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RESEARCH VOL. 71, No. 24 DECE•UER15, 1966

Elasticity of Ultrabasic Rocks


University o] Washington,Seattle

Ultrasonic measuremen%sof compressional and shear wave veloci%iesare reported for

peridotite, dunite, partially serpentinizeddunite and peridotite, and serpentiniteat hydro-
static pressuresto 10 kb. Compressionalwave velocities for monomineralic aggregatesof
olivine, pyroxene,and serpentineapproximate 8.54, 7.93, and 5.10 km/sec, respectively.Shear
wave velocities for similar aggregatesare 4.78, 4.65, and 2.35 km/sec. The relationshipsbe-
tween velocity and mineralogy are reported for rocks containing olivine, pyroxene, and ser-
pentine. Young's modulus, Lam•'s constant, the bulk modulus, and the shear modulus of
peridotitesand duniresdecreaserapidly with serpentinization.Poisson'sratio and compressi-
bility increasewith serpentinization.The effect of olivine orientation on velocity is discussed
and found to account for compressionalwave anisotropy. High velocities correspondto propa-
gation parallel to maximum concentrationsof olivine a axes, and low velocities are character-
istic of propagation parallel to b axes.

INTRODUCTION and Tektronix 1162 preamplifiers.Time meas-

Much information
on the structure
and urements
weremadewitha variable
of theearth's
fromthestudyof earthquake
and nique
artificially produced elastic waves. The de- •OTATION
termination of compositionfrom velocities is
a problem that depends for its solution on V•, compressional wave velocity,km/sec.
laboratory measurementsof velocities for a Vs, shearwave velocity,km/sec.
variety of rocks. Measurementsof the elastic p, density,g?cm8.
propertiesof rocksat high pressureshave been fi, compressibility, Mb -•.
reported by many investigators (for bibli- A, Lam•'s constant,Mb.
ography, see Simmons [1965]). In this paper p, shearmodulus,Mb.
compressionaland shear wave velocities are (r, Poisson'sratio.
reported for rocks believed to be important •, (pfl)-x, (km/sec)•.
constituentsof the earth's upper mantle and E, Young'smodulus,Mb.
oceanic crust. Emphasis is placed on the ef- K, bulk modulus,Mb.
fects of variations of mineral proportions on
velocitiesand elastic constants.Many samples
included in the new measurements were se- The serpentiniteand partiaI]y serpentinized
leered so that we could examinethe elastic peridotiresare part of a rock suite collected
changeswhich accompanythe alteration of from a large ultramariebody in the Santa
peridotireto serpentinite. Lucia Range about 15 km west of Cape San
The techniquesof the measurement of ve- Martin, California. The serpentiniteis pri-
locitiesto 10 kb are similar to thoseusedby marily composedof chrysotile,althoughsub-
Birch [1960], Simmons[1964], and Christen- ordinate antigorite is also present.Textural
sen [1965b]. Barium titanate transducerswere contrastsbetween basrite pseudomorphsof
used to generate compressionalwaves and completelyaltered enstatiteand mesh-textured
ac-cut quartz transducers were usedfor meas- serpentineafter olivineindicatethat the origi-
urement of shear velocities. The transducers nal peridotire contained approximately 25%
had natural resonant frequenciesof i and 3 pyroxene.
Mc/s. The circuit consistedof a DuMont 404B Unaltered minerals in the partially serpen-
pulse generator,a Tektronix 545 oscilloscope, tinized peridotites indicate that the original

