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KELAS A3 (A14)



NiaHusnindaHawari 131411131007

RofitaWahyuAndriani 131411131028

AlfiDwiPutri 131411131043

VonyNurulKhasanah 131411131061

EviNurLaili 131411131079

AinunSa’aniyah 131411131097

M. ThoriqHidayatullah 131411133011

SitrarosaNurhania S. 131411133029

Fasilitator :TiyasKusumaningrum, S.Kep.,Ns., M.Kep







First at all, we wanted to thank God for His love and grace.

Thanks to God for helping and giving us the chance to finish this
assignment on time. And I would like to thank Mrs. TiyasKusumaningrum,
S.Kep.,Ns., M.Kep as the lecturer that always teaches us and give much

This assignment is the one of English task that composed of

Genitourinary System. We realized this assignment is not perfect. But I hope
it can be useful for us. Critics and suggestion is needed here to make this
assignment be much better.

Hopefully, we, as a student in “Faculty of Nursing Airlangga University”

can work more professional by using English as the second language whatever
we done. Thank you.


COVER ........................................................................................... i
PREFACE ........................................................................................ ii
CONTENTS ...................................................................................... iii
BAB I INTRODUCTION ................................................................... 1
1.1 Background ............................................................................. 1
1.2 Problem Formulation ................................................................ 1
1.3 Purposes ................................................................................. 1
1.4 Benefits .................................................................................. 2
BAB II CONTENTS .......................................................................... 3
2.1 Anatomy and Physiology Cardiovascular System .......................... 3
2.1.1 Anatomy Cardiovascular System ....................................... 3
2.1.2 Physiology Cardiovascular System ..................................... 15
2.2 Types and Classification ............................................................ 20
2.4 Etiology .................................................................................. 22
2.5 Clinical Appearance .................................................................. 23
BAB III CLOSING ............................................................................ 26
3.1 Conclusion............................................................................... 26
3.2 Sugesstions ............................................................................. 26
REFERENCES ................................................................................... 2



1.1 Background
Genitourinary system or The urinary system, also known as the renal
system, consists of the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and the urethra. Each
kidney consists of millions of functional units called nephrons. The purpose of
the renal system is to eliminate wastes from the body, regulate blood volume
and blood pressure, control levels of electrolytes and metabolites, and
regulate blood pH. The kidneys have extensive blood supply via the renal
arteries which leave the kidneys via the renal vein. Following filtration of
blood and further processing, wastes (in the form of urine) exit the kidney via
the ureters, tubes made of smooth muscle fibers that propel urine towards
the urinary bladder, where it is stored and subsequently expelled from the
body by urination (voiding). The female and male urinary system are very
similar, differing only in the length of the urethra.
Urine is formed in the kidneys through a filtration of blood. The urine is
then passed through the ureters to the bladder, where it is stored. During
urination, the urine is passed from the bladder through the urethra to the
outside of the body.
Aproximately 800-2000 milliliters (mL) of urine are normally produced
every day in a healthy human (useless) . This amount varies according to
fluid intake and kidney function.
To understand the genitourinary system, we firstly need to know the
genitourinary’s anatomy and physiology. So that, we would be able to
recognize various problems related to the genitourinary system without any
mistakes. In addition, understanding the disease along with its the etiology,
symptoms and signs, is very necessary. Therefore, it is quite important to
understand the function of genitourinary system that takes one of the main
roles in the process of life.

1.2 Problem Formulation

1. What is anatomy and physiology of genitourinary system?
2. What is the etiology of kidney failure?

3. Howis the clinical appearances of kidney failure?

1.3 Purpose
1. Knowing and understanding the anatomy and physiology of
genitourinary system.
2. Knowing and understanding types and clasification of
3. Knowing and understanding etiology of kidney failure.
4. Knowing clinical appearances of kidney failure.

1.4 Benefits
1. Adding insightto studentsabout thegenitourinarysystem.
2. Increasestudentknowledgeabout theclinical appearances of


2.1 Anatomy and Phisiologyof Genitourinary System

2.1.1. Kidney Structure and Organization of the Kidney
The kidneys are a pair of reddish organs shaped like kidney
beans. They lie on either side of the vertebral column
between the peritoneum and the back wall of the abdominal
cavity at the level of the 12th thoracic and first three lumbar
vertebrae. The 11th and 12th pairs of ribs provide some
protection for the superior parts of the kidneys. The right
kidney is slightly lower than the left because the liver
occupies a large area above the kidney on the right side.

