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Society for Obstetric Anesthesia and Perinatology

Section Editor: Cynthia A. Wong

Hyperbaric Versus Plain Bupivacaine for Spinal

Anesthesia for Cesarean Delivery
Alex Tiong Heng Sia, MBBS, MMed, FAMS,*† Kok Hian Tan, MBBS, MMed, MRCOG,*‡
Ban Leong Sng, MBBS, MMed, FANZCA, FFPMANZCA, MCI,*§ Yvonne Lim, MBBS, MMed,§
Edwin S. Y. Chan, PhD,*|| and Fahad Javaid Siddiqui, MBBS, MSc*||

BACKGROUND: Bupivacaine is an amide local anesthetic used in hyperbaric and plain forms
administered as spinal anesthesia for cesarean delivery. In this systematic review, we summa-
Downloaded from by BhDMf5ePHKav1zEoum1tQfN4a+kJLhEZgbsIHo4XMi0hCywCX1AWnYQp/IlQrHD3FJPxKcC74DHDqgQJ1jMPSySD7AJtcyGMsnpkH0OqwvE= on 09/02/2018

rized the effectiveness and safety of hyperbaric versus plain bupivacaine in providing anesthe-
sia for cesarean delivery. We considered the adequacy of anesthesia for completion of cesarean
delivery and the need for interventions to treat complications.
METHODS: We searched the CENTRAL, MEDLINE, and EMBASE databases. We imposed no
language restriction. We included all randomized controlled trials involving patients undergoing
spinal anesthesia for elective cesarean delivery that compared the use of hyperbaric bupiva-
caine with plain bupivacaine.
RESULTS: We included 6 studies with a total of 394 patients in this review. These studies have
small sample size, few observed events, differences in methodology, and insufficient informa-
tion pertaining to assessment of risk of bias. This prevented us from calculating pooled esti-
mates. Results show that there is no compelling evidence in favor of the use of intrathecal plain
or hyperbaric bupivacaine for spinal anesthesia for cesarean delivery.
CONCLUSIONS: There is a lack of clear evidence regarding the superiority of hyperbaric com-
pared with plain bupivacaine for spinal anesthesia for cesarean delivery. The need for con-
version to general anesthesia because of failed spinal anesthesia is an important clinical
outcome, but current data are insufficient to compare spinal anesthesia induced with hyperbaric
compared with plain bupivacaine for this outcome. Further research is required.  (Anesth Analg

