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5/18/2018 Splunk - aldeid

Description & Installation
What is Splunk? 1 Description & Installation
1.1 What is Splunk?
Splunk (the product) captures, indexes and correlates real-time data in a searchable repository from which it can 1.2 Installation
generate graphs, reports, alerts, dashboards and visualizations. 1.2.1 Install Splunk
1.2.2 Enable boot autostart
Installation 1.3 Configuration
1.3.1 Change default log retention
1.4 Upgrade Splunk
Install Splunk 2 Search examples
2.1 Unique values
$ cd /data/src/
2.2 Group by field
$ wget -O splunk-6.4.0-f2c836328108-Linux-x86_64.tgz ' 2.3 Top results
$ sudo tar xzf splunk-6.4.0-f2c836328108-Linux-x86_64.tgz -C /opt/ 2.4 Group by several fields
2.5 Add a sparkline to search results
2.6 Timechart
2.7 Select columns to show
Enable boot autostart 2.8 Merge 2 fields
2.9 Count by time
To enable boot-start: 3 Reports & Dashboards
3.1 Single Value
$ cd /opt/splunk/ 3.2 Column Chart
$ sudo bin/splunk enable boot-start 3.3 Cluster map
Init script installed at /etc/init.d/splunk.
Init script is configured to run at boot. 3.4 Scatter chart
3.5 Time selection
3.6 Form drilldown
If you have previously started splunk daemon, stop it: 4 Regular expressions
4.1 Squid
$ sudo bin/splunk stop 5 Advanced examples
Stopping splunkd... 6 Make your own app
Shutting down. Please wait, as this may take a few minutes.
... 6.1 Structure
Stopping splunk helpers... 6.2 Packing
6.2.1 Compressing
6.2.2 Publish your app
And restart it with systemctl :

$ sudo systemctl start splunk.service

Change default log retention

Log retention is set to 6 years by default. This setting is set under the frozenTimePeriodInSecs parameter in the /opt/splunk/etc/system/default/indexes.conf
configuration file ( index specific defaults section). To overwrite this value, you should create an indexes.conf configuration file in /opt/splunk/etc/system/local/ :

# echo "frozenTimePeriodInSecs = 7776000" >> /opt/splunk/etc/system/local/indexes.conf

Restart Splunk to apply the change:

$ sudo systemctl restart splunk

Upgrade Splunk
1. Backup your splunk $SPLUNK_HOME/etc directory.
2. Stop Splunk:

sudo systemctl stop splunk.service


$SPLUNK_HOME/bin/splunk stop

3. Confirm no other processes can start Splunk Enterprise automatically (e.g. systemctl, crontab, ...).
4. To upgrade and migrate from version 5.0 and later, install the Splunk Enterprise package over your existing deployment:

sudo tar xzvf splunk-6.4.2-00f5bb3fa822-Linux-x86_64.tgz -C /opt/ 1/12
5/18/2018 Splunk - aldeid
5. Execute the $SPLUNK_HOME/bin/splunk start command.
6. Splunk Enterprise displays a warning message informing that the upgrade process is about to start and asks you to confirm.
7. Choose whether or not you want to run the migration preview script to see proposed changes to your existing configuration files, or proceed with the migration and
upgrade right away. If you choose to view the expected changes, the script provides a list.
8. After you review these changes and are ready to proceed with migration and upgrade, run $SPLUNK_HOME/bin/splunk start again.

Note: You can complete Steps 5 to 7 in one line:

To accept the license and view the expected changes (answer 'n') before continuing the upgrade:

$SPLUNK_HOME/bin/splunk start --accept-license --answer-no

To accept the license and begin the upgrade without viewing the changes (answer 'y'):

$SPLUNK_HOME/bin/splunk start --accept-license --answer-yes

Search examples
Unique values

source="*suricata*" AND event_type="alert" | stats values(alert.signature)

Don't use the above request for populating inputs (e.g. dropdown) in dashboards. Rather the following request:

source="*suricata*" AND event_type="alert" | table alert.signature | dedup alert.signature

Group by field
source="*suricata*" AND event_type="alert" | stats count by alert.signature | sort -count 2/12
5/18/2018 Splunk - aldeid

Top results
Display count of alerts and percentage for each distinct src_ip (limited to 100 first results in the example)

source="*suricata*" AND event_type="alert" | top 100 src_ip

Group by several fields

source="*suricata*" | stats distinct_count(src_ip) AS src_ip,distinct_count(dest_ip) AS dest_ip,count by alert.signature,alert.category | sort -count

