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Option Explicit

' Devise=0 aucune
' =1 Euro �
' =2 Dollar $
' Langue=0 Fran�ais
' =1 Belgique
' =2 Suisse
' Conversion limit�e � 999 999 999 999 999 ou 9 999 999 999 999,99
' si le nombre contient plus de 2 d�cimales, il est arrondit � 2 d�cimales

Public Function ConvNumberLetter(Nombre As Double, Optional Devise As Byte = 0, _

Optional Langue As Byte = 0) As String
Dim dblEnt As Variant, byDec As Byte
Dim bNegatif As Boolean
Dim strDev As String, strCentimes As String

If Nombre < 0 Then

bNegatif = True
Nombre = Abs(Nombre)
End If
dblEnt = Int(Nombre)
byDec = CInt((Nombre - dblEnt) * 100)
If byDec = 0 Then
If dblEnt > 999999999999999# Then
ConvNumberLetter = "#TropGrand"
Exit Function
End If
If dblEnt > 9999999999999.99 Then
ConvNumberLetter = "#TropGrand"
Exit Function
End If
End If
Select Case Devise
Case 0
If byDec > 0 Then strDev = " virgule"
Case 1
strDev = " Euro"
If byDec > 0 Then strCentimes = strCentimes & " Cents"
Case 2
strDev = " Dollar"
If byDec > 0 Then strCentimes = strCentimes & " Cent"
End Select
If dblEnt > 1 And Devise <> 0 Then strDev = strDev & "s"
ConvNumberLetter = ConvNumEnt(CDbl(dblEnt), Langue) & strDev & " " & _
ConvNumDizaine(byDec, Langue) & strCentimes
End Function

Private Function ConvNumEnt(Nombre As Double, Langue As Byte)

Dim byNum As Byte, iTmp As Variant, dblReste As Double
Dim strTmp As String

iTmp = Nombre - (Int(Nombre / 1000) * 1000)

ConvNumEnt = ConvNumCent(CInt(iTmp), Langue)
dblReste = Int(Nombre / 1000)
iTmp = dblReste - (Int(dblReste / 1000) * 1000)
strTmp = ConvNumCent(CInt(iTmp), Langue)
Select Case iTmp
Case 0
Case 1
strTmp = "mille "
Case Else
strTmp = strTmp & " mille "
End Select
ConvNumEnt = strTmp & ConvNumEnt
dblReste = Int(dblReste / 1000)
iTmp = dblReste - (Int(dblReste / 1000) * 1000)
strTmp = ConvNumCent(CInt(iTmp), Langue)
Select Case iTmp
Case 0
Case 1
strTmp = strTmp & " million "
Case Else
strTmp = strTmp & " millions "
End Select
ConvNumEnt = strTmp & ConvNumEnt
dblReste = Int(dblReste / 1000)
iTmp = dblReste - (Int(dblReste / 1000) * 1000)
strTmp = ConvNumCent(CInt(iTmp), Langue)
Select Case iTmp
Case 0
Case 1
strTmp = strTmp & " milliard "
Case Else
strTmp = strTmp & " milliards "
End Select
ConvNumEnt = strTmp & ConvNumEnt
dblReste = Int(dblReste / 1000)
iTmp = dblReste - (Int(dblReste / 1000) * 1000)
strTmp = ConvNumCent(CInt(iTmp), Langue)
Select Case iTmp
Case 0
Case 1
strTmp = strTmp & " billion "
Case Else
strTmp = strTmp & " billions "
End Select
ConvNumEnt = strTmp & ConvNumEnt

End Function

Private Function ConvNumDizaine(Nombre As Byte, Langue As Byte) As String

Dim TabUnit As Variant, TabDiz As Variant
Dim byUnit As Byte, byDiz As Byte
Dim strLiaison As String

TabUnit = Array("", "un", "deux", "trois", "quatre", "cinq", "six", "sept", _

"huit", "neuf", "dix", "onze", "douze", "treize", "quatorze", "quinze", _
"seize", "dix-sept", "dix-huit", "dix-neuf")
TabDiz = Array("", "", "vingt", "trente", "quarante", "cinquante", _
"soixante", "soixante", "quatre-vingt", "quatre-vingt")
If Langue = 1 Then
TabDiz(7) = "septante"
TabDiz(9) = "nonante"
ElseIf Langue = 2 Then
TabDiz(7) = "septante"
TabDiz(8) = "huitante"
TabDiz(9) = "nonante"
End If
byDiz = Int(Nombre / 10)
byUnit = Nombre - (byDiz * 10)
strLiaison = "-"
If byUnit = 1 Then strLiaison = " et "
Select Case byDiz
Case 0
strLiaison = ""
Case 1
byUnit = byUnit + 10
strLiaison = ""
Case 7
If Langue = 0 Then byUnit = byUnit + 10
Case 8
If Langue <> 2 Then strLiaison = "-"
Case 9
If Langue = 0 Then
byUnit = byUnit + 10
strLiaison = "-"
End If
End Select
ConvNumDizaine = TabDiz(byDiz)
If byDiz = 8 And Langue <> 2 And byUnit = 0 Then ConvNumDizaine =
ConvNumDizaine & "s"
If TabUnit(byUnit) <> "" Then
ConvNumDizaine = ConvNumDizaine & strLiaison & TabUnit(byUnit)
ConvNumDizaine = ConvNumDizaine
End If
End Function

Private Function ConvNumCent(Nombre As Integer, Langue As Byte) As String

Dim TabUnit As Variant
Dim byCent As Byte, byReste As Byte
Dim strReste As String

TabUnit = Array("", "un", "deux", "trois", "quatre", "cinq", "six", "sept", _

"huit", "neuf", "dix")

byCent = Int(Nombre / 100)

byReste = Nombre - (byCent * 100)
strReste = ConvNumDizaine(byReste, Langue)
Select Case byCent
Case 0
ConvNumCent = strReste
Case 1
If byReste = 0 Then
ConvNumCent = "cent"
ConvNumCent = "cent " & strReste
End If
Case Else
If byReste = 0 Then
ConvNumCent = TabUnit(byCent) & " cents"
ConvNumCent = TabUnit(byCent) & " cent " & strReste
End If
End Select
End Function

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