rocks were diopsidieharzburgites.Thin, closely

spacedexsolutionlamellas of diopsideare com-
mon in the enstatite crystals.Serpentine of the
less altered peridotites occursin veinlets which
form an evenly spacedmesh structure. In the
more highly serpentinized peridotites many
of the pyroxene grains have been completely
serpentinized to a bastitc structure. Brueite
was not observed in thin section but was de-
tected by X rays in all the altered peridotites.
The peridotitc samples were taken from o 2 4 6 8 ,o
xenolithienodulesin the 1800-1801 Kaupu- Pressure,kb
lehuflowof the Hualalaivolcano
on theIsland Fig.1. Compressional
wave velocitiesfor
of Hawaii. Olivine and elinopyroxene(probably specimensof peridotitc 2 (dots) and partially
a diopsidie
augitc)occuras equidimensional
grains with sharp extinction. Small interstitial
grainsof a light green chromiumdiopsideare [Birch, 1961]. The curve for the altered
also present. No alteration was observedin peridotitc is relatively normal for ultrabasic
either specimen. rocks, whereas the peridotitc shows an ex-
Both peridotiteshave loose granular tex- tremely rapid increasein velocity over the
tures which produce relatively low velocities first,few kilobars.
over the first few kilobars. This is illustrated The Twin Sisters dunitc is similar to the
in Figure 1, where the variationsof velocity specimensstudiedby Birch [•960] and Sire-
with pressureare plotted for samplesof perido- mons [•964]. The rock consistsof large olivine
tire 2 and partially serpentinizedperidotitc 3. grains with undulatory extinction in a fine
The initial rapid increases
of velocityare due to equigranular mosaic of unstrained olivine.
closureof pore space,and the slowerincreases Large crystals of enstatite with the typical
above a few kilobars result from intrinsic ef- exsolution lamellas are present in minor
feets of pressureon the mineral components amountsalongwith chromite.

TABLE 1. Modal Analyses

Percentagesby volume.

Rock Olivine Orthopyroxene Clinopyroxene Serpentine Magnetite Spinel

Serpentinite 95.2 4.8

Partially serpentinized
peridotire 1 34.0 fo• 4.2 en9a 60.8 1.0 0.1
Partially serpentinized
peridotitc 2 37.2 fo94 9.1 en• 52.7 0.6 0.4
Partially serpentinized
peridotitc 3 57.2 fo•4 12.9 en• 28.9 0.2 0.8
Partially serpentinized
peridotire 4 57.3 fo•2 12.4 en90 29.4 0.1 0.8
Partially serpentinized
peridotitc 5 63.4 fo•a 13.5 end2 22.4 0.1 0.6
Partially serpentinized
peridotitc 6 62.1 fo• 14.8 en9• 22.4 0.1 0.7
Peridotitc 1 58.3 fos• 39.5 2.2
Peridotire 2 70.0 fo s5 27.2 2.8
Dunite 94.1 foQ• 4.9 en90 1.0
Partially serpentinized
dunite 82.7 fo•0 16.3 1.o

