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Things you have to know about

The Different Types of


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Section : E7
Schedule : Tuesday
Time : 5:00pm- 7:00pm

Physical fitness is to the human body what fine tuning is to an engine. It

enables us to perform up to our potential. Fitness can be described as a
condition that helps us look, feel and do our best. More specifically, it is:
"The ability to perform daily tasks vigorously and alertly, with energy left
over for enjoying leisure-time activities and meeting emergency demands.
It is the ability to endure, to bear up, to withstand stress, to carry on in
circumstances where an unfit person could not continue, and is a major
basis for good health and well-being."

Physical fitness involves the performance of the heart and lungs, and the
muscles of the body. And, since what we do with our bodies also affects
what we can do with our minds, fitness influences to some degree
qualities such as mental alertness and emotional stability.

As you undertake your fitness program, it's important to remember that

fitness is an individual quality that varies from person to person. It is
influenced by age, sex, heredity, personal habits, exercise and eating
practices. You can't do anything about the first three factors. However, it
is within your power to change and improve the others where needed.

We are surrounding by media that constantly projects and image of ideal

weight. The principals of the 5 components of physical fitness should
be turned towards fat loss for good health rather than the obsession over
total weight. Fat control can be efficiently done with a commitment to
regular structured exercise that will develop the 5 components of
physical fitness.

The health related physical skills each contribute to a healthy quality of

life. Optimal fitness is reflected in the a persons ability to cope well with
daily life as actively fit individuals will develop a resistance to hypokinetic
diseases such as obesity, heart failure and diabetes which are physical
conditions associated to inactivity and idle lifestyles. Optimal physical
fitness is a combination of lifestyle, nutrition, habits, but it cannot be
reached without an appropriate level of physical activity.




Physical activity has a relaxation effect and can improve sleep as well as
reduce mental stress and raze energy levels. Depending on the
selection and variety of physical activity and sports, it can provide daily
variety, fun, develop the sense of competitiveness as well as open up to a
new social environment. Actually tackling physical activity will give a
sense of achievement and self satisfaction of taking person health into
your own hands. Will develop short term satisfaction and motivation to
achieve longer term health goals. As well, the first results of an exercise
plan and aerobic or stretching routine can be felt very early on.


Lower the Risk of Heart Disease and heart attack. Significantly decrease
the risk of high blood pressure. though high blood pressure also is
regulated by nutrient and food intake. Low level s of bad cholesterol and
reduce the risk of clogged arteries. Will raise the levels of endorphin in
the body that promotes a healthy sex life. Decreases Risk of certain
types of cancers such as colon cancer. Will reduce the risks of joint
pains and arthritis. Reduce decalcification of the bones. Improve your
metabolism and strengthen the immune system



For many, exercise is a disturbance in the daily schedule. Many people

now ask "What is the minimum amount of exercise I can get away with
and still be fit?"

This will depend on a number of factors:

1. What are your fitness goals, do you want to be fit, muscular or healthy?

2. What is you nutrition like, fast food on the go or freshly made

reasonable portions?

3. What kind of life do you lead? Are you a pc office sit down person, or
are you a mail man walking miles and miles a day
4. What do you do on your off time? hike, tours, museums or do you sit in
front of the television like a big couch potato?

“Establish your resting metabolic by including factors such as do you

smoke, drink caffeinated beverages, etc.”


Increasing your metabolic rate beyond resting state is vital. Getting

your metabolism to be 20 to 30% above your resting state is
considered physical fitness and cardio exercise, 30 to 65% above is
sports and strength training level.

You start exercising when you start sweating is a good indication of

metabolic rate increase. At these levels of fitness exercise you are in
effect protecting yourself from risks of heart and coronary disease and
improving your mental health while burning fat and building your
muscle mass.

Together with your balanced diet or sports nutrition will help achieve
these health benefits but doesn't require the same intensity of training as
becoming fit. You can simply build physical activity into your daily
routine, replacing mechanical means of locomotion and transport with the
human power such as walking an extra tube subway station to the
subway and using the stairs rather than escalator or elevator. Simple
changes in daily habits will bring fitness into play easily.


