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11/29/2018 (PDF) The Role of Multiple Loading Cycles in Pulp Refiners

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oading Cycles in Pulp Refiners


e) in Nordic Pulp and Paper Research Journal 26(3) · September 2011 with 94 Reads


J. A. Olson
s O Heymer
33.33 · University of British Columbia - Vancouver

ard Kerekes
.68 · University of British Columbia - Vancouver

el for tensile strength development based on the requirement of a few successful loading cycles To treat fibres was applied to an
The findings for a normal range of refining intensity concur with those found in an earlier study for compression refining. These
that the main role of multiple bar crossings in refining chemical pulp is to impose one of a few loading cycles on many fibres rather
many loading cycles on each fibre, In short, the role is one of overcoming heterogeneity of treatment rather than imposing fatigue

rld's research

ch projects

the authors


rimental tensile . Summary of refiner plate . Summary of experimental trials. l LW average fibre length
s a function of… geometries. development at **120 kWh/t… 1/10
11/29/2018 (PDF) The Role of Multiple Loading Cycles in Pulp Refiners

by Richard Kerekes Author content Download full-text PDF

he Role of Multiple Loading Cycles on Pulp in Refiners

s O. Heymer, James A. Olson and Richard J. Kerekes, Pulp and Paper Centre, Vancouver, Canada

thousands of cycles as is common in fatigue

YWORDS: Disc refiner, Low-consistency, phenomena. Making the assumption that fibre
mpression refining, Tensile strength, Number bar flexibilization is produced by one successful loading
sings cycle, Goosen et al. (2007) proposed a cumulative
probability model for tensile strength increase. This
model predicted the form of the observed increases
tatistical model for tensile strength development in tensile strength very well when fibre networks
ed on the requirement of a few successful were redistributed after each loading cycle.
ding cycles to treat fibres was applied to an The fibre flexibilization referred to above is that
ustrial refiner. The findings for a normal range of resulting from internal changes in cell walls, i.e.
ning intensity concur with those found in an internal fibre cell wall delamination, fibre swelling,
ier study for compression refining. These etc. Fibre flexibilization may also be produced by
dings suggest that the main role of multiple bar decreasing cell wall thickness caused by removing
ssings in refining chemical pulp is to impose one material, such as fines and fibrils, from fibre
few loading cycles on many fibres rather than to surfaces, as happens in fibre development in
ose many loading cycles on each fibre, In short, mechanical pulping. This latter effect, as well as
role is one of overcoming heterogeneity of external fibrillation, is produced by bar movement
tment rather than imposing fatigue weakening. in combination with bar forces (Kerekes and Senger,
2006, Kerekes, 2010). In chemical pulp refining,
DRESSES OF THE AUTHORS: Jens O. Heymer however, fibre flexibilization is considered to be a, James A. Olson primary refining effect (Mohlin, 1975, Kerekes and and Richard J. Kerekes
Tam Doo, 1985 and Paavilainen, 1993). In addition, The University of British
umbia, Pulp and Paper Centre, 2385 East Mall, refining produces fibre straightening, although the
couver, BC, V6T 1Z4, Canada relative contributions of gap forces and swelling
responding author: Jens O. Heymer associated with flexibilization to straightening are
The findings for compression refining raise the
roduction question of whether the same holds true for
industrial refiners. Specifically, is the role of
chemical pulp refining, forces are applied to
multiple bar crossings in refiners one of overcoming
p in a cyclic manner to produce changes in fibre
heterogeneity of treatment in refining rather than
perties. The precise mechanism by which the
imposing fatigue weakening. The objective of this
ces do so is uncertain, but many investigators
paper is to answer this question.
e attributed the action to flexibilization of fibres
fatigue weakening. These views have been
mmarized in review papers by Page (1989) and
ck (1977). However, recent work by Goosen et Analysis
(2007) has suggested another role of the cyclical In compression refining, an expression was derived
lication of forces in refining when accompanied by Goosen et al. (2007) that related tensile strength
redistribution of fibre networks between loading increase ΔT to the number of loading cycles
les. It is one of exposing new fibres to forces imposed on the pulp pad, NC and the probability that
her than subjecting the same fibres to many force each loading cycle was successful in creating a
les. refining result, PC. The result is given by the
cumulative probability distribution below:
osen et al. (2007) found that without fibre ΔT = 1 − (1 − PC )
stribution between loading cycles, there was
e tensile strength increase of pulp. However, Goosen et al. (2007) based this model on the
en fibre networks were redistributed after each assumption that a single compression cycle refines
ding cycle, substantial strength increases were the fibre. Additional compression cycles on the
ained. They proposed a model for this strength same fibre yielded no further refining effect.
rease based on the observations of Dunford and Moreover they postulated that only a small amount 2/10
11/29/2018 (PDF) The Role of Multiple Loading Cycles in Pulp Refiners

