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ANRV307-CP03-14 ARI 20 February 2007 19:6

Expressed Emotion and

Relapse of Psychopathology
Jill M. Hooley
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2007.3:329-352. Downloaded from

Department of Psychology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138;

by Lomonosov Moscow State University on 12/01/13. For personal use only.


Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2007. 3:329–52 Key Words

First published online as a Review in families, stress, clinical outcome, schizophrenia, depression
Advance on January 19, 2007

The Annual Review of Clinical Psychology is online Abstract

Expressed emotion (EE) is a measure of the family environment that
This article’s doi: predicts worse clinical outcomes for patients with a range of disor-
ders. This article describes the assessment of EE and the evidence
Copyright  c 2007 by Annual Reviews. linking EE to clinical relapse in patients with psychopathology. This
All rights reserved
is followed by consideration of the possible explanatory models that
1548-5943/07/0427-0329$20.00 might account for the EE-relapse link and a review of the evidence
suggesting that EE may play a causal role in the relapse process. The
results of studies describing the effect of EE on patients, as well as
cross-cultural aspects of the construct, are highlighted. Finally, the
possibility that high levels of EE may stress patients by perturbing
activity in neural circuits that underlie psychopathology is consid-
ered and new directions for EE research are outlined.

ANRV307-CP03-14 ARI 20 February 2007 19:6

The early identification of patients who are at

Contents high risk for relapse after remission from an
episode of illness is clearly important for both
INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330
theoretical and practical reasons. Moreover,
EXPRESSED EMOTION . . . . . . . . . . 331
greater understanding of the factors involved
Origins and Measurement . . . . . . . . 331
in the relapse process not only holds the po-
Alternative Measures of EE . . . . . . . 333
tential to inform us about the nature of vul-
nerability, but also provides information that
RELAPSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333
is essential for the development of new clinical
Schizophrenia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333
Mood Disorders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334
Given the strong biological basis of many
Anxiety Disorders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334
forms of psychopathology, it may at first seem
Eating Disorders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335
surprising that one of the most consistent pre-
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2007.3:329-352. Downloaded from

Substance Use Disorders. . . . . . . . . . 335

dictors of psychiatric relapse across a broad
Personality Disorders . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335
by Lomonosov Moscow State University on 12/01/13. For personal use only.

range of disorders is a measure of the fam-

ily environment that is called expressed emo-
Methodological Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . 336
tion (EE). It is important to keep in mind,
Intervention Studies Involving
however, that psychosocial variables are capa-
EE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 336
ble of affecting not only the structure and the
functioning of the brain, but also the occur-
DEVELOP? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 337
rence or the timing of gene expression (Fish
Patient Factors that Contribute
et al. 2004, Kandel 1998, Weaver et al. 2006).
to High-EE Attitudes . . . . . . . . . . 337
Biological, psychological, and social variables
Characteristics of High-EE
have reciprocal influences. A growing body of
Relatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 338
evidence suggests that these factors interact
Attributions and EE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339
to affect the onset or clinical course of mental
disorders (see Caspi et al. 2003, Tienari et al.
LOW-EE RELATIVES . . . . . . . . . . 339
Before we begin our discussion, one point
warrants emphasis. Although this article de-
AND SUMMARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341
scribes a family variable that has been reli-
ably linked to psychiatric relapse, there is no
evidence that families cause disorders such
RELAPSE? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 342
as schizophrenia. Indeed, in a longitudinal
Mechanisms of Action . . . . . . . . . . . . 342
study, Tienari and his colleagues (2004) have
Psychophysiological Studies
demonstrated that family difficulties, includ-
and Patient Arousal . . . . . . . . . . . . 343
ing high levels of criticism, do not predict
Neuroimaging Approaches . . . . . . . . 344
the development of schizophrenia in adopted
children who have no genetic risk for the dis-
DIRECTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344
order. However, when children who are at
high genetic risk for the disorder (by virtue
of a having a mother with schizophrenia)
are adopted into dysfunctional families, they
INTRODUCTION are much more likely to develop schizophre-
Rates of relapse are notoriously high for many nia later than if they were raised in a more
forms of psychopathology. These relapses are healthy family environment. This suggests
EE: expressed
costly and they exact an emotional toll on pa- that people’s genotypes may make them more
tients and their families (Almond et al. 2004). or less sensitive to certain aspects of their

330 Hooley
ANRV307-CP03-14 ARI 20 February 2007 19:6

environments (see Caspi et al. 2003). What

is particularly exciting about Tienari’s work, EXPRESSED EMOTION
however, is that when children with a ge-
netic risk for schizophrenia were raised in a Expressed emotion, which is assessed through an interview
well-functioning family, the probability that with a key family member (parent, spouse, etc.), is a mea-
they would later develop schizophrenia was sure of how much criticism, hostility, or emotional overin-
the same as it was for children who had no ge- volvement the relative expresses when speaking about a family
netic risk. This speaks to the protective role member with psychopathology. Although it is measured in an
healthy families can play, even in the face of individual, it is thought to reflect disturbances in the orga-
high genetic risk. nization, emotional climate, and transactional patterns of the
entire family system.

Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2007.3:329-352. Downloaded from

Origins and Measurement

by Lomonosov Moscow State University on 12/01/13. For personal use only.

relative, the CFI contains questions about

The EE construct was developed in the 1960s the development of the patient’s psychiatric
by George Brown, a British sociologist. In an difficulties as well as questions about specific
CFI: Camberwell
early study, Brown and his colleagues noted symptoms. The CFI also focuses on how the Family Interview
that male patients with schizophrenia did bet- relative deals with difficult situations involv-
EOI: emotional
ter clinically if they left the hospital to live, not ing the patient and how the relative gets along overinvolvement
with wives or parents, but with siblings or in with the patient more generally. Ratings of
lodgings (Brown et al. 1958). This led Brown EE are derived not only from what the family
to consider the possibility that something member says but also from the voice tone
about family relationships might be important that the relative uses when speaking about the
with respect to relapse in schizophrenia. Over patient.
the next several years, Brown, working with The key elements of EE are criticism, hos-
Michael Rutter, addressed the problem of how tility, and emotional overinvolvement (EOI).
to measure the “range of feelings and emo- Critical remarks reflect obvious dislike or dis-
tions to be found in ordinary families” (Brown approval of some aspect of the patient’s be-
1985, Brown & Rutter 1966, Rutter & Brown havior (e.g., “He’s always sleeping. It’s very
1966). Of note here is that it was the more annoying.”). Critical remarks can be rated on
commonplace aspects of family relationships the basis of their content or because of a
that were thought to be important, rather than particularly negative voice tone that is used
relationships that were unusual or deeply dis- to describe a situation involving the patient.
turbed. The result was the development of the Hostile remarks, like criticism, also reflect dis-
EE construct (Brown et al. 1972). like or disapproval. However, in the case of
Expressed emotion is assessed through hostility there is a more generalized critical
a semistructured interview called the attitude and dislike of the patient as a per-
Camberwell Family Interview (CFI; see Leff son (e.g., “He’s very lazy—he won’t do any-
& Vaughn 1985). The interview is named thing unless you make him.”). Rejection of
after the Camberwell area of London, which the patient is also evidence of hostility. Fi-
is where the research team was located and nally, EOI reflects a dramatic, exaggerated, or
where many of the patients and families in overprotective attitude on the part of the rela-
the early studies lived. The CFI is conducted tive toward the patient. This is reflected in an
with a patient’s family member in the absence intrusive style when dealing with the patient
of the patient. It typically takes 1–2 hours, or in the relative’s extreme emotional distress
and it is always audiotaped for later coding. during the interview (e.g., “I won’t leave him
Designed to facilitate a conversation with the alone if I can avoid it. I worry constantly.”). • EE and Relapse of Psychopathology 331

