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Simple Present Tense Verbs for He/She/It and Singular Nouns Spelling Rules Examples live - lives With most verbs, add s sit — sits stay - stays Ending in consonant + y try — tries change y to i and add s carry — carries miss — misses buzz — buzzes catch — catches fix - fixes Ending in s, z, ch, or x add es go — goes Exceptions do - does Practice cc, esories tote flowing verbs . get - . hurry - . learn - |. open- 5. dress - . clean eat 5. mix = 1 2. 3. 4, 5. 6 ¥ 8 9. . live - 20. finish - ‘SPELLING FOR 37° PERSON SINGULAR (he / she | it) PRESENT SIMPLE TENSE INSTRUCTION: Select the coretspelng ofthe verb ard dropitin the bor to which the sping rule apples Thre are two verbs for ezch rule The frst example wile demonsretd to you. BASE FORM sing singys sings singes watch watehes watehies watchs dry dys ries dryes kiss Kissies kissys Kesses 0 goes goles g0ys play playies playes plays eo doyes does dos study studies stueys studes stay stayes stayies stays work works workes works jst verbs, adds | Verbs ending inch] [Verbs endingin a | Nerbs ending vowel] fierbs ending in -o Ish, -5,-x, add es | Lonsonant + y, yadd~s ange -y to~i, add] bes

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