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Agus Kusnayat
Prodi S1 Teknik Industri, Fakultas Rekayasa Industri, Universitas Telkom
Audrey Rahmanti Unadi
Prodi S1 Teknik Industri, Fakultas Rekayasa Industri, Universitas Telkom
Fahreza Fadhil Hakeki
Prodi S1 Teknik Industri, Fakultas Rekayasa Industri, Universitas Telkom

Clean water is a necessity of every human in the world. To fullfill the needs of clean water so
good water distribution system is absolutely necessary. In drain water required support
equipment for one of them is the pipeline. To distribute clean water through the pipes required
also support tools i.e. pump. In analyzing pipeline required a method of simulating one is CFD
(Computational Fluid Dynamic). CFD simulation of the method to is to analyze the headloss
and also discharge water after a network change on the pipeline. WaterCAD software is one of
the software that supports the CFD simulation method that serves to make a model of a water
distribution network. From this research brings about an increase in the diameter of the pipe
can raise the average water debit entry to the rooftank, declining average headloss pipe, and
manage the water pump operating time.
Keywords: Water, water distribution, pipelines, pumps, headloss, WaterCAD.

I. Introduction that occur every day, have some areas

Clean water for human needs is namely regions I, II, and III. In this study
essential in the use to living the daily life. only the water distribution system will be
In the industrial sector had predicted that discussing on the region III area which
needs clean water will continue to increase. spans dormitory student dormitory building
Factors of urbanization and sanitary water that is 1-12 and A-F with a total number of
systems will also experience increased and his buildings namely building 18. There are
its effect on high needs clean water 2 point distributing clean water or with
(WWAP, 2017). Distribution of water in Ground Water tanks (GWT 1) at the dorm
Telkom University support the activities
putri serta (GWT 2) di bagian asrama putra with the total number of clean water needs
(Sendra, 2018). in the region III Telkom University was as
much as 541,440 litres/day. So in planning,
designing, and managing a complex
pipeline systems must be done well and
efficiently (Al-amin, 2011). Evaluation to
make design improvements made to
increase the performance of clean water
distribution network, where the evaluation
in the form of an analysis of the pressure on
the nodes as well as the head loss along the
pipe in water distribution network (Zhang
et al, 2015 ). On the pipeline will be
subjected to a pressure loss (head loss)
when the flow of water passing through the
connection pipe, the arch (elbow) pipe,
valves, and other pipeline components
Figure 1. 1 Distribution map of the water Region III (Waspodo, 2017).
(Handayani dkk. 2017)
Clean water distribution system in
Based on Figure 1.1 looks hands
the area of Telkom University has 6 pumps
down each of the GWT in the region III.
are used to distribute water from the
The needs of each region against clean
groundstank to the rooftank at each
water. These are the needs of clean water on
building. Here are the water pump
the region III.
operating time data from groundtank to the
Table 1. 1 Clean water needs in the region III (Telkom
Property, 2017) rooftank for GWT and GWT 1 2.
Tabel 1. 2 GWT Pump operating time table 1