ANRV307-CP03-14 ARI 20 February 2007 19:6

EOI is more commonly noted in parents than seminal study (Brown et al. 1972). Brown
it is in spouses (Goldstein et al. 2002). did explore the consequences of using differ-
After approximately two weeks of training, ent cutting scores for criticism. However, the
coders are able to rate the elements of EE best separation (based on statistical criteria)
quite reliably. Training is important, however. between relapsing and nonrelapsing patients
When psychiatrists familiar with the EE con- came when a cutoff of seven critical comments
struct were asked to guess the EE status (high was used. Vaughn & Leff (1976) subsequently
versus low) of their patients’ relatives (with replicated Brown et al.’s results using the orig-
whom they were familiar), they performed no inal cutting score for criticism, but further re-
better than chance (King et al. 1994). fined the classification and reduced the cutoff
Relatives are classified as high in EE if they to six critical remarks, again based on statisti-
make an above-threshold number of critical cal considerations. Because this cutting score
remarks, or show any evidence of hostility, has been associated with positive findings in
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2007.3:329-352. Downloaded from

or score high (3 or more) on a 0–5 scale of many other studies (see Butzlaff & Hooley
by Lomonosov Moscow State University on 12/01/13. For personal use only.

EOI. However, the most important compo- 1998), there has been little effort on the part
nent of EE is criticism—an observation made of EE researchers to conduct the kinds of sta-
by Brown et al. 1972 and repeatedly confirmed tistical modeling studies that might provide
by researchers in subsequent studies. For fam- data supporting other approaches.
ily members of patients with schizophrenia, An inherent assumption in the traditional
making six or more critical remarks warrants approach to EE classification is that some-
a high EE classification. For relatives of pa- thing is qualitatively different about fami-
tients with unipolar depression, however, a lies who score above or below the specified
lower cutting score (two or three critical re- critical comment threshold. Although many
marks) is used. It is also important to note studies have provided empirical support for
that, in addition to rating criticism, hostility, this assumption, dichotomizing EE (as op-
and EOI, coders also note how much warmth posed to using critical comment frequency
the relative expresses when talking about the as a continuous variable) does create prob-
patient and how many positive comments he lems. First, it gives the impression that low-
or she makes about the patient. Warmth is EE families are experiencing few difficulties
rated on a 0–5 scale; for positive comments a and are therefore not in need of any help.
frequency count is used. However, neither of As a result, such families are typically not
these ratings is considered in the overall (high offered family-based treatments or provided
versus low) EE assessment. This is because, with support, even though they may bene-
in the first prospective study of the associa- fit from them (Linszen et al. 1996). Second,
tion between EE and relapse, very low warmth adopting a dichotomous classification of EE
tended to be associated with high rates of restricts the range of the variable in statisti-
criticism, and very high warmth was associ- cal analyses. It is therefore perhaps surpris-
ated with high levels of EOI (see Brown et al. ing that EE predicts relapse as well as it does.
1972). Unfortunately, this has led to a general Although the predictive power of (dichoto-
neglect of the role of warmth in families (see mous) EE and critical comment frequency has
Lopez et al. 2004 for an exception). not been subjected to any systematic empiri-
On first inspection, the procedures that cal scrutiny, correlations scattered throughout
are used to determine a high- versus low-EE the EE literature do suggest that EE might
classification may appear somewhat arbitrary. actually be better as a threshold construct
However, the reason that EE is a composite than criticism is as a continuous variable. For
variable based on ratings of criticism, hostil- example, in a study of relapse in alcohol-
ity, and EOI is because these scales predicted abusing patients, O’Farrell et al. (1998)
an increased likelihood of relapse in Brown’s reported that the correlation between critical

332 Hooley
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comments and relapse was 0.31. However, the

correlation between EE and relapse was 0.36. RELAPSE
Similarly, in Hooley et al.’s (1986) study of re-
lapse in patients with unipolar depression, the Relapse is a measure of outcome that reflects a clinically sig-
correlation between criticism and relapse was nificant return of symptoms based on an independent assess-
not as large as the correlation between EE and ment with a structured clinical interview. Relapse is not based
relapse (r = 0.40 and r = 0.52, respectively). on rehospitalization, although many patients who do relapse
will be admitted to the hospital. This is because rehospitaliza-
tion can be influenced by other factors, including how willing
Alternative Measures of EE the family is to manage the patient at home.
The CFI is the gold standard measure for the
assessment of EE (Hooley & Parker 2006).
The vast majority of the work that has been Emotion Scale (LEE; Cole & Kazarian
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2007.3:329-352. Downloaded from

conducted to validate the EE construct has 1988) and the Family Attitude Scale (FAS;
by Lomonosov Moscow State University on 12/01/13. For personal use only.

employed the CFI, and this instrument is un- Kavanagh et al. 1997) have some demon-
FMSS: Five-Minute
doubtedly the assessment measure of choice. strated validity. For other disorders (e.g., Speech Sample
However, the extended period of training (two mood disorders, anxiety disorders, and sub-
or more weeks) that is required to learn to rate stance abuse), the very short (one question)
EE combined with the long duration of the Perceived Criticism measure (see Hooley &
CFI (1–2 hours) and time taken to code the in- Teasdale 1989) appears to be capable of pre-
terview (2–3 hours) has led some researchers dicting patients at high risk for poor clinical
to seek quicker forms of assessment. Although outcomes. Nonetheless, two recent reviews
there is still no fully acceptable alternative, a have concluded that the CFI remains the
few instruments warrant mention. measure of choice for the assessment of EE
One of the most frequently used alter- (Hooley & Parker 2006, Van Humbeeck et al.
native measures of EE is the Five Minute 2002).
Speech Sample (FMSS; Magaña et al. 1986).
As its name suggests, the FMSS simply re-
quires the relative to talk about the patient EXPRESSED EMOTION
for five uninterrupted minutes. This mea- AND RELAPSE
sure is widely used by researchers studying
childhood psychopathology (e.g., Asarnow
et al. 1993, Hirshfeldt et al. 1997, Peris & Efforts to understand the clinical outcomes of
Baker 2000). It has also been employed, with patient with schizophrenia provided the orig-
mixed success, in studies involving adult pa- inal impetus for the development of the EE
tients with schizophrenia and bipolar disor- construct. In light of this, it is perhaps not sur-
der ( Jarbin et al. 2000, Marom et al. 2002, prising that the vast majority of work on EE
Tompson et al. 1995, Uehara et al. 1997, Yan has concerned patients with this disorder. Nu-
et al. 2004). Although coding the FMSS still merous studies, conducted with patients from
requires a period of training, one advantage it all over the world, have repeatedly demon-
has over the CFI is that it takes only 5 min- strated that EE (assessed using the CFI) is a
utes to administer and about 20 minutes to reliable predictor of relapse for schizophre-
code. These benefits must be weighed, how- nia. When patients with schizophrenia re-
ever, against the tendency of the FMSS to un- turn home from the hospital to live in fam-
deridentify high-EE relatives (see Hooley & ily environments that are high in EE, they
Parker 2006 for a review). have a risk of relapse that is more than dou-
For schizophrenia researchers, two ques- ble that of patients living in low-EE homes.
tionnaire measures, the Level of Expressed A meta-analysis conducted by Butzlaff & • EE and Relapse of Psychopathology 333

