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yl:office administration

The office
(This organisational chart for a large company is partially done. Please complete it.)

Usually, a large organisation such as a public company will be divided into sections or
departments, each of which performs a particular function within the organisation. A manager directs
each function.

So, now students, we can safely say that the office plays an important role in the chain of
production – from the raw material stage until the goods and services are in the hands of the
consumer. The office, therefore, is concerned with processing all documents that are involved.
SIZE AND NATURE OF A BUSINESS The functions of the office are based on the collecting, processing, preserving and disseminating
of information. These functions should be controlled so that there will be no waste of time, money,
There are factors that influence the size of an organisation. Some of these are:
space, material or equipment.
 The type of ownership.
 The financial constraints.
The volume and nature of business activity are determined by the size of the organisation and type
 The market demand for the commodity.
of business ownership.
 The nature of the product.

Business enterprises are described according to their type of ownership. The types that are usually OFFICE LAYOUT
concerned with commercial services are: There are two basic forms of layout used for offices – they are the enclosed (cellular) and the
open-plan layout.
The enclosed office (cellular) consists of small, individual rooms occupied by one or two people.
One person owns a sole-trader business. This person runs the business on his/her own, by
It offers more privacy, but this type of office is more costly to build and workers are more difficult to
putting in all the capital, therefore, all the profit goes to him/her and he/she is responsible for any
losses incurred.
The open-plan office consists of a large open room with no dividing walls or partitions. This type
PARTNERSHIP of office is less costly and workers are easily supervised as everyone can be seen. There is, however,
At least two but not more than 20 persons, known as partners, share in the ownership of the firm. a lack of privacy and the atmosphere is impersonal.


At least two persons, known as shareholders, contribute funds to provide share capital in a List the departments that can be found in a large organisation and give the specific tasks that are
business that is controlled by a board of directors. The liability of each shareholder is limited to the carried out by each.
amount of share capital invested. See you next week.

Hyacinth Tugman is an independent contributor. Send questions and comments to

Its securities are traded on a stock exchange and can
be bought and sold by anyone. A public companies is Board of
strictly regulated and is required by law to publish its
financial position so that investors can determine the Directors
worth of its shares. It is owned and controlled by at least
two shareholders and there is no limit to the number of
This is owned and controlled by private enterprises. Manager


An organisation’s structure is designed to outline the
lines of authority, responsibility and the relationship
between the personnel in an organisation. The structure Secretary Marketing Production Accounts
gives clear lines of demarcation where each employer
reports to meet the objectives of the organisation. Manager Manager Manager



yl:principles of business

T IS a pleasure to be with you all once again. This lesson is a
continuation of last week’s lesson on the market structure –
perfect competition. The previous lesson considered the
Marketing – Part 3
AC is above AR or AR below AC, the firm is earning subnormal normal profit, AR=AC. When this occurs, there will be no more
definition and features of perfect competition. We will now
discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this market structure profit. You may consult an economics textbook to see how these incentives for firms to either enter or leave the industry. Thus,the
even though, in the strictest sense, this market structure does not levels of profit are illustrated graphically. industry will be in long-run equilibrium. Again, the graphical
exist in reality. illustration of this situation can be seen in most economics texts.
Well, folks, that is it for now. Next week we will outline another
ADVANTAGES OF PERFECT COMPETITION In the long run, all the firms under perfect competition will be market structure – monopoly. You can begin to read up on this
 All buyers and sellers are treated equally. in the situation where they are earning just normal profit AR=AC. structure based on the headings I gave you in last week’s lesson.
 There is only one price ruling in the market at a time and Just how did this come about? We will learn some interesting facts about this market structure,
this price is not determined by any single buyer or seller but by In the long run, all the firms that had been earning subnormal and some common myths will be explained and dismissed. See
the market forces of demand and supply. profit in the short run AR<AC will leave the industry and will go you then.
 Competition keeps prices lower than under other market into industries where they can at least earn normal profit. When
structures. these firms leave, supply will fall and prices and profits will rise. Yvonne Harvey is an independent contributor. Send questions and comments
 Since the product is homogenous, sellers do not have to to
spend money on advertising. The firms that are earning supernormal profits
 Competition between firms also forces them to be efficient. AR>AC will attract other firms into the industry by
 Firms under perfect competition respond to changes in their attractive level of profits. As firms enter, supply
consumer demand; therefore, the consumer is said to be will increase and prices and profits will fall.
sovereign or king.
This rise and fall in profits will
continue until all firms in the
 There is a lack of variety because an undifferentiated good is earning
 Firms may not be able to afford the technology
that allows them to be efficient.
 The number of firms in
the industry makes
for firms to
benefit from
 There may be
frequent changes in
price as the market forces of
demand and supply change.

Let us now consider the possible

profits that can be earned in the short run
and in the long run under perfect competition.

In the short run, some of the firms will earn normal profit,
some will earn supernormal profit and some will earn subnormal
profit. Normal profit is that level of profit which is just enough to
keep a firm in the industry. Once a firm is earning this level of
profit, it will not leave the industry. In this situation, average
revenue (AR) is equal to average cost (AC). This level of profit is
often referred to as zero economic profit. If supernormal profits
are being earned, this is so because AR is greater than AC. When


yl:principles of accounts

Financial statement balance sheet – Part 1

Contributor The information below was taken from the income statement of WORKED EXAMPLE 3:
Karl Williams:
THERE are two main questions owners of a business often ask: Liabilities & Owner’s equity/ Capital Working:
a. What is my net income? $ Assets $ $ [W1] Assets
b. What is my net equity? $28,800 -
Cash 12000 Accounts Payable 9000
Fees income 28000 Supplies 800 Notes Payable 5000
It is important to note that the accounting equation which $ 14,000 =
provides the simple balance of assets, liabilities and Rent expenses 4000 Equipment 16000 Total Liabilities 14000 Owner’s equity
capital/owner’s equity does not sufficiently give a complete _____ Capital {W1} 14800 $14,800
answer to those questions. For these questions to be adequately Salaries expenses 10000 Total Assets 28800 Total Liabilities & Owner’s Equity 28800
answered, we need to know the:
1. Type and amount of income and also the type and amount of Miscellaneous expenses 2000
each expense for the specific accounting period. BALANCE SHEET –PART 1
2. Type and amount of each asset, liability and owner’s equity at Drawings 4000 The balance sheet has many definitions, including those listed
the end of the specific accounting period. below:
i. A ‘statement of financial position’; it reveals the company’s
The above information is provided by the: You are required to: assets, liabilities and owner’s equity (net worth).
a. Income statement Find the increase or decrease in capital. ii. An accounting tool used by individuals, business owners
b. Balance sheet and large corporations to track net worth.
iii. A snapshot of the company’s financial position at a single
Facts to be retained: point in time.
1. The income statement and the balance sheet are known as WORKED EXAMPLE 2:
accounting statements. It is known as a balance sheet because the two sides balance.
$ $
2. Net income for a specific period is shown in a statement Since a company pays for all the assets, it has either by:
known as the income statement. Fees income 28000 a. Borrowing money – thus creating liabilities
3. Net loss for the specific period is shown in the income b. Getting money from shareholders/owners – known as
Less Expenses: equity/capital
4. Income and expenses are two groups of items on the income Rent expenses 4000
Salaries expenses 10000
5. Net income is the difference between income and expense.
6. Money withdrawn by the owner for personal use is known as There are three segments of the balance sheet which are:
Miscellaneous expenses 2000
drawings; it is not an expense, but it reduces capital. i. assets
Total Expenses 16000 ii. liabilities
7. The balance sheet is a financial statement that lists the
assets, liabilities and capital at the end of the accounting period. iii. capital/equity accounts in which to document the value of
Net income 12000
Less Drawings 4000
WORKED EXAMPLE 1 Important to note
Increase in Capital 8000
You are required to prepare an income statement based on the
(1) (2) (3)
information below:
The asset side of the balance sheet The liability side has Equity/capital side lists:
lists accounts such as: accounts such as:
$ You are required to: Cash i. Accounts Payable i. Capital Invested
WORKED EXAMPLE 1: Use the following information to determine the Capital on Inventory ii. Long-term Debts ii. Retained Earnings/Net
Fees Income 76000 $ $ December 31, 2016. Property