he incidence of cesarean delivery is reported to be to plain bupivacaine. Both forms have been widely used
27.3% in an Asian global study1 and ranges from 15% in intrathecally to provide anesthesia for cesarean delivery.6
Sweden to 48% in Thailand.2,3 For nonemergency cesar- Opioids such as fentanyl, sufentanil, and morphine often
ean delivery, neuraxial anesthesia generally is preferred to are coadministered to supplement the effect of the local
general anesthesia. In some tertiary centers, the use of neur- anesthetic.
axial anesthesia for cesarean delivery is as high as 96.4%.4 Several trials have compared hyperbaric bupivacaine and
Bupivacaine is the most commonly used local anesthetic plain bupivacaine, but none have conclusively shown one to
in neuraxial anesthesia for cesarean delivery.5 It is available be better than the other.6,7 Several trials have suggested that
in 2 forms, the plain form that is dextrose free and a hyper- hyperbaric bupivacaine appears to result in more predict-
baric form derived by the addition of glucose (80 mg/mL) able sensory blockade than plain bupivacaine.6,8 Hyperbaric
and plain bupivacaine also appear to differ in their motor
From the *Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School, Singapore, Singapore; blockade pattern and duration of action.7 This systematic
†Medical Board, ‡Obstetrics and Gynaecology, and §Women’s Anaesthesia, review summarizes the best-available evidence regard-
KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital, Singapore, Singapore; and ||Clinical
Research Institute, Singapore, Singapore. ing the effectiveness and safety of hyperbaric bupivacaine
Accepted for publication July 19, 2014. compared with plain bupivacaine when used to provide
Funding: This study did not receive funding. spinal anesthesia for cesarean delivery. This review was
The authors declare no conflicts of interest. undertaken to determine whether there is currently suffi-
Supplemental digital content is available for this article. Direct URL citations cient evidence to guide the decision between using these 2
appear in the printed text and are provided in the HTML and PDF versions of formulations in spinal anesthesia for cesarean delivery.
this article on the journal’s website (
Reprints will not be available from the authors.
This article is based on a Cochrane Review published in the Cochrane Database METHODS
of Systematic Reviews (CDSR) 2013, Issue 5, DOI: 10.1002/14651858. CD005143. We included only randomized controlled clinical trials that
pub2 (see information).29 Cochrane recruited women undergoing spinal anesthesia for elective
Reviews are regularly updated as new evidence emerges and in response to
feedback, and the CDSR should be consulted for the most recent version of the cesarean delivery and compared the use of hyperbaric bupiva-
review. caine and plain bupivacaine. We excluded studies that included
Address correspondence to Ban Leong Sng, MBBS, MMed, FANZCA, FFP- patients with underlying morbidities, undergoing emergency
MANZCA, MCI, Senior Consultant, 100 Bukit Timah Rd., Singapore 229899.
Address e-mail to cesarean delivery, or women who were in preterm labor.
Copyright © 2014 International Anesthesia Research Society We included studies that used bupivacaine in combina-
DOI: 10.1213/ANE.0000000000000443 tion with spinal opioids (fentanyl, sufentanil, morphine)

132 January 2015 • Volume 120 • Number 1

and those using the combined spinal-epidural (CSE) tech- data was first justified by a consensus clinical judgment of
nique with the initial bupivacaine administered only in the sufficient clinical homogeneity. We informally evaluated and
intrathecal space. We excluded studies using the sequential investigated the degree of statistical heterogeneity by visual
CSE technique, other local anesthetics concomitantly, or any inspection of forest plots and more formally by the I2 statis-
other form of anesthesia for cesarean delivery. Primary out- tic.11 We refrained from quantitative synthesis if there was a
comes were: (a) inadequate anesthesia requiring conversion high degree of statistical heterogeneity, that is, I2 > 75%.
