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Weekly Report for 9/3-9/18

● Monday 9/3/18: ​I checked the assignments that will be due by the end of the week and read the
instructions to get a basic idea of what needs to be done for the week.
● Tuesday 9/4/18: ​I learned about the proper way of setting up a professional voicemail box in
class. I was able to plan out what I was going to say in my greetings section of the voicemail and
then another person from ISM 2 read it and made some corrections.
● Wednesday 9/5/18:​​ ​After make my corrections once again, I finally uploaded my greetings for
the voicemail box. A few of my friends called each other to see the outcome. also, I read the
script on how to leave a voice message and some helpful tips. Finally, I was able to create a
modified form of the script for myself that fits to my topic and ideas.
● Thursday 9/6/18:​​ ​I started working on the initial contacts list. I found some contacts from great
Ophthalmologists and I also started on my Research Assessment #1. My research was very
exciting for me because I really liked the article and had the opportunity to learn more about some
of the mistakes in the healthcare field, specific to surgeries in Ophthalmology.I finished my Initial
Contacts but I still had to finish my analysis for the research assessment.
● Friday 9/7/18:​​ ​I continued working on my research assessment and was able to finish it. In
addition, I got my voicemail reviewed by my ISM 2 mentor and got some helpful feedback.
● Saturday 9/8/18: ​I started working on my first weekly report and successfully finished my
weekdays’ report. At the end of the day, I completed my Saturday’s report as well.
● Sunday 9/9/18:​​ Finally, I finished my weekly report for Sunday and made some minor
corrections for the format. I reviewed my content again to recheck the ideas that I wrote.

Reflections: ​Throughout the week, I learned a lot on how to be professional by setting up own voicemail
box. Also, I got the opportunity to learn more about Ophthalmology through the contact list and research
assessment. I got some helpful tips and suggestions from my mentor and other students which helped me
greatly with the outcome.

Actions/Goals:​​ ​I hope to start on my research assessment early this time so that I can spread out my work
evenly throughout the week. Because I will be able to learn more about interviews and the professional
way of doing it, I hope to create good, engaging interview questions for the Business symposium.
Weekly Report for 9/10-16/18

● Monday 9/10/18:​​ I started to look for an article about my topic for my second research
assessment. After I found one, I annotated it and outlined what I learned and how I might find it
helpful for me in the future.
● Tuesday 9/11/18: ​I finished my research assessment and reviewed it again for any mistakes.
Also, I looked at a few ISM 2 students’ website examples and started my very own. I created an
account and formatted everything the way I wanted it to be.
● Wednesday 9/12/18:​​ I practiced a couple of times on how to leave a voice message because I
realized that I needed a lot more work on it so that it sounds conversational and not scripted.
● Thursday 9/13/18: ​I finished my research question which consisted of five general questions and
20 job specific questions. I added more questions because I have more doubts and questions on
Ophthalmology that I would like to ask my mentor. I created a Linkedin account and shared a
little about my aspirations with other users.
● Friday 9/14/18:​​ I finished posting my mission statement, about ISM and about me section in my
weebly account. I also added a few tabs to be filled as I move forward in ISM. After I was
satisfied with how it turned out, I submitted it.
● Saturday 9/15/18 and Sunday 9/16/18:​​ I continued working on leaving a voice message and
practiced multiple times on how to answer calls and what information needs to be addressed.
Also, I practiced on how to ask each question so that it is clear, understandable and quick but at
the same time I made sure it that it did not look like I was reading off of a paper.
Throughout this week, I got to learn a lot about how voice messages work and what is the best way to call
a professional. I learned a lot of tips and also refreshed my memory on how to write a professional
resume. I had a basic idea but the examples and the tips that Mr. Pirtle shared were useful for me and
helped me build on my skills. I am happy with this week because I believe it was a lot more productive
and easier for me to finish since I got a basic understanding on how assignments need to be done and
turned in.