The desire to be fit would normally require a planned and structured
fitness training programme. This is when you are looking for muscle
toning muscle building, faster weight loss and cardiac resistance and
endurance. These programs are available at a gym, through courses and
programs done with professional trainers, by joining sports clubs and
taking on sports activities on a regular and structured basis.

The key success fitness success criteria is reaching the right level of
sports fitness intensity in the exercise plan you have established. In order
to be very fit, develop a toned or even muscular body you will need to
workout at a medium or high intensity level. If you are seeking balanced
health rather than pure physical fitness, intensive fitness programs are
not required as apposed leading an active life style.

are often used in our school systems, health clubs and fitness

centers to gauge how good a shape we are truly in. The 5

components that make up total fitness are:

 Cardiovascular Endurance

 Muscular Strength

 Muscular endurance

 Flexibility

 Body Composition
Total fitness can be defined by how well the body performs in

each one of the components of physical fitness as a whole. It is

not enough to be able to bench press your body weight. You

also need to determine how well you can handle running a mile



How often, how long and how hard you exercise, and what kinds of
exercises you do should be determined by what you are trying to
accomplish. Your goals, your present fitness level, age, health, skills,
interest and convenience are among the factors you should consider. For
example, an athlete training for high-level competition would follow a
different program than a person whose goals are good health and the
ability to meet work and recreational needs.

Your exercise program should include something from each of the four
basic fitness components described previously. Each workout should
begin with a warmup and end with a cool down. As a general rule, space
your workouts throughout the week and avoid consecutive days of hard

Here are the amounts of activity necessary for the average, healthy
person to maintain a minimum level of overall fitness. Included are some
of the popular exercises for each category.

WARMUP : 5-10 minutes of exercises such as walking,

slow jogging, knee lifts, arm circles or trunk
rotations. Low intensity movements that stimulate
movements to be used in the activity can also be
included in the warm- up.

COOL DOWN : a minimum of 5-10 minutes of slow walking,

low-level exercise, combined with stretching.

Cardiovascular endurance /

Is the ability of the heart and lungs to work together to provide the
needed oxygen and fuel to the body during sustained workloads and to do
moderately strenuous activity over a period of time. It reflects how well
your heart and lungs work together to supply oxygen to your body during
exertion and exercise. Also called aerobic fitness.
Of the five components of physical fitness, Cardiorespiratory endurance is
the corner stone to complete health and the fitness gateway to improving
your other fitness levels. Cardiorespiratory endurance is defined as the
ability of the heart to get oxygen rich blood to the required working
muscles. It is the physical ability to maintain a steady pace of exercise
without reaching an high level of fatigue and tiredness. The composition
of cardiovascular endurance also includes the capacity that the body and
heart have of removing CO2 from the muscles and expel via the lungs.

The typical example of the physical activity and sports that relate to
cardio and vascular endurance are jogging, swimming, cycling, walking
and aerobics. On a daily practical level cardio endurance is the capacity to
physically tackle the physical tasks of our daily lives.

SCHEDULE : at least three 20-minute bouts of continuous

aerobic (activity requiring oxygen) rhythmic
exercise each week. Popular aerobic conditioning
activities include brisk walking, jogging,
swimming, cycling, rope-jumping, rowing, cross-
country skiing, and some continuous action games
like racquetball and handball.

As much as Cardiorespiratory endurance is illustrated by the ability to
repeat a mind level physical effort for an extensive period of time,
muscular strength is measured by the maximum amount of strength, or
weight that a muscle or muscle group can lift and exert in a single effort.
Of the 5 components of physical fitness, Muscular strength is directly
related to the amount and type of exercise and workouts that the body
undergoes. Weight training or strength training are the only methods of
increasing muscle mass. Muscle mass contributes raw strength to the
body which has significant other benefits and ties to fitness and weigh

A greater amount of muscle mass, even at rest consumes a great amount

of calories. By increasing your muscle mass you in effect increase your
bodies capacity to burn calories and reduce of lower your body fat ratio. It
is for this reason that other than allowing your to be more physically
resistant in your daily lives, muscle is essential to weight loss and should
be a part of your routine when dieting. Another benefit of physical
muscular strength is that strength exercise puts effort on your tendons
and bones, when done properly it will maintain your bone structure and
avoid decalcification. It is for this reason that space shuttle astronauts
endure a vigorous exercise program when in space.

