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¡Hola a todos!

Happy last week of school in 2018! This week we have a lot of special things to look 
forward to: the 5th grade chorus concert, a visit from our 3rd grade buddies and a 
special bonus “game day” on Friday. ​Please help your child pick out a game that can 
be played indoors (no sports balls please), and review how to play it so that they can 
be ready to share it with their classmates on Friday​. There is also a very high chance 
that students are going to earn “bring a stuffed animal to school day” since we are 
just one “pom pom” away - stay tuned!   
La contraseña secreta (secret password) to come into the classroom this week will 
be “no me gusta” (I don’t like).  
A peek at our  In ​Spanish Language Arts​, we will continue work with 
week  syllables and words with vowel “a.” The plan for this weeks is 
to go back and review a lot of what we have learned in the 
first 65+ days of school to make sure we have built a solid 
foundation for all the learning to come in the new year!  
In ​Math​, students are diving deeper into how to compare 
objects using their attributes of height, length and weight. A 
fun way to practice this at home is for students to put their 
toys/stuffed animals in order of tallest “más alto” to shortest 
“más bajo.” 
In ​Science​, we will be taking a short recess from our FOSS 
curriculum and do some investigation and exploration 
around color! This will be a lot of fun for the kids to do lots of 
hands-on activities and learning.   

Friendly  If there is a change in your child’s dismissal schedule, please 

Reminders  make the distinction between “car pick up” or “walker” so 
that we get them to the right place. ¡Gracias! 
If your child is sick or will be absent, please continue to email 
myself, Señora Ponce ( 
and the school (ch_attendance@wayland.k.12) so that 
everyone is in the loop!  
¡Ayuda por favor!   Our classroom would greatly appreciate... 
Table games - our students love playing games during 
choice time such as “Tumblin Monkeys,” “Uno” and “Go 
Fish.” I would love to get more games to encourage 
more cooperative play. Used games are great! 

In gratitude  Thank you to parents Alissa Kissel and Emily Weinshel who 
came in the classroom this week to read and create with our 
students! Thank you also to our library volunteers - your work 
is so appreciated!  
Thank you to the Rent and Weinshel family for the glue 
Thank you to Betsy and Chris Cullen who are opening their 
home for a parent social on 1/10!  

Incorporating  1. Play our version of “I spy” - “Veo veo” In class we have one 
more Spanish at  student come up and say the bolded text and the class 
home  chants the responses below.   
“Veo veo” - I see 
“¿Que ves?” - what do you see? 
“Una cosa” - something 
“¿De que color?” - what color is it? 
“De color…. rojo/amarillo/morado/azul/blanco/negro/etc” - 
the color of the object  
Next, students begin to guess what the child has “spied” - if 
they guess correctly, they get to be in charge the next round!  
2. Practice winter clothing vocabulary at home: guantes, 
mitones, abrigo/chaqueta, botas, bufanda, gorro, etc.  
3. Take advantage of any opportunity to count in Spanish! 
Many students are now naturally defaulting to Spanish 
numbers when counting - awesome to see! Practicing 
counting “up” 1-30 as well as “down” 30-1. Counting by tens is 
also an “end of year goal” for kindergarten: diez (10), veinte 
(30), treinta (30), cuarenta (40), cincuenta (50), sesenta (60), 
setenta (70), ochenta (80), noventa (90), cien (100).  
4. Encourage students to use the past “contraseñas secretas” 
with you at home! Previous contraseñas: Gracias, por favor, 
buenos días, puedo ir al baño, puedo tomar agua, permiso, 
buenas tardes, me gusta  

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