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*** M 3852 Music in Elementary Grades *** 2018*** *** Dr. Veblen & Ms.


October 17, 2018

Songs: Aiden Macpherson, Jasmine Bustard-Johnson

OMEA? Have you made arrangements?

Musical Experience: Danielle Di Pietrantonio, Kelly Lin

For Next Time

Songs: Aiden Macpherson, Jasmine Bustard-Johnson
READING DUE Sun Oct 22 6pm Ch 6 Moving Child Choose 1-2 projects, 400 words
Next Wed: Musical Experience Victor Stec, Andrew Robichaud,
*** M 3852 Music in Elementary Grades *** 2018*** *** Dr. Veblen & Ms. Tuinstra***

One little skeleton hopping up and down

Two little witches flying through the air

Three little pumpkins rolling down the hill

Four little goblins skipping down the street

Five trick or treaters creeping up the walk

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