absolution of Lord in norm

In the early hours of the morn**
*give alms **late night vigil
018 There’s no god but Him in Domain
A witness of Lord, (His) angels (for you) in adore
Those in skill to discern for just to allure
He keeps discipline of faith just in score


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

There’s no god but Him (to remain)

So Exalted in Might and Sagacious to Sustain

019 The Faith before Lord is Islam in command

So submit to Lord determined in Demand

Men of the Book didn’t conflict in stance

But for resent and spite of each* in trance

After learning and lore, for them* to brace

But if some deny Signs of Lord in Grace
Lord is prompt calling to account in pace
*Men of the Book
020 So if they bicker and brawl in stance
I submit to Lord in all Care and Command
And Those,
Who affirm and confirm (Me) in state
And say to the men of the Book in relate
And those,
Who’re untaught, to them you narrate
And ask,
Do you submit to Him in place

If they submit in stance

They’re orderly escorted in glance
But if they deny to defy in pace

Your duty is to pass,

The Word of Lord in abide
And it’s for Allah,
To care for His men in stride

021 Who dispute Signs of Lord to obey

And dare to defy the verity in stay
Kill prophets and also who voice to preach
For them is a heinous doom in impeach


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

022 Their done and doings wouldn’t come to avail

For here in vale or Hereafter in scale
Nor they’ll,
Be having one else, to assuage in trail

023 Haven’t you turned to look at some

Given a part of the Book
When called to the Book
Of Lord to Concern
So to determine their disputes in run
But a few of the clan
Trend to defy and deny in plan

024 For they trend to affirm

To them,
Fire is not to touch in concern
But only for a few days in time
For their swindle in deceit
What they concoct for faith in conceit

025 Imagine,
What will be their plight in stay
When they’ll be gathered on the Day

The Day for what,

There’s no scruple and suspense in stay
Each to cherish the award in reward
For their done and doings in sort
They wouldn’t be wronged a bit in part

026 Say; O Lord

So Mighty to manage, Your dictum in dictate
Endow valor to one, You trend in state
And denude of power to some You relate

Bestow in adore to whom You please

And vitiate some, You tend in squeeze
You discern in Command that all in trail


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

You’re Domineering over all in prevail
027 You swing to slip night over day in dip
And drop to dip day over night in slip

You bring life out of death in doom

Cause to death from the living in bloom
Endow in grants,
Provisions to whom You please
All so profuse, beyond in squeeze
028 Don’t let the faithful to greet in pace
Cynic as friends to assuage in place

Instead the men of faith in around

If some inclines to such in surround

Wouldn’t be conducted by Lord in grace
But for the reason in pace
To elude the ills of their evil in gains

For Lord admonishes you in here to remain

For your ultimate return is to Him in claim
029 Say: What you concern in core
Or that you discern lucid in lore
All is known to The Lord for sure

He perceives that’s all in Orb* and Sol*

And Lord!
Commands spin in strides in call
*Earth and sky
030 On the Day in Demand!
All deeds in good and ills of evil in way
There the man would confront in stay
He’ll aspire: That the evil to stay
Far afar at a distance in away
And desire for the Day* in base to delay
But Lord admonishes to dread and obey
And Lord is so Kind and Courteous in pace
To His men and clan in place *Dooms Day


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

031 Say!
If you really ardor and adore Lord in beseech
Conform to my* order of discipline in entreat

Lord will love even so more even more

And absolve your ills of evils in score
For Lord is Caring and Compassionate in core
*Muhammad PBUH
032 Say;
Obey Lord and Prophet in faith
But if they drift discipline of faith

Lord doesn’t care, who* drifts to defy

And don’t
Conduct in course (of faith) to comply
033 Lord Favored,
Adam and Noah, clan of Abraham in vale
Family of Imran over all men in trail

034 Progeny, one of the other in pace

And Lord is knowing quite a lot in place

035 Behold!
Woman of Imran begged Lord in entreat
I assign unto Thee O Lord!
What’s in my womb in retreat
For Thy Distinct Designs to preach

So embrace this of me, so humble in grace

For You discern and concern hither in trace

036 When she gave birth to the child at term

She turned to The Lord (real) in concern


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

O Lord!
I’m bestowed of a baby girl so refined
And Lord could discern thither in prime
No male has sapience like this (child) in sway

I name her Marry in beatific stance

And consign her to Your Diligent Glance
And her scion in Your care and command
From the depravity of base in place

037 Just pleasantly Lord held her appeal

He advanced her in virtue in elegant reveal
In care of Zakariya, she primed to grow

Whenever he hazed to her room in flavor

Found her with fetching food in savor
He said: O Mary
Where from all this comes in place
She said:
That’s from The Bounty of Lord in grace
For Lord,
Confers to one He cherishes in stay
Provisions so plenty and pleasing in array

038 Then Zakariya turned to Lord in entreat

Begging: O my Lord! I submit to beseech
Grant me posterity that’s noble in esteem
For You’re to attend my concern in extreme

039 While he settled in his room to pray

The angels visited while there in stay
Lord gives you a word of son in grace
His name Yahya to place
He’ll be affirming verity of Lord in pace
A brilliant,
Moral and a Prophet of Lord in abide
In band and body of virtuous of Lord in stride


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

040 He said; Oh, my Lord

How could I’ve a son at the age
Discerning, I’ve declined to a stage
In dotage*
And my spouse in desolate stage**
There’s the answer to supplicate in sublime
Lord accomplishes what He trends in prime
*Senile decay **menopause
041 He said: O my Lord
Give me a Sign! So I may discern
There’s the answer
And approval of Me to concern
You wouldn’t speak, days three in a row
But with gestures in flow
Then applaud and adore Lord over and again
And dignify in dusk and morn to sustain
For Him to remain

042 Behold! The angels said: O Mary

Lord picked and refined you of all in acclaim
He favored you of dames hither in domain

043 O Mary! Worship,

Thy Lord devoted and dedicated in pace
Entreat and beseech in place
And submit so sanguine in grace
And ardor and adjure with them to ensure
Who dip and submit in elegant allure

044 That’s the tidings shrouded in shawl

That We reveal you gleaming in call
For you* weren’t there at the time and term
As they wished to cast lots in concern
To take her in charge thither in abide
For the care of Mary devout to aside
Nor you’re there to affirm in place
When they disputed in pace
045 Behold!
The angels turned to Mary in trance
Lord sends you an elated word in stance


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

Of a son, to name in grace

Christ Jesus son of Mary to brace
He’ll own glory and praise hither in vale
And in Hereafter he’ll be there to prevail
And cherish the fraternity in place
Those in proximity of Lord in pace

046 He’ll talk to men and clan in infancy and prime

And will allure the bliss of men in sublime

047 She said: O my Lord!

How shall I’ve a son in place
When none has ever fondled (me) in brace
He said: Even so;
Allah creates what He Wills in command
When He’s decreed a plan, in demand
He’s just to say: ‘Be’ and it’s there in stance

048 And Lord

To teach (him) the Book and Sagacity in lore
The code of conduct and the Gospel in score

049 And to assign him:

As messenger to Posterity of Israel in vale
With the missive and Sign from Lord to avail
(When Jesus was born, he said :)
I make out of clay, birds to spy
And into them in try
As I infuse my breath to fly
For it cherishes life here to sustain
With mercy of Lord hither to remain


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

I get the lepers to heal in plight

Also born blind, to cherish vision in sight
I enliven the dead and doomed in place
With Dictum of Lord so kind in Grace
I reveal that you eat and store in resides
Surely there’s a Sign so firm to assert
For if you care to concern in concert

050 Me to attest dictum of Torah in lore

And make valid of what barred in score
I’ve the Sign from Lord, you to obey
So awe and dread Lord here in array
And trend to my faith and affirm in pray

051 It’s Allah my Lord and your Lord in abide

To Him you beseech in step and stride
That’s the course in conduct to aside

052 When Jesus found them* to defy in treat

He said:
Who’s to assist me, dictum of Lord to preach
Disciples said:
We abide dictum of Lord in concern
We trust in Lord and so you bear to affirm
We’re Muslim in faith, you bear to confirm
*progeny of Israel

053 Our Lord!

We aver and assume for what You reveal
And follow the Messenger in trust and appeal
And please avow to affirm hither in state
That we’re abiding the faith in relate


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

054 And the cynic* contrived in plan

And Lord so devised a plan in span
And Lord is the best of planner for clan
*some from the progeny of Israel

055 Lord said; O Jesus! Behold My intent and aim

I’ll seize and exalt you to Myself in Claim
And free you of fib, who vex in domain
I’ll prefer the clan in span
Who heed (your) faith in plan
Over those defying faith and Day in Command
Eventually you’re destined to Me in demand
And I’ll decide mid your concerns in trace
Wherein you bicker and brawl in place

056 As to those who dare to defy in faith

I’ll castigate (them) appalling in stance
Hither in vale and Hereafter in glance
They wouldn’t be helped in trance

057 For those,

Who trust and believe in verity in abide
To them, Lord gift and grant to aside
But Lord adores not ruthless in stride

058 O Muhammad!
That’s what We reveal for you to obey
Signs and stanza of Sagacity in sway

059 Lord so offers semblance in plan

Creation of,
Jesus that’s like of Adam in span
Made Adam from dust and mud* in design
Then He infused His Efflux so refine
And commanded it to “Be” and sure
And he was there to endure
*Details in Creation of Adam


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

060 The Verity is from Thy Lord to obey

So don’t be in coy of distrust and dismay

061 If some is to bicker in matter of concern

When You’ve got all the Sapience in term
Let all scion with women and clan
So sincerely gather to debate in span
And beg to evoke curse of Lord for clan
Who contrive fib for Lord in plan

062 That’s to affirm in adamant stance

There‘s no god but Lord in Glance
He’s Exalted in Might,
And Sagacious in Command

063 But if they still defy and drift

Lord discerns that, some in conflict
Defying and denying with evil in swift

064 Say: To the men of the Book in treat

Trend to shared proviso hither in reach
That we assert for Lord to beseech
And we affiliate no duo with Him in glance
And adore no gods other than Him in stance
If then they trend to defy in trace
At least you assert and affirm


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

That we’re Muslims for a term in grace

Affirming Dictum of Lord to brace

065 O you the men and clan of the Book in abide

Why to bicker and brawl of Abraham in stride
When code of conduct conveyed in scrawl
Gospel and Torah assumed after (Abraham) in call
Don’t you concern in pace
Then why to bicker and brawl in place

066 Ah! You’re of those who turned in dispute

Even for the matters, you perceived to affirm
Then, why to confute,
For what you don’t have a know in concern
It’s Lord Who discerns,
That you don’t concern in impute

067 Abraham,
Wasn’t a Jew nor a Christian in faith
But he held a Divine Discipline of grace
He turned to Lord fervent in beseech
And he joined no lords for Allah in treat

068 Indeed!
Amongst the men and clan
Close and abreast of Abraham in span
Who followed his faith firm in stance
As this prophet endowed in grace
And those who abide his dictum in trace
Lord is Benefactor in elegant glance
For who affirm Discipline in stance

069 Some of the men of the Book in place

Holding The Book earnest in pace
Trend to drift (you) from the discipline of faith
Nay, but they,
Instead lead themselves astray in stance
And they discern it not, here in trance


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

070 O you the men and clan of the Book in abide

Why you defer and defy signs of Lord to aside
Of that you’re held a witness in step and stride

071 O you the men and clan of the Book in place

Why to shawl and shroud verity for fib in trace
And conceal the verity when you discern in grace

072 A segment of the clan of the Book in form

Say: Trust what’s from Lord in stance
That’s divulged to men of sapience in glance
But turn to defy by end of the day
They may revoke in faith to obey

073 (O Muhammad!)
Trust none, but the one in pace
Who affirm to conform discipline of faith
(O Prophet!)
Tell them a word to brace
Verity to escort, is with Lord in stay
A like of discipline ordained hither in fore
That’s to affirm dictum of Lord in score
Or if they’ve a clear pretext in lore
With dictum of Lord (against you) in adore
All boons and bounties are with Lord in stay
He gifts in grants to one He delights
He’s Lord of infinite sway in array
And Lord care and concerns all in plight

074 Lord,
Favors some for His Bliss in applause
For He is to endow immense in class


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

075 There’re men mid clan of the book

If entrusted a stash of gold for a look
They’ll return in grace
There’re some if put to entrust
Even with a silver coin in trust
Wouldn’t look back, to give in just
Until demanded repeatedly in place
For they’ve no moral servitude in grace
With these unwitting Pagans in pace
But they incline to such for Lord in grace
For what they don’t have a know in glance
So they’ll discern the result in stance

076 Nay:
All so asserting stay in command
(And those dissenting stray in trance)
Surely Lord ardor and adore them in stance
Discern to concern care in demand

077 And those who sell faith in deceit and avow

Faith of The Lord in slight
And their own pledge for a petite price, in ado
Hereafter in plight,
They wouldn’t share a portion in trace
Lord wouldn’t incline for a bit in concern
Nor would absolve their ills in term
There’ll be a doom in gloom
For them to concern in soon

078 Indeed!
There some clan trend in stance
Who ,
Distort dialect of the Book in trance
That you may assert to affirm in pace
That it’s from The Book* to state
Even so it’s not part of The Book in grace
*Holy Qur’an,


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

They assert to affirm it’s from Lord in grace

Though it’s not from Lord a bit in trace
They so assert lie for Lord to affirm
Even though they clearly discern

079 It’s not conceivable for a man of the Book

Prudence and Prophetic stance for a look

Asking the men:

Obey me in all term and accord
Rather than obeying the Bounty of Lord
Rather trend to assert in lore
Turn to Lord and Him you entreat
For He is to honor for all who beseech

For you’ve taught the Book in prime

And you’ve learnt it, earnest in incline

080 He wouldn’t instruct to affirm in lore

Angels and prophets for gods and guards
In a term to adore
Would he bid you to defy in faith
For once,
You’ve affirmed dictum of Lord to comply

081 Look!
Lord had prophets in an avow to affirm
I give you a Book and Prudence in concern
Later in times,
If a Messenger is assigned in term

Asserting the Books you held to brace

Would you consent to conform in pace
And also render your help in trace

Lord said in a way:

Do you affirm to discern for all in say
And take My Pledge and concern to obey


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

They so affirmed in avow to abide

Lord so affirmed with them in stride

082 If some defy to deny his pledge in stance

They’re offender and condemned in trance

083 Do they get to faith other than Lord to obey

All the creation of earth and heavens in array
Affirm and conform His Dictum in sway
Willy-nilly all conform to beseech His Command
And to Him we’ll return (eventual) in Demand

084 Say:
We trust in Lord and that revealed in lore
And all, that divulged hither in fore
Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob and those of clan
And the Books to Moses, Jesus and Prophets in plan
From their Lord determined in pace
We don’t credit one over others* in trace
We beg to Lord and submit (Islam) in grace

085 If one aspires to trend in trail

A faith other than of Lord to brace
Wouldn’t be accepted in trace
And in the Hereafter he’ll be doomed in scale

086 How shall Lord trend to escort

Those, who defy dictum of faith in plot
For once they affirmed to comply
(They spin to scoff and vow in try)
And they’ve asserted for sure in stance
That prophet assigned is true in command


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

And there’re clear signs from Us to brace

But Lord is definite not to escort
Men determined cruel in assort

087 Them to endure hex and vex (curse) of Lord in pace

And of His angels and of all the men in faith

088 They’ll be accursed for ever and so

And their agony will not reprieve in ado

089 But for those who beg to regret

And then make amends in select
Lord is so Pitying, Prudent and Exact

090 But who trend to dare and defy in faith

For once they accept in elegant grace
And spin to add their defiance in faith

Their penitence wouldn’t come to avail

They belonged to determined design in trail
Virtually they’re rambling and roving in vale

091 And those,

Defying in faith and dying in stance
Wouldn’t be reprieved Thither in pace

Even for gold equal to the size of earth

For them, there’s penalty grievous and grave
So distressing in pace
They wouldn’t be helped in trace


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

092 You wouldn’t get to piety in trend

Unless you give alms in amends

For all you love in hold to brace

And whatever you spend in grace
Lord discerns and concerns all in trace

093 All edibles,

Then allowed to Posterity of Israel in vale
But for what they denied some to avail

Even so,
Before code of conduct was revealed in trail
Say: if true
Bring you the Verses of Torah in detail
If you’re the men of truth in trail

094 They concoct fib in pace

And assign it to Lord in place
They’re ruthless in trace

095 Say:
Lord reveals the verity to brace
Submit to the faith of Abraham in grace

He was devoted for Lord in all term and trace

And he wasn’t of the Pagans in place

096 First Dwell of adore (Bakka) Makkah in construct

Beaming in boon benison and direction in conduct
For all the men of the world held in instruct


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

097 There’re signs and spots that affirm in plot

It adores to allure Signs so sure
A site and spot of Abraham in adore

Who gets into the site and spot

He secures peace and refuge of Lord in plot

Pilgrim is a pledge of men to Lord in place

Those who can sustain trip* to comply
But if some turn to defy and deny

Lord doesn’t care for such in pace

For He’s above all in place

098 Say:
O Men and clan of the Book
Why you dare to defy in look
Signs of Lord in pace
When, Lord perceives your doings in place

099 Say:
O Men and clan of the Book in place
Why you dissuade,
Who bears discipline in faith

The conduct in course of Lord in concern

You seek ways and means in deceit
While you’re witness to all in treat

Lord concerns your doings in vale

What you assert to affirm in trail

100 O you the men and clan in faith

If you listen to one deviant* in pace

Among men of the Book

After bracing a word of faith
They wish you to slip and drift in faith
101 How’d you dare to be cynic in stance
You listen to the Verses of Lord in plan

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

And Messengers,
Held a term mid you in abide
Who so abide dictum of Lord to aside
Lord convoys him to verity in stride

102 O you the men and clan in faith

Awe and dread Lord in trace
As one should dread in place
And die not,
But in the real trust of faith* with grace
103 Be resolute and together and firm in pace
Hold firmly
The rope* of Lord (conveyed) in glance

To obey
And trend not to scatter dismal in trance
And relive boon bounties and blessing of Lord

In pray
For you’re foe in fear for each in stance
He joined your core and crux in trance
With His Elegance firm in glance
You’re so loving friends hither in vale

You’re at the brim of Pyre to slither
And He relieved you of blaze in thither
So Lord manifests His signs in stance
You to escort, so elegant in glance
* Discipline
104 Let there be some men and clan
Calling all men and clan to florid* in plan

Embracing the glimpse of truth in core

And barring erring so earnest in lore
Such are the men and clan
Escorted in the Dictum of Allah in plan
*call for virtuous deeds

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

105 Don’t turn you asunder as shreds in soar

And fall to dissension after concern in lore
Who so defy dictum of faith in adore
For them is a hideous doom in score

106 On the Day so Determined in Dictate

Some will be there beaming in glee
And else be sooty and grimy in plea

Of those with faces sooty in state

Will be asked their insolence to relate

Didn’t you drift once affirming in faith

Now come you have the torment in taste
Doom in gloom as you defied in Faith

107 And of the men, faces beaming in glow

Be relishing the Glory of Lord in endow
Where to abide forever in grace

108 Such are symbols of Lord (for you) to obey

We relate and repeat (for you) verity to stay
And Lord doesn’t trend to torment in stray

109 To Him belongs all in Earth and Heavenly mall

(For there’s no way to doubt and dispute in toll)
Him to sort all means and manners in call*
*All matters of concern are referred to Almighty for final verdict

110 O you the men of the faith!

You’re the best of the clan in abide
Directing what’s sane to aside
And deterring what’s sin in stray
Have you the trust of your Lord in stay


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

If only men and clan of the Book

Had the faith in looks

It was so elegant for them to adore

(Having trust in Qur’an and Muhammad in core)

Of them some assert faith to aside

But quite,
A few are frivolous and freakish in stride

111 They cannot ache and afflict (you) a bit and trace
But for a petty pester in state

If they trend (you) to combat in stance

They’ll soon put to back in glance
They wouldn’t get aid and abet in relate

112 Remorse and disgrace for them in stance

Where so ever they turn in glance

But for refuge of Lord and the men in faith

They face ire and fury of Lord in base
For they,
Dared to defy Verses of Lord in pace

And killed the Prophets of Lord in slight*

And they lapsed far afar limits in spite
*for no reason
113 Not all men and clan of the Book are alike
Some trend to faith in abide

And affirm to beseech then assert to recite

Verses of Lord, all through the night
And ardor and adore Lord, prone in plight


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

114 They trust in Lord and the Day in Dictate

Bid in sane and deter evil in base
They determine not to practice in ills
And practice dictum of truth in wills
As they spin in sway good to obey
With the discipline of virtuous in stay

115 They wouldn’t be declined of good in grace

Discerns all who fear (Him) in trace
And abide virtuosity in pace

116 Those,
Denying in faith and drifting to astray
Their possessions,
And progeny wouldn’t come to avail
The Discipline (castigation) of Lord in trail
Them to aside Hell Pyre for ever in stay

117 What they expend to cherish in vale

It’s like sleet striking farms in trail
And ravaging all their reap of crop to avail
It’s like,
Spoiling their deeds and doing in dale
For what they abused their souls to secure
It’s not for Lord to harm in abjure
But are condemned themselves in score

118 O You the men and clan in faith

Don’t trend to trust men in trace
Other than men of your faith in pace


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

For the cynic,

Wouldn’t hesitate to seduce (you) in stance
For they aspire damage (to you) in glance
Repulsive revulsion they’ve voiced in trance
And what they cover in the veer of core
That’s bad over and above in lore

We’ve made it sane for you to secure

If you’ve sense and sagacity to allure

119 Ah!
You love them as a friend in abide
They don’t have a bit of love (for you) in stride

Even so you trust all the Books in glance

When they meet (you) they affirm in stance
But when in alone, in ire and fury so sour

Nip in bits fingers on tips

In their own tart in slip
Doom and depart in your ravage in more
Discerns what, you care and concern in core

120 If there’s a wisp of bliss for you in adore

That depresses them in the veer of core

But in event of mischance (for you) in trail

They cheer and rejoice immense in scale
But if you’re,
Diligent and comply verity in state

For thee,
Their foxy drills cannot harm you a bit
Lord having control over their ills in wit

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

121 Recall one early morn you left in stay*

To get the allegiants to a line in fray
And Lord heeded your concern in sway
122 Recall when two (Groups) cowering in fray
But Lord was guardian thither in stay
O the faithful!
Have trust of Lord and affirm in pray

123 In Badr,
Lord (determined in scale)
Trended to your aid and abet in dale
When you’re sheer and abject in trail
Dread your Lord each bit in scale
So you allure His gratitude in vale

124 Recall when you affirmed allegiants in abide

Isn’t it enough in prize,
To cherish reliance in relief of Lord in stride
When you’re only meager in stay
Then angels three thousand in beside
Assigned to assuage there in fray

125 Yes, if you stay firm hither in term

And do adeptly in grace
Even if the foe should hurry in haste
Lord to help,
With angels thousands five in pace
A super in assault ( them*) in place
* angels with special signs

126 Lord made it all a term of trust so sure

An assertion in veer of core firm to allure
There’s no aid but it’s from Lord in score
Who‘s Domineering and Sagacious in Lore


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

127 That He might hew and hack in pace

The cynics to return indeed in disgrace
So them to swing flustered in trace

128 Dictum in Dictate is for Lord to claim

And not for you to attain
You’ve but to stay determined in place
If to favor,
Some to absolve in pace
And others to castigate in place

Factually they’re quite cruel to remain

129 To Him,
Belongs all in the heavens and earth
He may absolve and berate in toll
Lord is to extenuate with mercy in call

130 O you the men and clan in faith

Stuff not interest multiplied in term
But awe and dread Lord in concern
That you may prosper in term

131 And Panic the burn of Pyre in concern

Prepared for the cynics denying to discern

132 And obey Lord and His Prophet (firm) in pace

And secure His care and concern in grace

133 Hurry in haste for mercy of Lord to brace

And for,
Garden so spacious and gracious in place
Almost equal to the Orb and Sol in score
Primed for,
The virtuous to cherish (bliss) in adore


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

134 Those, who expend in abundance

If in affluence or in infliction
Restrict and restrain their wrath in dissent
Absolves and condones all men and clan
And Lord (in plan)
Adore in mercy who abide verity in consent

135 And those,

Abashed for depravity of deeds in vale
Trend to Lord and beg absolution in trail

None but Lord, can turn to condone

Their err and blur in time
What they don’t endure willingly in sign
For the concern of depravity in lone

136 For them is gift and grant of Lord to absolve

Gardens with streams that swing and revolve

Abide in infinite realm and domain

How super O superb amends in claim
For the virtuous in pace
For their deeds and doings in grace

137 Many a lays and ways of life gone in before

Turn your glimpse around in score
And concern their fate in part
Who so trended to defy the faith in lore

138 Here’s a distinct declaration for the men in abide

A drill in direction, who cower (Lord) in stride


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

139 So don’t you despair in distress and dismay

For once you trust to obey, is firm in stay

140 If you’re hurt here in abide

Others were so hurt thither in deride
Such are the turn of trends in stride

For all men and clan hither to concern

So Lord may discern to affirm
For the men in faith, who’re there to discern

For Lord!
Assign to some as martyrs in avow
And Lord adore not the cruel in blow

141 Lord aim and object to discern in concern

Who in faith abide to conform
And eject and evict from His benison in boon
Who deny and defy the Faith in bloom

142 How’d you discern in grace

To cherish the bliss of Heavens in pace

Without ever been put to test in trail

By Lord (Almighty) hither in vale

Those of you who turned to combat

And stayed loyal and resolute in fact

143 You truly wished to die before in stance

When it didn’t trended in glance
Now you really discern in concern*
And wince the cringe in face to affirm
*Now you really face death
144 Muhammad is but a Messenger in glance
Many a messenger before in stance
That We determined in pace


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

If he’s dead or killed (hither) in fray

Would you drift to defy (thither) in stray

One who trends to defy in discipline

Lord isn’t to be hurt and harmed in infliction

Lord is to gift and grant in pray

Who in gratitude affirms to obey

145 None can doom to die if Lord so Demands

It’s determined (term) and fixed in Command

If someone loves to cherish lust in vale

We’ll bestow him all hither to avail

One who prefer for Hereafter in glance
We’ll gift and grant, who evince in stance
We adore Our men gratified in trance

146 Many a Prophets toiled for Lord in stride

Above and beyond,
The men in faith (with them) to combat in beside

They stood fast,

Through the thick and thin in vale
And weren’t scared in love of Lord in trail

Neither they sap or swing in stray

Lord adores, who’s firm and resolute in stay

147 All they begged and beseeched in adore

O Lord!
Absolve our err in vice, poise and gig in score


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

Confer us piety so firm in faith

Assuage us against defiance of faith in place
And endow us eminence over incredulous race*

148 And Lord gift and grant boons hither in vale

And sumptuous amends in Hereafter to avail
For Lord ardor in adore the virtuous in trail

149 O the men and clan abiding faith in stride

If you trend to cynics (for a term) to aside

They’ll drift you away from faith in abide

And you’ll be loser for all term in stride

150 But in cause and effect to secure

Lord is All an Ally and best accomplice to allure

151 Dissenters to dismay in the veer of core

For they trended duo for Lord in adore

For what Lord didn’t confirm to aside

Them to tarry and trail in Hell to abide
Evil an abide for the convicts to reside

152 Lord so accomplished His pledge to prevail

When you’re going to exterminate (foe) in trail
With the dictum of Lord in trail

Then you winced to wriggle and fell in confute

For Dictum you differed and declined in dispute


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

When the boodle and haul was in sight and spot

You cherished to acquire (thither) of the lot
Most of you aspired to cherish boons in vale
Some so desire bounties in Hereafter to avail
Then you suffered a defeat in blow
At the hands of foe
Whereas Lord intended to see perseverance in fray

But He absolved your done and doings in stay

For Lord is,
Bounteous for the men (determined) in faith

153 Regard!
You’re in ascension, galloping out in fray
Without even casting a glance behind in fear
And prophet calling at the rear
While on your back in stay
Lord put you to torment after one in kind

A retribution in amends for you to discern

Not to bewail loosing the boodle in turn

Even not the torture you face in term

For Lord discerns your trends in concern

154 After a tine in trouble you’re assuaged in pace

Quite a few in serenity with slumber in place

And a part sensed dismal of distress in stride

Cynical of Lord,
So naiveté and quizzical for their lives in array


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

They said:
What’s it for us to care in concern
You get to say in return:
It’s determined by Lord to discern

They shroud in shawl their veer of core

And dare not to reveal the truth in lore
They intend to assert, concern in score
If we had a part to play in term
Shouldn’t have been slaughtered in stride
Even if you’re in your abode in reside

Those destined to die in pace

Must have to doom and die in place
It’s for Lord,
Who discerns your core in trend
What’s in the crux of your core to amend

155 Those who turned their backs in fray

When supposed to strike in combat

Satan occasioned them to desert in instruct

For they staggered (to abide discipline) in conduct

For their ills and evils, they occasioned in core

But Lord smeared their foible in lore
For Lord is Clement with Perseverance in adore

156 O you the men of faith in abide

Don’t be like the cynics in stride
Who assign certain norms in abide

For their close and kin in aside

If they travel around in abide
Or if they trend to combat in stride


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

If they,
Would’ve stayed (with us) in hither
They wouldn’t have died or slain in slither
Lord causes them,
To sigh and regret in their veer of core
For It’s Lord,
Who endows life and death for all in score
And Lord cares and concerns your trends in lore

157 And if you’re killed or die in fray

Conforming dictum of Lord in obey

Then you’ll allure in sort,

Extenuation and Compassion of Lord
It’s preferred than all the doings in accord

158 And if you doom and die or slain

It’s for Lord you get close to remain

159 It’s for beneficence of Lord in Grace

That you’re so kind and humane in pace

For if you’re grim or hoary at core

They would’ve drifted away in score

So dip and flip* their failing and flaws in stray

And beg absolution of Lord (for them) in pray

And confer them a notion in norm

Then once you determine to discern
Place your trust in Lord to concern

And then to beg in entreat

For Lord ardor and adore in norm
Who puts his trust (in Lord) ever in treat
*ignore their ills


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

160 If Lord ease you in all course of conduct

None can stun and subdue or trend to infract

If He deserts and drops to elude

Who’s there (for you) to assuage

O you the men of faith in grace

Trust in Lord, His bliss to brace

161 Prophet,
Couldn’t be wrong in his way of trust
To embrace fib, him to face fate in disgust
On the Day of Dictum and Decree in concern
All souls to earn for doings in term

Not to be conducted unfairly in just

For it’ll be all their owing in return

162 A man alluring the bliss of Lord in grace

Cannot be the same
Like one facing the wrath of Lord in pace
Who’s to secure Hell a dismal abode to reside

163 They’re,
Sorted in grades before Lord in grace
And Lord cares and concerns in trace
For what you toiled hither in vale

164 Lord favored men of the faith

With a prophet mid them in grace

Reciting them the Verses of Lord

Exalted in Sapience,
Teaching Scripture in accord
Before, they’re straying in err, in place


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

165 What!
When once a debacle smash in pace
You to mount
Even though you inflicted in place
Torment in torture twice in count
Do you say?
From where evil in call abound in surround

It’s for your own done and doings in pace
For Lord!
Commands dictum in dictate in grace

166 What all you endured on the day of combat

When two of the troops, confronted in fact

It’s with design and consign of Lord in Grace

Lord commands all care and course in pace
For He intended to see* the men in faith
167 And the Hippocrates!
When asked for a go to combat
In way of Lord affirmed in instruct

Or come to defend from the foe in place

They inclined to avow in pace

If we’d known for a combat in vale

Surely we’d have been with you in trail

That day,
They’re cynical in pace
Rather than abiding discipline of faith
What they talk to reveal in place
They hide it in their core in trace
Lord discerns,
What they disguise in concern

168 They’re the men,

Talking of their kin killed in fray
If ever they’d listened to us, in stay
They wouldn’t have died or slain in fray

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

Come you hither to avoid death in term
For if you’re true to your word in concern

169 Don’t you discern to concern in sort

Those slain abiding the dictum of Lord
They’re not dead but alive and agile
Relishing provisions from Lord in smile

170 They’re delighted,

With the endowments of Lord in grace
And are contended of those left behind in pace
Who haven’t yet arrived in place

Martyrs cherish a glow in bliss

For there’s no dread or distress in pace

171 They cherish the glory of Lord in pace

Lord doesn’t let their* doings in waste
* faithful

172 There’re some though wounded in combat

Even so,
Obeyed dictum of Lord and Prophet in fact

Who so abiding agility in stride

(And abstained flaw and folly in abide)
For them,
There’re gorgeous grants to aside

173 There some,

Whom men dreaded in fact
You’ve to face immense troops in combat


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

Instead it boosted their faith in grace

They so affirmed the faith in pace
For us,
Lord is cherisher of all (trends) in place

174 And they,

Allured Boons and Bounties of Lord in Glow
No injury or infliction ever stirred in ado
For they,
Affirmed dutiful delights of Lord to Brace
With eternal endowments of Lord in pace

175 Satan dreaded you of his fans in trail

Don’t be afraid of them in vale
But only dread Your Lord in stay
If you affirm in faith to obey