1) External Anatomy of the Kidneys

An adult kidney is about the size of a new bar of bath
soap. Near the center of the medial border is an
indentation called the renal hilum, through which the
ureter leaves the kidney, and blood vessels, lymphatic
vessels, and nerves enter and exit. Surrounding each
kidney is smooth, transparent renal capsule, a
connective tissue sheath that helps maintain the shape
of the kidney and serves as a barrier against trauma.
Adipose(fatty) tissue surrounds the renal capsule and
cushions the kidney. Along with a thin layer of dense
irregular connective tissue, the adipose tissue anchors
the kidney to the posterior abdominal wall.

2) Internal Anatomy of the Kidneys

Internally, the kidneys have 2 main regions: an outer
light-red region called the renal cortex and an inner,
darker red-brown region called the renal medulla. Within
the renal medulla are several cone-shaped renal
pyramids. Extensions of the renal cortex, called renal
coloumns, fill the space between renal pyramids. Urine

formed in the kidney drains into a large, funnel-shaped
cavity called the renal pelvis. The rim of the renal pelvis
contains cuplike structures called major and minor
calyces. Urine flows from several ducts within the kidney
into the a minor calyx and from there through a major
calyx into a renal pelvis,which connects to a ureter.
Water and solutes in the fluid that drains into the renal
pelvis remain in the urine and are excreted(eliminated
from the body)
3) Renal Blood Supply
About 20-25 percent of the resting cardiac output(1200
milliliters of blood per minute) flows into the kidneys
through the right and left renal arteries. Within each
kidney, the renal artery divides into smaller and smaller
vessels(segmental, interlobar, arcuate, cortical radiate
arteries) that eventually deliver blood to the afferent
arterioles. Each afferent arteriole divides into a tangled
capillary network called a glomerulus.
The capillaries of the glomerulus reunite to form an
afferent arteriol. Upon leaving the glomerulus, each
afferent arteriole divides to form a network of capillaries
around the kidney tubules(described shortly). These
peritubular capillaries eventually reunite to form
peritubular veins, which merge into cortical radiate,
arcuate, and interlobar veins. Ultimately, all of these
smaller veins drain into the renal vein.
4) Nephrons
The functional units of the kidney are called the
nephrons, numbering about a million in each kidney. A
nephron consists of two parts: an renal corpuscle, where
blood plasma is filtered, and a renal tubule into which
the filtered fluid, called glomerular filtrate, passes.
Closely associatedwith a nephron is its blood supply. As
the fluid moves through the renal tubules, wastes and

excess substances are added, and useful materials are
returned to the blood in the peritubular capillaries.
The twoparts that make up a renal corpuscle are the
glomerulus and the glomerular(Bowman’s) capsule, a
double-walled cup of epithelial cells that surrounds the
glomerular capillaries. Glomerular filtrate first enters the
glomerular capsule and then passes into the renal
tubule. In the order that fluid passes through them, the
three main sections of the renal tubule are the proximal
convoluted tubule, the nephron loop, and the distal
convoluted tubule. Proximal denotes the part of the
tubule attached to the glomerular capsule, and distal
denotes the part that is farther away. Convoluted means
the tubule is tightly coiled rather than straight. The renal
corpuscle and both convoluted tubules lie within the
renal cortex; the nephron loop extends into the renal
medulla. The first part of the nephron loop begins at the
point where the proximal convoluted tubule takes its
final turn downward. It begins in the renal cortex and
extends downward into the renal medulla and is called
the descending limb of the nephron loop. Ut then makes
a hairpin turn and returns to the renal cortex where it
terminates at the distal convoluted tubule and is known
as the ascending limb of the nephron loop. The distal
convoluted tubules of several nephron empty into a
common collencting duct.
5) Glomerular Filtration
Two layers of cells compose the capsule that surrounds
the glomerular capillaries. Think of the renal corpuscle as
a fist(the glomerular capsule) until the fist is covered by
two layers of the ballons with a space, the capsular
space, in between. The cells that make up the inner wall
of the glomerular capsule,calledpodocytes, adhere
closely to the endothelial cells of the glomerulus.
Together, the podocytes and glomerular endothelium