My main goal for this upcoming week is to make as many phone calls as I can possible make. Also, I
would like to practice a lot with my ISM 2 mentor about calling someone and leaving a voice message so
that I can become a lot less nervous for the real one. I really hope to find a mentor and get 2-3 interviews
scheduled so that I know I will be on track for my future assignments.
Weekly Report for 9/17-23/2018

● Monday 9/17/18: ​I prepared a personalized script for making calls and scheduling an interview. I
also gathered all of my top priority contacts and practiced making calls to my parents to make
myself feel a lot more comfortable.
● Tuesday 9/18/18: ​I practiced a couple more times and made 5 calls are coming from schools. The
first one was not successful, however, the second person that I called agreed to the interview. I
scheduled mine for the 26th of september at 1:00pm. The other doctors and physician assistants
that I called were very busy so they could not talk to me.
● Wednesday 9/19/18: ​I made a few more calls today and got the same response each time: they
are really busy with surgeries and do not have any time for my call. So, I decided to leave a
voicemail to a lot of office managers about my interview.
● Thursday 9/20/18: ​I recalled the top priority contacts to ask if the office manager is available but
since he was not there at that present moment I was given an email address. I emailed to three
office manager and did not get any reply yet. I made a few new calls and most of them asked me
more about ISM and told me that the spots are limited to only medical students, not college or
highschool students.
● Friday 9/21/18:​​ I checked my email again but got no reply. I made a few more calls and most of
them were busy and told me to call them back but when I did, they did not answer. So, I had to
leave a voicemail again. I got to schedule only one interview for next week and later I updated my
contact list and turned it in.
● Saturday 9/22/18 and Sunday 9/23/18: ​I looked into the description of my top priority doctors
to learn more about them and what they do. I also reviewed my interview questions to get
prepared for my interview next week. I checked my emails a lot to see if there is any update. I
practiced answering some of the most frequently asked questions at the business symposium.

Reflection: ​This week was very interesting because I scheduled my first interview with my second call
but could not find anyone else after contacting over 20 people. However, I tried my best by sending
emails, voice messages and maybe even recalling, if necessary. It was not as successful as I thought it
would be because I tried almost all of the ophthalmologists that have their clinics nearby and got to
schedule only one. I hope that I get a positive response from my top priority contacts as soon as possible.
Action/Goals: ​My goal is to prepare for my interview this wednesday and learn on how to clearly
respond to the questions that I might get asked. I also would like to know what will be done after the
interviews and what I should and should not tell my ophthalmologist about ISM. I will politely remind all
of my top priority contacts again and will try to schedule at least two or three more interviews for the
following week.
Weekly Report for 9/24-30/2018

● Monday 9/24/18: ​I practiced my responses for the most commonly asked questions at the
Business Symposium. After that, I reviewed my resume and corrected the mistakes that were told
by my peers. I prepared for my first interview with Dr. Lu and practiced a couple of times and
how I am going to greet him and how I should ask the questions so that it transitions better.
● Tuesday 9/25/18: ​I prepared everything like my business portfolio with my resume and interview
questions and also my attire for the interview. I practiced a couple of times for the most
commonly asked questions and looked over my interview questions. Also, I researched a little
about Dr. Lu to see if I may have any questions.
● Wednesday 9/26/18: ​Based on the suggestions that were given by Mr. Pirtle on my resume, I did
my final reviews and printed it on different colored resume papers. I had my interview and it was
about an hour long. I got to learn a lot about the changes in healthcare industry - some positive
and some negative. Also, I got to see the equipment that ophthalmologists and optometrists use
and had a good time meeting their staff and learning more about their particular job.
● Thursday 9/27/18: ​I was working on my research assessment and got to learn more about the
changes in healthcare industry. This time, however, it was quite different. I was also looking
through the perspective of Dr. Lu and it made me think more about whether or not this
technology is efficient and beneficial to the patients and the doctors.
● Friday 9/28/18: ​In class, I was interviewed a couple of times by different ISM 2 mentors which
helped greatly with my confidence and responses. The practice that I have done this week has
really helped me in giving the best responses I could and I got a lot more tips and advice from my
peers and also Mr.Pirtle. These interviews are done with a loud background noise which really
helped me understand how the environment at the Business Symposium will look like.
● Saturday 9/29/18 and Sunday 9/30/18: ​I prepared my business portfolio and attire for the
Business Symposium and practiced answering the questions with the right posture and vocal
projection. I watched a few videos of professional interviews to observe some more nonverbal
language like eye contact, posture and more.