176 Don’t be (worried) concerned,

Of hustle and haste of cynic in vale
They cannot trend to hurt (Lord) in trail
There’re no gift and grant for them to aside
In Hereafter from your Lord to avail
But cruel castigation awaits (them) in stride

177 Those who trend to detest* instead of trust

Cannot get in trace to hurt Lord in gust
But instead they’re destined to endure
Flagitious infliction for a term in score

178 For the Cynics!

A term in reprieve from Lord in treat
Shouldn’t be taken a respite in greet


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

For We bestow a while in evil to grow

Them to endure grimy agony in throe

179 Lord,
Wouldn’t let allegiants in a state of daze
Until He parts evil from good in haze

Lord isn’t to reveal secrets in shawl

That’s only for the Prophets of Lord
For some He apprises thither in call

So trust in Lord and His prophets in abide

And if you trend in abide, verity to aside
Then to cherish immense boons in strides

180 And those,

Endowed (riches) from Lord to brace
Such gifts of grants as boons in grace
Not to dole out* of that in pace
And behaving so miserly in place

If they deem to discern in abide

It would be good for them to aside
But rather worse as a curse in deride

Soon all the effects** greedily held in urge

Will be secured to their necks in surge

That’s on the Day of Conclusion in Call

To Him belongs all in Orb and Heavenly Mall
He discerns your core and concern in all
* Alms giving ** wealth and belongings
181 Lord!
Heard their jeer and sneer in scorn
(Cynics) Say indeed!
Lord is destitute and we’re affluent inborn


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

We’ll put to record their voice in vale

As they’re killing prophets in dale
And they dare to defy verity in trail
And We’ll Command so firm in stance
Savor the smack of Fiery Pyre in glance

182 That’s,
For your evil done and doings in vale
What you secured hither in trail
And Lord isn’t going to hurt in pace
Those affirming the truth in faith

183 They so affirm to conform:

Lord avowed and then got to affirm
Not to trust a prophet in a way to discern
For until you bring fire in run
From sky to seize sacrifice in place
Them you convey a word to concern
There’re prophets of Lord hither in pace
With definite signs affirmed in vale
Like signs and symbols you demand to avail
Then why you planned to kill (them) in place
If you’re here to affirm verity in pace

184 (O Muhammad!)
If they dare to defy (you) in term to adore
As they did with prophets thither in fore
Who held signs of sagacity of The Book
And Prudence of Missive elegant to look

185 All have to doom and die for sure

On the Day of Demand,
You’ll come to secure


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

All your done and doings hither in vale

But one saved from the burn in trail
Him to cherish bliss of Gardens in grace
Him to avail Boon and bounties in pace
But the worldly allures,
These are but a deceit and conceit in place

186 You’ll all be put to trial with self* and effects

And you’ll face many a words of distress
From men and clan of the Book as told
And those beseeching many a gods in fold
But if you persevere patiently in pace
Diligently eluding evil in trace
That’s a reliable,
Feature of adorable doings in place
* life
187 And recall Lord!
Had a Pledge from the clan of The Book
To make it known to the men in look
And not to shroud for a word in deride
But instead they swerved in stray
And swap* for doleful secure** in stay
A nefarious deal they made in stride

*Sell Verses Of Lord (slighted the discipline

ordained in Verses for their petty gains)
**worldly gains
188 Don’t have a bit of care to discern
When they wallow* for their doing in term
Loved to be praised for that in sway
What they actually didn’t do in concern
Don’t you deem to discern
They can elude castigation in turn
Not exactly,
For them is a heinous sentence in term
*take pride


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

189 To Him,
Belongs all in earth and the Heavenly mall
He commands His Demands over all in call

190 Behold!
There’re signs to brace
In creation of heavens and earth in place
And rotation* of Night and Day in pace
For all men and clan who tend to discern

*Earth is round and spinning at its axis

191 Men,
Who ardor and adore Lord in vale
All in stance, state and aside in trail
And ponder in plan, His creation in span
Marvel in glance
Earth and the heavenly mall in sway
(Then assert to acclaim all in array)
O Lord, it’s You!
Who created all the marvels in lore
With a definite design in adore
You’re so Refined in design and plan
Condone us,
And save us from the burn of Pyre in span

192 Our Lord!

To some, You sentenced to burn in blaze
Indeed! That’s defile and disgrace in daze
And convicts wouldn’t be eased in haze

193 Our Lord!

We listened to one announcing in term
We heeded in faith to him in concern
Trust Thee O Lord and deem to discern
O Lord! Absolve our vice and err in blur
Efface our done and doings in sin and slur
After doom of death in pace
Bless us fraternity of virtuous in place


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

194 O Lord!
Bestow in Boons for us to avail
Gifts and Grants pledged in trail
By way of Messengers steered in bloom
And deliver us from the Doom in Gloom

On the Day in Trance*

For You don’t shear in avow
Your pledge in glance
* Dooms Day
195 And Lord had care and concern in all
And affirmed their appeal in call

They wouldn’t be deprived of deeds in vale

Whether it’s dame or some of a male

You’re the body of one band and clan

Who left their abides and resides in plan

And were pushed out of resides in place

Affirming My dictum of dictate in pace

Went to combat and were killed in fray

I’ll absolve their slur and blur thither in stray
And bear them to the Gardens gleaming in array

Where streams swing in sway and gush in glide

Gifts in grants from Lord for ever to aside
And of all, His Proximity is the best of prize

196 Don’t let you (O Muhammad!)

The prance of Cynic swindle in vale
197 Little is to cherish and charm hither in trail


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

197 Their eventual abide is Hell Pyre in place

What an evil abide who deny in faith

198 Conversely, who awe and dread Lord in pray

Lord will bear them (into Gardens) to reside

Where streams swing in sway and surge in slide

A gift in grant from Lord to aside

And of all His Proximity is the best to brace

For the virtuous a promising place in grace

199 And there’re men and clan of the Book

Trust in Lord and Missives (to you) in a look

And The Books revealed before in stance

In docility, entreat Lord and bear in glance

They wouldn’t sell Signs of Lord in treat

For some poor gains hither in impeach

Them to allure gifts and grants of Lord

And Lord is brisk in bestowal for all in accord

200 O you the men and clan in faith

With patience against (the foe) in pace
Have unity and conformity in grace
(If you’ve to fight the cynics in fray)
Then awe and dread only The Lord in faith
That you may cherish the success in place


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

In the name of Lord, the Most Beneficent, Most Merciful

001 O men and clan, (discern in veer of core)

Awe and dread Lord then tend to adore
Who created you of single soul* in score
Then created his mate (for a term) to allure
And from the couple,
Created many a men and women in term
Awe and dread Lord indeed
And to Him you beg each in concern
For your mutual needs in proceeds
And dread,
The frailty of your relations in norms
Lord discerns all your doings in form

*The scientific studies confirm that we are born of single soul the
Mitochondrial Eve borne some 200,000 years ago in Africa later
spread all over the world. (Page : 621)

002 To orphans restore their assets and effects

When they reach maturity in precepts
And don’t supplant with your cheap and low
For their good assets in endow
Don’t devour,
Their main and means with own in place
For surely this is a sinuous sin in pace

003 If you dread in proceeds

To stay justly with the orphans indeed
Marry you a dame of your pick in place
In two, three or four in pace
But if you wince to do just in need


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

Then one is enough to marry in pace

Or a bond maid you lure in place
That’ll be more apt and adapt in prone
To aver and avert inequity in blown
004 And bestow dower in grant
The dame you marry in want
But if they (of their own) absolve in part
Savor and flavor in distinct solace in sort

Of all your sustenance you hold in score

005 Don’t disburse to orphans* needy in lore

That Lord gifted in endow (you) to sustain

As means and measures to remain
But provide them food and frock in stray

And voice them so gentle in adore

With a word of favor and just in core
*(Who are not sensible enough to take care of themselves)
006 Test in trial,
Orphans, when they get to mature
If you find in sense of Sapience in secure

Deliver them their assets and effects

And expend not (lavishly) all in assets

Nor in haste,
When they mature and need in demand
If guardian is affluent in command
Let him assert no reparation in trace
But if so indigent, he deserves in place
A fair bit of dole and division in pace
When you need to deliver equity in abound
Take a witness for you in surround
But over and above in stance
Lord is,
Enough to affirm (account) in glance

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

007 There’s a share to assign,

For the men and dame in relate

Of assets of parents and kin in state

Even so its little or quite a lot in consign

008 But when to disperse in effects

Other kin and clan, stray, scant in precept

Happen to stay in around

Portion them a part in dole
Voice in clemency and care in adore

009 Let those, who get to dispose assets in pace

Dread as if it were them in place
When they would’ve left effects in trace

After their demise with feeble family in stay

Let them Awe and dread Lord to obey
And voice in sober and sedate in way

010 Those who partially gobble in assets

Of orphans,
Devour the burn of fire in effects

They’ll soon be abiding in resides

Flaming in Fire ‘Thither’ in strides

011 Lord ordains in dictate

For your posterity and kin in place
For the male in state
Equal of the two women in place

For dame;
If only daughters, two or more in aside
Them to share two-thirds (of estate) in abide

If only one of the soul,

Her share is half of the whole


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

For fathers and mothers of the dead in place

A sixth of heritage to each in pace

If departed had no kids in sway

Parents are the legal heirs in way

The mother has a third to survive

If departed had brothers and sisters in aside
Mother to have only one sixth to arrive

That’s after paying all dole and debts in effects

You discern it not who’s more close in precept

If there are no parents or your kids in abide

And you don’t know for sure
Who’s quite close in precept in lore

The dole and bits affirmed by Lord to aside

For He concerns and discerns all in stride
Lord is all Profound Prudent in facts

012 When your wives doom and die in way

If they’d no kids in stay

Your dole in effects is half to aside

But if they’d kids in stride

Your dole is just fourth to stay

After paying all dole and debts in effects
But if you die and doom in way

Their share is only fourth to derive

That’s in case you’d no kid in aside


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

But if there’re kids in around

The share is eighth in surround

After paying all dole and debts in effects

If man or the dame with heritage in abide

Have no parents or kids in remain
But has a brother or a sister in aside

Each one of the two gets a sixth to sustain

But if more than two in remain
They share of the third to obtain

After paying all dole and debts in effects

So no deprivation is done to one in term

These dole and bits are affirmed in concern

With dictum of Lord (for you) in stay

For He concerns and discerns all in sway
Lord is all Profound Prudent in array

013 Those are the norms of Lord to obey

For those who obey the discipline in stay

Lord and His Messenger here to submit

Will relish the gifts and grants in ambit

In luxuriant gardens Thither to abide

Wherein streams surge and swing in aside
Exquisite ascendancy for them to reside


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

014 But those!

Who dare and defy
Lord and Messenger in stride
And break His confines to comply
Them to aside Blaze in resides
Them to secure in try
Humbling infliction in deride

015 If one dame is to blame,

For sensuality in shame
Take affirmation of four to the same
And if they affirm to confirm in place
Restrict them in resides till death in abide
Or The Lord!
(hearing ones beseech in entreat)
Might destine alternate trends in stride
See Page : 580
016 If two men in blame of sensuality in lust
Smite them for their sensuality in lust
If they trend to regret in amend
Leave them alone for a term in ado
For Lord is Most Kind in trend
Caring and concerning in endow

017 Lord to extenuate ills in slight

For soon, who trends to regret in plight

To them Lord,
Endow mercy in glance
For Lord is full of learning and lore in stance
With Sense and Sagacity in Bright

018 Of no concern is regret and rue in sway

Those who trend depravity in stray
Till the time of demise comes to stay


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

And then he turns to regret in way

Or of those, die defying in faith
For them is cruel invective to brace

019 O you men and clan in faith!

You’re denied to choice a dame in pace
Not aspiring to be with you in place

Don’t deal (them) asperity in plan

Not to grab part of dower in grant
But if cursed of sensuality in slant

Even so be amiable and precise

Fair with clemency asserting in premise
For if you trend to aversion in device

You cannot discern dictum of Lord in lore

For a thing you condemn in core
Lord determines a fortune in adore

020 If you aim to have one else (spouse) in score

Don’t grab dower gifted to the first in adore

Even if it be whole treasure (with you) in gold

Would you trend to grab by insult in hold

021 And how’d you need to grab in slight

You’d before lured sensuality in delight
And you’d a firm word of pledge in plight


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

022 And marry not a dame,

Your father had the same

But for the past it’s a fable to remain

It’s a despicable and detestable norm to sustain

023 Don’t you marry your mothers in trace

Nor your daughters, sisters in adore

Not even Father’s sisters in trail

Not even mother’s sisters to brace
Don’t lure to engage
Brother’s daughters, Sister’s daughters
Suckling-mothers in stage

And your suckling-sisters in term

Your wives’ mothers in term to confirm
Your step-daughters hither in concern

Born of the wives,

You’d relished sensuality in term

But of those you haven’t lured to embrace

You’ve no inhibition to brace

Don’t marry wives of your real sons in pace

Don’t have two real sisters at stance in place

But for the past that’s a fable in stride

Lord is Compassionate (if you obey in abide)


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

024 Don’t you marry a dame in place

Presently married to one else in pace

But for the captives after combat in stance

You rightly own such a dame in glance

That’s the discipline of Lord in stride

What you’re aimed to comply in abide

All other women in glance

You’re allowed to allure in trance
If you turn to marry with gift and grants
Desiring decency and not lechery in slants

As you trend to educe charm in adore

Endow their dowers determined in score

There’s no reproach in trust

If you settle between in just
(After once settling the dower in lore)
Lord is Caring and conforming in tribute
And Prudent in prevail all so Astute

025 If you don’t have means to avail

To marry a free faithful woman in trail

Then marry a faithful maid in place

You rightly hold in pace
And Lord discerns in all your needs in just

You’re like social clan hither in vale

So marry you the dame,
With the consent her owner in trail

And gift their dowers for just in term

They’d be virtuous, not lecherous in turn
Not having lovers around in surround


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

When wedded there to remain

If they fall into stigma in shame
Their castigation is half of the same

That’s for free woman thither in abide

That’s for them fearing sin in slide

But it’s preferred,

To practice patience in grace
And Lord is Caring and Kind to brace

026 Allah,
Inclines to evince his missive in adore
You to perceive so lucid in lore

That you may follow the trends

Of the men and clan
Who lived in plan quite before in span
And incline
For mercy for your regrets in plan
Lord is Perceptive and Prudent in amends

027 Lord inclines to absolve (you) in trust

But those slanted for lechery in lust
That drifts you,
Far afar from the mercy (of Lord) in gust

028 Lord urges to ease your trial in trail

Indeed man is created,
So frangible fragile and quite freak and frail

029 O you the men and clan in faith!

Gobble not assets and effects of each in pride
But there be a mutual term of trade in stride


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

Don’t kill yourselves close in plan
For surely!
Lord is most Merciful in span

030 If one trends to hostility and indictment in vale

Soon We’ll pitch them into the Fire in trail
And it’s easy for your Lord, them to strike

031 If you evade nefarious tends in stride

That’s proscribed for you to aside

We’ll cast out your evil in effects

And admit you,
To esteemed site and spot in perfect

032 It’s no sense in sapience in trance

To aspire for some bestowal in grant
For what,
Lord endowed (a lot) to one in stance

To men is assigned,
What they deserve to procure
And women are appeased,
What they merit to secure

Trend to Lord, beg His profusion in grace

Lord is all abound and discerning in pace

033 To aid and assist each to avail

We’ve heirs of holdings left in trail
By the parents and kin left to avail

To those, whom you pledged in dale

Confer their owing dole and dividend in scale
Lord beholds for all in glance


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

034 Man is assigned to remain,

Benefactor for the dame to sustain
For Lord bestowed him sway for the same

They aid and abet dames all in the while

For a devout dame is sheer and servile
And secure her rights truancy in style

What Lord dictate discipline to aside

Of dame you appropriate in abide
A betrayal and breach in deride*

Admonish and rebuke (them) first in stance

Then decline to share their beds in plan

And finally blow them but lightly in pace

But if they trend to abide compliance in grace

Don’t turn to rebuke, seeking word in distaste

For Lord is Exalted in Might Immense in Grace
*breach of trust with sensual indulgence

035 If you dread a dispute mid them in span

Assign two mediators one from each of clan*

If they desire amity in a term to brace

Lord will occasion their resolve in pace

For Lord is Caring and Concerning in Grace

He’s abreast of all deeds and doing in trace
*Each man from wife side and
from the side of husband
036 Ardor and adore,
Lord and determine prayers in score
And assign no duo for His Grandeur in lore

Be amiable to parents, kin, orphans in vale

To needy and near neighbors, strangers in trail


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

Also the fellow and friend in need

The traveler and trekker there in proceeds

And the slaves you hold to own in vale

For Lord, cherishes not the insolent in dale

037 Nor does He like miserly trifling

Or persuading,
Others for such* in piddling
Hiding Bestowals of Lord in giggling
Who defy endowments of Lord in abide
For them,
We’ve dressed castigation in deride
*to behave miserly
038 Nor does He,
Cherishes one expending flagrant in conceit
Have no trust in Lord and Day in Receipt*

If one takes Satan his friend in beside

That’s so disgusting friend to aside
A friend they’d chosen in abide
* Dooms Day
039 And what cumber would’ve stricken in trail
If they had,
The faith in The Lord and The Day in Detail*

And disbursed their victuals hither in vale

Endowed by Lord as boon and bounty in trail
For Lord is full of Sapience in Scale
*Dooms Day
040 Lord isn’t biased a bit in scale
If you assert goodly deeds in dale
Lord endows in awards, multiplied* in score
A Premium of honor in adore
With His Glimpse of Glance in Lore
*Twice and even four times


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

041 (O Muhammad!)
Can you imagine the condition the man
In span
If We bring a signatory from each* of clan
And We get you a witness for them in plan
* Followers of all prophets
042 That Day!
Those defying faith and messenger in grace
Will covet and crave down the earth in spate
And (they) be a part of dust and dirt in state
But wouldn’t be able to hide a trivial in trace
From The Prodigious Lord a bit in relate

043 O you the men and clan in faith!

Don’t you pray the way
When befuddled* in stay
Till you care to concern voice in pray
(What you utter in speech)

Not in state of,

Ritual blemish impurity** in scale
Even so you’re in traveling in trail

Till you wash and clean all in pace

If ailing or during travel in place
After natural call or sensuality in brace

And if there’s no water in around

Clean with sand or earth in surround

Rub your face and hands with soil so pure

For Lord will shroud your err and blur in score
And absolve your evils of ills in score
*intoxicated under influence of alcohol
**after sexual intercourse
044 Haven’t you looked at the faces of men
Who were endowed virtuosity in trends*
*From the Holy Scripture


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

They tarried in err and blur in stance
And aspire for you to follow in pace
A way in away from virtuosity in glance

045 But Lord discerns all your foe in around

Lord is exquisite Benefactor in surround
And He is sufficient Ally for you in abound

046 Of Jews there’re some in stride

Who mislay in true context to aside
And say:
We listen and we defy (in abide)

And regard,
You should listen to us in pace
And you wouldn’t be heard in place
And Raeena, a coil in speech, a libel in faith
If only they’d turned to recall and said in place

We heed to regard and obey in stance

Listen O please and attend (to us) in glance

It would’ve been better for them to aside

A way so exquisite in abide
But Lord slighted (them) in stride

For their spin to a cynical* style

And but a few inclined for a while
To discipline of faith, exquisite in glance
* not staying in faith
047 O the men and clan of The Book
Trust in the Book* We divulged in look

Asserting the Book you hold in adore

Before We distort your faces in frame
Yonder all description in name**

And curse them with all means in avail

As We cursed men of Sabat*** in trail
* Qur’an ** faces turned towards back
*** Saturday i.e. Jews


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

And take it for granted in score

Dictum of Lord is to prevail in adore

048 Lord is not to condone in stance

If some is adoring duo in glance
He is to absolve all sins in score
For whom He prefers good in adore
If some,
Cherishes duo for Allah to obey
That’s the most odious sin in stray

049 Haven’t you looked at the men in surround

Who claim to be really pure in abound
Nay! It’s for Lord Who sanctify in Grace
To one He pleases (His) Bounty in bliss
But who’re purified by Lord in trace
So they’ll cherish a pity in bliss
And not to brace inequity in trace

050 Behold For Lord!

How they dare ‘to contrive fib in trance
But that’s a sheer sin in stance

051 Haven’t you seen the men in around

Who’ve a part of the Book* to affirm
They believe in spell and evil in trace
And say to the cynics** in concern
Asserting they’re better guided in term
Than the faithful affirming faith in grace

* Holy Scripture ** Men defying Prophet Muhammad PBUH

052 Such are the men,

*Damned and doomed by Lord in domain
Such are blighted* by Lord to remain
You wouldn’t find,
Ease in assuage for them to sustain


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

053 Do they portion a sway in might

From the dominion of Lord in slight

Behold they wouldn’t have shared a bit in trace

With the men in around there in place

054 Or do they,
Incline to the men with jealousy in spite
For the gift in grants endowed by Lord so bright

And We endowed posterity of Abraham in pace

A Book and a sense of sapience with grace
Besides bestowal of dominion in place

055 Some affirmed dictum of faith

And others,
Abstained dictum of faith to brace
Them to abide burn of Pyre in blaze

056 Those, who drift to defy Our signs in grace

We’ll soon put them to fire in blaze
As frequently their peel are baked in glaze

We’ll shift for fresh pare and peel in blaze

They may savor and flavor the burnt in glaze
Lord is Exalted in Might with Prudent in Grace

057 But those of the men and clan in faith

Who abide virtuosity in trace

To them,
We’ll endow Gardens in glow
Where streams sinuous in flow

Around in surround, aside and below

There to abide for ever in endow
With sinless and shy spouses in bestow


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

And We’ll endow them,

Awning of shawl so comforting in glance
For ever to reside there in stance

058 Lord,
Commands you to be fair in plan
Return the deposits to one they belong

And when,
You’re to judge between the men and clan
Determine in fairness at evenly glance

Surely Lord!
(Escorts in discipline, superb in grace)
For Lord cares and concerns in trace

059 O you the men and clan in faith!

Submit to Lord and Messenger in pace
And those,
Who affirmed dictum of faith to brace
If you dissent and dispute in stance

Consign it,
To Lord and Messenger to settle in dispute
For if you abide dictum* of Lord
And Day of Absolve**
That’s ideal and adept for ultimate resolve
* faith ** Dooms Day

060 (O prophet!)
Don’t you care and concern in relate
Those affirming in faith and verity in pace
Revealed to you and hither fore in place

But aspire to retreat from dictum in dispute

To settle their disputes evil in confute


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

Even so,
They’re advised to defy* and avert
Devil drifts (them) far away to pervert
* not to follow Devil
061 When they’re directed in abide
For what Lord disclosed to aside
And His messenger affirm in stride
Don’t you care in concern to discern
Cynics veering in aversion* in term
*Staying away from Muhammad PBUH
062 How then!
When they’re snared by dole in blow*
For their deeds and doings in throw
They get to you in ado
Then trend to swear by Lord in flow
We intended amity and accord** in glow

*period of agony **between the clans

063 Lord!
Care and confirm, what they mean to concern
So keep clear of them* and caution to affirm
And voice them a word impressive in lore
So that can insinuate their veer of core

*neglect their evil doings in stance

064 We never did assign a prophet in pace

But him* to be obeyed with Our dictum in place

If they would’ve denied discipline** to aside

So biased should’ve turned to you in stride

And asked the prophet in pace

To beg for their reprieve in stance
From The Bounty of Lord in Glance

*Prophet **deny in Faith and do evil to themselves


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

And they must have found in grace

Lord so Kind and Compassionate to brace

065 Indeed by Lord!

They cannot assert dictum of faith to aside
Till they discern to concern in abide

Having you a judge in bicker and brawl

With no thump and bump in core in scrawl

Asserting to your word in decide

And abiding in fullest fervor to aside

066 If We would’ve ordained them in abide

Offering their lives* and deserting in resides
Hardly a few would’ve obeyed to aside

But if they would’ve affirmed in decree

What was indeed, for their good in glee
For them!
That’s favorite and flowering in grace
Their discipline of faith
*Killing themselves
067- And We would’ve conferred in Grace
068 Escorting them adorable direction in stride
With Our Vicinage Thither (for them) to brace
And showing them a virtuous term in abide

069 All who!

Submit to Lord and Messenger in plan
Will cherish the company of clan

Blessed by the Grace of Lord to allure

As with the Prophets of Lord in score

Truthful, martyrs and virtuous in esteem

The Witnesses* who affirm verity in gleam
Ah! What a Comely Coupling in adore
*Who testify


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

070 Such is special,

Munificence of Lord in score
He is Exalted with Sapience in lore
Lord is Sane and Sagacious in adore

071 O you the men and clan in faith

Have your care for arms to secure
When you trend to combat
May be in part or (all) together in fact

072 Surely!
There are a few, who stay back in trail
If there’s a dole in blow for you in fray
They in reverse twist it to say:
Lord affirmed a tribute (for us) in instruct
For we weren’t of them in combat

073 But if from Lord!

There’s some fortune for you to aside
Surely he turns to affirm in abide
Even so he wasn’t your friend in device
And say:
Oh! I wish, I was there in fray
And would’ve cherished boons in stay

074 Who so fight for the cause of Lord in vale

And prefer Hereafter than the boons of dale
Those fighting for the dictum of Lord to allure
If dead or victorious (determined) in lore
They’ll be soon,
Endowed elegant resides in abode
Where to allure in a blissful adore

075 And why shouldn’t you fight in vale

For the dictum of Lord to prevail


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

For who’re so weak and oppressed

Men and dame, kin and clan in dale
They beg to Lord and pray in beseech
And so beg and beseech in entreat
Release us from torment of men in abide
O Lord for us, with Your Bounty in treat
Ease us with an assuage in peace
(Raise from us, some to save and aside
Him to be a savor to secure in deride)

076 Those who trust in faith

They get to combat for Lord in fray
There’re some denying in Faith
They get to combat for Satan in fray
You align to combat ally of Devil in dale
Feckless and frail is way of Devil in trail

077 Haven’t you trended a sight in vale

Who so advised to abide amity in dale

And ordain regular prayers in entreat

And spend as affirmed alms in beseech

When they’re advised to combat in fray

A part of them dreaded the men in stray
And even though!
They should’ve dreaded the Lord in abide
They said: O Lord!
Why You commanded to combat in stride
Wouldn’t You get us a way in respite

Say: (O prophet!)
Short is the dwell of delight in dale
A term in Hereafter is best to avail


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

Those abiding virtuosity in norm
Wouldn’t be dealt unevenly in form

078 Where-so-ever you trend in vale

Doom and death is to follow in trail
Even so high and hardy towers built in place
If there’s fortune for them to brace
They say,
That’s boon and perk from Lord in grace
But if there’s some depravity in pace
They so affirm and conform in trail
It’s from prophet of Lord to avail
All ills and evens are from Lord in abide
But you don’t discern verity to aside
Fate n Fortune Page : 580

079 O man!
All even are from Lord to stay
And the ills are your earn in astray
Messenger is to steer a way in instruct
And Lord discerns your way in conduct
Fate n Fortune Page : 580

080 Those,
All so obeying Messenger in abide
Beg and beseech Lord hither to aside
But if they ever drift in deride
We haven’t,
Assigned (you) to care and concern
Over their sinful doings in term

081 They don’t trend to “Compliance” in core

But once they leave thy accomplice in lore
A band and body of them in slight
Plan and ponder all through the night
On words so deviant you tell so bright


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

But Lord concerns* all they do** and discern

All through the night
What they really plan in slight
So be at a pace and space of them in abide

And have your trust of Lord in stride

Lord settles all the matters in beside
* Writing down ** consult each other

08 Don’t they discern Qur’an with care* to affirm

Had it been from other than Lord in concern
There should’ve been lot of deviance in term
* Even slightest bit of care
083 If there’s a matter of comfort or fright
They trend to reveal with a spin in slight

But if it’s for the Messenger to aside

Or else for the men (in command) in stride
Who’ve competence of word to decide
For a proper course of conduct in abide

Were it not the mercy of Lord in stay

For you,
All but a few were there, Devil to obey

084 Strive to struggle for Lord in combat

You care and concern for self in fact

But excite and incite men of faith in time

May be Lord trends to restrain and confine
The ire and fury of the Cynics to decline
For Lord!
Assertive in Might to castigate in plan

085 Who so assert and affirm verity in stance

He’s to cherish goodly awards in glance


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

And if some is to concern depravity in dale

Will bear whip and lash of evil in trail
And Lord is Mighty over all in scale

086 If a rare,
And refined blessings ushered in grace
Favor with more affable regards in pace
Or at least an equal of amenity in sage
Lord is,
Concerning* and Discerning in trace
* Calls To accounts
087 Allah!
There’s no god but Him in abide
Certainly He’ll collect (you) all in stride
On the Day of Decree* in place
For which there’s no scruple in suspense
What’s more true to affirm in pretence
Other than the Word of Lord in pace
*Dooms Day
088 Why you asunder* for hypocrites in sway
Lord tipped them (back) to evil in stray
Because of their Devilish doings in stay
How’d you show (them) a gleam in escort
Who’re dispelled by The Lord in retort
Those discarded by The Lord in pace
You wouldn’t find them a way to resort
* get divided into two against the hypocrites

089 They* so aspire and desire for you to defy

In the desertion of faith (them) to comply
And be of them in abide
So don’t make them an ally in allure
Until they get to migrate** in score

*Cynics ** leave their homes for the cause of Allah almighty


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

But if they incline to rebel in stance

Where so ever you find (them) in glance
Snag to slay there in trance

And don’t make a friend of them in way

Nor to have them as an ally in stay

090 But for them, who sign up a clan

With whom you’ve amity in plan
Or who turn (to you) with care in concern

Tired of their ills from the veer of core

Not to fight you with their clan in score

If Lord so cherished in array

He could’ve adored (them) in sway*

So if they recant** and return to contact

Not to affray (you) but with amity in appease
Then Lord!
Determines no excuse to confront
With them,
Only a treaty of peace to affirm
* given them victory over you ** stay in peace

091 There’re some who trend for a way in peace

With you!
And also with their own men and clan in ease
But when,
They get to a way malicious in lust
They revert in their minds in trust
So if they don’t elude to aside in abide
With you,
Or accede for amity and accord in stride
And incline to combat (you) in pace
Then where so ever you find (them) in place
Snag to slay them to a bit in trace


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

Over them,
We’ve endowed you a sway to stay
For their evil done and doings in fray

092 Never a man abiding discipline of faith

Supposed to kill a man in faith
But if by chance, in slur and slight
Atonement is due in blur of blight

If one happens to kill a man in trust*

It’s determined to free a slave in must
And award** family of deceased in ease
Or else they*** absolve it willingly to appease

If the deceased was a man of clan

A man of trust but at war in plan
Release a slave in faith, enough in stance

If he’s of the clan with treaty in abide

In amity and accord
Recompense is essential to aside
For the family in regard

Besides freeing a slave in trust

For them,
Finding it yonder their means in just
A regular two months fast is a must

That’s in term of regret for Lord to obey

Lord is Discerning with Sagacity in sway
*faith ** pay in retribution *** family of the deceased
093 If a man prepensely kills a man in trust*
His return in award is the Hell in gust

There to aside and abide for ever and so

With anger and affliction of Lord in blow
That’s dreadful dictum in throw
*man in faith


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

094 O you men and clan in Faith!

When you leave your abides in place
For amity and accord* of Lord to brace
Delve discreetly and don’t tend to deny
Who offers dialogue** hither to comply
Don’t trend so abrupt:
Saying, you aren’t the man in trust***
Longing for,
Vary and scary worldly allures in gust
Lord pays in reward immense in lore
Even so you’re in sign and spot in before
Then Lord bestowed favors in score
So dig into,
The verity of their faith in adore
For Lord discerns your doings in core

*to go for war in the cause of Lord **who pays you compliment **Faith

095 There cannot be a tip of equity to aside

For a man of trust abiding in resides
Receiving no punch and prod in glide
To one striving for dictum of Lord in fray
With their lives and riches in stay
Lord cherishes them with dignity in grace
Who strive with effects and self* in place
Than who prefer to stay back in resides
Even though lord has promised in stance
(For Boons and Bounties exalted in trance)
With all the men of faith in glance
But Lord promised a fortune in prime
For the men, who toil and try in combat
They’re preferred over the others** in fact
*their own life ** those staying at resides

096 Cherish distinguished term in proceeds

From Bounty of Lord hither indeed
For them to brace:
Glory, Absolution and Munificence in trace
Lord is Clement and Most Kindly in grace


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

097 Of those who doom and die in vice

They’re inflicting cruelty to them in premise
As angels seize their souls in demise

Angels then demand souls to narrate

What had been your worldly lures in state

The souls then respond peevish in plight

Hexed and vexed were our walks in slight
On Earth,
We’re but so weak and haggard in blight

Angels would then trend to assert in plan

Wasn’t earth of Lord so vast in span
For you to escape (the O man)
And abide other than place in plan