Fees Income 76000 $

This is where we will end for this week. Join me next week as
Supplies Expenses 32000 Less Expenses:
Cash 12000 we continue to complete the syllabus. Grasp the concepts and
Supplies Expenses 32000
Supplies 800 retain them. You will need them as you progress to excellence.
Salaries expenses 24000 Salaries expenses 24000
See you next week.
Miscellaneous expenses 14000
Equipment 16000
Accounts Payable 9000
Miscellaneous expenses 14000 Total Expenses 70000 Roxanne Wright teaches at Immaculate Academy. Send questions and
Net income 6000 Notes Payable 5000 comments to


outer shell. These are called valence electrons and determine how

Atomic structure and the element (atom) reacts or bonds. For example, sodium (Na)
and lithium (Li) are in the same column, GROUP 1. The electronic
configurations are as follows: 37Li = 2: 1 and 1123 Na = 2:8:1.
Elements in the same period are filling the same shell, hence

the periodic table have the same number of shells. For example, elements in period
2 are filling the second shell, while elements in period 3 are filling
the third shell.

Contributor 2. Determine the electronic configuration in the following
atoms: 11Na, 15P, 5B
11Na - 2:8:1
15P - 2:8:5
 Electrons are arranged in energy levels around the nucleus. 5B - 2:3
These electrons are not stationary but continue to move in
different energy levels. The arrangement of electrons in the shells
or energy levels is governed by certain rules or guidelines. 3. HOW ARE ELEMENTS ARRANGED IN THE
Elements are arranged in the periodic table in order of
increasing atomic (proton) number, and in GROUPS based on the
number of electrons in the outer shell, and in PERIODS based on
the number of shells being filled. Elements with filled shells of 2
or 8 electrons are in group 8 or O.


Elements on the periodic table are divided into mainly metals
and non-metals. As you go along a PERIOD, elements change
from metals to non-metals. Elements that show both metallic and
 Each shell or energy level can hold a fixed number of non-metallic properties are called metalloids. Some groups of the
electrons. When a shell is filled, electrons will enter the next shell periodic table have special names.
with the lowest energy. Electrons start to fill up the shells of
lowest energy first, that is, the closest one to the nucleus. Group 1 elements are all metals and have one electron in their
 The first shell (K shell) can hold a maximum of 2 electrons. valence shell. They are called the alkali metals.
 The next shell (L shell) can hold a maximum of 8 electrons.
 The third shell (M shell) holds 8 electrons for the first 20 Group 2 elements are also metals and have two electrons in
elements, but can hold up to 18 electrons. their valence shell. They are called the alkaline earth metals.

The electronic configuration of the first 20 elements is shown Group 17 elements are called the halogens or salt producers.
They are called salt producers as they are found in many salts.
Group 17 elements have seven electrons in their valence shell. Group 8 elements are called noble gases (inert) as their outer
shells are filled and are, therefore, not in need of any electrons.
Group 18 elements (commonly called group O or 8) are called This makes them stable and unreactive. Other elements normally
the noble gases. The elements in this group all have the lose or gain electrons in order to have a full shell like the noble
maximum number of electrons in their outer or valence shells. gases or to have a noble gas configuration.
Between GROUP 2 and GROUP 13 is the middle block of the
periodic table that contains the transition elements (metals). Francine Taylor-Campbell is an independent contributor. Send questions and
comments to
These include elements such as iron, copper and chromium.


Elements in the same group have similar properties. Elements
in the same group also have the same number of electrons in the



SBA skills – Drawing

MONACIA WILLIAMS  Label lines must be parallel to the top or
Contributor bottom of the page.
 Labelling lines must not have arrow heads
“The capacity to learn is a gift; the ability to or dots where they touch the structure that is
learn is a skill; the willingness to learn is a being labelled.
choice.” – Brian Herbert  The written title of the drawing must begin
with ‘Drawing showing’.
TAKE CAREFUL note of the above quotation  The title must be written in capital letters
and see what role you will need to play in your and placed underneath the drawing.
studies! You need to have the willingness to  Cursive must never be used on your
diagram. All labels and annotations must be in
enhance the gift of learning! Blessings on your
 The title must be precise/accurate. For
example, if the drawing is of a flower, then the
We started off this year’s series of lessons in
type of flower must be stated. If it is a bone, then
much the same way that we have started the
the type of bone – femurtibia – which side of the
previous years, by looking at the SBA skills in body, which view, must also be given. For
which you need to become proficient and, example, ‘Drawing showing the anterior view of
hence, gain enough marks to be successful in the left femur of a mammal’. If it is the drawing
Paper 03. This area of the syllabus is often of a vertebra, then it must state the type of
approached in a lackadaisical manner, although vertebra. For example, ‘Drawing showing the
its importance in the understanding of scientific posterior view of a lumbar vertebra’.
concepts cannot be overemphasized. That is  The magnification of the drawing must
why attention must be drawn to it year after year. IAN ALLEN/PHOTOGRAPHER also be included. This is arrived at after a
Industrial technology students at Bog Walk High school. calculation is done, and gives an indication of
This week, as we continue, we will look at the size of your diagram compared with the
another SBA skill: drawing. Most times when  A calculator, if your multiplication and to-width ratio in your drawing must be the same actual specimen. It is advisable to include the
this skill is introduced at this level, the response division skills are not up to scratch. as in the actual specimen. calculation on your paper. It can be written
from students is ‘I cannot draw’, because they  If all of these criteria are not met, then you neatly to the left side of the paper. (The formula
think that making biological drawings is the are going to lose marks for accuracy. is: size of drawing divided by size of specimen)
same as creating drawings for visual arts. It is  Your drawings must be properly labelled;  The magnification is written beside the title
You will be drawing flowers, fruits, seeds, labelling lines must be drawn with a ruler.
most definitely not! They may share some skill with an ‘x’ placed before the number. NB: the
storage organs, human organs and bones, and  Labels should be written in pencil and
sets, but both are governed by different rules! magnification never carries a unit.
guess what? You will be drawing these from
There is one thing that is common to both, annotated. A label is annotated when a brief  Only one place of decimal should be
actual specimens, not from your text! explanatory note is given for each label. For
though; in order to master both skills, you need included. For example, ‘Drawing showing the
example, stigma – receives the pollen grain in interior of the mammalian kidney x 1.5’.
to practise, practise and then practise some
more! Be reminded, also, that all the drawings
RULES FOR DRAWING: pollination.  The title must be underlined. ‘Drawing
that you are asked to produce in the theory  Your drawings must be accurate; that is, showing the interior of the mammalian kidney x 1.5’.
they must have the significant features of the The following sums up the characteristics that  Do not use shading on your drawing.
examination must be done using the same
specimen that you are drawing. your finished drawing must have in order to gain
specifications. full marks:
 If you are drawing a flower, then you These are the criteria that your teacher will be
should not draw six petals if the flower has only  Everything must be done in pencil, the using to mark your work, so now you can use
WHAT DO YOU NEED TO BEGIN? five. drawing, label lines, labels and annotations. them to assess your drawings before you
 You will need a pencil, preferably HB. Why  If you are drawing a leaf, then the  The drawing must occupy at least 70% of present them. Happy practising!
am I stating the obvious? This is because you arrangement of the veins in your drawing must the page.
be the same as in the specimen. If the edge of  Ensure as much as is possible that your See you next week!
would be surprised to know how many students
the leaf is serrated, then the edge of the leaf that label lines, labels and annotations are to the
go to biology classes and exams without
you have drawn must be serrated. right of your drawing. Monacia Williams is an independent contributor. Send
 If you are drawing a bone, then the length-  All label lines must end at the same questions and comments to
 Typing sheets (blank paper), a clean eraser
vertical plane.
and a ruler are also required.