to general anesthesia and (b) inadequate anesthesia requir- Risk ratios (RRs) were reported for binary outcomes in
ing use of supplemental analgesics. Secondary outcomes included studies; hence, we reported summary results using
included: (a) requirement for ephedrine, (b) incidence of the same effect measure. We used MD to pool the results of
nausea and vomiting, (c) incidence of headache within 7 the continuous outcomes as all included studies measured
days of spinal anesthesia, (d) time to sensory blockade at outcomes on the same scale. We also report the 95% CI of
the T4 dermatome, (e) incidence of high dermatomal sen- each outcome.
sory block (above the C8 dermatome), and (f) ephedrine We did not anticipate any subgroup analysis because
dose. All outcomes were dichotomous except outcomes there were only 6 studies and not all studies provided infor-
time to T4 sensory blockade and ephedrine dose. mation for all the outcomes. The patient characteristics were
We searched the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled restricted to pregnant women requiring elective cesarean
Trials (CENTRAL; The Cochrane Library 2011, Issue 4), delivery. We planned to consider other methodologic differ-
MEDLINE (January 1966 to May 2011), and EMBASE ences by using the random-effects model.
(January 1980 to May 2011). Our search strategies are found
in the appendices (CENTRAL, Appendix 1; MEDLINE, RESULTS
Appendix 2; EMBASE, Appendix 3). We also searched the Search Results
Cochrane Pregnancy and Childbirth Group Trials Register We identified 192 citations from the database searches
with the Highly Sensitive Search Strategy found in the (Fig.  1). After screening by title and abstract, we obtained
Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions9 full texts for 15 citations that were judged potentially eli-
with the help of their Trials Search Coordinator. The gible for inclusion in the review. Of these, 9 did not fulfill
Cochrane Pregnancy and Childbirth Group Trials Register
is maintained by the Trials Search Co-ordinator and con-
tains trials identified from quarterly searches of CENTRAL,
monthly searches of MEDLINE, hand searches of 30 journals
(including the International Journal of Obstetric Anesthesia),
the proceedings of major conferences, and a weekly current
awareness search of a further 37 journals. We placed no lan-
guage restrictions on our searches.
Two authors independently collected data on a standard-
ized data-collection form, reviewed the titles and abstracts
from the searches, extracted the data using a standardized
form, and assessed trial quality. A third author resolved any
disagreements at any stage. We extracted information per-
taining to the study design, method of randomization, use
of allocation concealment, reporting of the study setting and
participants, inclusion and exclusion criteria, sample size,
interventions, and outcomes listed previously. Based on
the Cochrane “Risk of bias” tool in Revman 5.1,9,10 we con-
sidered the following: (1) random sequence generation; (2)
allocation; concealment; (3) blinding of participants and per-
sonnel; (4) blinding of outcome assessment; (5) Incomplete
outcome data; (6) selective reporting; and (7) other bias
(Table 1). We graded each of the aforementioned dimen-
sions of trial quality as low-risk, high-risk, or unclear risk
of bias and also gave supporting judgment for the decisions.
We summarized the treatment effect for dichotomous out-
comes by using risk ratios and their 95% confidence intervals
(CIs). For continuous outcomes such as time to dermatomal
block at the T4 level and amount of ephedrine used (mg/per-
son), the mean difference (MD) and 95% CI were reported.
The patient was the unit of analysis in all of the studies.
We evaluated clinical heterogeneity by qualitatively
appraising differences in study characteristics such as par-
ticipants, interventions, outcomes assessed, and study meth-
odology and refrained from pooling results if there was
significant clinical heterogeneity. Quantitative pooling of the Figure 1. Study flow diagram.