Such are men destined to reside

Hell an abide, an awful sight in slight

098 But for those, so frail and oppressed

Men, dame and kids so distressed
Had no ways and means in escort

099 For them there is a way to trust

For Lord is to condone (like of them) in just

For Lord to efface vice and sin

Even so these are so profound and grim

100 Who so leaves his home and hearth

For the cause of Lord in mirth

Finds many a sites (in world) to reside

Spacious and capacious a place in abide

Should he die (as an immigrant) in stride

For Lord and His Messenger here to aside

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

There’s a firm grant from Lord to stay

Lord is Beneficent, Most Tender in pray

101 When you travel and trail in vale

There’s no blame while travel in trail
If you reduce the prayers in beseech
If the cynics (are around) to pester in stance
For the cynics are your stark foe in glance

102 O Muhammad!
When you’re with them in fray*
You stand to lead (them) in pray

Let a party with arms in aside

Join in pray (almost half) in beside

When they finish a term in entreat

Let them,
Get a place at the back in beseech

And let others, then join (you) in pray

Who’ve not yet beseeched to pray

Join you in entreat ordained to aside

With their arms beside in abide

The cynics crave so keenly indeed

You may neglect your arms in proceeds

To storm you in a push and rush
But there’s no charge on you in hush

If to put (aside) your arms in pray

If there’s rain and sickness in lay
But once again be alert in stay
* During war conditions


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

Lord has prepared a term in distress

For cynics, a humbling torment in stress
103 When you’ve completed your prayers in stance
Then conform to pray (Lord) compliant in glance

Venerate Thy Lord with ardor in adore

Acclaim in all tine and turn in score

Standing and sitting, prone and recline

All so defined a term in prime

But once you’re free of dread in place

Attend to your regular prayers in grace
For faithful!
There’s definite time to beseech
With determined discipline to entreat

104 And cower not your foe (while you) in pursue

If you encounter adversity in vale
But your trust with Lord in true

They don’t abide such faith in trail

And Lord is discerning in stay
With sagacity and sapience in sway

105 (O Prophet) We’ve endowed,

You a Book, a real truth in trust
So you to decide mid clan in just

As you’re conducted by Lord in place

Don’t be an ally of the men in deceit
Who defy the trust of Lord in treat

106 But beg clemency of Lord in beseech

For Lord!
Compassionate, Most Kind in treat

107 Advocate not,

For the men bearing deceit in will
For Lord,
Doesn’t adore errant and evil in ills

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

108 They may conceal their ills in conceit

From the men and clan around in street

But cannot elude from The Lord in time

He’s discerning all so refine
As He is around (them) all in sublime

When they,
Counsel and consult all through the night
Lord doesn’t sustain their plans in blight
Lord discerns their done and doings in slight

109 O you the men of faith in abide

You plead for such men and clan*
For hither in span**

But who’s going to sustain in stance

With Lord!
On The Day of Demand*** in glance
(Or who else to plead their doings in trance)

*cynic ** worldly life ***Dooms Day

110 If one trends to depravity dubious in score

But implores clemency of Lord sincere in core
Him to find Lord so Kind and Clement in adore

111 And if one trends to sinning in stance

The depravity in decide for him in glance
Lord is concerning and discerning in plan

112 But if one steps to slip evil in lore

And toss it to some virtuous in score
He’s twice as convict of grim vice to secure


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

113 If it was the mercy of Lord, you to aside

For a body inclined to distract (you) in stride

They‘re going to drift (themselves) in abide
They cannot hurt or harm (you) a bit in stance

For Lord,
Endowed you the Book, a sapience in lore
Conducted you in the best of wisdom in core
For what you didn’t learn hither in fore
Lord endowed His boons immense in score

114 In most of their secret confers in pace

There is no good to evince in place

But if there’s some to advise

To care and caution in grace

Endow in pity or equity to aside

Or atonement mid men and clan in abide
There are,
Immense boons of Lord in endow
If some seeks His mercy in glow

115 If after having a trust of faith

Get to cross the Messenger in dispute
Even after delighted direction in faith
And trends in deride hither in impute
We’ll desert him to a drift in astray
And put him into the Hell in confute
What an evil reside to stay

116 Lord condones not a bit in pace

Who joins duo with Him in place


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

He condones all sins in trace
To whom He endows His pity in grace

But who inclines other lords in pray

He’s lost far afar and defied in stray
For he denied and dared Lord to obey

117 W The Pagans trend to pray in treat

Other than Lord they beg to beseech

Goddesses they allure in adore

They’re even praying Satan in lore
Devil is indeed a tyrant in core

118 Lord cursed (him)* in stance

But he* trended to Lord and begged in trance
I’ll dissuade part of the clan** in faith
And have my dole, evil in pace
*Devil **men of faith

119 I’ll dissuade,

Them to wish and want in deceit
I’ll direct with demand (them) in cheat
To cut and cleft ears of cattle in seat

With defiance in glance

Distort and deform natural looks in stance
Whoever desert deference of Lord in abide
And concedes to Devil as an ally in guide
Him to suffer single spoil in slide

120 Satan pledges allusive promises in glance

And allures in deceit,
Gleaming gardens, a stupor in trance
Devil’s pledge is but conceit in stance


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

121 These are the men affirmed to stay

Dupes to dwell Hell pyre in stray
They wouldn’t have a way to slip
From the disgusting place in grip

122 But the men and clan of faith

Who trend to dutiful deeds in pace
We’ll soon endow (them) in stance
Gardens alluring in adore, gleaming in glance
Streams sway in surge below and aside
There to cherish in delight to reside
For ever and so,
With the mercy of Lord in delight
Word of Lord is true in pledge and plight
And who else could be more factual in pace
For pledge in promise of Lord in place

123 It’s not even your urge in incline

Nor men of the Book in sublime
But it’s for the done and doings in prime

Who so inclines to depravity in stance

Will bear the fruit of his evil in trance
He wouldn’t find a benefactor in sway
Not even a soul to assuage in beside
Other than Lord, a Benefactor in pray

124 If one who trends to virtuosity in pace

That may be of a man or dame in faith
They’re destined to Gardens in grace
Not a bit of bias them to aside

125 And who’s more preferred (faith) in adore

One accedes to the dictum of Lord in core
Conforms the piety in grace,
Comply the posterity* of Abraham in place
*The faithful followers of Abraham


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

Disinclined from the world in surround
Braced the fraternity of Allah in abound
And Lord adored him* as an ally in pace
126 To Him belongs all in the earth and Heavenly Mall
And He commands the sway with a knowing in all

127 They consult thee for women in stride

Lord decrees concerning them in abide
That’s been recited to you with grace
The female orphans in converse
Whom you haven’t yet dispersed in trace
Their right in dole ordained in grace
And (with them) you in greed
Incline to marry in stance
An Lord cares,
For orphaned kids in glance
Who’re so weak and oppressed
Lord Ordains equity in scale
All your deeds and doings goodly in vale
Lord discerns and concerns rightly in trail

128 If a woman is scared of malice in spite

At the hands spouse in plight
It’s no sin (for them) twain* in slight
And amiable resolve to affirm
Like amity is better than enmity in term
Even though!
The men’s core avid in greed
But if you tend to dignity in plead
And dread Almighty in place
And elude evil in pace
Lord discerns your done and doings in trace
*to live in peace


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

129 You’re,
Not able to be placid and proper in treat
Between your wives supple in speech
Even though you may be pliant to brace

But don’t (you) stumble just to one in adore

Leaving the others nervous in suspense
If you incline to prudence in pretense
Lord is Clement and Courteous in score

130 But if they decide to stay in apart

Lord to compensate with profusion in assort
Lord is all embracing in concern
(For if you’ve a lore to discern)

131 To Him belong all in earth and heavenly mall

We determinedly demanded the men and clan
Before in span
To whom We endowed The Book in Call
And thus We advise in plan

To awe,
And dread Bounty of the Lord in pace
And if you deny His Word in trace
You’re not going to harm a bit in way
Bounty of Lord hither in stay
To Him belong all in Orb* and Sol** in sway
And Lord is free of all crave and covet in array
And Worthy of Discipline and Praise in stay
* Earth **heavens
132 Yes, to Him belongs,
All in the heavens and earth a domain
And He’s perfect to protect for all to sustain


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

133 If Lord determines in pace

He’ll smash (you) to slip in place
From vistas of the earth in glance
O men and clan in trance
Hither in vale!
And shall produce some else in stead
He’s Exalted in Command for all in spread

134 If one desires a desert and carrot in abide

Must trend to discern and concern
Lord endows gift and grant to aside
Hither in vale and in Hereafter in term
And Lord discerns and concerns all in stride

135 O you the men of faith

Be firm in the witness in pace
In twinkle of trust for Lord in abide

A witness even if it’s to be

Against (yourself) or your parents in plea
Or your kin and kids in place
Even he’s rich or poor in pace

For Lord is nearer to both in vale

Than your concern (for them)in trail
So trend not to lust and longing in trail
Lest you sheer and lapse in relate
Lord is discerning you concern in state

136 O you the men and clan firm in faith

Trust in Lord and Messenger in pace
Besides Scripture that He revealed in grace

To His Messenger in glance

If some trends to defy and deny Lord in stance
His angels, Books, Messengers (hither) in abide

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

And The Day of Decision in stride

He’s really turned astray in abide

137 Men in faith, when trend to defy

Once again trend in faith to comply
Later one again slips to sway in slide*
So dip and slip in scruple* and suspense
Wouldn’t absolve their dip in pretense*
(Fo Nor He’d escort their core to aside**
* disbelief **Truth
138 Bear to the hypocrites tidings in pace
For them a sordid sentence in place

139 Indeed!
Who adore cynics as buddy in stay
Instead the men of faith in place
Do they aspire a turn of tribute in pace
All tribute and repute is from Lord to stay

140 He’s revealed unto you hither in fore

Word in the Scripture asserting in lore

When you listen word of the Book

Being jeered and sneered (by them) in a look

Don’t abide to repose with them in place

Till they engage in other talk in pace
If you still tarry in trail with them in stay
You’ll be of the cynics in stray
For Lord,
Will pile the lot (Hypocrites) and cynics in daze
There in the Doom Flaming Fire in blaze
141 Those, wait (for you) torment in regard
But if you happen to triumph in assort
With the bestowal of Lord in part

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

They turn to speak and repeat

Indeed we’re there with you in fray
But if cynics sway in combat in treat
They trend to reverse, to them in place
Couldn’t we dominate over you in fray

And didn’t we,

Save you from the believers in pace
Lord is to decide on The Day in Trace*

And wouldn’t let a triumph in adore

The Cynics over Allegiants in score
*Dooms Day

142 Lo! the hypocrites,

(Seek to outwit The Lord in adore)
That they’ll nag and snag Lord
But No!
Lord will seize and subjugate in sort

When they beg to beseech in pray*

They’re not quite earnest in stay
But they pray
To be seen by the men in surround
They care a wee for Lord in abound
*Lord Almighty

143 They’re frenzied in their veer of core

Swaying between the two, for whom to adore
If trend to fidelity or damn faith for sure
They dally in dip and slip in lore
For Lord have let them to stay in stray
Never to have them in discipline to obey


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

144 O you the men and clan in faith!

Don’t turn to cynics as friends in lore
Rather you trend to the men in faith

Why you drift in defiance of Lord in score

Providing with all your nick and slit in adore
Against yourself,
For Lord in score

145 Indeed!
The hypocrites to reside deep den in fire
And wouldn’t sustain an assuage in pyre

146 Except for those who regret and remorse

And amend in stance,
Abide dictum of Lord in conduct and course
Refining their faith in glance

They’ll be abiding in trance,

With the men and clan of faith in adore
To bless (them) immense awards in score

147 How it’s going to benefit Lord in stance

In you’re tormented to torture in glance

But if you behold His gifts and grants

And abide discipline of faith in bits and slants

Surely Lord!
Appreciates all deeds and doings in vale
For He cares and concerns hither in trail


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

148 Lord,
Doesn’t adore abrasive word in lore
But for the man aggrieved in score
Lord is Hearer and Knower in adore

149 Even if you reveal or guise verity in lore

Or shawl depravity for a need to absolve
Lord is to absolve all vice in resolve
Lord holds all dictum of decree in command

150 Those who trend!

To deny Lord and Messengers in deride
And trend in a bit and slit to aside
Between The Lord and Prophets in glance

We trust in some and deny else in stance
Such as they bicker and flicker in trance
As they seek a median* way in stride

They’re indeed dissenter hither in pace
There’s doom in gloom for them to brace

*between the believers and disbelievers

152 To those who trust!

Lord and Prophet here in abide
And don’t tend to anoint in stride


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

Between the Prophets of Lord in amends

Lord is to bestow His bounties in trends
For Lord is relenting in stride
Indeed! He’s Bounteous in abide

153 The men and clan of The Book demand in stay

That a Scripture (from the Heaven) in sway
To be revealed unto them in glance
Certainly they’d pleaded even before in stance
When they demanded the like in pace

Asking Moses for a greater miracle to place

As they bid to entreat hither in glee
Show us Lord, we love Him to see

But they’re dazed with a gust in sway

As lightening in rumble swept in array
Still they inclined to invoke calf to pray

Even after Clear Signs (for them) in glance

Still then We absolved their err and slip
An endowed Moses clear power to grip

154 And for covenant in accord

We swayed Sinai as shawl in assort

To have their assurance pledged in place

Bid (them) to tread (gate) humble in pace

We ordained them: once more to aside

Break not concern of Sabbath* in stride
We had a sober Pledge for them to brace
155 And then once more with a swing in deride
They defied the Pledge to aside
And denied Verses of Lord in abide
And killed Prophets in defiance of term

They said:
Our cores are protected in wrap
Whereas Lord has secured their core in slap*
*Put a seal on their cores to discern


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

But No!
Lord sealed their veer of core
A profanity in defiance they held to endure

156 That they dare to defy faith in stride

And voiced wily slur for Mary in abide

157 Then they turned to brag and gloat in stray

We killed Christ Jesus son of Mary in array
The Messenger of Lord (for a term) in stay

But they didn’t kill him here in pace

Nor did they crucify him there in place
But it so appeared to them in case

And those who differ to defy in sway

And they trend to stickle in stray

With no learning and lore to concern

But for a term hither to discern
They slew him not for sure in term

158 Nay! Lord heaved him to heavens so high

For Lord is Astral O Astute, Exalted in sky

159 There’s none of the men of Book in concern

Who wouldn’t believe before death in term

And on the Day of Dictum of Decree in Glance

He’ll ( Christ) affirm against them in stance

160 For the cruelty of the Jews in cheat

We barred them to eat in treat
Some of the foods, safe and healthy in greet

Which were licit for them to allure

For they trended to defy in lore
Many a men from Dictum of Lord in score


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

161 They took usury a norm in base

Though it was forbidden for them in pace

To gulp and gorge men’s wealth in deceit

There’s a flagrant conduct in treat

For all,
Who drift to defy dictum in lore
Them to endure oppressive doom in score

162 But for the men and clan in adore

Brainy and smart in learning and lore

And the men and clan in faith

Assert in faith as revealed in before
And ordain regular prayer in score

And disperse alms a way in prime

And Trust in Lord so Sober and Sublime
And Doom’s Day that’s destined in time

To them We’ll boon in bestow

Great gifts and grants (hither) in endow

163 We ceded your word as a glow in gleam

As We did for Noah in esteem
And the messengers (thereafter) in stream

We inspired brilliance in endow

For Abraham, in faith to grow
And also for,
Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob and Tribes in flow
Jesus, Job, Jonah, Aaron and Solomon in lore
And to David We endowed Psalms to allure

164 For some of the Prophets in score,

We gave you a word hither in fore


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

But for others* We didn’t evinced in lore

To Moses Lord talked straight in stay
165 Prophets were destined to convey and apprise
The mankind!
Missive in lore and heed to advice

After admonition of Prophets of Lord for sure

They shouldn’t have plea before Lord to endure
Lord is Astral O Astute and Exalted in Lore

166 Lord bears to affirm and confirm in pace

All He conveyed to you* in phase
Was all through His munificence in grace

To that angels, stand a witness to affirm

But Lord is to assert and affirm all in concern
*(Muhammad PBUH)

167 Indeed!
Men denying in faith
And barring the others to move in faith
They’re befuddled in pace
Far afar in depravity in place

168 Those of the clan,

Who assert to distrust and deal in the wrong
Lord is never to forgive (them) in norm
Neither they’ll be escorted to way* in span
*Discipline of faith

169 He limited them only for the Hell in base

For there to abide for ever in place
And it’s quite easy for The Lord in just


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

170 O men and clan in place,

The messenger,
Has told to follow virtuosity in pace
Divulged by Lord in conformity of Grace
Better if you suit and submit in stance
But if still dare to decline in call

To Him belongs all in the Orb and Sol

Allah is ever Knower with sapience in all

171 O the men and clan of the Book in stay!

Consign not to dissipate faith in stray

Don’t talk of Lord but truth to aside

Christ Jesus the son of Mary in pace
Was just a Prophet of Lord in grace
That was a Word from Lord
Endowed through the Mary in accord
And an Efflux of Lord for him in place
So trust in Lord and comply prophets in span
Don’t trend to affirm Three in plan
Don’t assert the voice ‘Trinity’ O clan

It’ll be nice for you to affirm

For Allah is One and Alone in concern
Glory be to Him in all way of plight
For He’s,
Astral O August and astoundingly Bright
Over and above of having scion in sight

To Him belongs all in Orb and Sol

And Lord is just Adapt to Adjust in all

172 Indeed!
It’s not for Christ course to elude in stance
To be a man of Lord in glance

Nor to be adored by the angels in span,

Who did defy the obedience of Lord in pray*
Lord will gather them soon in plan
*in pride


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

They’re insolent hither to comply

He’ll forgather for Him to reply

173 But who affirm and conform in faith

Abide verity in deeds and doings in grace

From Lord there’ll be gifts and grants in endow

Over and above His Boons and Bounties in flow

But those contemptuous and insolent in pace

Never affirming prayers of Lord in place

He’ll castigate a distressing discipline in deride

They wouldn’t have other than Lord to aside

174 O men and clan hither in vale

From Lord you lure to avail
There have been a plausible proof in trail
A guidance in glow, an escort in endow
As We gifted you a manifest light in flow

175 Those, who obey and aside Lord in vale

Affirm and confirm His Word in trail


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

Promptly He’ll affirm His Mercy and Grace

And trend them to His word of truth to avail
For that’s indeed the word of trust to brace

176 They ask thee for a licit decree in detail

Lord has dictum in dictate for you to avail
Who’ve no children in around
After their doom and demise in surround

If a man dies having a sister in state

But has no scion in relate

She’ll share half of effects in estate

If the deceased was the dame
Having no scion in relate
Her brother gets her estate all in the same

If there’re two sisters to aside

They’ll have two-thirds of effects to thrive
If there’re brothers and sisters in survive
The male having twice in dole to derive
As that of feminine be there and beside

Thus Lords clear notations in all

Lest you err and fail in toll
And Lord cares and concerns around in call


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

In the name of Lord, the Most Beneficent, Most Merciful

001 O the men and clan of faith in treat

Fulfill your word in avow
Beast of cattle like in endow
Made lawful for you to eat

All four-footed animals here in vale

With some exclusion thither in trail

But for the animals of game*

Aren’t allowed for the same
You to avail
While in Sacred trip** in trail

For Lord Commands His men and clan

In concurrence with His Will and Plan
* Hunt **pilgrimage (Hajj) Page : 44
002 O you men and clan in faith
Profane not,
Virtuous signs of Lord in trace
Nor the Sacred Months in pace
Not even offering of sacrifice in place

And not the laurel marks* of herd in sway

Not even the men and clan in stay
(Repairing Sacred House** for reason of pray)
Pursuing Boon Bounties of Lord to plot
But once you leave Sacred site and spot
And the pilgrim attire left to drop
You may hunt there in place
Let not spite of the men in abide
Who once,
Denied you to Sacred Mosque in stride
Should seduce to transgress in slight
And incline you to infraction in plight
*Garlands **Ka’aba at Makkah


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

You need for each one to adore

With virtuosity and piety in lore
But don’t you aid and abet in trail
For the sin and spite in score
Awe and dread Lord:
For Lord is stern and strict to scold

003 Prohibited is for you,

The carrion, blood and the flesh of swine
And one evoked to name in avow
Other than Lord in Prime
That killed by strangling or brutal in blow
Or by the headfirst thrust in throw
Or if then massacred to death in slow
Of that halfway eaten by beast in run
(Unless slaughtered in a faithful term )
And offering on immolated idols in stance
So that’s banned for a term in trance
It’s forbidden in glance
Swearing by divining arrow in term
That’s all derision in concern
Cynics defied the faith in abide
Now cynics have given up all hopes* in stride
But dread them not for a bit in trace
Just dread Me around in place

This day!
I’ve concluded your religion (for you) in abide
Perfected My gifts and grants for you to aside
And chosen a religion Al-Islam (a Faith) in grace
And accomplished it for you to brace
But if one is set to famish in plight
With no intent of infraction in slight
Lord is indeed Merciful and Polite
*With your Faith
004 They ask for what’s licit for them to aside
All pure and good are right for you to derive


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

And that by trained hunting animals in catch

The way instructed to you (by Lord) in match

Eat of that what they seize in stay

But affirm the name of Lord at prey
And fear Lord in all swing in sway
For Lord in count doesn’t tend to delay

005 This day all good and pure made licit in turn
For you in all care and concern

The eats of People of the Book in treat

Are licit for you to eat
And so are your eats for them in place
You may turn to marry in grace
Decent dame in precision of faith

And also of the dame of the Book

After offering dowers in look
And with a swing in sway of decency in glance
But not for lust or flirtation in stance

If one defies a word in faith

Futile is his done and doing in waste
But also Hereafter he’ll be ravaged in haste

006 O you the men and clan in faith!

When you turn to prayers in grace

Wash your hands to elbows and face

Lightly rub your heads (with water) in trace
And so wash your feet to ankles in place

If you’re
In a state of ritual speck and pollution
Wash your whole body in ablution

The ritual of ablution is detailed in this Verse


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

But if you’re ill, or on a trek in trail

Or you,
Come from offices of nature in norm
Or you’ve enticed* spouse in charm

And you find no water in surround

Then take for clean sand or earth in around

And rub therewith face and hands in place

Lord doesn’t trend you difficulty in pace

But to make you clean and assign in favor

That you may be grateful to Him in savor
*Sexual intercourse
007 Memorize!
The Lord’s blessing (for your term) in adore
He affirmed in avow with you to allure

For you said:

We heed and submit to Him, way to affirm
Awe and dread Lord, for He deems to discern
All in veer of core, He cares and concerns

008 O you the men and clan in faith

Be firm in your pledge in pace

For Lord!
Be bearer so candid to deal in trust
And let not,
The spite of some seduce (you) to burst
That you may douse to depravity in gust
Away from the justice hither in distrust
But be right and correct to virtuous in just

That’s near to grace and fear of Lord in place

For Lord concerns the veer of core in pace

009 Lord has avowed with the men in faith

Who affirm to aside goodly works in faith


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

There’s an absolution, for the men in faith

With gorgeous gift and grants from Lord to brace

010 Those who turn to defy in case

And dispute Our Signs to brace
They’ll abide Hell in place

011 O you men and clan in faith

Turn to the favors of Lord in place

When to you a group turned in digress
But Lord,
Let them diverge (from you) to impress

So keep your duty to Lord in pace

And trust your Lord and be firm in place
012 Lord had a pledge affirmed in stance
From posterity of Israel in glance

We assigned twelve chiefs in pace

And Lord said to them in grace
I’ll assuage (you) for all in place
If you,
Determine regular prayers in adore
Endow in charity firm in score
Trust My messengers in core
And lend your hands to them* in fray
And lend to Lord beatific loan** in stay
Lord will pass and annul in return
All your evil of wills in concern

And gift and grant you the Gardens in glow

Where stream sway in surge below in flow

*support messengers ** a loan without

interest or gain or return in way of Allah


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

If some still assert to desist to obey

He’ll saunter in stroll in stray
Far and away from decency to decay
013 But for their rift and split in avow
From Us,
They’re accursed in spin to grow

And their veer of core so rough in stance

They muddle the words from verity in trance

And slight a safe Missive in stay

That was destined for them to obey

You’ll not cease,

To see deceit with them in conceit
But for a few, don’t trend in deceit

Even so with their term in treat

Absolve and excuse their spin in cheat
For Lord Ardor and adore one kind in greet

014 From Christians,

We had affirmed a word in avow
But they left out* quite a bit in ado
For what they’re admonished in flow
That’s ceded to them, firm to brace
So We,
Enthused their hostility and hatred in place
With rancor and revulsion (mid them) in stray
Till the Day of Decree affirmed in stay
And to them!
Lord will show their done and doings in play**
*Slighted the teachings **world

015 O men and clan of the Book in place

We conveyed you Our Prophet in pace
Who is assigned to preach in faith
There’s a word in treat
That you inclined,
To hide part of the Book in deceit

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

And deliver quite a bit in stance

Lord is to condone your slips in trance
There’s a lucid drill from Lord to glance

016 Lord escort in endow, who seeks His delight

With amity and accord with submission in plight
Leads them out of gloom to glow in gleam
That’s the verity of faith (a way) in esteem

017 Surely!
They’re voicing profanity in term
When they affirm
Christ son of Mary is Allah in concern
(O Muhammad!)
Tell them in concern and then to affirm
Who can check or bar Lord in concern
If He so intends in term
To exterminate Christ son of Mary in pace
Besides his Mother in place
Besides all around in surround
To Him,
Belongs all the dictum and decree in abound
Of the heavens and earth in surround
He creates, what He intends in call
For Lord is,
Exalted in stance and Mighty in glance

018 Jews and Christians assert to aside

We’re scions of Lord in abide
And are adored (by Him) in pace
And picked in grace
Why then He smites (you) for ills in slight
But you’re the men as the rest of clan
Like He created around in span
He relents and releases to one He delights
And torment in tribulation to some in blight


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

And to Him belongs all in the Orb* and Sol**

And in and around the cosmic sway in all***
And to Him,
We’re all destined to submit in call
*** between the heavens
** and earth*
019 O you men and clan of The Book in abide
There’s a Messenger mid you to aside
He reveals Our dictum in dictate
For you to brace
After a term of lapse in trace
Lest you drift to say in stride
No missive or messenger in plight
To convey a word in faith
And to admonish for a spin in slight
Now here’s the one, you to apprise
In a phase and space of slight
To admonish you from evil in slide
Lord holds all dint in demand to aside

020 Recall in plan,

When Moses turned to his men and clan
O my men recall in place
Bliss as a bonus of Lord with grace
As He sent prophets mid you in trail
Made you to rule for a span in plan
And bestowed of that in term to avail
That He didn’t bestow to else in dale

021 O my men and clan in hither

Get into the holy land in thither

That Lord endowed for a term in abide

And don’t turn your backs, in a fix of deride

For you’ll be cowed for if you defied

With your depravity and decay in stride


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

They said; O Moses!

022 There in land are men premium in might
We wouldn’t tread till they leave in place
If once they leave the locale in pace
We’ll be there to struggle in fight
023 There’re only the two of them in faith
Bestowed with Bounty of Lord in grace
They said: (to their fellow in pace)
Put them to strike at term and spot
Whence you’ll prevail in assault

But have your faith for Lord in trust

For He’s to help,
If you abide (faith) in just

024 They said: O Moses!

While they abide and aside thence in pace
We wouldn’t be able to enter in place

Better you with your Lord align to combat

Whereas we abide to observe in instruct

025 Moses said: O my Lord!

I hold in command over me and my brother in span
So get us aside of the defiant (rebels) in plan

026 Lord then affirmed in norm

For years forty they’ll saunter in swarm
In daze and distress, wouldn’t be there in calm

But don’t you drift the way in dismay

For they’re defiant of clan in sway

027 Narrate fable of two sons of Adam in pace

There for Lord they’d an offering in place
That’s affirmed from the one with grace


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

But not from the other as gift in swift

The other said:
Indeed I’m here to kill (you) in rift
The first turned to respond in plan
Lord likes offerings of the virtuous in span

028 If you’re to kill me for hither in place

I’m not going to retaliate (thither) in pace

For I do fear my Lord in term and trend

Who’s The Lord of Worlds in amends

029 For I intend to pray

For you,
To pick mine and your sin in stray

And be a friend of fire

That’s for those tending to depravity in dire

030/31 The egotistic soul of the one in pride

Led him to kill his brother in deride
He killed him and was of the one so defied

Lord then conveyed a crow in black

Clawed and scraped the land in aback

Tending him to hide his blame in shame

Body of brother killed for the same
He said:
Anguish and agony for me to aside
How couldn’t I trend in abide

What’s the crow, escorted me to hide

Then he’s prone to atonement in stride


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

032 For this purpose and precept in relate

We commanded progeny of Israel in dictate
Not to slay in slight a man in state
Unless for settling of scores in slight
Or if it was a state of combat in fray
For if they inclined to evil in sway

It would be of course a plan in stray

As if killing of all the humanity in stride
If one was to save a life in abide
It’s like saving (the life) all humanity in stay

There’re Our messengers for them to advise

With Our distinct Signs and Symbols to aside
Even so they didn’t bother to allure
But stowed to dissipation in adore

033 The sentence of the men and clan

Who trends to combat in span
Against Lord and His Prophet in plan
And strive with might and means to strike
The castigation of them in discord

That’s hither in assort:

Execution, or crucifixion in converse
Or cutting off the hands and feet in inverse
Or banishment from the locale in diverse
That’s the stigma and slur hither in vale
And Hereafter cumbrous castigation in trail

034 But the men, who,

In penitence regret and remorse
Before they’re in your hold in discourse


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

Discern Lord is Oft-Forgiving in pace

And Most Merciful for His men to brace

035 O you the men and clan in faith

Dread in place of your Lord in pace
Assert your duty for Lord in grace
Pursuing ways and means for Him in surround
Toil with might and main for (His) aim in around
That you may bloom and blossom in abound
036 For those in denial of faith in core
Even so they held all riches of globe
And twice of that (with them) in store
Given in expiation for hence in adore
But punish of the Day of Decree*
It wouldn’t be eased (of them) in score
For them there’s Doom in Gloom to endure
*Dooms Day
037 They’ll like to be out of blaze
But they’ll tarry and trail there in blaze
For them an agony and alarm in phase

038 For the thief, male or dame in course

Cut off their hands in source
A castigation of Lord, a citation in stance
For their infraction (of offense) in glance
And Lord is Exalted in Might
Full of Wisdom so Bright

039 But if he (swindler) regrets in strike

And amends his conduct in course
Lord amends his conduct indeed in alike
Lord trends to him in absolution in source
For Lord is Oft-Forgiving in pace
Most Benign and Beneficent in grace

040 Don’t you care and concern to discern

Lord holds in command,
Dominion of heavens and earth in term

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

If for some He trends to smite

To others He may absolve in slight
It’s all for Him in delight
And Lord,
Holds the powers astounding in Might

041 O Messenger don’t distress and dismay in pace

For men,
Fleeing in distrust far and afar in base
Even if they affirm faith in place
For what they voice but defy in core
They may be of the Jews hither in score
Who heed to the word of lie in lore
For the men,
Who’ve never been (with you) close and aside
They mutate the words of The Book
Even so they discern the verity in look
That’s to revise the sense in lore
They assert the men to affirm*
For if you’re ordained for such to concern
Then you trend to conform to obey
But if not, don’t heed to the word in stay
If Lord takes some to a task
In bicker and brawl,
You’ve no way in instance Him to ask
These are the men and clan
Who’re condemned to doom in span
Lord doesn’t incline to them in lore
Their core and crux despised in adore
For there’s a disgrace hither in vale
And intense of castigation Hereafter in trail

*They mutate the words and ask the people to follow the same

042 They inclined for fib in trail

Devouring prohibited food in dale
If they ever trend (to you) in place


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

To decide for their conflicts in pace

It’s for you, either concern to comply
If desist and deny
They cannot harm you a bit in try

If you decide to judge in must

Then decide in fair term in trust
For Lord,
Adores the men abiding trust in just

043 For,
How they’d assert you to resolve in trust
When they hold a dictum* (of own) in just
Therein is a clear dictum from Lord to aside
Even so they defy and drift in pace
They’re not asserting the word in faith
044 For Moses!
We had dictum of Torah in endow
A way to escort, a gleam in glow

For Jews!
All prophets affirmed in just to decide
In light of word ceded by prophets to aside

So Dictum of Lord should hold to prevail

As Rabbis and Doctors of Law set to avail
As they affirmed in compliance

Book of Lord in reliance

And they held signs and signals firm in just
Hence you dread not the men in annoyance
But awe and dread Me (for all time) to trust

Don’t sell My Verses for a woeful price

Who trend to differ from Lord in slight
They’re of the true cynics in plight


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

045 There’s dictum in dictate from Us in pace

Life for life in place

Eye for eye, nose for nose, ear for ear

Tooth for tooth, and wounds equal of slit in tear

But if to absolve vengeance in trends

It’s expiation for their sins in amends

If fail to discern dictum of Lord to concern
They’re of the wrong doers in turn

046 And thereafter prophets of Lord in trail

We assigned Jesus the son of Mary in vale

Affirming the Precept ordained in before

We conveyed him* Gospel, dictum in lore

A guidance in glance an escort in gleam

Asserting the Word in esteem
A guidance in glow
An absolution in endow
For men fearing glimmer of Lord in extreme