Map reading and field study

JUDITH HENRY divided into 60 north-south zones, each A set of digits forms a reference using the 2. Imagine that grid square divided into
Contributor covering a strip 6¡ wide in longitude. grid values of eastings and northings. tenths.
These define a location on a map and are 216 is the easting.
2. MILITARY GRID REFERENCE referred to as grid references.  21 is the grid line.
 6 is the number of tenths along towards
Things to remember: the next grid line.
Focus questions:  This is a simplified form of the Universal  Each grid square is 1km x 1km or 1km.
 What are grids, grid lines and grid Transverse Mercator Grid System.  When you give a grid reference, always 322 is the northing
reference?  It provides a very quick and easy method give the easting first ... ‘Along the corridor and  32 is the grid line.
 For what are grid lines used and what of referencing a location on a topographic map. up the stairs’.  2 is the number of tenths along towards
purpose do they serve?  It is superimposed on the surface of the next grid line.
 What are the two rectangular grid systems? topographic maps which have a scale of
 What are the types of grid references? 1:50,000 and larger. TYPES OF GRID REFERENCES
 It is a blue-coloured series of equally Four-figure grid references can be used to STEPS IN FINDING A SIX-FIGURE
Topographic maps are divided into grids. spaced horizontal and vertical lines. pinpoint a location within a square measuring 1 REFERENCE
 Horizontal lines run from east to west. sq km. To find the number of the square: First, find the four-figure grid reference, but
 A grid is a system of horizontal and Vertical lines run from north to south. 1. Start at the left-hand side of the map and leave a space after the first two digits.
vertical lines that cross each other to form go east until you get to the easting crossing
squares. An identifying number for each of these lines through the bottom-left-hand corner of the When you get to the easting at the left-hand
 Grid lines are a series of numbered is found along the map’s margin. square you want. Write this number down. side of the grid square you want, keep moving
horizontal and perpendicular lines that divide a Each identifying number consists of two 2. Move north until you get to the northing east and estimate or measure how many tenths
map into squares to form a grid by means of digits which range from a value of 00 to 99. crossing the bottom-left-hand corner of the across your symbol lies.
which any point may be located by a system of square you want. Look at the number of this grid
rectangular coordinates. So, remember that: line and add it to the two-digit number you Write this number after the first two digits.
 Grid lines consist of vertical lines or already have.
Map grids are drawn on maps to help horizontal lines that intercept each other to form 3. This is your four-figure grid reference. Next, move north from the bottom-left-hand
mapmakers find the exact location of a place. a pattern. corner of your grid square and estimate how
 To simplify the use of maps and to avoid  They are aligned parallel to each other. A four-figure reference will point you to a many tenths your symbol is from this point.
the inconvenience of pinpointing locations on  Vertical grid lines are numbered lines with square on the map.
curved reference lines, cartographers numbers written at the top and bottom, A six-figure grid references gives the exact
superimpose on the map a rectangular grid increasing by 1 moving eastwards, and are location of a place or feature on a map.
consisting of two sets of straight, parallel lines, called easting. It is useful to understand how to use four-
which are uniformly spaced, and each set is  Horizontal grid lines are numbered lines figure grid references before continuing to look
perpendicular to the other. with numbers increasing by 1 moving at six-figure grid references.
 This grid is designed so that any point on northwards, and are called northing.
the map can be designated by its latitude and HOW TO WORK OUT SIX-FIGURE GRID
longitude or by its grid coordinates. Please note the following:
 A reference in one system can be  Each individual square in the grid system
converted into a reference in another system. represents a distance of some 1,000 by 1,000 Let us first look at how the six-figure grid
 Such grids are usually identified by the metres and the total size of the grid is 100,000 reference is made up. Let us take 216 322 as an
name of the particular projection for which they by 100,000 metres. example. The first three figures refer to the
are designed.  When referring to a location with the easting of the point (or the distance along the
Military Grid Reference System, identifying map), while the second three figures refer to the
Two rectangular grid systems are available on letters are always given before the horizontal and northing of the point (or the distance up the
topographic maps for identifying the location of vertical coordinate numbers. map). Put them together to create a six-figure grid
points.  Each individual square in the Military Grid Looking the number 216 322 reference.
Reference System can be further divided into
1. UNIVERSAL TRANSVERSE 1. Start by working out the basic easting and
100 smaller squares (10 by 10). This division Next lesson, we will look at using scale to
MERCATOR GRID SYSTEM northing as you would for a four-figure grid
allows us to calculate the location of an object to measure distance.
 This is a special grid for military use within 100 metres. reference, using only the first two easting values
throughout the world. In this grid, the world is and the first two northing values. Send questions and comments to



European exploration in the Americas

DEBBION HYMAN the trade winds.