Reflection: ​This week I practiced the responses for the most commonly asked questions and it has
definitely helped me a lot in the mock interviews we did in class. I was more confident and prepared. I
just need to do the same the next few days leading up to the Business Symposium and work on my
nonverbal language like posture and also improve my vocal projection. My interview with Dr. Lu was
different than what I expected but it was a lot of fun meeting the staff and learning more about them and
their profession. I got to understand a lot about the disadvantages of technology which cleared a lot of my
doubts that I had for my future.

Action/Goals: ​My main goal is to keep practicing my responses to the most commonly asked questions
and maybe do a mock interview with my brother. I will practice a little more on the questions that I would
like to ask to a professional and watch some videos on how networking sites work. In addition, I will call
back all of my top priority contacts and request them politely for an interview.
Weekly Report for 10/1-7/2018

● Monday 10/1/18: ​I organized and prepared everything for the business symposium. I made some
edits and then printed out more copies of the resume on the resume paper. Also, I prepared my
business symposium and practiced a few of the most commonly asked questions again.
● Tuesday 10/2/18: ​We practiced interviews a lot in class and I made sure I gave my best so that I
can get an honest feedback on where I need to improve. I also watched a couple of interview
videos online and one big thing that I learned was to have stories to tell for every response. For
example, if it is about leadership then I have to give a brief example where I showed leadership. I
printed out other sheets like the information sheet and has everything ready. I practiced a few
times with my close friends, as well.
● Wednesday 10/3/18: ​Today is the Business Symposium day. I got the wonderful opportunity to
network with other ISM students and professionals. Also, I got great feedback on my interviews. I
also got some tips on where I can contact some professionals for my mentoring.
● Thursday 10/4/18: ​I reflected on the feedback that I got from the professionals at the interview
and learned the importance of thank you letters. Also, I called back a few of my top priority
contacts and politely reminded them about the interview. However, they seemed disinterested but
one receptionist asked me to send an email again to the office manager.
● Friday 10/5/18:​​ I sent my email and also looked into the Frisco Chambers of Commerce. I was
deciding whether or not I should use their help to get a few interviews.
● Saturday 10/6/18 and Sunday 10/7/18: ​This weekend I updated my contact list and checked
again to see who I need to call back. I also looked at a few examples on how to write a thank you
letter so that I can get started soon on writing one for Dr. Lu with whom I had my first interview.

Reflection:​​ I had the most fun this week because of the Business Symposium. I got to meet professionals
and other ISM students and was able to gain an experience in that professional setting. In addition, I
realized that I might have to call back my contacts but ask them for an interview in a different way. This
might be because I am calling them back.

Action/Goals: ​My goal for this week is to make sure I schedule at least 2 interviews. I will do this by
getting some help from Mr. Pirtle and learning how I might need to ask them so that I can get an
interview. Also, I need to learn how to write a proper thank you note quickly so that I can send one to Dr.
Lu. Another goal of mine is to start on my research assessment early so that I do not have to wait till the
last minute. This will help me with time management and productivity.
Weekly Report for 10/8-14/2018