047 We had ordained in demand

Let the Men of Gospel conclude in stance
In concurrence of stance revealed in glance
If they fail to decide term in demand

Directed by The Lord in pace

They’re of the rebellious men in place


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

048 (O Muhammad!)
We revealed unto thee a Book* in lore
Affirming the Scriptures** hither in fore

So ordain in trust,
For what Lord revealed in pace
And trend not to their dubious ways in place
Devious of Truth that you hold in just
There’d been a dictum and dictate in trust

And gleam of glow in grace

There would’ve been a single folk in around
If Lord would’ve cherished such in surround

But He desired, to test (you) in trail

For if you abide discipline in vale

So (you) to strive verity in sway

And to surpass others in array

Eventually you trend to Lord in stride

When He’ll expound all truth to aside
For what you’d disputed in abide

* Qur’an ** Gospel and Torah

049 So trend to decide mid in glance

As ordained by Lord revealed in stance

And be vigilant of (their) futile urge in pace

But beware lest they swindle in trace

For what Lord ordained to obey

And even so,
If they trend to drift in away


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

Be sure!
Lord intends to castigate (them) for sure
For some of their ills and evils in score

050 Do they seek a word in norm

Of the days of ignorance away in scorn

Who is to decide better than Lord
For the men and clan in plan
Who affirm His dictum of dictate in span

051 O you the men and clan of faith in grace

Have the Jews and Christians friends in pace
They’re ally and preserver of each (one) in place

And some (of you) trends to them as friend

For, he’s of them in trends
Lord is not to escort (him) in glance
For Lord doesn’t adore cruel in trends

052 Don’t you’ve an eye to discern

Those with ill in their core to concern
How ardently care for each to affirm
Hustling in haste mid them in term

Fearing torment of torture in stance
Soon Lord may allure you triumph in fray
Or secure you a sway over them in stay

But perhaps when you secure triumph in fray

Or His Word in sway affirmed in adore
They’ll regret and remorse in core
For what their core secretly endured

053 Then the men in faith will trend to concern

If these are the men, who pledged to affirm


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

Conforming in pledge by Lord in trance
That they’re* with you** in all instance in glance
All their done and doings gone in waste
And they’ll be in ruination in place
* Cynics ** men of faith
054 O you the men and clan in faith
If you’re going to drift in faith
Lord will replace some else to aside
Who’ll be adored by Lord in score
For His benevolence they’ll cherish to allure
They’ll ardor and adore Lord in the veer of core
And Lord will esteem in gleam (them) for sure
They’ll be humble for the men in faith
And they’ll be mighty and strong
For those defying (faith) in norm
Fighting (against cynics) for Lord in flow
Not scared of blemish in blame
Abuse of the abusive to sustain
That’s the Grace of Lord in stay
And Lord,
Commanding abounding resources in sway
And He Discerns and concerns all in array
055 Your friend in adore is aside in lore
He cannot be other than your Lord in adore
Besides the Prophet of Lord in abide
Also the men of faith in aside
They affirm to pray all in stride
And bestow alms to the destitute in pace
And obey in stay, Dictum of Lord in pray
They’re calmly and humble in grace

056 All who cherish in adore Lord in lore

Also His messenger and faithful in core
Then concern precise in trail
It’s company of Lord to prevail
057 O you the men of faith in grace
Don’t get so close to some in place


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

As friends in precision, who trend in jeer

Your faith in derision as fun and frolic in sneer

They may be of the men of the Book

Or defying the faith in looks
But awe and dread Lord in Prime
So if you’re abiding faith in sublime

058 When you announce call (to prayer) in adore

They take it for a fun and frolic in score
For they,
Don’t have the lore to concern in core

059 Say:
O you the men and clan of the book in grace
Do you abject of us for the faith we brace
That’s revealed in hither, as others* in before
And quite a few of you stay defiant in lore
060 Say:
How should I refer to the men in place
Who’re molested far greater in pace

Regarding the fate of their destiny in stance

Before Allah Almighty in glance

Those subjected to affliction of Lord

And His vengeance was quite severe in sort

Some, He transfigured to apes and swine

For who trended to depravity in decline

They’re the real perverse in class

Drifted in stray even farther in cross

061 When,
They come (to you), they affirm to state
That they abide to aside discipline in faith
But in fact they don’t have a wink in faith
When they approached to you in score
Even after they left in place
They’re the same defying in fait

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

But Lord,
Discerns and concerns what they conceal in core

062 Many of them haste for depravity in taste

For this infraction is their routine in pace
And eating of the forbidden* things in place
Evil is their course of conduct in disgrace
063 Why don’t Rabbis and men of law care in trail
Restricting evil in diction and of eating in friction*
Evil indeed are their done and doings in vale
064 The Jews,
Assert to say in drill
Lord is incapacitated in will
Let them be disfigured, distorted in stray
And be cursed and accursed in stay
For what they voice and verbalize in sway

Lord is quite Immense and Absolute in grace
He dispenses and dissipates quite a lot in place
To one He pleases in endow
These are the revelations to you in glow

(O Muhammad!)
That heightened their defiance in profanity
Midst them We’ve ordained ill in enmity
And revulsion till the Day Just in stay
Whenever they instigate to combat in fray
Lord trends to smother in blow
They‘re for hurt and harm hither in blow
And Lord doesn’t cherish ruffian in flow

065 If only the men!

Of the Book would’ve trended in faith
A perfection in faith and verity to brace


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

We would’ve smeared out their evil in ills

And endowed the Gardens of Bliss in wills

066 If they could ever trend in faith to aside

A discipline,
Of law ordained (in Gospel and Torah) to abide
And the,
Teachings revealed (by Us) to care in grace
So would’ve,
Cherished delighted endowments* in pace

There’re a few of them in trust

But others follow a course in disgust
* Both from the sky and earth
067 O Messenger!
Expound the missive of Lord to the clan
If you fail to deliver the missive in plan

You’ll be defying the mission assigned in pace

Lord is to save in place,
You from the anguish and agony of clan

Lord is not to endow success in plan
Men denying missive of Faith in span

068 Say (O Muhammad!)

O you the men and clan of the Book*
You’ve no premise to poise in trace

Unless you brace,

Discipline of Gospel and Torah in look
All the divulgences from Lord in abide
The Book** assigned you to aside
Determined from Lord to comply
Add to their,
Callous defiance and profanity in try
* Gospel and Torah ** Qur’an


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

But don’t you dread and dismay in slight

For the cynics defying in plight,
069 Those in verity of faith
And those of the Jewish affirming in faith
And of the Sabians and Christians in stride
Whoso trust in Lord and The Day* to decide
And those,
Complying virtuous deeds in pace
For them,
There’s no dread nor sorrow in place
*Dooms Day

This verse elucidates the difference between the cynics the

non believers and men of the Book

070 We’d a pledge,

From the progeny of Israel in stance
Sent Our messengers to them in glance

Whenever there’s a messenger in stride

Who’d missive of Lord, for them to aside

What they assumed not fit to obey

To some* they called cheat in stray
To others they killed in betray

071 They affirmed and conformed in glide

That they wouldn’t be tried in slight

So they’re mute and deaf, sightless in blight

Lord cares and concerns their doings in plight

072 They revile and affirm to assert

That Lord is Christ the son of Mary in concert
Even though Christ had avowed to affirm

O Progeny of Israel!
Ardor in adore Lord and assert to conform
He’s your Lord and Lord of me in domain
Whoso joins duo with Lord in claim

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

From Allah Almighty,

They’ll be denied Gardens in Glow
Them to reside Hell Pyre in throw
Be no aid and abet for cynics in flow

073 Indeed!
There’re cynics in glance
Who revile and trend in stance
Lord is one of the three ‘trinity’ in trance
But there’s no god but One in sway
Allah, the One and Alone in array
If they,
Renounce not what they assert in pray
A doom in gloom is for them to stay

074 Why they’re not going to regret

From The Bounty of Lord,
Not going to seek reprieve in respect
For Lord is Oft-Forgiving in place
And Most Bounteous and Merciful to brace

075 Christ, the son of Mary,

He‘s but a Messenger in adore
Even so,
There’re many a Messengers in before
His mother was a dame of morality in grace
Both used to eat their meals in place
Lord makes things so lucid to concern
But how they’re deluded in verity to discern

076 Say (O Muhammad!)

Will you adore other than Lord in stay
Who can neither hurt or assuage in fray


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

But Lord!
Discerns your done and doings in lore

077 Say:
O Men and clan of The Book
Don’t exceed the limits of faith in a look

And don’t encroach beyond the verity in stance

Don’t lure in the lust of your self in core
As the men did ignore, hither in before

They’d defied and let others to deny

A word of equity and just to comply

078 Those who defied the word in Faith

Of the,
Progeny of Israel flouting in faith

They’re hexed in place

As they denied David and Jesus* in pace
(*The son of Mary in grace)

For they defied in trace

Beyond the means and measures in place

079 For each, (Between each other)

They didn’t forbid to elude evil in stance
For what they trended hither in trance

What the ills of evil in deeds

They followed in proceeds

080 Don’t you care and concern the men in abide

Trending to the cynics as friends in deride
Evil are their deeds (ceded) in stride


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

That’s for their owing Hereafter in pace

There’s doom in gloom from Lord to brace

And in anguish and agony in stray

They’re destined for ever to stay

081 If They’d trusted Lord and Prophet in adore

And what was divulged to him for sure

They wouldn’t have befriended cynics in score

But indeed!
Quite a few are defiant and defied in lore

082 Strongest in hatred to the men in faith

Jews and Pagans are determined in pace

And the near and dear friend (for men) in faith

They’re the Christians in place

As quite,
A few are men of knowledge in lore
Who beg to entreat as devout in core
And aren’t insolent but so meek in pace


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

083 And,
When they listen to prophet of Lord to narrate
The Word of Lord that he affirms to relate

You’ll find their eyes wet in tears

For they care and concern of verity in fear

And they tend to pray in place

O Lord!
We assert to affirm dictum of faith
And let You affirm our witness in grace

084 Why shouldn’t,

We have faith for Lord in core
And also who passes the dictum in score
For we discern the truth of decency in core

When we aspire to secure a place

Lord to join* us with the virtuous in pace
*In Hereafter

085 For what they affirmed

Lord adored to conform

Bestowal of Gardens, with streams in flow

Aside and below sinuous in glow

Their to abide and ever to reside

Boons for the virtuous alluring to aside

086 Those who dare to defy and reject in pace

Our signs so lucid in grace
Them to abide Hell pyre in blaze

087 O you the men and clan in faith

Make not,
The lawful edibles prohibited in place
And don’t squash the limits in assertion
For Lord,
Doesn’t adore excess in dispersion


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

088 Eat of the,

Licit and lawful edibles (of Lord) in pace
But awe and dread Him in trace
For Whom you confide in faith

089 From Lord,

You wouldn’t be called to account in place
For what in slight you avowed in plight
But you’ll be taken to task in pace
Of the needless pledges in slight

The reparation for such in trends

Feed ten destitute men in amends
Equal to that of your food in eats
Or give them clothing to cover in meet

Or you’ve to free a slave in toll

If that’s yonder your means in call
Keep fast for days three in a row
That’s the real amends in glow

For the avow you affirmed in stance

But keep to your promise in glance
Thus Lord makes His signs distinct in obey
That you may be owing a favor in stay

090 O you the men and clan in faith

Intoxicants and gambling, per chance in pebble
Sorting by arrows, are aversion in trouble
These are the manners of Satan in place
Abstain from such odium in pace
Only then you’ll be,
Flourishing in the dictum of faith

091 For in actuality,

Satan inclines (mid you) source in repulsion
As intoxicants and gambling get to revulsion
A word about Drinking and Gambling


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

For Satan,
Parry and prevents you, Lord to beseech
And also hinder from the prayers in entreat
Wouldn’t you abstain such odium in conceit
092 Submit to Lord and His Prophet in abide
And elude evil of ills in stride
Even so you defy and deny in compliance
Indeed, Our messenger for here in term
Has to convey the faith in reliance
So lucid in drill message to concern
093 O men and clan in faith and verity in adore
No reproach for what you ate in before
But indeed they should concern in abide
Guard them (selves) from the evil in deride
And trust verity of faith to aside
And assert virtuosity in pace
And again beware of the evil in pace
And assert in faith once more in stance
Beware of sinning that’s a slip in trance
And comply discipline of faith in just
For Lord ardors and adores men in trust

094 O you the men and clan in faith

Lord is going to try (you) in stay
As means and manners for a hunt in prey
That’s in reach of hands and lancet in pace
Lord is to see, if you dread in plea
Even so you don’t perceive Him to see
If some flout beyond course in advice
There’s a doom in gloom in strike

095 O you!
The men and clan of faith so refine
Kill not the game (prey) in define
While in Sacred ward* or pilgrim in prime


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

If some trends in intent

Recompense is to sacrifice like in content
Over to Ka’aba thither to convey
Of a household animal similar in stay
The one killed in intent of trance
Adjudged by two men in glance
Or by way of feeding indigent in trend
Or equal in fasts (concluded by two men) in amend
That’s the savor and flavor of discipline in decide
Lord condones of the past in domain
For reiteration of the same
Lord is determined to discipline in stance
For Lord is,
Exalted in skill to avenge in Glance
096 For you,
Lawful is the prey of water in hunt
And that’s food,
For you and the men roaming in trail
Prohibited is the prey of land in hunt
For when you’re in Sacred ward in abide
Or in the pilgrim ritual in beside
Awe and dread Lord in all trends and tide
To Whom you’ll be concluded in stride
097 Lord assigned Ka’aba, a status in sublime
Exalted and Divine, a retreat in prime
For the,
Men of all cast, creed and color in abide
(But abiding the faith in refine)
During Revered Months there to aside
The animals for offerings and garlands in sign

That you may discern to concern

That Lord has all dint to discern

All that’s in orb and sol in sway

Lord in conversant of all in array


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

098 Affirm to conform

Lord is adamant and stern in conduct
And Lord,
Oft-Forgiving and Most Merciful in instruct
099 Messenger is assigned,
Just to convey the mission in norm
But Lord discerns,
That you conceal or reveal in calm
100 Say: (O Muhammad!)
Evil and good cannot be equal in stance
Even so depravity may dazzle (you) in glance
So O you the men,
With sense and sapience in grace
Awe and dread Lord in place
That you may prosper hither in pace

101 O you the men of faith

Don’t ask such questions to define
If revealed,
That may trend to pester (you) in time
But if you ask,
When the Verses of Qur’an in reveal
Your askance may be answered thence in appeal
To absolve all your done and doings in before
He’s Oft-Forgiving, Most Forbearing in lore

102 Albeit some of the men in before

Asked the similar questions in lore
But when they got the answer in score
They reversed in faith*
* they’re cynics once more
103 Lord didn’t conceive fallacious act in proceed
Like of that indeed:
A Bahirah or a Saibah or a Wasilah or a Hami
(A slit ear she camel in thither
Or let loose she camel in slither
For free pasture, or idol sacrifices in profuse
Or twin births in animals in stash
Or mustang camels freed in bash)
It’s revile who devise a lie in trance
For The dictum of Lord here in glance
But most have no sense and sapience in stance

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

104 When they’re told, what Lord had apprised

Come to the messenger, but not in surprise
They say:
We’re appeased of our trends in trail
For what our fathers affirmed in vale
Even so their elders had no sense in lore
Devoid of discernment and direction in core

105 O you the men and clan of faith in adore

Preserve your own core and crux in lore
If you abide virtuosity in pace
There’s none to harm (you) in place
None can trend to torment in bit
Who digress and then veer to drift
Your aim in intent is for Lord to return
It’s Lord,
Who’ll evince your done and doings in concern

106 O you the men and clan of faith in abide

When doom in death is for some to aside
And he’s to make some bequest in pace
Have two men of virtue (of own) in place

Or of your close kin in state

Or of others distant in relate

And if you’re in trek and stride

And the doom in death is close and aside

If you doubt their trust for scruple and suspense

Delay both (of them) after prayer in pretense

And let them swear by Lord in stance

They wish not worldly gains for self to secure
Even so the heir be close kin in glance
Wouldn’t elude avow (before Lord) for sure


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

If we ever drift in stride

The ills of evil for we to aside

107 But if it’s revealed the two were deceits

Let two others get to proceed
Nearest in kin of them in stay
Having lawful rite in sway
Let them swear by Lord in pray
We affirm,
Our witness is preferred of the two
Not in perspective but virtually true
If we surpass in slants, we’ll be cruel in glance

108 That’s the preferred way to aside

They’d affirm and avow truth in abide
Even so they fear in a way
That (their) pledges be declined in stay
Awe and dread Lord and concern in way
For Lord doesn’t escort the defiant in stray

109 The Day!

When Lord would’ve all His messengers to stand
Together with all His dictum in command
And ask:
What’s response to your word in preach
They’ll say O Lord, indeed!
We don’t have the know in response
For You discern veer of core O please

110 Then imagine of the stance

When Lord would trend in glance
And say:
O Jesus, the son of Mary while there in stay
Affirm My gifts to you and your mother in boon
I pep you up with holy spirit in bloom


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

So you spoke to the men in surround

When you’re just in cradle in around
In Maturity I gifted you Book in lore
And also the sense and sagacity in core
The Torah and the Gospel (you) to allure
And regard! You made bird in clay
And used to breathe (into it and tend) in pray
And it used to be a bird in vigor to fly
With My assertion you to spy
And you treated the one born in blind
And the lepers with My assent in behind
And regard!
You brought to life after demise in doom
With My assertion in bloom
And behold!
I did confine the progeny of Israel in abide
They desisted in frenzy, lucid sign in device
The dissenters then talked in stray
That’s nothing, but a sorcery in sway

111 And Regard!

I enlivened the disciples to trust in grace
A word in faith,
For Me and My Messenger to brace
They said:
We affirm in faith here in pace
And you bear us a witness in place
We submit to Lord, as a Muslim in faith

112 Behold!
The Disciples said:
O Jesus the son of Mary!
If your Lord could trend to provide
A Console with provisions hither in abide
From heavens (for us) here in aside
Jesus said:
Awe and dread Lord if you hold faith in stride


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

113 They said:

We only desire to eat of that O please
And content our core to relish in appease
We would then,
Assert for sure, you’re virtuous in talk
And we’ll affirm marvels of miracle in walk

114 Jesus begged and beseeched Lord in pray

Send us a Console with provisions in pace

From the heavens to dine in flavor

A feast in appease for us to savor

And a sign from Lord hither in around

And bestow us provisions all in abound

For You’re the best to sustain

For all the proviso in domain
115 Lord then asserted to affirm
I’ll be endowing such in concern
Bestowal of food determined in term

But if some defy there after in pace

I’ll castigate quite severe in place
As never before I chastised in trace

116 After a while in stance

Lord will ask Jesus to narrate
Did you tell the men in relate

(To dispraise Your Lord to adore)

And treat,
You and your mother as Lord in score
He’ll then assert to affirm in glance
Glory be to The Lord of Domain
How’d I ever trend to assert to ordain
For I don’t have a bit of stance to sustain
If I had like of word in narrate
You’re the best of judge in state

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

For You discern my core in concern

But I don’t have a bit in know
For what You care to concern in glow
You care and concern the hidden in flow

117 I didn’t command in stride

Other than Your Word in abide

Ardor and adore Lord in pray

Who’s but your and mine Lord in sway
I had to assert and affirm in array
As long as I was there in stay

Once I was gone out in pace

You’re there to care and concern in place
For You’d dint and demand over all in trace

118 If You’re to take them to strike

They’re Your servants in abide
For if to absolve in stay
You’re Exalted in Might with Sapience in sway

119 That’s the Day,

Lord will then affirm in stance
When the truth,
Of the virtuous will abound in glance
Them to abide in The Gardens in glow
Where below and aside streams ebb and flow
There to abide for ever or so
Pleased with their Lord in extreme
And Lord with them appeased in gleam
That’s grand sustenance in pro
A gleam in glow

120 To Him belong,

Rule of the heavens and earth in place
And all in hither and thither in trace
He holds the demand over all in pace


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

006-AL AN ‘ AM
In the name of Lord, the Most Beneficent, Most Merciful
001 All Praises,
The O Lord of Domineering Domains
Created heavens and earth in acclaim

He evinced dusk and light in place

Still the cynics deny in pace

Asserting for the duo in claim

Other than Lord in Grace

002 Lord is The One, The Alone in sway!

Created you from dust and clay
And assigned for a term hither* to stay
And a term (Hereafter) affirmed in phase

But still quite a few hang in astound

With scruple and suspense in confound
*Worldly life (Page : 621)
003 He’s Lord of the heavens and earth in score
And knows the secrets in your veer of core

Besides your done and doings lucid in way

And concerns your virtues and ills in stay

004 Whenever,
There’s a distinct Divination in sway
They’re drifted far and away

005 Indeed!
They defied the verity in trail
Whenever it was for them to avail

But they’d,
Eventually have a glimpse in glance
For what,
They’d jeered and sneered in trance

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

006 Don’t they care to concern

Many a men and clan We cowed in term

They enjoyed a status in swarm

There’s torrential rain in throng
Streams besides (their) resides in flow
Then We,
Dashed and smashed them, there in stance
And then new of clan We created in glance

007 (O Muhammad!)
Had We sent in plight
Our Divination in scroll and script
Them to sense with hands in swift

The cynics then implicate in slight

And would’ve said:
It’s nothing but a sorcery in thrift

008 They turn to assert in concern

Why the angel wasn’t sent (him) to aside
If We’d sent the angel in abide

Then the matter would’ve resolved in stride

And they wouldn’t have any relief in strike

009 Had We,

Assigned angel as messenger in vale
We’d have, had him as a man in trail
So he’d voice with the men in place

We would’ve them to daze in suspense

As they’re deluded today in pretence

010 Messengers of Lord hither in fore

Were jeered and sneered in score


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

For what they trended to ridicule in stride

Instead they* hounded (them**) in deride
*who’re ridiculed ** who used to mock and scorn

011 Turn to the men and clan in abide

Ask them to discern hither in stride
Travel in the land and care to glance
Consequence of the men denying in faith

012 Ask them to affirm in stance

Whom it belongs,
Between the heavens and earth in glance
Then they affirm in pace,
It’s from Allah with Heavenly Grace
Who’s so Compassionate in pace
He’ll bring (you) back on The Day* in relate
Wherein there’s no scruple and suspense in state
Whereas, who’re doomed to reverse in faith
Denied the determined Day* in pace
*Dooms Day
013 Whatever is there during the day in pace
Or whatever,
Happens to be through the night in place
To Him it belongs all in relate
For He is concerning and discerning in state

014 Say:
Shall I take other than Allah in acclaim
The Creator of heavens and earth a domain
Who feeds you all but is not fed to sustain
I’m so ordained to be the first in pace
Submit to The Dictum of Allah in place
And don’t be of the hypocrite in trace

015 Say:
I fear of the term of spite in stray
If I ever deny His dictum to obey
I’ll be facing dreadful doom in array
A doom in gloom of a fretful Day


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

016 Those, who escape a torment in spite

On the Determined Day* in plight
He’ll cherish mercy of Lord to aside
That’s a jubilation and turn in delight
*Dooms Day
017 If Lord determines in distress
There’s none to get it reverse
But if He inclines to assuage in appease
There’s not a swap in deal
For He’s dominant to affirm in appeal
018 Lord is all, so Supreme in command
For He’s Allah, Who affirm in glance
He’s Prudent in command
And Perceptive in stance
019 Say:
Whose witness is prime in avow
It’s Allah ,Who prevails as witness in avow
Between us to assert in endow
For Qur’an that’s Divination in glow

Me, to admonish you for all in abound

And for them, whoso live in surround
Do you really spin to aside
That there’re lords other than Lord in abide
I don’t need to affirm, it to name
For He’s The Lord, only One in Domain
I’m dejected of any wink in blame
For what you assign duo for Lord in claim

020 Those of the men and clan

Bestowed Scriptures before in plan
Determine and discern it well in core
As do they discern their sons in lore
And those, determined firm to doom in dash
For they’d not inclined to obey in abash


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

021 Who’s more ruthless around in stance

Who concoct fib for Lord in trance

And denies His divulgence hither to brace

Lo! Indeed
Heinous wouldn’t treasure escort in trace

022 And The Day,

When We gather them around in all
And ask the men there in call
Who’d contrived duo in toll

Where are your gods in treat

Whom you adored in entreat

023 They wouldn’t be having a claim in conduct

But would turn to aside in fact
Allah is our Lord,
And we’re not of cynics in instruct

024 Now try to discern

How they feigned fib to conform
Against them (selves), to affirm

And their lords contrived in glance

All their gods will be lost in stance

025 There a few, heed ear (to you) in concern

But We’ve confined their core to discern

Lest they perceive a bit in grace

They wouldn’t conceive a bit in trace

Even so they discern all the signs in sway

They wouldn’t trend to faith in pace
Then they get (you) to argue in obey
And dispute over trivial stance in trace

They assert in stance:

The men, who defied in trance
These are but the old fables in term

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

026 They try to elude (them) in pace

Also dissuade others (to accede) in faith
They’re not ruining some else in abide
But to them in stride
For they don’t discern to aside

027 If you’d ever picture to perceive

When they’d be there, Hell to perceive
They’d like a wink in retreat
Back to the earth in stance
And say: We wouldn’t deny in glance
All effects and equipage of Lord in sway
We’ll then be of the allegiants in stay

028 Now the truth is before to discern

What they trended to hide in term
When they’d return to resides in abide
Even so,
They’d assert to affirm for the same
For what they’re forbidden to sustain
They’re all fibbers in stride
029 And in spin they affirm in concern
There’s no life hither after in term
And wouldn’t be raised once more in return

030 If you’d ever have an inkling in stance

When they’d be confronting (Lord) in pace
Lord to ask (them) in place
Isn’t, The Day a truth in glance
They’d assert to affirm in trance
By Lord this is the truth in knock
Lord would then apprise in concern
Now taste you the torment in shock
For your defiance in turn

031 The men, who defied meeting their Lord

They’re in ruination for sure in accord
But when there’ll be such a term in stay
They’ll scream with suffering in sway


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

Woe be to us in place
For we defied dictum of Lord to obey
Why we neglected in pace
They’ll be bearing the load* as lumber
What a vengeance for defiant in slumber
*evil deeds
032 The term in vale
That’s only a bit of spell to avail
A fun or frolic flowering in trail
Preferred is the term Hereafter to aside
For all, who aside discipline* in abide
Wouldn’t you care to concern in stride
*Keep their Duty to Allah Almighty
033 O Muhammad!
We discern for all they contrive in core
That pains you, indeed, for sure
But for reality in adore,
They’re not denying (you) in lore
They’re flouting Verses of Lord in décor

034 Messengers were defied before in time

And were,
Tormented beyond measure and means
But they endured patience in extreme
Till We secured them bliss in sublime
For there’s none so refine
To mutate Our dictum in Supreme
We apprised you the fables in score
Of messengers assigned hither in fore
035 For if,
Their disgust, distress (you) in trust
Then trend in trail there in search
Way down deep, into the earth
Or by means,
Leading to the sky so high
And bring a miracle, them to comply


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

If Lord so desired for them to avail

He would’ve construed all means in scale
And let them all abide the discipline in place
So don’t you be irrational in pace

036 Only the men, who heed to discern

Trend to affirm the faith in concern

As of the dead* and those of the gone

When Lord will bring them back in stance
Then they’d be there before Him in trance
* these are the men, who behave
as dead not heeding to the word of faith
037 They trend to assert in stance
Why doesn’t Lord reveal in glance
To his prophet, revealing signs in trance
Lord is gifted to evince Signs in gleam
But nearly all don’t discern in esteem

038 Try to care and concern

An animal in vale or a bird in flight
They’re all beings like you in plight

We haven’t slighted a bit in score

In Our Book you secure in adore
And eventually they’ll trend in score
Before their Lord, assigned in span

039 Those defying Our Verses to accede

They’re deaf and dumb in proceeds

They stray in the dark not to discern

It’s for Lord to distract in concern
And to some He escorts to bliss in term
040 Say:
Can you really care to concern
If there’s some castigation in turn
From your Lord in return
Or a term of Doom* in spree
Could you elude Your Lord in plea


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

And ask for an assuage in appease

Other than Lord in squeeze
Then incline to appeal,
If you’re really true in the deal *Dooms Day
041 Nay!
To Him, you beg to beseech in abide
When there’s anguish and agony beside
Lord assuage with ease in appease
For in torture you’re put in squeeze
When term in torment is over in stance
You, slight your Lord in glance
Instead, trend to duo in trance

042 Before this stance,

We assigned many a prophets in clan
Then We held (them) for agony in span
So they might entreat, modesty in plan

043 It so happened in an instance of infliction

They’re courtly and courteous in submission
But their core were offensive in conviction
And Devil lured their doings* charm in glance
*Flowering and fastidious a trap in trance

044 Then they slighted the word in advise

We evinced fun and frolic flowering in device
In jubilation, they’re entranced in premise
Eventually We held (them) in surprise
And were dismayed for a fortune in guise

045 So the men and clan, who defied* in deride

We hewed their roots and shoots in strife
All praise for The Lord in sway
Who’s Lord of the all Worlds in array
*turned to torment themselves
046 Say: (O Muhammad!)
Have you ever had the vision in concern
If Lord turns to deprive (you) to hear in stance
Deprive (you) to perceive for a glimpse in glance
And be firm in the veer your of core to discern


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

Who is to revive your ilk* to perceive

Other than Lord in care to conceive
How they concern Our Signs to aside
But still they scruple and sway in stride
*sense of seeing and hearing
047 Say!
Can you care and concern in trail
If there’s castigation of Lord in vale
That tends (you) so frank and quick in aback
It would perish only the men in stack
Who stayed in spite affirmed in smash

048 We assigned,
Messengers for a term in adore
A word to caution and care in score
For the men and clan, who affirmed in faith
And dread the clan defying in faith
If they assert to affirm (once more) in faith
There’ll be no panic for them in slight
Nor an ordeal of distress in plight
049 But!
All, who defied Our Verses in stance
There’ll be agony and anguish in trance
For what they defied and denied in trance

050 (O Muhammad!)
Say to the cynics in stay
I don’t hoard treasures from Lord in gold
Nor the knowledge of hidden in hold

Neither I’ve ever asserted in claim

That I’m the angel of Lord in domain

I’m apprised to reveal in pace

What I’m inspired (from Lord) in grace

Ask them for an instance to concern

If some blind and other with the sight
How’d they be equal in plight
Wouldn’t you now perceive in slight


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

051 Apprise those, who cower in concern

That they’ll be facing The Lord in term
For them!
There’ll be no ally nor attorney to aside
Other than Lord Hereafter in stride
So they may aver to avert evil in slight
And be a men of discipline in plight

052 Dispel not,

The men from your close and aside in treat
Who Beg and beseech Lord in entreat

Morn and eve they implore Lord in adore

You’re not to answer their term in slight
Nor they’ll be asked your way in plight

Even so,
If you trend to dispel them way in away
You’ll be then of the wrong doers in stay

053 Even so,

We’ve put to trial (some) in stance
Because of others around in glance
(Of them some turn to try others in vale)
Then them to affirm,
If these are the men favored in trance

With Boons and bounties of Lord in term

Don’t you concern,
Lord discerns all who’re gratified in return

054 When the,

Men with the discipline in faith
Come quite close (to you) in pace

And who avow Our Word to obey

Come to you for a word in pray
So give them a word of amity in stay


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

Peace be upon you for all in stance
Lord is affirmed to be clement in glance
Who err in blur and then regrets in slur
In atonement, he conforms to amend*
Lord is, indeed, Compassionate in trend
*after atonement he stays in discipline

055 So We elucidate Our Divulgence in trail

So shabby and shaky are manifest in scale

056 Say onto them in treat

I’m prohibited to beseech in pray
Whom you implore other than Lord in entreat
I’ve not to follow your longings in stay

Should I bid, the like (of you) in stance

I’ll be adrift in glance
And wouldn’t be justly guided in trance

057 Say!
I trust to obey missive of Lord
Lucid in drill
While you deny dictum of Lord

Distorted in will
But I don’t have a power in command
For what you’re eager to trend in stance

Whereas Lord holds all decree in demand

He’s Best to Trust and Decide in Glance
058 Say!
If I’d command over what you demand
For what,
You’re hurrying to commence in stance


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

The verdict would’ve come to conclude

All that’s between us, a puzzle in debate
Discerns the callous quite well in place
059 He concerns,
Code and key of the hidden in lore
None, but Him
Discerns the secrets in core

He’s perceptive of all in the land and sea

And even a leaf falling from twig of tree

Even a grain,
Open on the earth and in the depths of dirt
And also,
The arid or the soggy in score
But it’s scribbled in stance
With a Book gleaming in adore
Lucid in glance

060 It’s He!

Who gathers your souls during the hours of night
He concerns your deeds, during the day in plight

And brings back to life* then in plan

For you a term concluded in span

And finally!
You’re destined to Lord Hereafter in pace
He’ll expound your deeds and doings in trace
*For the next day after sleep
061 He’s Supreme over men and clan in abound
He assigns guardians* (for you) all in surround

When the death is there for you to face

Our bearers* are around your soul to brace
And they* don’t blink in slight for a bit in trace
* Angels


