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Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete Arches

with Externally Bonded Composite Materials:

Testing and Analysis
Ehab Hamed 1; Zhen-Tian Chang 2; and Oded Rabinovitch 3
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Abstract: An experimental and analytical study that includes testing to failure of fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) strengthened medium-
scaled reinforced concrete shallow arches and the application of a specially tailored high-order finite element for their analysis is presented.
Three arches are tested. One is used as a control arch, whereas the other two are strengthened with externally bonded FRP strips in different
patterns. The loading system includes six nonsymmetric vertical point loads equally spaced along the arch. The theoretical study is based on a
multilayered finite-element approach, which accounts for the deformability of the adhesive layer and its shear and radial normal (through the
thickness) stiffness. The arch is modeled as a polygon that consists of inclined specially tailored high-order finite elements. The results show
that applying the FRP strips leads to an increase of about 40% in the failure load of the arch, changes to the cracking pattern, and a significant
increase in deflection capacity. Edge debonding of the FRP strip is observed during the test but without causing total failure of the arch. The
ability of the theoretical model to describe the overall structural response, the stress transfer mechanism in the strengthened arch, and the
interfacial stresses and the local stress concentrations near irregular points are also demonstrated. Together they throw light on the behavior of
the FRP-strengthened arch and on the evolution of its failure mechanism. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)CC.1943-5614.0000495. © 2014 American
Society of Civil Engineers.
Author keywords: Arches; Composite materials; Concrete; Fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP); Strengthening.

Introduction Externally bonded composite materials in the form of fiber-

reinforced polymers (FRPs) are being used in recent years for
Reinforced concrete (RC) arches can be found in many structures, the strengthening of concrete and masonry structures, with many
but they have been mainly used historically in bridge constructions applications being reported worldwide. The ongoing research in
because of the superiority of the arch shape that allows spanning this field points in favor of using this strengthening technique also
over large distances. In most cases, the arch is built with spandrel for RC arches. In addition to its general advantages over other tradi-
columns, and it is designed to act largely in compression under tional strengthening techniques, this strengthening system in par-
symmetric vertical loads. Nevertheless, because of the many non- ticular is attractive for RC arches because it can easily follow the
symmetric actions that induce significant bending in the arch, many curved geometry of the arch. If access is available, which is typ-
of the existing arch bridges suffer from structural deteriorations in ically the case in arch bridges, FRP can be used to strengthen both
the form of cracks and corrosion (Zanardo et al. 2004; Avossa et al. faces of the arch. By means of this advantage, this technique can
2008; Dym and Williams 2011). The nonsymmetric actions mainly easily follow the bending moment diagram (potential tension at
include high levels of nonuniform traffic conditions, settlement of both faces) and can provide anchoring to the FRP at the edges
supports, seismic actions, construction errors, and fatigue under re- by wrapping composite sheets around the arch section.
peated loads. These effects may also be combined with aggressive Many theoretical and experimental studies were devoted to
environmental effects. Therefore, retrofitting of such arch bridges is investigate the behavior of RC beams that are strengthened with
required to increase their service life and to provide them with the externally bonded FRP (Bakis et al. 2002; Rizkalla et al. 2003;
required level of safety. Teng et al. 2003). Despite the experimentally proved advantages
of using FRP for the strengthening of RC beams, very few appli-
cations or experimental investigations of using FRP for the repair
Senior Lecturer, Center for Infrastructure Engineering and Safety, and strengthening of RC arches could be found (Zanardo et al.
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Univ. of New South 2004). The curved geometry of the arch, its load resistance mecha-
Wales, Univ. of New South Wales Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia nism (combined membrane and flexural actions), cracking pattern,
(corresponding author). E-mail: and failure mechanisms highlight the need for an experimental
Senior Research Fellow, Center for Infrastructure Engineering investigation of using FRP for the strengthening of RC arches.
and Safety, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Univ. This is because both experimental findings and theoretical models
of New South Wales, Univ. of New South Wales Sydney, NSW 2052, for FRP-strengthened RC beams cannot be directly applied to RC
Australia. arches because they are specific to the flat geometry of the beam
Professor, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Technion-
and its flexural action which are different in arches. Nevertheless,
Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa 32000, Israel.
Note. This manuscript was submitted on December 3, 2013; approved applications and research have been widely conducted on masonry
on April 8, 2014; published online on June 16, 2014. Discussion period arches with clear advantages of this technique over others and
open until November 16, 2014; separate discussions must be submitted with significant improvement of the structural performance (Borri
for individual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Composites et al. 2011; Tao et al. 2011; Rovero et al. 2013). Despite the
for Construction, © ASCE, ISSN 1090-0268/04014031(15)/$25.00. substantial difference between the behavior of RC arches to that

© ASCE 04014031-1 J. Compos. Constr.

