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Paradigm Preparatory School

Class Descriptions
The Seminar is a unique offering at Paradigm and is the very heart of our liberal arts
program. During seminar students devour the works of the greatest people of history
(preserved in classics) and then meet to discuss what they have learned. Students are
guided by their mentors to learn how to ask questions, think, write, discuss and define

Students will earn credit in Language Arts and Utah History for this class.


This Seminar class is similar to the regular seminar class listed above. Academy Seminar
is for students who wish to attend Paradigm part-time. This class meets on A days
(Monday, Wednesday, and every other Friday) during 2nd and 3rd period. A seminar
class is MANDATORY for every student at Paradigm, but this class offers more flexibility
in student’s schedules. Students will earn credit in Language Arts and Utah History for
this class.

Math Fundamentals:
This class is for students who still need to strengthen the basic foundational skills needed
to move into pre-algebra. Focus will be on meeting each student where they are in their
math ability and teaching math conceptually in order to enhance math understanding.
More details of concepts to be explored can be found on our math website at​. This is our most basic math class available. Reference
textbook: Saxon 7/6

Math Transitions:
Making the transition from basic math to pre-algebra should be treated with care in
order to keep motivation and learning energy high. This class will focus on pre-algebra
while still giving attention to foundational math skills that need strengthening for a
powerful forward progression. Hands on activities and conceptual understanding will be
emphasized. Details of concepts can be found on our math website at​. Reference textbook: Saxon 7/6

This class is for students with a strong foundation that are ready to dive into pre-algebra
at a strong pace and ready to engage in math activities and projects that will bring
meaning to what they are studying. Details of concepts can be found on our math
website at ​​. Reference textbook: Saxon 8/7

Prep Algebra:
This is our highest level math class in the prep school. This class will follow our high
school math 1 curriculum, adjusting the pace as necessary to ensure a learning pace
customized to the class. It will be covering the first half of Algebra 1 and the first half of
Geometry with emphasis on ACT preparation. Personal math projects will be
incorporated into the curriculum. Students taking this class will be able to take math 1
honors in 9th grade with the possibility of math 2 with mentor referral. Details of
concepts can be found on our math website at ​​.

Integrated Science 7 (Mr. Leake):
Required for the full-year for all 7th grade students.
Students will learn about the constant interaction of cause and effect. Students will
explore how forces can cause changes in motion and are responsible for the transfer of
energy and the cycling of matter, providing necessary conditions for life on Earth.
Students will also be learning about the organisms and their respective species that have
lived, or currently live on Earth. Additionally, the evolutionary histories of life on Earth
proves how many species have survived or have gone extinct.
Class Fee: $20 per semester

Integrated Science 8 (Mr. Leake):

Required for the full-year for all 8th grade students.
Students will learn about the constant interaction between matter and energy. Students
will explore how matter is the basic unit blocks that form everything and everyone
around us and how energy can be transferred and stored through these unit blocks to
interact physically and chemically, provide energy to living organisms, or be harnessed
and used by humans. Additionally, matter and energy can cycle and change within
ecosystems through processes of photosynthesis and cellular respiration. Students will
also explore how geological and atmospheric systems can change and affect ecosystems
and organisms, positively and negatively.
Class Fee: $20 per semester

Euclid (Mr. Fife):
Attention Students and Parents, please read the entire description of this class before
signing up.
Description: Lincoln became perplexed in his law studies after realizing that the word
"demonstrate", as defined in every dictionary he read, claimed to be indisputable. He
wondered about a logic more certain than "reason" or "proof". He said that all of the
dictionary definition confused him, "You might as well have defined blue to a blind
"At last I said,- Lincoln, you never can make a lawyer if you do not understand what
demonstrate means; and I left my situation in Springfield, went home to my father’s
house, and stayed there till I could give any proposition in the six books of Euclid at
sight. I then found out what demonstrate means, and went back to my law studies."
In this class we use Euclid's Book of the Elements to learn, as Lincoln did, what it
means to demonstrate. This is one of the hardest classes I've taught in the past, but by
far one of the most satisfying to adventurous students ready for an epic challenge.

1800’s England (Ms. Rogers):

Enter the world of England in the 1800's. A country at war with power hungry emperors,
men dueling for their honor, and women fretting about the newest thing in fashion. In
this course we will be looking at 100 years of England's history through war, society,
fashion, food and novels. Get ready to join Horatio Nelson on the seas as he conquers the
french. Walk the grimy streets of London through the eyes of Ebenezer Scrooge. Bake
Queen Victoria's favorite dessert and enjoy getting to know a country and a people who
were the most powerful in the world.

Leisure (Mrs. Mauer):

Did you know how we spend our leisure time determines our future, culture, and
intelligence? Wow! So . . . what is leisure, really? This class will help us understand our
‘down time’ and help us organize how we spend it. After we understand what leisure is,
we will practice different types and teach each other what we learn.