The push up test is most often used to test muscular strength. The ability
to exert maximum force, such as lifting the heaviest weight you can
budge, one time. It is possible to have muscular strength in one area,
say your arms, while lacking strength in another area such as your legs.

SCHEDULE: a minimum of two 20-minute sessions per week

that include exercises for all the major muscle
groups. Lifting weights is the most effective way
to increase strength.


is the ability of the muscles to perform continuous without fatiguing.

Examples would be cycling, step machines and elliptical machines. The sit
up test is most often used to test muscular endurance. The ability to hold a
particular position for a sustained period of time or repeat a movement many
times. This could be the capability required to hold a two-pound weight above
your head for five minutes or the effort required to lift that weight 20
consecutive times.

Of the 5 components of physical fitness, muscular endurance is often confused

with muscular strength and as they are related, they a most different in the
benefits they provide. Muscular endurance is defined as the ability to main and
repeat and moderate level of muscular effort such as shovelling snow. In this
particular case your shoulder and arms muscles might tire and aches well before
your Cardiorespiratory endurance reaches its limits. Muscular strength can be
considered as a smaller ratio of your maximum muscular strength. In order to
develop the max range of your muscle capabilities you need to increase the
muscle strength as well. Lets take the example that you are able to lift a max of
50kg with you right arm and lift 25kg 15 times. Developing cardio endurance
together with weigh training will increase the overall weight you can lift 15 times
as well as help increase the number of reps at the 25kg level.

SCHEDULE : at least three 30-minute sessions each week that

include exercises such as calisthenics, pushups,
sit-ups, pull-ups, and weight training for all the
major muscle groups.

is the ability of each joint to move through the available range of motion
for a specific joint. Examples would be stretching individual muscles or the
ability to perform certain functional movements such as the lunge. The sit
and reach test is most often used to test flexibility.

Flexibility is a part of the major components of physical fitness with more

importance then is sometimes believed. Not all people have the same
flexibility requirements depending on whether you are an athlete or not
and the various sporting disciplines that are practiced. But everyone
needs a degree of flexibility to be able to cope with daily lives and
activities. So, flexibility in its purest form is defined as the ability to move
your body joints and articulations through their full range of motion.

Stretching is thus associated with flexibility allowing the range of motion

to be maintained or increased via physical activity including stretching.
Every individual has varying bone structures and articulations that allow
for a different range of flexibility. But maintaining or increasing
flexibility is essential to protecting your joints and keeping them healthy
as well as allowing to strengthen your back to avoid back pain and reduce
the appearance and effects of arthritis as well as reduce muscle-tendon
injuries. Without regular stretching tendons and joints can become tight
and hard and impair flexibility levels of your body parts.

SCHEDULE : 10-12 minutes of daily stretching exercises

performed slowly without a bouncing motion. This
can be included after a warm-up or during a cool
is the amount of fat mass compared to lean muscle mass, bone and
organs. This can be measured using underwater weighing, Skinfold
readings, and bioelectrical impedance. Underwater weighing is considered
the “gold standard” for body fat measurement, however because of the
size and expense of the equipment needed very few places are set up to
do this kind of measurement. The proportion of fat in your body compared to
your bone and muscle. It does not refer to your weight in pounds or your

The last of the 5 components of physical activity is body composition.

Understanding your body composition and how it relates to your overall
fitness level is essential. though more of a consequence of the previously
mentioned components of physical activity.