January 2015 • Volume 120 • Number 1 133

Hyperbaric Versus Isobaric Bupivacaine for Cesarean

Table 1.  Risk of Bias Table

Blinding of Blinding of Incomplete
Random sequence Allocation participants outcome outcome Selective Other
Study generation concealment and personnel assessment data reporting bias
das Neves et al.19 Low Uncertain Low Low Low Low Low
Richardson et al.22 Low Uncertain Low Low Low Low Low
Russell and Holmqvist21 Low Uncertain Low Low Low Low Low
Sarvella et al.7 Low Uncertain Low Low Low Low Low
Vercauteren et al.6 Low Uncertain Low Low Low Low Low
Vichitvejpaisal et al.20 Low Uncertain Low Low Low Low Low

Table 2.  Characteristics of Excluded Studies

Connolly et al.12 Inclusion and exclusion criteria were not clearly defined. Treatment and control groups were not adequately described
at entry of study. Comparison of 8 mg/mL glucose versus 80 mg/mL glucose, both of which were hyperbaric to
cerebrospinal fluid. No plain bupivacaine used.
Connolly et al.13 Inclusion and exclusion criteria were not clearly defined. Treatment and control groups were not adequately described
at entry of study. Comparison of 8 mg/mL glucose versus 80 mg/mL glucose, both of which were hyperbaric to
cerebrospinal fluid. No plain bupivacaine used.
Connolly et al.14 Comparison of 8 mg/mL glucose versus 80 mg/mL glucose, both of which were hyperbaric to cerebrospinal fluid. No plain
bupivacaine used.
Echevarría et al.8 Comparison of hyperbaric bupivacaine with plain mepivacaine and plain bupivacaine with adrenaline.
King et al.15 Comparison of 0.5% tetracaine in 10% dextrose and 0.5% tetracaine.
King et al.16 Comparison of 0.5% tetracaine in 5% dextrose and 0.5% tetracaine.
Lew et al.17 Comparison of epidural volume extension with combined spinal-epidural with spinal anesthesia using hyperbaric bupivacaine.
The comparisons are not using plain solution. The study investigated the effect of epidural volume extension.
Sodhi et al.18 Comparison of hyperbaric, isobaric, and hypobaric bupivacaine with fentanyl using combined spinal epidural technique.
Study outcome on spread of intrathecal bupivacaine in the prolonged sitting position.
Sudarshan et al.a Sequential administration and not comparison of hyperbaric versus plain bupivacaine.
Sudarshan G, Kokri MS, Kumar CM. Evaluation of sequential administration of plain and hyperbaric bupivacaine for spinal anesthesia for lower segment
Caesarean section. Paper presented at: American Society of Regional Anesthesia & Pain Medicine Annual Meeting Abstracts.
Citation/1994/19021/Evaluation_of_sequential_administration_of_plain.23.aspx. Accessed March 26, 2014.