J. Compos. Constr., 2015, 19(1): 04014031

of unreinforced masonry arches, the physical phenomena that were rigid block approach. This approach cannot be directly applied
observed in the testing and analysis of strengthened masonry arches to the analysis of RC arches. Using similar approaches, Rovero et al.
are outlined below because some of these phenomena are likely to (2013) theoretically and experimentally investigated the behavior
occur in strengthened RC arches as well (Valluzzi et al. 2001; of strengthened masonry arches under horizontal forces. The results
Foraboschi 2004; Elmalich and Rabinovitch 2010). These include showed that increasing the overall carbon-fiber-reinforced polymer
cracking and crushing of the substrate, detachment of the strength- (CFRP) length leads to an increase in the collapse load but a
ening system, and buckling or rupture of the FRP strips. Unlike decrease in the displacement capacity. Other studies also focused
masonry arches, RC arches are typically shallow ones with a on the overall global blast analysis of retrofitted arches (Nam
span-to-rise ratio of about 5–10 (Dym and Williams 2011). In such et al. 2009).
configurations, buckling and geometrical nonlinearities that are An analytical model for the stress analysis of FRP-strengthened
sensitive to geometric imperfections become critical aspects of monolithic arches was presented by Elmalich and Rabinovitch
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the structural behavior. Therefore, the role of the FRP strips in such (2009b). This model describes the high-order stress field through
strengthened RC arches is mainly to minimize the influences of the depth of the adhesive layer and the corresponding local behav-
geometric imperfections and to restrain/delay severe cracking ior through a set of differential equations. The extension of such
and failure as a result of nonsymmetric loading. These aspects analytical solution to the nonlinear case and to the general analysis
and the potential physical phenomena mentioned above set the of large arches with various segments (strengthened on the intrados,
challenges to be met by the analysis and design of strengthened or the extrados, unstrengthened segments) is somewhat problem-
RC arches. atic. Conversely, the use of standard finite-element (FE) modeling
The literature survey reveals that there are only few reported test of the FRP-strengthened arch (by itself or as an alternative to the
results, even for unstrengthened RC arches. Zhang et al. (2007) analytical modeling) is also problematic and challenging. This is
tested two arch ribs taken from a 28-year old bridge under service mainly because of the extensive computational efforts required with
and highlighted the sensitivity of the behavior to the initial cracks, at least 2 or 3 elements through the thickness of the adhesive layer
corrosion, and geometric imperfections. Other tests on an existing for capturing the localized effects in terms of stress concentrations
railway arch bridge were conducted by Marefat et al. (2004). near the edges and other irregular points along the structure. In
Opposed to the limited information on RC arches, many experi- many cases, FE analysis is negatively affected by the free-edge
mental studies were reported in the literature regarding masonry boundary conditions, whereas the normal stresses at the edge of
arches that are strengthened with externally bonded composite the adhesive interfaces tend to diverge (Rabinovitch and Frostig
materials (e.g., Foraboschi 2004; Borri et al. 2011; Tao et al.
2000; Teng et al. 2002; Hamed and Rabinovitch 2007; Yang
2011; Rovero et al. 2013). In these studies, it was mainly observed
and Ye 2010). In an attempt to overcome these obstacles, a spe-
that FRP strengthening restrained flexural crack opening in the ma-
cially tailored finite element for the analysis of layered curved
sonry and prevented a four-hinge collapse mechanism. Instead,
structures was developed by Elmalich and Rabinovitch (2009a)
failure occurred when the FRP debonded from the masonry adja-
based on the analytical model of Elmalich and Rabinovitch
cent to an existing intrados hinge crack or by material failure in
(2009b). In Elmalich and Rabinovitch (2010), the model was fur-
terms of crushing of the masonry units. Yuan and Li (2010) exper-
ther extended for the nonlinear analysis of masonry arches. This
imentally and theoretically investigated the spalling and debonding
model combined the advantages of the FE method with the ability
behavior in FRP-strengthened concrete members with curved
to describe the local behavior near irregular points. Yet, the high-
surface. As expected, the results showed a strong dependency of
the peeling load upon the radius of curvature. order formulation in the framework of a polar coordinate system
Analytical models for the stress analysis of general strengthened led to stress and displacement fields that have the shape of natural
arches can be found, for example, in Valluzzi et al. (2001) and logarithm functions (ln) through the depth of the adhesive layer.
Chen (2002). In these models, a linear strain distribution through This introduces more than a few computational difficulties to
the entire depth of the strengthened cross section is assumed. the analysis, somewhat complicates the efficient assessment of the
This approach is suitable for describing the global response of Jacobian matrix and the residual vector, and negatively affects the
the arch, but it does not take into account the influence of the computational efficiency of the model.
adhesive interfacial stresses on the localized response of stress The main aim of this paper is to experimentally and theoretically
concentrations near the edges of the adhesive. The latter aspect investigate the behavior of RC arches that are strengthened with
is particularly important, mainly because of its tendency to initiate externally bonded composite materials. An experimental study that
FRP debonding failures. De Lorenzis and Zavarise (2009) theoreti- includes loading to failure of three medium-scaled RC arches (one
cally investigated the interfacial stress distribution and the debond- control and two strengthened with FRP) is conducted. In addition, a
ing mechanisms in curved members with bonded thin plates. Yet, physical model that is based on the use of straight multilayered FE
both the normal and tangential interfacial stresses were considered modeling approach is developed. The multilayered high-order
uniform through the thickness of the adhesive, and the geometrical straight FE was developed in Rabinovitch and Madah (2012a)
nonlinearity was not accounted for. Wang and Zhang (2010) for the dynamic analysis of flat strengthened masonry walls.
developed a three-parameter elastic foundation model for estimat- The modeling approach takes advantage of the versatility of the FE
ing the interfacial stresses in FRP-strengthened curved beams. method and at the same time, enables the description of the local-
This model divided the adhesive layer into two parts and assumed ized effects (stress concentrations) near irregular points without
that the normal stresses are constant through the upper and lower significant computational effort and without meshing through
parts of the layer. the thickness. Based on this approach, the arch is modeled as a
Limit state analyses of strengthened masonry arches are polygon with a sufficient number of inclined flat elements that
found in Caporale et al. (2012) and Briccoli Bati et al. (2013). closely match the geometry of the arch and its curvature. Using
Drosopoulos et al. (2007) developed a unilateral contact-friction this simplified modeling approach, the arch is modeled in the global
finite- element model for the limit state analysis of masonry arches. Cartesian coordinate system and the numerical difficulties stem-
These models are based on the brittle response and the geometric ming from the logarithmic patterns of the closed-form polar
configuration of the masonry arch (mortar/brick) by means of a displacement fields are eliminated.

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J. Compos. Constr., 2015, 19(1): 04014031