The body composition looks at the ratio of fat in the body compared to the
overall levels of lean body mass. When the body fat mass ratio is high you
are considered over weight or even obese. This high fat content ration is a
sign of a higher propensity to develop coronary heart disease, diabetes,
joint and back pains, arthritis and higher risk of tendon-muscular
accidents and injuries due to inactivity. There is a direct link in the speed
of adding pounds of fat to the lack of physical exercise and reducing the
fat ration both by diet changes, nutrition quality and regular physical
exercise are key.
The keys to selecting the right kinds of exercises for developing and
maintaining each of the basic components of fitness are found in these

SPECIFICITY - pick the right kind of activities to affect each

component. Strength training results in specific strength
changes. Also, train for the specific activity you're interested
in. For example, optimal swimming performance is best
achieved when the muscles involved in swimming are trained
for the movements required. It does not necessarily follow
that a good runner is a good swimmer.

OVERLOAD - work hard enough, at levels that are vigorous and long
enough to overload your body above its resting level, to bring
about improvement.

REGULARITY - you can't hoard physical fitness. At least three

balanced workouts a week are necessary to maintain a
desirable level of fitness.

PROGRESSION - increase the intensity, frequency and/or duration of

activity over periods of time in order to improve.
Some activities can be used to fulfill more than one of your basic exercise
requirements. For example, in addition to increasing cardiorespiratory
endurance, running builds muscular endurance in the legs, and swimming
develops the arm, shoulder and chest muscles. If you select the proper
activities, it is possible to fit parts of your muscular endurance workout
into your cardiorespiratory workout and save time.


Heart rate is widely accepted as a good method for measuring intensity

during running, swimming, cycling and other aerobic activities. Exercise
that doesn't raise your heart rate to a certain level and keep it there for
20 minutes won't contribute significantly to cardiovascular fitness.

The heart rate you should maintain is called your Target Heart Rate. There
are several ways of arriving at this figure. One of the simplest is:
Maximum Heart Rate (220 - age) X 70%. Thus, the target heart rate for a
40 year-old would be 126.

Some methods for figuring the target rate take individual differences into
consideration. Here is one of them.

1. Subtract age from 220 to find Maximum Heart Rate.

2. Subtract resting heart rate (see below) from maximum heart rate to
determine Heart Rate Reserve.

3. Take 70% of heart rate reserve to determine Heart Rate Raise.

4. Add heart rate raise to resting heart rate to find Target Rate.
Resting heart rate should be determined by taking your pulse after sitting
quietly for five minutes. When checking heart rate during a workout, take
your pulse within five seconds after interrupting exercise because it starts
to go down once you stop moving. Count pulse for 10 seconds and
multiply by six to get the per-minute rate.

Why the need for physical fitness

As stated earlier the 5 components of physical fitness represent how fit and healthy the
body is as a whole. When you have the battery of tests performed you will receive
information on the specific areas you made need to work in. A very specific goal oriented
fitness program can be developed from the test battery.

If body composition is of (higher fat compared to muscle mass) there are many health
related diseases and illnesses you have a higher chance of contracting. It is important to
combine healthy eating habits with your exercise program.

If you scored low on the cardiovascular test you would have a higher chance of being at
risk for heart related illnesses and would not do well with activities that require longer
times to complete. You would participate in things such as long bike rides, swimming and
jogging for extended periods of time to correct this component.

The next three tests can have results that are isolated to specific joints and muscles of
the body or affect the body as a whole.

If you score low on the flexibility tests, you have a greater chance of decreased
performance in daily living activities/sports and a higher risk of injury. You may also
experience low back pain. It would be important to included flexibility training into your
workout everyday.

If you scored low on the muscular endurance test you fatigue early into the exercise or
activities of daily living. Many exercises that require high reps and low weight would be
implemented into your training program.
If you scored low on the muscle strength test you do not have enough strength to
perform well in sports, resistance training and activities of daily living. Your fitness
program would have a progressive strength training component added that would allow
you to become stronger with little chance of injury over time.

Fitness testing has its limitations – while it gives you a good idea of where your body is, it
does not paint the entire picture. As stated earlier some of the above tests are only
testing specific body parts. Other important factors such as balance and agility are not
tested. It also requires the ability to perform the tests. It would be dangerous for
someone who is in poor condition and does not exercise to participate in fitness testing.

Before deciding to undergo fitness testing, make sure you know why they are being done
and determine that it is safe for you to participate.

