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A. Citizen Journalism – Blogs

Carolynne Burkholder:

“The internet has created a new sphere where everyone can be a journalist; all you need
is a computer and an opinion – no training necessary.

A blog, short for weblog, according to the Oxford English Dictionary is “a frequently
updated web site consisting of personal observations, excerpts from other sources, etc.,
typically run by a single person, and usually with hyperlinks to other sites; an online
journal or diary.”

The internet is home to almost 10 million blogs, ranging from rants by teenagers to
loosely disguised product advertising, from political commentary to news reporting.

Blogging is a very new form of journalism. Beginning in the 1990s when personal
computers became readily available, digital communities began to develop. Email lists,
bulletin boards, and forums were the early forms of internet communication. Bloggers or
journallers, as they were called, began claiming their place on the internet in the late part
of the decade. Blogging has been growing in prominence, scope, and influence ever

Some primarily mainstream journalists and news organizations, in fact, have been using
the new technology to report on developing stories and capture a greater audience. A
notable example was during Hurricane Katrina, when reputable newsrooms, such as CNN
used blogging technology to provide up-to-the-minute news.”

Aveseh Asough, 2012:

“Social Networking sites and blogs have become part of our daily life. As more and
more people are becoming Internet friendly, it’s become easier for people to
communicate and stay in touch through these social networking sites. Journalists too
have found social networking sites valuable tools for their work.

Since the emergence of these social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter as key
tools for news, journalists and their organizations have performed a high-wire act: They
need to use social media to engage their audiences in new and inventive ways, while
also maintaining ethics.

But as numerous as the advantages are, the disadvantages of these sites cannot be
ignored for whatever purpose they are used. In business, they have become a serious
security threat and also a major distraction for staff. Some people tend to put
unnecessary details about themselves on these sites. And there are reports of
consequences suffered by some people who are ignorant of the danger of too much
detail on these sites.

In journalism, the use of social media tools is also quite a delicate issue. This is
because the question of its compliance with ethics needs to be answered for it to be
effectively used for journalism purposes.

The risks that journalists or media organizations could face when using social media
tools could include a breach of editorial values or ethics— which includes losing
credibility because they do not do an effective check or verify stories they post or cull
from social media sites—and could result in journalistic “disasters” when false stories
are posted or culled. There is also the issue of non-attribution in stories, which could be
a serious ethical issue.

One of the editorial values that journalists and their organizations must ensure to
adhere to is objectivity. But if journalists do not verify stories that appear on social sites,
but just carry such stories because they want to be the first to break them, then they
compromise objectivity. Take for instance Twitter.

Twitter is one social networking site that is not a news site, but has become a source for
news for many people today.

Anybody can post anything on Twitter and it becomes news. Believe it or not, people
tend to believe what they see on Twitter, and many people don’t remember to verify
what they see on Twitter. If a journalist, for instance, tends to rely on Twitter for his
source of news without verifying, this could be misleading.

The other day, a friend of mine saw a Tweet about a bomb blast in Kaduna State,
Nigeria. This was fast! He rushed to the television hoping to see “Breaking News” on
the local TV channel, NTA (Nigeria Television Authority), but it was not there!

He quickly made some calls to people in Kaduna who could give him first-hand
information about the bomb blast. Within 30 minutes, he was able to know the area of
town in Kaduna where the bomb had exploded.

So, this morning when we were discussing social media and ethics, he said, “it doesn’t
take a lot to verify news!” But many other people wouldn’t remember to make the calls.

Another issue with news on social media sites is the issues of Impartiality. Many of the
news that people post on Twitter, Facebook, and blogs is highly opinionated. You see,
with these social media sites, everyone has become a journalist. And ethics are fast
becoming strange.

And of course, you don’t expect bloggers, for instance, to keep to these “strict”
professional ethics that we (journalists) are subjected to. Who would take up the
responsibility to keep every blogger in check for ethics? It’s a “mad house”, as the
saying goes. Everyone says what he or she feels like saying, without fear of intimidation
or punishment.