ANRV307-CP03-14 ARI 20 February 2007 19:6

Hooley (1998) examined 27 prospective out- tives (e.g., spouses) are predictive of patient
come studies and resulted in a weighted mean relapse.
effect size of r = 0.31 for the association be-
posttraumatic stress tween EE and relapse in schizophrenia. More-
over, although EE is a risk factor for relapse Anxiety Disorders
even for patients who have recently devel- Not all studies that have explored the as-
oped the disorder, patients who have more sociation between EE and clinical outcome
chronic and long-standing illnesses are at even have used relapse as a dependent measure. In
greater risk of relapse when they live in high- studies of patients with anxiety disorders, re-
EE home environments. searchers have examined the role of EE in the
prediction of outcome after treatment with
behavior therapy.
Mood Disorders Tarrier et al. (1999) used the CFI to assess
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2007.3:329-352. Downloaded from

At least seven studies have used the CFI to ex- EE in the relatives (mostly spouses) of patients
by Lomonosov Moscow State University on 12/01/13. For personal use only.

amine the association between family levels of with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
EE and relapse in patients with major mood Consistent with the findings for schizophre-
disorders such as unipolar and bipolar depres- nia and depression described above, both crit-
sion. All but one (Hayhurst et al. 1997) have icism and hostility were predictive of patients
shown a positive association between EE and doing less well at post-test after being treated
relapse. The meta-analysis study of Butzlaff with imaginal exposure. In contrast, Peter &
& Hooley (1998) reported a weighted mean Hand (1988) reported that patients with ago-
effect size of r = 0.39 for the association be- raphobia who lived with spouses who were
tween EE and relapse in depression using a rated as critical on the CFI had better clini-
cutting score of two critical comments to de- cal outcomes 1–2 years after a behavioral (ex-
fine high EE and an effect size of 0.45 when posure) intervention than did patients whose
a cutting score of three critical comments was spouses were low on criticism. This rather
used. Including the data from Hayhurst et al. counterintuitive finding was later replicated in
(1997) reduces this latter effect size to 0.39, outpatients suffering from either agoraphobia
which is still highly significant (see Hooley & or obsessive-compulsive disorder who were
Gotlib 2000). treated with exposure therapy (Chambless &
It is worth noting that, although the major- Stetekee 1999). Although criticism was associ-
ity of relatives of patients with schizophrenia ated with a more positive clinical outcome, pa-
are parents, most of the relatives of patients tients did not do well when they lived in fam-
with depression tend to be spouses. The fact ily environments that were high on hostility
that EE still predicts relapse when nonbio- (see Chambless & Steketee 1999). Finally, for
logical relatives are involved and when the patients receiving cognitive behavior therapy
diagnosis is not schizophrenia is important. for social phobia, EE was unrelated to treat-
Goldstein et al. (1992) have previously sug- ment outcome, although there was a trend to-
gested that high EE could be a behavioral ward patients with relatives who were rated as
manifestation of the schizophrenia genotype high in EOI to do worse (Fogler et al. 2007).
that is measured in the biological relatives of These findings are interesting because
patients. If this were the case, it could ex- they suggest that the impact of criticism
plain why high levels of EE in family mem- may be different for patients with differ-
bers are associated with greater risk of relapse ent types of psychopathology. Although pa-
in patients. However, this genetic model of tients with schizophrenia, mood disorders,
EE is seriously challenged by data linking EE and PTSD tend to fare more poorly in the
with relapse in depression and by the finding face of high criticism, this does not seem
that high levels of EE in nonbiological rela- to be the case for patients with agoraphobia

334 Hooley
ANRV307-CP03-14 ARI 20 February 2007 19:6

and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Both that family levels of EE are good predictors
Chambless & Steketee (1999) and Peter & of treatment compliance, early treatment
Hand (1988) have suggested that perhaps crit- outcome, and long-term clinical outcomes
ical spouses pressure anxious patients to con- for patients with eating disorders or weight
front anxiety-provoking stimuli more than problems.
would otherwise be the case. By not tolerat-
ing avoidance, these critical spouses may ac-
tually be helping patients engage in exposure Substance Use Disorders
on a routine basis, hence facilitating improve- The first extension of the EE construct to
ment after treatment. This may not happen the course of alcoholism was conducted by
for PTSD patients with critical spouses be- Fichter et al. (1997). Using a cutting score
cause of the imaginal (versus in vivo) nature of four or more critical comments to deter-
of the exposure. It may also not happen when mine high EE, these researchers noted an as-
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2007.3:329-352. Downloaded from

patients are receiving therapy that has a more sociation between high levels of EE and more
by Lomonosov Moscow State University on 12/01/13. For personal use only.

cognitive focus, as was the case in the study of relapses at a six-month follow-up. The num-
Fogler et al. (2007). ber of critical comments made by the family
member (most typically a spouse) was also re-
lated to a shorter time until relapse occurred.
Eating Disorders O’Farrell et al. (1998) subsequently reported
In addition to schizophrenia and anxiety and that male patients who received behavioral
mood disorders, research into the predictive marital therapy designed to promote absti-
validity of EE has also included patients with nence fared much worse over the course of
eating disorders or disordered eating pat- a one-year follow-up when they lived with a
terns. Fischmann-Havstad & Marston (1984) high- versus a low-EE spouse. More specif-
reported that married women who had lost at ically, men with high-EE spouses (i.e., those
least 15 pounds over the previous year were who made more than the median number of
more likely to relapse and gain weight again if six critical comments) were more likely to re-
they lived with spouses who were high in EE lapse, had a shorter time to relapse, and spent
(based on three or more critical comments). more days drinking in the 12-month follow-
Higher levels of parental criticism also pre- up than did men with low-EE spouses. Finally,
dicted worse clinical functioning of patients in the only study of dually diagnosed patients
with anorexia nervosa after six months of to date, Pourmand et al. (2005) reported that
therapy (LeGrange et al. 1992) and predicted for patients with both psychosis and substance
less-favorable outcomes in bulimia nervosa abuse, EE was the strongest univariate predic-
patients at the end of a six-year follow-up tor of relapse of all the variables examined.
(Hedlund et al. 2003). Patients with anorexia
nervosa and bulimia nervosa were more likely
to drop out of outpatient family treatment Personality Disorders
prematurely if their parents were high rather EE is most typically studied in the context
than low in EE (Szmukler et al. 1985). of Axis I disorders. However, one study has
An association between EE and reduced reported on the association between EE and
treatment compliance was also reported by clinical outcome in patients with an Axis II dis-
Flanagan & Wagner (1991) for severely obese order. Hooley & Hoffman (1999) measured
patients. EE in the family members of hospitalized pa-
The studies described above vary with tients who were diagnosed with borderline
respect to the nature of the patients’ prob- personality disorder. Patients received follow-
lems and the type of outcome measure used. up for one-year after they had been discharged
However, taken together, the findings suggest from the hospital, and EE was used to predict • EE and Relapse of Psychopathology 335

ANRV307-CP03-14 ARI 20 February 2007 19:6

the clinical outcome of patients during this when, under the same clinical circumstances,
time. Contrary to prediction, neither criticism low-EE relatives might allow the patient to
nor hostility was associated with how patients remain at home.
did clinically over the follow-up period. Pa- Even with this methodological issue ad-
tients whose relatives were critical of them dressed, however, the presence of a reliable
did just as well as patients who had families correlation between EE in relatives and unfa-
who made few criticisms. Moreover, patients vorable clinical outcomes in patients does not
whose families were rated as high in EOI ac- permit us to conclude that EE plays a causal
tually did better than did patients whose fami- role in the relapse process. Although it is pos-
lies showed low levels of EOI. This was a sur- sible that high levels of EE cause vulnerable
prising finding because, for mood disorders patients to relapse, it is also plausible to sug-
and schizophrenia, EOI is typically associated gest that some of the illness characteristics of
with relapse. relapse-prone patients might engender criti-
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2007.3:329-352. Downloaded from