d (2002) and Wild et al. (2006) that only a few of fibre mass experienced strong compression
les were needed to flexibilize single fibres, not during a single cycle. This occurs because stress

Nordic Pulp and Paper Research Journal Vol 26 no. 3 /2011 FOR FULL COLOUR SEE ARTICLE AT:

ins in fibre networks are confined to a relatively Handsheets were prepared using unrefined and
all portion of the network, as suggested by refined pulp samples taken at various energy levels.
enberg (1980). Table 1. Summary of refiner plate geometries.
he analogous expression for a pulp refiner is
Bar Groove Groove Bar CEL
T = 1 − (1 − PB )
[2] Plate Width Width Depth Angle ·103
here NB is number of available bar crossings a [mm] [mm] [mm] [°] [m/s]
1 3.0 3.0 4.0 17.3 20.05
e may experience during its passage through a
2 2.5 2.5 5.0 21.5 24.10
ner, and PB is the probability that each bar
3 1.0 2.5 1.0 21.3S* 233.2
ssing inflicts a successful refining result. 4 3.0 8.0 4.0 21.25 7.00
he number of available bar crossings, NB is in 5 6.0 12.0 8.0 16.0 0.52
ence the number of bar crossings seen by a point * 21.3° Bar Angle for Stator and 26.5° for Rotor
ving along the edge of a bar through the refiner.
us, NB can readily be determined from the All physical and optical properties were evaluated
metry and operating conditions in a refiner as in accordance with relevant TAPPI standards.
wn in the Appendix, and given by the expression Length-weighted average fibre length, diameter, etc.
ow: were measured using a Fibre Quality Analyzer
CEL ⋅2 ⋅D ⋅G (FQA).
B = [3]
ere CEL is the cutting edge length, D is the
ove depth, G is the groove width, and Q is the Results and Discussion
umetric flow rate of the suspension through the The increases in measured tensile strength, i.e.
ner. Further details are given in the Appendix. breaking length (ΔBL), for the refining conditions
obability PB is the likelihood of a successful tested are shown in Table 2. These tensile strengths
ning result at each bar crossing. In refiners, this are plotted in Fig 1 against NB, defined as the
composite of the probability of capture of fibres number of bar crossings that would be seen by a
groove, transport into the adjacent gap, and the point moving along a stator bar during the residence
bability that once in the gap, pulp is subjected to time of pulp in the refiner. An example of a typical
orce of sufficient intensity to create a refining fit is shown in Fig. 2.
ult. 10
Trial A, SEL = 3.25 J/m
9 Trial D, SEL = 1.70 J/m
8 Trial G, SEL = 1.08 J/m
Trial I, SEL = 0.14 J/m
perimental Program and Procedures 7 Trial K, SEL = 0.07 J/m
ΔBL [km]

