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based on data from the ASEAN Tobacco Control Report in 2007, which states

that the number of smokers in ASEAN reached 124,691 million people and Indonesia contributed
the biggest smoker, which is 57,563 million or around 46.16 percent. In 2008,
The World Health Organization (WHO) has designated Indonesia as the third largest country
as a cigarette user. More than 60 million Indonesians experience
helplessness due to nicotine addiction to cigarettes, and death from consuming cigarettes
recorded more than 400 thousand every year

Smoking habits have been proven to be a cause of approximately 25 types

a disease that attacks various organs of the human body. These diseases are between
others are cancers of the mouth, esophagus, pharynx, larynx, lungs, pancreas, and bladder.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and various other lung diseases are also found
vascular disease. Especially if the smoking habit is added with
drink alcohol. Various scientific findings show that quitting habits
smoking is very good influence on preventing the occurrence of diseases that
previously described.

Smoking habits also have a bad influence on the habits of the individual, but will not affect the
formation of someone. The nature of cigarettes which causes addiction permanently that causes
smoking becomes something that is very difficult to eliminate. Habits Clean up to be more
selfish, this can be issued with smoking habits in public or in the public space. Smokers ignore
rules (norm) clean washing in public places. This habit is very detrimental the health of others
as other people as passive smokers is far more dangerous compared to active smokers. The
risk of planting disease is greater passive smoking because they have no filter to absorb all
cigarette smoke issued by active smokers

Cigarette smoking can be caused by several influences, including: 1)

the influence of parents, where one of the findings about adolescent smokers is that children
young people who come from unhappy households, where parents don't
pay attention to their children and provide harsh physical punishment, it will be easier
to become smokers compared to young people from the home environment
stairs that are happy because cigarettes are considered capable of eliminating their problems
facing. In addition, the habits of parents smoking in the home environment can also be
direct example for children to follow the lifestyle of their parents. 2) Influence
friends, where the teenage environment will have a huge influence
towards adolescent attitudes and behavior. 3) Personality factors, where people try to
smoking for reasons of curiosity, wanting to escape from pain, wanting to be free
yourself from boredom, or want to be considered a grown man. 4) Ad Influence, where
advertisements in mass media and electronics display images very clearly
that smokers are a symbol of virility and glamor, making teenagers often
triggered to follow the behavior in these advertisements (Baer & Corado in Atkinson, 1999)

Cigarette Compound Content

Tobacco can be made in cigarettes, chewed and inhaled. Nicotine and cigarette smoke will out
of tobacco in the process of smoking (inhaling) or chewing. On leaves which is still original,
nicotine is bound to organic acids and remains bound to the acid when the leaves dried slowly.
The content of the constituent compounds of cigarettes that can affecting the user is a stimulant
alkaloid group. The alkaloids contained in tobacco leaves include: nicotine, nicotirin, anabasin,
myosmin, and others. Nicotine is the most commonly found compound in cigarettes so that all
alkaloids are considered part of nicotine

Nicotine is a toxic alkaloid compound which is separated from tobacco and is

tertiary amine compounds with the empirical formula C10H14N2 and in organic chemistry as 1-
methyl-2-pyrolidine (3-pyridine). Nicotine in a pure colorless state, in the form of oil
volatile liquid, soluble in alcohol, ether and petroleum ether. Boil at temperature
246-247oC and freezes at temperatures below 80oC. at low temperatures, slightly smelling but
if it is heated it will produce steam which smells stimulating and will react with
air which is marked by changes in color to brown.

Nicotine is strongly alkaline and is in the form of non-ions so it can pass through nerve cell
membrane. The hard toxicity of nicotine can cause paralysis nerves and easily absorbed
through the skin. The average level of nicotine in tobacco ranges between 0.5-4%. Nicotine
levels in some types of tobacco in Indonesia range from 0.5- 2.5%. After the leaves reach
perfect (old) nicotine levels decrease. Water content which is high enough to cause nicotine
levels in the leaves that have been preserved and yield processed factories tend to decrease.
Reduced nicotine levels due to occurrence decomposition due to evaporation. Besides nicotine,
tobacco also contains carbohydrates, chlorophyll, organic acids, enzymes, minerals and metals.

In cigarette smoke contains three of the most dangerous chemicals, namely tar, nicotine, and
carbon monoxide. Tar or tobacco sap is a mixture of several substances hydrocarbons. Nicotine
is the largest component in cigarette smoke and is a substance additives. Carbon monoxide is a
toxic gas that has a strong affinity for hemoglobin in red blood cells to form carboxyhemoglobin.
Besides these three compounds, cigarette smoke also contain pyridine compounds, ammonia,
carbon dioxide, ketones, aldehydes, cadmium, nickel, zinc, and nitrogen oxides. At that level
different, all these substances are disturbing the slimy membrane contained in mouth and
respiratory tract. Cigarette smoke is acidic (pH 5.5), and nicotine is inside ion form but cannot
pass through the membrane quickly so it is on the lender membrane (mucosa) cheeks occur
nicotine absorption from cigarette smoke.