Based on the table above are

Tabel 1. 3 GWT Pump operating time table 2
obtained that needs clean water for building
a dormitory A-E is 150,400 litres/day and
for the needs of clean water in dormitory
buildings F and 1-12 is 391,040 liters/day,
Based on the table above are on clean water distribution network in the
obtained that GWT 1 pump 1 operating region III Telkom University.
time is 4.13 hours/day and pump 2
operating time is the same 4.13 hours/day. II. Literature Review
Then for GWT 2 pump 1 i.e. 5.26 2.1 Clean Water Distribution System
minutes/day, pump 2 i.e. 3.73 hours/day, To distribute water to all areas of
i.e., 2.13 3 pump hour/day, and pump 4 i.e. service require clean water distribution
3.36 hours/day. Water pump operating time system. In pengoprasiannya because it is
can be mempeangaruhi for the payment of directly related to the user then the system
electricity, with estimated GWT 1 i.e. Rp should be optimized (Gifts, 2013). In
2,283,000 and Rp 5,357,056 IE 2 GWT. distributing the water method used depends
Computational fluid dynamics on the source of the water by the condition
(CFD) is a method that can help resolve used as well as the position of the buildings
problems related predictions and analysis of to be distributed clean water (Solanki,
fluid dynamics including hydraulic analysis 2016). Method of water distribution system
using the kompitasi equation of fluid that is commonly used is the method of
visualization and analysis results (Arbat gravity, pumping Method, and combined
dkk, 2011). The use of CFD methods, Methods.
namely analyzing the pressure drop is Clean water distribution in the
experienced on the fluid flow in pipelines, region III area is the University Telkom
the difference with a prediction of alphabets which contains buildings that are included
experiment results of less than 6% (Singh et into the building of the middle rise or high
al, 2017). This research used the rise. On the building of the middle rise or
WaterCAD software to analyze a water high rise common facilities there are two
distribution network ususlan to expect frequently used system (Pynkyawati and
better from the previous network state Wahadamaputera, 2015). Both systems are
(Sedrak dkk, 2018). On this research will do commonly used Up Feed System and Down
a hydraulic analysis such as pressure, water the Feed System. Up the Feed System is the
discharge, and headloss experienced water application of this system need to pay
distribution network in the region III attention to the power of the pumps are used
Telkom University. Done simulations to because the distribution of water into each
analyze the changes applied to the pipeline floor rely solely on the power of the pump
are expected to get the proposal to improve only.
the efficiency of water pump operating time
conditions and limitations of the draft
(Tuakia, 2008). Solving (Numerical
Process) which at this step in the process of
software calculations from inputs that are
already determined in the previous step
(Tuakia, 2008). Postprocessing which at
this step interpretation of the CFD and CFD
simulation results data grouping which

Figure 2. 1 Water distribution up feed system consists of drawings, curves, and animation

Down the Feed System is the (Tuakia, 2008).

system of ground water tank be drained

with the help of the pump push it to fit in 2.3 Fluid

the upper tank. Next for distribution to each Fluid mechanics is the study of the

floor from upper tank using gravity method. fluid on both moves (fluid dynamics) or
silent (fluid statics) (Halliday et al., 2013).
Fluid mechanics generally focuses on
balance and movement of liquid or gas as
well as the style pull involved with
substances around them or pass the time
flow (Waspodo, 2017).
What distinguishes one fluid to
another i.e. the pressure and dense
(Halliday et al., 2013).
Calculation of density can be seen
Figure 2. 2 Distribution of water Down the Feed System
in the following equation:
2.2 CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics)
Computational Fluid Dynamics
(CFD) is a methodology that is used to
indicate the numerical simulation of fluid
flow using a computer software program
(Hirsch, 2007). CFD simulation on three
As for the pressure of the fluid can
steps namely Preprocessing, Solving
be known by the equation below.
(Numerical Process), and Postprocessing.
Preprocessing is modelling then set the
The following is a legal Bernouli
equation (Halliday et al., 2013)

The fluid has four types of streams

include: (Halliday et al., 2013). Steady
flow, Incompressible Flow, Irrotational
Flow and Flow Nonvicious. In the year
1884 Osborn Reynolds did an experiment
to show the properties of laminar flow
properties and turbulent flow.
In addition to the legal continuity of
the Bernouli which explains the
relationship between flow velocity and
cross-sectional area.