Experimental Program used to distribute the load from each jack to the arch at two points
through two spandrel columns via pinned supports. Fig. 2(a) shows
The tested RC arches and the loading scheme are illustrated in a picture of one of the arches under loading.
Fig. 1. All arches have a constant radius of curvature of Arch A1 is the control specimen, which was tested without
4,098 mm with a rise of 600 mm (measured from the centerline). strengthening. Arch A2 was strengthened with CFRP strips located
The rectangular cross-section of the arch is 300 mm wide and at the center of the arch width on the intrados and extrados. FRP
80 mm deep. The rise-to-span ratio, thickness-to-radius ratio, plates were preferred over sheets because their application provides
and thickness-to-span ratio of the arch were chosen to fall within a better quality control, and they are easier to be applied on site.
a range of typical values reported from existing RC arches Further, the flexural stiffness of the plates provides an advantage
(Billington 1979; Dym and Williams 2011; Salonga and Gauvreau over impregnated sheets, especially for application at the intrados
2014). Each arch has six short spandrel columns cast together with of the arch. The locations of the strips follow the bending moment
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the arch. These rectangular columns have the same width (300 mm) diagram that results from the nonsymmetric loading but maintain a
as the arch, and their depth is 100 mm. The cross-section of the symmetric strengthening pattern. The CFRP strips are 100 mm
arches contains six longitudinal round steel bars of 6 mm in diam- wide and 1.2 mm thick. These values were chosen to approximately
eter and 4 mm steel wire stirrups at 100 mm spacing along the arch match the amount of internal tensioned steel reinforcement. The
and at 50 mm spacing within 100 mm of each side of the spandrel strips were discontinued at the edges of the spandrel columns. Arch
columns. The thickness of the concrete cover layer is 10 mm. A3 was strengthened with the same pattern as A2, but to avoid pre-
Because of the lack of specific guidelines for RC arches and based mature debonding, it includes anchoring of the strip ends with an
on the beam-column behavior of the arch under the combined 80 mm wide CFRP fabric wrap system. To maintain a continuity of
action of flexure and membrane compression, the amount of the force carried by the CFRP strips at the critical sections, narrow
reinforcement was taken between the minimum reinforcement CFRP strips (70 mm wide, 400 mm long, and 1.2 mm thick) were
required in columns and the minimum required in beams. bonded on both sides of the arch at the locations of the spandrel
Under a symmetric loading scheme, the arch acts mainly in columns that are subjected to the reduced load (0.7P). These addi-
compression and the effectiveness of the bonded FRP can be tional CFRP components are also shown in Fig. 1. This additional
relatively small. Strengthening of the arch in such cases might strengthening pattern was designed following the results observed
be needed to avoid any future damage because of unexpected load, in testing of arch A2, where a significant crack developed at the left
which is unlike the case for RC beams where cracks would nor- column-arch joint line.
mally exist before the application of the FRP. However, to inves- The arches were pin supported at both ends as shown in the de-
tigate the behavior of the arch affected by uneven loads and tail provided in Fig. 1. The end supporting system was connected to
geometric imperfections, the arches were loaded under a nonsym- a steel channel that was anchored to the floor at the left end of the
metric pattern with the magnitude of two-point loads designed to be arch but left free at the right end. To restrain the horizontal displace-
approximately 70% of the magnitude of the other four. The non- ment at the supports, two 60 mm diameter steel bars were used to
symmetric loading is shown in Fig. 1. The loads were applied syn- connect the two supports. The connection detail uses threaded nuts.
chronously using three hydraulic jacks under the same oil pressure The length of each bar is 4,960 mm. This includes a 4,460 mm long
and through specially designed loading frames that are anchored to part with a diameter of 60 mm and two 250 mm long threaded ends
the structural floor. A universal steel I-beam (150 UC 23.4) was with a diameter of 39 mm.

Fig. 1. Experimental setup: geometry, loading, and supporting conditions (all dimensions are in mm)

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Fig. 2. Sensing and monitoring devices for the control arch A1; (a) control arch under testing; (b) displacement laser sensors and digital linear strain
conversion transducers; (c) strain gauges on the concrete surfaces; (d) strain gauges bonded to the steel reinforcement (all dimensions are in mm)
(images by authors)

Figs. 2(b–d) show the strain gauges and the monitoring devices. and Madah (2012a). This FE, which is based on the high- order
The vertical displacements of all arches were measured by six modeling approach, is modified here for the analysis of the
laser displacement sensors (La-1 to La-6) and five digital linear FRP-strengthened arches. The high- order modeling approach
strain conversion transducers (Ls-1 to Ls-5) at five points symmet- and its tailored FE modeling were validated in a spectrum of studies
rically located along the arch as shown in Fig. 2(b). In addition, through comparison with experimental, analytical, and standard
six digital linear strain conversion transducers (Ls-6 to Ls-11) were finite-element results obtained for RC beams, steel beams, and ma-
set at the two supports to measure any potential horizontal or sonry structures (e.g., Rabinovitch and Frostig 2000, 2003; Hamed
vertical movements. Three load cells (LC-1 to LC-3) were used and Rabinovitch 2007, 2010; Czaderski and Rabinovitch 2010;
to measure the loads at the locations shown in Fig. 2(b). The strains Rabinovitch and Madah 2012b; Elmalich and Rabinovitch 2010,
were measured with a total of 40 strain gauges, 18 of which 2012). This spectrum of analytical, numerical, and experimental
(SG-C1 to SG-C18) were mounted on the concrete or CFRP comparisons demonstrate the validity and highlight the reliability
surface at the locations shown in Fig. 2(c). The other 22 were of this modeling approach.
mounted on the steel reinforcements before casting (SG-S1 to The arch is modeled as a polygon made of an assembly of
SG-S16) and on the steel tie bars (SG-S17 to SG-S22) as shown inclined straight segments that match the geometry of the arch.
in Fig. 2(d). For completeness and clarity, the main modeling approach and
All three arches and all specimens needed for material testing the assumptions that are used in the derivation of the basic FE
were cast using a commercial ready-mixed concrete. After casting, are briefly discussed in the subsequent section. The model is used
the arches and the specimens were covered with wet hessian and to quantify and describe the structural response and the stress
plastic sheets. They were kept moist in moulds for 14 days before transfer mechanism between the RC arch and the FRP strengthen-
stripped from the formworks. Then, they were stored at the ing system, but without reference to the failure behavior of
laboratory ambient condition until testing of the arches, starting the arch.
at the age of 46 days. The material properties of the concrete, steel,
adhesive, and CFRP strips appear in Table 1. The properties of the
CFRP and adhesive are based on the materials’ manufacturer. Table 1. Mechanical Properties of the Materials
The properties of the concrete and steel were experimentally mea-
sured according to Australia Standards AS1012 (SAA 1993) and Elastic Shear Tensile Compressive
modulus modulus strength strength
AS1391 (SAA 2007), respectively.
Material (GPa) (GPa) (MPa) (MPa)
Concrete 27.8 11.88 3.6 44
High-Order Finite-Element Model Epoxy adhesive 11.5 4.42 33.7 —
CFRP strip 159.5 7.98 2,695 —
The numerical analysis uses the specially tailored FE approach de- Steel 207 — 540 —
veloped for straight FRP- strengthened wall panels in Rabinovitch

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J. Compos. Constr., 2015, 19(1): 04014031