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

062 Then they’ll be there before Lord in state

Allah, Who’s, indeed, your Lord to dictate
He holds all course in command
For, Lord is prompt in stance
To call some, for an account in glance

063 Say, Who’s there to rescue

In the deserts of land and the depth of the sea
To Him you beg and urge (in privy) in plea

If we’re delivered of the suffering in squeeze

We’ll be indeed appreciative in appease

064 Say!
Lord secures you from torture in term
Still you ascribe duo for Allah in concern

065 Say!
He’s the power to castigate from above and below
Or to daze and amaze you with dispute* in throw
And savor you the savagery of one in blow

How We evince Our divulgence in all
So they may discern and concern in call
*Between different clan
066 The men and clan around denounce and deny
Though it’s* a verity in term to comply
I’m not put to guard your doings to spy
067 Each dictum in dictate has a term in state
For what you’ll come to discern in relate

068 And when you perceive men in surround

Tampering Our Divulgence* in abound


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

Elude them,
Till they turn to other topic* in narrate
But if devil,
Entices (you) in slight to be there in state

Leave the place after you recall in pace

Be not with the cynics thither in place
069 Those*, who elude base in disgrace
You aren’t culpable for their** prick in pace

But a word of caution they* pass in stance

So they* may evade depravity in trance
* men of faith **those, discussing futile subjects

070 Desert and discord, who tend in disgrace

And take faith, as fun and frolic in pace

To them,
The lust of life swindle to seduce in trail
Caution them with Our Verses in narrate

For they may be destined to doom stance

Hither in vale for their doings in trance

There’s none other than Lord in sway

A confidant in concern and council in stay

Even so you trend to redress in all

Wouldn’t be affirmed or admitted in call

They perish with their doings in waste

Them to drink water fuming in taste

An ultimate doom in gloom for them to brace

For they didn’t abide a discipline in grace

071 Say!
Shall we beg and beseech and cry to entreat
Other* than Lord in treat
Those, who cannot abet and assist in pace *idols


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

Shall we drift from our Lord in pace

After He guided us discipline to brace
Like one dazed and amazed in waste
Whom Devil let wavering in delusion
Like in the desert roving in illusion
His friends,
Escort (him) to a glimpse in grace
Asking him for a word in faith to brace
Say indeed!
Guidance of The Lord is true in pace
And we’re ordained in place
Submit to the dictum of Lord with grace
Who’s but the Lord of the worlds in plan
072 And affirm the regular Prayers with grace
And don’t dare to defy The Lord in place
Finally to Him you’ll be gathered in pace
073 Indeed, it’s He, the Reality in adore
Who’s Lord of the,
Heavens and the earth in score
The Day!
When He’d resolve it to “Be” and sure
Destiny in doom will be there in pace
For, His word is true in narrate
And He’ll hold all command in state
On the Day of Alarm!
When caution in alert will blare in swarm
He discerns all in the veer of core in lore
Besides that evinces lucid in score
He’s Sagacious and Discerning in adore

074 Recollect! When,

Abraham voiced to his Father in illusion
You take idols for gods in confusion
I perceive thy clan in a drift of delusion


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

075 To Abraham,
We evinced all the sweeps in sway
The rule in edit,
Of the heavens and earth in array
So he may assert to confirm
Then there to submit and affirm

076 When there’s night in surround

He beheld, the star in around
This could be my Lord in abound

But when it drifted to dip in daze

He trended to that in dazzle and amaze
I adore not that’s to swing in haze

077 When he perceived the moon in bloom

He said:
This could be my Lord in groom
But it also drifted to dip in sway
He turned to it, prone in pray
Lord is there to escort in delusion
I’ll be there swaying in confusion

078 When he saw the rising sun in glow

He clamored in assertion of flow

This could be my Lord so Great and Just

And when it set to the west at dusk

He turned to his men and clan in around

I’m free of all duos, (you adore) in surround

079 Lo! I’ve turned to Him and conform

Who created heavens and earth in term
I’m not of the cynics here in concern
080 His clan turned to him in dispute
He said:
You differ me for The Lord in impute
And trend to Him as a foe in confute


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

Who guided me so elegant in grace

A word of truth in verity to brace
I cower not the lords (you adore) in stance
Lord wills me to do, the same in pace
My Lord, Who,
Commands all learning and lore in glance
Why don’t,
You’ve the sense of sagacity in place
081 Why should I fear your gods in place
Other than Bountiful Lord in Grace
When you dread not Allah in stance
And instead you adore idols in trance
For what,
You don’t a word from the Lord in pace
(From the bounty of Lord in assertion)
Now which of the two, is really true
Justify, if you’ve a sense to pursue

082 Those, who trust the dictum of faith

And don’t,
Trend to torment while staying in faith

For them is assuage and appease in way

For they’re rightly conducted in sway

083 We evinced Our signs to Abraham in span

To reason with clan in plan

We endow,
Sense and sagacity to one We adore
Lord is Perceptive with Prudence in Lore

084 And We favored Him* with posterity in lore

Like of Isaac and Jacob (favored) in adore
Each was conducted with sapience in core
So We favored Noah to steer in stray
And also David and Solomon and Joseph in way


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

Besides Moses and Aaron in array

We endow to escort Our virtuous in sway

085 And Zachariah, John ,Jesus and Elias

They were all conducted in just
Each were devoted to Lord in trust

086 And Ishmael, Elisha, Jonah and Lot in stride

We preferred them,
Over and above all men and clan in abide
087 We favored,
Some with sense of sapience in lore
Their ancestry, progeny and kin in adore
They’re all guided and preferred in score

088 Such is guidance from Lord to allure

For if He inclines to escort (some) in lore
But, if they incline,
To duo in lore, other than Lord in adore
All their doings will doom and decay in score
089 These were,
The clan endowed with the Book
Besides a course of conduct for a look

And Our,
Missive and messengers were them to aside
But if they ever drifted in stride
It matters a little in abide,

We’ll apprise the discipline of faith
Some of the other clan in place
Who wouldn’t be defying Our Word in Grace

090 They in reality are guided by Lord in stance

So pursue their conduct of course in glance


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

O Muhammad!
Tell to the men and clan in around
I’m not asking for a pittance in pace
It’s but a caution and counsel to brace
For all the men and clan in surround

091 They‘d never discern a bit in trace

Bounty of Allah affirmed in Grace
As was determined in pace them to brace

When they voice in plan

There’s no Divination to the man
Ask them!
Who endowed the Book, Moses in span
A glow in guide, a discipline for clan

You put some of the scroll to display

But you hide quite a bit in play
For no rhyme and reason in stay
You’re escorted with sense of sagacity in lore
For what you didn’t have a mean to secure
Nor your fathers had a know in core
Say: Lord had all the divination in lore
Then let,
Them swing and sway in dubious concern in score

092 That’s Glorious Scripture* in grace

What We revealed, Superb to brace
Affirming the Books before in stance

That you council and caution men and clan

All in hither (Makkah) and around in span
Who trust in faith and the Hereafter in plan

Also the Book* We revealed to discern

They affirm their prayers in regular concern
093 Who else could be more defiant in stay
Who, conjures up lie, for Lord in sway


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

Or say:
To me is revealed word from The Lord
Even though there’s no revelation in accord

And there’s some, who asserts in concern

That he’ll reveal like of the Lord in glance
If you’d* ever have a glimpse in stance
When they’ll,
Close to doom of death in trance

Angels stretch their hands in dash

And ask in stern command in smash

Deliver up soul O you man in conceit

Now you’re destined to depravity in treat
For what you asserted for Lord in impeach
And you defied His Divulgence in deceit
094 Now you’ve come (to Us) all alone in stance
As We created you at the first in stance

And you’ve deserted back in trail

What We endowed you thither in vale
And you don’t have counsel in appeal

Whom you trusted as an associate in trend

Who* helped you besides Your Lord in amends
Now all* your,
Ways and means* of contacts dwindled in waste
That you presumed and trusted in pace
*The idols you assumed aren’t around to assuage in trace
095 Indeed!
Lord is to split the pit in grain
Corn and date-stone blooming to sustain

He endows in life after a death in demise

And trends to death after living in premise

Such is your Lord in array

How’d you ever drift and delude in sway


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

096 He shows up dawn from the dusk in morn

And night to repose and assuage in norm
And the sun and moon held to adorn
For your count in calculation in prone
That’s the measure of Lord in score
Who’s Exalted in Mighty with Sapience in Lore

097 And He’s (adorn the sky with) stars in glow

That’s to conduct you a course in flow

In the pith of darkness in trail

If in the land or in the sea in sail
Elaborated Our signs for men and clan
Determines to discern in due care and plan

098 He’s Lord!

Who created you first in stance
From a single soul* affirmed in glance

Got you resides, a refuge in abide

We showed Our Signs to men and clan
Who decides to discern in due care and plan
*Mitochondrial Eve (Page : 621)
099 Lord endows
Shower of rain from the sky in abundance
Grows vegetables with buds in emergence

We plan in device luxuriant farms in span

So there are grains set in layers

From the tender tip of date palm in slip

There the pollen sprout in dip

Lustrous clump and cluster hang in pairs

There’re gardens of grapes and olive so fair


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

Pomegranate alike and diverse sets in abound

Turn your glance on the fruit in around
When all get to ripe in surround

There are Our Signs for all men and clan
Who decide to discern in due care and plan

100 Still they assign duo unto Lord

That’s indeed His creation in assort

And they ascribe in deceit

Sons and daughters (to Him) in conceit

Glorified is Lord, Exalted and Prime

Of all you assign and His trends in design

The Conforming Creator in Care and command
Of the earth and heavenly design in demand
How’d He conceive to have scion in stance

For there’s no spouse for Him in aside

But instead He’s created all in beside
He concerns and discerns around in abide

102 Here is Your Allah!

That’s your Mighty Lord in sway
There’s no Lord, save Him in array

Who’s created all in surround

So incline to beseech (Him) in prone
He discerns and concerns all in adorn


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

103 You cannot discern His Magnanimity in pace

But He apprehends a trivia in trace
Lord discerns and concerns all around in place

104 You’re endowed with lucid sapience in lore

There’re clear signs from Lord to concern

Who discerns and concerns with reason in core

He cherishes the bliss of drill in adore

One who’s blind in lore to discern*

Torment in torture for him to endure
I’m not a guard for your doings in soar
*cannot really understand
105 So We evince Our Verses in narrate
And also the men around in place

Assert and affirm to relate

That you’ve read from some in pace

So We reveal to the men and clan

Who’ve sense of sapience in plan

106 (O Muhammad!)
Follow as the dictum of dictate in trace
As it’s revealed from your Lord to brace
There’s no lord but Him (hither) in Grace
And don’t you care for cynics in place

107 If Lord would’ve desired in plan

There wouldn’t be cynics in span

You aren’t,
To concern their done and doings in stance
Nor you’re a guard,
To guarantee their means and manners in trance


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

108 Don’t you abuse in stance

Duo for Lord they adore in trance
(To whom they* entreat other than Lord in beseech)

Lest they asperse your Lord in conceit

Beyond their means and manners in deceit

For all men and clan around in trance
Charmed their deeds captivating in glance

For their ultimate return is for Lord in pace

He’ll apprise of their done and doings in trace
109 They vehemently,
Vow and avow for Lord in stride
For if there’s sign from Lord to aside
We’d indeed trust and believe all in abide

All Signs are with Lord to display
Even if such like signs revealed in sway
They wouldn’t incline in faith to obey

110 We baffle their veer of core in plight

And also their vision to discern in sight

As they defied the dictum of faith

With all signs they’ll baffle in daze
We’ll let,
Them drift in their arrogant haze


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

111 Even though We’d assign angels in span

And let the dead speak to the clan*

And could assume all effects in display

Even so,
They would’ve declined to obey

Unless Lord had a choice like in pro

But still quite a few are oblivious in ado
112 So We assigned a con* for all prophets in trail
Devil* among the men and jinni in vale

Who so urge to conduct in deceit

With deception and duplicity to allure in cheat

If Lord so desired in plan

They’d have chosen for them in stance
They wouldn’t trend to do such in span

So leave and let them alone in sway

Devising evil ways in stay
113 We let them stagger for a while in stray
For they incline to the men in fray

Who deny and defy dictum of Lord to obey

Also defying the Hereafter in stay

And comply the lusty lures in pace

And stick to their yearning traps in place
114 Shall I search,
For other than Lord to resolve*
He’s revealed The Book so concerning
Full of sense of sapience so discerning
Those, who’d the Book before in stance
Determine it for sure in glance
*The settle the disputes


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

Qur’an is from Thy Lord in adore

So don’t be dubious or spin in lore

115 Favored is the,

Pledge of Lord, that’s the truth in just
No coil or curl to His Words in trust
He Discerns all you concern in plan

116 If you heed to the men and clan

They’d drift far and away for Lord in span
They pursue the illusion in delusion
As they,
Conjure and allure dubious in confusion

117 Indeed!
Thy Lord perceives all the devious in stray
And concerns the men, obeying dictum in pray

118 Eat of the sacrificed on the name of Lord

If you trust to comply the Dictum of Lord

119 Why shouldn’t,

You eat of the product in produce
Where the Name of Lord is adduced

The Lord has evinced all* prohibited in span
What to eat and what not to eat in plan
But when you’re really compelled in stance

It’s lawful to eat of the prohibited in pace

That’s under the real duress in place
But Lo!
Quite a few dissuade in trance
Things that are unlawful to eat


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

Men in around
For their own lust in absurdity* in abound
Your Lord discerns evil perky in surround
*having little knowledge

120 Elude your open and hidden ills* in wills

Who trends to evil whims in norm
He’s to reap worst of award in swarm
121 And don’t you eat of the slaughter in pace
Where Name of Lord isn’t asserted in place

For surely it’s aversion in haze

Devils instigate a doubt in refute
Whoso* abides his discipline in confute

So they* may trend to you** in clash

But if you abide their whim in stash
You’ll be of the heathens in abash
*friends of Satan or Devil
**men of faith
122 Can you really concern to discern
The man endowed life, after death in doom
Then We blessed him with a light* in bloom

He was assigned to escort the men and clan

Mislead in the discipline of faith in plan
How’d he be equal to the man in span

Dazed and amazed baffled in haze

Wherefrom he cannot discern in gaze
For cynics,
Their whims in norm are enchanting in pace
* Knowledge: blessed
with vision to escort
123 In all towns, abodes and around
Some, We assigned evil* in surround
They plan and plot their depravity in pace
What they concoct to conceit in place
*Following Devil


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

Their craze in conceit is for them in deceit

But they really don’t discern in treat

124 And when,

There’s a Verse from Lord in reveal
They assert to affirm in appeal

We’re not going to trust in stance

Till we’re apprised for such in glance
As it’s endowed,
To the prophets of Lord in pace
Lord discerns in concern

Whom to apprise His Words* to convey

Disgrace of The Lord and castigation in play
Will smack convicts for destitution in stray
*Discipline of Faith
125 Lord when determines for some to escort
He cleanse the debris of his core in part

Then the veer of his core discerns in stance

Dictum of faith glowing in glance
Lord, destines for some to a stray
He (Lord) confines his veer of core to obey

The man perceives a squeeze in his chest in stride*

So there’s polluted profane way for him in stance
From the Bounty of Lord in glance
Those, who don’t trend to faith in trance
*as an ascent: It most scientifically explains the physical
experience of the body at high altitude during ascent

126 That’s the,

Dictum in dictate of The Lord to aside
That’s indeed the certainty in abide
We detail Our divulgence in lore
For the men and clan discerning in core


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

127 For them,

To reside with Lord in peace
Who’s A Benefactor in deeds and proceeds

128 On the Day in Demand,

We’ll gather all (men and jinni) in stance
And ask the Jinni around in glance

You gained a lot in pace

Beguiling many a men in place
Followers among the men in surround
They’ll assert to affirm in abound

O Lord, indeed!
We cherished boons of awards
Mutually adoring in part
Now it’s the destined term (for us) in reward

Lord will assert to assure

Den of pyre is for you to endure
There to abide and reside in place
But for them,
Whom Lord condones to affirm in grace
Indeed! ,
Lord has sense of sapience in lore
129 So We let callous be an ally in stay
For what they concluded to earn in fray

130 Then Lord,

Would ask to jinni and men in place
Didn’t you get messengers in pace
Who recounted unto you My Verses in stance
And admonished you of the Day in Command*
*Dooms Day


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

They’ll assert to affirm for sure

The charm in vale beguiled (us)in trail
They avow to affirm for them in scale
We’re of the cynics in score
131 Lord asserts to affirm in stance
That He’s not to kick or kill in glance
The city and abode with men and clan
Oblivious of their done and doings in span
132 There’s term in grade for all men to aside
For Lord,
Discerns their done and doings in stride
133 Your Lord is Perfect and Pitying in plan
If He intends to brace other clan in span
He’ll evict you from the place in trace
And bring men and clan to follow in pace
As He caused in creation you to grow
As a posterity of some others in flow
134 Surely Lord‘s promise is destined to affirm
From where there’s no escape to return
And you don’t have the dexterity to elude in term
135 Say: (O Muhammad!)
O you men and clan in abide
Trend to your doings in stride

To the best of skill in abide

I’m also striving at my own to aside

And eventually you’ll come to discern

Who’s to cherish a bliss in term
The evils wouldn’t be winning in return

136 Cynics assert:

The crops and cattle created in design
Partly created by The Lord in pace
And partly contrived by our duo in place


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

And a part they deem to assign for Lord

And part they ascribe to the duo for Lord

For what they ascribe to the duo in pace

That doesn’t reach for Lord in place

But what they portion for the Lord to aside

That goes for their duo in deride
That’s all because they’re
Depraved in precept, defied in concept

137 It looks and sounds so charming in trance

The so called duo of Allah persuaded cynics in stance
Killing of their children enticing to glance
So they trend to ruin and obscure in faith
And jumble and clutter their notion in norm*
Had it been the will of Lord
They wouldn’t have drifted in accord
So desert,
Them in their ways and means in assort
138 They assert to affirm in premise
Cattle and crops banned for all in aside

None is allowed to taste or eat in beside

Unless we assert to affirm in device

There’re some cattle in surround

That are prohibited to carry on back

There’re some else in stack

Cattle over which in aback

They mention not the name of Lord

All that’s fib and fabrication (against Lord) in plan
He’ll pay in the coins they devise in span


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

139 And they say:

That’s in the belly (of cattle) in conceal
It’s only for our male members in meals
And not for the women in around

But if it’s dead at the time of birth

Both* can cherish the meals in mirth

Lord to merit their concoct in lust

And put them to task for their way in trust
Lord is Sagacious in Sapience with just
*men and women

140 Indeed!
They’re in ruination in toll
For they killed their kids in all

And they prohibited some to eat

That’s allowed by The Lord in treat

They’re fabricating fib in conceit

They’re indeed dissuaded in deceit
They wouldn’t be escorted in pace

141 Lord created the gardens in stance

The trellised and un-trellised in glance

(There are thicket winery in bloom)

Date palm and crops deviant in groom

Olive and pomegranate like and unlike in taste

You relish them to eat
When they ripen (as a fruit) in treat


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

And pay a due share for Lord in plow

And don’t be lavishly tread in endow
For Lord,
Cherishes not the prodigals in glow

142 And of the cattle He endowed in stance

Some sustain burden to assuage in pace
And some for your eats in meat
Some for your spread in seats
Savor of that Lord endowed in grace
And follow not the trends of Devil in plight
For he’s your enemy determined in slight

143 Of the cattle,

These are eight pair in all
Two of the sheep,
And two of the goat in call
Say (O Muhammad)
Which of the two Lord prohibited in stance
Whether of the male or of feminine in glance
Or that’s in the belly of sheep and goat in place
Tell me the truth,
If you really hold the tally in pace
144 And lord created,
The pair of camel and the oxen in trail
Then ask them, if Lord prohibited in pace
Male or feminine of the two* to avail
That’s in their belly for a term in place
Or if you’re ordained by The Lord
For that to be prohibited in plan
Then who does more evil in stance
Who concoct telling a lie in trance
For Lord!
Dissuading the men and clan
Without any learning and lore in stay
Lo! Lord doesn’t escort in pace
Men of evil** concern in trace
*camel and oxen ** cynics


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

145 Say, (O Muhammad!)

I don’ find a word in concern
What to me is revealed to discern

That’s forbidden for some you to eat

But for carrion and blood gushing in speed

Swine flesh that’s fetid and aversion in taste

Or sacrifice made to the name in haste
Other than the name of Lord is waste

But when so constrained of urgency in term

But not out of lust or infraction in concern
Lord is all Kind and Compassionate to discern

146 To Jews We forbade all cattle and proceeds

With claws,
And also the fat of the cow and the goat
Except fat of the back, gut and bone in float
That’s for their trends in revolt
It’s indeed all true from Us to concede

147 (O Muhammad!)
If they still defy then assert in way
Your Lord is Most Bounteous and Merciful in stay

But you cannot elude His wrath for clan

Who dare to defy in plan

148 The cynics would then incline it to say

If Lord so determined for us to obey

We wouldn’t have duo for Him in pray

Not even,
Our forefathers (would’ve) defied in stay


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

Nor we’d have,

Prohibited something of the good
So were the clan thither in fore
Who defied the dictum in lore
Till there’s agony close and aside
From your Lord in score
Have you a dictum of lore in adore
That you can adduce for certainty in score
Lo! It’s just an assumption in lore
149 Tell them:
Final verdict is with Lord to affirm
For if He determines for some in concern
He could’ve guided (you all) in a swing of turn
150 Say!
Get your affirmation to assert in stance
What Lord prohibited in glance
(They ignore to flout)
And they so aver to affirm
Don’t you avow to assert (with them) in turn
Don’t have a way (with them) in concern

Who’re determined,
To defy Our Verses to discern

For they deny all Our signs in Glow

For they trust not the Hereafter in flow
And trend to duo other than Lord in glow

151 Say, I’ll recite:

That Lord has prohibited for you to eat
And don’t you’ve a duo with Him to beseech
Be kind to your parents ever in treat

Don’t kill your kids in destitution

For We provide you all in restitution


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

Don’t you spin to sensuality in pace

Even it’s open or concealed in place
And don’t kill a man in abide
For it’s prohibited in stride

Lord has ordained a discipline in norm

That you may comply discerning in norm
152 Don’t you,
Grab riches of orphans in pace
But for just
That’s fair for his future in trust

Till they reach an age in prime

Return all their effects in sublime

Have the measures, in full in trace

And We,
Don’t take to task a man in place
Beyond his means and measures in pace

And you’re passing a word in abide

It must be a word of trust to aside

Even so he’s your kin so close

And abide your pledge with Lord in part
What He determined for you to impart
So you may conform His dictum to obey
153 That’s My,
Discipline of Faith for you to aside
Don’t be dissuaded in deviant ways in stride

As you diverge from His dictum in norm

You’ll be put to obnoxious notions in form

That’s the Dictum of Lord to obey

That you to affirm real trust in stay

154 To Moses, We apprised,

The Book as Our Bounty in concern
Elucidating all the likely lore to discern


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

A guidance in glow a compassion in endow
So that the men should affirm in faith
Meeting with their Lord (Hereafter) in grace

155 This too is a Scripture* Glorious in Glance

That We divulged to you in stance

That you must assert to comply in pace

So you may cherish Our mercy to brace
156 You cannot assert to say in trance
That the Book was revealed
To the two of groups before this stance
We in reality were ignorant to perceive
The text in narrate for us to conceive

157 Could possibly you trend in concern

And say:
If the Scripture was revealed to us in stance
We’d have been of the better lot in glance

Now indeed!
There’s clear Word from your Lord in pace
A way to escort, compassion in grace
Who’d be callous in way to concern
Defying the Word* of Lord to discern

And drift in stray from Word in pace

To them We inflict depravity in place
For their disgust and revulsion in core
158 Do they wait for angels to come and affirm
Or Lord for Himself to evince in concern
Or some signs of The Lord are put to discern
But the Day, such signs are affirmed in term


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

Belief in faith wouldn’t come to avail
For what,
In before, they didn’t trust in faith
Nor in faith they cherished in trace

Say (O Muhammad!)
Tell them to tarry hither in abide
Indeed! We too wait hence in stride

159 And those, who severe their faith in bits

And they turned to many groups in splits

You’ve to care for them in concern

Their case is with Lord to discern
Asserts for their deeds and doing in stray

160 Whoso adore descent deeds in lore

Him to secure, times ten in score

And some,
Indulging in evil deeds in proceeds
They’ll be conferred equal in receive
They wouldn’t be wronged, fairly indeed

161 Say: for sure,

Lord has escorted (me) fair course in conduct
That’s the truth in faith (and religion) in instruct

Progeny of Abraham affirmed in stance

He’s not of the disbelievers in precept
But a man of just and pure in concept

162 Say: All my pray is with Him in plead

And my offerings and my term in treat


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

Besides my life in stance

Also the doom of death in glance

All is with my Lord to aside in pace

Who’s but the Lord of the Worlds in place

163 He has no duo in stay

That’s Him, I’m determined to obey
And the first to be the Muslim in pray

164 Say:
Shall I trend to other than Lord in ado
Who’s the Lord of all the worlds in glow
All men to secure their merit in flow

Nor does one with a pack on the back

Can bear the weight of one else in aback

And your ultimate return is to Lord for sure

And He’ll expound all your conflicts in score

165 Lord the One,

Who appointed (you) in stance
As His assistant on the earth in array
And exalted a few of the clan in sway

So He may call you to test in abide

For all His endowments here to aside

Your Lord is prompt in pursuance in pace
And indeed!
He is Noble and Kind in confluence to brace

007-AL- A’RÂF

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

007-AL A'RÂF
In the name of Lord, the Most Beneficent, Most Merciful

001 Alif. Lam Mim. Sad.

002 This the Scripture unto you We reveal

So there,
Be no scruple in your core to conceal

That’s to admonish cynics in lore

And word of advice for the men in faith

003 Apprising the clan near and surround

Follow that’s revealed from Lord in abound

Don’t beg to entreat some else in abide

For Lord is The only Ally in stride
But you don’t care a bit in advice

004 Many a locale we dashed in smash

There’s a panic all of a sudden in dash

Doom clamored by the midst of night

Or by the noon (while asleep) in slight

005 They’d not appeal in stance

When they’re struck with panic in trance

But they asserted to affirm in relate

That we’re indeed the ruthless in state

006 Then We’ll ask all men and clan

Who’d Our messengers in plan
We’ll also ask,
The messengers assigned in span
007-AL- A’RÂF

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

007 Then,
We’ll turn to their deeds and doing in detail
For We’re witness to all their conduct in trail
008 The justice will then come so precise
For the men,
With an adorable stay in abide
They’ll cherish a bountiful award in stride
009 And the men with scale lighter in place
Them to brace a real loss in trace
For they didn’t trend in faith to brace
And ruthlessly defied Our Verses in pace
010 And We bestowed you all the skill and command
O men and clan (in this vale) hither in around
And bestowed you subsistence all in surround
But you don’t abide gratitude in glance
011 We,
Created and shaped (you) fair in glance
And called the angels to entreat in adorn
Before Adam, (In obedience of command)
All beseeched in prone in stance
But for Satan, who defied to obey
For he’s the only denying in stay

012 When We asked Satan to sate:

Why you defied Our Word in command

Devil then turned to narrate

I’m of the better lot in stance

You created me from the Fire in gust

And to him from dirt and dust*
*Tēēn: permutation of fertilized ovum

013 We then commanded to him so strong

Turn you down from the heavens in glance

007-AL- A’RÂF

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

For you’re,
Not supposed to preferred in pride
So get you down from here in slight

Indeed! You’re of the clan in place

Determined to face misery in pace

014 He said: Relieve me for a term in span

Till you raise (back) all the folk in plan

015 So, We affirmed (him)* a term in respite

016 He then turned to Lord and begged in plight
As You’ve doomed me to drift in disgust
I’ll slink and snare Your clan in trust*
*men in faith
017 And I’ll tend to them to betray
And entice them to evil ills in stray
You’ll* have,
But quite a few in faith to obey
*Allah Almighty
018 Lord so commanded (to him) in trail
You’re depraved and estranged in scale

And those,
Who follow your whim in norm
Then I’ll, (with you) in swarm
Put to the burn of blaze in alarm

019 And then Lord commanded Adam in pace

Abide in heavens with your spouse in brace
Eat of all the fruit a festivity in grace

But trend not to this tree in strange

Lest you be of the unjust in place

020 Satan then hissed to them, to entice

007-AL- A’RÂF

To manifest their place in spite* *Genitalia

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

007-AL- A’RÂF

And said:
Lord did deter you from this tree in plan
That you may not be dignified angels in clan
Or be of the folk not to die in span

021 Satan avowed and affirmed

Lo! I’m of the truthful friend in treat

022 So he trended them, to drift in deceit

And when they savored the tree in conceit

Their turn in spite* evinced in pace

And they turned to hide their part in place*

With leaves of the garden in score

Lord apprised them of all term in adore

Didn’t I tell: Not to trend to aside

This tree while you (appease) here in reside
Satan is definite enemy for you in stride
*sensual organs

023 They turned to Lord in regret and remorse

If You wouldn’t forgive in course

For a while in decide

We’ll be damned for ever in deride

024 Lord thus commanded to them in stance

Get you down for a term in plan

There to reside and relish living in trance

And you’ll be,
The enemy mid each in span

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025 Lord so affirmed:

There you’re destined to reside and die in pace
From where you’ll be revived back in place

026 O progeny of Adam!

We bestowed,
You clothing to cover in adore
To hide your genitals in score

Clothing to elude your evil in ills

To incline,
You to the dictum of Lord in lore
That’s the notion of Lord in will
So the men,
Can have the advice to secure

027 O progeny of Adam (in drift and split)

Don’t let Satan beguile (you) to drift

As he dissuaded your parents in thrift

And in probity tore their lapel in swift

Satan deceives (you) with his clan in span
Wherefrom you cannot discern in plan
We’ve assigned devils to care and protect
Men, who defy in faith and assert to deflect

028 And they’re charmed with lust in core

They say:
We found our fathers like in adore
(Like of the trends they’re bewitched in score)

Lord deluded us to sensuality in lure

Say: (O Muhammad!)
How’d Lord delude for sensuality in lore

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Why you apprise for Lord in concern

For such a slip in trance
For what you don’t have a word to affirm

029 Say:
My Lord ordains, His Dictum to obey
And trend your faces to Him in pray

And beg to beseech (Him) refined in pace

Determined in faith so acclaimed in Grace

As He created you for here in term

He’s to revive you Hereafter in return

030 A set of tribe is held in verity of lore

While other is left to err in deplore
For they turned to Satan in adore

As an ally to allure
Other than Lord in lore

And even so they deem to discern

They’re aptly and justly conducted in term

031 O progeny of Adam!

You’d been decently looking in stay
When you’re entreating your Lord in pray

At all the places of entreat in glance

Eat and drink but not in profuse
Lord declines the wastrel in refuse

032 Say;
Who’s prohibited embellishments in adore
When Lord permits for His men to allure
And ban not in trends of what He endowed

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Who’d prohibited the lawful edibles in pace

All these bestowal are for the men in faith
For here in vale and Hereafter to brace

So in detail We reveal Our Verses in narrate

For the men of sapience affirming in faith

033 Say:
My Lord forbids obscenity in pace
If it’s open or hidden in place

(Err and vice, illicit coercion in trace)

Also defying the justice in grace

He’s forbidden abiding duo (for Him) in adore

For what there’s no justification in lore
And also telling of the things,
What you really don’t perceive in score

034 All nations have a term in abide

And when there’s time in stride

They cannot defer a bit in away

Or get it closer a bit in play

035 O progeny of Adam!

If there’s messenger of you in trail
Who reveals My signs in vale
Then whoso abstain from evil in dale

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And mend their deeds and doings in pace

There’s no dread and dismay (for them) in trace
Nor they’d ever sadden and suffer in place

036 But those, who trend to dare and deny

Our Verses and despise in deride
They’re destined to burn of pyre to aside

037 Who’d be wrong in his way to affirm

Fabricating fib for Lord in concern

And denying His Verses to obey

When Our angels turn to squeeze in souls

They* ask them to explain:

Where are your gods you cherished to obey
Other than Munificent Lord in pray

They say: There’s none in around

And so they avow against them in abound
That we’re of the defying folk in surround
038 Lord would then ordain in pace
O you men and jinni, who’re here in before
All, who denied the discipline* in lore

Enter you the Hell instantly in way

Each time,
When a clan enters Hell in span
Will hex and scold his fellow fore goner in plan

Till they get together and stay

The last one coming thither in pace
* faith

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Beg to beseech Lord in pray

They’re the one, who confused (us) in daze
So inflict them twice of burn in blaze

It’ll be said:
Each one to cherish twice of the torture in blaze
But they really don’t concern in daze

039 And the first of clan turn to the next of clan

You secured a preferred term (over us) in plan

So why to endure a bit in low in stress*

Torment of torture here in distress*

So taste the burn of doom in blaze

As you cherished to merit in daze
*Burn of blaze in Hell
040 Surely!
Who denied and defied Our Signs* in grace
They’ll be denied to Heavens in pace

Nor they’d enter the Garden in gleam

Till the moment, so remote in dream

When the camel could tread though a beam

Size of the eye of a needle in extreme

That’s the award in return,

We endow to the defiant in stern
041 They’ll abide Hell pyre all in around
Below and beside and all in surround
So We award all the cynics in abound