The Addie, N. C., dunitc containsa mosaic If we assumean accuracyof +---1%for ¾•

of uniform-sizeolivine grains.Serpentinization and ¾,, an estimateof the accuracyof the data
occursalonggrain boundaries and in fractures in Table 3 can be made as follows.If V• and
throughthe olivinecrystals. ¾, are 8.00 and 4.50 km/sec,respectively,and
Modal analysesare givenin Table 1. More the two velocitiesare in error in oppositedi-
than 5000pointswerecountedfrom eachspeci- rections,we obtain --+5% for • and •, _4%
men. Universal stagemeasurements of optical for • andK, -----7%for E, and -+9 for X.
angle were used to obtain the olivine and en-
1. D•scuss•oN
The velocities in Table 2 agree, in general,
DATA with thosereportedby previous
and Birch[1960]found8.42km/seefor ¾•of the
are givenin Table2. The densitiesTwinSistersdunitcat 10 kb; thisis slightly
werecalculatedfromthe weightand dimen- lowerthanthe meanvelocityof 8.66km/see
of therockcylinders
usedforthevelocity of thepresent
Velocitieswere recordedfor to be due to the extremeanisotropyof the
bothincreasing anddecreasing pressure.Below dunires.Simmons [1964]reported a meanof
about1 kb hysteresis is usually
it 4.83 km/seeat 10 kb for the Twin Sisters
is primarilyrelatedto the adjustmentof pore dunitc,whichis closeto the 4.74km/secin
spacestothechange inpressure. Table 2. Previouslyreportedcompressional
Correctionsfor the change in lengthof the wavevelocities for peridotites
at 10 kb are
specimens underpressure havenot beenap- slightlylowerthanthe 8.21-and8.36-km/see
pliedto the velocities. The tabulated values velocities
of the Hawaiianperidotires.
for the dunires andperidotires at 10 kb are [1960]founda meanvelocityof 7.95km/see
higherbyabout2 unitsin thelastfigure[Birch, for harzburgite,
andKanamo•i andMizutani
1960].For mostrocksthis correction is less [1965] reportedvelocities
of 7.59 and 8.02
thantheaccuracy of themeasurements andhas km/secfor peridotites 0029 and 0035.The
meaning onlyfor the calculation of pressurelowervelocitiescanbe explained by the re-
andelasticconstants. ported partial alterationof the peridotiresto
From the formulas for isotropic
at 10kb
[Birch,1961,p. 2206]theelastic
constantsof measuredby Kanamori andMizutaniarealso
the rockscanbe calculatedfrom¾•,¾,, and lowerthantheshearvelocities
of theHawaiian
p. Simmons andBrace[1965]haverecentlyperidotires.
shown that elastic constantscalculatedfrom Anisotropyof the elasticpropertiesof rocks
are in goodagreement
with static is generallyattributedto preferredmineral
values. Values of the elastic constantsare orientation.Brace [1965] correlatedthe varia-
givenin Table3. The velocities
and densitiestion with directionof linear compressibility
used in the calculationshave been corrected with preferredorientationof mica, quartz, and
for lengthchanges
dueto compressibility.
The calcite.Christensen[1965a,b, 1966] found
equationsusedin calculating
the elasticcon- that the degreeof preferred
stantsare abundanceof mica and hornblendeaccountfor
compressionaland shear wave velocity anisot-
ropy in metamorphic rocks. Birch [1961]
found a variation of velocity with direction
for a variety of metamorphicrocks and dunitc.
The anisotropyof dunitc was successfullycor-
related with the orientation of olivine and the
anisotropyof the olivinecrystal.
Petrofabricshave been analyzed for the two
dunires with the objective of correlating the
olivine orientation patterns with compressional
wave velocity anisotropy.The angular relation-

ß .

c• o c• • o o c• o o

TABLE 3. ElasticConstants
from¾•,¾,, and•
Pressure, 4', K, IS, •, E, X,
(km/sec)• Mb Mb -x Mb Mb Mb

0.5 2.02 0.34 13.86 0.35 2.86 0.13 0.35 0.26
2.0 2.29 0.38 15.54 0.39 2.55 0.13 0.36 0.30
6.0 2.14 0.36 17.73 0.45 2.22 0.14 0.38 0.36
10.0 2.17 0.37 19.42 0.50 2.02 0.15 0.41 0.40

Partially SerpentinizedPeridotire 1
0.5 2.01 0.34 23.09 0.63 1.58 0.23 0.62 0.48
2.0 2.01 0.34 23.95 0.66 1.52 0.24 0.64 0.50
6.0 2.03 0.34 25.39 0.70 1.42 0.25 0.67 0.54
10.0 2.06 0.35 26.99 0.75 1.33 0.26 0.70 0.58

Partially SerpentinizedPeridotite 2
0.5 2.OO 0.33 24.77 0.70 1.42 0.26 0.69 0.53
2.0 2.01 0.34 25.66 0.73 1.37 0.27 0.72 0.55
6.0 2.03 0.34 27.35 0.78 1.28 0.28 0.75 0.60
10.0 2.O5 0.34 28.62 0.82 1.22 0.29 0.78 0.63

Partially SerpentinizedPeridotite 3
0.5 1.86 0.30 28.03 0.85 1.17 0.40 1.04 0.59
2.0 1.89 0.31 30.79 0.94 1.06 0.42 1.07 0.66
6.0 1.89 0.31 32.36 0.99 1.01 0.44 1.15 0.70
10.0 1.91 0.31 33.99 1.05 0.96 0.45 1.18 0.75

Partially SerpentinizedPeridotire 4
0.5 1.82 0.28 26.80 0.82 1.22 0.41 1.05 0.55
2.0 1.83 0.29 28.43 0.87 1.15 0.43 1.11 0.59
6.0 1.85 0.29 30.23 0.93 1.07 0.45 1.16 0.64
10.0 1.86 0.30 31.28 0.97 1.03 0.46 1.20 0.66