Assumptions [indicated by qz̄ and nx̄ , respectively, in Fig. 3(a)] are applied to
the RC arch only and that the stress and displacement fields are
Figs. 3(a–c) show the sign conventions of the high-order modeling uniform through the width of each component.
approach. The sign convention refers to the local Cartesian coor-
dinate system (x̄, z̄) of a segment taken out of the polygonal
approximation of the arch. Fig. 3(d) shows the specially tailored Mathematical Formulation
FE in its inclined position and its transformation to the global
coordinate system (x; z). The element combines five layers that in- Following the modeling assumptions mentioned above, N ix̄ x̄ ; V ixx ,
clude two FRP layers (indicated by subscripts or superscripts frp1 and M ix̄ x̄ (i ¼ frp1; frp2 or c) stand for the axial force, shear
and frp2), two adhesive layers (indicated by subscripts or super- force, and bending moment, respectively, in the FRP strips and
scripts a1 and a2), and the RC member (indicated by subscripts or the RC arch [Fig. 3(c)]; σjz̄ z̄ and τ jx̄ z̄ (j ¼ a1 or a2) stand for
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superscripts c). The two FRP strips are modeled using first-order the out-of-plane normal stresses and the shear stresses, respectively,
shear deformation beam theory (Timoshenko beams) with an in the adhesive layers; u0i , wi , ϕi (i ¼ frp1, frp2 or c) are the in-
intermediate class of deformations (large deflections, moderate ro- plane displacement, out-of-plane displacement, and rotation of the
tations, small strains). They are also assumed linear elastic and their cross-sections, respectively, of the FRP strips and the RC member,
constitutive behavior is governed by the classical lamination theory. whereas uaj and waj (j ¼ 1 or 2) are the in-plane and out-of-plane
The RC layer is modeled using the first-order Timoshenko beam displacements, respectively, of the adhesive layers [Fig. 3(a)].
theory with large deflections, moderate rotations, and small strains. Based on the high-order modeling approach (Rabinovitch and
A linear elastic behavior is assumed for the RC arch. Frostig 2000), the out-of-plane and the in-plane displacements of
The FRP layers are attached to the RC member using adhesive the adhesive layer are assumed to take parabolic and cubic poly-
layers. These layers are modeled as 2D elastic media that resist nomial forms, respectively, as follows:
shear and out-of-plane (through the thickness or radial, in the con-    2
text of the arch geometry) normal stresses. Their in-plane rigidities, z̄aj z̄aj
waj ðx̄; z̄aj Þ ¼ w0j ðx̄Þ þ w1j ðx̄Þ þ w2j ðx̄Þ ð1Þ
which by means of the polygon approximation reflect the tangential caj caj
rigidities, are significantly lower (in the order of 10–1,000 times
smaller) than those of the adjacent components (RC arch and    2
z̄aj z̄aj
FRP). Therefore, they are neglected (Rabinovitch and Frostig uaj ðx̄; z̄aj Þ ¼ u0j ðx̄Þ þ u1j ðx̄Þ þ u2j ðx̄Þ
2000). Note that the in-plane rigidity of the adhesive depends caj caj
on both its thickness and its modulus of elasticity. For most z̄aj
þ u3j ðx̄Þ ð2Þ
FRP strengthening systems, the former is significantly smaller than caj
the thickness of a typical RC member and the latter is significantly
smaller than the modulus of the FRP. The modeling of the adhesive where j ¼ 1 for the upper adhesive layer and j ¼ 2 for the lower
layers assumes that the material is linear and that the strains are adhesive layer as shown in Fig. 3; wkj (x̄) and ukj (x̄) (k ¼ 0, 1, 2, 3,
small. The deformations may be large but mainly because of a rigid j ¼ 1; 2) are unknown functions of x̄ only; z̄aj are the out-of-plane
body component involved with the global deformation of the arch. coordinates of the adhesive layers that are measured from the
It is also assumed that the external transverse and axial loads midthickness of each layer; and caj is the thickness of each layer,

frp1 s
frp1 M xx frpx1
V xx Nx
u 0frp1 /2)
nx RP a1 (x,-c a1
w rp1
z rp1, f er F
Upp trip a1 (x,-c a1/
2) τ xz d16,d14 d 12
ua1 f
qz S σz d14
z a1,wa
1 z
e /2) d 13
x u 0c
, esiv a1 (x,c a1
ua2 r Adher /2) τ xz
d15 d17
,w c u 0frp2 pe a1 x,c a1
w rp2 Up Lay σ zz( c d3,d 3 d 1 d18
d 15
z r 2, f
f p M xx c d1
z a2,wa
N xx d2 d21,d18 d 16
(a) d2 d19
c d4
Cross-Section crete Vxx d4 d 17
Con ber d20
bfrp1 Mem /2) d5 θ
h frp1 a2 (x,-c a2 d 22
ca1 /2) τxz d8,d 7 d 5
d6 d 19
a2 (x,-c a2 d23
A's σzz
d6 d26,d22 d 20
a2 (x,c a2 d7
As hc ve
τxz frp2 x d24
i d9
dhes /2) M xx frp2
d 21
ower A er σ zz
a2 (x,c a2 N xx x d8 d25
ca2 L Lay d 10
bfrp2 frp2 d13,d11 d d
hfrp2 9
RP Vxx θ
bc er F z 11
Low trip z d 10
S d 12
(c) (d)

Fig. 3. Notation and sign convention: (a) deformations and coordinate system; (b) cross section; (c) stress resultants; (d) degrees of freedom in the
local and global coordinate systems

© ASCE 04014031-5 J. Compos. Constr.

J. Compos. Constr., 2015, 19(1): 04014031

respectively. The displacement field of the upper FRP layer, the RC The analysis of the arch is conducted in the global Cartesian
layer, and the lower FRP layer take the following form: coordinate system (x; z). To do so, the elemental degrees of free-
dom are transformed from the local coordinate system into the
wi ðx̄; z̄i Þ ¼ wi ðx̄Þ ð3Þ global one. This leads to an inclined element with 26 degrees of
freedom (DOF) (denoted by di, i ¼ 1; : : : ; 26) in the global coor-
ui ðx̄; z̄i Þ ¼ u0i ðx̄Þ − z̄i ϕi ðx̄Þ ð4Þ dinate system as shown in Fig. 3(d). The relation between the local
DOF and the global ones is given by
where i ¼ frp1; frp2, or c and z̄i is measured from the reference
axis in each layer (Fig 1). d̄ ¼ Cd ð10Þ
The displacement fields of the adhesive layer include 14 un-
known functions (7 for each layer) that need to be determined. where C is a 22 by 26 transformation matrix that takes this form
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Eight out of the 14 unknown functions are determined by means  