Smokers who use pipes, cigars, and various types of European cigarettes, sucking cigarette
smoke which is alkaline with pH 8.5, and nicotine inside cigarette smoke is not in the form of
ions so that it can be directly absorbed well by mouth.

Effect of Cigarettes on Human Health

As a result of poor smoking habits for health have been widely discussed. Research result
in the UK it shows that approximately 50% of smokers smoke since adolescence
will die due to diseases related to smoking.
Smoking habits have been shown to be associated with approximately 25 types of diseases from
various organs of the human body. The disease, among others: cancer of the mouth, esophagus,
pharynx, larynx, lung, pancreas, bladder, and vascular disease. That matter
also influenced by the habit of drinking alcohol and other factors. (Aditama, 1995).
Smoking is a cause of 87% of deaths from lung cancer. In women, cancer
the lung exceeds breast cancer which is a major cause of death
cancer. This is because in the last three decades, the number of women who have
smoking increases. Smoking today is also considered to be the cause
from pregnancy failure, increased infant mortality, and chronic gastric disease.
Smoking can interfere with normal lung work because hemoglobin is easier
bring carbon dioxide to form carboxyhemoglobin instead of carrying oxygen.
People who smoke a lot (active smokers) and people who smoke a lot of cigarette smoke
(passive smoking), can result in more lungs containing carbon monoxide
compared to oxygen so that the oxygen level in the blood is approximately 15% than the level
normal oxygen. The reactions that occur in the body are:
O2 + Hb HbO2

CO + Hb HbCO

Nicotine carried in the bloodstream can affect various parts of the body. Nicotine can accelerate
the heart rate (can reach 20 times faster in one minutes from normal conditions), lower the skin
temperature by one or two degrees because of narrowing of the arteries of the skin, and
causing the liver to release sugar into the flow blood. Nicotine has a major influence on the brain
and nervous system, it can also member calming influence. But nicotine is also an additive drug
or cause addiction. (Armstrong, 1982).

Smoking related diseases are diseases that are caused directly by smoking or exacerbated by
smoking. A disease causing the death of smokers, among others:

1. Coronary heart disease. Every year around 40,000 people in the UK are aged under 65 years die of a heart
attack and about three quarters of it the number of deaths is due to smoking habits. Smoking affects heart in
various ways. Smoking can increase blood pressure and accelerate heart rate so that supply of acid is less
than normal necessary for the heart to function properly. This situation can be burdensome the task of the
heart muscle. Smoking can also cause blood vessel walls to thicken gradually which makes it difficult for
the heart to pump blood.
2. Coronary thrombosis. Coronary thrombosis or heart attack occurs when a blood clot closes one of the main
blood vessels that supplies the heart to result the heart lacks blood and sometimes stops it altogether.
Smoke make the blood become thicker and easier to freeze. Nicotine can interferes with a normal and
regular heart rhythm so sudden death due to a heart attack without prior warning and is more common in
people who smoke than non-smokers.
3. Cancer. Cancer is a disease that occurs in several parts of the body due to cells grow multiply suddenly and
don't stop, sometimes cell clots destroyed and carried in the bloodstream to other parts of the body then the
same thing over and over again. Sudden cell growth can occur if cells are in part the body is aroused by
certain substances over a long period of time. This substance carcinogenic which means it produces cancer.
In tobacco tar there is a number of carcinogenic chemicals. In addition there are also a number of
ingredients co-carcinogenic chemistry that does not cause cancer if standing alone but reacts with other
chemicals and stimulates the growth of cancer cells. Most of the storage of tobacco tar occurs in the lungs
so that lung cancer is the most common type of cancer. Tobacco tar can cause cancer if it stimulates the
body for quite a long time, usually in the mouth area and throat
4. Bronchitis or inflammation of the throat branch. A cough that is suffered by smokers is known as name of
smoker cough which is an early sign of bronchitis that occurs because of the lungs are unable to release
mucus contained in the bronchi in a way normal. Mukus is a sticky liquid contained in a smooth tube, a
tube bronchial located in the lungs. This cough occurs because mucus catches up black powder and dust
from the air that is inhaled and prevents it from being clogging the lungs. Mukus along with all the dirt
moves through the tube bronchial with the help of fine hair called cilia. Silia continued to move wavy like
the tentacles that carry mucus out of the lungs toward throat. Cigarette smoke can slow ciliary movements
and after a period of time certain will damage it completely and cause more smokers cough to release
mucus. Because the respiratory system doesn't work perfectly, smokers are more likely
to suffer from pneumonia called bronchitis. Other lung diseases suffered by people with bronchitis
are called emphysema or difficulty breathing where part of the wall of the lungs is damaged. Damage to the
lung wall resulting in more difficult blood to take oxygen. The main cause of the disease emphysema is
breathing in polluted air. Cigarette smoke is air polluted sucked every day so that non-smokers can also
suffer from diseases this. Passive smokers who live at home with smokers are twice as susceptible lung
cancer than those who live in a smoke-free environment