● Monday 10/8/18: ​I made a few calls today and a lot of them told me that they were not interested
so I got a little nervous and decided to talk to Mr. Pirtle about it. I thought it would be best to see
what I am doing wrong before I call back my top priority contacts.
● Tuesday 10/9/18: ​Since it is PSAT the next day, I was preparing a lot for this test. Meanwhile, I
also looked into the Frisco Chambers of Commerce. I heard great things about this place from a
professional who interviewed me at the Business Symposium.
● Wednesday 10/10/18: ​Today, I started working on my Research Assessment. I found an article
that I want to write about and annotated it completely. This article talks about technology and a
new innovation that can cure a very common ocular disease. It is really interesting to read and
learn about such advancements in the healthcare field and understand the impact it has on the
professionals and the patients. By reading this article, I got a few questions that I would use for
my future mentor interviews.
● Thursday 10/11/18: ​Today, I talked to Mr. Pirtle about the difficulty in making calls. I told him
what I am doing and he scheduled a meeting with me on October 16th in the morning. I will be
making more calls and sending emails so that I am prepared for that day.
● Friday 10/12/18: ​I finished working on my research assessment and learned a lot from reading
the article. This has definitely helped me understand a little more about the field and I have a few
more references and questions that I could ask about for my future interviews.
● Saturday 10/13/18 and Sunday 10/14/18:​​ I reorganized my contact list and updated the
information. In Addition, I created the slideshow for the quick trip presentation and finished up
my weekly blog.

Reflection:​​ This week, I learned how to write a thank you letter and learned great things about having a
growth mindset. This has definitely helped me push myself to move forward. However, I did not get any
interviews so I hope I can get some next week. In addition, it was interesting for me to learn more about
the technology and advancements and how they impact the doctors and patients.

Action/Goals: ​My main goal for next week is to schedule at least three interviews and really work hard to
make this possible. Since I had my first interview already, I will need to work on certain things like
greeting and how to end the interview in a respectful and professional manner.
Weekly Report for 10/15-21/2018

● Monday 10/15/18: ​Today, I was mainly making a lot of calls for scheduling interviews. I made
about seven calls and I had to leave a lot of voicemails since it was during lunch time. I updated
my contact list and prepared everything for the next morning, which is when I have my meeting
with Mr. Pirtle.
● Tuesday 10/16/18: ​This morning, I was with Mr. Pirtle and I learned a lot of new things about
calls and learned where I was making my biggest mistakes. With the help of Mr. Pirtle, I got an
interview scheduled for this thursday. I was very excited and learned the efficient way of making
● Wednesday 10/17/18: ​I was preparing for the interview. I practiced asking questions a couple of
times so that I do not have to use my paper during the interview. I did some research about Dr.
Goldsberry and learned a little about him, his accomplishments, and his facility. I finished
updating the interview schedule and sent my absence letter to the office.
● Thursday 10/18/18: ​I made ten calls today and got one interview scheduled. I made sure to
update the contact list each time I made the call and I felt like I was better prepared and more
relaxed today. After that, I had my interview at 11:00 am and I made sure I was prepared and
professional the whole time. I learned a lot of new things about the changes in healthcare
industry, technology usage, and the different specialities available in the field of Ophthalmology.
● Friday 10/19/18: ​Today, I mainly focused my time finishing up my interview assessment. I wrote
mine about the interview I had with Dr. Goldsberry and I was truly able to reflect on the the
things I learned from him.
● Saturday 10/20/18 and Sunday 10/21/18:​​ I practiced for my weekly presentation a couple of
times and started on my research assessment.

Reflection: ​This week was very productive as I learned a lot of things from Mr. Pirtle and I got to use
those tips while I was making calls. I had my interview and it went really well and I learned a lot of great
things from Dr. Goldsberry, including the importance of passion and motivation. Since, I did my
interview assessment the very next day, I was able to recollect everything and reflect on the major points
discussed in the interview.
Action/Goals: ​My goal next week is to keep making calls and scheduling interviews. I need to make sure
I am updating everything on the contact list. I will prepare a little bit more for my interview with an
Optometrist and will try my best to finish the assignments by Wednesday
Weekly Report for 10/22-28/2018