our inclusion criteria and were excluded (Table  2). a,1,8,12–18 All 6 studies had a low risk of attrition bias because all
We included 6 studies.6,7,19–22 All 6 studies enrolled women outcome data (recruitment and attrition data) had been
at term and excluded women with complicated pregnan- reported with no missing data. Analyses were performed
cies (Table 3). Sarvela et al.7 and Vercauteren et al.6 used the using the intention-to-treat principle.6,7,19–22 All 6 stud-
CSE technique with intrathecal injection, whereas the rest of ies6,7,19–22 reported all prespecified outcomes. All 6 stud-
the studies19–22 used a spinal anesthesia technique. We did ies6,7,19–22 appeared to be free of other bias.
not present a funnel plot because there were only 6 studies.
We did not perform sensitivity analysis because no studies Primary Outcomes
were judged as having a high risk of bias. Conversion to General Anesthesia
Six studies with a total of 394 patients reported the need
for conversion to general anesthesia with significant clinical
Risk of Bias in Included Studies
heterogeneity (Fig. 2, A).6,7,19–22 Two studies had conversion
Only 1 study described the method of randomization,7 and
to general anesthesia. das Neves et al.19 with 1 of 30 in the
none described the method of allocation concealment. Four
plain bupivacaine group and Vichitvejpaisal et al.20 with 1
studies reported that randomization resulted in intervention
of 10 in the hyperbaric bupivacaine group and 7 of 48 in
groups that were balanced at baseline6,19–21 (Supplemental
the plain bupivacaine group. Four of the 6 studies reported
Digital Content,
no conversions in either treatment group.6,19,21,22 The I2 value
All 6 studies were described as double-blinded, but
was 0%. Pooled results are not reported because of clinical
exactly which parties were blinded was not explicitly heterogeneity.
stated. We deduced that the patients were all blinded
because of the nature of the study. The spinal injections Requiring Supplemental Analgesia
were performed on the patient’s back. The attending Six studies with a total of 394 patients reported the need for
anesthesiologists who were also outcome assessors were supplemental analgesics with significant clinical heteroge-
blinded to group assignment in 5 of the studies.6,7,19–21 A neity (Fig. 2, B).6,7,19–22 Vichitvejpaisal et al.20 had no need for
blinded assessor was involved in the study by Richardson supplemental anesthesia in either arm, and the rest had a very
et al.,22 because the attending anesthesiologists prepared low number of events.6,7,19,21,22 In most studies, no more than
the injections and followed the study protocol. The amount 1 event was observed, with less need occurring in the hyper-
of ephedrine administered, however, was up to the discre- baric bupivacaine group. Richardson et al.22 reported 1 subject
tion of the attending anesthesiologist. All 6 studies were who required IV supplementation with fentanyl 50 µg in the
judged as having low risk of performance bias and detec- plain bupivacaine group. Russell and Holmqvist21 reported
tion bias.6,7,19–22 Patients who were blinded were the out- 1 subject in the plain bupivacaine group who required sup-
come assessors for nausea, vomiting, and headache. plemental analgesia that included the use of nitrous oxide