Media organizations in Nigeria too have ended up using these social media sites like
Facebook, Twitter, blogs and the like. Many stations in Nigeria have opened Facebook
pages and Twitter accounts. But they must ensure that they put a mechanism in place
to check that they uphold the credibility of their organizations and workers in the news

Except for few who have their reservations about social media, journalists in Nigeria are
excited with the opportunities the social networks offer them. For one, it has aided them
in carrying out their tasks of news monitoring and gathering. Like their counterparts in
other countries, they explore various sites on a regular basis to monitor what citizen
journalists and newsmakers post on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, blogs, etc.

Today, modern journalists will need to utilize many of these new tools in order to gather
information, produce material and engage their audiences in new ways. This new trend
has completely revolutionized the way journalists deliver their stories. Social media
networks are transforming the way journalists break news.”

Anthony Zurcher:

“Our thinking might be that a swift Twitter feed and the ability to transmit visuals digitally
quickly helps speed the news to the viewer. But the danger of trying to report first was
witnessed during the Boston Marathon bombings last year. Cable news reporters
seemed to be basing on-air comments on their live Twitter feed, only to find out that the
information was incorrect. It's the journalist's responsibility to try to verify and check out
what her or his sources tell him.”

Jeffrey Seglin:

“Fast, in other words, doesn't always equal right.

It's the journalist's responsibility to try to verify and check out what her or his sources tell
him. The old saw, "If your mother tells you she loves you, check it out", is never truer
than it is today.

During the Marathon Bombing reportage, for example, after several errors were
reported on-air by the major cable news network, the local sources of information
became the go-to sources.

The local news broadcasts - and, in particular, the Boston Globe and its print and online
coverage - provided far more thorough and thoughtful reporting. (Full disclosure: a
former student was part of the team at the Globe that won the Pulitzer for breaking
news this year for its bombing coverage.)

The pressure to be first might always be there, but I'm not sure it's as much of an
either/or situation. Getting the news and getting the news right seems more important
than being the first.”

1. Introduction

Digital media ethics deals with the distinct ethical problems, practices and norms of
digital news media. Digital news media includes online journalism, blogging, digital
photojournalism, citizen journalism and social media. It includes questions about how
professional journalism should use this ‘new media’ to research and publish stories, as
well as how to use text or images provided by citizens.

a. A Revolution In Ethics

A media revolution is transforming, fundamentally and irrevocably, the nature of

journalism and its ethics. The means to publish is now in the hands of citizens, while the
internet encourages new forms of journalism that are interactive and immediate.

Our media ecology is a chaotic landscape evolving at a furious pace. Professional

journalists share the journalistic sphere with tweeters, bloggers, citizen journalists, and
social media users.

Amid every revolution, new possibilities emerge while old practices are threatened.
Today is no exception. The economics of professional journalism struggles as
audiences migrate online. Shrinkage of newsrooms creates concern for the future of
journalism. Yet these fears also prompt experiments in journalism, such as non-profit
centers of investigative journalism.

A central question is to what extent existing media ethics is suitable for today’s and
tomorrow’s news media that is immediate, interactive and “always on” – a journalism of
amateurs and professionals. Most of the principles were developed over the past
century, originating in the construction of professional, objective ethics for mass
commercial newspapers in the late 19th century.

We are moving towards a mixed news media – a news media citizen and professional
journalism across many media platforms. This new mixed news media requires a new
mixed media ethics – guidelines that apply to amateur and professional whether they
blog, Tweet, broadcast or write for newspapers. Media ethics needs to be rethought and
reinvented for the media of today, not of yesteryear.

b. Tensions On Two Levels

The changes challenge the foundations of media ethics. The challenge runs deeper
than debates about one or another principle, such as objectivity. The challenge is
greater than specific problems, such as how newsrooms can verify content from
citizens. The revolution requires us to rethink assumptions.

What can ethics mean for a profession that must provide instant news and analysis;
where everyone with a modem is a publisher?

The media revolution has created ethical tensions on two levels.