Girls/Boys PE (Ms. Rogers):

This is an active class of indoor and outdoor sports.
Paradigm PE Uniform Required ($20.00 per set)

Prep Dance Company (Mrs. Robbins):

Experiences in contemporary dance choreography and performance.

Course Outcomes:
Performance Skill
1. Demonstrate increasing performance skill, including skills of concentration, discipline,
focus and stage presence.

Technical Skill
2. Demonstrate increasing technical skill, focusing specifically of the refinement of
nuance, projection, dynamics and the ability to dance within the context of an ensemble.

Dance Creation and Evaluation

3. Create and evaluate dances, giving increased attention to the ability to see and respond
to the possibilities within any given choreographic situation.

Personal Voice
4. Investigate and refine their own individual choreographic and performance voice.
Class Fee: $30 per semester

Mind and Body Wellness (Mrs. Cavallaro):

Taking care of ourselves is a multi-faceted commitment. This class will explore the
intricacies of wellness from a holistic perspective. Our daily and weekly activities will
include a 1 mile walk (daily), food labs and opportunities that strengthen mental,
emotional and spiritual engagement.

Prep School Choir (Mrs. Shattuck):

This is a non-auditioned choir class that is open to everyone. We will learn about music,
good vocal technique and successful choir singing. We will participate in concerts with
Miss Arneson’s bands/orchestras and will have a lot of fun singing really great music
selections. Students will learn about reading music, singing on pitch, how to read
rhythms and healthy singing. We will explore music from different countries and music
of different styles and will probably even sing a song in another language! This is a great
opportunity to enjoy music and singing and promises to be a really fun experience!
Class Fee: $30 per semester

Intro to Spanish (Mrs. Shattuck):

Viking History (Mr. Anderson):

Prep Art (Mr. McMurtrey):

This course focuses on the art of drawing. We will explore many aspects of art in general
and drawing skills in particular from cartoon drawings to realistic drawings to abstract
Class Fee: $30 per semester

Prep Yearbook (Mr. Christensen):

***Application required***
Students will create the school yearbook for 2018-19. Writing, photography, editing,
interviewing, organization will all be incorporated into the class. Students must meet
deadlines. Please see Mr. Christensen with any questions.
Class Fee: $10 per semester

Influential Media (Mr. Leake):

Mass media is a wide genre of mass communication that reaches a large audience. These
various outlets of communication include but are not limited to broadcast media, digital
media, internet media, outdoor media, print media, event organizing, public speaking,
and even video games. Students will learn about these various outlets of communication
and how it influences us in the world today.

Leadership CTE (Mr. Rom):

This course helps students understand and cope with personal, family, and social
challenges. Emphasis is placed teen living situations including, but not limited to:
communication, decision-making skills, and building stable relationships with family and

Reading & Writing Coaching (Ms. Gardner/Mrs. Lord):

Come join us in this highly effective class full of positive energy. Boost both your reading
and writing skills. This class will include group activities, one on one coaching for either
reading or writing or both depending on the needs of each scholar, as well as time for
personal reading and writing. This class will be customized to fit each individual scholar
so that the time is well spent and the progress is maximized! We had amazing results last
year with scholars in this class.

A Beginner’s Guide to Storytelling (Mr. Johnson):

This class will be designed to give the scholars a taste of what it takes to be a storyteller.
We will work towards advancing each scholar’s skills (no matter the skill level) in
creative writing and storytelling. The class will focus on helping each scholar to find
their own voice and help them gain confidence in expressing themselves in positive ways.
This will be achieved through class participation and working in various groups, as well
as personal study and practice. If you have any interest in furthering your ability in
public speaking, increasing your skill towards storytelling, or would simply like to have
some fun telling wild tales, this could be the class for you! (Also, make sure you bring
your own imagination, or one will be provided for you!)

Digital Literacy (Mr. Christensen): ​*8th grade only

This course is a foundation to computer literacy. Students will have opportunities to use
technology and develop skills that encourage creativity, critical thinking, productivity,
and collaboration in the classroom and day-to-day life.

Prep Film (Mr. Debono):

Scholars will view and analyse a variety of influential films that have shaped modern
cinema into what it is today. These films will include samples from numerous genres
including fantasy, action, comedy and drama. These films have been selected to help
scholars understand the requirements for creating their own unique film. Scholars will
spend the majority of the semester creating, storyboarding and filming their own short
film which will be considered their major work for the semester. Scholars will learn
about various elements of film making including: film techniques, videography, sound,
lighting, editing, acting, directing and prop/set design. Prep film is an introductory
course to film making and appreciation and is a great chance to explore the various
elements that go into cinema.

Art History (Mrs. Paystrup):

Technical Theater (Ms. Gardner):

A play is a lot more than just actors on a stage and in this class, we will exploring the many
areas of technical theater: set design, costuming, lighting, sound design, props, and stage
management! Design your own sets, make props, and more in this exciting project-based
course. This class also serves as the technical crew for school events, giving students
hands-on opportunities to gain practical theater experience.
Mentor approval required for this course, as it has after school commitments.
Prep school allowed with special permission.

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