● Monday 10/22/18: ​Today, I made a few calls and updated my contact list. Also, I prepared
everything for my interview like my professional attire, questions, and portfolio.I found a very
interesting article for my research assessment so I annotated that.
● Tuesday 10/23/18: ​Today, I mainly prepared for the interview by asking the questions over and
over again. This is so that I do not have to have my paper with me during the interview. I learned
a little bit about my optometrist and changed my questions based on this profession.
● Wednesday 10/24/18: ​Today is my interview. I went there ten minutes early so that I can make a
good impression. I was very professional the whole time and I got to learn more about a different
profession in the eye care field. Also, I got to learn a lot about the influence of technology in the
eye care field.
● Thursday 10/25/18: ​Today, I finished writing my interview assessment about the one I had with
Dr. David Lu. It was very good to reflect back on what happened in the interview and learn from
● Friday 10/26/18: ​I started writing my research assessment and turned it in before 4:15. I like this
research assessment a lot because it talks about the complications and how ophthalmologists can
prevent that. Surprisingly, the tips that the author shared can be used in any field because they
talk about teamwork, letting others know about you plan, and willing to listen to what others have
to say. I made a few calls today and I have to call them back next week.
● Saturday 10/27/18 and Sunday 10/28/18:​​ I updated my contact list and looked over the calls
that I have to make next week. Mainly, I was finishing up my homeworks from other classes.

Reflection:​​ This week I got to make a lot of calls and most of them were polite and understanding so I
hope I can get at least two interviews for next week. My interview and research assessments were really
helpful for me to learn more about Ophthalmology and the different Ophthalmologists I have interviewed
as well. I was able to think about the pros and cons about the different Ophthalmologists as I was working
on the interview assessment.

Action/Goals: ​My goal for next week is to have at least two interviews scheduled. I will make more calls
and will finish making calls to everyone in my contact list. Also, I would like to start on my research and
interview assessments early so that I do not have to do everything in one day.
Weekly Report for 10/29-4/2018

● Monday 10/29/18: ​Today, I made a lot of calls and sent voicemails. I was able to speak directly
to the office manager for almost all of the calls that I made. I was able to schedule an interview
with a Pediatric Optometrist for Thursday.
● Tuesday 10/30/18: ​I continued making calls and updated my contact list. I added new contacts of
eye surgeons. The updated contact list was much better than the old one because a lot of them are
working in a specialty that I desire to be in one day. Also, I made some preparations for my
interview and modified the questions.
● Wednesday 10/31/18: ​ I practiced the questions and organized my business portfolio. I made a
few calls and most of them said that they would give me a call back. I read about Dr. Carlee
Young and her facility.
● Thursday 11/1/18: ​Today, I am really happy and excited. I made a few calls today two hours
before my interview with the Optometrist and was able to schedule another one the same day with
an Ophthalmologist. He is a very experienced and a great surgeon. So, I had two interviews today
and I made sure I was professional for both of my interviews.
● Friday 11/2/18: ​Today, I wrote my interview assessment about Dr. Patel. He taught me a lot of
great morales about medicine and life in general. I had a great time writing about my experience
on interviewing him and learning more about Ophthalmology. He told me a lot of new
information about Ophthalmology that I have never heard before.
● Saturday 11/318 and Sunday 11/4/18:​​ Mainly, I worked on planning out my draft for my
research presentation. Also, I looked into different specialists to see if I might be interested in
interviewing them.

Reflection:​​ This week has been a very productive week because I did not stop making calls. This
consistent effort helped me in getting two interviews. I need t keep pushing and get a few more. I learned
a lot from my interviews and will definitely use it in the future.