BY THE end of the lesson, you should be able DESIRE FOR MINERAL WEALTH
i) Outline five factors that motivated European exploration of the Americas was
Europeans to explore and settle in the Caribbean also influenced by the desire to gain mineral
up to the end of the 17th century. wealth. In an age when a country’s wealth was
measured in the amount of gold and silver
European exploration in the Americas, (bullion) it physically held, European countries
beginning in the 15th century, was motivated by: strove to ascertain as much of this commodity
a) Technological advancements as much as possible. Since this theory held that
b) Increased trading Figure 1 Figure 2
one nation could only prosper at the expense of
c) Wind systems and ocean currents another, voyages of exploration were seen as
Astrolabe Astrolabe
d) Desire for mineral wealth necessary to find new lands and untapped
e) Desire to spread Christianity spices. Merchants, adventurers and government eastwards through the Indian Ocean. Later, the reserves of bullion before other competing
officials were optimistic of finding precious Spanish, in an aim to decrease Portugal’s trade nations found them.
metals and expanding the areas of trade, in the East, sought to find an alternative trade
TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCEMENTS especially for the spices of the East. Many of route to the East. This demonstrated the national RELIGION
Technological advancements played a critical these spices were used to preserve meat as well rivalry between the various European countries.
role in facilitating European exploration in the Lastly, European exploration of the Americas
as to add flavour to food. Arab traders who had a
Americas in the 15th century. A lot of this was also influenced by religious factors. The
monopoly on the trade route primarily provided
WIND SYSTEMS AND OCEAN explorers, primarily the Spanish and
technology was aided by the Renaissance – a these spices.
period of learning. The Renaissance resulted in
CURRENTS Portuguese, were strong Catholics and the faith
the development of ideas in science, politics, The trade winds provided the wind system was an important part of their life. With the
These overland trade routes were quite
religion and geography. The technological that enabled European exploration of the expulsion of Muslim Moors out of Europe in
dangerous since they were plagued by bandits.
advancements allowed Europeans to develop Americas, beginning in the late 15th century. 1492, there was an increase desire to spread
Caravans that could take very little goods and
seaworthy ships that were larger and stronger to The trade winds/currents, specifically the North Catholicism. The zeal to spread Catholicism was
experienced a long journey as well traversed the
travel further distances. It also allowed them to Equatorial Current and the South Equatorial high among conquistadors who wanted to
route. The Portuguese thus sought to achieve a
develop better maps. Previously, sailors had to Current (they flowed east to west), were equally spread their religious faith to ‘pagan’ peoples on
sea route to the East to trade with India and
rely on hand-drawn maps which were usually important as they took the ships back out of the behalf on their nation.
China for these spices. The Portuguese sought
inaccurate. In addition, they developed new to gain access to the spice trade by sailing Caribbean. Please see figure below illustrating Quadrant
navigational instruments, such as the compass Until next week.
and the astrolabe (see figure 2). The compass
Debbion Hyman is an
showed in what direction a ship was moving and independent contributor. Send
the astrolabe used the sun or star to ascertain a questions and comments to
ship’s latitude. Other devices included the kerry-ann.hepburn
quadrant (see figure 1), hourglass, sextant,
sundial and cross-staff. In addition, there was an
improvement in ship designs; bigger ships were
built that could carry a larger amount of traded
goods. These ships were known as carracks.
These new technologies provided the Europeans
with the catalyst to undertake exploration.

European exploration in the Americas was
also influenced by the desire to find an
alternative trade route to the East. European
products such as linen cloths, wines, furs and
woolen goods were exchanged for jewels, ivory,
gold, perfume, cotton, silk, coffee, dye and Figure 3


yl:social studies
process in the family. The belief that the man is the sole decision-

Members of a family: roles, maker has changed.

relationships and responsibilities RESULTS OF THE CHANGING ROLES AND



Results Discussions
IN THE CARIBBEAN FAMILY: Identity crisis Many traditional roles have been reversed as women are now being
the Caribbean family:
OBJECTIVES assisted with the domestic roles by men. It is felt that the sharing of
a) Examine the roles, relationships and responsibilities of adult
and sibling members of a Caribbean family.
gender roles in the home and at the workplace has created an identity
b) Explain the causes and effects of the changes in the roles of dŚŝƐŵĞĂŶƐƚŚĂƚƚŚĞƌĞŝƐůĞƐƐƚŝŵĞ
family members in Caribbean society. ĐŚŝůĚĐĂƌĞ͕ƚŚŝƐŵĂŬĞƐŚŽƵƐĞǁŽƌŬ
ǁŽƌŬ Marginalization of the male Male marginalization has become obvious as the call for the equal

ROLES IN THE FAMILY ǁŽŵĂŶ ŵŽƌĞ͘ sharing of authority and decision making in the home has led to some
A role, sometimes called a social role, is a collection of
men feeling demoted. There is an increase in the number of women
behaviours, attitudes, responsibilities and expectations related to
a position that a person fills in society. Most people play several who wil no longer stay in abusive relationships, but wil move on as
different roles every day. A woman may play the role of sister ŶŽǁŵŽƌĞĐĂƌĞĞƌŽƌŝĞŶƚĞĚĂŶĚŵƵĐŚ
theyare now able to sustain themselves.
within her family and serve as a support person and confidante. At
work, she may serve as a boss who is tasked with monitoring
Role conflict The most obvious example of role conflict is work/family conflict, or
people’s activities and determining rewards and punishments. the conflict one feels when pulled between familial and professional
While with friends, she may serve as the life of the party – the
person who keeps the group talking and engaged. Each of these ĚƵĐĂƚŝŽŶĂůŽƉƉŽƌƚƵŶŝƚŝĞƐ͗
&ĞŵŝŶŝƐŵĂŶĚ ǁŽŵĞŶ͛Ɛ ƌŝŐŚƚƐ͗
tŝƚŚƚŚĞĂďŝůŝƚLJ ƚŽŐŽ ƚŽƐĐŚŽŽů͕
roles requires filling a specific function within a group and comes ŚĂŶŐĞƐŝŶƚŚĞǀŝĞǁƐŽĨƐŽĐŝĞƚLJ

with an expected set of behaviours. An individual’s role, therefore,

ĂŶĚǁŽŵĞŶ͛Ɛ ƌŝŐŚƚƐŝƐĂŵĂũŽƌ Development of self-esteem Development of women's self-esteem and confidence. Theyare
varies depending on his/her status/social position. ďƌĞĂĚǁŝŶŶĞƌ͘ ŝŶĚĞƉĞŶĚĞŶƚ͘ and confidence of becoming more independent͘Added competition for jobs as many
women/independence of once-traditional male occupations have been opened to females.
Although a role can help a person determine appropriate
behaviour, roles can also pose some challenges. Role confusion
occurs when someone is unsure of what role to play. Role conflict Amid all these changes, even today there is still a clear
occurs when two or more of a person’s roles conflict with one CHANGES IN THE ROLES OF FAMILY MEMBERS IN
distinction between women’s work and men’s work in our society.
another. CARIBBEAN SOCIETY ARE A RESULT OF ECONOMIC The changing roles of the members of the family have occurred
AND SOCIAL FACTORS and have resulted in and/or created role conflict in the family.
FAMILY ROLE 1. The high cost of living in the Caribbean has forced most 1. Define the terms ‘role’, ‘union’ and ‘status.’
women to become a part of the labour force. The male is no 2. Explain why we need to have various roles in a family?
People often play specific roles within their families, and these
longer seen as the sole breadwinner in the family. 3. Suggest TWO reasons why a marriage union may be more
roles may be quite different from the roles they play at work or
2. The introduction of birth control, with the varying beneficial than a consensual or visiting union in the Caribbean
with their friends. Sometimes a person outgrows a family role, but
contraception methods, has helped women to become more region.
the family continues to expect him or her to meet the demands of
focused on a career rather than childbearing. 4. State four factors that are responsible for the changes in the
the role. Every family member plays a role as part of the
3. Increased technology has had a two-fold effect. First, women roles and responsibilities of family members in the Caribbean and
functioning family unit. Each family establishes its own roles for
are now able to do work once dominated by men. Second, explain how each factor contributes to this change. Then suggest
family members to play, but common roles include:
household chores are easily and quickly carried out. THREE effects of this change in roles and responsibility on men
Father: Heads the household, main provider/breadwinner and
4. Gender roles in the home are now being shared in most and women in the Caribbean.
final authority.
households. Men are helping more in domestic work, even
Women/mother: Responsible for the household and for taking
though women are still doing the clear majority. The right to equal Maureen Campbell teaches at St Hugh’s High School. Send questions and
care of the children (Nowadays, there have been many changes comments to
educational and job opportunities has helped in the promoting of
made to the traditional male and female roles with more women
equality of the sexes. Due to the increase in employment
receiving education and taking high-status jobs.).
opportunities for women, they are now sharing the breadwinner’s
Children: Help with chores around the house, run errands,
role with their partners.
fetch supplies, help to take care of younger siblings.
5. Most women are now participating in the decision-making


yl:english language

Unlocking the new English A SBA

MELISSA MCKENZIE paragraphs without one full stop in sight or they
Contributor misuse the comma. This is a grave concern at
this level and all efforts must be made to avoid
ELCOME, STUDENTS. I do hope the them.