134 anesthesia & analgesia
Table 3.  Characteristics of Included Studies
das Neves et al.19 Prospective, randomized, and double-blinded study.
N = 60 spinal anesthesia
Inclusion criteria: term pregnant women undergoing spinal anesthesia for elective cesarean delivery
Study groups:
30: 0.5% hyperbaric bupivacaine 12.5 mg with morphine 100 µg
30: 0.5% plain bupivacaine 12.5 mg with morphine 100 µg
Left lateral position, paramedian approach, L3-4 interspace, 27-gauge Quincke needle. Preload and co-load
with lactated Ringer’s solution.
1 subject in the plain group had referred pain at hysterotomy converted to general anesthesia. 1 subject in the
hyperbaric group had partial motor block and pain at incision, which was converted to epidural anesthesia.
The only outcomes were supplemental analgesia and ephedrine use.
Richardson et al.22 Prospective, randomized, and double-blinded study.
N = 30 spinal anesthesia
Inclusion criteria: American Society of Anesthesiologists Physical Status I and II, nonlaboring parturients
scheduled for elective cesarean delivery with spinal anesthesia
Exclusion criteria: history of chronic opioid use, allergy to any of the study drugs
Study groups:
15: hyperbaric bupivacaine 15 mg with morphine 200 µg
15: hypobaric bupivacaine 15 mg with morphine 200 µg
Sitting position, L3-4 interspace, 25-gauge Quincke needle. Preloaded with lactated Ringer’s solution.
Russell and Holmqvist21 Prospective, randomized, double-blinded study.
N = 40 spinal anesthesia
Study groups:
19: 0.5% hyperbaric bupivacaine 12.5 mg
20: 0.5% plain bupivacaine 12.5 mg
Right lateral position, midline approach, L2-3 or L3-4 interspace, 25-gauge needle. Preload with lactated
Ringer’s solution.
1 hyperbaric group excluded from analysis: result of deviation from design of the study (had wedge placed
under left hip). N = 39.
Sarvela et al.7 Prospective, randomized, double-blinded study.
N = 76 CSE anesthesia
CSE needle through needle technique with 16-gauge Tuohy needle and 26-gauge Whitacre needle. Epidural
catheter insertion.
Inclusion criteria: healthy, full-term (gestational age 37−42 weeks) singleton parturients undergoing elective
cesarean delivery
Study groups:
36: hyperbaric bupivacaine 9 mg with fentanyl 20 µg
34: plain bupivacaine 9 mg with fentanyl 20 µg
Right lateral position, midline approach, L2-3 interspace, CSE technique. Preload and colloid with lactated
Ringer’s solution and ephedrine 15 mg. Uniform surgical technique with exteriorization of uterus.
7 excluded. 1 inability of the observer to follow the protocol, 1 premature birth, 4 no backflow of cerebrospinal
fluid after spinal anesthesia and conversion of anesthesia to epidural. 1 patient in the plain bupivacaine group
required epidural supplementation although backflow was seen after spinal anesthesia and therefore was not
included in the spinal block data and side effects during caesarean delivery. n = 70.
Vercauteren et al.6 Prospective, randomized, double-blinded study.
N = 98 CSE anesthesia
CSE BD-Durasafe Adjustable tray
Inclusion criteria: scheduled for elective or semiurgent cesarean delivery
Exclusion criteria: urgent cesarean delivery, parturients in active labor, those presenting with a pregnancy
duration of <35 weeks’ gestation, initial systolic blood pressure ≥150 mm Hg
Study groups:
49: hyperbaric bupivacaine 6.6 mg with 3.3 µg sufentanil
48: plain bupivacaine 6.6 mg with 3.3 µg sufentanil
Right lateral position, CSE technique. Preload with lactated Ringer’s solution and hydroxyethyl starch 6%.
1 in the plain bupivacaine group was excluded because of an unintentional dural puncture with the Tuohy
Vichitvejpaisal et al.20 Prospective, randomized study.
N = 98 spinal anesthesia
Inclusion criteria: cesarean delivery (cephalopelvic disproportion, elderly primigravidarum, previous cesarean
delivery, premature rupture of membrane)
Exclusion criteria: deformity of spinal column, skin infection near puncture site, coagulopathy
Study groups:
50: hyperbaric bupivacaine 2 mL 0.5%
48: plain bupivacaine 2 mL 0.5%
Lateral position, midline approach, 24-gauge spinal needle via 18-gauge introducer needle. Preload with
lactated Ringer’s solution.
The number in front of the study group refers to N for the group.
CSE = combined spinal epidural.