Findings such as these highlight the im- cism in family members. If this were the case,
by Lomonosov Moscow State University on 12/01/13. For personal use only.

portance of considering patient factors in un- EE could be associated with relapse and yet
derstanding the EE-relapse relationship. Al- play no causal role.
though all high-EE relatives are people who Even in the very early research studies, in-
express high levels of criticism, hostility, or vestigators were attentive to this possibility.
marked emotional overinvolvement, the ways Brown et al. (1972) observed that patients with
in which these attitudes and behaviors are per- more severe behavioral or work impairments
ceived and experienced by patients vary. For were more likely to relapse than were patients
patients with schizophrenia or mood disor- who had fewer problems in these areas. Pa-
ders, high levels of criticism and high levels tients with more behavioral or occupational
of EOI are associated with relapse. When the difficulties were also more likely to have high-
diagnosis is borderline personality disorder, EE relatives. However, even when these fac-
however, criticism is unrelated to relapse and tors were statistically controlled, EE remained
EOI is an indicator of a better longer-term a significant predictor of patients’ clinical out-
outcome. Understanding how different types comes. Subsequent studies that have con-
of psychopathology moderate the impact and trolled for potentially important patient vari-
the meaning of critical or overinvolved be- ables have further confirmed the independent
haviors on the part of relatives is clearly an contribution that is made to relapse by EE
important topic for future research. (e.g., Nuechterlein et al. 1992).

EVIDENCE OF CAUSALITY Intervention Studies Involving EE

Although the question of directionality is not
Methodological Issues fully resolved, the hypothesis that EE may
In the prototypical EE and relapse study, play a causal role in the relapse process is con-
symptoms are assessed during follow-up us- sistent with the findings of treatment stud-
ing structured clinical interviews. This allows ies. Rates of relapse in patients (who are
relapse to be determined on the basis of in- already taking medications) are greatly re-
creases in symptom severity. From a method- duced when families also receive interven-
ological perspective, it is important that re- tions that are designed to reduce aspects of
hospitalization not be used as a measure of high-EE behavior (e.g., Hogarty et al. 1991,
relapse because this could be confounded with Leff et al. 1982). Typically, such interven-
EE. For example, if high-EE relatives are less tions involve providing relatives with educa-
tolerant of symptoms, they may make efforts tion about the illness as well as improving
to have the patient readmitted to the hospital communication skills and problem solving.

336 Hooley
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When families receive interventions of this them more likely to become critical, hostile,
kind, 6- to 12-month relapse rates for pa- or emotionally overinvolved when they have
tients with schizophrenia are around 12.5% to cope with a psychiatrically impaired fam-
(range 0%–33%) compared with relapse rates ily member. In a similar vein, it also calls for a
averaging 42% (range 17%–61%) for patients consideration of the characteristics of patients
whose families do not receive such interven- that might present challenges to relatives and
tions (Miklowitz & Tompson 2003). There thus engender the development of high-EE
is also evidence that family-based interven- attitudes in those who are inclined to respond
tions improve clinical outcomes for patients in this way. This type of formulation allows us
with bipolar disorder (Miklowitz et al. 2003) to move beyond simple trait-versus-state no-
and anorexia nervosa (Eisler et al. 2000). tions of the EE construct and acknowledges
Family interventions can also be success- the mutual influences of relatives’ character-
ful when conducted with several families at istics and patient factors in the development
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2007.3:329-352. Downloaded from

once rather than in a single-family format of this relational variable.

by Lomonosov Moscow State University on 12/01/13. For personal use only.

(e.g., McFarlane et al. 1995, Schooler et al.

The success of family-based interventions Patient Factors that Contribute
in reducing patients’ relapse rates supports the to High-EE Attitudes
idea that EE may play a causal role in the re- It might be expected that relatives would
lapse process. However, care must be taken to be more critical of patients who are more
avoid an overly simplistic and unidirectional severely ill or who have more symptoms of
view of EE (see Hooley et al. 1995 for a re- psychopathology. However, this is generally
view). Family-based interventions may benefit not the case (Brown et al. 1972, Cutting et al.
families in many ways, and changes in EE are 2006, Heikkilä et al. 2002, Hooley et al. 1986,
not always necessary for patients to show clin- Miklowitz et al. 1988, Nuechterlein et al.
ical improvement (see Miklowitz 2004). That 1992, Vaughn & Leff 1976). Levels of psy-
EE is a bidirectional construct is now widely chopathology in patients who have low-EE
accepted (see Hooley et al. 1995, Hooley & relatives are quite comparable to levels of psy-
Gotlib 2000). Far from being a construct that chopathology in patients who have high-EE
blames families, EE is perhaps best regarded relatives. EE in relatives is also unrelated to
as “a measure of a set of patient-relative re- the gender of the patient (Davis et al. 1996).
lationship problems that are important for the Stated simply, EE does not appear to be a sim-
relapse process” (Hooley et al. 2006b). As ple reaction to specific characteristics of pa-
Miklowitz (2004) has noted, “EE may reflect tients. The fact that two relatives of the same
disturbances in the organization, emotional patient can sometimes have different levels of
climate, and transactional patterns of the en- EE is further evidence of this (Weisman et al.
tire family system, even if it is only measured 2000).
in a single caregiver.” However, although there is notable ab-
sence of consistent findings across studies,
some isolated reports do link EE to char-
WHY DO HIGH-EE ATTITUDES acteristics of patients. Of course, care needs
DEVELOP? to be taken to avoid relying on relatives’ re-
The measure of EE that researchers obtain ports here, because these could be corre-
from a single relative almost certainly reflects lated with EE for other reasons (the more
the product of the interaction between the rel- overwhelmed and upset relatives are, the
ative and the patient. Conceptualizing EE in more they may report problems). Even so,
this way thus requires a consideration of the higher levels of criticism have sometimes been
characteristics of relatives that might make linked to patients showing more aggressive or • EE and Relapse of Psychopathology 337

ANRV307-CP03-14 ARI 20 February 2007 19:6

delinquent behavior (Brown et al. 1972) or be- tious (King et al. 2003) as well as less toler-
ing less engaged in productive activities such ant and less flexible in their approach to life
as work (Bentsen et al. 1998, Brown et al. than are low-EE relatives (Hooley & Hiller
1972). There are also reports of patients in 2000). This lack of tolerance may also be self-
high-EE families having worse social func- directed, and could explain Docherty et al.’s
tioning (Barrowclough & Tarrier 1990) or (1998) finding of higher levels of self-criticism
showing greater irritability (Karno et al. 1987) in high- versus low-EE relatives.
as well as manifesting other impairments or Other researchers note that high-EE
difficulties (see Hooley et al. 1995 for a more relatives report feeling more burdened in
thorough review). Running counter to this the caretaking role than do their low-EE
general trend of patients in high-EE fami- counterparts and experience more distress
lies having more problems are the reports of (Barrowclough & Parle 1997, Scazufca &
better premorbid adjustment (Linszen et al. Kuipers 1996, Tarrier et al. 2002). However,
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2007.3:329-352. Downloaded from

1997) and the higher levels of cognitive func- the possible overlap between high-EE be-
by Lomonosov Moscow State University on 12/01/13. For personal use only.

