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he Nahdhat Shabab Project is funded by the U.S.

Department of State and administered by AMIDEAST. The

Nahdhat Shabab Project trains youth between the ages of
18 and 30 years old in vocational, professional and
employability skills. The project trainees will gain realworld experience in
improving their communities and
stimulating critical economic recovery in Yemen.
The Nahdhat Shabab Project is now receiving applications
for vocational and employability training which will begin
January 2019. The eleven eligible fields for vocational
training are listed in the application, but priority for this
recruitment will be given to these 3 areas: hydraulics,
plumbing, and renewable energy (solar installation).
Applications will be accepted from applicants residing in
Sana�a (Amanat Al Asimah). Following submission of a
completed application by the deadline, applicants will be
screened for eligible criteria, which includes completing
all questions. Characteristics of successful applicants are
listed on the last pages of the application form. Shortlisted candidates will be
invited to an interview with
members of the Community Advisory Board. Scholarships
will be announced in Summer 2018 and applicants will be
expected to bring their supporting documents with th

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