January 2015 • Volume 120 • Number 1 135

Hyperbaric Versus Isobaric Bupivacaine for Cesarean

and trichloroethylene. One subject reported by das Neves et The CSE technique was used in 2 studies.6,7 Using the
al.19 who received hyperbaric bupivacaine had partial motor CSE technique, Sarvela et al.7 used a greater dose of bupi-
block and pain on incision that required epidural anesthesia vacaine (intrathecal injection containing bupivacaine 9 mg
supplementation after initial spinal anesthesia. and fentanyl 20 µg) compared with Vercauteren et al.6 One

Figure 2. (Continued)

136 anesthesia & analgesia

Figure 2. Characteristics of excluded studies. A, Conversion to general anesthesia. B, Supplemental analgesia. C, Ephedrine requirement. D,
Nausea and vomiting. E, Headache. F, Time to dermatomal block T4 (minutes). G, High block C8. H, Amount of ephedrine used (mg/person).

subject in the plain bupivacaine group required epidural showed a statistical difference in favor of hyperbaric bupiva-
supplementation, although no additional details were caine (RR 0.59; 95% CI: 0.36−0.97), and Vichitvejpaisal et al.20
given. Vercauteren et al.6 had more events of supplemental showed a statistical difference in favor of plain bupivacaine
analgesia required compared with Sarvela et al.7 because (RR 2.30; 95% CI: 1.24−4.29) in decreasing the incidence of
a lower dose of bupivacaine (intrathecal injection contain- nausea and vomiting. The observed I2 value was 66%. Pooled
ing bupivacaine 6.6 mg and sufentanil 3.3 µg) using the results are not reported because of clinical heterogeneity.
CSE technique was used. Five of 49 subjects in the hyper-
baric groups and 8 of 48 subjects in the plain bupivacaine Headache
Three studies with a total of 234 patients reported the inci-
group required supplemental analgesia in the form of epi-
dence of headaches (Fig. 2, E).6,20,21 Two studies20,21 with 137
dural medications (RR 0.61; 95% CI: 0.22−1.74). Epidural
patients reported no difference in the incidence of head-
supplementation using plain lidocaine 2% was adminis-
ache. The third study did not report any subject with head-
tered in incremental doses of 2 mL per unblocked segment
ache.6 The observed I2 value was 3%. Pooled results are not
if the upper sensory level did not reach the T6 level 10
reported because of clinical heterogeneity.
minutes after intrathecal injection. The observed I2 value
was 0%. Pooled results are not reported because of clinical Time to T4 Dermatomal Block
heterogeneity. Two studies with a total of 128 patients reported the time until
the sensory block reached the T4 level (Fig. 2, F).20,22 This inter-
val was considerably shorter for hyperbaric bupivacaine in the
Secondary Outcomes
study by Vichitvejpaisal et al.20 (MD −1.10; 95% CI: −2.09 to
Requirement for Ephedrine
Three studies with a total of 196 patients reported the need −0.11). There was no difference in this outcome in the study by
for ephedrine (Fig. 2, C).6,7,22 Different criteria were used to Richardson et al.22 (MD −1.00; 95% CI: −2.13 to 0.13), although
judge the need for ephedrine among studies. The need for the CI is wide. The observed I2 value was 0%. Pooled results
are not reported because of clinical heterogeneity.
hyperbaric bupivacaine was less than plain bupivacaine in
1 study with 97 patients.6 In the study by Richardson et al.,22
High Dermatomal Sensory Block
the need for ephedrine was left to the discretion of the Three studies with a total of 205 patients reported the inci-
attending anesthesiologist. In the study by Sarvela et al.,7 dence of undesirably high sensory block (greater than the
ephedrine was administered when the systolic blood pres- C8 dermatome; (Fig. 2, G).6,7,21 No differences were reported
sure decreased below 95 mm Hg or decreased >20% below between groups. Vercauteren et al.6 used low-dose bupi-
the baseline value. Ephedrine was administered when the vacaine with a CSE technique; 5 of 48 patients in the plain
systolic blood pressure decreased <100 mm Hg or decreased bupivacaine group had a high block compared with no
>25% from the baseline value in the study by Vercauteren et patients in the hyperbaric group (RR 0.09; 95% CI: 0.01−1.5).
al.,6 in which the authors used low-dose bupivacaine with The observed I2 value was 59%. Pooled results are not
a CSE technique, possibly leading to less use of ephedrine reported because of clinical heterogeneity.
in both the hyperbaric and plain bupivacaine groups. The
observed I2 value was 75%. Pooled results are not reported Ephedrine Dose
because of clinical heterogeneity. Three studies with a total of 226 patients reported the
ephedrine dose (Fig. 2, H).6,7,19 In the study by Vercauteren
Nausea and Vomiting et al.,6 women in the hyperbaric bupivacaine group received
Five studies with a total of 333 patients reported the incidence less ephedrine than women in the plain bupivacaine group
of nausea and vomiting (Fig. 2, D).6,7,20–22 Vercauteren et al.6 (MD −1.80; 95% CI: −3.49 to −0.11); however, the difference