On the first level, there is a tension between traditional journalism and online journalism.
The culture of traditional journalism, with its values of accuracy, pre-publication
verification, balance, impartiality, and gate-keeping, rubs up against the culture of online
journalism which emphasizes immediacy, transparency, partiality, non-professional
journalists and post-publication correction.

On the second level, there is a tension between parochial and global journalism.

If journalism has global impact, what are its global responsibilities?

Should media ethics reformulate its aims and norms so as to guide a journalism that is
now global in reach and impact?

What would that look like?

The challenge for today’s media ethics can be summarized by the question: Whither
ethics in a world of multi-media, global journalism? Media ethics must do more than
point out these tensions. Theoretically, it must untangle the conflicts between values. It
must decide which principles should be preserved or invented. Practically, it should
provide new standards to guide online or offline journalism.

c. Layered Journalism

What would an integrated ethics look like?

It will be the ethics of the integrated newsroom, a newsroom that practices layered
journalism. Layered journalism brings together different forms of journalism and different
types of journalists to produce a multi-media offering of professional-styled news and
analysis combined with citizen journalism and interactive chat.

The newsroom will be layered vertically and horizontally.

Vertically, there will be many layers of editorial positions. There will be citizen journalists
and bloggers in the newsroom, or closely associated with the newsroom. Many
contributors will work from countries around the world. Some will write for free, some will
be equivalent to paid freelancers, others will be regular commentators.

In addition, there will be different types of editors. Some editors will work with these new
journalists, while other editors will deal with unsolicited images and text sent by citizens
via email, web sites, and twitter. There will be editors or “community producers” charged
with going out to neighborhoods to help citizens use media to produce their own stories.
Horizontally, the future newsroom will be layered in terms of the kinds of journalism it
produces, from print and broadcast sections to online production centers.

Newsrooms in the past have had vertical and horizontal layers. Newspaper newsrooms
have ranged vertically from the editor in-chief at the top to the cub reporter on the
bottom. Horizontally, large mainstream newsrooms have produced several types of
journalism, both print and broadcast. However, future newsrooms will have additional
and different layers. Some news sites will continue to be operated by a few people
dedicated only to one format, such as blogging. But a substantial portion of the new
mainstream will consist of these complex, layered organizations.

Layered journalism will confront two types of problems. First, there will be ‘vertical’
ethical questions about how the different layers of the newsroom, from professional
editors to citizen freelancers, should interact to produce responsible journalism.

For example, by what standards will professional editors evaluate the contributions of
citizen journalists?

Second, there will be ‘horizontal’ questions about the norms for the various newsroom

d. Difficult Questions For Digital Media Ethics:

Who is a journalist?

The ‘democratization’ of media – technology that allows citizens to engage in journalism

and publication of many kinds – blurs the identity of journalists and the idea of what
constitutes journalism.

In the previous century, journalists were a clearly defined group. For the most part, they
were professionals who wrote for major mainstream newspapers and broadcasters. The
public had no great difficulty in identifying members of the “press.”

Today, citizens without journalistic training and who do not work for mainstream media
calls themselves journalists, or write in ways that fall under the general description of a
journalists as someone who regularly writes on public issues for a public or audience.
It is not always clear where the term “journalist” begins or ends.

If someone does what appears to be journalism, but refuses the label ‘journalist’ is he or
she a journalist?

If comedian Jon Stewart refuses to call himself a journalist, but magazines refer to him
as an influential journalist (or refers to him as someone who does engage in journalism)
is Stewart a journalist?

Is a person expressing their opinions on their Facebook site a journalist?

What is journalism?

A lack of clarity over who is a journalist leads to definitional disputes over who is doing
journalism. That leads to the question: What is journalism?

Many people believe, “What is journalism?” or “Is he or she doing journalism?” is a more
important question than whether who can call themselves a journalist.

At least three approaches to this question are possible – skeptical, empirical, and
normative. Skeptically, one dismisses the question itself as unimportant. For example,
one might say that anyone can be a journalist, and it is not worth arguing over who gets
to call themselves a journalist. One is skeptical about attempts to define journalism.