Partially SerpentinizedPeridotite 5
0.5 2.00 0.33 33.28 1.04 0.96 0.39 1.04 0.78
2.0 1.97 0.33 34.37 1.08 0.93 0.43 1.15 0.79
6.0 1.98 0.33 36.66 1.15 0.87 0.44 1.17 0.86
10.0 1.99 0.33 38.37 1.21 0.83 0.46 1.22 0.91

Partially SerpentinizedPeridotire 6
0.5 1.80 0.28 28.93 0.91 1.10 0.47 1.20 0.59
2.0 1.80 0.28 30.22 0.95 1.05 0.49 1.25 0.62
6.0 1.82 0.28 31.72 1.00 1.00 0.51 1.31 0.66
10.0 1.84 0.29 33.10 1.05 0.95 0.52 1.34 0.70
Peridotite 1
0.5 1.84 0.29 26.47 0.87 1.15 0.42 1.08 0.59
2.0 1.83 0.29 35.14 1.16 0.87 0.57 1.47 0.78
6.0 1.83 0.29 39.17 1.29 0.77 0.65 1.68 0.86
10.0 1.83 0.29 40.27 1.34 0.75 0.66 1.70 0.89
Peridotite 2
0.5 1.71 0.24 22.62 0.74 1.34 0.47 1.17 0.43
2.0 1.80 0.28 35.73 1.18 0.85 0.62 1.59 0.76
6.0 1.79 0.27 39.37 1.30 0.77 0.69 1.75 0.84
10.0 1.79 0.27 40.44 1.34 0.75 0.72 1.83 0.86
0.5 1.85 0.29 43.46 1.45 0.69 0.69 1.78 0.99
2.0 1.84 0.29 43.88 1.46 0.68 0.72 1.86 0.98
6.0 1.83 0.29 44.32 1.48 0.68 0.73 1.88 0.99
10.0 1.83 0.29 44.77 1.50 0.67 0.75 1.94 1.00

ships between the directionsof measuredre- velocities.This is to. be expectedbecausethe

locity in Table 2 and the orientation of the crystallographicaxes deviate considerablyfrom
olivine crystallographicaxes are given in Fig- perfect orientation. The velocity recorded in
ure 2. PropagationdirectionsA, B, and C in the C direction is slightly lower than that re-
the Twin Sistersdunite are nearly parallel to ported by ¾erma for the c direction in olivine.
the maximum concentrationsof a, b, and c Since some olivine a axes are also oriented
crystallographic axes of olivine, respectively. parallel to propagation direction C, one would
Velocitiesrecordedfor these directions (Table expect a slightly higher velocity for this direc-
2) are consistentwith single-crystalforsteritc tion. The discrepancymay be due to slight
velocitiesof 9.87, 7.73, and 8.65 km/sec in the variations in compositionof the three cores
a, b, and c crystallographicdirectionsreported selected for the measurementsand variation
by Verma [1960]. Compressionalwave re- of fabric alongthe coreaxes.
locities in the A and B directionsare lower Compressionalwave velocities were meas-
and higher,respectively,than the single-crystal ured for seven directionsin the Addie dunire
(Table 2). Propagation direction A, which
coincides with the maximum concentration of
olivine b axes,is normal to a weak bandingin
the specimen.As expected,this direction cor-

cB D B E
respondsto the lowest velocity. The olivine a
and c axes have a nearly random distribution
in the plane of the banding.Thus the velocities
recorded for propagation directions D, E, 17,
and G were approximately the same at pres-
sures above a few kilobars. The velocities at
(d) 45ø to the banding are intermediate to those
c D
measured in the plane of the banding and
normal to the banding.
The variation of V• accompanyingserpen-
tinization of dunite has recently received much
attention. Hess [1959] and Birch [1961] have
plotted velocity-density curves for ideal ser-
pentine-olivine aggregates.Birch's [1961] ve-
locity-density relationship at 10 kb gives ve-
(e) locities of 6.00 and 8.50 km/sec for densities
of 2.60 and 3.32, respectively. The solution at
10 kb in Table 4 gives slightly lower velocities

