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The Endocrine System

Grade 10- Biology

Name: _______________________________________ Score: _________________________________

Section: ______________________________________ Date: __________________________________

I. Directions: Choose the correct answer to the following questions and write the answer in
the space provided before each number.

_____1. Which body system coordinates activities of body parts by releasing hormones into the blood?
A. Circulatory system C. Endocrine system
B. Digestive system D. Nervous system
______2. Where does the adrenal gland located?
A. At the back of the heart C. Near the thyroid gland
B. Between the lungs D. Near the kidneys
______3. Which of the following endocrine gland(s) that makes insulin?
A. Adrenal glands C. Pituitary gland
B. Pancreas D. Thyroid gland
______4. What is the name of the gland that is located at the base of the throat, just inferior to the laryngeal
prominence (Adam's apple) .
A. Pituitary C. Thymus
B. Pineal gland D. Thyroid
______5. Hormone release stops when the stimulus that triggered it – like thirst or high blood sugar is satisfied or
corrected. What do you call this feedback mechanism?
A. Positive feedback system
B. Negative feedback system
C. Stimulus feedback system
D. Hormone release feedback system
______6. What might happen to a person born without thymus gland?
A. A person born without a thymus gland will have an unstable blood sugar level.
B. A person born without a thymus gland will not be able to control the output of other glands
in his/her body.
C. A person born without a thymus gland will not develop an adaptive immune system and may
eventually die.
D. A person born without a thymus gland will not be able to prepare the body for action,
controls the heart rate and breathing in times.
______7. Which gland may enlarge (goiter) due to an iodine deficiency?
A. Adrenal gland C. Parathyroid gland
B. Pancreas D. Thyroid gland
______8. Most hormones of the endocrine system are regulated by what mechanism?
A. Hormone-gene complex.
B. Hormone-receptor complex.
C. Negative feedback mechanism.
D. Positive feedback mechanism.
_____9. Which of the following endocrine gland(s) referred to as the “master gland”?
A. Adrenal glands C. Pituitary gland
B. Pancreas D. Thyroid gland
_____10. What will be the response of the effector in the negative feedback mechanism?
A. usually harmful for the body.
B. enhances the activity of the original stimulus.
C. reverses the activity of the original stimulus.
D. has no effect on the activity of the original stimulus.
_____11. Where does the adrenal gland located at?
A. Between the kidneys C. In front of the heart
B. Between the lungs D. In the neck
_____12. Pituitary gland releases somatotropin hormones which helps stimulates growth development.
What do you call the condition that may happen to a child if there is an excessive secretion of
somatotropic hormone in the bloodstream?
A. Acromegaly C. Gigantism
B. Dwarfism D. Hyperpituitarism
_____13. A disorder which occurs when the thyroid gland produces either too much or too little thyroid
A. Hyperthyroidism C. Hypothyroidism
B. Goiter D. Thyroid Cancer

_____14. Diabetes is one of the leading diseases that occurs when there is an excessive amount of blood sugar in
the body. How can you prevent the occurrence of this disease in your body?
A. Always have a time for exercise to burn body fats.
B. Drink carbonated beverages to increase the amount of carbon in our body.
C. Eat foods that are rich in high sugar content.
D. Fiber rich foods are helpful to increase a person weight.
_____15. Endocrine system plays a vital role in our body because it helps regulate our body’s ________.
A. hormonal secretion C. homeostatism
B. homeostasis D. homeostacease

II. Directions: Label the parts of the endocrine system using the word bank below. Write
your answers in the blank provided after each number.

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