Empirically, there is a more systematic and careful approach to the question. We can
look at clear examples of journalism over history and note the types of activities in which
journalists engaged, e.g. gathering information, editing stories, publishing news and
opinion. Then we use these features to provide a definition of journalism that separates
it from novel writing, storytelling, or editing information for a government database.

The normative approach insists that writers should not be called journalists unless they
have highly developed skills, acquired usually through training or formal education, and
unless they honor certain ethical norms.

The skills include investigative capabilities, research skills, facility with media
technology of media, knowledge of how institutions work, and highly developed
communication skills. The ethical norms include a commitment to accuracy, verification,
truth, and so on.

The normative approach is based on an ideal view of journalism as accurately and

responsibly informing the public. One defines journalism by considering the best
examples of journalism and the practices of the best journalists.

A writer who has these skills and these ethical commitments is capable of publishing
good (well-crafted, well-researched) and ethically responsible journalism.

Persons who do not meet these normative requirements may call themselves journalists
but they are not considered journalists from this normative perspective. They are
irresponsible, second-rate, or incompetent writers seeking to be journalists, or
pretending to be journalists.


Anonymity is accepted more readily online than in mainstream news media.

Newspapers usually require the writers of letters to the editor to identify themselves.
Codes of mainstream media ethics caution journalists to use anonymous sources
sparingly and only if certain rules are followed. The codes warn journalists that people
may use anonymity to take unfair or untrue “potshots” at other people, for self-interested

Online, many commentary and “chat” areas do not require anonymity. Online users
resist demands from web site and blogs to register and identify themselves. Anonymity
is praised as allowing freedom of speech and sometimes helping to expose wrong
doing. Critics say it encourages irresponsible and harmful comments. Mainstream
media contradict themselves when they allow anonymity online but refuse anonymity in
their newspapers and broadcast programs.

The ethical question is:

When is anonymity ethically permissible and is it inconsistent for media to enforce

different rules on anonymity for different media platforms?

What should be the ethical guidelines for anonymity offline and online?

Speed, Rumor And Corrections

Reports and images circulate the globe with amazing speed via Twitter, YouTube,
Facebook, blogs, cell phones, and email. Speed puts pressure on newsrooms to publish
stories before they are adequately checked and verified as to the source of the story
and the reliability of the alleged facts. Major news organizations too often pick up
rumors online. Sometimes, the impact of publishing an online rumor is not world shaking
– a false report that a hockey coach has been fired.

But a media that thrives on speed and “sharing” creates the potential for great harm. For
instance, news organizations might be tempted to repeat a false rumor that terrorists
had taken control of the London underground, or that a nuclear power plant had just
experienced a ‘meltdown’ and dangerous gases were blowing towards Chicago. These
false reports could induce panic, cause accidents, prompt military action and so on.

A related problem, created by new media, is how to handle errors and corrections when
reports and commentary are constantly being updated. Increasingly, journalists are
blogging ‘live’ about sports games, news events, and breaking stories. Inevitably, when
one works at this speed, errors are made, from misspelling words to making factual

Should news organizations go back and correct all of these mistakes which populate
mountains of material?

Or should they correct errors later and not leave a trace of the original mistake –what is
called “unpublishing?”

The ethical challenge is to articulate guidelines for dealing with rumors and corrections
in an online world that are consistent with the principles of accuracy, verification, and

Impartiality, Conflicts Of Interest, And Partisan Journalism

New media encourages people to express their opinion and share their thoughts

Many bloggers take pride in speaking their mind, compared to any mainstream
reporters who must cover events impartially. Many online journalists see themselves as
partisans or activists for causes or political movements, and reject the idea of objective
or neutral analysis.

Partial or partisan journalism comes in at least two kinds: One kind is an opinion
journalism that enjoys commenting upon events and issues, with or without verification.

Another form is partisan journalism which uses media as a mouthpiece for political
parties and movements. To some extent, we are seeing a revival (or return) to an
opinion/partisan journalism that was popular before the rise of objective reporting in the
early 1900s.

Both opinion and partisan journalism have long roots in journalism history. However,
their revival in an online world raises serious ethical conundrums for current media

Should objectivity be abandoned by all journalists?