B 011×13
of the compatibility of the in-plane and out-of-plane displacements C¼ ð11Þ
at the interfaces of the adhesive layers and the adjacent compo- 011×13 B
nents. Four of the remaining six unknown functions are determined
by introducing the displacement fields into the variational principle where 0 is a zero matrix with the subscript dimension, and the
and by applying the basic lemma of the calculus of variations matrix B takes this form
(see Rabinovitch and Madah 2012a for more details). This pro- 2 ca ··· ··· ··· ··· 3
cedure leaves only two functions (w01 and w02 ) out of the 14
6 ··· ··· 7
that remain as unknowns. Along with the three unknown displace- 6 cb ··· 01×2 7
ment functions of each FRP layer and the three unknown displace- 6 7
6 ··· ··· ca ··· ··· 7
7 ð12Þ
ment functions of the RC layer [wi ðx̄Þ, uoi ðx̄Þ, and ϕi ðx̄Þ, 6 7
i ¼ frp1; frp2; c], the total number of unknown displacements 4 ··· 01×2 ··· cb ··· 5
is 11. Note that the above displacement fields differ from the ones ··· ··· ··· ··· ca
given in Elmalich and Rabinovitch (2009a, 2010). They avoid the
use of the polar coordinate representation and the logarithmic The matrixes ca and cb are given as follows, while the rest of
kinematics, and simplify the formulation. the terms are zero:
Applying the FE approximation of the displacements at the
2 3
element level in its local coordinate system leads to λx λy 0
X 6 7
vi ≈ vhi ¼ N A ðx̄Þd̄A ð5Þ ca ¼ 4 −λy λx 0 5 ð13Þ
A∈Svi 0 0 1
δvi ≈ δvhi ¼ N A ðx̄Þδd̄A ð6Þ cb ¼ ½ λy λx  ð14Þ
where λx ¼ cosðθÞ; λy ¼ sinðθÞ; and θ = angle of the inclined
where d̄A = generalized unknown displacements; δ d̄A = virtual dis- element that is measured positive in the clockwise direction
placements; N A (x̄) = shape functions; vi = ith term of the unknown [Fig. 3(d)].
displacement vector The original (basic) element derived in Rabinovitch and Madah
(2012a) includes 22 global DOF whereas the inclined element
v ¼ ½u0frp1 ; u0c ; u0frp2 ; wfrp1 ; wc ; wfrp2 ; ϕfrp1 ; ϕc ; ϕfrp2 ; w01 ; w02 T
derived here includes 26 DOF. This is attributed to the unique
ð7Þ behavior of the adhesive layers and to their negligible in-plane stiff-
ness. In the basic reference layout, where all elements are parallel to
and Svi = group of shape functions that correspond to the unknown the x̄ direction, each adhesive layer includes only one DOF that
function vi . Introducing the FE into the variational principle corresponds to the out-of-plane displacement at the middle of
(Rabinovitch and Madah 2012a) and applying the basic lemma the adhesive [w01 (x̄) or w02 (x̄)]. Since the stiffness of the adhesive
of the calculus of variations yields the following nonlinear set of layer in the longitudinal direction is neglected, such formulation
algebraic equations in terms of the unknown displacements at the does not include longitudinal DOF. In the global framework of
element level: an inclined element, the vertical DOF (which is associated with
ḡe ðd̄e Þ ¼ 0 ð8Þ a stiffness term) and the degenerated longitudinal DOF (which
is not associated with a stiffness term) are converted into two global
where ḡe = set of nonlinear functions of the unknown displace- components that correspond to the global x and z directions. There-
ments d̄e . The formulation uses the simplest linear (tent) shape fore, in the framework of the 2D topology, the element includes
functions for all 11 unknowns as follows: 26 DOF.
 The set ge is evaluated at the element level, and it is then trans-
N i ¼ 1 − ðx̄ − x̄e Þ=le formed into the global coordinate system and assembled to yield a
for x̄ ∈ ½x̄e ; x̄e þ le  ð9Þ global nonlinear set g as follows:
N j ¼ ðx̄ − x̄e Þ=le

where x̄e = coordinate of the left end of the element; le = length of gðdÞ ¼ 0 ð15Þ
the element; N i corresponds to the left (ith) node; N j corresponds
to the right (jth) node, and the terms left or right refer to the local- gðdÞ ¼ Ae ½CTe · ḡe ðd̄e Þ ð16Þ
ized coordinate system. The element includes 22 degrees of free-
dom (denoted by d̄i, i ¼ 1–22) in its own coordinate system (x̄; z̄) where Ae = assembly operator. The boundary conditions are
as shown in Fig. 3(d). introduced by replacing the Ath equation in Eq. (15) with

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J. Compos. Constr., 2015, 19(1): 04014031

dA − d̂A ¼ 0 ð17Þ Results and Discussion

The experimental results are presented and discussed here along

where d̂A = prescribed displacement. with the results of the theoretical model. The analysis models
The nonlinear equations [Eq. (15)] are solved using the Newton the arch as a polygon with 1,200 segments and uses 1,200 elements,
method, for which each element with a different θ. In all cases studied here, the num-
ber of segments and elements was determined after a convergence
  −1 study. A pin boundary condition (with zero vertical and horizontal
dn ¼ dn−1 − · gðdn−1 Þ displacements) is implemented at the left end of the arch. The right
∂d d¼dn−1 end is modeled with a horizontal spring that introduces the axial
¼ dn−1 − ½KðdÞjd¼dn−1 −1 · gðdn−1 Þ ð18Þ rigidity of the steel bars and a roller with zero vertical displacement.
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The calculation of the spring stiffness is based on the equivalent