Action/Goals: ​I have to write out thank you letters to the professionals who I have interviewed this week.
Also, I need to keep making more calls and be confident when I am making them. I hope to get at least
three to four more interviews this week and I completely believe that this can happen if I keep working
Weekly Report for 11/4-11/2018

● Monday 11/5/18:​​ Dr. Anand left a voicemail last Friday so I called him and a few other eye
surgeons. Unfortunately, he was very busy so I had to leave a voicemail but I did contact a few
more people. I will be waiting for their response.
● Tuesday 11/6/18: ​Today, I called back a few professionals but could not schedule an interview.
Also, I started planning for my research presentation and outlined what I would like to say.
● Wednesday 11/7/18: ​I spent a lot of time writing out my hook for my speech because I need it to
be relevant to what I will be talking about. Also, I found new contacts for my calls today and I
will be making calling them tomorrow since the facilities close at 5:00pm.
● Thursday 11/8/18:​​Because I have my speech tomorrow, I completed writing it out. I looked over
it and revised it a couple times and then started practicing. I presented it to my family and friends
a couple of times. In addition, I worked on my visual aids.
● Friday 11/9/18: ​Today, I had my research assessment and it went well. I received very good
comments and feedback from the teacher and the ISM students. I hope to improve for my next
● Saturday 11/10/18 and Sunday 11/11/18:​​ I looked up more contacts who I can call for
interviews. I researched more about them and looked over my contact list to see the reports that I
have made for each call.

Reflection:​​ This week was good but also very stressful because of the ten minute speech I had to give to
my classmates. However, it was a good experience and I learned a lot about the mistakes I made and also
the plus points in my speech. Also, I became more confident because now I know how it feels like to give
a long professional speech.

Action/Goals: ​My goal for next week is to schedule at least 2 interviews with professionals relevant to
my specific field. This is because I need to start choosing my mentor and ask them for a second interview.
Also, I need to finish up my assessments beforehand or at least start on it so that I do not have to worry
about it the day before.
Weekly Report for 11/26-12/2/2018

● Monday 11/26/18:​​ Today, I made a couple of phone calls. Most of them are made to the same
facility over again. This is so that my calls are consistent which can increase the probability of
getting an interview scheduled. Dr.Anand was interested and the Office Manager said she will
call me back to schedule an appointment. Also, I got an interview scheduled with Dr. Matthews
for Friday at 11:00 A.M.
● Tuesday 11/27/18: ​I looked over my contact list to see how many more professionals might be
interested in an interview. Also, I started planning out how my portfolio board is going to look
like. I have done a lot of boards on Ophthalmology so I want to create the best one possible for
● Wednesday 11/28/18: ​Today, I continued making more phone calls and outlined how my board
is going to look like. Unfortunately, I did not get a callback from Dr. Anand so I would have call
him back again next week.
● Thursday 11/29/18: ​I prepared and reviewed the interview questions just so that I can be more
prepared for the interview. I also numbered the order of questions so that our conservation has
smooth transitions from one topic to another.
● Friday 11/30/18: ​Today, I had my interview with Dr. Matthews. His staff were very welcoming
and happy to have me there and I had a great time interviewing Dr. Matthews. He gave me a more
realistic view on the future of the medicine field which I found very helpful. Because I learned a
lot through this interview, I did an interview assessment on the main points that I learned from the
interview and how it will help in ISM and beyond high school.
● Saturday 12/1/18 and Sunday 12/2/18:​​ I had a fun time outlining and planning out how my
board is going to look like. I do not want it to be too simple but at the same time I do not prefer to
carry around a heavy board throughout the rest of ISM. So, I carefully planned out what materials
I would have to use for each section to make the board look creative and professional. I wanted to
include a model of an equipment that Ophthalmologists use the most. So, I still have to research
on that and come up with the best one.

Reflection: ​Even though I got only one interview, I think this week has been productive. I was definitely
making more time to make calls and started planning out the layout of the board. Dr. Anand was not able
to call me back on Monday so I need to call him again and see if he is available for next week. My
interview with Dr.Matthews went really well. I learned new things that I have never heard of before in
any of my other interviews or online sources.

Action/Goals: ​My main goal for next week is to write out the pros and cons for three professionals that I
like to have as a mentor. Then I need to schedule a meeting with Mr. Pirtle to show him all of the pros and
cons sheet and get his advice on who I should choose and when should I approach him. Then, I need to
schedule a second meeting with one of the professionals to ask to be my mentor.

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