form a filtration membrane that permits the passage of
water and solutes from the blood into the capsular
space. Blood cells and most plasma proteins remain in
the blood because they are too large to pass through the
filtration membrane. Simple squamous epithealialcells
form the outer layer of the glomerular capsule.
Net Filtration Pressure
The pressure that causes filtration is theblood pressure in
the glomerular capillaries. Two other pressure oppose
glomerular filtration: (1) blood colloid osmotic pressure
and (2) glomerular capsule pressure. When either of
these pressures increases, glomerular filtration
decreases. Normally, blood pressure is greater than the
two opposing pressures, producing a net filtration
pressure of about 10 mm Hg. Net filtration pressure
forces a large volume of fluid into the capsular space,
about 150 liters daily in females and 180 liters daily in
males. Net filtration pressure can be summarized as
Net filtration pressure = glomerular capillary blood
pressure – (blood colloidal osmotic pressure +
glomerular capsule pressure)
Glomerular filtration rate
The amount of filtrate that forms in both kidneys every
minute is called the glomrularfiltation rate (GFR). In
adults, the GFR is about 105 Ml/min in females and 125
mL/min in male. It is very important for the kidneys to
maintain a constant GFR. If the GFR is too high, needed
substance pass so quickly through the renal tubules that
they are unable to be reabsorbed and pass out of the
body as part of urine. On the other hand, if the GFR is
too low, nearly all the filtrate is reabsorbed, and waste
products are not adequately excreted.

6) Tubular Reabsorption
Tubular reabsorption-returning most of the filtered water
and many of the filtered solutes to the blood-is the
second basic function of the nephron and collecting
ducts. The filtered fluid becomes tubular fluid once it
enters the proximal convoluted tubule. Due to
reabsorption and secretion, the composition of tubular
fluid changes as it flows along thenephron tubule and
through a collecting duct. Typically, about 99 percent of
the filtered water is rabsorbed. Only 1 percent of the
water in glomeruar filtrate actually leaves the body in
urine, the fluid that drains into the renal pelvis.
7) Tubular Secretion
The third function of the nephrons and collection ducts is
tubular secretion, the transfer of materials from the
blood through tubule cells and into tubular fluid. As is the
case for tubular reabsorption, tubular secretion takes
place all along the renal tubules and collecting ducts and
occurs via both passive diffusion and active transport
processes. Secreted substance include hydrogen ions
(H+), K+, ammonia,urea, creatinine, and certain drugs
such as penicillin. Tubular secretion helps eliminate these
substance from the body.
8) Hormonal Regulation of Nephron Functions
Homones affect the extent of Na+, Cl-, Ca2+, and water
reabsorptionas well as K+ secretion by renal tubules. The
most important hormonal regulators of ion reabsorption
and secretion are angiotensis II and aldosterone. In the
proximal convoluted tubules, angiotensis II enhances
reabsorption of Na+ and Cl-. Angiotensis II also
stimulates the adrenal cortex to release aldosterone, a
hormone that in turn stimulates the tubules and
throughout the collecting ducts to reabsorb more Na+
and Cl- and secrete more K+. when more Na+ and Cl- are
reabsorbed, the more water is also reabsorbed by

osmosis. Aldosterone-stimulated secretion of K+ is the
major regulator of blood K+ level. An elevated level of K+
in plasma causes serious disturbances in cardiac rhythm
or even cardiac arrest. Besides increasing glomerular
filtration rate, the hormone atrial natriuretic peptide
(ANP) plays a minor role in inhibiting the rabsorption of
Na+(and Cl- and water) by the renal tubules. As GFR
increases and Na +,Cl-, and water reabsorption decrease,
more water and salt are lost in the urine. The final effect
is too lower blood volume.
The major hormone that regulates water reabsorbtion is
antidiuretic hormone (ADH), which operates via negative
feedback. When the concentration of water in blood
decreases by as little as 1 percent, osmoreceptors in the
hypothalamus stimulate release of ADH from the
posterior pituitary. A second powerful stimulus for ADH
secretion is a decrease in blood volume, as occurs in
hemorrhaging or severe dehydration. ADH acts on tubule
cells in the last part of the distal convoluted tubules and
throughout the collecting ducts. In the absence of ADH,
these parts of the renal tubule have a very low
permeability to water. ADH increases the water
permeability of these tubule cells by causing insertion of
proteins that function as water channels into their
plasma membranes. When the water permeability of the
tubule fluid into the cells and then into the blood. The
kidneys can produce as little as 400-500 mL of very
concentrated urine each day when ADH concentration is
maximal, for instance during severe dehydration. When
ADH level declines, the water channels are removed from
the membranes. The kidneys produce a large volume of
dilute urine when ADH level is low.
Although the hormones mentioned thus far involve
regulation of water loss as urine, the kidney tubules also
respond to a hormone that regulates ionic composition.

