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Meccanica (2013) 48:1017–1018

DOI 10.1007/s11012-013-9712-0


Guido Buresti: Elements of Fluid Dynamics

Imperial College Press, 2012

Roberto Verzicco

Received: 7 February 2013 / Accepted: 11 February 2013 / Published online: 20 February 2013
© Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2013

The study of Fluid Dynamics can be motivated from a short description of the basic notation and the rele-
a multitude of applications ranging from industrial vant mathematical relations used throughout the text is
to geophysical, environmental or biological. Equally given.
important is the interest stemming from the physical Chapter 2 introduces the concept of fluid; it briefly
comprehension of the flows or the mathematical struc- refers to its microscopic structure to deduce and define
ture of the governing equations. Given the broad spec- the macroscopic properties that rely on the continuum
trum of the different points of view, defining the struc- hypothesis.
ture of a fluid dynamics textbook is all but an easy In Chap. 3 the tools to describe the motion of a fluid
task. The author has succeeded in organizing a com- are derived starting from the Eulerian and Lagrangian
prehensive and still accessible book that, starting from descriptions and obtaining the expression for the ma-
the definition of the concept of fluid touches all the terial derivative. The deformation of a fluid element is
most relevant concepts of the fluid dynamics up to the then analyzed and the concept of vorticity introduced.
aerodynamics of bluff bodies and finite wings. The Chapter is closed by the derivation of the Trans-
The book starts with an Introduction that, after hav- port Theorem and some examples of particular cases
ing explained the objective of fluid dynamics and its of motion.
possible applications, describes the intrinsic difficul- The previous material is used in Chap. 4 to derive
ties carried by the exact governing equations and the the equations of fluid motion (conservation of mass
needs for a derivation of simplified but useful rela- and energy and balance of momentum) including the
tions. An enjoyable historical development of fluid constitutive relations for a Newtonian fluid the conse-
dynamics is then given bringing the reader up to the quent Navier–Stokes equations and various forms of
nowadays computers. In the second part of the first energy conservation and balance.
Chapter the organization of the book is explained and Chapter 5 explains the incompressible flow model
from the mechanic and thermodynamic point of view.
It is shown how the governing equations are modified
R. Verzicco () and the mathematical implications. At the end of the
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale, Università di Roma Chapter the Bernoulli theorem and its applicability are
Tor Vergata, Via del Politecnico 1, 00133, Rome, Italy given together with a final discussion on the differ-
e-mail: ences between ideal and real flows.
R. Verzicco Chapter 6 is completely devoted to the incompress-
PoF, University of Twente, Drienerlolaan 5, ible vorticity dynamics and to the explanation of some
7522 NB Enschede, The Netherlands classical vortical flows.
1018 Meccanica (2013) 48:1017–1018

In the next Chapter an overview of the boundary A final Appendix is provided with a first part con-
layer theory and its implications on the incompress- taining the classical tables for the computation of com-
ible equations and the flow physics is given. A brief pressible flow problems and a second part with opera-
outline of the transition process, the subsequent turbu- tors and equations in various coordinate systems.
lence and their consequences on the friction coefficient The book ends with a long list of References and a
close the Chapter. subject Index in alphabetical order.
Chapter 8 is devoted to the aerodynamic forces and
The reading of the book is pleasant, the style is en-
their origin in incompressible flows. The special case
joyable, all the notation is consistent and the organi-
of the generation of lift is treated with particular care.
The closure of the chapter deals with the bluff bodies zation of the material is rational. The figures are usu-
and some general comments. ally very simple and mostly limited to sketches, they
With Chap. 8 the first part of the book is concluded are, however, always very clear and useful. Something
and a second part begins dedicated to deeper analy- missing in the book are exercises and numerical appli-
ses and classical applications. In Chap. 9 some clas- cations of the explained concepts; this absence could
sical steady and unsteady exact solution of the incom- be more important if the book had to be adopted for a
pressible Navier–Stokes equations are derived and dis- course even if in the latter case the teacher could easily
cussed. make up for the exercises with ad hoc assignments.
Chapter 10 presents an interesting and unconven- One of the main merits of the author is that the
tional application of the energy balance to the analysis book has been written in a rigorous way while keep-
of classical flows or to different interpretations of the ing all the matter accessible; the development of the
concepts of drag and added mass.
topics through the book is generally deductive so that
The next Chapter is on the same line as the previous
reading the chapters following the order given in the
except for the consideration of the vorticity instead of
the energy. Once again several original interpretations volume it is possible to enjoy a complete journey into
of the phenomena are given from a different perspec- the world of the incompressible fluid dynamics. The
tive. book is quite long and comprehensive and it is unlikely
In Chap. 12 the theory of airfoils in incompressible that all the material could be taught within a single
flows is presented and part of it relies and the theory of course; nevertheless, being the volume organized into
potential flows. This part is quite broad and it ranges two parts, the first could be used at the undergradu-
from pure theoretical issues to more applied aeronau- ate level while the second part would be suitable for a
tical concepts. successive course for master or PhD students.
Chapter 13 complements the previous part by ‘Elements of Fluid Dynamics’ should be found in
studying the aerodynamics of finite wings and deriv- all the technical libraries and in the book shelves of
ing all the associated loads.
students and researchers involved in fluid dynamics
Chapter 14 completes the analysis of external aero-
and looking for a deeper view of the field.
dynamic by considering the bluff bodies and the pro-
In summary, the author has developed a sound
duced loads.
The last Chapter of the book presents the theory mathematical description of the incompressible fluid
of one-dimensional compressible flows including the mechanics that has resulted in a rigorous but yet ac-
nozzles and some flows with friction. cessible description of the subject.

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