Re : Viscositas (μ)
P :Tthe density of the flow
v : speed of the pipeline passing As well as the law of continuity also

through barriers applies on a branching pipes teraliri water

d : Diameter where the law on the basis that each liter of

(White, 2015) water per second from one of the pipe equal
to liters of water that comes out every
For numbers Reynolds < 2000 flow second of it (Yamianti et al., 2015).
is laminar turbulent Flow. will have
numbers Reynolds > 4000, while for flow
with a Reynolds number of 2000 – 4000
called transition flow (Nurcholis, 2008).
The principle of the bernouli principle that
is closely related to the bernouli principle
where drainage is a stable State where the In the distribution of water through
the pipe there comes a time where the main
pressure makes the stabilized speed causes
the total energy becomes constant pipe with pipe separators experiencing the
headloss caused by vast differences passed
(Batchelor, 1967).
by fluid (Nurcholis, 2008).
The following is a type of energy
loss in the system piping:
1. Major Loss caused by friction on
long pipe circumference and area
(White, 2015)
2. Minor Loss caused by a shrinking or
enlarged cross-section, bend,
connection, and also the valve
(Mays, 2004).

Where f is the Darcy friction factor can be

k is a coefficient of loss from the
obtained from the reynolds number with the
following equation:

III. Methodology
The following is a plot of the
simulation will be done..

The equation applies to the flow

with small Reynold said, while the
Reynolds number for in range of 4000
applies Re < 105 < following equation

In addition to using the Darcy-

Figure 3. 1 Simulation study of scheme
Weisbach equation, there are empirical
equations are commonly used, namely the The following is a conceptual model of
equation of Hazen-Williams that was research that will be done.
written as follows (Mays, 2004).
Figure 3. 2 Conceptual Model Research

The following is a sistemmatika

from troubleshooting to be performed.

Figure 3. 3 Systematic Troubleshooting

IV. Results and Analysis

4.1 WaterCAD Software
To conduct analysis using CFD
methods, then it needs to be done before the
creation of the model in 2D on the region
III Telkom University, i.e. as follows.
method of simulation model on the
proposals 1 and 2. Here is the average value
of water discharge on GWT and GWT 1 2.
Table 4. 1 Average Water Discharge Pipe Outlet GWT 1

Table 4. 2 Average Water Discharge Pipe Outlet GWT 2

Figure 4. 4 GWT 1 Network model Table 4.1 indicates that based on an

average water debit is experiencing an
upswing on the proposals 1 or 2, where the
proposal 1 has the value i.e. 1.58 while
proposal 2 has the value i.e., 1.63, that value
has exceeded the value of the existing
model. Table 4.2 in any case, after a
simulation of discharge water from the
value turns out to be the proposals 1 and 2
also have been able to pass water discharge
existing models to model the proposal 1
was 1.59, and for existing model 2 is 1.61
compared to model existing i.e. 1.56. It can
be concluded that the addition of the size of
Figure 4. 5 GWT network model 2
the pipe diameter can enlarge the amount of
4.2 Analysis Of Simulated Results
discharge of water through the pipe.
The analysis undertaken aims to
identify changes in discharge water with the
in the diameter of the pipe can increase
discharge of water through the pipe, and
can also lower the average value headloss.
From the results of simulations have been
done, that by changing the pipeline 65 mm
100 mm into the pipe 50 mm and 75 mm
Figure 4. 6 Comparison of average Headloss GWT 1
into the model proposed 2 looks to have
better results than the models proposed 1.
Which yields the average value of the water
debit of 1.63 litres/second, and the average
value of the headloss of 0.54 m, these
changes occur at the GWT 1. While in

Fihure 4. 7 Comparison of average Headloss GWT 2 GWT 2 also proposed two models who

Based on the graph in Figure 4.3 have average water debit i.e. 1.61 liters/sec

average comparison i.e. the headloss of and average better than headloss model

existing models, model proposals 1 and 2, proposal 1 as well as existing models. Thus,

the proposed model is obtained that the the purpose of this study has been achieved

proposed model 1 and model 2 have in the form of changing the diameter of the

proposed less than existing models of the pipe in the water distribution network in the

resulting loss to 0.99, model proposal 1 is region III Telkom University.

0.67 and proposed model 2 is 0.54 on GWT

1. Similarly, at the GWT 2 in Figure 4.4 Bibliography
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gotten smaller headloss value compared to
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