For example, a lower-than-normal level of Ca2+ in the
blood stimulates the parathyroid glands to release
parathyroid hormone (PTH). PTH in turn stimulates cells
in the early distal convoluted tubules to reabsorb more
Ca2+ into the blood. PTH also inhibits HPO42- (phosphate)
reabsorption in proximal convoluted tubules, thereby
promoting phosphate excretion.
9) Components of Urine
An analysis of the volume and physical, chemical, and
microscopic properties of urine, called a urinalysis, tells
us much about the state of the body.
The volume of urine eliminated per day in a normal adult
is 1 to 2 liters. Water accounts for about 95 percent of
the total volume of urine. In addition to urea, creatinine,
potassium, and ammonia, typical solutes normally
present in urine include uric acid as well as sodium,
chloride, magnesium, sulfate, phosphate, and calcium
If fidease alters body metabolism or kidney function,
traces of substance not normally present may appear in
the urine, or normal constituents may appear in
abnormal amounts.
2.1.2. Ureters
Each of the two ureters transports urine from the renal
pelvis of one of the kidneys to the urinary bladder. The
ureters pass under the urinary bladder for several
centimeters, causing the bladder to compress the ureters
and thus prevent backflow of urine when pressure builts
up in the bladder during urination. If this physiological
valve is not operating, cystitis (urinary bladder
inflammation) may develop into a kidney infection.
The wall of the ureter consists of three layers. The inner
layer is the mucosa, containing transitional epithelium
with an underlying layer of areolar connective tissue.
Transitional epithelium is able to stretch a marked

advantage for any organ that must accommodate a
variable volume of fluid. Mucus secreted by the goblet
cells of the mucosa prevents the cells from coming in
contact with urine, the solute concentration and pH of
which may differ drastically from the cytosol of cells that
form the wall of the ureters. The middle layer consists of
smooth muscle. Urine is transported from the renal
pelvis to the urinary bladder primarily by peristaltic
contraction of this smooth muscle, bu the fluid pressure
of the urine and gravity mau also contribute. The outer
layer consist of areolar connective tissue containing
blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, and nerves.
2.1.3. Urinary Bladder
The urinary bladder is a hollow muscular organ situated
in the pelvic cavity behind the public symphysis. In
males, it is directly in front of the rectum. In females, it
is in front of the vagina and below the uretus. Folds of
the peritoneum hold the urinary bladder in position. The
shape of the urinary bladder depends on how much urine
it contains. When empty, it looks like a deflated ballons.
It becomes spherical when slightly stretched and, as
urine volume increases. Urinary bladder capacity
averages 700-800 Ml. It is smaller in females because
the uretus occupies the space just superior to the urinary
bladder. Toward the base of the urinary bladder, the
ureters drain into the urinary bladder via the ureteral
openings. Like the ureters, the mucosa of the urinary
bladder contains transitional epithelium, which permits
stretching. The mucosa also contains folds called rugae,
which also permit expansion od the urinary bladder. The
muscular layer of the urinary bladder wall consists of
three layer of smooth muscle called the detrusor muscle.
The peritoneum, which covers the superior surface of the
urinary bladder, forms a serous outer coat; the rest of
the urinary bladder has a fibrous outer covering.

2.1.4. Urethra
The urethra, the terminal portion of the urinary system,
is a small tube leading from the floor of the urinary
bladder to the exterior of the body. In females, it lies
directly behind the public symphysis and is embedded in
the front wall of the vagina. The opening of the urethra
to the exterior, the external urethra orifice, lies between
the clitoris and vaginal opening. In males, the urethra
passes vertically through the prostate, the deep perineal
muscles, and finally the penis.
2.1.5. Micturition
The urinary bladder stores urine prior to its elimination
and then expels urine into the urethra by an act called
micturition, commonly known asurination. Micturition
requires a combination of involuntary and voluntary
muscle contractions. When the volume of urine in the
urinary bladder exceeds 200-400 mL, pressure within the
bladder increases considerably, and stretch receptors in
its wall transmit nerve impuls into the spinal cord. These
impuls propagate to the lower part of the spinal cord and
trigger a reflex called the micturition reflex. In this
reflex, parasympathetic impuls from the spinal cord
cause contraction of the detrusor muscle and relaxation
of the internal urethral sphincter muscle.
Simultaneously, the spinal cord inhibits somatic motor
neurons, causing relaxation of the sphincters, urination
takes place. Urinary bladder filling causes a sensation of
fullness that initiates a conscious desire to urinate before
the micturition reflex actually accours. Although
emptying of the urinary bladder is a reflex, in early
childhood we learn to initiate it and stop it voluntarily.
Through learned control of the external urethral
sphincter muscle and certain muscles of the pelvic floor,

the cerebral cortex can initiate micturition or delay it for
a limited period of time.