tioning in patients from high- versus low-EE havior and the voicing of subjective distress
homes (Bentsen et al. 1998). is important to keep in mind here. Tarrier
When the EE literature is considered over- et al. (2002) failed to find significant associ-
all, there do not appear to be any reliable ations between EE and levels of salivary cor-
and specific clinical differences that discrim- tisol (an objective measure of stress) in the
inate between patients from high- and low- relatives of patients with Alzheimer’s disease.
EE families. Instead, what may be important Moreover, although high EE was associated
is that patients are experiencing symptoms with relatives reporting that patients had more
and showing a decline in their functioning. symptoms, no patient differences were found
Families are therefore trying to cope with pa- across levels of EE when independent clin-
tients whose behavior, for a variety of reasons, icians rated symptoms (Tarrier et al. 2002).
may be more difficult and challenging to man- Taken together, these findings suggest that
age than it was before. Circumstances such high levels of EE may serve to identify rel-
as these demand accommodations from close atives who are suffering more and experienc-
relatives. The willingness and ability of rela- ing more difficulty in the caretaking role. This
tives to make such accommodations may un- may be because, unlike low-EE relatives, they
derlie the development of high-EE attitudes. have personalities that make them less able to
accept the status quo and because they are in-
clined to adopt a more hands-on as opposed
Characteristics of High-EE Relatives to a more relaxed coping style.
High- and low-EE relatives differ from each It warrants mention that high-EE relatives
other in ways that may have considerable im- do not have more individual psychopathol-
plications for how they try to manage psy- ogy than low-EE relatives do. Although it
chopathology in a close family member. For is plausible to suggest that high-EE rela-
example, Hooley (1998) has reported that tives are more negative in their attitudes to-
high-EE relatives tend to have a more in- ward patients because they have higher lev-
ternal locus of control for their own behav- els of depression, no empirical support for
ior than do low-EE relatives. In other words, this hypothesis has been found. Goldstein
they tend to take an active role in manag- et al. (2002) conducted clinical interviews with
ing their own life problems and difficulties. relatives and examined the association be-
Low-EE relatives, in contrast, are more fa- tween EE and the presence of current or past
talistic. Moreover, on self-report measures of DSM-IV psychopathology. There was no ev-
personality, high-EE relatives tend to score idence of any link. This suggests that per-
in ways that suggest they are more conscien- sonality rather than psychopathology is most

338 Hooley
ANRV307-CP03-14 ARI 20 February 2007 19:6

important. As Leff & Vaughn presciently taneous speech of the relatives of patients with
noted many years ago: schizophrenia and coded it for its attribution
content. When they were discussing problem
A critical response depended less on the de- situations involving the patient, high-EE rela-
gree of the patients’ disturbance than on the tives of patients with schizophrenia were more
relative’s own personality. If a relative was likely than low-EE relatives to make attribu-
easy going, he or she tended to adopt a non- tions to factors they believed were control-
critical stance. If a relative was typically tense lable by patients (Barrowclough et al. 1994,
or moody when stressed, the strain of coping 2005; Brewin et al. 1991; Weisman et al.
with someone psychiatrically ill could result 1993). Similar findings have also been re-
in feelings of anger. (Leff & Vaughn 1985, ported for the high-EE relatives of unipo-
p. 67) lar and bipolar depressed patients (Hooley &
Licht 1997, Wendel et al. 2000). Using a self-
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2007.3:329-352. Downloaded from

report measure, Hinrichsen and colleagues

Attributions and EE
by Lomonosov Moscow State University on 12/01/13. For personal use only.

(Hinrichsen et al. 2004) have also shown

If high-EE relatives are less tolerant, less flex- that blaming attributions are associated with
ible, and more confident in their ability to high levels of EE in the family members of
take action to manage problematic situations, depressed older adults.
what are the implications of this for the pa-
tients with whom they live? Hooley (1985)
was the first to suggest that high levels of EE BEHAVIOR OF HIGH- AND
(particularly criticism) might be linked to a LOW-EE RELATIVES
desire on the part of relatives to get the pa- A major assumption in the early research on
tient to behave differently and that this might EE was that the critical attitudes expressed by
be linked to controlling behavior on the part relatives during the course of a private inter-
of the relative. This idea was later developed view were reflective of their behavior when
into a model of EE based on attributions they interacted with patients. Studies have
(see Hooley 1987). now demonstrated the concurrent validity of
Central to the attribution model of EE is EE for schizophrenia (Hahlweg et al. 1989,
the idea that high- and low-EE relatives differ Miklowitz et al. 1995), unipolar depression
in their underlying beliefs about why patients (Hooley 1986), bipolar disorder (Miklowitz
might be experiencing problems or difficulties et al. 1995), and anxiety disorders (Chambless
and what should be done about it. Even when et al. 2006).
they accept that the patient has a severe men- In the typical study, patients and their fam-
tal illness, high-EE relatives tend to be more ily members are videotaped during a face-to-
likely to believe that more could be done to face interaction and independent raters sub-
exert some control (however minimal) over a sequently code their behaviors. Using this
problematic situation to improve things. Ac- design, researchers have demonstrated that
cordingly, they have higher expectations for high-EE relatives are more critical during
patients, make more attributions of control in face-to-face interactions with patients than
situations involving the patient, and become are low-EE relatives (Hahlweg et al. 1989,
more frustrated and controlling in their own Hooley 1986, Miklowitz et al. 1995). They
behavior when patients fail to behave in the also tend to disagree with patients more read-
ways that relatives think would be helpful. ily and they show lower levels of accepting
Empirical tests of this model of EE sug- behavior (Hooley 1986). Moreover, not just
gest that it has considerable validity (see the relatives are negative. Interactions involv-
Barrowclough & Hooley 2003 for a review). ing high-EE relatives are characterized by
Several investigators have examined the spon- more reciprocal negativity and less positive • EE and Relapse of Psychopathology 339

ANRV307-CP03-14 ARI 20 February 2007 19:6

reciprocity than those involving low-EE rel- correlates of the patients’ illnesses. However,
atives (Hahlweg et al. 1989, Hooley 1990, there is also some evidence suggesting that
Simoneau et al. 1998). This means that re- the tendency to be critical about patients may
gardless of whether the patient or the rela- have some stability. Hooley and colleagues as-
tive initiates a negative behavior, a negative sessed EE in relatives around the time that pa-
interaction sequence is much more likely to tients were admitted to the hospital and again
be prolonged if a high-EE family member is three months after the patient returned home
involved. When interactions involve low-EE (see Hooley et al. 1995). The mean number of
family members, however, negative interac- critical remarks that relatives made about pa-
tion sequences are less likely to start and, once tients dropped considerably between the two
begun, are quickly terminated. assessments (11.3 versus 4.3). Nonetheless,
there was a high correlation (r = 0.74) be-
tween how many criticisms relatives made ini-
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2007.3:329-352. Downloaded from

CHANGES IN EE OVER TIME tially and how many they made at the follow-
by Lomonosov Moscow State University on 12/01/13. For personal use only.