January 2015 • Volume 120 • Number 1 137

Hyperbaric Versus Isobaric Bupivacaine for Cesarean

may not be clinically significant. The other 2 studies showed measurement of nausea and vomiting was subjective with
no difference in the ephedrine dose between groups.7,19 The differing definitions of nausea and vomiting among studies.
observed I2 value was 33%. Pooled results are not reported There was significant clinical heterogeneity in the studies.
because of clinical heterogeneity. There is evidence that bupivacaine dose is directly related to
the incidence of hypotension. The dose of bupivacaine used
DISCUSSION in the 6 studies varied from 6.6 to 15 mg.6,7,19–22 The presence
Out of 6 included studies, only 2 studies19,20 contributed to the of short-acting opioids decreases the incidence of nausea and
result of less conversion to general anesthesia, with only that vomiting. Some studies included intrathecal opioids such as
of Vichitvejpaisal et al.20 showing a difference. Furthermore, morphine,22 sufentanil,6 and fentanyl,7 whereas others did
only 2 studies20,22 contributed to the result of a more rapid not use adjuvant intrathecal drugs.19–21 There was also vari-
onset of sensory block at the T4 level with hyperbaric bupi- ability in the technique of regional block with 2 studies per-
vacaine, with only that of Vichitvejpaisal et al.20 showing a forming the CSE technique to administer intrathecal drugs.6,7
difference. All other analyses did not show any differences. Patient position may have affected clinical outcomes; 3 stud-
In addition, the small sample sizes of the included studies ies included right lateral, left lateral in 1 study, lateral position
suggest that larger studies should be conducted. Pooling that was unspecified in 1 study, and sitting in 1 study.6,7,19–22
was not performed because of clinical heterogeneity. Using hyperbaric bupivacaine in the sitting position may
In nonobstetric patients, some studies have shown that slow the onset of the block and thus may limit the spread of
hyperbaric bupivacaine has a greater cephalad spread com- bupivacaine when compared to plain bupivacaine.27,28 Other
pared with plain bupivacaine.23–26 The wider distribution of potentially relevant outcomes not reported in most studies
hyperbaric bupivacaine within the intrathecal space may were pain on injection and recovery, duration of anesthesia
induce a lower degree of motor block compared with plain after delivery, pain with delivery of spinal anesthesia, pain
bupivacaine.6 Furthermore, hyperbaric bupivacaine is asso- after delivery, and ability to ambulate.
ciated with increased risk of hypotension compared with Intrathecal drug dose, adjuvant drugs, and technique of
plain bupivacaine.23–26 In obstetric studies using spinal anes- administration may affect the spread of local anesthetic in
thesia for cesarean delivery, the baricity of bupivacaine does the intrathecal space; however, because the methodology
not significantly influence the onset or duration of the sen- has not been standardized, it is difficult to draw a defini-
sory block,7,21,22 except for 1 study by Vercauteren et al.,6 in tive conclusion from the studies in this review. It may be
which the block level was more predictable when hyperbaric necessary to conduct a large randomized trial to confirm
bupivacaine was used. these findings and to examine the economic impact before
Conversion to general anesthesia was a rare event in the a switch from plain bupivacaine to hyperbaric bupivacaine
6 studies. Most studies did not report any conversions to can be recommended.
general anesthesia.6,7,21,22 das Neves et al.19 did not find any There is a lack of clear evidence regarding the superiority
significant differences in the rate of conversion to general of hyperbaric compared with plain bupivacaine for spinal
anesthesia; thus, evidence for the superiority of hyperbaric anesthesia for cesarean delivery. Thus, no change in prac-
bupivacaine for this outcome comes from Vichitvejpaisal tice is indicated at the present time. Adequately powered
et al.20 There was a lack of information regarding the crite- randomized clinical trials are required in which the defini-
rion used for conversion to general anesthesia in this study. tions, criteria, and assessment methodology of the impor-
Conversion to general anesthesia occurred in 9.2% of subjects tant outcomes, including conversion to general anesthesia,
in the study when the analgesic level was deemed inadequate requirement for supplemental analgesia, nausea, vomiting,
by the attending anesthesiologist. The study did not mention and sensory testing, should be clearly stated. All clinically
the use of sensory-level examination or the position in which relevant side effects should be evaluated, and reporting
spinal anesthesia was administered. The use of supplemental standards should adhere to the CONSORT guidelines. E
analgesia was dominated by a single study by Vercauteren
et al.6 because this study reported more events and was sig- APPENDIX 1
nificantly larger than the other studies. The larger number of Search strategy for CENTRAL, The Cochrane Library
events might be attributable to the use of the CSE technique #1 MeSH descriptor Cesarean Section explode all trees #2
with low-dose hyperbaric and plain bupivacaine leading to a (cesarea* or caesarea* or cesaria* or caesaria*) #3 (#1 OR #2)
greater event rate for supplemental analgesia. #4 MeSH descriptor Bupivacaine explode all trees #5 bupi-
For cesarean delivery, an anesthetic level of T4 has been vacain* and (hyperbaric or heavy or dextrose or glucose or
widely deemed as the standard to allow pain-free delivery of isobaric or plain or hypobaric or isotonic) #6 (#4 OR #5) #7
the infant. Therefore, we reviewed the mean time to onset of (#3 AND #6)
T4 sensory blockade, which was reported in 2 studies.20,22 Both
studies used the loss of sensation to pinprick as the test for APPENDIX 2
sensory level. We could not investigate the maximal sensory Search strategy for MEDLINE (OvidSP)
level achieved during intrathecal block or recession of sensory 1. exp CESAREAN-SECTION/ or (cesarea* or caesarea* or
blockade due to the different methods used to test sensory cesaria* or caesaria*).mp. 2. exp BUPIVACAINE/ or (bupi-
level. There was no apparent reason to explain the hetero- vacain* and (hyperbaric or heavy or dextrose or glucose or
geneity found for nausea and vomiting.6,7,20–22 Furthermore, isobaric or plain or hypobaric or isotonic)).mp. 3. 1 and 2 4.
the studies had small sample sizes, and the differences found ((randomized controlled trial or controlled clinical trial).pt.
in individual studies could have been due to chance. The or randomized.ab. or placebo.ab. or clinical trials as topic.

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