Which is best for a vigorous and healthy democracy – impartial journalism or partisan

To make matters more contentious, some of the new exponents of opinion and impartial
journalism not only question objectivity, they question the long-standing principle that
journalists should be independent from the groups they write about.

For example, some partisan journalists reject charges of a journalistic “conflict of
interest” when they accept money from groups, or make donations to political parties.

Economically, mainstream newsrooms who uphold traditional principles such as

impartiality increasingly feel compelled to move toward a more opinionated or partisan
approach to news and commentary. To be impartial is said to be boring to viewers.
Audiences are said to be attracted to strong opinion and conflicts of opinion.

Even where newsrooms enforce the rules of impartiality — say by suspending a

journalist for a conflict of interest or partial comment — they fail to get full public
support. Some citizens and groups complain that newsroom restraints on what analysts
and reporters can say about the groups they cover is censorship.

Is it good, that more and more, journalists no longer stand among the opposing groups
in society and try to inform the public fairly about their perspectives but rather become
part of the groups seeking to influence public opinion?

The ethical challenge is to redefine what independent journalism in the public interest
means for a media where many new types of journalism are appearing and where basic
principles are being challenged.

Entrepreneurial Not-For-Profit Journalism

The declining readers and profits of mainstream media, as citizens migrate online, has
caused newsrooms to shrink their staff. Some journalists doubt the continuing viability of
the old economic model of a mass media based on advertising and circulation sales.

In response, many journalists have started not-for-profit newsrooms, news web sites,
and centers of investigative journalism based on money from foundations and donations
from citizens. Some journalists go online and ask for citizens to send them money to do

This trend can be called “entrepreneurial journalism” because the journalist no longer
simply reports while other people (e.g. advertising staff) raise funds for their newsroom.
These journalists are entrepreneurs attempting to raise funds for their new ventures.

The new ventures raise ethical questions.

How independent can such newsrooms be when they are so reliant on funds from a
limited number of donors?

What happens if the newsroom intends to report a negative story about one of its main

From whom will these newsrooms take money?

How transparent will they be about who gives them money and under what conditions?

The challenge is to construct an ethics for this new area of journalism.

Reporters Using Social Media

Many news organizations encourage their reporters to use social media to gather
information and to create a “brand” for themselves by starting their own blog, Facebook
page, or Twitter account. However, online commenting can put reporters, especially
beat reporters, in trouble with their editors or the people they comment about, especially
if the news outlet says it provides impartial reporting.

For example, a reporter who covers city hall may report dispassionately in her
newspaper about a candidate for mayor. But on her blog, she may express strong
opinion, saying the candidate is an unlikeable and incompetent politician. Such
comments would give the candidate cause to complain about the lack of impartiality of
the reporter.

The ethical challenge is to develop social media guidelines that allow reporters to
explore the new media world but also to draw reasonable limits on personal

Citizen Journalists And Using Citizen Content

One of the difficult “horizontal” issues, noted above, is whether newsrooms should keep
all types of journalists to the same editorial standards?

For example, should citizen journalists be required to be balanced and impartial?

Can journalists who operate a newsroom’s web site report on a story before their
colleagues, the print reporters?

In other words, should print reporters be held to a higher standard of pre-publication


Furthermore, as newsroom staff shrink, and the popularity of online news grows,
organizations are increasingly able, and willing, to collaborate with citizens in covering
disasters, accidents, and other breaking news. Citizens who capture events on their cell
phones can transmit text and images to newsrooms.

Newsrooms need to put in place a process for citizen-supplied material, which may be
bogus or biased.

How shall sources be identified?

How much vetting is necessary for different sorts of stories?

Should citizen contributors be made aware of the newsroom’s editorial standards?

The ethical question is whether it is possible to construct a media ethics whose norms
apply consistently across all media platforms.

Or are we faced with the prospect of having different sets of norms for different media

e. Ethics Of Images

There are the new ethical issues raised by the rise of new image technology. These
images include both photographs and video. Citizens and professional journalists have
new and easy ways to capture and transmit images, such as cell phones linked to the
internet via wireless technology. They have new technologies for altering and
manipulating these images.