W information that I have been giving to

you thus far about the SBA has been
proving useful, and that you are working
 The failure to use paragraphs when writing
stories, essays or letters: The blocked format is
not acceptable when writing. Please indent from
assiduously to complete all the tasks in a timely the margin at the start of each paragraph.
manner. Time management is key.  Poor sentence construction: In some
cases, the ideas that a candidate intends to
This week I will complete my focus on the communicate are lost because of awkward
remaining sections of the portfolio. sentence structures.
 Inability to complete the exam in the
allocated time: This is due largely to poor time
management and the wrong approach in
The syllabus states that “a minimum of completing sections. It is usually better to
THREE pieces of material, for example, print, complete the sections that value the most marks.
audio, visual media, must be collected and For example, in Paper 02, when the time is up,
presented in the portfolio, and should address ensure that you have written the story, essay and
the issue/topic/theme/event selected. These summary. Altogether, they are worth 100 marks.
pieces will form the basis for the process of These sections should not be left incomplete.
enquiry and groupwork activities (cognitive,  The creation of summaries in which there
psychomotor, affective) in which students will is lifting, irrelevant information and surpassing
become aware of and practise English language There has been an educational turnaround at Bog Walk High School.
of the word limit.
skills”. For this section of the portfolio, the  Stories read like reports and lack conflict,
teacher will pay attention to how well you  Explain the purpose of your presentation. analysing the material. For example, what was
 State who or what impacted you. done to achieve the objectives of the research? tension, as well as dynamic characters.
worked as a group and note features such as  Essays that inadequately develop points
communication, collaboration, leadership,  Give reasons for your selection of How did the group decode/analyse the material?
language. For outcomes, focus on your experience as a and which are insufficiently supported by
reflection and interaction. Group work is not evidence.
optional. The oral presentation requires you to be group and your impressions. Also, strategically
creative, confident and informative/persuasive. summarise the findings that the materials  The evidence of neglect in proofreading
As you finalise your presentation, seek (artefacts) provided by way of individual and written work.
ORAL PRESENTATION feedback and practise often. group analysis.  The use of the pronoun ‘I’ as a common
This is where you are given the opportunity to The written report is a collaborative effort, letter.
respond personally to the theme or topic that which means you have to meet as often as  The inclusion of ‘text speak’ in writing. For
WRITTEN REPORT example, u for you, c for see, or 4 in place of for.
you have selected. For example, if your topic is possible to share your ideas on what you wish
‘The effects of scamming on its victims’, then A written report of the investigation should be to include in the report. It should show evidence This is not acceptable.
your presentation should effectively share these a summary of the processes, procedures and of research and appropriate referencing.  The use of the vernacular (Jamaican
effects. It should be completed in three to five outcomes of the research. It should include the Again, I do hope that the breakdown of the Creole) or slang in the extended pieces. Some
minutes. You are expected to present primarily material collected, reasons for selection, and SBA will be useful. Remember, it serves as a examples of these are:
in English using a genre of your choosing, such analysis of the material. A satisfactory report guideline and is not prescriptive.  The mother wanted him to make it in life.
as drama, poetry, speech, exposition, role play should be about 250-300 words in total. I will now focus on sharing common  Some mothers run leave their children.
or song. The syllabus also states that “the concerns that have arisen as a result of blunders  The policeman run down the thief.
student should deliver a brief overview of the that are too often present in some students’  Her daughter had no behaviour.
presentation including the genre chosen, the work. I have shared a few already, but it really  The smell of the garbage made the people
For processes, focus on describing how you feel bad.
sources used and a comment on the kind of collected your pieces, selected the most does not hurt to repeat them.
language used in the data”. A brief plan of the  The vendor was mad when the man pitch
appropriate ones, and the difficulties you may over her goods.
oral presentation must be submitted in the have experienced in doing so. If a group COMMON CONCERNS  Her daughter is full of pure attitude.
portfolio. member had no difficulties, give a reason for You are urged to address them if you are
this. guilty of any. These are: While we embrace our local dialect as a rich
THE PLAN SHOULD: For procedures, summarise how the group  Inadequate use of appropriate punctuation
went about completing the research and CONTINUED ON PAGE 24
 Comment on the genre you have chosen. marks: In some cases, students write entire


yl:english literature

Introduction to poetry

“Some people claim they were cut out to be

leaders. Others think they were sewn together
wrong.” – Borrowed.

NOW THAT you are senior students, you have

the chance to be in leadership positions. Do
lead well!

As we continue our introduction to poetry, I

urge you not to bother with any moaning and
groaning. How can anyone with the inborn
rhythm, ease of rhyming ability, speed of finding
appropriate words (eh, young men?) claim that
poetry is hard? You are stopping yourself from
doing well by listening to others and fooling
yourself. Do you remember having somone, a
family member or a friend, say something to you
that you do not, at first, ‘get’, that is,
understand? Have you ever said something that
you thought was perfectly clear and yet it was Ruth Campbell (left), regional sales manager, Scotia Insurance, with the 2017 set of ScotiaMINT scholars.
not clear to the person to whom you spoke? We
accept these as an understandable situations, work only needs to take the time to use his/her Anaphora –This is the deliberate repetition of Onomatopoeia –This is a word which has a
but when it comes to poetry we label it as dictionary and, most important, the clues that the first of a sentence; repetition of word or sound that resembles what it describes, for
difficult if we do not easily ‘get’ what is written. are given by the context to ensure words at the start of successive phrases. example’buzz’.
understanding. Apostrophe –This is a figure of speech in Open form – This is sometimes called ‘free
Just consider the fact that we express which someone or something that is absent is verse’. In this form of poetry, lines vary in length
ourselves in different ways. We do not all As you know, there are several types of spoken to as if present. and tend to ignore the use of divisions into
choose the same words to speak about the same poems. As God’s Grandeur is a 14-line poem, it Assonance – This is the repetition of vowel verses; even the use of punctuation may be
things. Let me give an example of what I mean: is a sonnet. Other types include aubade, elegy, sounds, for example, ‘loud, proud, sound’. unexpected.
Two persons may attend a party. Later, they tell a ode, pastoral, dramatic monologue. Poems have Caesura –This is the use of punctuation in a Oxymoron –This is the putting together of two
friend about the event. They both talk about the rhythmic patterns, rhyme schemes and are line of a poem to create a long pause. seemingly different elements, for example
number of persons who attended, the way they enriched with literary devices. It is important that Diction – This refers to the word choice of the honest thief.
dressed and the quantity and quality of the food. you know them, can recognise their usage and author. Paradox – This is the creation of a seemingly
Allian says that the venue was jampacked. the difference that they make, whether in poetry, Elision –This is used to ensure that the meter absurd or contradictory situation.
Devonte says the place was jumping. Allian says prose or drama. I am suggesting that as you go of the line of poetry remains regular by leaving Run-on-line – This is a line of poetry that has
the guests were well dressed, looking good in through any literary work and see a device, for out a syllable or vowel. no punctuation or pause and, as a result, runs
the latest fashions. Devonte uses words like instance, an allusion, you immediately try to End-stopped line – This is a line of poetry over into the following line. This is also referred
‘dapper’, ‘criss’ and ‘trash out’ to describe how identify the purpose of its use. A device always that has a full pause at its end, with a full stop or to as enjambent.
the partygoers dressed. Allian says the food was makes a difference in its use and once you see semi-colon.
delicious, Devonte says the food caused him to it, you must also be able to see the reason for its Euphemism – This is a deliberately chosen We will continue with more literary devices in
want to lick his 10 fingers and talked about how being there. Of course, your own writing will word to make a situation appear more pleasant, a future lesson. Our discussion on ‘God’s
he cleaned his plate. I hope you realise from this reflect this knowledge. for example, referring to death as ‘passing away’. Grandeur’ will be our focus next week. God
that both are saying the same thing but using Euphony – This refers to pleasant spoken bless!
different words. In writing a poem, novel, play, Most of us can easily identify alliteration, sounds due to the use of smooth consonants.
Beryl Clarke is an independent contributor. Send
essay, letter or anything, we tend to use the metaphor, simile, allusion and pun. Here are a Figures of speech – These are terms such as
questions and comments to
words and references/allusions and slangs with few other literary terms with which you may not hyperbole, metonymy, simile,
which we are familiar. Someone who reads the be as conversant. personification,sarcasm, etc.