6 Trial M, SEL = 8.00 J/m

e evaluated Eq. 2 employing data obtained on a 5 Trial O, SEL = 3.00 J/m
Beloit Double Disc pilot refiner and an Escher– 4
ss laboratory refiner. The trials examined five 3
ferent plate patterns over a range of different 2
rgies and intensities shown in Table 2. The 1 Consistency ~ 2.8%
wer cited is the net power. The consistencies are 0
minal values. The rotational speed for the double 0 500 1000 1500
c refiner was 900 rpm and for the Escher-Wyss Number of Bar Crossings, NB [-]
ner was 1000 rpm, which corresponds to a
Fig 1. Increase in experimental tensile strength (ΔBL) as a
gential speed of 26.3 m/s and 6.1 m/s, function of number of bar crossing events experienced by a
pectively, at the outer peripheries. The plate pulp fibre at differing levels of intensity.
mensions used are summarized in Table 1. The
ls were conducted using a Northern bleached
As is evident in Fig. 2, the fit is very good. The fits
wood kraft pulp.
for the other 17 cases were similarly good, having
order to achieve the target specific energy, pulp
an average R2 = 0.942. The values of PB along with
circulated through the Escher-Wyss refiner
NB for each case are shown in Table 2.
ny times. In case of the Double Disc refiner,
The values of PB in Table 2 fall in the range 0.12 to
oughput was changed at constant power to attain
6.7%. This is smaller than the value PC ≈ 6% found
gle stage refining up to 120 kWh/t. Additional
by Goosen et al (2007) for compression refining of a
ning was performed by passing the pulp through
pulp pad. In other work, Kerekes and Olson (2003)
refiner in 30 kWh/t steps.
estimated upper limits of probability of fibre 3/10
11/29/2018 (PDF) The Role of Multiple Loading Cycles in Pulp Refiners

Nordic Pulp and Paper Research Journal Vol 26 no. 3 /2011 284

ture. They estimated a 20% probability based on and groove width, from which fibres could be
turing all fibres in a zone defined by fibre length
e 2. Summary of experimental trials.
CF PowerNet SEL NB** ΔBL** PB PB · NB ** lLW**
ial Type Plate
[%] [kW] [J/m] [-] [km] [%] [-] [mm]
A 1 2.84 65 3.25 94 6.2 1.48 1.39 2.05
B 1 4.55 64 3.20 149 5.4 0.72 1.07 2.07
C 1 1.55 34 1.70 89 5.7 1.57 1.40 2.14
22” Beloit Double Disc

D 1 2.48 34 1.70 161 6.2 1.05 1.69 2.15

E 1 4.22 34 1.70 282 5.0 0.38 1.07 2.22
F 2 4.19 64 2.67 274 4.9 0.38 1.04 2.29
G 2 2.54 26 1.08 246 5.4 0.80 1.97 2.33
H 2 4.52 26 1.08 474 5.2 0.24 1.14 2.31
3 2.70 33 0.14 413 4.6 5.99 24.74 2.23
J 3 4.40 34 0.14 702 3.1 1.00 7.02 2.23
K 4 2.56 16 0.07 777 3.2 0.26 2.02 2.33
L 4 4.51 55 7.86 163 1.4 3.63 5.92 1.17
M 4 3.15 56 8.00 115 1.4 6.70 7.71 1.34
N 5 1.50 0.7 1.50 830 3.4 0.12 1.00 2.10

O 5 3.00 1.4 3.00 824 3.3 0.68 5.60 1.97


P 5 4.00 2.3 5.00 657 2.8 0.33 2.17 1.75

Q 5 3.00 2.3 5.00 492 2.7 0.26 1.28 1.82
120 kWh/t

tured, and 5% based on the amount of fibre that NB ≈ 1,at 120 kWh/t specific energy and the normal
ld physically fit into a typical gap. range of intensity (SEL = 1 – 3 Ws/m). This
he lower average values found in this study supports the postulate cited earlier that only one or a
gest that the probability of a successful refining few loading cycles are needed for fibre treatment.
nt at a bar crossing depends on loading However, when SEL is very small, PB · NB must be
ribution in a gap as well as probability of much larger to compensate for the low forces in the
ture. gap. On the other hand, when SEL is very large,
7.0 1 even large values of PB · NB fail produce substantial
strength increase, as is evident in Fig. 3.
Tensile strength increase, ΔT [-]

6.0 2
R = 0.977 0.8 10
5.0 0.7 9
SEL = 3.25 J/m
SEL = 1.70 J/m
4.0 0.6 8 SEL = 1.08 J/m
0.5 7 SEL = 0.14 J/m
3.0 0.4 SEL = 0.07 J/m
ΔBL [km]