This convergence of ease of capture, ease of transmission, and ease of manipulation,

questions the traditional principles of photojournalism which were developed for non-
digital capture and transmission of pictures and video.

As mentioned above, one issue is whether newsrooms can trust the easily obtained
images of citizens and citizen journalists.

Who is the sender and how do we know that this image is really of the event in

Another issue is whether a journalist or a citizen used technology to alter the

photograph, e.g. to add an object to the picture or to take an object out. The
manipulation of images is so tempting that mainstream newsrooms have fired a string of
photojournalists over the past decade to discourage fraudulent practices.

Even with manipulation, not all issues are clear.

Photojournalists often talk about how it is permitted to change the ‘technical’ aspects of
a picture such as altering slightly the tone or color of a photo. But they draw the line at
any further changes. Changing the meaning or content of the image so as to mislead
viewers is considered unethical.

However, the line between a technical change and a change in meaning is not always
clear. An image maker can enhance the colors of a photo until it is quite unlike the
original picture of the object or the event.

Also, editors may argue that it permissible to alter images for the covers of fashion
magazines (and other types of magazine) since the cover is a work of ‘art’ to attract
buyers while they browse magazine stands.

Once again, there is much for ethics to do to clarify the principles of responsible image
making and how those principles apply to difficult cases.

f. Proliferation Of News Media

First came cable television. Then satellite. Soon online versions of newspapers
augmented the news media scene. Now millions of bloggers, countless web sites, web
broadcasts, and “podcasts” have become mainstream.

All make up the “body” of today’s news media, and there is no visible end to this
proliferation. The main ethical implications are threefold: increased competition has
affected the quality of news reports, the public has heightened its demand for
transparency, and the news world’s understanding of copyright has ceased to suffice.

Newsmakers face increasing competition to cover all the pertinent stories and reach
sources before their competitors. CNN and website news have resorted to wall-to-wall,
24 hour coverage to ensure that they can provide the story to their readers/viewers as
soon as it occurs.

The danger is that speed will prevail over accuracy, and journalists will exchange their
ethical motives as fact-checking truth-seekers for the love of breaking a story - any

However, an increase in competition also has led some news organizations to

distinguish themselves from less responsible outlets by being more transparent about
how they do their work.

Journalists who want to set their articles apart as truthful and comprehensive have
begun giving the public access to their sources. Studies are equipped with margins of
error, assertions are backed by supporting web links, and anonymity granted to sources
is thoroughly explained.

While some journalists turn to transparency to justify the claims in their reports, others
have resorted to a much more careless form of writing, dubbed “journalism of
assertion.” Many blogs and independent e-zines, lacking an engrained sense of duty to
the truth or to readers, have developed a journalistic style of unsubstantiated opinion.
Ideas are accrued and then restated, without regard to their origin or factuality.

The fact that information can be so easily accessed and then redistributed on the
internet has lent itself to yet another trend: questioning the value of copyright. According
to Piers Fawkes, co-creator of PSFK, a collaborative trend-reporting site, copyright has
lost its value.

“A blogger’s job is to spread ideas,” proclaims Fawkes. “They may be our ideas or the
great ideas of others – but blogging gives an unparalleled way of passing those ideas
on to others . . . the reason we write is not to control our ideas, not to look clever. We
write to add our ideas to the global discussion.”

g. Changes In News Media Audiences

The proliferation of news outlets means that audiences can read and watch their news
on various channels and web sites. In other words, media audiences have fragmented.
No longer does an overwhelming majority of Canadians sit down in the evening to
watch one or two major TV newscasts.

People get their news updated throughout the day, when they want it. They surf the web
to find the stories that interest them. Some describe these niche audiences as
impatient, “remote control” audiences, who want the information they’re seeking without
delay and without additional, unsought news.

In response, more and more news outlets cater to smaller and smaller demographics or
“niches.” The risk is that journalists will no longer seek to provide the public with
comprehensive accounts of the day’s top stories from many areas of life, but will focus
narrowly on “niche news” that is of interest to narrow sectors of the population.