042 But for them, who affirm to conform

Discipline of faith in deeds and doings in turn

We try not a man in score

Past his means and measures to endure

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Merit to cherish the gardens in pleasure
Where to reside for ever in leisure

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043 We’ll depose all their grudge in spite

Them to savor in resides
Where streams swing in swift

And they assert to affirm praises in adore

For the,
Bounty of Lord, Who endowed in score

The Gardens of Bliss to reside

For else, we’re dissuaded in stride
If He wouldn’t have escorted in abide

Indeed the messengers,

(Of Lord) conveyed a word in reality
Then there’ll be a call in actuality

These are the gardens for you to reside

For your done and doings adorned in abide

044 Men of the Gardens shout in aloud

To the men of the Hell, once so proud

Hey: We affirm in term

For Our Lord pledged in return

Do you have a like, term in concern

Then they’d affirm to conform

Then there’ll be whoop in swat

The curse of Lord for the base in smack

045 Those, who abstained the men in abide

Obeying the Dictum of Lord in stride

Who inclined to twist in way

And had denied the Hereafter in stay

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046 There’s veil mid them in sway

And there’ll be men at the top in stay

Who’d spot the men in surround

By their rank and list in around

And say to the men of the Garden in grace

Peace be upon you in all trust to aside

Wouldn’t be yet to the Gardens in pace
They’ll still be aspiring way* to reside
*Gardens of Bliss
047 And when they’ll look at the men in Fire
They’ll say: O Lord!
Save us the burn like the cynics in Pyre

048 Then the,

Men on the Top call to some in know*
Your pride in possessions eased in ado
(For your term in blight hither in blow)
* Whom they could recognize by certain features

049 Didn’t you concern of them in stance

For whom you* used,
To avow with contemptuous wink in glance

Lord wouldn’t ease to assuage them in pace

And wouldn’t let them to the Gardens in bliss

They’ll be ordained (by Lord) to brace

Bliss of Gardens abounding in grace
With no anguish and alarm close and aside

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050 And those abiding burn of pyre in pace

Cry out to those residing Meads* in place
*gardens of Bliss in the Heavens

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Wouldn’t you,
Send us scant of water and proviso in hither
For what Lord endowed you a bliss in thither
And by Lord,
That’s denied to the cynics in slither

051 They’d their faith as a frolic and fun

Seduced by the lust and gust of vale in earn

So We ignore them, as they slighted in stance

Our Day in Demand affirmed in glance
And denied Our Verses to concern in trance

052 Indeed!
We bestowed them the Scripture to aside
Elucidating sapience of lore in stride

A dictum to escort with compassion in pace
For the men of faith asserting with grace

053 Nay!
Do they wait for the final term to confront
For what they’re apprised in pace

The Day so determined comes to conform
Those dreamy, who defied, will beg in place

The messengers of Lord were true in concern

For if there’s a counsel to mediate in term

Or if we’d only return for a term in vale

And accomplish better of the deeds in trail

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Their soul is doomed and depraved in scale

And what they cared to concern failed to avail

054 Indeed!
Your Lord is Allah, The One in Prime
Who created heavens and earth in sublime
In days (eons) six in time
Then raised to a Throne in Divine

He covers night with day in pace

And each follow in haste other in place

And have sun and moon with stars in sway

All abide His Dictum of dictate in array
All ardor and adore ‘Him’ in pray

Beware in stance,
He commands in creation with insinuation
With demand in decision with perpetuation
He’s Allah,
The Lord of the Worlds in glance

055 O you the men and clan

Beseech your Lord humble in core
For He doesn’t adore rapist in score

056 Don’t turn to mangle and muzzle in vale

After the Word of Truth has come to avail
Trend to the mercy of Lord in trail

With dread and fear with hope in trust

Clemency of Lord is so close and abreast
057 He conveys breeze in hymn
A favor in sublime
Bearing the clouds of rain in sway
With sprinkle that swash in spray

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We enliven dead and desolate land in dash

With sprinkle of shower in splash

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And bring out fruit,

Many a kind and class

We bring the dead in premise

Back to the life in precise
Perhaps you,
May secure a word in advice

058 The soil in fertile,

Secure fruit in profusion
Dead and desolate land in illusion
Yields not, but waste in delusion

So We recount Our notions in prime

That the men,
Of sapience affirm in sublime

059 We sent Noah to his men and clan

He turned to clan and affirmed in plan

Beg and beseech Lord in pray

For there’s none to obey
Other than Him in sway

I fear a torment for you to aside
(For your done and doings in deride)

060 A few of,

The chiefs of the men in abide
Turned to Noah:
We find you in clear dip in deride

061 He said:
O my men and clan in stay
I’m not for a wink in astray

But I’m messenger of Lord to obey

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Who’s Lord of all the spin in sway

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062 I pass you the message of Lord in score

And confer an advise for you to discern
I perceive from The Lord to concern
That you cannot discern in score

063 You wonder at the admonition in lore

For there’s,
A messenger from you to advise

He’s to admonish for the evil in stance

That you may elude ills of evil in trance
And secure the mercy of Lord in glance

064 But they denied and defied (him) to obey

So We saved him with his men in beside
Who affirmed dictum of Lord to aside

The torment and torture of them in stray
In a ship We took him far afar and away

And drowned the defying folk in surge

For Our Signs, they denied in urge
They’re blind in blink to comply

065 And to Aad!

We assigned their brother Hud to preach
He said: O my men and clan in abide
Beg and beseech Lord and be humble in treat
You’ve no Lord but Him to aside

Why don’t you fear Him all in stride

And trend not to the evil slips in deride

066 The men in command mid his clan

They’re of the cynics in stance

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We find you in inanity in glance
And discern, you’re fibber in plan

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067 He said:
O my men and clan in place
There’s no absurdity with me in trace

But, I’m the messenger of Lord in stay

And destined to Him in pray

068 I bid you the Word of Lord to aside

I’m just a counsel* for you in abide
*Well wisher
069 Are you dazed and amazed in stance
There’s a messenger mid you in glance
Who cautions in pace
For the ultimate trends in fate

How He settled you as leader in place
After the folk of Noah,
To rule in pace
And made you the burly race in turn
Recall the Bounties of Lord with grace
You to allure eventual triumph in return

070 They said:

Do you incline(for us) in advice
That we’d beseech to aside

The Only One Lord in Grace

Who’s all in Alone in pace
And drop the idols like lords in place

Whom, our fathers beseeched in prone

Then bring us the agony in boom
For what you threaten in doom
For if you’re really true in concern

071 He said:
Panic and rage of Lord is affirmed in trace

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You bicker and brawl for the names in pace

That you assign,
And as your fathers held in place

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For what,
There’s no assertion of Lord in stance
Then wait for critical while in trance
I too tarry in trail and wait to glance

072 And We,

Saved Hud with his men in clan
With Our ease of assuage in plan

And We hacked the defiant in pace

Who defied Our revelations in grace
And they’re the defiant clan in place

073 And to Thamud,

We assigned Salih to preach
Their close in kin was there to entreat
O my men and clan in treat!
Pray Your Lord and beg to beseech

There’s no God but Him in abide

Indeed there’s,
A clear sign from The Lord to aside
As that’s a she camel of Lord in beside

A miracle by way in stay

So let her eat the fodder and forage
And hurt her not for a wimp in rage
Lest a torture seize (you) by way in stay

074 And recall!

How He made you to command
After the clan of Aad in abide
And gifted you fine skill in trance

You build palaces on the ground in plains

And chop and shape mountains to reside
So recall the Bounty of Lord, you again

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And don’t trend to depravity in dale

(Not to hurt and harm some in trail)

075 The men in command,

Were sneering in stance
Said to the people, humble to glance
Whom they despised in trance

They’d* actually affirmed in faith

You trust!
That Salih is from Lord to preach
They affirmed for just in treat
(And so inclined to entreat)
*men of low caste, also looking humble

076 Those proud and despised turned to blame

We don’t affirm the trust in faith,
That you affirm to sustain

077 They crippled the camel in abide

And sneered covenant in deride

The dictum of Lord in pace

They jeered beside in place

And said: O Salih!

Bring us the doom you perceive in glance
If you’re the factual
Messenger of Lord in stance

078 Quake caught them in a shake of swarm

By morn,
They’re crushed and cracked in throng

079 And Salih,

Turned to them while leaving in abide
O my men and clan in stray

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I passed you the word of Lord to aside

But you didn’t trend to heed in stay

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080 Recall when Lot said to his men and clan

Will you consign to sensuality in plan
Of that there’s no citation in span

081 You entice,

For the male instead of women in sex
You’re the salacious and lewd in perplex

082 The people had no way in excuse

But they instead turned to refuse

Kick them* out of abide and reside

For they assert to be sinless in abide
*men in faith with Lot
083 And We saved him* with his kin in close
But for,
His wife, who stayed (back) in abode
*men in faith with Lot
084 There’s a rain of agony in alarm
With rocks in rage thronged in swarm
That’s how depravity got to conclude

085 And for Midian!

Shueyb, one of their kin in relate
Trended in preach, faith in state

O my men and clan

Trend to Lord and obey in plan

For there’s no Lord other than Him to pray

There’s clear premonition from Lord to obey

So have you the full weight in measure

And hurt and harm not to one in leisure

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And get not to trouble the men in abide

When, there’s dictum for you to aside

That’s for you to cherish bliss in sway

For if you abide faith in stay

086 Sneak not to torment a trekker in way

And dissuade not the men of faith in stay

And don’t hunt for,

The actuality (in faith) to change in deceit
Recall you’re just a few in count

How He multiplied you, then to surmount

And see absolute end of sinister in surround

087 If there are men and clan in faith to obey

But there are others, who drift in stray

Endure with fortitude to act

Till there’s a decision in fact

Between the two of clan in span

For The Lord,
Is the best to decide in plan

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088 The men and clan thither in command

Were jeering and sneering in trance
And they so tended in demand

You with your all clan in trust
We drive you out of abide in just
Unless you trend to affirm in concern
Our dictum of dictate of faith to affirm
He said:
Even so we disgust (your faith) in term

089 We should be contriving lie for Lord in stance

If ever we trended to your faith in trance
Even so Lord saved (us) in glance

It’s not for us to drift* in pace

Unless there’s dictum of Lord in place

Lord discerns and concerns all in array

We trust and confide Our Lord to obey

O Lord!
Affirm the verity in stance
Mid us and our men** in trance
For You’re the judge in all term in glance
*from the true faith
**between the men of faith and cynics
090 But the men and clan in pace
Who’re all cynics, turned to each in place
And said:
If you’re to comply Shueyb in stay
Indeed! You’re destined to doom in stay

091 There’s a quake there in storm

By dawn they’re all wrecked in swarm
All there homes and abides tethered in throng

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092 Those,
Denying (Shueyb) were extinct in abide

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As if they never dwelled in resides

And those,
Who denied* were the trash in stride
*(those denying Shueyb)
093 So he* left the locale in stride
Saying: O my men and clan in abide
I got you the word of Lord to aside
And wished you the best in escort
(Word of truth to trust in resort)
Then why should I be grieved in pace
When you’re going to be tormented in place
For the clan defying the Word in grace
094 We’d never sent a prophet in locale
We inflicted some ordeal in scale
So they be,
Humble and obeying in trail
095 Then We,
Changed their term in desertion
Till they’re affluent (in perversion)

And said in deride:

Such an affliction was there to aside
For our elders here in abide

Then We snared (them) in aback

When they couldn’t discern in attack
096 If the men and clan in that locale
Would’ve inclined to faith in trail
(And desisted depravity in drive)

We would’ve bestowed to them in grace

Blessings from the heavens and earth to brace
(But to all messengers of Lord in pace)

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They defied and denied the truth to brace

So We took them for their slip in stance
For they deserved torment in trance

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097 Do the clan in abide concern to aside

Our wrath in not to strike in beside
A torment in torture,

Fell by the night in sweep

While they’re deep in asleep

098 Or,
Do the clan in abide think in plan
Torment is not going to strike in span
During the day, while (they’re) in play

099 Do they assume to be safe in pace

From planning to Lord’s in place

Only the men, destined to doom in stance
Slight the planning of Lord in glance

100 Were they not escorted in span

From the men,
Assigned before these clan
Who’re assigned to rule in plan

Dominion of the earth in place

(But don’t heed in trace)

We’d have tormented (them) in stay

For their evil doings in stray

As We,
Seal their veer of core in adore
And so they don’t discern in lore

101 To you We narrate in plan

The fables in span,
Of the abides and resides of the men and clan

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For what the messengers affirmed in grace

Distinct drill in direction from Lord to brace

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But they’re determined to defy and deny

So Lord sealed their veer of core to comply

102 There were quite a few of clan

Not abiding the pledge in plan
Most (of them) were the cynics in span

103 Thereafter We sent Moses (affirmed) in plan

Our Signs to Pharaoh and his cream of clan

But they defied and denied (him)* each in stance

So look at the fate of miscreants in glance
104 Moses said: O Pharaoh!
I’m messenger of Lord of the Worlds in sway

105 I’ve to affirm, nothing but the truth in way

Discerning and concerning Lord in stance

I’ve distinct Signs from your Lord to glance

So let progeny of Israel in place

To go with me from here in pace

106 Pharaoh turned to Moses in concern

Bring me,
Symbol and sign from your Lord to affirm
If you voice just the truth to conform

107 Moses tossed his staff before all in place

It turned to a serpent distinct in pace

108 And he drew forth his hand in flow

All could perceive it distinct in glow

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109 Pharaoh's men in command in beside

Then asserted to voice in deride
This man indeed is a magician in stride

110 He’d expel you from your abides in resides

Now how’d you picture to plan in beside

111 Turning to Pharaoh as they devised a plan

Hold him,
With his brother for a while in span

And send men with citation in around

112 And call for magician all in surround

113 And eventually wizards were there in pace

Abiding the dictum of Pharaoh in place

They said:
If we’re the winners of this trial in clash
What’s going to be our prize in smash

114 You’ll be of my* very close associate in grace

* Pharaoh
115 They* Said to Moses in stance
Let you have the first try in glance
Or let us have our turn to play
116 He* Said:
Better if you first try in place
And as they threw their spell** in pace

That’s to cast a charm in stance

For all the men around to glance
Appalled and amazed and were dazed in trance
*Moses **As the ropes and sticks converted to snakes

117 And so,

We directed Moses to throw his wand
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It gulped* all of the show in band
*Wand of Moses converted to dragon

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118 Thus the,

Truth was acquitted and affirmed
All their done and doings dwindled in turn

119/ Thus they’re defeated and humiliated in reach

120 And wizards then turned to beg in entreat

121/ Affirming their discipline of faith to aside

122 Trended to Lord (of Moses and Aaron) in abide

123 Pharaoh turned to them in spite:

You trust and believe him*
Before I got you a leave in respite

You’ve definitely contrived a plot

To drive the people out in slot
But certainly you’ll discern in slight
124/ Indeed!
125 I’ll get your hands and feet cut in cross
On alternate sides swing in class

And crucify,
For which you betrayed
But they affirmed
For what they obeyed*
We’re destined to Our Lord in stay
126 You* retaliate for our trends in trust
As we believe token of Lord in just

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O Lord!
Endow us persistence with humility in stance
As we surrender to Thee in glance

127 The men and clan of Pharaoh in command

Then turned to Pharaoh in stance
How’d you let (Moses)* to go in away
They jeer and sneer you and your lords to obey

Pharaoh said:
We wouldn’t let their sons to survive
And let their feminine born to thrive
For we’ve sway over them in strike
*Moses with his clan
128 And Moses said to his men in place
Entreat your Lord and beg in assuage
For He’s the Lord of Earth in grace

He bestows estate to one He adores

Sway in adore is for the men in score
Who fear Him from the veer of core

129 Men of Moses then cried in ado

We’re tormented before you’re here in place
And even so after you’re here in pace

He said could be,

Lord intends to dash your foe in blow
And likes you to be the leader in glow

And intends to see your trends in glance

That you may be a better folk in stance

130 We put to a trial Pharaoh’s clan in place

Famish and paucity of product in pace
That they might incline faith to brace

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131 Whenever for the Pharaoh clan in dale

There’s fortune for them to avail

They yelled in applause

That’s what we deserved in class

But whenever there’s agony in alarm

They said in plan:
It’s because of Moses and besides his clan

Their term in torment was for Lord to decide
But quite a few didn’t discern to aside

132 And they said:

Whatever confirming signs you bring in pace
We’re not going to brace your faith

133 So We sent :
Flood, locust, vermin, frog and blood in vale
All notions to caution (them) there in trail

But they’re the really insolent in trance

Instead turned sarcastic quite a bit in glance
And were to blame for all their conceits in stance

134 When there’s panic in surround

Then they,
Implored to Moses: To entreat in abound

Beg and beseech your Lord to entreat

For He’s a promise with you in treat

If you trend to elude torment in screech

We’re certain to trust in beseech

And let the progeny of Israel go in glee

With all your folk, from here to flee

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135 But,
Whenever We eluded friction in strife
That they’re destined to hold in strike
They’re drifted to astray instant in play

136 So Our vengeance was for them to avail

And We swamped them in a surge of gale
The sea,
For they defied Our Signs to obey
And they’re of the careless clan in stay

137 And We endowed the Clan

Who’re deplored in behest
To sweep and secure the land
In the east and the west

And bestowed (them) Our gifts in grants

So vow in avow was affirmed in glance

The word of Lord

With the posterity of Israel in span
For they survived all bent and slants

And We ruined Pharaoh with his men and clan

For their done and doings dubious in plan

138 We escorted Posterity of Israel in way

And got them out of the sea in sway

Then they passed an abide in locale

Where they held a clan to prevail

Who revered the idols in pray

The men of Moses beseeched in stay
O Moses, contrive for us a god in span
Like of this (for us) to pray
He said:
You’re the clan not discerning in plan

007-AL- A’RÂF

139 For they’re fated to be destroyed in doom

For their doings are going to waste in soon

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140 He said:
Should I get you a god other than Lord
When He’s preferred you over all in accord

141 And recall the moment in stance

When We delivered you of torment in pace
Painful anguish of Pharaoh’s clan in place
Killing your sons not the daughters
That’s a terrific toll from Lord in glance

142 And when,

We apprised Moses for term in grace
Over (Toro) for nights thirty in place
And ten more to tarry in pace

So he secured forty nights in pray

As determined by his Lord to obey

Moses said to his brother

Have care of the clan till my return
Stay on determined discipline in term

And trend not means and manners in deride

When Moses came to the site so assigned
Settled for a council from Us in Prime

143 Then Lord,

Spoke (to him) directly so clear in norm
Moses begged and beseeched in calm
To Him so earnest and assured in sublime

O Lord!
Endow me Your Look to Glance
To cherish Thy Bounty here in trance

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Lord then responded in pace

You wouldn’t hold a bit in trance
To bear in Beside My Look in Glance
Now turn thy looks to hill in stance
For if it can sustain to stay in place
You’ll cherish My Glimpse in Grace

Then He divulged a Glance in Glow

It went smashing and dashing in blow
And Moses fell cold there in throw
And when he woke in locale
And said:
All Glory of The Lord to prevail
I trend to Thee O Lord, in concern
In penitence, I trust to affirm*
144 He Said: O Moses!
I’ve preferred you over all men and clan
With My Words and messengers in plan
And talking to you in care and concern
So you hold My Word to discern
And be of the grateful here in return

145 And We scribbled on caplets Words in lore

With all the trivialities of faith to allure
Lord affirmed:
Hold it fast to care in command
And advise your men and clan
To abide My discipline in plan
Soon I’ll evince the resides in abide
Not abiding the faith in stride

146 I’ll turn away the eyes of them in stray

From My revelations assigned to obey
They’re determined to boast in pride
Without any notion of plan in abide
Even if they’d a glimpse of Our signs in score
They’re not going to trust in lore

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Even so,
They’ve a glimpse of right course in conduct
They wouldn’t trend to faith in instruct

If they perceive dubious way in display

They’d surely trend to that in play

For they defy and deny Our Signs to obey

And don’t incline to discipline of faith in pray

147 Those,
Who deny Our Signs and The Day* in Trance
There done and doings are futile in stance

How’d they ever trend to deduce

Other than what they concern to educe
*Dooms Day
148 And the men and clan of Moses in vale
After he’d left (them) in trail

Chose to adore a calf (garnished saffron) in tint

That gave a mellowing whoop* in stint

Couldn’t they ever turn to discern

It couldn’t speak or guide in concern

For what they favored thither in term

They’re all erring in turn
*like a bull
149 And they dreaded the sequence in proceeds
And affirmed being adrift in deeds

They said:
If Lord isn’t going to absolve in affection
We’re decided to get defunct in dejection

150 And when Moses reverted to his men and clan

Furious and sore at their conduct in plan

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He said:
Evil is the course of conduct you held to aside
After I was gone from here in stride
Would you hasten for the just of Lord in pace

And Moses threw down caplets in place

And grabbed his brother with head in hold
Drawing him close towards (him) in roll

He Said: O son of my mother in abide

He then, said to him in response

People took me so weak in beside

And had almost killed (me) in stride

O Moses!
Don’t let my foe jubilate in deride
And don’t let me of the cruel in place

151 He said: O Lord!

Be congenial for me and my brother in grace
With Your compassion and mercy in pace

For you’re the Most Beneficent in stance

For, You’re the Most Bounteous in Glance

152 Indeed!
Those, who adored calf in beseech
Torment from Lord would trend in treat

Humiliation is destined for them to aside

So We torment and torture in stride
Who contrive and follow fib in abide

153 But those, who trend evil in stride

Thereafter repent to trust in abide
Lord is Forgiving and Kind in fact
If some atone in regrets

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154 When the passion of Moses softened so fair

He picked the caplets and turned his stare

And there’s a word to guide in plan

And mercy for the men and clan
Who dread in core (Lord) in span

155 Then Moses, selected seventy men of clan

Reach at a time to a spot in plan
Then there was shiver and shudder in aback

Moses said: My Lord!

If You’d desired in lore
You could’ve killed (them) hither in stack
Me with all the men in score

Will You kill us for the deeds in betray

Of the ignorant, who slighted in stay

This is but a turn in trial for us to aside

It’s You to escort in faith or desert to astray
You’re our Guardian in all trends in stride

So please condone our done and doings in slight

With compassion,
For You’re Most Bounteous in plight

156 And endow us Your gift and grants here in vale

And in Hereafter so perfect to avail
We beg to entreat Thee O Lord in scale

Lord Almighty asserted in term:

I castigate to whom I discern
My mercy is for clan, who care in concern

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Those, who dread Me in all term and span

Pay alms to the destitute in plan
And hold to the Signs* detailed in glance
157 And those who follow the prophet in plight
Who can neither read nor write in slight
His mention is there in stance
That they find in Torah and Gospel in glance

He ushers them for the truth in pace

And abstains from the ills of evil in place
He’ll advise,
Them to eat of the lawful in stance
And forbids for prohibited to glance
Relieves them of the burden in main
For what they’d sustained to remain

Then who trends to faith in abide

Also be source of respect and regard
With him*, for all term in assort

Follow the faith, a glow in gleam

Assigned (to him), as assertion in esteem
These are the men fortunate in extreme
158 (O Muhammad!)
Tell to the men in abide
That I’m prophet of Lord to aside

He’s Owner of all rule and command

Of the heavens and earth in demand

There’s no lord other than Him in premise

He’s to endow life and death in demise
So Have faith,
For The Mighty Lord in Grace
Besides the messenger of Lord in place

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The prophet,
Who cannot either read and write
Who trusts,
His Lord and His Words* in plight

So follow the prophet in all term to obey

That you may be rightly guided in stay
159 And of the men and clan of Moses in grace
There’s a band and body of clan
Who trends in truth and abides just in pace

160 And We,

Divided them into twelve bands of clan
And that We inspired Moses in span
To strike the rock in plan

When his clan begged him (water) to drink

Strike the rock with thy staff in smash
And there flowed twelve springs in splash
Each (tribe) to discern, where them to drink

And there We’d white cloud cover in shawl

Them to cherish manna and quails in call

Eat of that adorable in place

We bestowed them to relish in pace

But, indeed! They’re thankless of the folk

They didn’t do wrong to Us in talk
But to them in despicable walk

161 And recall when We said to ordain

Stay in abide, then eat to sustain

Say: Penitence and Penitence in entreat

While entering the gate prone in beseech

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

We’ll absolve all your sins in squeeze

We’ll grow your gifts and grants in treat
For all so abiding verity in proceeds

007-AL- A’RÂF

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162 But of their evil winks in stance

They changed,
The notion of the word in trance

Other than the word advised to narrate

So We determined a torment in fate
For them, who assigned to stress in state

163 Ask them of the city near the sea in locale

How they defied the Sabath* to aside

Verily big fish were clear on Sabath in surge

Day they defied the discipline of Lord in urge
The fish,
Didn’t show up for the other days in sea
But were,
Swimming over the surge (on Sabath day) to see
As We intended to try their conduct in stay
If they’re really going assert and obey
164 When a few of the men of clan
Asked (other clan in faith) in span

Why are you here (for them) to preach

When Lord,
Desires to perish (the clan) in impeach
They said:
That’s intended to assert for sure
Before Lord!
That we conveyed the message in faith
Perhaps they might avoid evil in place

165 When they trended to drift in away

As they slighted the discipline to obey

We saved the men with ease and appease

Who prevented the clan from an evil in squeeze

007-AL- A’RÂF

And caught them with a terror in ado

For they defied Our words in glow

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166 So they’re the conceited in pride

For what they inclined to aside
Determined not to trend in beside
We commanded to them in pace
Be you the apes despicable in place
167 And recall! When Lord affirmed in sway
That He’d assigned over (them) in array
Who’d torment them* over and around
Till the Day of Doom in surround
Lord is prompt to punish in plan
He is Noble and Kind in span
*posterity of Israel
168 We divided them for a term in treat
Distinct in cast and creed
Some abiding the truth in faith
Others drifted far afar in pace*
We did put to trial (some) in place
Some to face agony in alarm
That’s to affirm,
If they conclude discipline* in norm
169 Then there’re the men,
Who inherited in span
Not so abiding discipline in plan
Even so they inherited Scripture in pace
But had a deal for that*
For a pitiable dole in place
And say:
We’ll be absolved for our evils in ills
And if there’s enticement like that in drill
They’d (once more) trend to that evil in skill
Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

Didn’t they avowed in look

That’s affirmed in the Book

007-AL- A’RÂF

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

Didn’t they conclude in stance

For Lord they would,
Speak nothing but the truth in glance
They read and conformed for sure to avail
The reside of Hereafter is better in trail
For those, who dread The Lord in stay
Then why don’t they’ve a sense to obey

170 An those with the discipline of the Book

Keep their word to obey
We dispel not their awards in look

171 Remind of the turn of agony in pace

When We hit the bits in place
Mountain over them to burst
As if there’s awning in gust
Perceiving it over them in fall
We said:
Conform that’s written in the Book
And remember with due care in look
So you may elude ills of evil in brook

172 And recall, when Lord!

Created from progeny of Adam in term
From their descendents in run*
And confirmed to affirm over them in turn
Am I not your Lord**
They so affirmed:
You’re Our Lord
For We intended in concern
Lest you may not dissent to affirm
On the Day of Renaissance in grace
Lo! We didn’t have the concern in trace
*(Genetic permutation)
**For details see: Adam of
science and

007-AL- A’RÂF

Adam of Qur’an page : 621

173 Or that you may affirm to assert
That our fathers before that stance
Had chosen duo for Lord in concert

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And we’d to follow their* trend in pace

Will You cripple us for their* evil in place
174 So,
We display Our notions in abide
That you may eventually yield* to aside
175 (O Muhammad!)
Tell them the fable of a man in abide
We bestowed him with all Signs* to aside

But he dashed out of discipline in pace

Then Satan pursued him around in place
So he’s of the adrift in slight
176 If We’d cherished him a status in stance
We could’ve endowed him a look to glance
The Verses narrated (before him) in trance
But he held to his lust in urge

His likeness is that of a dog in cram

If you stow, it* puffs the tongue in huff
Even if you let it alone** in cram
Even so huffs the tongue in puff

Such is the likeness of the men in vale

Who deny and defy Our Words*** to avail

Recount them the fable in stride

That they may,
Trend to care and concern to aside
*Put load over the dog
** Take off the load
from the dog
*** Verses
177 Evil is the citation in plan
Men denying Our Notions in norm
They’re calling torment in throng

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

For themselves
As they’ve drifted in span

007-AL- A’RÂF

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

178 The one escorted by The Lord in grace

He’s conducted for the truth in pace
For whom Lord lets to desert in stray
He’s doomed for ever to obey

179 Its for sure to concern

That most of the men and Jinni in turn
They’re borne in pace
Destined to abide Hell in place

For they’d core to discern,

But they don’t care a bit to concern
They’ve the eyes to perceive
But don’t have the intellect to receive
They’ve the ears to concern
But don’t have a wit to discern

They’re like the cattle in graze

But even worse, dazed in amaze
They’re the gone and lost in haze
Fate n Fortune Page : 580
180 All the adoring names
Belong to Allah Almighty in claim
Evoke Him,
With those alluring names in adore
And desert,
The condemned and cursed men and clan
Who defy the Alluring Names in span
They’ll be definitely called to account
For their despicable trends in abound

181 Of all Our men and clan in abide

And there are some in trust
Who course in conduct
Only the truth in instruct
And affirm only the just to aside

182 And all who deny Our Signs to aside

007-AL- A’RÂF

Then steadily in step and stride

We desert (them) in term so defied
And they wouldn’t know a bit in pride

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183 I’ll endow (them) a term to relax

I resolve a credible plot in smash

184 Don’t they care to concern

That their friend* in stance
He’s not delusive in trance

But he’s,
To warn (you) to discern
With a conclusive Missive** in term
*Muhammad **Qur’an
185 Don’t they care and concern in stay
Heavens in sweep and earth in sway
And all that created by Lord in array

And may be their term in adore

Here in vale, is now close in score

Then why don’t they concern in stance

For the course of conduct in glance
Communicated by the Prophet of Lord

186 Those set in adrift by Lord in faith

There’s none for them to steer in faith
In contempt and despise they wander in plea
Fate n Fortune Page : 580
187 They ask you:
When is Term* in Demand going to conclude
It’s for Lord to concern and discern in schedule

He’ll not evince in stance

But when it’s going be there in glance

There’ll be dolor and bother in swarm

For the heavens and earth in throng
*Dooms Day (Page : 1264)

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It’ll come to strike in aback

They ask:
As if you really concern in attack
Say: Lord discerns and concerns term for sure
Most of the men and clan don’t trend in lore

188 Say:
I’ve no power in command
Not for even myself in place
If to assuage or hurt in pace
It’s for Lord to conclude in demand
If I had the know of hidden in core
I could cherish a lot in score
With no annoy or agony in pace
I’m but a man around in place
Bearing fortuity for the men and clan
Who heed to my admonishing in span

189 It’s Lord!

Who created you of a single soul* in place
And then had spouses for you to brace
That you may enchant a lure in charm
And the man enticed the woman in adore
Then she conceived for term in norm
To start with,
It was so light a weight in calm
As she bore it with no signs in score
But when it got hefty for her in concern
She turned to Lord and begged to beseech
If you bestow us a child in grace
We’ll be indebted and prone to entreat

Scientist believe that we’re borne of a single mother, the Mitochondrial Eve, born
some 200,000 years back in Africa and thereafter her children spread all over the
world Page : 621

190 But when He conferred them a child in pace

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

They turned to duo for Lord to brace

Lord is over and above in Grace
For what they incline for Him in place

007-AL- A’RÂF

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

191 Odd and bizarre in stance,

They create duo for Lord to aside
Who* cannot contrive even a pin to glance
But are fabricated by them* in abide
*idols as gods
192 They cannot trend,
To ease and assuage some in trail
They can assist and abet (themselves) in scale

193 If you trend them to escort in way

They wouldn’t follow you a word in pray

Even so you trend to call or stay in calm

For them, it’s equal for a concern in norm

194 Indeed!
Whom you beg to beseech in pray
Other than Lord in pace
They’re the men (like you) in place

You beg them for a while in stay

If they return your word in pray

195 Do they’ve:
Feet to walk in trail
Hands to hold some in scale

Eyes to perceive in place

Ears to hear and heed in trace

Call for your duo for Lord in span
You course in conduct against me in plan
And don’t give me a break to ponder in stance

007-AL- A’RÂF

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

196 All my,

Refuge in assuage is for Lord in adore
He reveals His Word* so refined and pure
And ease the virtuous for term in score
197 Whom you,
Beg in entreat other than Lord in pray
They don’t have the dexterity in sway

To ease and assuage in pace

Or to them (selves) in place

198 If you call them* the way in escort

They cannot hear you a word in part

And Muhammad!
(When you talk like of this in stance)
They look you dazed and amazed in glance
But really they cannot discern in trance
*The gods
199 (O Muhammad!)
Have a moment of reprieve and favor
And elude the rude and oblivious in savor

200 If denigration from Devil is close to aside

Then seek the refuge,
Of Lord in all term in stance in abide
For He is Discerning and Concerning in stride