2.2 Types and Clasification

2.2.1 Types
There are five different types of kidney failure:
1. Acute Prerenal Kidney Failure
This is caused by insufficient blood flow to the kidneys. Without
enough blood flow, the kidneys cannot filter toxins from the blood.
This type is usually curable by resolving the cause of inadequate
blood flow.
2. Acute Intrinsic Kidney Failure
This can be caused by direct trauma to the kidneys, such as
physical impact, accidents, toxin overload, or ischemia (a lack of
oxygen to the kidneys). Severe bleeding, shock, renal blood vessel
obstruction, or glomerulonephritis (inflammation of the tiny filters
in your kidneys) can all cause ischemia.
3. Chronic Pre-Renal Kidney Failure
When low blood flow to the kidneys is not treated and the condition
remains for an extended period of time, chronic pre-renal kidney
failure can occur. The kidneys begin to shrink and lose the ability to
4. Chronic Intrinsic Kidney Failure
Damage to the kidneys over an extended period due to intrinsic
kidney disease can develop into chronic intrinsic kidney failure.
5. Chronic Post-Renal Kidney Failure
This happens when a long-term blockage of the urinary tract
prevents urinary waste elimination, which causes pressure and
eventual kidney damage.
2.2.2 Clasification
Kidney failure occurs when the kidneys lose the ability to
sufficiently filter waste from the blood. Many factors can interfere
with kidney health and function, such as toxic exposure to
environmental pollutants and chemical food preservatives, certain
diseases and ailments, and kidney damage. If your kidneys cannot

do their regular job, your body becomes overloaded with toxins.
Left untreated, this can lead to kidney failure and can result in
Acute kidney injury (AKI), formerly called acute renal failure (ARF),
is commonly defined as an abrupt decline in renal function,
clinically manifesting as a reversible acute increase in nitrogen
waste products—measured by blood urea nitrogen (BUN)
(brapanya) and serum creatinine levels—over the course of hours
to weeks. The vague nature of this definition has historically made
it difficult to compare between scholarly works and to generalize
findings on epidemiologic studies of AKI to patient populations.
Several classification systems have been developed to streamline
research and clinical practice with respect to AKI

Table 1
Stage GFRa Criteria UOb Criteria
Risk SCrc increased 1.5-2 times baseline UO < 0.5 mL/kg/h < 6 h


GFR decreased >25%

Injury SCr increased 2-3 times baseline UO < 0.5 mL/kg/h >12 h


GFR decreased >50%

Failure SCr increased >3 times baseline UO < 0.3 mL/kg/h 24 h


GFR decreased 75% (oliguria)

or or

SCr ≥4 mg/dL; acute rise ≥0.5 anuria 12 h


Loss of Persistent acute renal failure: complete loss of kidney function

function >4 wk (requiring dialysis)
ESRD Complete loss of kidney function >3 mo (requiring dialysis)
GFR = glomerular filtration rate.
UO = urine output.
SCr = serum creatinine.
ESRD = end-stage renal disease.

Note: Patients can be classified either by GFR criteria or by UO criteria. The

criteria that support the most severe classification should be used. The
superimposition of acute on chronic failure is indicated with the designation
RIFLE-FC; failure is present in such cases even if the increase in SCr is less than
3-fold, provided that the new SCr is greater than 4 mg/dL (350 μmol/L) and
results from an acute increase of at least 0.5 mg/dL (44 μmol/L).

When the failure classification is achieved by UO criteria, the designation of

RIFLE-FO is used to denote oliguria. The initial stage, "risk," has high sensitivity;
more patients are classified in this mild category, including some who do not
actually have renal failure. Progression through the increasingly severe stages of
RIFLE is marked by decreasing sensitivity and increasing specificity.
Table 2. KDIGO Staging for AKI Severity
Stage Serum Creatinine Urine Output
1 1.5-1.9 times baseline < 0.5 mL/kg/h for 6 h