Add a sparkline to search results

source="*suricata*" | stats distinct_count(src_ip) AS src_ip,distinct_count(dest_ip) AS dest_ip,sparkline count by alert.signature,alert.category | sort -count 3/12
5/18/2018 Splunk - aldeid


source="*suricata*" AND event_type="alert" | timechart count by alert.signature

Select columns to show

source="*squid*" AND http_method!="CONNECT" | table _time, src_ip, url 4/12
5/18/2018 Splunk - aldeid

Merge 2 fields
The below example shows how you can merge 2 source IP addresses coming from 2 feeds using different names and filter them with CIDR notation:

sourcetype=* | eval src=coalesce(src_ip,clientip) | where cidrmatch("",src) | timechart count by src

Count by time
| stats count by _time
useful for charts (line, area, column)
| stats count by date_hour
count by hours

Reports & Dashboards

Single Value
source="*suricata*" event_type="alert" | timechart count 5/12
5/18/2018 Splunk - aldeid

Column Chart
source="*suricata*" event_type="alert" | timechart count by alert.category

Cluster map
Display the distribution of dest_ip implied in suricata events on a worldmap
source="*suricata*" | iplocation prefix=iploc_ dest_ip | geostats latfield=iploc_lat longfield=iploc_lon count 6/12
5/18/2018 Splunk - aldeid

Scatter chart
Show the distribution of user-agent length (info from squid proxy access.log in combined format)
sourcetype="access_combined" | eval length=len(useragent) | stats count by useragent, length | sort -length 7/12
5/18/2018 Splunk - aldeid

Time selection
To add a time picker to your dashboard:

Open your dashboard in edit mode ( Edit > Edit Panels )

Add a time selector ( Add input > Time ) and configure it (click on the pen icon) as follows:

Section Key Value

Label Time Range

Search on change checked

Token TimeRangePicker
Token Options
Default Today

On each widget that you would like to be automatically updated when the time range is changed, do as follows:

Go to Inline Search > Edit Search String

Set the Time Range Scope field to Shared Time Picker (TimeRangePicker)

Notice that if your widget has been added from an existing report ( Add Panel > New From Report ), you will need to clone it to an Inline Search first: 8/12
5/18/2018 Splunk - aldeid

Form drilldown
Let's create a dropdown list that contains Suricata signatures and a pie chart that shows the distribution of source IPs. We would like to automatically update the pie chart
when a new value is selected from the dropdown list:

To do that:

First open the dashboard in edit mode: Edit > Edit Panels
Then add a new input: Add input > Dropdown
Click on the pen icon of the input object to edit its properties: 9/12
5/18/2018 Splunk - aldeid

Section Key Value

Label signature
Search on Change checked

Token Options Token signature

Content type Inline Search

Search string table alert.signature | dedup alert.signature

Dynamic Options Time All Time

Field for label alert.signature

Field for value alert.signature

Now edit the pie chart widget ( Inline Search > Edit Search String ) and add the token (notice that the token name should be surrounded by $ ) to your search:

source="*suricata*" AND alert.signature="$signature$" | top 100 src_ip

Regular expressions
Below is the regular expression I wrote to parse squid access.log (combined):


Advanced examples
Youtube custom search command 10/12
5/18/2018 Splunk - aldeid
Table with expandable rows that show events associated + time picker to filter events
SDSIEM (opensource SIEM I'm working on)

Make your own app

Apps are stored in $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/ . The structure of an app is as follows:

├── appserver
│ └── static
│ ├── application.css
│ ├── appLogo_allblack.png
│ ├── expand_alerts.js
│ ├── loader.gif
│ └── splIcons.gif
├── bin
│ └── readme.txt
├── default
│ ├── app.conf
│ ├── data
│ │ └── ui
│ │ ├── nav
│ │ │ └── default.xml
│ │ └── views
│ │ ├── siem-dashboard-alerts.xml
│ │ ├── siem-dashboard-overview.xml
│ │ └── siem-dashboard-useragent.xml
│ ├── savedsearches.conf
│ └── viewstates.conf
├── local
└── metadata
├── default.meta
└── local.meta


Once you have finished organizing your files, you can compress your application as follows:

$ cd $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/
$ tar czf /data/mysplunkapps/appname.tgz appname/

Publish your app


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Thank you for your comprehension.

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Keywords: splunk 11/12
5/18/2018 Splunk - aldeid

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