0.3 SEL = 8.00 J/m
2.0 5 SEL = 3.00 J/m
Trial B (DD) 0.2 4
Goosen-Model 0.1 3
0.0 0 2
0 100 200 300 1 Consistency ~ 2.8%
Number bar crossings, N B [-] 0
0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 1000.0
2. Measured tensile strength increase plotted against PB x N B
ber of bar crossings showing model fit for cumulative
ability for PB = 0.72%. Fig 3. Tensile strength increase (ΔBL) as a function of number
of successful refining events experienced by pulp on passage
he product of PB and NB represents the total through a refiner. The data for strength increase are those
mber of successful refining events experienced by shown in Fig. 1.
p on passage through a refiner. Values of PB · NB
shown in Table 2 and in Fig. 3. These data This is due to fibre shortening. The length
cate that tensile strength increases as expected weighted average fibre length, lLW, in this case was
h PB·NB, the total number of successful loading reduced from 2.30 mm (unrefined) to 1.34 mm at
les. Most important for this study, the total 120 kWh/t energy input as shown in Table 2.
mber of successful cycles is about one, i.e. PB ·

Nordic Pulp and Paper Research Journal Vol 26 no. 3 /2011 4/10
11/29/2018 (PDF) The Role of Multiple Loading Cycles in Pulp Refiners

nclusions Kerekes, R.J. (2010), Energy and Forces in Refining, J. Pulp

Paper Sci., 36(1-2), pp. 10-15.
he findings of this study support the postulate
Mohlin, U.-B. (1975), Cellulose fibre bonding, Part 3, The effect
only one or a few loading cycles of appropriate of beating and drying on interfibre bonding, Svensk
nsity are required to treat fibres for strength Papperstidning, 78(9), pp. 338-341.
rease in chemical pulps. The level of intensity Paavilainen, L. (1993), Conformability - flexibility and
st be sufficient to create a refining effect but not collapsibility - of softwood sulphate pulp fibres, Paperi ja Puu
excessive as to shorten fibres. Consequently, the 75(9-10), 689-702.
of many bar crossings in refiners is primarily Page, D. (1989), The Beating of Chemical Pulps--The Action
of exposing many fibres to a few loading cycles and Effects, Trans. of Fundamental Symposium (F. Bolam Ed.)
her than imposing many loading cycles on a Tech. Sect, BP&BMA Oxford.
en fibre to create fatigue weakening. In short, the Steenberg, B.K. (1980), A Model of Refining as a Special Case
is one of overcoming heterogeneity in treatment of Milling, Preprint, Int’l Symposium on Fundamental Concepts
ibres. on Refining, Inst. Paper Chem., pp. 107-116, Sept 16-18/80,
hese results further suggest that heterogeneity in Appleton, WI.
tment is governed by the probability of fibre Wild, P., Omholt, I., Steinke, D. and Schuetze, A. (2006),
ture and transport into gaps and probability of Experimental Characterization of Wet Single Wood-pulp Fibre
able forces applied to fibres within gaps. In a Under Transverse Compression, Journal of Pulp and Paper
sequent publication, we explore this combined Science 31(3):116-120.
bability by means of a comminution analysis to
asure refining heterogeneity from fibre length
nges. Nomenclature