If EE is a relational construct that signi- up assessment. This suggests that, although

fies problems in the patient-relative relation- relatives become less critical of patients when
ship, we might expect that EE levels would patients are doing better, relatives also show
change over time if the nature of the relation- stability in terms of how critical they are in-
ship between the patient and the relative also clined to be. Put another way, the most crit-
changes. On the other hand, if certain aspects ical relatives at the first assessment are still
of temperament or personality underlie the the most critical relatives at the second assess-
development of high-EE attitudes, we might ment, even though the number of critical re-
also expect some stability in EE across time. marks they make overall has declined sharply.
Stated differently, we might predict that EE Taken together, the empirical evidence
would be both a stable and a dynamic con- suggests that EE levels can change over time,
struct with some state-like and trait-like prop- with relatives tending to be more critical dur-
erties (Hooley & Gotlib 2000). ing periods of greater stress and becoming
The available evidence on the temporal less critical as patients show clinical improve-
stability of EE is highly consistent with this ment. In addition to these short-term fluctu-
formulation. EE levels have been shown to ations, however, there is also some evidence
decrease after relatives receive family-based that families may become more critical over
interventions (Hogarty et al. 1991, Leff et al. time as a consequence of increased exposure to
1982). Moreover, even in the absence of any psychopathology. Using cross-sectional data,
formal intervention, there can be spontaneous Hooley & Richters (1995) compared the num-
change (Brown et al. 1972, Tarrier et al. ber of critical comments made by the relatives
1988a). When EE assessments are repeated of schizophrenia patients who had recently
9–12 months after patients have left the hospi- become ill with the number of critical com-
tal (and presumably entered a period of symp- ments made by relatives of patients who had
tomatic improvement), somewhere between been ill for much longer periods of time. Rel-
25% and 50% of relatives who were previ- atives who had been coping with the illness
ously classified as high in EE are rated as be- for less than a year made an average of 4.2
ing low in EE. Changes in the opposite di- critical comments. In contrast, those who had
rection (i.e., from low to high EE) also occur, been coping with the illness for three to five
although these are much less frequent. years made an average number of 15 critical
The fact that EE levels decline when pa- remarks during the EE interview.
tients are less symptomatic provides support Although longitudinal studies are clearly
for the idea that relatives’ critical attitudes needed to examine the issue in a more
are, at least in part, a response to aspects or methodologically rigorous manner, these

340 Hooley
ANRV307-CP03-14 ARI 20 February 2007 19:6

preliminary findings suggest that there is a make efforts to get the patient to behave
developmental component to expressed emo- differently.
tion. Over time, and in the face of chronic It is very important to keep in mind that
exposure to psychopathology, there may well high-EE relatives are not bad or difficult peo-
be a tendency for the family climate to deteri- ple. In fact, in most of the industrialized world,
orate. This speaks to the importance of early high-EE attitudes are more normative than
intervention with the families of patients with are low-EE attitudes (Hooley et al. 1995).
major mental illnesses. Moreover, the impression one gets from con-
versations with high-EE relatives is that the
vast majority of them are highly motivated to
help the patient. They are also very involved
THEORETICAL SYNTHESIS with the patient’s care (van Os et al. 2001). In
AND SUMMARY contrast to low-EE relatives, however, high-
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2007.3:329-352. Downloaded from

EE is a complex construct. It is measured in EE family members seem to have distinct and

by Lomonosov Moscow State University on 12/01/13. For personal use only.

an individual relative of a person with psy- definite ideas about what needs to be done
chopathology. However, EE is a relational to improve the current situation. This may
variable that reflects important aspects of be linked to their more internal locus of con-
the patient-relative interaction. EE does not trol and the more active and problem-solving
cause psychopathology de novo. However, approach they take when dealing with life’s
for people who have a vulnerability to psy- difficulties. The desire to change bad situa-
chopathology, high EE is a well-replicated tions and the beliefs that there are things that
risk factor for relapse. patients can and should do to effect positive
EE can also change over time. EE levels change in their circumstances are thought to
show a tendency to decrease over the shorter be at the heart of why relatives develop critical
term (i.e., across illness and recovery periods) attitudes.
but also to increase gradually over the longer Although the majority of relatives are ini-
term, perhaps as function of continued expo- tially low in EE, EE levels tend to rise grad-
sure to psychopathology. This indicates that ually over time. This may be because, over
EE has a reactive component. However, there time, the well-intentioned efforts of high-EE
is also evidence that EE has some trait-like relatives to get patients to function better do
aspects as well. not lead to the kind of successful outcomes for
How can we best understand and orga- which they are striving. As a result, it is natural
nize these rather diverse observations? The for relatives to become more frustrated, crit-
most accepted theoretical model to date is ical, and blaming. The fact that the majority
the diathesis-stress attribution model of EE of relatives end up being high in EE over time
(Hooley 1987, Hooley & Gotlib 2000). This speaks volumes about the difficulties inherent
holds that certain characteristics of relatives in trying to cope with psychopathology in a
(e.g., internal locus of control, a more in- loved one.
flexible personality style) render them more
vulnerable to responding to patients’ behav-
ioral difficulties or functional impairments in CROSS-CULTURAL ASPECTS
a manner that is designed to create change. The construct of EE has been studied in coun-
This may be because the personality traits tries all over the world, including the United
that underlie high-EE attitudes make relatives Kingdom, the United States, Australia,
less willing to tolerate or otherwise accom- Denmark, Poland, India, Egypt, Israel, China,
modate to behaviors they perceive as undesir- Japan, and Iran. EE has also been exam-
able. Accordingly, when patients exhibit be- ined in a number of ethnic minority groups.
haviors that these relatives do not like, they Space does not permit a full review of the • EE and Relapse of Psychopathology 341

ANRV307-CP03-14 ARI 20 February 2007 19:6

findings from cross-cultural research on EE are able to tolerate higher levels of criticism
(see Bhugra & McKenzie 2003 or Hashemi & than is typical of patients in Western samples
Cochrane 1999 for reviews). However, a few (see Hashemi & Cochrane 1999).
general comments warrant mention. Overall, the available data suggest that the
As Jenkins & Karno (1992) have observed, prevalence of high-EE attitudes varies across
culture defines the kinds of behaviors that cultures. Given this, it is not surprising that
warrant criticism. In light of this, it is hardly different cutting scores are often used to de-
surprising that levels of criticism vary across fine high or low EE in cross-cultural studies.
cultures. Levels of EE are lower in India than In some ethnic groups, high levels of criti-
they are the United Kingdom and the United cism or emotional overinvolvement may be
States, for example (Leff et al. 1987). More- more culturally accepted than in other mi-
over, the majority of relatives of Latino pa- nority groups (see Bhugra & McKenzie 2003,
tients with schizophrenia are classified as low Rosenfarb et al. 2004). Nonetheless, there ap-
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2007.3:329-352. Downloaded from

rather than high in EE (Weisman et al. 2003). pears to be some general support for the con-
by Lomonosov Moscow State University on 12/01/13. For personal use only.

In contrast, Hashemi & Cochrane (1999) re- clusion that the EE-relapse association repli-
ported that 80% of the relatives of British Pak- cates across cultures. The meaning of EE,
istani patients with schizophrenia were rated however, is likely to be influenced by a broad
as being high EE compared with 45% of white array of cultural factors ( Jenkins & Karno
and 30% of British Sikh families. A major 1992). Understanding the cross-cultural as-
difference was how relatives in these differ- pects of the construct is now an active re-
ent ethnic groups scored on the EE compo- search area (Nomura et al. 2005, Yang et al.
nent of emotional overinvolvement. Whereas 2004).
the modal score for the white and Sikh fami-
lies was 1 (EOI is rated on a 0–5 scale), the WHY DOES EE PREDICT
modal score for the Pakistani families was RELAPSE?
4. These findings highlight the role of cul-
ture in the expression of critical or emotion-
Mechanisms of Action
ally overinvolved attitudes. They also speak Prevailing models of the EE-relapse associa-
to the importance of understanding cultural tion conceptualize EE as a form of stress for
factors before beginning interventions with patients. In his early study, Brown speculated
the families of patients from different ethnic that high levels of EE might provide too much
groups. stress for patients vulnerable to schizophrenia
Culture also appears to moderate the EE- (Brown et al. 1972). Subsequent discussions
relapse relationship. Although EE has been of this issue have stayed close to such a for-
shown to predict more negative clinical out- mulation (Nuechterlein & Dawson 1984).
comes in samples of schizophrenia patients The idea that high-EE environments are
in places such as Japan (Tanaka et al. 1995), stressful for patients is supported by the
India (Leff et al. 1987), Egypt (Kamal 1995), findings from several empirical studies. De-
and Iran (Mottaghipour et al. 2001), the com- pressed patients who are married to high EE
ponents of EE differ with regard to their pre- spouses report more problems in their rela-
dictive validity. In Indian families, for exam- tionship than do patients with low-EE spouses
ple, the presence of hostility is most associated (Hooley & Teasdale 1989). In a related vein,
with relapse (Leff et al. 1987). In Japan, pa- Cutting et al. (2006) found that patients with
tients who are living in high-EOI homes may schizophrenia reported feeling more stressed
be at the greatest risk (see Tanaka et al. 1995). by their interactions with high-EE parents,
In Egypt, there seems to be no association be- siblings, spouses, or romantic partners than
tween EOI and relapse (Kamal 1995). There patients with low-EE relatives or partners
is also some evidence that patients in Egypt did. Kuipers et al. (2006) noted that patients