yl:information technology

Hard-copy output devices

NATALEE A. JOHNSON than 75cps. It is noted for letter quality and is printing mechanism does not make physical
Contributor used extensively for professional word contact with the paper.
processing. Characters are fully formed on the
OOD DAY, students. This is lesson four in  Less expensive. ‘petals’, like typewriter keys. The petal strikes an

G series of lessons. In this week’s lesson, I

will be concluding output devices. At the
end of this lesson, you should be able to define
 Can make multiple copies of a document
(carbon copies or multiform).
inked ribbon to produce a character.
 Can print graphics and often a wider
variety of fonts than impact printers.
the term ‘hard-copy’, distinguish between the DISADVANTAGES
different impact and non-impact printers.  Noisy.
 Quality is poor. DISADVANTAGE
Hard-copy output devices are devices that  Poor graphics or none at all.  More expensive.
provide output on printed paper or other  Cannot produce multiple carbon copies.
permanent media that is human readable Impact printers include: Dot matrix, daisy
(tangible). Examples of devices that produce wheel and ‘band’ or ‘train’ printer. Non-Impact printers include: Ink jet, thermal
hard copy are printers, plotters and microfiche. and laser printers.
Examples of hardcopy documents would include  Best print quality.
a flyer, a letter, a book, a card, and so on. TYPES OF IMPACT PRINTERS
PRINTERS This printer is relatively inexpensive and can  Very slow (will print between 20 to 80cps). INK JET
The purpose of the printer is to display on print between 100-200cps. Typically, a character  Only one font can be used at a time The ink jet printer, in comparison to the dot
paper the information shown on the computer is made up of a dot matrix 5 x 7. The characters because one must change out the daisy wheel to matrix or daisy wheel printer, has a much faster
screen, just like the examples given above, with are printed one at a time. Similar to how a change fonts. printing mechanism. Characters are formed by
the pictures. The quality of what is on paper and scoreboard shows its data, that’s how characters  Cannot print graphics. spraying ink on to the paper.
how fast the information is put on the paper is are formed using the dot matrix. Some printers
dependent on the choice of printer. are unable to produce graphics, only letters and BAND OR ‘TRAIN’ PINTER ADVANTAGES
numbers. The character set is in a continuous loop of  Quiet.
CHARACTERISTICS OF PRINTERS characters. Usually, the complete character set is  Produces high-quality text and graphics.
 Printer speed – The speed of a printer is ADVANTAGES repeated several times around the loop. The  Able to print colour.
measured in: loop rotates in a horizontal line. There is a set of  Faster than impact printers.
 CPS = Character per second hammers across the paper. The hammer for each
 LPM = Lines per minute character position strikes the paper and a carbon
on to the right character on the chain as it goes DISADVANTAGES
 PPM = Pages per minute
around.  Cannot produce multiple copies.
 Ink can smear on the paper after printing is
 Printer quality – This is determined by the
printer’s resolution, which is measured in dots ADVANTAGES
per inch (dpi). This determines how smooth a  Very fast.
diagonal line the printer will produce. Thus, to  Will print up to 3,000 lines per minute. THERMAL PRINTER
output text or graphics (such as photos) at a This type of printer uses heat on chemically
high quality, the resolution would have to be treated paper to form characters. A thermal
printer is similar in nature to a fax machine that
There are two types of printers: impact  Inexpensive.  Very expensive. uses special rolls of paper.
printers and non-impact printers.  Can make multicopy forms.  Very loud.

With this type of printer, a hammer strikes an  Slow. With this type of printer, there is no actual
inked ribbon on to the paper to form a character, striking of the paper. Instead, it uses ink spray or
like a typewriter. Thus, the printing mechanism DAISY WHEEL toner powder, heat and special paper. Thus, the
makes physical contact with the paper.
This printer operates at slow speeds, less


 Finding the LCM CORRECTLY is a very

Directed numbers
CLEMENT RADCLIFFE Mixed numbers ( 3 7/12 ) (B) PRACTICE 2
important step in the solution. If you have
difficulty with this step you should resolve these
at this time.
 As Practice 3 requires the exact value, you
are not allowed to express the fraction in
decimal form. If this is done, then your answer
would be different from 9/8 and you may be
6 x( 2 1/2 + 1/3) BOMDAS directs that we penalised.
APPLICATION OF THE FOUR evaluate the brackets first (despite the fact that  Your working must always be clearly
E HAVe now begun the review of