A(r) Area available for volumetric flow in radial direction at

nowledgements radius r, [m2]
ΔBL Increase of the paper sheet breaking length, [km]
authors gratefully acknowledge the financial and technical CF Pulp suspension consistency, [%] or [-]
port by STORA ENSO, CANFOR, FPInnovations (Paprican CEL Cutting Edge Length, [m/s]
sion), NSERC and thank DOMTAR Inc for the disc refiner D Groove Depth of the Rotor or Stator, [m]
. G Groove width of the Rotor or Stator, [m]
lLW Average length weighted fibre length, [mm]
n(r) Number of bars located on a circumference of radius
rature r, [-]
NB The number of bar crossings that would be seen
ck, D. (1977), Advances in beating and refining, Trans. by a point moving along a stator bar during the
d. Res. Symp., Oxford, Pulp and Paper Fundamental residence time of pulp in the refiner, [-]
earch Society, UK, pp.261– 269. NC Number of compression cycles, [-]
PB Probability that each bar crossing was successful in
ford, J. and Wild, P.M. (2002), Cyclic transverse
pression of single wood-pulp fibres, J. Pulp Paper Sci. creating a refining result, [-]
PC Probability that each compression cycle was
), pp. 136-141.
successful in creating a refining result, [-]
sen, D.R., Olson, J.A. and Kerekes. R.J. (2007), The Powernet Applied net power, [kW]
of Heterogeneity in Compression Refining, J. Pulp Paper Q Volume throughput, [m3/s]
33(2), pp. 110-114. r Radius, [m]
ekes, R.J., and Tam Doo, P.A. (1985), Wet fibre flexibility R1 Inner radius of refining zone (plate), [m]
ome major softwood species pulped by various processes, R2 Outer radius of refining zone (plate), [m]
Annual Meeting, CPPA, Montreal, Canada, January 29-30, SEL Specific Edge Load, [Ws/m] or [J/m]
prints A. 45-46. t Time, [s]
ekes, R.J. and Olson, J.A. (2003), Perspectives on Fibre ΔT Tensile strength increase, [-]
gth Reduction in Refining, PIRA International Conference V(r) Radial flow velocity through area at radius r, [m/s]
Scientific and Technical Advances in Refining and W Bar Width of the Rotor or Stator, [mm]
hanical Pulping”, Paper 2, Stockholm, Sweden. αRS Angle between rotor and stator, [-]
φ Bar angle, [°]
ekes, R.J., Ouellet, D. and Martinez, M. (1995), New
pectives on refining intensity, Paper 3, 3rd International ω Rotational speed, [rev/s]
ning Conference, Atlanta, USA, 20-22 March 1995.
ekes, R.J. and Senger, J.J. (2006), Characterizing
ning Action in Low-Consistency Refiners by Forces on
es, J. Pulp Paper Sci., 32(1), pp.1-8.

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8 ⋅π ⋅ ( cosϕ ) ⋅ω ⋅ D ⋅ G ⎛ R 2 − R1 ⎞
pendix 2

⋅ ⎜⎜
3 3

NB =
(W + G ) ⋅ Q
2 ⎟⎟ [11]
order to derive a method for calculating NB we ⎝ 3 ⎠
d to consider here a conical and a disc refiner A combination of many of the term in Eq. 11 gives
wn in Fig. A2 with plate dimension shown in what is defined at the Cutting Edge Length, CEL.
A1. Since values of CEL are commonly specified for
refiner plates, a further simplification may be
introduced by re-expressing Eq. 11 in terms of CEL.
An expression for CEL can be found in the
technical literature (Technical Information Sheets
1995-1996, TAPPI Press, TIS 0508-05.) as:

A1. Plate cross section with dimensions. CEL = ∑ n Si n Ri ωΔr [12]

i =1

If the rotation speed ω is given in [rev/s] and r in

he symbols S and R represent respectively the
[m], the previous calculation leads to the notion of
or and the rotor, and radii R1 and R2 represent the
i at the entry and exits of the working zones of
This is similar to an equation given by Kerekes et
ners. Assuming rotor and stator have the same
al. (1995) by the following formula:
pattern and W = G, the number of bars located
CEL = ∫ R21 n S ()
r ⋅ n R( r ) ⋅ ωdr
a circumference of radius r is given by: [13]
2 πr Substituting Eq. 5 into Eq. 13 leads to:
. cos ϕ
r )=
(W +G )
[4] CEL = ∫
4 ⋅ π 2 ⋅ (cosϕ ) ⋅ω