cB D because of the presence of pyroxene in the

specimens.A similar study by Kanamori and
Mizutani [1965] for serpentine-olivineaggre-
gates gave slightly lower velocities than the
values obtained by Birch. It was postulated
that the differences were due to the effects of
(f) accessoryminerals.
The method of least squares has been used
Fig.2. Orientation
for 120grains
of to obtain
linesoftheform¾: mp
olivinein TwinSisters dunitc (a-c)andAddieb for theperidotites,
dunitc (d-•). (a) b axes, contours at 10%, 8%,
6%,4%,2%,and1%per1%area.(b) c axes, peridotires,
(Table4). Theve-
contoursat 6%, 4%, 2%, and 1% per 1% area. locity data for the peridotitesat 2 kb were cor-
(c) a axes,contours
at $%, 6%, 4%, 2%, and1% rected for porosity by extendingthe linear
(d)b axes,
contours at6%,4%,2%, partsof thevelocity-pressure
and 1% per 1% area. (e) c axes, contours a•; 4%,
2%,and1%per1%area. (/) a axes,
at 2 kb.Therelations
at 10kbbetween¾•,
1%per1%area. and p for serpentinization
of peridotitcare

TABLE 4. Least-SquaresParametersof the Form consistent,whereas serpentinitesshow a wide

V -- mp nu b for the Peridotites, Partially range of velocities(Figure 6). This variability
SerpentinizedPeridotires,and Serpentinite
is probably the result of many factors, the
most important being sorptionof water, differ-
Pressure, Correlation
Velocity kb m b Coefi%ient ing proportionsof the variousvarietiesof serp-
entine, and the presenceof other minerals. The
V, 2 4.05 -5.31 O.996 high densitiesof many of the specimens in Fig-
V, 2 2.72 -4.61 0.998 ure 6 suggest that they contain appreciable
V• 6 3.96 -4.93 0.998 amounts of olivine, pyroxene, magnetite, or
V, 6 2.81 -4.80 0.993 chromite. Calculationsby Huggins and Shell
V• 10 2.83 -4.39 0.993
V, 10 2.79 -4.67 0.994
[1965] gave densitiesof 2.19 to 2.27 g/cm8 for
pure chrysotile. Measured densities ranged
from 2.2 to 2.4 g/cm8. Deer et al. [1962] re-
illustrated in Figure 3. The dashed curve of ported densities of 2.55 and 2.6 g/cm• for
Poisson's ratio has been calculated from the lizardire and antigorite. Thus the lower densi-
two least-squareslines of Figure 3. ties and corresponding lower velocitiesin Fig-
The relationship between mineral composi- ure 6 appear more reasonablefor pure serpen-
tion and velocity in the ultrabasic rocks can tine aggregates.
be expressed by triangular composition dia- Referencesused for determining the aggre-
grams in which the apexesare olivine, pyrox- gate velocitiesat 10 kb in Figures 4 and 5 are
ene, and serpentine (Figures 4 and 5). In such summarized in Table 5. The velocities have
diagrams the accessoryminerals, chromite and been correctedboth for changesin length re-
magnetite, and variations in chemical compo- sulting from compressionand for reported ac-
sition of the end members are neglected.Ve- cessory minerals. The contours of equal ve-
locities reported for reasonably pure mono- locity in Figures 4 and 5 were constructedfrom
mineralic aggregateshave been selectedfor the the mean of the Voigt and Reuss averages
three end membersin Figures 4 and 5. Olivine [Brace, 1965, p. 394] for different proportions
and pyroxene aggregate velocities are fairly of olivine, pyroxene, and serpentine. Mean


Y.O .35

'•' - .33

ß• s.o


_ _
3.0 ,2?

!0 gl LOBA•S
• -
2.5 2.7 2.9 •.1 3.3

Density, gm/cm•

Fig. 3. Velocity at 10 kb versus density for peridotires and serpentinizedperidotires. The

dashedline is Poisson'sratio calculatedfrom the velocity curves.

Se ine



• • • •0 Enstatite

Fig. 4. Compressional
wave velocitiesat 10 kb for differentproportionsof olivine, enstatite,
and serpentine.

Ser ne




4.74 4.68 4.49 ....