W ARITHMETIC OPERATIONS TO VULGAR we are required to add): shown in logical sequence as presented above.
selected topics from the syllabus. In
this regard, I wish to remind you of the ( 2 1/2 + 1/3) = 5/2 + 1/3 . Using the LCM of Let us now work the following together:
following critical tools: 2 and 3, that is 6, we get
1. CXC CSEC syllabus Having reviewed the application of the four EXAMPLE
= ( 3 x 5) + (2 x 1)/6
2. Textbook arithmetic operations to integers, select fractions Using a calculator, or otherwise, determine
= 15 + 2 /6 = 17/6
3. Notebook and decimals, we may now consider exam-type the exact value of :
4. Past-paper questions questions. (4.3)2 - (7.24 - 5.31).
To complete the problem we now multiply:
5. Resource materials (geometrical In applying multiple operations to vulgar
6 x 17/6 =17
instruments and a scientific calculator) fractions, students are required to observe the
correct law with respect to applying the order of SOLUTION
As we continue our review of directed the operations as follows: (C) PRACTICE 3 (4.3)2 - (7.24 - 5.31).
numbers, I will share with you the answers to 1) B – Brackets Calculate the value of: 6 1/3 - 1 5/6 Using the recommended approach, we first
the problems given for homework last week. 2) O – Of (Multiply) 1 1/2 x 2 2/3 evaluate the brackets using the calculator.
3) M – Multiply (4.3)2 = 18.49 and (7.24 - 5.31) = 1.93
Evaluate the following: 4) D – Divide This is a typical exam-type question, so As there are brackets, you may do the second
(i) -7 x -3 = 21 5) A – Add please note it well. bracket first, as long as the substitution is done
(ii) -32 Ö 8 = - 4 6) S – Subtract appropriately.
(iii) -6 -5 + 9 = - 2 Using BOMDAS, we first note that the line = 18.49 - 1.93 = 16.56 Ans = 16.56
(iv) 3a x -5b = - 15ab BOMDAS identifies the order in which the represents brackets and so the numerator may
(v) 7/12 + 5/6 - 2/3 operations should be carried out and must always be evaluated first. (It is also appropriate to EXAMPLE
be obeyed. Where an expression has multiple evaluate the denominator first.) Determine the value of:
The solution to No. (v) is based on the operations, then the operations within the
6.35 ( 1.024
conversion of the three fractions to the same brackets are evaluated first, if they exist. 6 1/3 - 1 5/6 = 19/3 - 116 (Initially convert √ 8.6091
denominator. This denominator is 12, the LCM Multiplication or Of is done before division, while mixed numbers) 5.62 x 3.7462
of the existing denominators 12, 6 and 3. division is done before addition, and so on.
The LCM of 3 and 6 is 6
(Please note that the LCM of 12, 6 and 3 is Let’s now practise the use of BOMDAS. = ( 2 x 19) - (1 x 11)/6 SOLUTION
12.) = 38 -11/6 = 27/6 Using the calculator:
7/12 + 5/6 - 2/3 (A)PRACTICE 1 6.35 ( 1.024 = 6.201
= (7 x 1) + (5 x 2) - (2 x 4)/12 Evaluating the denominator: √ 8.6091 = 2.934
Calculate the value of: 2 1 + 9 x 2 ( 1 1/2
= 7/12 + 10/12 - 8/12 = 9/12 1 1/2 x 2 2/3 5.62 x 3.7462 = 5.62 x 14.033 = 78.865
= 3/4 Convert the mixed numbers to fractions
Convert to common fractions and cancel Please be reminded that it is important to get
= 7/3 + 9 x 2 ( 3/2
If the above posed no difficulty, then you are 3/2 x 8/3 = 24/6 = 4 this the first question on the exam paper correct.
ready to consider exam-type questions. It naturally builds your confidence. Always
In this case, three operations are involved.
Dividing: = 27/6 ( 4 = 27/6 x 1/4 = 9/8 remember to apply BOMBAS. Even if the
Using BOMDAS, we do the multiplication first:
Prior to doing so, I do recommend that you The above assumes that you are able to individual operations are done correctly, the
That is 9 x 2 = 18
pursue a comprehensive review of the number manipulate fractions. If you are not able to, appropriate order is required to get the correct
= 7/3 +18 ( 3/2
system. You should no doubt be familiar with including cancelling, you need to get help in answer.
odd and even number, but what about natural this specific area.
We then do the division:
numbers (1, 2, 3), whole numbers (0, 1, 2.), I close this week with the following:
= 7/3 + 18 ( 3/2 = 7/3 + 18 x 2/3
integers (..- 2, - 1, 0, 1, 2 ), rational or irrational POINTS TO NOTE
numbers, fractions and decimals? In reviewing Finally, the addition: 1. 3 x 6 + 12 ÷ 3 - 2 =
 In solving a problem such as Practice 3,
these please pay attention to: = 7/3 + 12 = 2 1/3 + 12 2. Calculate the value of 4 1/2 x 7/3 + 1/4
you may first evaluate either the numerator or
Proper fractions (5/6 ) = 14 1/3 the denominator. You may verify this by finding
Improper fractions ( 17/12 ) CONTINUED ON PAGE 24
the solution, beginning with the denominator.


yl:communication studies

Non-verbal communication – Part 1


TRUST that you are well on your way with refining your ideas

I and your drafts for your internal assessment and that you found
last week’s guide to be useful. This week, we will continue our
adventure into the world of communication studies by looking at
non-verbal communication.

There are two forms of communication: verbal and non-verbal.
Quite simply, verbal communication is communication that is
done using words, and non-verbal communication refers to how
we communicate without the use of words. Let us look at the
various categories of non-verbal communication.


Communication experts all agree that very often verbal and
non-verbal messages do not agree with each other, and it is
through non-verbal messages that the truth is revealed. Whether
or not we are aware of it, each of us spends a lot of time decoding
the body language of others. This may include observing the
posture, gesture, facial expressions of others. It is important that
all of these be considered in relation to the verbal message (which
may accompany the communication) and the context in which the
communication is taking place. It suits you to be aware of what
your body is doing, as it may betray how you really feel about that
teacher who is reprimanding you for your inappropriate
behaviour, for example. Although you apologise in your sweetest
and most convincing voice, that fact that your arms are folded and IAN ALLEN/PHOTOGRAPHER
you are staring past her into the distance may suggest everything The award-winning 4-H Club agriculture team from Bellevue Primary and Junior High in Perth Town,
but sincerity. Trelawny.
Our bodies also communicate messages to us, as our five and kiss more generously than others in other regions. 4. ARTIFACTS
senses receive stimuli and send messages to our brains. The
Artifacts refer to objects that send messages about us. These
smell of fresh pastry may be a hint that your mother is baking The space you occupy generally can also help persons to include our jewellery, clothing, body art, clothing accessories,
your favourite muffin, and water touching your skin as you walk to understand your role. The person at the head of a table is usually and so on. These must all be viewed in light of the culture and
the bus stop could be a message that it is beginning to rain. the most powerful and the person manning the school gate is context in which they are being worn. Turning up for a job
quite likely the security guard. Be careful to look out for interview in a button-down shirt, black joggers (pants) and brand
2. SPACE (PROXEMICS) stereotyping, as roles can be switched for a number of reasons! new Air Force One sneakers may result in your interview being
Your use of space in relation to the persons with whom you are postponed indefinitely, except, of course, if the job is for a sports
communicating can send messages to others about your 3. VOCALICS (PARALANGUAGE) assistant at a kiddies’ summer camp. Although finding out that
relationship with that person. The persons who are closest to us The volume, tone, rate, pitch and quality of your voice can add your most uncompromising teacher has a stylish tattoo etched
emotionally are usually the persons we allow to be closest to us dimension to your words. Let me be clear that vocalics is not across her lower back may change your opinion of her, tattoos in
physically. Where, how and when we touch each other also tells really about the words themselves as much as about how the African and Pacific countries may signal the status, job or group
others about the nature of our relationship. words are delivered. For the fun of it, try to see how many ways to which a person belongs.
you can say the words ‘Come here’ to communicate different
It is important to note that culture and context are also meanings. You can communicate urgency, excitement, sternness, 5. CHRONEMICS (TIME)
important considerations when decoding persons’ use of space. doubt. Can you think of any others? Our use of time can communicate messages to others about
Latin Americans tend to be very warm and loving, and will hug