201 Indeed!
Who so aver to elude evil in adore
If ever devil is to charm in score
They trend to Lord in all concern in core

And regard!
They perceive so lucid in lore
What’s the realty in core

202 The close in kin (of cynics) in illusion

007-AL- A’RÂF

Dip and dash them more in delusion

And they,
Cease them not to a term in confusion

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203 (O Muhammad!)
And you don’t have a Verse for them to recite
(Or a Sign in bright)
They affirm in slight

Why haven’t you picked up a Sign*in trail

Say ( in term of delight):
I’m to divulge only that’s from Lord to detail
Qur’an is Divination from Lord to prevail

A Glow in Gleam a Conduct in Grace

A trend to escort and a compassion in pace
Who trust in Lord and abide discipline in faith
204 And when Qur’an is recited to you in stance
You attend to it with due care to discern
And stay serene and sedate in concern
You may cherish the Mercy of Lord in glance

205 (O Muhammad!)
Recall your Lord morn and eve in pray
Smoothly and softly in the veer of core

Begging and beseeching Him firm in adore

With awe and dread affirmed in score

Without a whisper or murmur in pray

And don’t blink for a while in pace
(Like the men without a care to obey)
From the citation of Lord with grace

206 Indeed!
Those of the angels quite close and aside
Of The Almighty Lord in beside
Never ever in the ego of pride

Elude adoration of Lord in plight

Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

But ardor,
And adore Him while prone in sight


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

In the name of Lord, the Most Beneficent, Most Merciful

001 They ask you (O Prophet!)

About the pillage of war in fray
All of pillage is for Lord in trail
And for the messenger of Lord to avail
So awe and dread Lord to obey
And settle your term and dispute in stay
And submit to Lord and Messenger in stance
If you’re the men of faith in glance

002 Virtuous are indeed, the men in beside

Who assert to affirm faith in lore
And awe and dread Lord in the veer of core
When the Name of Allah is recited in abide

When Verses of Lord are narrated in score

They affirm in faith all the more in adore
They bear the trust with Lord

003 And they,

Conform dictum of prayer in entreat
Endow alms to the destitute in greet
From Our bestowal in treat

004 These are the virtuous men in stance

For there are grades of honor in glance
They enjoy the ranks and files in amends
Absolution and Bounteous proviso in trends
From The Allah Almighty in grants


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

005 When Lord,

Got you out of your resides in abide
Some of the faithful around in beside
They’re averse to aside
For they didn’t like to desert the resides

006 Confronting you for the notion in just

When the verity was distinct in trust
They perceived in stance
As if pushed to doom of death in glance

007 Bear in mind the Word of Lord in prime

He pledged you one of the two (groups) to aside
You preferred,
For the weaker with no arms in beside

But Lord,
Concerned to affirm the truth to triumph
And inclined to,
Dash the source and course of cynics to smash

008 So Lord asserted to conform

The verity of the truth in pace
And the fabrication of lie in place
Even though,
It was annoying for the convicts to brace

009 When you begged Lord in beseech

And He returned your call in entreat

I’ll assuage with thousand angels in array

Conforming rank and file (with you) in fray

010 Lord didn’t disclose a council to please

But to comfort your core in appease


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

Victory is with your Lord in fray

That’s to comfort ‘n console your core in stay
Lord is Immense with Sapience in sway

011 Imagine of the stance of trance in pace

When He’s solacing (you) to sleep in place

And there’s sprinkle in drizzle

There from the sky in twinkle

To purify your veer of core

And elude ills of evil (Satan) in lore
And make you firm and steady in fray

012 When Lord,

Commanded the angels in stride
I’m to sustain you in all way in abide

Solace and assist the faithful in place

So they* may remain determined in pace

I’ll fill the core (cynics) with terror in awe

That they’d panic like a string in a straw

So smite their necks to slash

Besides their (each) joints in smash
013 That’s because they* turned to defy
Allah and His Prophet in pace
Dissent Lord and messenger to comply
Lord is strict to chastise in place


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

014 That’s,
The turn in tide for cynics to avail
A burn of Hell, a pester in plague

015 O you the men in faith in array!

When you run into* the cynics in fray
Be firm in all turn of stance to stay
Never to show your backs in retreat
016 Who so trend to drift and repulse
Unless it’s for the combat in consults

Or to couple a company there in array

He’ll be targeted for reprisal in stray
From the Bounty of Lord

And he’ll be destined for Hell to aside

Doomed is the destiny, a miserable abide

017 O you the men of faith in sway

You’re not there to kill in stay
But, Indeed!
Lord was killing (them) in fray

(O Muhammad!) it were not you in stance

Who tossed to throw the sand in glance
But your Lord was there to fling in array

That’s the test in trial for the men in faith

Likely ordeal of Allah in fair term to brace
Lord is all Discerning and Concerning in pace

018 From your Lord,

And that’s a term in trial for you to avail
But for cynics,
It’s to dash to trash their plot in trail


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

019 O you the cynics not abiding in faith

Are you awaiting decision to discern
It’s there for you to concern
If you desist to pester the men in faith
It’ll be nice for your term in stance
If you’re not going to desist
And instead insist to conflict
We’ll retaliate with severe throw in blow
And your term in count wouldn’t abet in ado
For Lord,
To appease and assuage the men in faith
(Them to elude from the torment in trace)
020 O you the men abiding in faith!
Conform the dictum of Lord
And His messenger in place
And abandon him not for there in pace
When you listen to his word in grace
021 Don’t be like the men in concern
Who said:
We’ve attended to your word in term
But really they don’t trend to concern
022 Indeed!
Worst of the beast, before The Lord in stay
Savage and pervert not to hear and obey
Deaf and mute,
Not caring to consult their intellect in stay
Fate n Fortune Page : 580
023 If there’s some good of them in term
Lord must endowed (them) heed to discern
But if He’d given them line to concern
They’d not have slipped with a sway in around*
*Without the use of personal intellect,
all guidance is useless (Page : 580)
024 O you the men and clan in faith
Comply Lord and His Messenger in adore
Stay in command for a term in swift


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

When he calls to a pace* in stance

That’s enlivening your core in glance

And concern!
Lord is between the man and his veer of core
To Him you’ll be gathered Hereafter in score
025 And avoid a destiny of reproach in stay
That’s indeed,
Not (in particular) for the ruthless in stray
And behold!
Lord is quite severe to chastise in fray

026 And remember of the days!

When you’re only a few in count
And there’s fear and dread in surround

That they might abolish you there in term

Then Lord bestowed you a shelter in turn

And made you all the strong and sturdy in pace

And provided you of the sustenance in grace
That you be indebted to Him in place

027 O you the men and clan in faith

Betray not Lord and the messenger in pace
Nor willfully betray your trust in place

028 Your scions* and possessions in vale

These are but the trial in trail
And with Lord!
There are immense gift and grants to avail
029 O you the men and clan in faith
If you dread Lord in entreat


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

He’ll guide you in all bent and slants

And absolve your ills of evil in stance
For Lord is all Bounteous to glance
030 And when,
Cynics were planning a way to betray
For your captivity there in stay
Or to kill (you) in conceit
Or to abdicate (you) in deceit
They’re contriving a plot in plan
But Lord was also planning a plot in span
And Lord is the Best Planner in glance
031 When,
Our Word is conveyed (to them) in relate
They say:
We’ve heard the missive in narrate
If we desired in plan,
We’d make like of this in stance
These are,
But the fables of earlier men and clan

032 And recall when they said:

O Lord!
If it’s* really from You in trail
Then shower, swarm of stones in term
Or inflict a miserable doom in return
033 But Lord was not to chastise (them) in pace
When you’re also beside (them) in place
He was to castigate while some in abide
Were seeking absolution of Lord in beside
034 Now why shouldn’t,
Lord punish them for their plan in span
When they’re deterring the men and clan


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

For the Holy mosque to pray

Even though,
They’re not the true trustees in stay

The trustee could only be the men in faith

But most of the men don’t discern in concern

035 Their way of beseech is swinging in around

When they sway around in surround
Whistling and clapping in shrill
Taste you the doom of denial in thrill
For what you denied in drill

036 Indeed!
The men not abiding in faith
Spending their riches there in place
That they might restrict the men in pace

From the discipline of faith to brace

They’ll continue spending (the riches) in concern
Ultimately it gets to wishful thinking in term

So then,
They’ll be cowed and crushed in pace
And men and clan craving in desire
Not affirming the discipline of faith
They’ll be dragged to the burn of Pyre

037 Lord planned,

To sort evil in ills from the good in will
And pile up,
The ills of the evil over the evil of ills


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

And put them together to the Hell in blaze

These are the rabble and trash in daze

038 (O Muhammad!)
Tell the cynics to concern in stance
Trampling the men of faith in trance
If they desist (even now) in pace
I’ll absolve (their) earlier ills in place

If they trend to deceit
As before in conceit

Then you must care to concern in span
We’d a discipline in command in plan
For all the earlier men and clan

039 And fight,

Against the cynics to the last in fray
Till there’s no torture and tyranny in stay
And all trend to the dictum of Lord to obey

But if,
They stop confronting dictum of Allah in pace
Lord discerns their done and doings in place

040 But even so they drift to deny in deride

Then discern!
Lord is your Benefactor to aside
An Ultimate Protector, (Supreme Ally) in stride


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

041 And care for the booty of combat to concern

A fifth (of that is) for Lord and His messenger
And for,
Kin in close, foundling, destitute and passenger
If, you trust your Lord,
And the missive* (revealed) in pace
What We incited Our servant in place
The day,
When the two forces turned to combat
And Lord is able to convey in instruct
*Message of triumph
042 And recall when you’re on the hill in hither
And they’re on distant mound in thither
And convoy was down, there in place
If you’d have affirmed each in pace
You wouldn’t have inclined to meet* in fray
But there it came to be sure in stance
Without any evinced planning in glance
As Lord,
Determined in term to happen it so
For whom to perish, must conclude in ado
As distinct in sign concluded in span
And one to survive must endure in plan

With definite plan in concern

Lord is for all Concern to Discern
*Turn to combat
043 And recall, when in dream,
Lord made you to perceive in glance
Them, so slight and scant in place
If you’re to see (them) higher in toll
You’d have stuttered and stammered in call
And you’re to endure shambles in stray
Turning to each with scuffle in fray
About the impending combat in stay


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

But Lord saved you from scuffle in pace

For He concerns your veer of core in grace
044 And recall!
When you confronted in surround
He showed them* scant in around
And them* to perceive you little in fray
For Lord
Determined to confirm and affirm in stay
What He had earlier planned in term
And to Him all things have to return
045 O you the men and clan in faith
When you encounter cynics in combat
Be determined to stay firm in contest
And relive the Name of Allah in stance
That you may cherish triumph in glance

046 And obey,

The Lord and the messenger in abide
And don’t incline to each* in dispute
That’s to cause infirmity in impute
And you wouldn’t be able to hold in confute

Abide patience and be firm in pace

For Lord,
Favors only the unwavering in grace
047 And don’t be like of them in glance
Who left the resides, in arrogant stance

To be viewed,
And perceived proud and pompous in plan
And prevent the men to the missive of Lord
While Lord concerns their trends in span

048 Just concern to discern in stance

When Satan,
Made their deeds glimmer in glance


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

And said:
None of the men in clan can surmount in sway
For I’m* your benefactor, for combat in fray
But when the two forces were there in combat
He* took a stride, reverse in way
I’m* not to blame for all in instruct
For what I perceive you cannot discern in stay
I* fear and dread Lord in concern
Who’s strict in reproach for all in trends
049 When the hypocrites and those of the clan
With ill in core and drift in lore
They’re* asserting to affirm in stance
Faithful were deluded and pompous in trance

For the Discipline they’re** abiding in plan

But all who affirm Dictum of Allah to obey
He is Exalted in Might with Sapience in sway
*men fighting against Muslims. **Muslims
050 If ever you’d perceive in place
The angels securing souls of cynics in pace
They* were,
Lashing and bruising their backs and face
And saying:
Have you the taste of pyre in blaze *angels

051 That’s what you secured to convey

And see,
Lord isn’t tyrant for the men,
Who stay in discipline to obey

052 Their trends in lore are like others in score

Men of Pharaoh and clan of others in before


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

They defied the dictum of Lord in adore

So Lord took them for their sins in score
Lord is Mighty to castigate in throw
053 That’s the discipline of Lord in glow
For He doesn’t elude His bestowal in endow
For until they drift from the faith in stay
And abide not what’s in their core to obey*
For Lord concerns and discerns in sway
*It further affirms the Lord Almighty endowed the discipline of truth --in faith in
our core that’s the brain the seat of intellect , at the time of creation of Adam.

054 A notion in norm,

That’s for the Pharaoh’s tribe in plan
And men and clan before this span
They denied and defied Our Signs* to obey
We ravished them for their err in stray
And We drowned clan of Pharaoh in surge
For they’re abiding the evil in urge
They’re quite ruthless in array
055 Indeed in abide!
The worst of clan, treading in stride
Before Allah Almighty in glance
Who deny to defy dictum of Lord in trance
And Indeed!
They’re not going to brace faith in stance
056 Particularly,
The men, who’d covenant in concord
With you, in a term of plan
Incline to retreat* at all event in accord
And fear not The Word of Lord in span
* Betray in pact and accord
057 If you overwhelm (them) in fray
Set them to task so sulky in stay


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

So the men and clan around (them) in plan

Could see misery of the defying* men in span
*Denying discipline of faith
058 If from a clan,
You fear defying the pledge in plan
Then throw the plan of pledge of clan
On their faces in span
As they behaved in a similar stance
For Lord,
Doesn’t adore the defying folk to glance
059 And let not the cynics men and clan
Infer to guess in plan
For they secured a success (for the time) in span
They cannot surmount ultimate in stance
060 Get you ready with all the amends
With arms and horses in trends
That you,
May upset the enemy of Lord in sway
Besides your enemy tethered in array
A group (enemy) other than them* in stray
For whom you don’t have a know in stay
But Lord has a know of them in pace
For whatever you spend in place
For the mercy of Lord to brace
You’ll cherish the award in stance
You wouldn’t be wronged in glance
*Enemy of Lord and prophet
061 And if they conform a peace in abide
You’d also follow the amity in stride
And trust your Lord hither in grace
He discerns and concerns all in trace
062 If they trend to you in deceit
Lord sufficing for you in treat


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

Lord is to favor you assuage in grace

As He endowed you the power in place
Besides the men of faith in pace

063 And as for the men of faith in abide

Confirmed their core and crux in stride

(O Muhammad!)
Even if,
You’d spent all the riches of the vale
Indeed, you would’ve failed to avail
To allure their core in trail

But it’s for the mercy of Lord in Grace

Who attuned their veer of core in faith
Indeed Lord!
Exalted in Might with Sapience in pace

064 O prophet!
Lord is enough for you
Besides the men of faith in pursue

065 O prophet!
Incite the faithful for combat in fray
If they be twenty, abiding dictum of faith
They’ll prevail two hundred in fray
And if they be hundred in faith

They’ll defeat thousand of cynics in pace

For cynics don’t have sapience in trace

066 Indeed, Lord,

Has alleviated your ordeal in trail
For He discerns your failings in frail
If there be hundred of you in faith,


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

So consistent and true

They’ll overwhelm two hundreds,
In resistance
And if there be one thousand,
So consistent
They’ll over ride two thousand,
In resistance
It’ll be with consonance of Lord to aside
For Lord to aside the resolute in stride
067 It’s not fair for the prophet in pace
To hold captives in place
Until he’s dashed and smashed in plan
There and around his enemies in span
Intend to cherish worldly lures in adore
Lord determines the Hereafter in score
And Lord,
Exalted in Might with Sapience in lore
068 Had it not been the dictum of Lord
That’s determined in before
A torment in torture was to be there in part
For the booty and plunder you secured in adore
069 Now cherish the gift and grants you secure
It’s licit and good for you to allure
And turn to Lord with ardor in adore
Lord is Noble and Gracious in glance
070 O Prophet!
Talk to the prisoners in your hook and hold
If Lord,
Perceives of good in your veer of core
He’ll endow you of some better in grants
For what’s been taken as booty in slants
And absolve your ills of evil in pace
Lo! Lord is Kind and Tender in Grace


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

071 If they trend (to you) in deceit

They’d already turned to Lord in conceit

Now He bestows you a power in treat

For Lord Discerns with Sapience in Prime
072 Indeed,
The men, obeying the faith in abide
Who left their homes and hearth in stride
And toiled with their riches and lives
In the course of combat
Abiding dictum of Lord in fact
And those,
Who assuaged with their home and hearth*
These are real friends of each on the earth
Those of the men, abiding dictum of faith
Didn’t desert their home and hearth in place
To them,
You’re not committed to their term in plight
Until they leave their home and hearth in sight

Then if they trend to you in squeeze**

To assuage in appease
For the cause of faith
It’s your duty,
To affirm in assuage in stance
Until it’s against the man and clan
You hold a treaty for a term in plan
Lord discerns all your doings in span

*Gave their resides to the immigrants fro Makkah

** Ask for help for the cause of faith


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

073 And cynics are ally to help each in dale

If you don’t trended to do the like in trends
As We determine (in amends)
There’ll be daze and depravity in vale

074 Those of the men in trust,

And leaving their home and hearth
Who toiled for,
The discipline of Lord in search

And those,
Who’d them in refuge and relief
They’re the true men in belief

For them is absolution in trust

Besides profuse provisions in just

075 And who affirm Hereafter in faith

Left their abides and resides in pace*

Then strove in stride (with you) in fray**

They’re of you hither in stay

Those who’re close kin in beside
They are more deserving in abide

According to the discipline of faith in stay

Conform discipline of Lord to obey
Lord Discerns and concerns all in stride
*Migrated to Madinah
** Fought for the cause of faith


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

In the name of Lord, the Most Beneficent, Most Merciful

001 There’s freedom from covenant in peace

From Lord and His messenger in ease
For the heathens* having treaty in pace
* idolaters
002 Travel in land for months four in place
And concern!
You cannot elude dictum of Lord in maze
And Lord is to baffle cynic in daze
And cynics to face misery of Lord in blaze
003 There’s dictum of decree in stride
From Lord and His messenger in abide

On Day of Hajj (Greater Pilgrimage) in pace

That Lord and His messenger are free in abide
Of any term of obligation for heathens to aside
If you* trend in regret, its good in grace

But if you* averse in plight

You cannot escape discipline of Lord in strike
O Muhammad!
Tell to the heathens a destiny in doom
Of a tormenting fortune (looming) in gloom
004 But for the heathens, you’ve concord in stay
And they haven’t betrayed a bit in accord
They supported, who confronted (you) in fray
So affirm to aside them, till term in accord


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

Lord loves in score His adorable in lore
Who assert to affirm His dictum in core

005 But once the sacred months are gone

Where so ever you find heathens in swap
Have them convicts, assault in trap

But if they regret and repent in slant

Assert to pray in regular stance
And pay alms to the poor in grant

Then let them free (to abide) in abide

For Lord is all Kind, Compassionate to aside

006 If some of the cynics seek in refuge

Give in refuge in place
He may heed to the word of Lord in grace

There after covey him to the place* in secure

For they don’t really discern in core
*The Great Mosque at Makkah
007 How can,
There be a term (for cynics) in accord
With Lord and His messenger
But for them, you’d a covenant in stance
Beside Blessed Place of esteem in glance


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

So far they abide verity to aside

Be tolerant to them in abide
Lord likes the virtuous men in trust

008 How can there be a term in peace

For if they ever drift in stay*
They wouldn’t regard concord in ease
Nor would respect (you) and honor in core
They entice you with words to please
But their cores deny firm in taunt
For quite a few defy covenant in proceeds
*When the cynics surmount
in arms and effects
009 They’ve little to gain in score
For trading the Words of Lord in lore*

So they deter,
The men, in the means and manners of faith
Indeed they infer,
And drift to the ills of evil in pace
*For little worldly gains the
slight the missive of Qur’an
010 And they defy the alliance in esteem
Nor keep the word of covenant in regard
(With the men of faith)
They’re treading past the limits in extreme

011 If they regret and remorse in abide

Pray regular prayer in entreat
And disperse alms to the poor in treat
Then they’re of your discipline in grace
We reveal,
Our Words for the men of sapience to brace

012 If they ever trend to drift in pledge

And denounce your faith in grudge


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

Then fight with the cynic in stance

For their pledge cannot be trusted in glance

Only with the sword
They might elude transgression in hold

013 Wouldn’t you fight out the men in blight

Snapping the sober pledge and slip* in slight

Planning to push out** messenger in stride

These were the men, who first hazed in deride

You dread them for a while in place
Dread your Lord in all instance in pace
If you’re the men of discipline in faith
*Defying covenant
**Forcing prophet to leave
his home
014 Fight them!
For Lord will castigate (them) in your hold
They’ll be mutilated at your hands in fold

And assuage you over them in fray

And ease to please your care in appease
For you’re the men affirmed to obey

015 He’ll elude,

The ire and fury from your veer of core
And bestow,
In instance to beg absolution in lore
Lord is Knowing with Sapience in adore

016 O you the men and clan in faith

How’d you dare to dream in place
That you wouldn’t be put to trial in pace


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

For Lord haven’t put you to trial in term

For who’s there to abide and conform

For the men, who joined crusade in fray

Taking an ally in stay
Allah and His messenger in abide
And also the men of faith in stride
Lord discerns all your doings in concern
017 It’s not for the heathens in stray
To keep Lord’s sanctums of pray*
For they affirm for them in stride
That they’re of the cynics in abide
All their done and doing gone in waste
And they’ll savor burn of pyre in taste
*To observe regular prayers in mosques
018 Indeed only the men in beside!
Who care the sanctity of mosques in abide
Also trust in Lord and the Hereafter in stay
Pray in regular stance
Endowing alms* to the destitute in glance
And fear none!
But only The Lord in all terms and span
They’ll cherish the ultimate goal in plan
019 Do you count men, who assuage* in appease
The pilgrims in thirst to please*
And adoring** the Great Mosque*** as abide
Equal in faith,
Affirming the Bounty of Lord in Alone
Asserting The Hereafter
And combat for the cause Allah in fray
*To give water to the thirsty pilgrims
**Repair and maintenance ***Khana Kaabah


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

They cannot be equal for all term in stay

And Lord doesn’t escort the cruel in slight

020 Those of the men in faith

Who left their home and hearth in pace
And toiled* with riches and lives in place
For the cause Allah Almighty in Grace
With all means and manners, Him to appease
That’s real credit and merit, Him to please
They’re exultant and joyous in ease
021 From the bounty of Lord,
There’s good tiding for them to brace
Appease in ease with munificence in grace

Gardens with enchant, a place in entrance

Them to cherish bounteous awards in glance
022 There to abide for ever and so
Lo virtuous cherish in glow
Gifts and Grants of Lord in endow
023 O you the men in faith
Don’t befriend your fathers in pace
And also your brothers in place
If they’re defying in faith
Whoso trend to them in norm
He’s of the wrong doers in faith
024 Say (O Muhammad:)
Your fathers, brothers, spouses and kin in close
And the assets and effects you secured in score
The riches held in stride
The business you hold in abide
Your abodes you adore in reside


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

Love in stance,
Far more than Lord and Prophet in span
And also,
Fighting* for the dictum of Lord in plan

Then wait,
Till the verdict of Lord in stride
Lord escorts not the cynics in deride
025 Lord endow triumph in all term in score
Day of Huneyn!
When you bragged over plenitude* in core

That didn’t trend to aid and abet in pace

And vistas of the world squeezed in array

That you’d turned backs to flee in dismay
*For the faithful had boasted
for being higher in number
026 Then Lord trended to assuage in pace
With His ease and appease in place
For messenger and the men in faith

And sent down His forces in fray

That you couldn’t perceive in stay

And punished all who defied in faith

There’s torment of torture in score

Who defy dictum of faith in lore

027 Lord endow some a way to regret

When He determines some in select


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

028 O you the men and clan in faith

Heathens are but grimy* in pace

Don’t let them close after this year

That’s the sacred site to entreat in veer **

If you fear destitution in stray

Lord will sustain With His profusion in stay
For He discerns and concerns all in array
of core
029 Fight out to the last with the cynics in pace
Don’t trust in Lord nor the Hereafter in trace
And accept the prohibited things in eat
(As they don’t agree with the proscribed in treat)

By The Lord and the Prophet in treat

And they trust not the faith in preach

Of the men in clan having the Book in aside

Fight them to the last in plan
Until they willingly pay tribute in abide
And compromise to stay a bit low in span

030 Jews trend to affirm:

Ezra is the son of Lord
And Christians assert to confirm
Messiah is the son of Lord

That’s their affirmations in pronounce

They trend to old denials* in surround

Lord is to annihilate for such in conceit

How obstinate and obdurate in deceit
*denial in faith


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

031 They’ve had duo other than Lord in beside

Like of their rabbis, monks and Messiah,
Son of Mary in abide
When they’re determined to aside

Only to beg and beseech Allah in entreat

For there’s no god but Him to beseech
He’s Exalted of all they impute (duo) in treat

032 How’d they put out in blow

The Gleam in Glow of Allah for ever in Flow

But Lord sneer and slight their trends in place

And refines His gleam in glow eternal in pace
For however, cynics be averse in trace

033 Lord so determined His messenger in abide

With guidance in faith and trust to aside

So he may command (over else faith) in sway

For however the cynics be hostile in stray

034 O you the men and clan of faith in stay

Indeed the rabbis and monks gobble in stray

The riches of men and clan brazenly in greed

And prevent from the Way of Lord in deceit

There’s bad term in try (for them) in treat

Who save and stash gold and silver in greed

And spend not in the way of Lord in abide

To pass them a good word in greet
Them to cherish arduous doom in deride


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

035 When they’ll burn in the Hell of pyre

(over the gold and silver in fire)
Foreheads, flanks and backs stricken in fire
And will be asserted and affirmed to be liar

That’s the riches you secured in vale

Now savor the flavor of stash in trail

036 With Lord the months are twelve in count

Ever since Lord created heavens and earth
Of that, four months are revered in count

That’s the firm discipline in call

So don’t be cruel to your-self in toll

By fighting each of (your own) clan in span

But fight the cynic together in plan

As they fight against you in fray

And be firm to discern,
Has to aid and abet only the virtuous in stay

037 Deferment of a sacred month in stay

Is nothing but a denial to obey

Those not in trust, let to drift in trance

For they affirm it for a year in stance
And defer for the next (year) in glance


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

So they affirm the count in stay

That’s revered by Lord to obey
But for their perverse in accord
Making the months wholesome in part
That were (otherwise) despised by Lord
By Lord, their,
Deeds in deride looking alluring in pace
Lord doesn’t escort the denying in faith
038 O you the men and clan in faith!
What pains you for combat in fray
When asked:
To fight for the cause of Lord in grace
You stoop to the ground firm to brace
You cherish the lust of vale in play
Rather than the boons of Hereafter to avail
The lures in allure in vale are only petite in scale
Boons and Bounties,
In the Hereafter are immense in trail
039 If you don’t proceed (Combat)*
He’ll put you to arduous discipline in fact
And replace you for other men and clan
You cannot harm Almighty a bit in span
For Lord is proficient to do all in plan
040 Even if you don’t help (him*) in pace
But Lord is to help (him)* in place
As Lord was there to assuage
When infidels drifted in confuse
Out of his abode in reside
The second of the two next to aside
When they’re two in the cave in stride
He said to his friend close in beside *Prophet PBU


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

Sadden not for a bit in stance

For Allah Almighty is around to glance
Then Lord trended in solace to appease
And sustained with a bliss to please
With hosts as ally** beside in stay
What they couldn’t perceive in array
Cynics were deterred and dismayed in fray
Perception of Allah was Exalted in glance
For Lord is Mighty and Wise in stance
041 Go and fight, even so scant in plight
Or armed so hefty in fray
Strive with your riches and lives in fray
To cherish the Bounty of Lord in plight
That’s so good in norm
If you discern in slight
042 Had it not been a term in distress
Or comforting travel in pace
They’d have treaded with you in place
But this turned out to be quite in averse
But still they’ll pledge by Lord in trust
Asserting and conforming in must
If it was possible for us in just
Indeed! We’d have accompanied (you) in stride
And we’d have preferred to there and beside
They ruin their self in soul
For Lord discerns their fib in core
043 (O Muhammad!)
Lord absolves your slip in call
Why did you let them go in all
Before it was distinct for you to aside
Who’s truthful or fraud in abide
044 Those in trust of Lord and Day in Glance
Wouldn’t trend for your consent in trance


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

To desert in an hour of trial in play

Not to strive with riches and lives in fray
Lord discerns and concerns the men in stay*
045 Only of them beg to leave
And intend to desert in stride
Who don’t trust to aside
Allah and the Day in Reprieve*

They falter in distrust

As their cores falter in trust
*Dooms Day
046 If they really intended in turn*
They would’ve armor to affirm

But Lord didn’t cherish their stride in pace

And let them stay in resides with others in place
And abide with those sedentary in trace
*Turn out for Jihad
047 If they’re ever with you in fray
They’d have just added in dismay

Strolling in disarray
Seeking for a cause of sedition in dismay

There’d some with you in fray

Who lend ears to their talks in stay
Lord concerns well the criminals in place

048 Even before they trended in disgust

And created distress for you in trust


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

Till the verity was clear to discern

Through the dictum of Lord to conform
For which they’d never cared to concern
049 There’s of them, who asks in beside
Allow me to stay in resides
And tempt me not to the quash of fray
They quell in quash in stay
Cynics in Hell (pyre) to abide
050 For you O Muhammad!
If there’s fortune to aside
They’re distressed in dismay
If there’s some affliction in fray
They’re pleased in stay
And Say:
We did well in stance
And return jubilant in trance
051 Tell to the men in place
There’s no foul or fortune in pace
Unless it’s destined from Lord to face
For He’s our Confident Confrere in Grace
To him the men in faith confide in faith
052 Say:
Cannot you wait for a while in trail
For one of the two fortunes to avail
There’s fortune in the both in scale
That we’re awaiting in stance
If you to be,
Tormented either by The Lord in pace
Or at our hands in place
So you, wait for a while
And we too, hold up for a while


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

053 Say to the defiant:

Your offerings even so alluring in trace
Or averse in pace
Wouldn’t be cherished by Lord in place
For you’re the clan defying in faith

054 There’s nothing to deter in pace

Their offerings should be adored in place
For they denied and defied to conform
Dictum of Lord and His messenger to concern
They aversely trend to pray and beseech
And hesitant,
To pay out* from the bestowal of Lord in treat
*Pay alms to the poor
055 So don’t,
Let their scion and riches daze (you) in amaze
(O Muhammad!)
Lord intends to punish (them)
For their allures in daze
Then they’ll
Doom to die as skeptic in blaze

056 And they pledge by Lord to affirm

That they’re of the faithful in term

For actually they aren’t of you in trail

But they’re of the scared clan* in vale
*Who dread Prophet
057 Could they ever find a way in resort
A cave in escape, shelter in part
Where to abide for a while in plot

They’d elope severing in ropes

Denied of the whim in hope


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

058 (O Muhammad!)
There’re of them,
Who confront you with slander and defame
Regarding the dispensation of alms in claim
If they’re delivered a dole a bit in part
They’d certainly be elated in stay
If aren’t given a part in dole
They’re incensed in soul
059 How comely it was for them to please
For whatever they’d from Lord in appease
And also from His messenger to brace
They’d have asserted in grace:
Lord is enough for us in all term and trail
And He’ll bestow us Bounteous to avail
Also His messenger will assuage in grants
Unto Lord, we all beg and beseech in pray

060 Alms are for the needy and destitute to secure

Who’re* assigned to collect** alms at the door
Also whom you invite to the faith in lore
Releasing the slave a bliss in score

And for the,

Man under debt to ease in appease
In course and conduct of Lord to please

And for the passenger in trail

A dictum of Lord for a term to avail
Lord is Discerning with Sapience in Grace
*men going door to door to collect alms ** alms
061 There’re some in aside
Who hex and scold Prophet in abide
And trend to say in deride:
He listens to each one close and aside


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

He trends in so, for you to aside
A term in grace (for you) to brace
Have faith in Lord so firm in grace
And esteem the men of faith in trust
And a compassion for the men in faith
And those, who trend to hex and scold
Messenger of Lord hither in score
For them,
There’s a doom in distress in hold
062 They swear by Lord before you in delight
But if they’re true in faith to abide
Allah and His messenger merit more to aside
That they’d trend for Him to appease
If they’re true to their faith in crease
063 Don’t they discern to concern in stance
Whoso confront Lord and Prophet in glance
Him to abide Hell for ever in humiliation
That’s the profound term in degradation
064 The hypocrites are scared in score
Lest a Surah be divulged (for them) in lore
Revealing what they bear in their core
You jeer and sneer in slip
Lord is to divulge that you fear in dip*
065 (O Muhammad)
If you ask them to detail and reveal
What they’re conversing in steal
They say:
It’s just a fun and frolic in play
O Muhammad!
Say: Was it for The Lord
Or His Missive and Prophet in pace
That you jeered and sneered in place


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

066 Don’t be apologetic in scoff of sneer

You’ve defied after a faith so clear

If We absolve a few of clan

Certainly We’ll torment others in plan
For they’re derelict and destitute in span

067 The Hypocrites men and dame

Course in conduct and be of the same
They drift to crime
And deter for the sane
And don’t incline to the faith

They slighted Lord in every course in conduct

So He’s ignored them in all stretch of instruct
The cynics are transgressors in stray

068 He affirms and asserts for the men and dame

Hypocrites and cynics, in the Hell to remain

It’ll satisfy them for there to abide

There’s a torment from Lord to aside
To hex them for an arduous spin in stride

069 There’re men and clan hither in fore

Invincible (than you) in course and conduct

And prospering in riches and scion* in perfect

They’re domineering in instruct

And they enjoyed quite a lot in score

So savor the lust more in adore

As did the clan hither in fore

You chatter and prattle in stride


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

As did they prattle and chatter in stay

Their deeds and doings are doomed in stray

Here in vale and Hereafter in trail

They’re dud and flop for nothing to avail

070 Didn’t they get a word of the clan

Those of Noah, Aad, Thamud in stance

And of Abraham, those of Midian in span

The term of affliction they confronted in plan

They’d messengers of Lord to advise

With substantiation for them to aside

Lord didn’t distress to them in stance

But were tormented,
For their own deeds and doings in abide

071 The men and women in faith

They inclined in plan
A course in conduct virtuous in span

A word in advice to elude ill in stance

Determine regular prayers in glance

And pay to the destitute a share in dole

And obey Lord and His messenger in core

They’d cherish clemency of Lord in award

Lord is Exalted in Might and Sapience in reward

072 Lord avows men and dame in faith

Gardens, where rivers ebb and flux in pace


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

There to reside in the Gardens in glow

That’s cherished assent of Lord in endow
And that’s the exquisite ascendancy in flow
073 O Prophet of Lord in grace!
Trend to fakers and infidels so stern in pace
Be dissonant to them in all term in place
Their ultimate reside is Hell to abide
Doom in distress, a place in deride
074 They assert in pledge to affirm
That they didn’t say a word like in concern
While they did voice, word so defied*
Now indeed they’re cynics in term
After submitting to a word in faith
They did plan but failed to secure **
Their retaliation is,
Only for the reason in stance
Lord and His messenger
Embellished them of their Boons in glance
If they remorse for a while in abide
It’s preferred for the them in stride
And if they trend to drift in pace
For them a doleful distress to face
From the Bounty of Lord
Here in vale and Hereafter in pace
There’s none to bear them in plight
An’ their wouldn’t be friend around and aside
To alleviate their agony in plight
Or to ease and appease a bit in slight
*Denial of faith hence they were cynics **They had planned to
secure something while staying in faith, what they could not procure
hence they reverted back to their faith-the heathens.