axial rigidity of the bars, which accounts for the variable diameter
where n = number of Newton iteration, and K = Jacobian through their length. The mechanical properties used for the analy-
(tangent) matrix, which is evaluated at the element level and then sis are taken from Table 1, and the thickness of the adhesive layer is
transformed into the global coordinate system and assembled as taken as 2.0 mm based on the actual thickness measured in the
tested arches.
In general, the response of curved structures and especially shal-
∂gðdÞ ∂g ðd̄e Þ low ones is very sensitive to any geometric imperfections, local
KðdÞ ¼ ¼ Ae CTe · e e · Ce ð19Þ defects, small changes to the loading pattern, cracking, or lack
∂d ∂ d̄
of homogeneity of the materials involved. Therefore, the analysis
of such structures must take into account different reasonable im-
The formulation presented above focuses only on inclined perfections, and it should account for the potential nonlinear physi-
elements with five layers. Yet, the strengthened RC arch may also cal behavior of the materials. In the light of that, the analysis
include regions that are strengthened only at the intrados or the ex- conducted here considers three different scenarios, which aim to
trados. These elements and the one of the unstrengthened regions show and to investigate the sensitivity of the structural response
that include only 6 DOF per element are developed by following to imperfections and to cracking in an approximate way. The first
the steps of the formulation presented above. one (case I) assumes a perfect arch as shown in Fig. 1 with a linear
The FE model developed here can be easily implemented as a elastic material behavior. The second scenario (case II) considers an
subroutine in most FE packages that allow access to the code or in imperfect loading pattern, which takes into account small changes
basic in-house FE codes. In this study, a general in-house code was to the magnitudes of the applied loads. This effect is inspired by the
developed using MATLAB, which can also be used to analyse other experimental results, where it has been observed that the ratio be-
curved FRP-strengthened members and any strengthened frame tween the loads measured by the load cells slightly deviated from
structure. Despite being a materially linear FE, cracking and the designed one. Throughout the test, the load distribution
material nonlinearity can be included in the model through the changed by about 7%. Therefore, the second scenario assumes
use of nonlinear constitutive relations, where the nonlinearity that all three loads to the right side of the centerline of the arch
can be solved through the same Newton method described earlier are increased by 0.05P while the ones left to the centerline are re-
(Rabinovitch and Madah 2012a). This aspect is, however, beyond duced by 0.05P (thus maintaining a total load of 5.4P). The third
the scope of the present paper. scenario (case III) takes into account a different (and more realistic)
In most mathematical models for FRP-strengthened RC struc-
physical behavior of the concrete material, which accounts for its
tures, the adhesive layer and its interfaces are modeled as an ar-
cracking. This is achieved by introducing a reduced effective cross-
tificial interface that is governed by a linear or nonlinear relation
section area and moment of inertia for the RC arch between the
between the slip and the interfacial shear stress (Teng et al.
most left spandrel column and the left end support. This pattern
2003), where slip is defined as the relative longitudinal displace-
corresponds to the one observed during the test where cracks were
ment between the RC member and the FRP. Using the modeling
assumptions of the high-order model as outlined above, which first developed at this region. Because the idea of investigating this
account for the actual thickness of the adhesive layer and its scenario is to approximately show the sensitivity of the behavior to
shear and out-of-plane normal deformations, the slip becomes changes in the effective rigidities along the arch (and not to accu-
an automatic outcome of the analysis in terms of elastic defor- rately model the effect of cracking), the effective area and moment
mations of the FRP, the RC member, and the 2D adhesive layer. of inertia were taken as 0.216 and 0.152, the gross properties based
Although being linear, this provides a platform that can be fur- on calculating the second moment of area of the fully-cracked
ther enhanced to account for nonlinearity of the adhesive layer section using modular ratio concepts.
and the bond-slip behavior. For example, see Rabinovitch (2005, The second and third scenarios are only an estimate of the actual
2008, 2014), respectively, for the handling of such effects in imperfect loading and cracking pattern because of uncertainties and
FRP-strengthened beams. In addition, the model is capable of difficulties in obtaining the real scenarios. In most cases, the de-
describing the out-of-plane normal stress concentrations near signer/analyst of RC arches has to deal with the major uncertainty
the edges of the adhesive layer, which together with the shear regarding the qualitative and quantitative estimation of these imper-
stresses govern the debonding failure mechanisms. fection and defect scenarios and with the accurate modeling of
Finally, the data needed to apply the model and evaluate its cracking. No doubt that other cracking scenarios may also be con-
parameters is based on the geometric and mechanical properties sidered for the aim of investigating the sensitively of the response,
of all components (RC arch, FRP, adhesive) including the thickness especially if crack observations are not available. For brevity, how-
of the adhesive layer and the shear and elastic modulus of the ma- ever, other scenarios are not investigated here.
terials. The latter can be evaluated experimentally using simple The three cases mentioned above are examined for the control
material testing or can be taken from manufacturer data. arch A1 only. The results of such comparative analysis provide a

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, ,
(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Fig. 4. Equilibrium paths in the control arch A1: (a–c) load versus vertical displacement at different locations; (d) load versus axial force in the tie bars

basis for calibration and verification of the model to be used for the require significant modifications to be used for FRP-strengthened
analysis of the strengthened arches in the subsequent section. arches, and hence, they are not considered here. Therefore, the
theoretical curves are intentionally plotted until the experimental
failure load is reached.
Control Arch It is shown that the structural behavior of the arch is almost bi-
Figs. 4(a–c) show the curves of the load P versus the vertical linear up to approximately 85% of the maximum load (∼30 kN),
deflection of the control arch A1 at three different locations. with cracking at a low load level of about 4.5 kN. Several cracks
The coordinate h, which designates these locations, is measured have developed in the arch extrados between the left support and
horizontally from the left end of the arch [Fig. 3(d)]. Fig. 4(d) the first loading point (h ¼ 0–610 mm). Additional cracks have de-
shows the load P versus the axial load in the horizontal tie bars veloped in the arch intrados between the fourth and fifth loading
N bar . The experimental results are presented along with the theo- points (h ¼ 2,440–3,050 mm). After the bilinear part, a consider-
retical ones obtained with the three cases mentioned above. As in- able nonlinear behavior is observed because of a significant
dicated earlier, only the structural response is described through the opening of a main crack in the arch extrados approximately at
model with no reference to the failure behavior. The latter can be h ¼ 450 mm. The failure mode, which is shown in Fig. 5, is char-
described for the control arch through a limit analysis or through acterized by the opening of this main crack and the subsequent
available models of RC structures. However, such models would crushing of the intrados concrete at this location. The comparison

Fig. 5. Failure mode of the control arch A1 (images by authors)

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at an intermediate load level of P ¼ 15 kN and at a load level
of P ¼ 30 kN that is close to failure. It is shown that because
of the nonsymmetrical loading pattern, the left side of the arch ac-
tually moves upwards, while the right side moves downwards. This
pattern is well captured by the theoretical model with a reasonable
correlation with the experimental results. Yet, because of the sen-
sitivity of the arch response to any changes to the loading pattern or
to cracking, it is shown that the differences between the theoretical
deflection shape and the experimental one strongly depend on the
examined scenario. This means that minor changes to the geometry
of the arch, its cracking, or changes to the test setup, even below the
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, , , , , , resolution associated with the manufacturing, documentation, or

testing of the arches, notably affect some aspects of its analysis.
Fig. 6. Theoretical and experimental vertical deflection diagrams in the In light of that, the analysis of such arches and, particularly,
control arch A1 at two load levels analysis oriented towards design must consider the scatter of the
properties and the sensitivity of the response.
Fig. 7 shows the measured and theoretical strains on the con-
crete and steel bars at different locations obtained with P ¼
of the three numerical results (case I–III) with the experimental 15 kN [s is a coordinate that runs along the arch and Ls is the length
results in Fig. 4 shows that all three theoretical curves are in rea- of the arch, Fig. 3(d)]. The strains of the steel reinforcement were
sonable agreement with the experimental ones, but it can be seen calculated assuming a linear strain distribution through the depth of
that small changes to the loading pattern (case II) or cracking (case the RC arch and assuming full bonding between the concrete and
III) can significantly change the load-deflection behavior at some steel. Because the structural response was close to linear up to ap-
locations. However, the second and third scenarios are only an proximately 85% of the failure load of 30 kN, the results are shown
estimate of the actual imperfect loading and cracking pattern, only for a typical intermediate load level of 15 kN. The results show
and one would expect a better or less agreement with the test results that the agreement of the theoretical model and the test results is
should other reasonable scenarios be considered. Yet, in all three good, and the differences between the three examined analytical
cases, a good agreement is found with the load versus tie-bar axial scenarios are small. The results also show that little changes to
force curves [Fig. 4(d)]. The differences in terms of this aspect are the magnitude of the applied loads (case II), which are within
negligible. This indicates that the level of tensile forces in the tie the tolerances of any testing of RC structures, can lead to notable
bars is significantly less sensitive than the deflection response. changes to the deflection shape (Figs. 4 and 6), but with smaller
To shed more light on the behavior of the arch and to further influence on the strains compared with the case of perfect loading
highlight the differences between the three cases, Fig. 6 shows (case I). Similar trend can also be observed with consideration of
the experimental and the theoretical deflection shape of the arch cracking in the model even in the approximate way adopted here.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Fig. 7. Theoretical and experimental axial strains in the control arch A1: (a) strains of bottom reinforcement; (b) strains of top reinforcement;
(c) strains at the bottom concrete surface; (d) strains at the top concrete surface