⋅r2 dr [14]
sin (α RS ) R (W + G )⋅ (W + G )
1 S S R R

oting that αRS = π / 2 for a disc refiner, the Both plates are assumed to have the same bar
mber of bars over the circumference having pattern as is common in industrial practice. After
us r is: some calculations, an analytical expression of the
2 ⋅π ⋅ r cutting speed is obtained:
r )= . cos ϕ [5]
(W + G ) 4 ⋅π 2 ⋅ (cosϕ )2 ⋅ ω (R 32 − R 13 )
CEL = ⋅ [15]
sing the number of bar crossings at radius r from ( W + G)2 3
latter expression, we can compute the number of By comparing Eq. 15 with Eq. 11 we can conclude
crossings seen by a point, NB using: that:
N B = n (r )ωdt [6] 2 ⋅ D⋅ G
N B = CEL ⋅ [16]
d Q
dr dr A (r )
= = = dr [7]
V (r ) Q Q
A (r )
⎛ 2⋅ cosϕ ⋅ D ⋅ G ⎞
r ) ≅ 2 ⋅π ⋅ r ⋅ ⎜ ⎟ [8]
⎝ W +G ⎠
pon substitution of Eq. 8 into Eq. 7 and we
ain: Fig A2. Configuration of a conical and a single disc refiner.
2⋅ π ⋅ r ⎛ 2 ⋅ cos ϕ ⋅ D ⋅ G ⎞
= ⋅⎜ ⎟ dr [9]
Q ⎝ W +G ⎠

8 ⋅ π 2 ⋅ (cos ϕ )2 ⋅ ω ⋅ D ⋅ G 2
dN B = ⋅ r dr [10] Manuscript received December 21, 2010
(W + G )2 ⋅ Q
Accepted March 16, 2011
fter integration of Eq. 10 over the upper and
er boundary of R2 and R1 respectively, and
stitution of Eq. 8 into Eq. 7 and we obtain:

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References (6)

0] explored the application of Equation (1) to disc and conical refiners. For N B , they used the number of bar crossings a fibre
experience if it moved along a stator bar during its residence time in the refiner. ...
is the maximum number of impacts a fibre could experience. Variable N B is readily calculated from Equation (2) [10] : ...
0] studied the effects of two refiners on strength increases of NBSK pulp. One was an Escher- Wyss laboratory conical refiner. ...

ormity in pulp refining


Richard Kerekes


consistency reject refining of mechanical pulp for energy savings


ndez · Mark Martinez · J. A. Olson


he grooves of a Low-Consistency refiner

· Gohar Khokhar · Lisa Prahl Wittberg · Anders A. Dahlkild


tly it has been claimed that a new 42 single disk refiner named "PURE" has 25% reduction in power more than the conventional
disk refiner (Demler, Beder-Miller, & Aldridge, 2012). Disk refiners have been widely used by several authors for understanding the
nisms in LC refining (in LC refining, the pulp consistency is 3-6%; Heymer, Olson, & Kerekes, 2011; Luukkonen, 2011;Martinez &
abi Nasab, 2013). Furthermore, disk refiners have been used for manufacturing the microfibrillated and nanofibrillated cellulose (
2004;Pääkkö et al., 2007;Siró & Plackett, 2010;Tonoli et al., 2012). ...

refining on fiber properties-A review

of Engineering University of Malaya · Samira Gharehkhani · Emad Sadeghinezhad · S.N. Kazi

ve been widely used by several authors for understanding the forces and mechanisms in LC refining (in LC refining, the pulp
%; Heymer, Olson, & Kerekes, 2011; Luukkonen, 2011;Martinez & Kerekes, 1994;Rajabi Nasab, 2013). Furthermore, disk refiners
r manufactur- ing the microfibrillated and nanofibrillated cellulose (Nakagaito & Yano, 2004;Pääkkö et al., 2007;Siró & Plackett,
2012). ...

refining on fiber properties—A review


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Water removal by wet pressing on paper machines depends on many factors such as press impulse, pressure, basis weight, equilibrium moisture,
rewet, furnish and fabric properties. These factors ... [more]

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11/29/2018 (PDF) The Role of Multiple Loading Cycles in Pulp Refiners

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Energy and Forces in Refining

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Energy is the most common parameter in use to characterize refining action for chemical pulp enhancement and mechanical pulp production. The
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the purpose of multiple bar crossings in refiners is to expose many fibres to a few effective cycles, not to impose many cycles on each fibre. Based
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Last Updated: 01 Aug 2018 9/10
11/29/2018 (PDF) The Role of Multiple Loading Cycles in Pulp Refiners


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