075 There’re a few hither and around

Who’d promised with Lord in abound


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

If gifted from The bounty of Lord in sway

We’ll bestow alms in stay
And be of the men of the faith to obey
076 But He bestowed,
Them with His gifts and grants
They turned miserly,
An’ even so drifted to bent in slants
077 Eventually He trended in score
And created,
A dip in rift in their veer of core
Till they’ll be facing Lord in pace
In the Hereafter in place
For they’d severed their word in avow
For what they promised with Lord in so
For they voice only the lie in flow
078 Don’t they concern to discern in just
Lord determines their core in lore

And what they confide their whisper in trust

So Lord discerns hidden in veer of core
079 Those, who taunt in slant
The faithful,
Who dole out alms in grants

Also the men, who gift in proceeds*

Out of their earnings to the men in need
For them,
They used to scoff and sneer
But it’s Lord,
Who mocks them with sneer and jeer
There’s an agonizing torment in severe
*grants in good faith


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

094 They’ll trend to you with reason and plea

When you return from the fray in glee
Don’t trend to lame excuse in disgust
For we don’t confide(your) word in trust
Lord has divulged us your deeds in gust

Lord and Prophet sense your care in plan

And then,
You’ll be there before Him, in pace
Who discerns your veer of core in span
Besides your lucid drill in waste
And He’ll tell you of your deeds in place

095 They’ll avow by Lord

When you trend unto them in score
So you,
Let them be with their term to secure
So let them be at their own in pace
For they’re soiled and squalid in place

They’ll be in the Hell pyre to abide

For that’s,
The reward they cherished to aside

096 They’ll trend to you and assert to affirm

Have us back in your care and concern
Even so you trend to conform
Lord isn’t appeased of the evils in ill

097 Arabs in stroll are firm in scruple and sway

Distrust and bigotry besides oblivious in stray
Shouldn’t be allowed to have a wink in slight
Regarding the word of faith in plight
With the confines of,
Lord revealed Prophet to aside
And Lord Discerns and Concerns all in abide


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

098 There’re other of the Arabs in stroll

Those dispersing at Lord’s intent and call
But take it just for a ruin in toll
And wait for gloom (for you) in abide
A deal in depravity is for them to aside
Lord is Proximal to brace
And perceives all their trends in place
099 There’re few of the Arabs in stroll
Who trust in Lord and Day affirmed in Call
Whenever they intend to endow in alms
They mean,
To secure proximity of Lord in norm
And also invoke Prophet to pray
For their clemency in stay
Yes indeed!
That’s a term in stride for them in stay

Lord will bestow His Boons in abound

Lord is Kind and Compassionate in surround

100 Those of Muha'jirin and Ansar in faith

Had a lead in pace
And those,
Who followed (them) verity in place
Lord is delighted of them in grace

And they too are elated with Lord

He’s prepared (for them) in award

Below and beside in gleam
There’s swing with surge are streams


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

For them to reside for ever in esteem

That’s the supreme triumph in gleam

101 Some of the rambling Arabs in surround

Who’re swindler for all turn in deceit
And a few in Madinah stay in conceit

You perceive them not in around

For We discern them all in abound

We’ll castigate them double in stride

They’ll have a doleful doom in deride

102 There’re some in surround

Who affirmed their failings in abound

Their course in conduct hazed in sway

Part in verity, other fib in stray

May be Lord will yield their regret in deride

Lord is Complying and Compassionate in stride

103 Take dole of their riches for good in place

That they may grow in the Hereafter in pace

And pray for their discipline of faith to abide

Your prayer is to palliate in plight
Lord in quite close to discern in aside

104 Don’t you discern to concern

Lord adores penitence in term

And allures alms of His men in faith

For Lord is Relenting and Merciful in Grace


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

105 (O Muhammad!)
Tell them to continue in proceeds
Lord will affirm their doing in deeds
And also Prophet and devout* affirm indeed

For eventually you’ve to return to Lord

To Lord,
Who’s knower of all core and lore in part
He’ll divulge your done and doings in sort
*men of faith
106 There’re other men and clan in abide
Who await dictum of Lord in stride

If to castigate or absolve in sway

Discerning and Sagacious in array

107 There’re men and clan so defied

Who trended to build a mosque in deride

A way to dissent and defy the men in faith

Asserting a base for the men and clan*

Strain for a slip with scuffle and stray

With Lord and His messenger (earlier) in stay

They’ll avow so firm to aside

We’re intending for the good in stride
Lord avows, for they’re fibber in glide
*men in faith
108 Never be there* to pray in entreat
But a site**
Conceived so earnest to beseech

From the day one established in place

Has a Merit in more, fair in grace
* Mosque built by the hypocrites
** mosque built by the faithful


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

There in the clan,

Some of the men in pray
Who love to stay purified in pray
Lord ardor in adore, who love purity in stay
109 How’d you compare in plight
Who raise the foundation of a mosque in pace
With awe and dread of The Lord in Grace
Besides the blessing* of Lord in pace
Rather than a man in place
Who raise,
The foundation of a building at brink**
That’s close to crumble in wink
And take the man deep in steep
Down into the bottom of creek
With him into the Hell in gloom
Lord escort not the wrong doers in goon
*consent **Sand cliff
110 The building, an actual fib in contrive
Evermore haunt their core in distrust
Until their core and crux is ripped in disgust
Lord so Sagacious, Discerns for all you strive
111 Indeed!
Lord procured riches and lives of men and clan
Enduring in faith hither in stance
For the Gardens set for them to abide
They’ll trend to combat for Him in fray
Either to be killed or affront in slay
A pledge, that’s for Lord to brace
In Torah, Gospel and the Qur’an in grace
Who’s preferred for His pledge in pace
Other than Lord for a term in place


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

Be delighted for your deal in exultation

For that’s the exquisite term in jubilation

112 Elated and exultant who regret and remorse

Who trend to Lord in pray
And praise Him in the veer of core in stay
Keep fast and pray prone in beseech
And are indeed earnest in treat
They advise to comply verity in pace
And restrain for the fib in place
And abide dictum of Lord in dictate
For those men and clan asserting in faith
There’s a cheery word for them to brace
There to abide in Blissful Gardens in Grace

113 O Prophet of Lord and men in faith

It’s not for you to pray in pace
The acquittal of heathens in place

Even so they’re close kin in abide

Once it’s affirmed for sure in stride
Destined to abide Hell pyre in reside

114 Prayer of Abraham was just to conform

A pledge with father for a mercy in turn
But once it’s clear for him to concern
His father was confronting Lord in pace
He denied him all concern in place

Abraham was pliant and pleasing in core
Suffered alone agony and anguish in score


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

115 It’s not for Lord to denounce in stance

For the men,
Defying missive of Lord in glance
He evinced (them) the gleam in faith
Until He makes clear for them to discern
What to evade and escape in concern
Lord discerns and concerns all in pace
116 Indeed!
Lord commands dominion of orb and sol
Life and death is for Him in call
You’ve none to aid and assuage in pace
Other than Bounty of Lord in Grace
Who heeds to your needs in all
117 Lord absolved in pace
His Prophet,
Besides Mohair and Ansar* in grace
Who comforted and complied (him)** in distress
There’re some, whose core could veer in stress
But once they inclined to comply in aside
Lord extenuated their slip in dried
He is Full of Mercy and Clemency in abide
* immigrants and local ** Prophet
118 And He inclined for mercy in term of grace
For the three,
Who in the veer of core drifted in pace
For their matter was deferred in place
When all the land besides its breadth and width
For them it squeezed in pace
And their souls were pinched in brace
Till they discerned and concerned to aside
For there’s no sanctuary for them in abide
Other than Lord, in all reach in abide


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

After they’d affirmed for sure

Lord then talented for a Mercy in score
So they once more regretted in remorse
For Lord is all Relenting and Merciful in adore

119 O you the men and clan in faith

Be watchful of your duty in pray
And be with the guileless in men in stay

120 It wasn’t just right for the men and clan

Those residing in Madinah and Arabs in stroll
To stay back in their resides in plan
Behind Prophet of Lord straying in call
And favoring their lives for his life in place
(That’s so they’re not inclined in trace
Indeed it wouldn’t have happened in so
For there’re some who trended in ado)
Neither thirst nor toil or hunger in stride
Trend to inflict,
When for Lord you combat to strive
(For these agonies and miseries in trace
That’s otherwise so disgusting (for you) in place)
They incline for a step in pace
That’s noisome for the cynic in trace

No gain in claim over the foe to sustain
But in fair term for them to remain
Indeed Lord!
Dissipate not the award in claim
For the virtuous men in domain

121 Nor:
They could spend a bit or large in pace
Or travel across the valley in place
But all is put to scribble in trace
For them cherish the awards in trends
That’s for Lord!
They’re bestowed of the best in amends


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

122 All the men and clan of faith in trail

Shouldn’t trend to combat in vale

Only a part of the group to advance in fray

Those in behind get wisdom of faith in stay

So they may caution their men in return

So they may be cautious and caring in term

123 O you the men of faith

Fight the cynics close and aside
Till the cynics
Face your determined blow in fate

And discern to concern in stance

Adore in score the truthful in glance

124 An,
Whenever a Surah is divulged in grace
There’re of them, who sneer and say:
Which of you’ve cherished a bloom in faith

After the,
Revelations of Verses in glance
When listen the men in faith

It so increases their faith in pace

For what they rejoice so firm in place

125 But for some with depravity in core

It affix evil to their mischief in more

And they’ll hold to endure

A death in demise as cynic in score


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

126 Don’t they care and concern

For what they’re tested in term

Once or twice a year in score

Still they don’t trend to absolution in core
Nor trend to care for caution in lore

127 And whenever a Surah is revealed in stance

They trend to each in glance
Did one had a glimpse of you in trance

Then they trend to toss and leave in stride*

Lord trends their core and crux in stray
For they’re the one not discerning to obey
*leave the company of Prophet
128 There’s a messenger mid you to aside
Grieved at your tough torment in trail
He’s craving your munificence in vale

He’s caring for the men of faith in abide

He’s quite tender and comforting in stride

129 Even so they drift aside in stray

Lord is enough (for me) in all term and stay

There’s no god but Him to obey

To Him I put all my trust in pray
He’s Lord of Enormous Rule in sway


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

In the name of Lord, the Most Beneficent, Most Merciful

001 Alif. Lam. Ra.

These verses of sagacious Scripture in concern
002 Would you amaze for a term to discern
For We enlivened a man mid them to affirm
Admonish the men and clan in daze
And pass a word of good fortune in phase
For the men and clan in faith
Alluring the Bounties of Lord
The cynic then trend to say to aside
That’s just a magician in abide
003 Indeed your Lord,
Created the heavens and earth in esteem
In days* six in supreme
Then set a Throne (for Himself) in Gleam
Commanding all the discipline in sway
No counsel in consent for Him in stay
Unless He says so to aside
Your Lord is but One and Alone in sway
So trend to Him and beseech to pray
Wouldn’t you care in concern to obey
004 To Him we’re destined to restore
It’s the Word of Lord in adore
He caused to create once in stance
Then He’d,
Incline to create once more to glance


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

So as to endow in award,
Who cherished the dictum of faith in regard
And Abiding dutiful deeds and trust in pace
And men not abiding the dictum of faith in part
For them,
There’ll be stewing water to drink
And distressing doom in gloom
For they defied the faith in bloom

005 He created sun a grandeur in glow

And the moon He set to gleam in flow
And assigned a definite term* in flow
hat you may discern the years in count
And hold a record of all dates in count

Lord has the creation, just in adore

Elucidating signs and symbols in lore
For the men of sapience in score
*for the moon and sun ultimately
everything has to finish in big smash
006 Indeed!
The sway in swing of the day and night in a row
And all His creations in the heavenly flow*
These are signs for the men and clan
Who awe and dread Almighty in span
*in the earth and between the earth and sky all the galaxies
and stars etc are moving in a definite plan (Page : 1242)
007 Indeed!
The men and clan in abide
Who don’t look for facing Lord* in stance
Comforted with worldly lures in trance
And the men,
Heedless of Our Signs and Symbols in stride
*On the Doom’s Day


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

008 Them to abide Hell pyre in stray

What they secured hither* in stay
*Worldly life
009 Indeed!
The men in faith, who affirm good in strides
They’ll be escorted by Lord to aside
Boons and bounties in delight
Below and aside, streams surge sinuous in slide

010 They’ll ardor and adore in enchant

We beg and beseech Thee in charm

All Glories for The Lord Sanctimonious in pace

And they’ll be asserting for all term in place
Amity and Accord all in stay
Eventually they’ll adore in pray
All Glories for Allah,
Lord of the Worlds in array

011 If,
Lord was to decide depravity in hustle
As they* love boons (of vale) in bustle

Their term in respite would’ve gone in stay

So We let them endure a term in stray
Who deny Our meeting affirmed in pace
And drift to stroll with contempt in place
012 If there’s a term of dole in blow
Man begs to entreat (Us) in ado

Standing, sitting and reposing in place

Once done up from the blow in pace
He reverts in deride
As if he never begged (Us) in stride


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

So their deeds and doings lure in charm

That are indeed dissolute waste in norm

013 We,
Doomed in distress before (you) in span
For their deeds and doings evil in plan

Their messengers,
Elucidated lucid Signs in drill
But they denied and defied in thrill
So We merit,
The culpable clan in skill

014 Then thereafter in the term in trail

We assigned you* as commandant in vale
And to see your course of conduct in scale
*Human folk
015 When Our Verses are voiced in place
Those denying Our meeting in pace

Bring us some other (Book) to aside
Or make some change in the Text*
(O Muhammad!)
Trend to them so firm to affirm
It’s not for me,
To mutate at my own in trace
I follow what I’m ordained** in pace
If I disobey my Lord in place
I fear to face
The vengeance of Dreadful Day in term
* Text of the Holy Qur’an
**By Allah Almighty
016 And say (O Muhammad!)
If Lord wished me not to relate
I wouldn’t have affirmed to narrate


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

He would’ve let your core to discern
I was here in abide
Before in reside
Then why don’t you,
Care to concern in stride

017 Who’s trending more in deceit

Other than one in treat
Concocting fib for Lord
Denying His Signs in Spot
The derelict,
Don’t deserve to be escorted to obey

018 They love to adore other than Lord in pray

That can neither smite or sooth in way
They say:
They’re* our counsel in course of conduct
For Almighty Lord,
Way to escort in instruct
Would you apprise for Lord
For what He doesn’t have a know in pace
Of the heavens and earth in trace

All Praises for The Lord exalted in Grace

Of all that they tend to affiliate* to aside
019 Humanity was but a single commune in stay
Then they dissent and digress in fray

Had it not been a word of Lord to aside

The matter would’ve just concluded in abide
For what they trend to differ in stay

020 And they say:

Why didn’t a premonition of Lord in grace
Trended for him to brace


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

Say (O Muhammad!)
I’ve no know of the hidden in conceal
Veiled and concealed are for Lord to reveal
So wait!
I’ll wait with you in appeal

021 Just look at the men and clan in prevail

When they’ve a mercy after seizure in trail
They trend,
To plan against Our exposé in vale
Lord is more swift in span
His angels scribble what you plot in plan

022 It’s Lord in all term to tread in stride

Even so on the land and sea in surge
Sailing in the sea in urge

When you’re in ships in sail

With the sway of conforming breeze in trail

They’re delighted in all ebb and flow

When there’s,
A gale in gust opposing in throw
All in aside thunderstruck in blow

Pray unto Lord with firm faith in entreat

If You deliver us so safe to the beach
We’ll be appreciative of You in treat


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

023 When they’re ceded safe and sound in land

They trend in prohibition in stand

O men and clan in abide

Your sedition is for you to aside

Relish the delights and diversions in vale

For your ultimate return is to Us in trail
Then We’ll divulge all your doings in dale

024 What you care and concern of term in vale

Its semblance is of rain (from sky) in trail

When the earth grows of that (you) to eat

And so the cattle of all term in treat

And blend with it harrow to grow

When the fields were trimmed in flow
The men in around abound in glow

Men say:
That they’re the master of all in display
Then We ordained disaster,
That took in aback during the day in slight
Or part of the night
Then all were slashed like the grain in plight

As if,
The day before that never existed in place
These are signs,
For the men of sense of sapience in pace

025 Lord invites (you),

To reside with amity and accord in abide
He escorts a way in trust to aside
To whom He honors just in stride


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

026 Men of discipline abiding verity in deeds

There’s bounty of trust in proceeds

No soot in slur lets their face to blur

They’re the heirs of Gardens in gleam
Them to reside for ever in esteem

027 Those,
Of the men and clan in depravity of deeds
Endure amends and awards like in proceeds

There’s scorn and shame for them in slight

No council in sort other than Lord in sight

Their faces sown in soot in plight

Dark as pitch of the night

They’re the true heirs of the Fire

For there to reside and abide in Pyre

028 And The Day, they’ll conclude for Me in stay

And they’d be asked with their duo in stray

Poise in stance with your duo in glance

And trend to asunder the veil in bits*

And the duo would then drift to slip
It’s not us you adored in trance

*Between the idols and the men, who prayed them

029 False gods would acclaim:

Lord is just to behold mid us in entreat
We’re oblivious of your way in beseech


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

030 Therein turn,

Each one to know their done and doings in way
As they get to Lord in (ultimate) stay
Their Lord is the true Lord to obey

And the fib they contrived in stray

Has dwindled all the way to stay

031 (O Muhammad!)
Just ask them to affirm for a while
Who provides* you from earth and sky
Whom is the hearing and sight to spy

Who bestows life after death in demise
And dooms to death from the living in premise
And Who’s to command course in conduct

They’ll say:
It’s Lord in all term to induct
Then say:
Wouldn’t you dread Lord in instruct
032 Allah is Indeed!
Your Lord in all term and treat
After the truth has evinced in pace
What’s there to aside fib in impeach
Then why to stray muddled in trace

033 So the Word of Lord is affirmed in place

For the men defying the dictum in faith
Then why,
Shouldn’t they abide discipline* in grace
034 Just ask them to reason in talk
Is there any of His duo in walk
(Is there an idol, who can tread in a walk)
Who initiated the first in creation
And will revert once again in initiation
Fate of the Universe (Page : 1264)


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

It’s Lord to contrive once in pace
And so He’d trend once more in trace
How’re you then misled in place
035 Have your duo in beside
Who’s going to escort in faith
It’s Allah, who escorts in faith
Laudable to adorn in abide
Or one straying in delusion
Unless (itself) is escorted in confusion
What inclines you to stutter in blur
How you plan baffled choices in stir

036 Most of the men in span

Follow nothing but speculation in premise
Speculation is not to guide in plan
A pace of truth determined in precise
Lord concerns that you care in devise

037 Qur’an is not to be contrived in stance

Other than Word of Lord in glance
But it conforms of that* established in before
Asserting and affirming determined in score

There’s no scruple or suspense in narrate

That it could be from other than Lord in state
*Earlier Scriptures
038 Do they say:
It’s he who’s fantasized in pace
It’s contrived by the messenger in place


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

Then bring a stance or stanza in place
Like of this, if you happen to claim
And call for help around in domain
Other than Lord in Grace
If you abide verity in trace
039 Indeed!
They defied the missive in score
What they couldn’t discern in lore
Or they couldn’t get to the truth in score
Or that not yet revealed in adore
They’ve defied like the men in before
Who inclined to dispute
That’s the subsequence of evils in confute

040 There’re a few, who assume in faith

Whereas a few trend to refute
And Lord,
Discerns the hypocrites in confute

041 If they ever trend to refute in lore

Course in conduct of me is for me to concern
And line of charge of you is for you in score
You aren’t to be held for what I confirm
And I am not to fault for what you affirm

042 There’re a few of the men and clan

Who attend to you for a term in plan

But how can you make a deaf to heed

When they don’t perceive to concede

043 There’re of them,

Who look (to you) in concern
You cannot make a blind to discern
Even though he’s looking in concern


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

044 Lord isn’t to oppress men in abide

But it’s them in stride
For their crooked trends in pace
They put to torment them in place

045 And the Day,

We’ll gather them all in place
Then they’d discern in pace
As they’re there in the vale
Just for an hour of the day in trail
Knowing one another in stay
They doomed in distress
Who denied confluence of Lord to obey
And they weren’t conducted in trust

046 A term in distress they’re affirmed to glance

May be in your term of life in span
That you may perceive for sure in plan
Or that you may die before in stance
But they’ve to trend for Us in trance
And Lord!
Determines the concern of clan

047 There’s messenger for all clan in span

And when a messenger,
Assigned for the men and clan

They’re* judged in fair term in trail

And they* wouldn’t be oppressed in vale
*Nations or the clan
048 And they say:
If your threat in trial is must to affirm
For when is that going to trend in term

049 Say!
I’ve no sway in smite or to assuage in trail
Even for myself
It’s for Lord in all trends in scale
All races have a favored term in abide


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

When is their time from here to depart

They cannot slacken or scurry to impart

050 Say:
Could you ever concern to conceive
When there’s a time for them to depart
It could be at night or during the day to aside
Why O!
The sinner, you delay and hurry in deride

051 If only it would come to pass in pace

Only then you’d trend to trust in place
You mean to concern
To trust and believe to affirm
For all you defied hither to discern

052 Then the sinners would be told to aside

A term in distress for ever in stride
You wouldn’t secure
Other than you merit in score

053 They ask:

For what you tell in trail
Is it really true and just to avail
I avow to affirm for Lord
You cannot elude or lay up my Lord

054 If a man with all evil doings in deride

Trends to avail all riches of earth to aside

As a ransom for evil trends in abide

(They wouldn’t be relieved in stride)

Then they’ll remorse in pace

When they perceive doom of distress in place


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

But they’ll be determined just in glance

And wouldn’t be oppressed in stance

055 For all that is in earth and heavenly sway

Belongs to The Almighty Lord to obey
He determines verity in pace
But quite a few discern not a bit in trace
056 He trends to life in bloom
And causes the death in doom
Unto Him we’ve to return in soon
057 O men and clan in abide!
For if you well determine to aside
There’d been admonition for you to brace
A comfort and solace from Lord in Grace
A pleasing appease for the core to aside
A tutelage and tolerance for virtuous in abide

058 Say (O Muhammad!)

Qur’an is a Bounty and Mercy of Lord in adore
It’s better than the stash of gold
They’d be happy with such delight in score

059 (O Muhammad!)
Tell them to consider hither once more
All the endowments,
Of The Lord they secure in adore

Why they trend lawful for some in claim

And others they assign illicit to remain
Do you’ve a word from Lord to aside
Or you contrive fib (at your own) in abide
For Lord Almighty in stride


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

060 Those contriving fib for Lord in plight

They’d bear the burnt in blight
On The Day of Revival a swing in slight
Lord is Courteous, Compassionate and Kind
But quite a few are not quite indebted in mind

061 (O Muhammad!)
Whatever affairs you course in plight
And of Qur’an you adore to recite

And O men!
All deeds and doings you attend in vale
We discern their bits of drift in trail

And even a trivia in trace of orb and sol

Cannot evade concern of Lord in call

Be it be less than an atom in pace

Or be greater than that in place
It’s all written in a distinct Book of Grace

062 Listen O Friends of Lord in abide

You don’t have to awe and dread to aside
Nor to sorrow or suffer in stride

063 Those of the men of faith

With trust in Lord affirming in grace

064 For them, there’s a news so good in vale

And so in the Hereafter to avail

There’s no drift of Word of Lord in trail

That’s the Exquisite Ascendancy in scale

065 (O Muhammad!)
Let not their word suffer you a bit
Care in sway the Bounty of Lord in array
He discerns and concerns all in sway


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

066 Indeed!
You must care to concern
All in the heavens and earth in term

Belongs to Allah Almighty in pace

Those, who trend duo to brace
Other than Lord in grace

Only presume a surmise in stray

And they only guess a wink in stay

067 He’s assigned night for you to appease

And the day He destined, in sight to please
There’re signs for the faithful in ease

068 They trend to say:

Lord has taken a son to allure
Exalted and Redeemed all in adore

He doesn’t need such a wish to brace

To Him belong all in the orb and sol in trace

You don’t have the sense for what you state

(For what and why for Lord you relate)
That you don’t have a know in call

069 Say:
Those who trend to concoct in trace
Concerning for Lord a fib in place
They wouldn’t get to succeed in pace


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

070 Them to cherish,

The boons of worldly life in adore
Finally they’ll return (to Us) for sure
Them to taste a doom in distress
For they didn’t have the faith in trust
Or inclined to confess in just
071 Tell them the fable of Noah in narrate
When Noah told his men in state
O my men and clan!
If my stay mid you in span
And narrating Signs of Lord in plan
A word in faith for thee O clan
If that’s an offence for you in trace
I put all my trust in Lord to brace
Affirm your course of conduct in place
With all your associates in pace
So there’s no scruple in your minds in stay
Then get to affront against me in stance
And don’t give me a respite a bit in glance
072 You drifted in deride for a word in grace
As I wasn’t tipped for a pittance in trace
My dole in endow is with Lord to aside
And I’m of those, who submit in faith
Submit in trust and be submissive in abide
073 But they denied and defied (him) to obey
So We saved him and his clan in stay
In the ship with a resolute term in plan
And made him to rule over all his clan
And drowned all, who denied to aside
Our term in faith and a word in grace
So look at their fate, a doom in deride
All, who’re admonished in beside

074 Thereafter We sent messengers in trail

Who got them clear Signs (from Us) to avail
But they didn’t incline (faith) in lore


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

For what they’d denied before

We sealed their veer of core

075 Thereafter We deployed in plan

Moses and Aaron,
To Pharaoh and his top of clan

With Our Signs for them to comply

But they’re insolent, determined to defy
And were to blame, as they affirmed to deny

076 And when there’s verity for them to aside

They said: E
It’s but magic charmed in stride

077 Moses said:

Trend for verity when it’s for you to aside
Is it a sorcery you conceive in deride
Though charmer don’t trend in faith to survive

078 They said:

Do you intend us, to drift in way
For what our fathers affirmed to obey

So you two may hold a top in slot

Eminence and exultance an expanse in spot
We wouldn’t trust you two in plot

079 Then Pharaoh turned to his chief in stay

Bring me conjurers so tricky in play

080 When conjurers were there in around

Moses said:
To fling their strings in abound


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

081 And they’d hurled their twist in trail

Moses said:
That’s just the sorcery in scale
Lord is going to destroy in stance
For He’s not to favor malice in glance
082 And Lord will justify the truth in place
Despite of all the (guilty) trends in pace

083 But none bothered to trust Moses in plan

But for a few of the men of (his) clan
Dread in dismay of Pharaoh in place
Or of his chiefs in pace
For what they’d pester and molest in stay
Pharaoh was duce and despot in stray
He’s quite heedless of discipline to obey

084 And Moses said in plan

O my men and clan!

If you trust Lord and obey (Him) in abide

If you indeed submit (to Him) to aside

085 They affirmed for sure in just

In Lord,
We put all our faith in trust
O Lord!
Don’t put us to trial in pace
At the hands of cruel folk in place

086 And out of Your Clemency in stance

Save us,
From the cursory of evil cynic trance


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

087 And We!

Enlivened Moses and his brother in pace
Get some resides (in Egypt) here in place

Facing Qibla in stay

A site and spot to beseech in pray

And give a good word in stance

To the men of faith in glance

088 And Moses turned to Lord in plea

You’ve bestowed Pharaoh and his clan
Grandeur and wealth in glee
Our Lord!
To drift Thy men from the faith in plan

Our Lord!
Destroy their cash in stash
And harden their cores in abash

So they don’t abide dictum of faith in lore

Till they face a distressful doom in score

089 Lord responded to their word in pray

I affirm your plea in stance
Assert and assume a right way to obey

And don’t you follow the men in glance

Who’re oblivious of some in trance

090 And We got the progeny of Israel to cross

The sea in surge
Pharaoh and his clan then followed in urge
In a stance of sedition and cruelty in addition


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

Till he’s going to submerge in surge

Eventually he evinced in urge
There’s no Lord, but Him in sway
The Lord,
The progeny of Israel I affirm in pray
And I’m of those, who submit* to obey
*Pharaoh was affirming faith, when he
drowning and had no hope to survive
091 What, now!
At such a turn in stance
You trend to faith, in glance

Even so you dissented in place

And was of the evil in pace

092 But We’ll save your body for ever in abide

A presentiment for all hereafter to aside
Most of the men are heedless in deride

093 We bestowed Progeny of Israel,

Place to reside
Many a good things to eat in beside

And they differed not a bit in pace

Till they’re,
To affirm dictum of faith to brace
(Like the sense of sapience in grace)

Lord will determine mid them to decide
On the Day of Renaissance in stride
For what they differed (mid them) in place

094 (O Muhammad!)
If you stay in scruple and suspense
Regarding Our Revelations in pretence

Then ask the men in place

Reading the earlier Scripture in pace


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

It’s wisdom in truth from your Lord to aside
Don’t hesitate in scruple and suspense in abide

095 Don’t be of them to comply

Who defied in course, Our Signs to deny
For otherwise you’ll be bereft in abide

096 Indeed!
You assert to affirm in stance
Those, who defied Our Signs to glance
Wouldn’t affirm the faith in trance

097 Even though,

They perceive all the Signs in bloom
Till they receive a painful doom in gloom

098 Had there been the men in locale

Those, affirmed dictum of faith in trial
Once they’d witnessed the agony in vale
They didn’t cherish the bliss in faith
But for the clan of Jonah in place
When they trended to frenzy in faith
We eluded their anguish in alarm
And endowed,
Them the chance to avail in swarm
Comely ease and appease in the vale

099 If Lord should’ve desired in pace

All the men in vale to affirm in faith

Then how’d you ever impel in pace

For all the men,
To comply discipline of faith

100 It’s not for a man (soul) in place

To allure discipline of faith
Until it’s the dictum of Lord


Glorious Qur’an in Poetic Stance

Lord has His Own ways and means in pace

If to smudge in soot for denial in faith
Who don’t have sense of sapience for Lord

101 Say:
Just regard, all gleam in glory in orb and sol
All these divulgence and admonition in call

That cannot lure (the men) in adore

Men not affirming the dictum* in lore
102 Now what they wait to see in stray
Like of the bad days men faced in abide
Before this stance in stride

Say to them:
Wait for a while in pace
I too wait around in place

103 But when there’s such a moment in plight

We save,
Our messengers from the burnt of blight
And also the men alluring the bliss in faith

Like of the days gone here in fore

It’s for Us to save the men in lore*
104 Say (O Muhammad!)
O Men and clan in abide
If you still doubt (my) dictum of faith

Then I’m not going to beg and beseech

Other than my Lord, to whom you entreat

But I beg to pray only Allah in way

Who aims you to die in doom*
And I’m ordained to stay in faith**
* Who holds full command over you lives
** be faithful


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