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(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 8. Internal forces diagrams of the control arch A1 obtained by a materially linear analysis with imperfect loading (case II) at a load of P ¼ 15 kN:
(a) axial force; (b) shear force; (c) bending moments

The internal axial forces, shear force, and bending moment arch A1 to P ¼ 37.1 kN, an increase of 21% together with an
diagrams obtained with this case are shown in Fig. 8 under increase in the deflection at the peak load. When additional strips
P ¼ 15 kN. It is shown that the nonsymmetric type of loading are added at the spandrel columns to the sides of arch A3, along
investigated here results in significant bending in the arch. This with anchoring of the ends of the CFRP strips, the peak load is
bending motivates the need for strengthening using the FRP further increased to P ¼ 42.8 kN, an increase by about 40% over
system. that of the control arch. In addition, a significant increase in the
Based on the experimental results and the three numerical cases peak deflection is observed. Although RC arches are mainly de-
examined here, it can be concluded that the influences of imperfect signed to act in compression, nonsymmetric loading, cracking,
loading and cracking of the concrete on the structural behavior of and other imperfect effects lead to significant bending, especially
the arch are of similar orders. Therefore, for simplicity, only the in slender and shallow arches. In these cases, the contribution of the
linear elastic analysis with imperfect loading (case II) is adopted bonded CFRP becomes very significant and the CFRP system
for the subsequent analysis of the FRP-strengthened arches. becomes an effective solution to the strengthening need. Yet, it
is worth noting that the increase in the failure load of the arch
is smaller than the values reported in the literature for flexural
Strengthened Arches RC beams (more than 100% increase in some cases) because of
The curves of the load versus the maximum downwards deflection differences in the load resistance mechanism between the arch
at h ¼ 3,050 mm in the strengthened arches (A2 and A3) are and flexural RC beams or slabs.
shown in Fig. 9. These results are also compared with those of The load-deflection curves in Fig. 9 are almost bilinear up to
the control arch (A1) and the theoretical curves. As the FE model approximately 85% of the maximum load. First, cracking of the
presented in section 3 mainly focuses on FRP bonding at the top concrete is observed at a load level of about 6 kN. The failure
and bottom faces of the RC arch, the strengthening pattern of arch modes of the arches are characterized by crushing failure of the
A3, which includes short and narrow FRP strips that are bonded to concrete near the most left point load following a significant open-
the sides of the arch in an attempt to maintain continuity of the force ing of two major cracks (near the first and the fourth point loads
in the FRP (Fig. 1), is approximately modeled by assuming a from the left). The locations of these two major cracks well corre-
continuous FRP strip over the region of the spandrel column. late to those of the maximum negative and positive bending
The results show that the FRP strengthening pattern for arch A2 moments in the arch as identified by the analysis in Fig. 8. The
(Fig. 1) increases the peak load from P ¼ 30.6 kN of the control failure modes of the arches are shown in Fig. 10.

, ,
(a) (b)

Fig. 9. Load versus maximum vertical displacements of strengthened arches A2 and A3 compared with the control arch A1 and the model analysis
with imperfect loading

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Fig. 10. Failure mode of strengthened arches: (a) arch A2; (b) arch A3 (images by authors)

Fig. 9 also shows that the theoretical model well captures the structure approaches its failure load, the FRP strips enter into action
load-deflection behavior before cracking, whereas it describes a and increase the failure load. As seen in the experimental study,
stiffer structural response after cracking. It should however be men- because of the existence of only minor cracks before strengthening
tioned that, as shown in Fig. 4, the correlation between the theo- (or absence of cracks), the location of the main crack depends on
retical and the experimental load-deflection curves can be different the strengthening pattern in case of RC arches. Fig. 11 shows the
at different locations along the arch, which can also be affected by cracking pattern in arches A2 and A3 and the CFRP debonding
minor changes to the geometry of the test setup. Unlike the case for mechanism observed in arch A2. While a main crack in the control
flexural RC beams and slabs where cracks typically exist before the arch A1 had developed to the left of the first spandrel column
application of FRP, the influence of the FRP strengthening on (Fig. 5), the application of the FRP system to arch A2 has shifted
the stiffness of the arch is minor. It is clear that the contribution the location of the main crack to the cut off point of the FRP at the
of the FRP at the uncracked stage of the arch is negligible, but left edge of the spandrel column as shown in Fig. 11. After wrap-
it remains small even after cracking because of the different crack- ping the FRP ends and adding CFRP strips on the sides of arch A3
ing pattern (compared to RC beams) that is influenced by the at the joints with the spandrel columns, the weakest section shifted
curved geometry of the arch and the existence of membrane forces. adjacent to the left end of the CFRP side strips and the left edge of
Once the cracks become considerably wide, which is when the the wrapping fabric (as it has less FRP layers). At this location, a

Fig. 11. Cracking in FRP strengthened arches A2 and A3 and debonding in A2 (images by authors)

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examined here and mainly its significant variation as in Fig. 8(b).
This pattern leads to a unique distribution of the interfacial stresses
at the adhesive layers that govern the debonding failures. Other
possible causes to the unusual stable mechanism and crack arrest
are attributed to the static indeterminacy of the arch and its ability to
develop redundancy. In that context, opposed to what is observed
in FRP-strengthened RC beams, the debonding observed in the
experiments was not associated with a notable drop in the load.
During and even after the debonding, the structure was still able
to resist higher loads. This observation designates the stability
features of the debonding process, its potential arrest, and its han-
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dling using fracture mechanics or cohesive zone approaches

