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UBS Real Estate sets international standards

for modern data management by
centralising databases
Purpose of project UBS Real Estate Kapitalanlagegesellschaft mbH (UBS Real Estate), a
• To simplify the control, transpa- provider of open real estate funds, announced in March 2010 that it is
rency and coordination of data
throughout Europe optimising its international data management process long term by
• To have quick and easy access to centralising its databases.
In the past, original documents relating to UBS Real Estate’s property
portfolio have been stored at various central locations across Europe,
but in 2009, as part of a long-term project, true centralisation of all real
estate–related documentation began. For the project, UBS Real Estate
teamed up with Drooms to collect, structure, host and exchange docu-
ments via a single, highly secure online platform.
As a result of the new process, UBS Real Estate is compliant with the
Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive, EU data protection
legislation and European security standards. Documents are now
centrally stored in a physical “operational storage” facility. At the same
time, digital copies of the documents are made permanently available
to a selected group of users in a virtual, secured data room. With this
new solution, UBS Real Estate is able to ensure that the documents
they are obliged to retain are stored in a properly structured manner,
which in turn improves navigation and also makes it much easier for
the company to sell off non-centrally stored real estate.
The high degree of transparency offered by this modern stock control
method makes it possible to manage your portfolio more efficiently
and react rapidly to changing market conditions as well as limit overall



time and cost spent on preparing for a transaction. Permanent virtual

data rooms can help make you market ready even at extremely short

The operation involves:

>> Merging, processing and provision of all custody obligatory and ob-
ject relevant documents relating to UBS RE KAG fund properties
>> Digitisation and subsequent archiving of physical documents with
simultaneous access to documents via digital data rooms for all
stakeholders as defined by the requirements of UBS

A closer look at the project: Ca.10 100,000

Ca. Ca. 350 Ca. 2,000
parallel documents groups users
data rooms

Steps taken by Drooms and UBS Real Estate

Process organisation
>> Develop a project-specific process manual
>> Continuous process improvement with customers and third parties

Operative support
>> Quality delivery checks
>> Integration of documents in storage/data room structure
>> Processing and completion of document related metadata
>> Systematic completeness and data consistency checks

Process control
>> Control of the archive service for the physical “Operational Storage”
(Active Archive)
>> Structured storage of custody obligatory documents
>> Coordination of deliveries with those responsible across Europe

Data room organisation

>> User management for various purposes (e.g. reports, audits,
transactions, etc.)
>> Coordination and training of data room administrators on the client side
>> Q&A management with third parties


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