342 Hooley
ANRV307-CP03-14 ARI 20 February 2007 19:6

reported feeling more anxious if they had In general, the empirical findings are con-
caretakers who were rated as more critical. sistent with the idea that interactions with
Patients with schizophrenia also recalled high-EE relatives are more stressful for pa-
more negative and fewer positive memories tients than are interactions with low-EE rel-
of high-EE relatives of than-low EE relatives atives. Tarrier et al. (1979) measured skin
(Cutting & Docherty 2000). conductance and blood pressure in remitted
These empirical observations mesh well schizophrenia patients who were tested in
with the general perception patients re- their own homes. Psychophysiological data
port that high-EE relatives are less toler- were collected for 15 minutes while patients
ant, more intrusive, and have higher expec- were in the company of the experimenter
tations than do low-EE relatives (Kazarian and then for 15 minutes after high- or low-
et al. 1990). What is interesting is that high- EE relatives entered the room. There were
EE relatives also describe themselves as be- no differences between the patients prior
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2007.3:329-352. Downloaded from

ing more behaviorally controlling in their to the entry of the relatives. However, af-
by Lomonosov Moscow State University on 12/01/13. For personal use only.

interactions with patients than do low-EE ter the entry of high-EE relatives, patients
relatives (Hooley & Campbell 2002). The showed an increase in diastolic blood pres-
fact that relatives’ controlling behaviors also sure; in contrast, after the entry of their
predict relapse in patients with schizophre- low-EE relatives, patients showed a decrease
nia (see Hooley & Campbell 2002) lends fur- in electrodermal arousal (measured as re-
ther support to the idea that something in duced spontaneous fluctuations in skin con-
the interaction styles of high-EE relatives that ductance). Later testing in a laboratory setting
may provide too much stress for vulnerable revealed no overall differences between pa-
patients. tients with high and low EE relatives for such
Care must be taken to avoid overgen- variables as heart rate, EEG, or electrodermal
eralizations, however. Hooley & Campbell activity.
(2002) did not find that controlling behav- Similar results have also been obtained
iors on the part of high-EE relatives pre- when this kind of experimental design is used
dicted relapse in patients with depression. with acutely ill patients (Sturgeon et al. 1981,
This again highlights the importance of con- Tarrier et al. 1988b). Although patients in the
sidering characteristics of the patients’ under- acute phase of illness generally have higher
lying psychopathology in any discussion of the levels of electrodermal arousal than do pa-
mechanisms through which EE is linked to tients in remission, the entry of low-EE rel-
relapse (see Hooley & Gotlib 2000). atives seems to facilitate habituation to the
novel testing situation in both ill and remit-
ted patients. In contrast, the presence of a
Psychophysiological Studies high-EE relative is associated with continued
and Patient Arousal arousal.
A major assumption with regard to the mech- These differences in electrodermal reac-
anism of action of EE in schizophrenia is that tivity to high- and low-EE relatives were
autonomic hyperarousal mediates the effects nicely demonstrated in a single case design
of psychosocial stress on a person vulnerable involving a 29-year-old male patient who
to the disorder and eventually produces re- was suffering from schizophrenia (Tarrier &
lapse (see Tarrier & Turpin 1992). In their ef- Barrowclough 1984). Skin conductance mea-
forts to test this hypothesis, researchers have surements were taken when the patient was in
used psychophysiological techniques to mea- the presence of a neutral experimenter, alone
sure arousal in patients with schizophrenia with his low-EE father, and alone with his
during interactions with their high- or low- high-EE mother. The patient showed a simi-
EE relatives. lar number of spontaneous skin conductance • EE and Relapse of Psychopathology 343

ANRV307-CP03-14 ARI 20 February 2007 19:6

fluctuations when he was talking with the rienced one or more episodes of clinical de-
experimenter and when he was with his low- pression. While they were lying in the MRI
EE father. When in the company of his high- scanner, all of the subjects heard the voice
fMRI: functional
magnetic resonance EE mother, however, the patient showed sig- of their own mothers coming through the
imaging nificantly more electrodermal arousal than at headphones. In some trials, mothers made re-
DLPFC: any other time. marks that were critical of their offspring. In
dorsolateral The data are therefore consistent with the other trials, mothers made positive and prais-
prefrontal cortex idea that something about the presence of ing comments. Importantly, each comment
high-EE relatives may be stressful or arous- was individually tailored to be relevant to the
ing for patients. The presence of low-EE rel- particular subject.
atives, on the other hand, may be calming What effect did hearing these affectively
and facilitate habituation to a novel situa- challenging stimuli have on the research par-
tion. There is also some evidence that patients ticipants? When they were exposed to criti-
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2007.3:329-352. Downloaded from

with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder show cism from their mothers, the healthy controls
by Lomonosov Moscow State University on 12/01/13. For personal use only.

increased cardiovascular activity immediately showed activation of dorsolateral prefrontal

after their relatives direct critical, intrusive, cortex (DLPFC), an area of the brain that
or guilt-inducing comments toward them is involved in cognitive and emotional pro-
(Altorfer et al. 1998). Moreover, electroder- cessing. What was striking about the recov-
mal reactivity to the presence of a high-EE ered depressed participants, however, was that
relative has been shown to be predictive of they failed to activate DLPFC when they were
later relapse (Sturgeon et al. 1984). Although exposed to criticism.
we are still far from a good understanding of These findings are interesting because
the mechanisms through which EE is linked to positron emission tomography and fMRI
relapse, the idea that EE is a form of psychoso- studies have shown abnormal blood flow in
cial stress that has biological consequences depressed patients in multiple prefrontal re-
for vulnerable patients is consistent with the gions, including DLPFC (Davidson et al.
available data. 2002). Hooley et al.’s (2005) findings provide
support for the idea that abnormalities in neu-
ral pathways involving the DLPFC are associ-
Neuroimaging Approaches ated with vulnerability to depression and that
What happens in the brains of healthy peo- exposure to criticism can lead to perturbations
ple and people vulnerable to psychopathol- in these neural circuits, even when formerly
ogy when they are exposed to criticism? New depressed people are fully well.
studies in EE research are now exploring this
question using functional magnetic resonance
imaging (fMRI). Such approaches are exciting CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE
because they provide a bridge between tradi- DIRECTIONS
tional EE research and the growing interest In his pioneering work on the development
in social cognitive neuroscience. of the EE construct, Brown (1985) sought to
Using a novel paradigm, Hooley et al. develop a measure that would reflect the feel-
(2005) have collected brain-imaging data ings and emotions that were characteristic of
from research participants who received brain normal families who were facing the challenge
scans while their mothers were criticizing of coping with mental illness. In this regard,
them. Some of the research participants were he was successful. High levels of EE are nor-
healthy controls who had no history of psy- mative in industrialized countries. Moreover,
chopathology. Others were young adults who people who have high levels of EE have char-
were fully well but who had previously expe- acteristics, such as an internally based locus