(e.g., Rabinovitch 2008) as interesting fields for future study.
Fig. 12. Theoretical and experimental vertical deflection diagrams for The theoretical deflection diagrams of arch A2 at two different
the strengthened arch A2 at two load levels load levels along with the measured values at some specific points
are shown in Fig. 12. The comparison of the two reveals a reason-
ably good agreement. Again, the degree of agreement between the
theoretical and the experimental results depends on the load level
main crack had developed. Thus, careful attention should be payed and on the location of the investigated section. Nevertheless, it is
to these aspects in the design of FRP-strengthened RC arches. shown that even a linear elastic analysis with introduction of im-
Despite the increases in the load and deformation capacities, the perfections in terms of the loading can effectively explain the struc-
strengthening with FRP strips may shift the location of the weakest tural response of the FRP-strengthened RC arch. This is also
link in the structural system and the location of the main crack. supported by Fig. 13, which shows the theoretical and the measured
This effect is unique to arches, which opposed to other FRP- strains in the FRP strips and in the internal steel reinforcement. The
strengthened elements, are very sensitive to any changes to the results show that at some locations, the measured tensile strains are
stiffness distribution along the structure. much greater than the tensile strain capacity of the concrete, which
Fig. 11 shows that the debonding of the FRP strips in arch A2 can be calculated from Table 1 as 130 × 10−6 . This is indicated by
has stopped after 10–15 cm from their ends. Unlike the case of edge the cracks in the arch. Because of the nonsymmetric loading, parts
debonding in RC beams (Bakis et al. 2002; Rizkalla et al. 2003; of the bonded FRP strips are under compression, which can lead to
Teng et al. 2003), which normally leads to a total failure, the experi- buckling or wrinkling of the FRP, especially with the influence of
ment reported here reveals a stabilizing pattern and an arrest of some local defects. Such effect can potentially lead to total failure
the debonding crack. Such different FRP-debonding phenomena of the strengthened arch or to a significant loss of the efficiency of
could be related to the distributions of the shear force in the arch the FRP system. This should also be carefully considered in the

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Fig. 13. Theoretical and experimental axial strains in the strengthened arch A2 at two load levels: (a) strains of upper FRP layer; (b) strains of bottom
FRP layer; (c) strains of top reinforcement; (d) strains of bottom reinforcement

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(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 14. Internal forces diagrams of the strengthened arch A2 under an imperfect loading (case II) with P ¼ 15 kN: (a) axial forces; (b) shear forces;
(c) bending moments

design of FRP-strengthened arches, by limiting the design com- layer. These stresses are shown in Fig. 15 for the upper adhesive
pression force in the FRP plates and/or by adding vertical FRP layer (as an example). As shown in Fig. 1, some regions along arch
wraps that can potentially reduce the effective buckling length. A2 are strengthened at the upper surface only, i.e., between the
The distribution of the internal forces and bending moments in edges and the first spandrel column from both sides (left and right)
arch A2 are shown in Fig. 14. This figure shows the axial forces in and between the first and second spandrel columns from both sides.
the FRP strips and the RC arch and the disturbance to the shear The results are only presented along these regions, which show
force diagram of the RC arch as a result of significant shear and high stress concentrations near the free edges of the adhesive layer
radial (through the thickness) stresses at the edges of the adhesive that are close to the supports or to the sides of the spandrel columns.

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 15. Interfacial stresses at the top adhesive layer under an imperfect loading (case II) of the strengthened arch A2 with P ¼ 15 kN: (a) shear stress;
(b) radial (through the thickness) stress at the top interface; (c) radial (through the thickness) stress at the bottom interface

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 16. Interfacial stresses in the adhesive layer near the right edge of the bottom FRP strip under an imperfect loading (case II) of the strengthened
arch A2 with P ¼ 15 kN: (a) shear stress; (b) radial (through the thickness) stress at the top interface; (c) radial (through the thickness) stress at the
bottom interface

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J. Compos. Constr., 2015, 19(1): 04014031

Fig. 15 reveals one of the unique capabilities of the model to locally FRP-strengthened beams or slabs where the FRP debonding rapidly
describe the distribution of these stresses and their influence on the propagates from the edge towards midspan in an unstable mode.
global response. The shear stresses are constant through the thick- The reasons for this can be attributed to the significant change
ness of the adhesive, whereas the radial normal stresses vary at the of the shear force diagram of the arch through its length in the case
same section between the top and the bottom interfaces. of nonsymmetric loading and to the different load-resistance
In the context of the FRP-strengthened RC arch studied here, the mechanism of the arch structure compared to flexural members.
above observations contribute to the understanding of the physics These aspects influence the associated interfacial stresses at the
of the problem at hand. For example, because debonding was only adhesive layer and affect the failure mechanism. The ability of
observed at the edges of the lower FRP strip in arch A2, the dis- the model to quantify such local effects, which cannot be captured
tribution of the interfacial stresses at the vicinity of the right end of via a global structural model with equivalent section properties,
the adhesive layer are shown in Fig. 16. This result shows that the contributes to their effective handling. Yet, further experimental
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interface between the concrete and the adhesive is the one that is investigations and deeper analyses that consider the unique aspects
subjected to the relatively high shear stresses in combination with of the curved RC member and further explain the debonding
relatively high out-of-plane tensile (peeling) stresses. Together, mechanism observed in this experimental study are called for.
these stress components initiate the edge debonding failure mecha- The comparison of the theoretical and the experimental results
nism observed at the experiment. has clarified some additional aspects of the structural response
and has provided a sound level of validation of the theoretical
model. In addition, it has well designated some aspects that need
Conclusions to be further elucidated. These include the consideration of various
imperfection scenarios, the effects of cracking and material nonli-
An experimental and a theoretical study on the potential use of FRP nearity, and the features that govern the stable debonding process.
composite materials for the external strengthening of RC arches Nevertheless, the experimental and theoretical results shed light on
and the structural behavior of such arches have been presented the failure behavior of FRP-strengthened RC arches and contribute
in this paper. The experimental study has included testing to failure to the establishment of the theoretical background and computa-
of three medium-scaled RC arches, two of them strengthened with tional tools required for their efficient analysis, effective design,
FRP and one tested as a control specimen. All arches have been and safe use.
tested under six nonsymmetric point loads equally spaced along
the arch. The theoretical model has been based on a specially tail-
ored multilayered finite element along with modeling the arch as a Acknowledgments
polygon with inclined segments. A transformation matrix has been
used to convert the finite element from its basic local geometry to The work reported in this paper was supported by the Australian
the global system. The finite element accounts for the ability of the Research Council (ARC) through a Discovery Project
adhesive layer to transfer shear (tangential) and through the thick- (DP0987939).
ness (radial) normal stresses, for the variation of the latter through
the thickness and for the bending, shear, and axial rigidities of the
RC arch and the FRP strips. Compatibility and continuity condi- References
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