Exercise can be categorized under three major types viz. flexibility,
aerobic and anaerobic exercise. Here is a brief about the different types of

It is an obvious fact that regular physical exercise, along with a balanced

diet are the key factors to control weight and stay healthy. Exercise
stimulates the immune system and protects from certain chronic diseases
like diabetes and heart problems. There is no doubt that a sedentary
lifestyle without exercise is an invitation to several diseases and
disorders. Any type of obesity is due to an unhealthy lifestyle, including an
inactive schedule. Nowadays, a major concern is childhood obesity, of
which the most effective remedy is physical activity.
Different Types of Exercise
People exercise for many positive reasons, maybe for building muscles,
strengthening the cardiovascular system or simply as a leisure activity.
Whatever may be the reason, exercise is always good for health, if it is
performed under safe conditions. It is recommended that everyone should
exercise at least 30 minutes daily for good health. Following are the
different types of exercise, based on their effect on the human body


Flexibility exercise is performed to enhance the movements of muscles

and joints. Stretching and bending are the common ways of flexibility
training. This exercise type helps in preventing muscle stiffness and joint
pain (to some extent). Along with a warm-up session, stretching exercise
should be performed before and after the exercise schedule. This will help
to reduce muscle soreness and/or injuries, and in the proper recovery of
the muscles after the exercise.

Aerobic exercise, also known as cardiovascular exercise, strengthens the

muscles and promotes the cardiovascular endurance (by targeting a
specific heart rate). As the name suggests, aerobic exercise aims at
improving the oxygen intake by the body cells. It involves movement of
the muscle groups from a moderate to intense level exercise, for an
extended period (at least 20 minutes). There are many aerobic exercise
such as running, jogging, cycling, swimming, dancing and playing sports.
Aerobic exercise is also the best way to lose weight. For an effective
aerobic exercise session, a moderate intensity exercise should be
preceded by a warm-up period and end by a cooling down period.

Anaerobic exercise or weight-lifting exercise is performed mostly to build

muscles and enhance their size, strength and endurance. Hence, in
anaerobic exercise, muscular activities like functional training, weight
training and sprinting are performed, followed by a cooling session. Some
of the common activities of anaerobic exercise are sit-ups, pull-ups and
push-ups, squats and rowing. Though, anaerobic exercise is performed for
a lesser duration, it can be a good supplement to aerobic work-outs.

There is no specific time and place for exercise, and it is never too late to
start exercising. In case, you feel reluctant to exercise outdoors and/or in
gyms, you can always opt for specific exercise equipments and workout at
home. Studies have found that exercise not only improves physical health,
but also helps in treating depression and mental illnesses.

However, it is to be noted that too much exercise, without a proper diet

may be harmful to health. In such a case, the body cells start utilizing
proteins as their energy source. There are also increased chances of
circulatory problems like stroke. It is advisable that pregnant women and
people who have medical complications should consult and seek advice
from their concerned physician, before following a particular exercise
program. This will help in recognizing and preventing any possible health



As part of the 5 key components of physical fitness, cardio training for

endurance and resistance is essential for a healthy daily life. Cardio
workouts help protect against coronary art diseases, heart attack and
increases physical endurance. You can workout your heart at the gym
using cardio equipment such as cross trainers, rowers and cycling
machines or use the great outdoors as your cardio gym.


Among many of the ideal cardio workouts swimming is often one of the
best exercises for toning cardio resistance and endurance as well as back
pain resolution. Swimming protects the joints unlike many other sports
and fitness activities. As well swimming in one of the cardio endurance
fitness activities that works simultaneously the most muscle groups.



Walking and jogging are two cost affective activities that many men and
women could start and yet do not. You do not require a gym membership
or expensive fitness equipment.

It is important to separate walking and jogging. For walking try using the
stairs during the day at work, walk to shops instead of using public
transportation or the car. Keep it at the top of your mind and next time
use the stairs instead of the escalator.

Jogging does require a bit of care and preparation. Stretching is essential

and an excellent pair of shoes. If you do have certain predispositions to
back or joint pain, soft jogging and in good shoes can actually strengthen
your joins. Get advice from your doctor or physician if you have any

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