• •) •0 q• Enstatite

Fig. 5. Shear wave velocitiesat 10 kb for different proportionsof olivine, enstatite,and

i i i i i i i

7.0 - _

km/sec ee

ß 1.6 •* -

1• - ••. -

_ • • •o _

+%. + %/
1.0- •+•(•x -
Density, gm/cm3

velocitiesat 10 kb for the specimensin Table .4 - '"• •,

2 are alsoplottedin the diagrams.The veloci- _ • _
ties calculated from the aggregate velocities • •,.. _
generallyagreewith the measuredvelocitiesto
I • I I I I I I I •
within 0.1 km/sec. The mean shear velocities 0 20 40 •0 •0 100
for peridotire i and partially serpentinized
peridotite 5 are about 0.2 km/sec lower than Fig. 7. Variations of the elastic constantsat
the predictedvelocitiesin Figure 5. Both speci- 10 kb with serpentinization of peridotire. Units
mens have relatively high shear anisotropy are Mb -• for • and Mb for k, •, E, and •.
whichmay explainsomeof the differences.
Serpentinizationof peridotire also produces This is illustratedin Figure 7, where the elastic
a systematicchange in the elastic constants. constantsat 10 kb (Table 3) are plotted versus
percentageof serpentinefor the serpentinite,
TABLE 5. Mean Velocities at 10 Kilobars partially serpentinizedperidotites,and perido-
for Aggregates
of Olivine,Pyroxene,and tites.
Acknowledgments. I am indebted to Professor
Francis Birch for the use of the facilities at
Velocity, Hoffman Laboratory. Harold Ames, Arthur Ames,
Mineral km/sec Reference and Joseph Plourde prepared the specimensand
maintained the pressure equipment. Karl Selferr
Olivine V• - 8.54 Mean velocitiesfor Twin and Robert Reicker collected the Hawaiian peri-
Sistersdunire reported dotires and Addle dunire.
by Birch [1960] and The study began at Hoffman Laboratory when
Table 2 I was a Research Fellow at Harvard University.
Pyroxene V• = 7.93 Mean velocitiesgivenfor Financial support during the investigation was
3 pyroxenitesby Birch provided by the Committee on Experimental
[1960] Geology and Geophysics,Harvard University, the
Serpentine V• -- 5.10 Serpentinite,
Table2 Geology Department of the University of South-
Olivine V, - 4.78 Mean velocitiesfor Twin ern California, the University of Washington,and
Sistersdunire reported the Advanced Research Projects Agency of the
by Simmons[1964]and Air Force Office of Scientific Research under con-
Table 2 tract SD-88.
Pyroxene V, - 4.65 Stillwaterbronzitite,
Simmons [1964] I•EFERENCES
Serpentine V, = 2.35 Serpentinite,Table 2
Birch, Francis, The velocity of compressional
waves in rocks to 10 kilobars, 1, J. Geophys. mantle, Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 40, 340-
Res., 65, 1083-1102,1960; 2, 66, 2199-2224,1961. 345, 1959.
Birch, Francis, Velocity of compressionalwaves Luggins, C. W., and L. R. Shell, Density of
in serpentinitefrom Mayaguez,Puerto Rico, in bulk chrysotile and massive serpentine, Am.
A Study o• $erpentinite,Proc. Natl. Acad. $ci., Mineralogist, 50, 1058-1067,1965.
Publ. 1188, 132-133, 1964. Kanamori, L., and L. Mizutani, Ultrasonic meas-
Brace, W. F., Relation of elastic properties of urements of elastic constants of rocks under
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5667, 1965. Tokyo Univ., 43, 173-194, 1965.
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Union, 46, 162,1965a. 1123-1130, 1964.
Christensen,N. I., Compressionalwave velocities Simmons, Gene, Ultrasonics in geology, Trans.
in metamorphic rocks at pressuresto 10 kilo- IEEE, 53(10), 1337-1345,1965.
bars,J. Geophys.Res., 70(24), 6147-6164,1965b. Simmons, Gene, and W. F. Brace, Comparison
Christensen,N. I., Shear wave velocitiesin meta- of static and dynamic measurements of com-
morphic rocks at pressuresto 10 kilobars, J. pressibility of rocks, J. Geophys. Res., 70(22),
Geophys.Res., 71(14), 3549-3556,1966. 5649-5656, 1965.
Deer, W. A., R. A. Lowie, and J. Zussman,Rock- Verma, R. K., Elasticity of several high-density
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