yl:caribbean studies

Caribbean society and culture

OBJECTIVES  The redistribution of facilities and rewards
At the end of this lesson, you should be able such as power, education.
(1) Define society, demography and human Changes can take place gradually or
ecology. suddenly, and can result from deliberate
(2) Describe the elements that determine the planning or be unintentional. These changes can
characteristics of a society. be beneficial to some as well as punitive to
others and, as such, it is inevitable that there
will be resistance to some changes.
Human civilization tends to organise itself in
groups which facilitate interaction with each
other. Within every community, roles are This refers to similar experiences that people
assigned to individuals for effectual operation; within ethnic/racial groups share. There are
this often leads to a civilized society. A society, practices that are unique to them, such as the
therefore, can be defined in the following ways: preparation of food, religious rituals, mode of
dress, politics, festivals and celebrations, that
A DEFINED TERRITORIAL SPACE inform their way of living. These practices are
A society is often referred to as people living passed down to the young. For instance, the
together in the same geographical area over a From left: Elizabeth Phillips (trustee), Jodean McKane (scholarship recipient), Tainos, Kalinagos and Mayans all had distinct
long period of time. In the context of the Sacha-Gay Smellie (scholarship recipient), Jeffrey Hall (chief executive officer of cultural practices which made their society an
Caribbean, a society is referred to as the JP Group), McKoy McNeish (scholarship recipient), Patsy Kelly (director of JP organised, rich cultural state.
boundaries of a nation state. For instance, the Group and trustee), Kayon Davis (scholarship recipient), Christopher Ramdon
Jamaican society, the St Lucian society, the (trustee and past recipient), Jemella Clarke (recipient), Lisa Johnston (JP
Cuban society, and so on. corporate affairs manager), and Romane Duncan (scholarship recipient)
celebrate another year of the Sydney A. Phillips Scholarship Trust Fund Social behaviour is the study of people’s
supporting St Mary scholars. attitude to change, conformity, leadership and
A SHARED COMMON PURPOSE any other form of behaviour. It also includes the
The term ‘society’ is also used to refer to geographical area. There are two primary kinds transmission of learning and knowledge in interaction of people within a group. Through
people who share a similar historical of population studies: demography and human educational institutions. the process of socialization, standards of
background, culture and interests, for example, ecology. Demography is the systematic study of behaviours are relayed from generation to
The Jamaican Horticultural Society or the the size, composition and distribution of human generation. The sociologist studies how people
Jamaican Society for the Aged. populations. Human ecology, on the other hand, adjust their behaviours to fit the already
Continuity over time and space/citizenship deals mainly with the structure of urban Social change involves any key modification established standards.
within a space environments and their patterns of settlement in the social conditions and patterns of
The sociologists, in their study of society, and growth. Studies in human ecology explain behaviour in a society. Change may be caused
by fashions, inventions, revolutions, wars or SUMMARY
speak of an organised group framework, why and how cities and other communities grow
meaning that within each society there is a strict and change. other events and activities. Sociologists, in the The Caribbean society refers to:
social structure. This refers to a network of pursuit to uncover the mysteries behind social  The population that falls within the
interrelationship among the individuals and change within the society, have concentrated geographical confines of the Greater and Lesser
SOCIETAL INSTITUTIONS their efforts on education, social values and Antilles.
groups. In their pursuit of understanding the
general make-up of a society, sociologists study Societal institutions include churches, settlement patterns that occur in newly  The natives or citizens of those countries
relationships to verify their effects on the government agencies, security forces, hospitals, industrialized nations. that are bordered by the Caribbean Sea and
function of the society. families, business organisations, schools, and those of the mainland territories .
so on. For each institution there are clearly  Those who share a common history of
defined relationships among people who colonialism, slavery, the plantation system and
perform specific actions within the society. It is its attendant culture, values and norms.
SOCIAL CONDITIONS OF A SOCIETY imperative to note that each institution has a  Change in the number and variety of  Those groups of persons who were born in
direct effect on the society. For example, by positions and roles. the Caribbean but live outside of the region.
POPULATION CHARACTERISTICS  Change in obligation or duties attached to
infusing aspects of Vision 2030 in the
This determines the general social patterns of curriculum across schools in Jamaica, the goals positions. Send questions and comments to
a group of people living within a certain of the entire society are influenced by the  New ways of organisation.


yl:english language
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 18 that you may have. After all, success in English A is what you Diffident – lacking self-confidence, shy
PART OF our culture, please be reminded that it is an English desire and intend to achieve. Work towards it! Disrepute – loss or lack of good reputation
examination. Dialect must be limited to conversations between
Until next week, take care!
characters in your stories and, even then, it should be limited. VOCABULARY TOP-UP
With your English A examination scheduled for May 2018, I Digress – depart from the main subject of a speech or writing Melissa McKenzie teaches at Old Harbour High School. Send questions and
believe you should use the time to address any area of concern Dilemma – problematic situation, predicament comments to

yl: information technology yl:mathematics

DISADVANTAGES 3. Simplify 3 1/3 - 1 5/8 ÷ 1 1/3
 Expensive and requires a special paper to print. 4. Simplify 4 + 1 5/8 x 1 1/3
 Cannot produce multiple copies of a document. 5. ( 1.5)3 - (0.7)2 =
6. Using a calculator, determine the value of
(3.29)2 - 5.5
√ (1.5 x 0.06)
Laser printers are extremely fast and they can produce high-quality 7. Find the value of :
output. They can also print one page at a time. Laser printers work like a 4 1/3 - 1 5/6
copy machines, using toner and a heat bar. 2 1/2 x 2 2/3
8. Find the value of:
ADVANTAGES 4.27 - (7.6)2
 Very fast (they can print from 4 to 16 pages per minute). √3.6 ÷ 0.08
 Produce high-quality printing.
 Extremely quiet. Finally, let me urge you to keep all of these lessons together in your notebook so that you can always refer to
 Can print colour. them. Your notebook should also include solutions to other similar questions. If you require previous copies of
solutions to similar questions, you should be able to access these from The Gleaner Company.
DISADVANTAGES Clement Radcliffe is an independent contributor. Send questions and comments to
 Expensive to buy.
 Cannot use multiple-copy paper.

A plotter is a special-purpose output device (considered to be also a
yl: communication studies
printer) that is used to produce sophisticated graphs, charts, maps and
three-dimensional graphics as well as high-quality, coloured
documents. It can also be used to print larger size documents. There are CONTINUED FROM PAGE 22
two main categories of plotters: vector and raster plotter.
our attitudes or status. Someone who is always late for work suggests that he/she does not take the job
seriously. On the other hand, some CEOs in very large companies are the last to arrive and the first to leave,
MICROFICHE and this is accepted because of their status. Ever notice how, in spite of the effort you make to ensure that you
The computer can output tiny images on rolls/sheets of microfilm. arrive early for your doctor’s appointment, you always seem to have to wait for hours?
Microfiche is a rectangle sheet of microfilm large enough to contain a
number of pages (or frames) of data. It can store from 30 to 300 pages.
One microfiche is equivalent to 200 pages of A3 paper.
In a slightly different way, we can communicate messages/information to others through the use of graphs,
charts and tables without the use of many, if any, words. Have you ever heard that a picture is worth a thousand
DISK OR TAPE words? Instead of telling your friends about your experience of always having to clean up after your younger
This is a triple-purpose media. It is used for input, storage and sibling, snap a few pics and send it to them via Instagram or WhatsApp. I am sure they will ‘see your point’
output. The CPU can send output directly to disks or tapes. It is also more clearly than if you typed out the list of things you actually had to clean up!
classified as being a machine-readable device.
Next week we will look at non-verbal communication – Part II!!!!
We have come to the end of this lesson. See you next week. I can’t wait!!!!
Remember, if you fail to prepare, you prepare to fail.
Trudi Morrison Reid teaches at The Queen’s School. Send questions and comments to
Natalee A. Johnson teaches at Ardenne High School. Send questions and comments


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