Smoke that is exhaled during smoking can be divided into two, namely smoke main and side fumes. The
main smoke is part of the smoke of tobacco that is inhaled directly by smokers, while side smoke is tobacco
smoke spread into free air and can be inhaled by other people who are in the room same and known as
passive smoking. Of the thousands of types of chemicals contained inside cigarettes, 40 of them are
carcinogenic and have been identified as follows: benzo (a) pyrene, cadmium, nickel, zinc, carbon
monoxide, floor cleaning fluid, and nitrogen oxide, where there are many toxic substances present in side
fumes. Carbon five times more monoxide is present in side fumes, benzo (a) pyrene three times fold, and
ammonia fifty times the amount in side smoke. Ingredients it can last a few hours in the room after
smoking stopped. Therefore, cigarette smoke in the air can increase the risk the occurrence of heart disease.
(Mulyono, 1995).

Toxic ingredients contained in cigarette smoke are then inhaled by smokers and
removed from the tip of the cigarette which is burned or exhaled smokers have
influence on human health even though the toxicity is lower because of
dilution (dilution) in the air so that lung cancer is among healthy people who don't
smoking is the most serious result. Other diseases caused by smoke
cigarettes are an increase in respiratory tract infections, allergic symptoms, chest pain, headaches,
nausea, eye inflammation, and nose. Accidental exposure to ingredients
contained in cigarette smoke can affect the development of a pregnant woman's fetus
smokers and nursing mothers who smoke. Many of these ingredients are
can penetrate the placenta and reach the fetus, it can also affect breast milk.
The consequences of this exposure include: children born to die, miscarriages,
premature birth, low birth weight, and impaired child growth.

Cigarettes and character formation

According to the Director General of the Ministry of National Education, character is a way
thinking and behaving that characterizes each individual to live and cooperate,
both within the family, community, nation and state. Scientifically, formation
a person's attitude is influenced by several factors that are both organic and non-organic.
Organic factors are formed by genetic factors and the integrity of the workings of the organ systems
for example, the brain. A scientific research that examines the character description of the population
identical and non-identical twins explain the similarity of character descriptions
is evident in the population, so this study concludes that there is a factor influence
genetics to one's character formation. Likewise the relationship between
contribution of brain function to the process of character formation. Psychologists and
behavior explicitly describes that the formation of one's emotional status, which is
more or less coloring the type of character, is under feedback control
several different brain regions: the pre-frontal cortex, amygdala and hypocampus.
Meanwhile non-organic factors are mainly related to environmental factors where
someone is living.

If seen at a glance, the habit of smoking cigarettes in a certain period of time,

does not seem to have a very significant effect on character formation.
But if we again parse the important role of organic factors in character formation,
then it's not excessive if we draw one premise that everything is
affect the normal functioning of an organ, in this case the brain, eventually it will
affect the performance of these organs. For example, cigarettes contain compounds
nicotine which is toxic. One of the toxic effects that endanger human health
is the effect on the integrity of blood vessel structure, increasing viscosity
(thickness) of blood and become one of the risk factors for heart disease and
blood vessel. Studies in the field of neuroscience say that brain function is very
depends on the quality and quantity of blood supply in the active brain region.
One study using the brain imaging method shows the occurrence
increased blood flow in the prefrontal cortex region (center of sublime function regulation
and moral judgment) when someone is thinking and trying to judge well
the bad one action will be done, and vice versa. Thus, if it occurs
disorders of blood vessels and / or blood cells, directly or
Will not directly affect the quality of work of the cerebral vascular system and
finally it will affect the work of the brain as a whole.

Some other effects that can arise from smoking habits include:

1. Wrinkled face, smoking can reduce the flow of oxygen and nutrients needed by cells facial skin by
narrowing the blood vessels around the face so that it can
causing wrinkled faces.
2. Spots and bad breath, particles from cigarettes can give yellow spots
to chocolate on the teeth, this will also cause odor-producing bacteria to be
trapped. In addition, abnormalities in the gums and tooth loss will also occur more frequently
in smokers.

3. The environment will be smelly, cigarettes have an unpleasant odor and

can stick to everything, from skin, hair, clothing, to goods
around you
4. Being a bad example for children, children's habits to make parents for example in his
life causes children to follow and become addicted to seeing his parents
5. Being a gateway to drug use, nicotine has the properties of affecting the brain
which is the same as the effect on illegal drugs. In the order of addictive traits
(addicted), nicotine is more addictive than alcohol, and caffeine
so that it will open up more opportunities for the use of illegal drugs in the past
will come.


The formation of human character is influenced by organic factors and non-organic factors, where organic
factors are formed by genetic factors and the work integrity of the body's organ systems for example, the
brain. While non-organic factors are related to environmental factors where someone lives. The habit of
smoking cigarettes can have a bad influence for health and also the formation of human character
because of one of its main effects is addictive which causes dependence and causes humans become
more selfish by allowing smoking in public and harming healthother people. Cigarette smoking can also be
overcome by stopping
the effect of turning cigarettes and providing special provisions for smokers to refuse wishes

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