344 Hooley
ANRV307-CP03-14 ARI 20 February 2007 19:6

of control, that are widely valued in modern like criticism can culminate in a biobehavioral
culture and that probably serve them well in outcome like symptom relapse remain rel-
many areas of their lives. atively unexplored. By employing challenge
The skills needed to cope with psy- paradigms based on the EE construct, re-
chopathology in a loved one, however, are not searchers are now bringing a decades-old con-
always intuitive or obvious. In some cases, less struct into the era of affective neuroscience.
is more. High-EE relatives, in their efforts Those interested in this psychosocial risk fac-
to help patients function better, may some- tor are now well positioned to make impor-
times try too hard. Over time, well-meaning tant contributions to an understanding of the
suggestions may evolve into critical com- perturbations in neural circuitry that might
ments and controlling behaviors. The result be implicated in relapse of schizophrenia, de-
of this very natural process is a family environ- pression, and other disorders. Moreover, by
ment that is stressful for relatives and patients exploring the neural correlates of such EE
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2007.3:329-352. Downloaded from

alike. components as criticism and emotional over-

by Lomonosov Moscow State University on 12/01/13. For personal use only.

One clear benefit of EE research is that involvement, we may learn much about the
it has been the catalyst for the development links between interpersonal experience and
of several types of family-based intervention the neurobiology of relapse. We may also
programs (Leff et al. 1982, McFarlane et al. learn about the patient factors that moder-
1995). These have provided benefits for both ate the appraisal or processing of affectively
patients and relatives. In addition to treat- charged emotional stimuli leading to more
ment programs for patients with schizophre- benign or more negative clinical outcomes.
nia, psychosocial treatment approaches have Why, for example, does criticism predict re-
now been developed for families of patients lapse in major depression but not in border-
with mood disorders (e.g., Miklowitz et al. line personality disorder, even though the rate
2003) and are also being implemented for of comorbidity between these two disorders
family members of patients with borderline is very high? By exploring how healthy peo-
personality disorder (Hoffman et al. 2005). ple and people with different forms of psy-
Not only has EE research been extended chopathology respond to such elements of
to more and more disorders, but it also has EE as criticism, emotional overinvolvement,
been expanded to include assessments of hos- and warmth, researchers may be able to learn
pital staff members who interact with patients much about the neural circuitry that underlies
on a regular basis (e.g., Moore et al. 1992). vulnerability to a wide range of psychopatho-
This is important, not least because it des- logical conditions.
tigmatizes high-EE families. Research of this Finally, it warrants mention that EE is a
kind makes it clear that even trained profes- construct that lends itself well to research
sionals are not immune to the development designs that seek to explore gene x envi-
of high-EE attitudes and behaviors. It also ronment interactions. Of interest here is the
makes the EE construct more clinically rele- now-replicated finding that a functional poly-
vant for patients who do not reside with their morphism in the promoter region of the sero-
families. tonin transporter (5-HTT) gene renders peo-
The stress associated with high-EE home ple more susceptible to depression in the
environments appears to be a major reason face of stressful life events (Caspi et al. 2003,
why patients with a range of psychopatho- Wilhelm et al. 2006). Examining the possi-
logical conditions are at increased risk of re- ble consequences of an ongoing stressor such
lapse if they are exposed to critical, hostile, as EE in the context of differential genetic
or intrusive family members. Yet the mech- susceptibility to depression is an obvious next
anisms through which a psychosocial event step. • EE and Relapse of Psychopathology 345

ANRV307-CP03-14 ARI 20 February 2007 19:6

1. High levels of expressed emotion predict relapse in patients with schizophrenia, mood
disorders, eating disorders, posttraumatic stress disorder, and substance abuse disor-
ders. For patients with anxiety disorders receiving exposure treatment, higher levels
of criticism may be beneficial, although high levels of hostility are not.
2. High levels of emotional overinvolvement predict better clinical outcome for patients
with borderline personality disorder.
3. Expressed emotion (EE) is an independent predictor of relapse even when clinical
factors in patients are considered and are statistically controlled.
4. EE is both a reaction to patients’ psychopathology as well as a link to characteristics
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2007.3:329-352. Downloaded from

of the relatives themselves. Bidirectional processes are at work in the development

of high-EE attitudes. High-EE attitudes also tend to rise over time, probably as a
by Lomonosov Moscow State University on 12/01/13. For personal use only.

consequence of continued exposure to psychopathology.

5. Interventions that improve family communication and problem solving skills tend to
lower EE levels and improve the family environment more generally. Relapse rates in
patients are reduced when families receive this kind of help.
6. Interactions between patients and high-EE relatives involve more negative and less
positive behavior. This is reciprocal, and it involves the patient as well as the family
7. Psychophysiological data show that patients are more aroused when they are inter-
acting with high-EE family members. Patients also report feeling more stressed when
they are with high- versus low-EE relatives.
8. New research is using neuroimaging approaches to explore how people who are vul-
nerable to psychopathology respond to the challenge of being criticized. This research
may help us lean more about the neurobiology of relapse. However, the mechanism
through which EE and relapse are linked is still unknown.

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Annual Review of
Clinical Psychology

Contents Volume 3, 2007

Mediators and Mechanisms of Change in Psychotherapy Research

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Alan E. Kazdin p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 1
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Evidence-Based Assessment
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Internet Methods for Delivering Behavioral and Health-Related
Interventions (eHealth)
Victor Strecher p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 53
Drug Abuse in African American and Hispanic Adolescents: Culture,
Development, and Behavior
José Szapocznik, Guillermo Prado, Ann Kathleen Burlew, Robert A. Williams,
and Daniel A. Santisteban p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 77
Depression in Mothers
Sherryl H. Goodman p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p107
Prevalence, Comorbidity, and Service Utilization for Mood Disorders
in the United States at the Beginning of the Twenty-first Century
Ronald C. Kessler, Kathleen R. Merikangas, and Philip S. Wang p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p137
Stimulating the Development of Drug Treatments to Improve
Cognition in Schizophrenia
Michael F. Green p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p159
Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Borderline Personality Disorder
Thomas R. Lynch, William T. Trost, Nicholas Salsman,
and Marsha M. Linehan p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p181
A Meta-Analytic Review of Eating Disorder Prevention Programs:
Encouraging Findings
Eric Stice, Heather Shaw, and C. Nathan Marti p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p207
Sexual Dysfunctions in Women
Cindy M. Meston and Andrea Bradford p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p233
Relapse and Relapse Prevention
Thomas H. Brandon, Jennifer Irvin Vidrine, and Erika B. Litvin p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p257

AR307-FM ARI 2 March 2007 14:4

Marital and Family Processes in the Context of Alcohol Use and

Alcohol Disorders
Kenneth E. Leonard and Rina D. Eiden p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p285
Unwarranted Assumptions about Children’s Testimonial Accuracy
Stephen J. Ceci, Sarah Kulkofsky, J. Zoe Klemfuss, Charlotte D. Sweeney,
and Maggie Bruck p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p311
Expressed Emotion and Relapse of Psychopathology
Jill M. Hooley p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p329
Sexual Orientation and Mental Health
Gregory M. Herek and Linda D. Garnets p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p353
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2007.3:329-352. Downloaded from
by Lomonosov Moscow State University on 12/01/13. For personal use only.

Coping Resources, Coping Processes, and Mental Health

Shelley E. Taylor and Annette L. Stanton p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p377


Cumulative Index of Contributing Authors, Volumes 1–3 p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p403

Cumulative Index of Chapter Titles, Volumes 1–3 p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p405


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