An additional danger is that the public will no longer come together, through the news
media, to deliberate over common issues. Instead, the public will fragment into many
special-interest audiences.

h. Convergence Of Media

The fragmentation of the news audience has prompted some major news organizations
to attempt to “re-assemble” a large news audience by providing news across many
media platforms. Major organizations such as CNN in the United States and CanWest in
Canada seek to own and provide news via a convergence of their newspapers,
television stations and web sites. Meanwhile, journalists are urged to embrace multi-
media reporting - the ability to report for print, broadcast and the internet.

Far-reaching change usually has positive and negative effects.

i. Positive Effects Of Media Convergence:

1. Interactivity: Increased ability of the public to actively search for their own
information and to interact online with news web sites.

2. Increased public access to different forms and types of media.

3. Increased access to a greater diversity of content.

4. Reduced “gatekeeping” powers of major news organizations.

5. Less power to set the news agenda or manipulate the public’s understanding of

6. New and powerful story-telling methods through multi-media technology.

7. Convergence in news may mean more resources to probe issues.

ii. Negative Effects Of Media Convergence:

1. Rise in “journalism of assertion”: unsubstantiated opinion and rumor which harms

journalistic credibility.

2. Lack of restraint among online writers.

3. Pressure to lower ethical standards and sensationalize stories.

4. Public complaints about how a “ubiquitous” media violate personal privacy.

5. Confusion about who is a journalist, when anyone can publish.

6. Ethical “vertigo” regarding news values, newsworthiness, credibility. What

standards are appropriate for this new “mixed media”?

7. Focussing on “niche news” that interests only narrow sectors of the population.

8. Public fragmenting into many special-interest audiences.

9. Information can be easily accessed and redistributed on the internet has lent
itself to another trend: copyright has lost its value.

iii. Ethical Issues Involving Digital/Social Media

Areas of disconnect between the practices of journalists and the emerging conventions
of digital/social media demonstrate the need for ethical guidelines. Among the issues

1. Authenticating sources of information, especially when they are provided by an

anonymous source.

2. Assuring the reliability of information on linked sites.

3. Dealing with conflicts of interest.

4. Concerns involving lack of oversight or accountability.

When it comes to news reporting via social media, conversations about ethical
standards and guidelines ought to be taking place in more news organizations. Right
now, digital consumers are right to feel confused by what they read and watch online.

When they see user-generated content on a news outlet such as CNN (and,
they might believe it has been verified as any other news story on CNN would be, even
if the iReports page is labeled “Unedited. Unfiltered.”

And as they travel around the Web and link to and read blog posts and information on
other Web sites, what gets blurred is the line separating personal opinion and unverified
information from what journalists are reporting.

B. Civic Or Public Or Advocacy Journalism

Public journalism and, for the most part, citizen journalism can be viewed as examples
of advocacy journalism, a form of journalism that endeavors to be fact-based, but does
not separate editorial opinion from news coverage and often approaches the news from
a specific viewpoint.

Advocacy journalists distinguish the “good guys” from the “bad guys” and “actively
participate in the debate, becoming more activists than observers of the events.

Advocacy journalism has been at times credited with everything from combating “the
moral failings of Western governments” to offering "a more progressive notion of experts
and expertise by citing community members while critiquing or pointedly ignoring
dominant discourses from government and academic ‘experts’”. It has been tied to
peace journalism, “alternative” publications and environmental journalism among others.

Ethical and Practical Implications

The past two decades have witnessed a conscious push away from the traditional
journalistic value of objectivity, often deeming it an impossible goal. Calls for advocacy
journalism have taken a variety of forms including public journalism, citizen journalism
and peace journalism.

For example, Hollander (2008) found evidence that partisan viewers were migrating to
media that reflected their own viewpoints, while casual news consumers were moving to
entertainment rather than news programming.

Ladd (2010) reported that distrust of the media leads voters “to discount campaign news
and increasingly rely on their partisan predispositions as cues.”



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