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Fall 2018 EDUC253

Lesson Plan Format (modified for EDUC 253)

Preservice Teacher’s name Megan Carpenter

Date October 10th, 2018
Grade level 3rd grade
Time required for lesson 35 minutes
Lesson plan title “Blasting off into our Solar System”
Discipline Content area(s) Earth Science
Class description 8 boys, 12 girls (4 have an IEP, 5 Advanced learners, and 1 ELL)

Common Core State Standard/NYS Standard (

3.E.11: Cluster - Recognize the major components and patterns observed in the earth, moon, and
sun system.
Standard: Recognize that the earth is part of a system called the solar system that includes the sun
(a star), planets, and many moons and the earth is the third planet from the sun in our solar

ISTE Standards addressed Students will become knowledge constructors by

reading a variety of digital tools and websites to obtain understanding. Students will
use the information they have constructed and will draw pictures and state facts about
what they have learned. Students will become effective researchers using two
different websites that I have provided for them. They will be constructing and
learning at their own pace within their groups with facilitation from teacher.

Learning Objective(s) for the lesson (Outcomes)

 Students will be able to draw a picture of one planet of their choice using
colors to display knowledge of physical traits.
 Students will able be able to list two facts about one planet other than Earth.
 Students will search, read, and communicate about the facts they have read
on two websites in groups of five. Students will collaborate effectively with
peers in an efficient manner.

Rationale for the Lesson (Why)

The purpose of this lesson is to engage technology into the lesson by having students accurately
search websites given, while following directions. Reading and discussing information about the
planets with their classmates should encourage communication and listening skills. The purpose of
placing two websites into students’ hands is to allow independent exploring as a group of 4 or 5.
Additionally, this gives students another resource to look back on if they are confused with a
specific concept. Not only will this provide an interesting topic to have students collaborate about,
but it will strengthen skills about the wide-scale environment we live in on Earth. I will be giving
a quick, formative assessment that involves coloring on iPads and naming two facts about a planet
of the student’s choice.

Multiple Assessment strategies you will use

First, I will assess student’s knowledge using Padlet with student iPads. I will tell
students to name one thing they know about the solar system, the universe, and the
planets. This will give me a good enough idea about where these students stand, kind
of like a diagnostic test. To test is knowledge was obtained during the lesson, or the
formative assessment – I will tell students to visit Abc.ya to paint one planet with
colors to demonstrate physical characteristics of planets. Then, I will ask students to
write two facts about the specific plant or the solar system that they learned. They will
print this out and tape on to the white board to show classmates what they have
created as an exit ticket to go to gym class!

Materials needed

I will need iPads for each student and access to Internet!

Technology (used by student) I will need iPads with access to Abc.ya,, and The
first website is for my formative assessment, while the other two websites deliver the content that
I want my students to acknowledge with their classmates. Technology is crucial in my classroom
because the bulk of the learner will encompass Internet access. I need each iPad to be mobile so
students can roam around the room with groups as they wish.

Instructional procedures with Screencastify (be very detailed in this entire section—what you
will do and what the students will do; do not give a script of what you’ll say)
I will be telling the students exactly what they need to be doing on each of the two websites they
will be researching. In my video, I told students the websites were written on the board because
trying to copy the long website will be confusing for students. First, students will visit the NASA
website. I have informed them that they will be in groups of five (which I would tell them before
they listen to the video itself) reading. They will read the introduction – “What is a Planet?” aloud
in groups, rotating reading. After that, they will scroll down to the planets in our solar system. I
told students they need to read each planet’s description along with make observations with their
group. I created two separate videos so students would be clearer on the directions, and if they had
to re-watch a specific website’s directions – it would be shorter. For the second website, “Kids
astronomy”, students were to scroll down to the diagram of our sun and planets. Then, read the
first couple of sentences above this diagram to get a better understanding of what the diagram is
showing. After this, students will visit the sun tab and read the first two sentences and look at the
pictures. Popcorn reading will follow when reviewing the other planet’s tabs. I told students that
I would like them to read through the fun facts of each planet to understand the physical

Introduction (hook) (how are you introducing the lesson so it gets their attention)
Before going into detail about the instructions of the lesson, I will show a quick one-minute video
about an astronaut blasting into space. After the video, I will ask students if they would like to
travel in space and why or why not to get their brains thinking about how spectacular the subject
is. Next, I will tell students to visit our Padlet website to list a fact or two about what they know
about the universe, our solar system, or about a specific planet. I will make a point to remind
students to post respectful comments because their classmates, and I will be reading it! I will
display theses facts on the SmartBoard and hide names for confidentiality. Students can agree
with posts by giving them a heart. I will encourage students to heart posts if they knew the fact
before reading it! This will boost some confidence in students because of some prior knowledge
is being voiced. Following this, I will tell students that you can be an astronaut that travels in
space one day. I will then explain that an astronaut is a scientist who studies the stars and other
jobs in the sky like planets. I will tell students and write on the board the that the word astronomy
is the study of the moon, stars, and other objects in space quickly. I will consistently ask students
questions during this time for understanding. Then, students will follow the directions in my
Screencastify’s and we will do the activity for understanding with drawing and writing.

Developmental activities
Teacher modeling – Throughout the lesson I will attend to the role of a facilitator to my students
learning because of the large chunk of technology that will be used in my lesson. Before having
students listen to my two Screencastify’s, I will explain that they will be exploring two new
websites. Also, I will give some background about the planets, Earth, and our solar system. I will
walk around to the four or five groups to check on their progress and help them with trick words.
Additionally, I will define a word if they are unable to produce some sort of definition of the
word. I will walk around and ask each group if they would like help with a specific direction or if
they need clarification with a new concept. At the end of the activity, I will ask students if they
have questions and if they learned anything new.

Adaptions- In my classroom, I have 4 students with an IEP, 5 Advanced leaners, and 1 ELL. To
ensure that students with IEPs and students that are ELLs, I will split the students up strategically
by putting one advanced learner in each group. This student will get the group going and stay on
task. Also, he or she will be able to sound out larger words and tell their peers what it means. This
way, students with a disadvantage like IEP or ELL students will rise without help from the teacher.
If this fails, I will place all advanced learners in one group so they will challenge one another and
put the ELL and IEP students together, and I would facilitate this table the most. I will also leave
one table open with my teacher aide if one specific student is struggling with reading or is not able
to read in English at all. Before the lesson, I will describe to the aide that the student uses specific
websites to help him translate his reading. Students that may need some extra time grasping this
information will be provided an additional five minutes while other students sit quickly and draw
what they have learned. When all students are finished, all students will stand up and place their
picture on the board!

Closure Students will produce an exit ticket on Abc.ya with the painting tool. I will have all
students get out their iPads to color and draw one planet. I will tell them that I want specific
colors and observable characteristics on the picture. Along with this, they will list two facts about
what they have learned from the lesson. The facts can be about the planets they drew, or anything
space related they read about or the class talked about. Next, I will tell students to print this exit
ticket out and place on the white board so their classmates can admire their work!

Extensions I will tell students that this is not homework, but it is a fun activity to work on at home.
If they complete the project, I will encourage students to bring it in to show their classmates. I
will suggest creating a show box diagram of all planets that we learned about today. I will tell
them that it fun to construct with your parent or guardian’s assistance. Use paint, glue, and maybe
even some sparkles! As the teacher, I will offer supplies to students just in case families do not
have materials like these in their home. There are many ways that this project can be done but I
would suggest to students that they should dangle their planets with string!

Screencastify links:

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