≥0.3 mg/dL increase

2 2-2.9 times baseline < 0.5 mL/kg/h for 12 h

3 3 times baseline < 0.3 mL/kg/h for 24 h

or or

Increase in serum creatinine to ≥4 mg/dL Anuria for ≥12 h


Initiation of renal replacement therapy

2.3 Etiology
A. Urinary Tract Calculi
Many factors are involved in the incidence and type of stone
formation, including metabolic, dietary, genetic, climatic, lifestyle, and
occupational influences. Although many theory have been proposed, no
single theory can account for stone formation in all cases. Crystals, when
in a supersaturated concentration, can precipitate and unite to form a
stone. Keeping urine dilate and free flowing reduces the risk of recurrent
stone formation in many individuals. A mucoprotein is formed (the matrix
for the stone) in the kidneys that form stones. Urinary pH, solute load, and
inhibitors in the urine affect the formation of stones. The higher the pH
(alkaline), the less soluble are calcium and phosphate. The lower the pH
(acidic), the less soluble are uric acid and cystin. These stones can lead to
a renal infection, hydronephrosis and loss of kidney function. Infected
stones are frequent in the patient with an external urinary diversion,
longterm indwelling catheter, neurogenic bladder, or urinary retention.
Genetic factors may also contribute to urine stone formation. Cystinuria,
an autosomal recessive disorder, is characterized by a marked increased
excretion of cystine.
B. Prostate Cancer
Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men in the United
States, and the third leading cause of cancer death among men (lung and
colon cancer are first and second, respectively). Prostate cancer is an
aggressive growth of malignant cancerous cells in the prostate that can be
fatal. The causes of prostate cancer are not completely understood.
Symptoms of prostate cancer can vary from none to painful urination,
blood in the urine, bone pain, muscle weakness and others.
C. Ovarian Cyst
In general, ovarian masses can be devided into functional cyst and
neoplastics growth. Functional cysts of the ovaries result from normal
physiologic functioning of ovary and are devided into follicular cyst and
corpus luteum cyst.

2.4 Clinical Appearances

2.4.1 Urinary Tract Calculi
Urinary stones cause clinical manifestations when they obstruct
urinary flow. Common sites of complete obstruction are at the UPJ (the
point at which the ureter crosses the iliac vessels) and at the
uretrovesical junction (UVJ). Symptoms include abdominal or flank pain

(typically severe), hematuria, and renal colic. Renal colic is due to an
increase in ureteral peristaltis in response to the passage of a small
stones along the inner lumen of the ureter. The pain may be associated
with nausea and vomiting. The type of pain is determined by the
location of the stone. If the stone is nonobstructing, pain may be
absent. If the obstruction is in a calyx or at the UPJ, the patient may
experience dull costovertebral flank pain or renal colic. Pain resulting
from the passage of a calculus down the ureter is intense and colickly.
The patient may be in mild shock with cool, moist skin. As a stone nears
the UVJ, pain will be felt in the lateral flank. Man may experience
testicular pain whereas women may experience pain within the groin.
The patient may have concomitant manifestations of urinary infection
with fever and chills.
2.4.2 Prostate Cancer
Prostate cancer is the development of cancer in prostate, a gland
in the male reproductive system. It may initially with no symptoms. In
later stages, it can cause difficulty of urinating, blood in the urine, or
pain in the pelvis, back or when urinating. A disease known as benign
prostatic hyperplasia may produce similar symptoms. Other late
symptoms may include feeling tired due to low levels of red blood cells.
Factors that increase the risk of prostate cancer include:
1. Older age
2. Family history of the disease
3. Race
4. High diet of processed meat, red meat, or milk products or low in
certain vegetables

2.4.3 Ovarian Cyst

An ovarian cyst is a fluid-filled sac that forms on the ovary. These
very common growths are benign 90% of the time and are
asymptomatic in many women (Hackley, Kriebs, &Rosseau, 2007).
Ovarian cyst occur in 30% of women with regular menses, 50% of
women with irregular menses, and 60% of postmenopausal women
(Verga, 2006). When the cyst grow large and exert pressure on
surrounding structures, women often seek medical help.



Genitourinary system is the organ system of the reproductive organs and urinary
system. In genitourinary system, there are some organs. They are:

1. Kidney
2. Ureters
3. Bladder
4. Urethra
5. Male reproductive organs
6. Female reproductive organs

Some disease may occur the genitourinary system such as Urinary Tract Calculi,
prostate cancer in men’s reproductive system, and ovarian cyst in women’s
reproductive system.


Falconer, Norman.Dealing with Prostate Cancer: The Complete Guide to Prevention,

Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment and Care. 2008. Moses Akinmuyiwa

Ricci, Susan Scott & Kyle, Terry. Maternity and Peiatric Nursing.2009. Lippincott
Williams & Wilkins.


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